Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I’m standing outside the high school as students mill around me and head toward their transportation out of here for the weekend, either their cars or the buses. And I’m in shock. The sun is shining down on me as I gape open-mouthed at Lexi. My jaw waggles up and down, but no sound comes out.

“W-what?” I stammer when I finally find my voice.

“Ian got in a fight with Keith and they both got suspended!” Lexi repeats.

“I- oh, my God!” I gasp as I clap my hands over my mouth.

“C’mon, we should talk about it in the car.” Lexi says.

I look around and notice that a number of students are staring at us. The news must travel fast. Figures I’m the last to hear about it. I follow Lexi to the parking lot and toward the car. We quickly get inside and shut the doors.

“What the fuck?” I ask as I whip my head around to face my best friend.

“I just heard about it!” the redhead exclaims. “But everyone is talking about it now.”

“What did you hear?” I demand to know.

“Well, did you really get boned in an empty classroom during lunch?” Lexi asks with a raised eyebrow.

“I didn’t get boned.” I say with an eye roll. “You know Ian’s a virgin. I just sucked him off.”

“People saw you two leaving the classroom, and the story is that you two fucked.” she tells me.

“We didn’t!” I insist.

“I believe you.” Lexi nods, then her face breaks out into a grin. “Although, the truth isn’t much more innocent.”

“Whatever.” I shrug. “I had a craving for cum and he’s my boyfriend.”

“Anyway, the story spread pretty fast, so Keith must have heard about it.” she says, continuing her story. “He confronted Ian in the hallway and asked him...”

“Asked him what?” I slowly inquire when Lexi trails off, my eyes narrow.

“Well,” Lexi begins before taking a deep breath, “Keith asked Ian how that used pussy felt.”

“Oh.” I mumble, moisture forming in my eyes as I remember what Keith did to me.

“I’m here for you.” she whispers as she reaches out and takes my hand. “That piece of shit rapist will pay for what he’s done.”

“Thank you.” I give Lexi a nod and a weak smile as I lace our fingers.

“You know Ian, he’s pretty quiet.” Lexi continues. “He just stood there with a red face, unable to find words as things got worse. Keith just kept talking about you, knowing Ian wouldn’t do anything. Keith is a lot bigger.”

“What else did Keith say?” I ask, fury in my gaze.

“I don’t know everything.” she explains. “I heard all this secondhand, so it isn’t verbatim. Still, I heard he went all out; talking about how great your tits are and how good you are at sucking dick. He also mentioned the whole school seeing you naked.”

“Yeah, David spread those pictures around.” I sigh sadly before my head shoots up and I shriek. “Oh, my God! Does the school know about that?!”

“I don’t think so.” Lexi shakes her head. “Keith and Ian supposedly refused to say what the fight was about. I doubt they went through Keith’s phone, and obviously David never sent your nudes to Ian.”

“Okay, good.” I say, biting my lower lip. “It’s hard enough to live with the fact that half the school knows what my tits look like.”

“I know, Honey.” Lexi whispers sympathetically. “They’ve seen me, too.”

“Keith ruined us both.” I mutter sadly.

“Don’t forget David.” Lexi adds.

“Fuck them both.” I hiss vehemently before calming myself down. “Just keep going. Please.”

“There was a crowd gathered around them,” she says, “and well, Keith apparently said something that made Ian snap.”

“What was it? C’mon Lexi, it can’t be any worse than what you’ve already told me.” I reason as I brush the tears from my eyes.

“He asked Ian if he’d had your ass yet.” Lexi admits. “Then said you loved taking his fat dick up your ass. Ian snapped and punched him right in the face. I was told there was a loud crack when Keith’s nose broke. Then Keith threw himself at Ian.”

“Is Ian okay?” I gasp. “Keith is so much bigger.”

“They’re both mostly okay, from what I heard.” she confirms. “Two teachers broke them apart and dragged them off to the dean. Keith’s nose was bleeding pretty badly, that’s really all I know. They both walked away, so I don’t think either of them were seriously hurt.”

I lean my head forward and rest it against Lexi’s chest as I start really sobbing. She buries a hand in my hair and coos softly. Ian is suspended, I was raped, and half the school has seen my tits and cunt. Fuck! I lift my head and wipe away my tears. Then, I take out my phone and send Ian a text.

Kayla: Text or call me as soon as you get this!

Lexi and I wait in silence for several minutes, but no response is forthcoming. I start crying again and Lexi leans in to give me a quick peck on the lips. She reassures me that Ian will get back to me as soon as he can and I try and calm down. Just when I’m about to give up and suggest we head home, my phone goes off.

