Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 24

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


A small breath escapes my lips as I slowly return to consciousness Tuesday morning. I can feel the covers are off of me, and a petite, warm body is nestling in between my legs. Opening my eyes, I look down and see Lexi’s green eyes sparkling as she smiles at me and strokes my morning wood.

“Good morning, Lexi.” I whisper as I reach down to cup her lightly-freckled face.

“Mm, morning.” she smiles as she presses her cheek against my palm.

Lexi is completely nude and resting on her knees between my legs. Her small breasts are dangling from her chest, and I find my eyes drawn to her light pink nipples. She’s resting on one elbow for balance, while her other hand is almost lazily stroking me.

“Didn’t get enough last night?” I teasingly ask as I release her cheek and reach down to squeeze a hanging tit.

“Of your big cock? Never!” Lexi breathes.

“Good.” I smile wide while leaning back against the pillow and watching my girlfriend’s antics.

Lexi sticks out her tongue at me before she tosses her auburn hair over one shoulder. She then leans in and plants a big, wet kiss on my tip. Next, she cracks another smile before gripping my base and showering my entire length with kisses.

“Mm, I love this dick.” Lexi coos as she presses my length against her cheek.

“It’s all yours, Baby.” I tell her.

“Mine.” she moans before licking my tip with her little, pink tongue. “You’re just lucky I like to share.”

“Very lucky. You’ll always be my number one.” I say as Lexi takes my mushroom head between her lips before releasing it with a ‘pop’. “My favorite mouth. My favorite pussy. My favorite ass.”

“How sweet.” Lexi giggles and rolls her eyes as she strokes my base while running her tongue along the underside of my shaft.

“How about you make him feel good?” I ask with a grin.

“I suppose I could do that.” she makes a face like she’s thinking before kissing my tip again. “Do you want to feel my sexy mouth on you?”

“Very much.” I gasp, the feel of her soft hand stroking me is making me throb in her grasp.

“Okay.” she states with a shrug.

Lexi looks up at me and winks. Then, she lunges. Before I realize what’s happening, half of my cock is buried in her throat. My gorgeous girlfriend hums around me, the last few inches of my shaft still protruding from between her pink lips.

“Lexi.” I whisper, making her smile around my length.

The sexy redhead releases my base and cups my balls. Her tiny hand starts lightly massaging my sack. I moan and throw my head back when she starts bobbing her head, taking just over half of my prick in her mouth with each down stroke.

“Deep throat me, Babe.” I instruct as I play with her tits.

I release Lexi’s boobs and grab the top of her head as Lexi adjusts her position. She then opens wide and slides down my dick until her lips are stretched around my base. She looks sexy with her mouth full of cock.

“Holy shit, that feels good.” I groan as Lexi swallows so her throat muscles squeeze me.

After holding the deep throat for several seconds, Lexi pulls off me. A string of saliva connects her bottom lip to my tip as she gasps for breath. Then she starts stroking me, holding up my cock as she ducks her head down and takes one of my balls between her lips. I let out a sigh as her tongue plays, licking my sack while she gives me a hand job.

“Damn, you’re good.” I compliment with a light laugh.

“Thanks!” Lexi chirps when she releases my balls. She then gives my testicles one long lick before looking up at me. “I’ve sucked a lot of dick. Yours will be the only one I ever suck for the rest of my life.”

“That’s quite the promise.” I whisper.

‘“I mean it, Steven.” she says seriously.

“I love you.” I say sincerely.

“I love you, too.” Lexi replies, looking up at me with love. “Will you fuck my face?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” I say as I lightly caress her face.

For several minutes, I hold Lexi’s head in my hands as I pull her up and down my cock. She’s making the sexiest gagging and moaning noises as drool runs from her lips and coats my balls. I love using her mouth as if it were a pussy.

“You like that?” I ask as I pull her off my dick and hold her up by the hair.

“Yes, Baby! I love your cock!” Lexi moans through heavy breaths, her hands gripping my thighs.

“Come sit in my lap.” I order.

Lexi nods rapidly as I release her hair. Then she surprises me by sitting up and spinning around. She mounts me in reverse-cowgirl as she reaches between us and aims my cock at her hole. We both groan as my tip parts her labia and enters her tight, teenage body.

“Fuck, you’re big!” Lexi grunts through clenched teeth as her small hands grip my upper thighs.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous!” I hiss back, loving the feel of her vaginal walls caressing me.