Ian: This is Susan. We confiscated his phone. We aren’t sure if he should see you anymore.

“Oh, my God!” I gasp.

“What?” Lexi asks.

“Look.” I answer as I show her my phone.

“That bitch!” Lexi hisses.

“How can they take his phone, he’s eighteen!” I screech in a rage.

“They probably pay for it, so really, it’s theirs.” Lexi reasons sadly. “I only got to keep my number after I got kicked out because your dad put me on your plan.”

“I don’t, I don’t, I don’t,” I gasp as I start hyperventilating, “I don’t understand why they blame me!”

“I’m sure Ian didn’t tell them what happened to you.” she says. “You told me his parents commented on how much time he’s been spending with you, now he’s getting into fights, they probably think he’s changed or something.”

“What do we do?!” I ask in a frantic voice.

“Kayla, you need to calm down.” Lexi tells me as she takes my hand in hers. “Take some deep breaths, try a relaxation technique you learned in therapy.”

“Okay, okay!” I gasp out.

I close my eyes and concentrate on the feeling of Lexi’s hand in mine. Then I slowly open my eyes and use the 5-4-3-2-1 method to try and calm myself down. I’m eventually able to wipe away my tears and take a deep breath.

“You okay?” she asks.

“Not really, but I’m calm now.” I answer. “What do we do?”

“I don’t know.” Lexi answers. “Should I drive us home?”

“What about Ian?” I ask.

“What about him? What can we do?” Lexi asks.

“I can tell his parents about what happened to me. They’ll understand!” I exclaim.

“Do you really wanna tell them something that personal?” she wonders. “It’s none of their business.”

“It isn’t, but after what Ian did for me, I feel like it’s the right thing to do.” I explain.

“They still might not understand.” Lexi warns. “And you probably shouldn’t just show up.”

“You’re right, but I’ll take the chance.” I say as I grab my phone and send another text.

Kayla: Susan, can I please stop by and talk to you? I know Ian didn’t tell you what happened. I can explain. Please.

Ian: Okay, but you can’t see Ian. He’s grounded.

Kayla: I understand, thank you.

“She said she’ll see me!” I announce.

“Okay, let’s go.” Lexi nods.

She starts the car and backs out into the parking lot. Soon we’re cruising down the street on the way to Ian’s house. We arrive a little while later and I leave the redhead in the car as I walk up the path to the front door and knock.

“Kayla.” Susan says frostily after she opens the door.

“Hi, Susan.” I reply, swallowing nervously. “How’s Ian? Was he hurt?”

“You weren’t there when it happened?” she asks.

“No.” I answer, shaking my head. “That’s why I kept texting, I stopped hearing from him partway through the day. Then Lexi told me she heard there was a fight.”

“I see.” Susan states. “Ian is fine. He has a black eye and a few bruises, but he’ll heal. He’s in his room, grounded.”

“I’m glad he isn’t seriously hurt.” I say.

“Me, too. He’s very lucky.” Ian’s mom says. “And it seems like all the students know what happened, but no one is talking. The dean is very upset. Ian was suspended for a week.”

“A full week?” I wonder in surprise.

“Yes.” Susan answers. “The other boy was suspended for the same amount of time, though I understand he’s a bit of a troublemaker.”

“Um, yes, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” I mutter as I nervously shift from foot to foot.

“Oh?” Susan inquires as she crosses her arms and looks down at me disapprovingly.

“The fight was kind of about me.” I admit in a shaky voice before looking down at my feet.

“I suspected as much.” she says angrily. “Ian never got in any trouble before he met you. I wish the dean would have brought students in and made them tell him.”

“Please don’t tell anyone.” I look up and beg.

“And why not?” Susan asks, her eyes narrow.

Oh God, I really have to do this. I have to tell her. I take several deep breaths while Susan looks at me expectantly. I hope she won’t think less of me. I swallow weakly as I desperately gather the strength needed. Tears form in my eyes, and Susan definitely notices.

“Keith raped me at a party.” I manage to choke out between sobs.

Susan’s eyes go wide as she claps her hands over her mouth and gasps. She then shocks me by reaching out and drawing me into her arms, hugging me tightly. I hug her back and cry into her shoulder for a couple minutes before I compose myself and ease myself out of her grasp.

“He was saying nasty things about me. Everyone heard.” I tell her while looking the older woman right in the eye. “Ian tried to let it go, but Keith just kept going. Ian finally snapped and hit him. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!”

“Oh, Kayla!” Susan exclaims when I start crying again. “Please, why don’t you come in?”

“Thank you.” I mumble weakly as I follow her into the house.

Susan leads me through the living room and into the kitchen. I sit down at the kitchen table and Susan brings me a soda. I thank her and pop the tab before taking a sip. She then sits across from me and looks at me with concern.

“Did you report him?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I say while nursing my soda, “I had already showered and everything, there wasn’t anything they could do. My dad even hired a private investigator, but nothing has happened to him yet.”

“That’s terrible.” Susan sighs, and I can see that her eyes are actually moist. A woman understands. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Oh! And you have to see him at school and remember everything!”

“It’s hard.” I admit. “I went through a really tough time, but Ian really helped me through it.”

“And you told him everything?” Susan asks.

“Yeah, and I asked him not to tell anyone. That’s why he wouldn’t tell you what the fight was about, he was protecting my privacy.”

“I understand.” she says with a sigh.

“Is Ian’s dad still at work?” I ask after a solid minute of silence.

“Yes.” Susan nods. “I called him and told him what happened. He’s very upset.”

“I’m sorry.” I repeat as I stare at the soda can in my hands.

“It’s okay.” she says after a few moments of thought. “I’m upset that this happened, and Ian shouldn’t have hit him, but I understand.”

“Can I keep seeing him?” I dare to ask.

“I’ll talk to his father, but I think it will be okay for you two to continue seeing each other.” Susan answers, actually giving me a small smile.

“Thank you.” I reply sincerely.

“But Ian is still grounded until the suspension is over.” Susan adds. “So, no party tomorrow.”

“Okay, I understand.” I say with a nod.

“Why don’t you go and see him?” she offers.

“Really? Thank you!” I exclaim.

“You’re welcome.” Susan smiles before her expression turns serious. “But remember, keep the door open.”

“Okay!” I respond.

Grabbing my soda, I hop to my feet and walk towards Ian’s room. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders Ian and I can keep seeing each other! I reach his bedroom door, which is closed, and raise my hand to knock.

“Yeah?” Ian’s voice calls out.

“Ian, it’s Kayla!” I say through the door.

“Kayla?!” his shocked voice rings out.

I hear him scramble to his feet and then run through the room. He throws open the door, and I get a look at his face. He has quite the shiner! His lower lip is also split. He’s clearly been crying. I gasp and immediately hug my boyfriend.

“Ian!” I call out as my arms squeeze him tight.

“My mom let you in? She said I couldn’t see you anymore?” he asks as he holds me close.

“She changed her mind.” I say as the two of us walk into his room, still clinging to each other.

“I can’t believe it!” Ian exclaims as he runs his fingers through my raven locks.

“Ian, I told her.” I whisper against his chest. “I told her Keith raped me.”

“Why?” he asks before kissing the top of my head.

“So she’d understand why you did it.” I explain, pulling back to look him in the eye. “Lexi said no one was talking to the dean.”

“Yeah,” Ian nods, “Keith just sneered at him, and I refused to tell him. The dean even brought a couple of witnesses in to ask, but no one said anything. I’m surprised the other students didn’t talk.”

“I guess no one wanted to admit to having nudes of a girl who didn’t consent to have them shared.” I suggest with a sniffle.

“Maybe.” he agrees. “Did Keith really...?”

“Rape my ass? Yes.” I acknowledge as tears run down my cheeks. “I heard that’s what made you snap.”

“He hurt you so badly. I was just so angry.” Ian mumbles.

“Thank you for defending me.” I smile while using the back of my hand to wipe away my tears.

“Anytime.” he says while crying.

“Your mom said we can keep seeing each other, but you’re still grounded.” I tell him.

“I guess I’m missing the party tomorrow.” he says with a fake laugh, trying to make light of the situation.

“We can always reschedule that.” I respond. “There are other weekends.”

“Maybe I can go out next weekend, since the suspension will be over Friday.” he suggests.

“Maybe.” I answer. “You’ll have to ask your parents about that one.”

“Yeah, I will.” Ian replies.

We stand in silence for a couple minutes. My arms are around Ian’s neck while he holds my waist and looks at me with affection. Words come unbidden to my lips. Words I never should have said to David, because he doesn’t deserve them. Ian does.

“I love you.” I whisper, gazing at him.

“W-what?” he gasps, his eyes wide.

“I love you, Ian.” I repeat, my face breaking out into a grin.