She starts riding me. Her shapely legs flex as Lexi bounces up and down in my lap, her red hair flailing about. My glance travels down her bare back to her sexy ass. Reaching out, I take her butt cheeks in my hands and help guide her movements.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Lexi chants as she reaches up with both hands and grabs her own breasts.

“You feel so good.” I groan as my hands squeeze her bum.

“So do you.” Lexi whispers back as one hand reaches higher and gathers up her hair. “You’re so hard.”

“You make me hard.” I tell her.

I move my hands to her hips as she turns her bounce into a slow grind. I let out an involuntary gasp at the feel of her tight twat squeezing me, milking me. I’m getting close. I keep watching as Lexi runs her hands along her own body. One hand reaches between her legs, and I can tell she’s rubbing her clit.

“I’m gonna cum!” Lexi announces as she tosses her head back. One hand is on her tit, while the other is rapidly rubbing her clit. “Oh God, I’m gonna cum!”

Lexi’s body shakes as an orgasm washes over her. I can feel her pussy convulse and grip me as her hole attempts to draw my cum out of my body and into her greedy womb. It succeeds. I join her in ecstasy as I shoot a load into her soaked snatch.

“Cum in me!” Lexi screeches as she feels me exploding inside her.

When we both start to settle down, Lexi lifts off of me and spins around, dropping to her knees between my legs once again. As cum leaks out of her hole and onto the sheets, Lexi leans down and slurps me into her mouth. I grab her head in both hands as she cleans my cock with her mouth, sucking up the last few drops of semen.

“What a way to start the day.” I say a couple minutes later while holding Lexi in my arms. Her hand is resting on my chest and her bare breasts are pressing against my body.

“Mm, definitely.” Lexi agrees with a nod.

“For the rest of your life, you say?” I ask as I brush a lock of sweaty auburn hair out of her face and back behind her ear.

“Yup!” she chirps. “You’re stuck with me.”

“I think I should have some say in this.” I chuckle while reaching down to squeeze her tight ass.

“I know, I just hope you’ll agree.” Lexi says, suddenly serious.

“We’re not quite there yet, but I like to think it’s heading that way.” I answer.

“Good.” Lexi nods. “I-I don’t ever wanna lose you.”

“I don’t want to lose you either.” I acknowledge.

“Don’t worry,” Lexi whispers as she runs her toes along my calf, “Like I said before, I love to share. You won’t be stuck with just one pussy.”

“It’s one amazing pussy.” I compliment.

“Thanks.” she giggles before looking up at me with those enchanting green eyes. “Have you been wondering if it runs in the family?”

“I don’t think Nicole is interested.” I chuckle, knowing what she means. Still, I can’t help but add, “And after what she did to you, I definitely don’t want to fuck your mother.”

“Ew!” Lexi exclaims as she slaps my chest playfully. “You know I meant Nicole!”

“Yeah, I knew.” I admit. “I stand by what I said, she’s definitely not interested.”

“I don’t know.” Lexi says as she starts tracing shapes on my chest. “She was texting me a lot yesterday.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask.

“Yup!” she confirms. “Telling me she’s coming around, and that she’s glad I found a great guy who clearly loves me.” “I’m glad she’s accepting me, but why would that mean she wants to fuck me? I am her sister’s boyfriend.” I say. “Most people aren’t as accepting of sharing as you and the girls.”

“Nicole admitted she thinks you’re cute.” Lexi says with a shrug. “Plus, she’s my sister; being a slut must run in the family. You might have a shot!”

“What happened to you not wanting me to check out your sister?” I wonder as I hold Lexi close.

“I don’t know.” Lexi shrugs. “At first, I didn’t really think about it, you know? It’s just something you say, you don’t want your boyfriend checking out your sister. Then, I jokingly proposed that I’d nail Nicole if Kayla went after you.”

“So, you want to fuck Nicole and you want me to fuck my daughter?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“I know, I’m a dirty girl!” she giggles as she reaches over to squeeze my bicep.

“You really are!” I agree while holding her delicate shoulder. “I know you’ve teased about it before, but I am not going to have sex with my daughter. That’s just crazy.”

“Why is it crazy?” Lexi asks, looking up at me.

“Because it’s incest? It’s wrong.” I say.

“Says who?” she asks.

“Uh, everyone?” I answer.

“Fuck ‘em.” Lexi responds with a sharp nod. “Fuck everyone who thinks that you and I shouldn’t be together because of the age difference. Fuck everyone who would say it’s wrong that you’ve seen your daughter’s titties. Kayla is a beautiful, young woman, and you’re a handsome man. You’re attracted to each other, you love each other. There’s nothing wrong with bonding in that way.”