“I love you, too.” he replies, his voice shaky. “I’ve wanted to say it for so long, but didn’t want to scare you away.”

“I’m not going anywhere, big guy.” I say with a giggle.

My giggles settle down, and I look at Ian seriously. He looks back at me with love. We lean toward each other at the same time. Our lips meet as we hold each other in a passionate embrace. My breasts squish against his chest as he buries a hand in my hair.

For several minutes, we kiss while standing in the middle of Ian’s bedroom. I moan into his mouth as he runs his tongue along mine. My hands grip his biceps, my body is pressed firmly against him.

That’s when someone clears their throat behind us. We immediately break our lip lock and pull away from each other. I whip my head around, my raven hair flailing about as I come face to face with Ian’s mom, who is standing in the doorway with her arms folded.

“Um, hi.” I mumble, my face turning red.

“Hello, Kayla.” Susan says before turning to her son. “You’re still grounded, young man.”

“Yes, mom.” Ian replies.

“I think it’s time for Kayla to head home.” Susan states firmly.

“Okay.” I say. “Bye, Ian.”

“Bye, Kayla.” Ian responds.

“I’ll return his phone so you two can keep in touch.” his mom says with a small smile.

“Thank you!” I breathe.

“Thanks, mom.” he smiles.

“C’mon Kayla, I’ll walk you out.” is Susan’s only response.

I follow Ian’s mom out of his bedroom and through the house. She doesn’t say anything to me as we reach the front door. When she opens the front door for me, I start to walk out. Susan indicates for me to wait, and I turn to face her.

“I spoke with Ian’s father.” Susan says.

“Okay.” I state, unsure of where this is going.

“I didn’t tell him about what happened to you.” she explains.

“Oh!” I exclaim. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Susan nods. “I told him that Ian had a good reason for what he did, even though he shouldn’t have done it. We both agree that Ian is grounded until Friday. If you two want to hang out next weekend, that’s okay.”

“Thank you, Susan.” I smile.

“You’re welcome, Kayla.” the older woman says.

“We also feel it’s best to reschedule our day together until next Sunday. Does that work for you?” Susan asks.

“Yeah, I’m available.” I confirm.

“Great!” Susan smiles. “The four of us will spend the day together.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” I smile back.

Susan surprises me once again by hugging me tightly. She rubs my back affectionately before releasing me. I give her another smile and wave goodbye before turning and walking back to the car. Soon, I’m buckled up beside Lexi.

“How’d it go?” Lexi asks. “You were in there for awhile.”

“Ian and I can keep seeing each other.” I confirm with a smile.

“Oh, good!” she chirps.

“Yeah, long story short, he’s getting his phone back, he can’t come to the party tomorrow, but he can go out next weekend.” I start rambling. “Oh, and we said we loved each other.”

“You did?” Lexi exclaims.

“Yes!” I gush.

“I’m so happy for you!” she smiles as she leans over and pecks my lips.

“Thank you!” I giggle.

Lexi and I keep chatting as she starts the car and pulls out onto the street. I also check my phone and see messages from Marcia, Hazel, and Ashley in our group chat, all of them wondering what is going on. I send a couple of very long texts to our group chat, filling in my girls on everything, including the big ‘I love you’.

“Lexi?” I ask.

“Yeah?” she replies.

“Maybe we should switch the pool party to next weekend?” I suggest.

“That’s a good idea. Text the girls.” Lexi instructs.

“Okay. I’ll also text Ian, Josh, and Shawn.” I say.

I send the texts, and soon we all agree to push the pool party out to the following Saturday. There’s some disappointment over the delay, especially since the guys are so excited about it, but everyone ultimately understands that it’s necessary. I put my phone away in my purse and lean my head back against the seat with a sigh.

We spend the rest of the car ride in silence. Eventually, Lexi parks the car in our driveway and we head inside. Making our way to the main living room, we kick off our shoes and socks, take out our books, and get started on our homework.

“I can’t concentrate!” I announce fifteen minutes later as I throw my pencil down.

“Neither can I.” Lexi admits. “Wanna watch TV?”

“Sure.” I reply.

Lexi and I end up cuddling on the couch while watching television. I have my head pillowed on the perky redhead’s chest as she holds me close. Lexi is running her fingers through my hair, which is so incredibly comforting.

“That was a good episode.” Lexi comments.

“Yeah, do you think they’ll stay together?” I wonder.

“Probably not.” she replies after thinking for a minute. “It’s just a quick romance arc.”

“I think you’re right.” I say. I then put on some music rather than starting the next episode.

“Oh, music.” Lexi giggles. “Trying to seduce me?”

“With how easily you’ll spread your legs, why would I bother?” I tease.

“Kayla!” Lexi exclaims in mock outrage as she playfully swats me on the arm.

“Yes?” I ask innocently.

“You little bitch.” she laughs.

Then she attacks. We end up having an intense tickle fight on the couch as we pull at each others clothes. Lexi actually gets me on my back on the couch and then stands up. She grabs my left ankle and lifts my leg so she can tickle the bottom of my foot.

“Ah, no!” I squeal as I flail around on the couch, desperately trying to break Lexi’s grip. “Don’t touch my feet!”

“I can’t help it!” Lexi laughs. “You have the cutest, little feet!”

She then lifts my foot and plants a big kiss on it. I giggle and wiggle my toes before managing to pull my ankle out of her grip. Then I sit up and grab Lexi’s shorts. With one quick yank, I pull them down, along with her panties.

“Ah!” Lexi screeches as she spins around, exposing her bare ass.

“Full moon!” I call out as I spank her bum.

Lexi tries to take a step forward, but her shorts and panties are currently stretched around her knees. The redhead actually falls forward and lands on the carpeted floor with her butt in the air. Laughing, I pounce.

“Kayla!” Lexi shouts when she feels me land on top of her.

I press my body on top of hers and brush her auburn hair to the side, exposing her pale neck. Leaning forward, I kiss the back of Lexi’s neck. Then I slide down her body and bury my face in her hot box.

“Oh! Oh, Kayla!” Lexi groans.

I grip Lexi’s butt cheeks in my hands and lift her ass to give me better access. Her pussy is delicious, and I happily start eating. My nose is pushed up against her ass hole as I bury my tongue in her tight twat.

“That’s it! Eat me, eat me!” she begs.

For several minutes, I go down on Lexi while she lays on her tummy on the floor. Keeping one hand on her bum, I reach my other hand up Lexi’s tight body to squeeze one of her little titties from outside her shirt. Lexi just moans and pushes her crotch back against my face.

“Oh God, I’m gonna cum! Keep going! Kayla! Kayla!” Lexi screeches.

I briefly look up and can see her arms stretched forward as she claws at the carpet with both hands. Then, I lean back in and suck on her clit until the redhead explodes. I smile against her pink cunt as Lexi bucks her hips and rides out the orgasmic wave.

Lifting my head away from her pussy, I shove two fingers up Lexi’s hole and finger her while keeping my other hand on her cute butt. She bucks several more times, eventually pulling herself off my fingers. She then spins around and launches herself at me.

With Lexi on top of me, we make out, hands exploring each others bodies. I know Lexi can taste her own pussy on my lips and tongue. I grab her butt and squeeze as Lexi starts pulling my clothes off. It isn’t long before we’re both completely naked, our breasts pressing together as we keep kissing. I can feel her nipples brushing against mine.

“Mm, I have an idea.” Lexi whispers against my lips.

“Oh yeah?” I ask.

Lexi just smiles and stands up. She offers me both her hands and pulls me to my feet. We then walk naked over to the armchair. My best friend has me sit my naked ass down on the edge of the armchair with my legs flung over the armrests.

I giggle when I realize that my bare shaven pussy is fully exposed to the room. Reaching down with one hand, I run my fingers along my moist slit for Lexi’s viewing pleasure. I even slide two fingers between my labia and spread myself open, showing off my pink interior. My other hand squeezes one of my big boobies.

Lexi runs her fingertips along my bare calf as she smiles at me. We’re both completely naked and exposed to each other. The redhead then kneels on the carpet between my legs, her face inches from my vulva.

“Ian’s gonna be one lucky guy when he gets between these legs.” Lexi mutters as she runs her fingers along my inner thighs while admiring my womanhood.

“Thanks!” I giggle.

Lexi smiles and leans forward as she starts planting kisses along my thighs, purposely avoiding my pussy. I giggle and reach down to grip her head in both hands, burying my fingers in her hair. Lexi just keeps kissing all around my labia.

“Stop teasing, and lick me!” I growl.

“Okay!” Lexi chirps. She then leans in and gives my inner thigh a long lick. “Like that?”

“Jerk, jerk, jerk!” I chant as I wiggle my bum in the chair and kick my feet.

“Well, you didn’t specify!” she giggles up at me before giving my pussy a quick kiss.