“What makes you think I’m attracted to my own daughter?” I ask.

“Mm, just think about those big, perfectly shaped tits.” Lexi coos as she reaches down and grasps my flaccid penis. “Her raven hair framing her lovely face. Her flat stomach and toned legs. Think about that tight ass.”

“Lexi...”I warn. Fuck, I can’t help but picture Kayla.

“You’ve seen her naked so many times, keep thinking about that perfect body.” Lexi coos as she strokes my soft dick “Her pussy is really delicious, you know. I’ve tasted a fair number of cunts, but Kayla’s? Mm, delectable! I could eat her out all day and never get tired of that taste.”

“Lexi!” I say again as I feel my cock jump in her grasp.

“Someone is certainly interested.” she giggles as she glances down at my shaft.

“He doesn’t get a vote.” I insist. “Yes, Kayla is very beautiful. But she’s still my daughter.”

“So, if incest is wrong, I’m guessing that means you don’t want Nicole and I to double team you?” Lexi asks.

“Uh...” I mumble as I imagine the beautiful, redheaded sisters crawling all over me.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Lexi smiles.

“Even if she would sleep with me, what makes you think Nicole would go for a threesome?” I ask.

“I think she’s bi-curious.” Lexi explains with a shrug. “When we were in the pool, I caught her staring at Kayla’s tits a few times.”

“If you’re right, she’s attracted to Kayla, not her own sister.” I say as Lexi continues to stroke me. Despite having just cum, I can feel myself starting to harden.

“Maybe, but I’m thinking Nicole is secretly as dirty and slutty as her baby sister.” Lexi giggles.

“I think you’re wrong. And you’re wrong about Kayla and I.” I insist.

“Nah, I’m right.” she replies. “Remember when Kayla yanked your swim trunks down?”

“Yes, and do you remember when you kissed her after blowing me? She was grossed out!” I respond.

“She only acted grossed out because she thinks that’s what she’s supposed to feel.” she explains. “Kayla wants you.”

“I don’t think so.” I say.

“Let’s make a bet.” Lexi says as she expertly works my cock with her small hand.

“What kind of bet?” I ask.

“I’ll invite Nicole over when Kayla isn’t around, so it’s just the three of us.” she begins. “I bet I can seduce my sister into a threesome.”

“And if you can?” I wonder as my fingers play with one of her nipples.

“If I can, we tell Kayla about it.” Lexi suggests. “Oh, and you’ll go along with having sex with us, without worrying about Nicole being my sister.”

“I don’t know...” I mumble.

“Why not?” she asks as she runs her thumb along my tip. “If you’re right, Nicole won’t go for it. I won’t try and make her do anything she doesn’t want to do. You just can’t talk her out of it.”

“Okay, but what if you can’t seduce Nicole?” I ask.

“Then I’ll never suggest incest again.” Lexi promises. “And I’ll be your slave for a day. I’ll do whatever you want, wherever you want. You can shove it in any hole you want, whenever you want. Just tell me to bend over and spread my cheeks, and I will.”

“How is that different from any other day?” I tease.

“Jerk!” Lexi laughs. “I’ll be especially slutty that day, okay?”

“Lexi...” I mutter.

“What? It’s low risk for you, plus you get lots of pussy no matter what happens.” she reasons.

“I suppose.” I say, considering it.

“So?” she asks after a minute of silence.

“Okay, deal. You have one chance to seduce Nicole. If it doesn’t work, you stop trying to get me to sleep with my daughter.” I tell her. “Oh, and your sister.”

“Great, deal!” Lexi chirps.

“And I’m never going to have sex with my daughter, bet or not.” I insist. “Kayla wouldn’t go for it anyway.”

“We’ll see.” Lexi smirks before lowering her head and taking me into her mouth once again.

She sucks me for about fifteen minutes before I finally tense up and cum. I grab the top of her head as my hips buck, causing sperm to run down Lexi’s chin. She quickly swallows and slurps up the escaped semen.

“Ready for breakfast?” I ask.

“Yeah, now that I’ve had my morning protein shake.” she winks.

I pull on a clean pair of plain black boxer briefs as Lexi steps into a pair of cute panties. They’re white with little pink and red hearts on them. The two of us then change the sheets before putting on robes and heading down to breakfast.

“Morning, Kayla!” Lexi announces as she walks into the dining room.

“Good morning.” Kayla replies while buttering a bagel. Her hard nipples are denting the fabric of her robe.

“How’d you sleep?” I ask my daughter as Lexi and I sit down and serve ourselves breakfast.