“My cunt! Lick my cunt!” I whine while holding Lexi’s head tightly.

“Of course, Slut.” Lexi replies before lowering her head.

“Oh, thank you, Mistress.” I groan when I feel Lexi tonguing at my slit.

Lexi grips my inner thighs, her fingers lightly denting my soft skin while she swipes her tongue through my labia. I groan and toss my head back, losing myself in the pleasurable feelings of being eaten out. It isn’t long before I’m panting heavily.

“Fuck, you’re so good at this.” I moan.

Releasing Lexi’s head, I grab both my nipples and pull on them, groaning as I do so. My legs are still hooked over the arm rests, keeping me spread wide. When Lexi pushes two fingers inside of me and curls them against my G-spot, I lose it and cum for the first time.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” I chant rhythmically while holding my boobs.

Lexi eats me to two more orgasms, leaving me a panting mess on the armchair. My toes are actually sore from keeping them curled for so long. The little nymphomaniac releases my thighs and sits back on her heels with a huge grin on her face.

“How was that, Slut?” Lexi asks.

“So. Fucking. Good.” I gasp as I reach a hand between my legs to caress my still-twitching snatch. My hair is clinging to my face and I can feel more sweat dotting my young body.

I get out of the chair and stand on shaky legs. Brushing my hair out of my face, I get down on my knees and wrap my arms around Lexi. We end up laying on the carpet, gently caressing each other while whispering soft words.

Grabbing my phone off the table, I open it and respond to some texts. Lexi giggles and gets her own phone. We end up laying naked together, side by side as we play on her phones. I look over and see Lexi playing a game on her phone. That’s when a text comes in from Ian.

Ian: My mom gave me a lecture on how I better treat you right. :P

Kayla: She’s not wrong! ;)

Ian: I can’t believe how supportive of our relationship she’s become, especially after earlier.

Kayla: I was surprised too, but it makes sense. A woman understands...

Ian: Yeah. Are you okay?

Kayla: I’m good. A little overwhelmed, but okay. You’re sweet. :*

Ian: Okay, good.

Kayla: How’s your eye?

Ian: Swollen, but it’ll be fine. You should see the other guy :P

Kayla; I’d rather never see him again.

Ian: Of course. Sorry.

Kayla: All good. :)

Ian: I’m gonna go eat dinner.

Kayla; Okay. I love you, Ian.

Ian: I love you, too.

Setting my phone back on the coffee table, I curl up in Lexi’s arms. I think I actually drift off for about twenty minutes with my head resting on Lexi’s breast. When I wake up, I lean up and kiss her lips. Lexi puts her phone down and slips her tongue into my mouth. Our kissing intensifies, and soon we’re in a sixty-nine, fingering and licking.


Friday is a long, long day at work. I pull into the driveway at our house and shut off my car. With a loud yawn, I open the door and head into the house. I’m half-asleep as I walk down the hallway. When I enter the main living room I wake right up upon seeing Lexi and Kayla scissoring on the floor.

“Well, hello there.” I say, not at all surprised by what I’m witnessing.

“Hi, Daddy!” Kayla giggles as she lays flat on her back on the carpet.

“Hey, Baby!” Lexi chirps. She’s hovering over Kayla, with her leg thrown over my daughter’s waist so that they can rub their pussies together.

Lexi hops to her feet, leaving Kayla laying on the floor. My redheaded girlfriend then runs up to me and throws her arms around my neck. I hug the nude girl and rub her back affectionately as she kisses my cheek.

Barely thirty seconds later, Lexi is on her knees with my cock in her mouth. Kayla is actually watching us while absentmindedly rubbing her pussy. I try not to check out my daughter as I focus on the feelings Lexi is causing.

About ten minutes later, I grab Lexi’s head and thrust my dick all the way down her throat. Her cheeks puff out and she makes the cutest gurgling noise as I ejaculate down her throat. I feel her throat undulate with every swallow.

“Fuck, that was good.” I gasp as I put my penis back in my pants.

“Mm, glad you enjoyed.” Lexi coos up at me as she wipes her lips with the back of her hand. She looks so cute sitting back on her heels.

“I liked the show!” Kayla adds with a giggle as she pulls her hand away from her slit and sits up.

“Thanks.” I chuckle as I shake my head at my nude daughter. Fuck, she’s perfect. “I’m guessing you girls had a nice day?”

“Um, well...” Lexi trails off as both girls’ faces fall.

“What? What happened?” I ask in concern, completely forgetting that both girls are naked.

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