“Very well.” Kayla answers with a smile.

“No dreams?” Lexi asks.

“Nope, none!” Kayla says happily. “How’d you guys sleep?”

“Not long enough.” I answer honestly.

“Well, maybe if you got your head out from between Lexi’s thighs, you’d get more sleep!” Kayla giggles.

“Hey!” Lexi exclaims in mock offense. “He didn’t eat me out this morning, just last night!”

“Not helping, Honey.” I chuckle as I take a sip of coffee.

“Hmph.” Lexi pouts while Kayla just grins.

We spend the next few minutes eating in silence. The breakfast is delicious, I’ve missed the great cooking of our housekeeper. She was off yesterday, too. There’s a full spread out in front of us and I enjoy a great morning with Kayla and Lexi.

“So, how was work yesterday?” Kayla eventually asks, resuming the conversation.

“Busy.” I answer after swallowing a bite of bacon. “A lot piled up while I was gone. I spent the entire morning just going through emails.”

“Fascinating, but I don’t think that’s what Kayla meant.” Lexi says, looking at me pointedly.

“What?” I ask in confusion.

“How was it seeing Stacey for the first time since the big ‘I love you’?” Kayla asks. “That’s what I wanted to know.”

“Oh.” I state simply. “Why didn’t you just ask that?”

“It was implied, dummy.” Lexi giggles. “So? How did it go?”

“Not well.” I sigh, shaking my head. “Stacey barely spoke to me. She only said what was necessary to do her job. And I ate lunch alone.”

“She doesn’t know how to act around you now.” Kayla explains.

“Why not?” I ask.

“Wow, you can really be oblivious sometimes.” Lexi says, shaking her head as she grins. “The girl is in love with you, she told you so herself!”

“And she knows we can’t be together.” I state.

“Yes.” Kayla nods. “And she’s worried about her job, about being around you, about not being able to sleep with you anymore. She’s hurt and scared.”

“Oh.” I say. “I’ll have a chat with her today.”

“Good. Open your mouth and talk to her.” Lexi says with an eye roll.

“Tell her you care about her, but you’re with Lexi. Make sure she knows she can still be part of your life and her job isn’t in danger or anything.” Kayla offers.

“And no sticking your cock in her!” Lexi admonishes.

“You know, I am a wealthy business owner with years of life experience. I do know how to talk to people.” I say in exasperation. “And of course I won’t have sex with her, Lexi.”

“Good.” Lexi nods. “And yeah, we know, but you still need us sometimes. You’re a strong, independent man, but sometimes you need to be reminded of things.”

“It was stupid of me not to talk to Stacey yesterday.” I admit with a sigh.

“You’ll do fine, Daddy. You can be oblivious, but you’re a kind and caring man.” Kayla smiles at me and reaches out to touch my arm.

“Thank you, Kayla.” I say.

“You’re welcome.” my daughter smiles.

We finish up breakfast and take the dishes into the kitchen. The housekeeper wishes us a good day, and we thank her before heading back toward the bedrooms. Lexi and Kayla are holding hands and giggling as they walk in front of me. I find myself checking out both gorgeous asses.

“Do you wanna shower together?” Kayla asks my girlfriend.

“Yeah!” Lexi enthuses. “We should have time to fool around for a little while.”

“Can I watch?” I ask with a lecherous grin.

“No, go work out before work. You have a conversation to mentally prepare for.” Lexi answers.

“Dirty, old man.” Kayla admonishes.

“Fine, fine.” I mutter. I was just looking at my daughter’s butt, I am a dirty, old man. Strangely, I’m okay with it. I won’t ever touch her, but it’s okay to look.

“How about we give him a show?” Lexi suggests as we reach the hallway with our bedrooms.

“Hm, okay!” Kayla giggles.

As one, my daughter and girlfriend release their hand hold and spin around to face me. Next, they grab the edges of their robes and yank them open, revealing four perfect breasts to my hungry gaze. Lexi’s are small and perky, dusted with freckles with the palest, pinkest nipples. Kayla’s boobs are as perfect as Lexi says; C-cup beauties that dangle from her chest in the ideal combination of round and conical.

“Okay, before he starts drooling...” Lexi trails off as she covers herself.

“Too late.” Kayla laughs while taking off her robe and draping it over her arm. She’s wearing light green panties, and nothing else.

“C’mon Kayla,” Lexi says as she grabs my daughter’s ass and directs her toward her own bedroom. “I wanna taste that sweet snatch of yours.”

Lexi strips out of her robe as the two girls giggle and disappear into Kayla’s bedroom. I can just imagine the gorgeous ladies showering in Kayla’s bathroom together. Smirking, I turn and head to the home gym to work out.

I lift weights for a little while, and only stop to say goodbye to Kayla and Lexi. Both are dressed and ready for school. They head out, and I switch to the treadmill. While running, I try and go over what I’m going to say to Stacey. I don’t want to hurt her, but really, I don’t think there’s any avoiding that. Best to get everything out in the open so she knows where I stand.

Finishing my workout, I head to mine and Lexi’s bathroom to shower before work. Once I’m dressed, I grab my briefcase and get in my car. It isn’t long before I’m parking in the office lot and heading inside.

“Good morning, Stacey.” I say with a polite smile as I walk by her desk.

“Good morning, Sir.” she replies in an almost-robotic voice.

Sighing, I enter my office and start the work day. For the first couple hours, I respond to emails. Next, I end up in a boring meeting. Finally, I can get some actual work done and spend the remainder of the morning pouring over financial data. Then lunch time arrives.

Stacey and I order our meals separately, since we still aren’t socializing. We eat separately, me in my office, her at her desk. While eating, I text with Lexi and tell her that I’m about to have a talk with Stacey. Only when I finish my lunch, do I open my office door.

“Stacey?” I inquire.

“Yes, Sir?” she responds after taking a sip of her drink.

“When you finish lunch could you please come see me?” I ask.

“O-of course, Sir.” Stacey stammers nervously.

“Nothing to worry about, you’re not in trouble.” I say with a friendly smile.

“Okay, good.” she answers before going back to her meal.

I go back to my office and continue texting my girlfriend. Eventually, I hear a knock at the door. I look up to see Stacey standing nervously in the door. She looks stunning in her business skirt. Twenty-five years old, a gorgeous figure, her blonde hair held back in a functional ponytail.

“Hi, Stacey. Could you close the door?” I ask.

“Yes.” she responds, closing the door. Stacey then walks in and sits down at the chair in front of my desk.

“I thought we should talk.” I state slowly.

“Okay...” she trails off.

“I just hate how cold things are between us.” I explain.

“So do I.” Stacey mumbles as tears form in her eyes.

“We’re friends, aren’t we?” I ask.

“Yes, of course.” she says with a nod.

“Then we should be able to work this out.” I reason.

“I-I’m not sure I can work here anymore.” Stacey gasps out before she starts sobbing.

I don’t answer with words. Instead I stand up and walk around my desk until I’m standing over my pretty, blonde assistant. She also stands up and allows me to wrap her up in a hug as she sobs against my chest.

“It’s okay.” I coo softly as I rub her back.

“No, it isn’t.” she cries.

“Why not?” I ask. “Talk to me.”

“I’m in love with you!” Stacey gasps out when she pulls back to look up at me.

“I-I know.” I acknowledge with a nod, my arms still around the distraught woman.

“And you don’t feel the same way.” she states with a sniffle.

“You know I’m with Lexi.” I respond. “I’m in love with her.”

“Yeah...” Stacey trails off.

“I’m sorry.” I say sincerely.

“That’s why I can’t work here anymore. I want to be your girlfriend.” she explains. “It’s hard seeing you every day, knowing I can’t have you. I feel like a love struck teenager, but it’s the truth.”

“Everything will be okay, Stacey.” I say as I grab some tissues and dab at her tears. “I don’t want you to quit.”

“But you don’t wanna sleep with me anymore either?” Stacey asks with a hardness in her eyes.

“I’m still very attracted to you,” I admit with a sigh, “but I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to have sex right now.”

“You’re probably right.” she mumbles before taking the tissues I offer her. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” I reply before going silent for almost a minute. Then I speak up again. “I don’t want you to quit.”

“I don’t want to quit.” Stacey says. “Ignoring the fact that I love working for you, this is a great, high-paying job. Quitting would be a disaster.”

“Do you wanna take the afternoon off to think about it?” I offer.

“No.” Stacey sighs. “I’m not gonna quit. I’m just overwhelmed with everything.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re not quitting.” I say.

“Me, too.” she sniffles. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom to clean my face.”

“Are we okay?” I ask.

“Yes. I’m just heartbroken right now. We’re still friends.” Stacey answers. “I understand why we can’t sleep together again. It just sucks.”

“It really does.” I admit.

“Thank you for being here for me.” she says with a weak smile.

“You’re welcome.” I smile back.

Stacey leaves my office and heads to the bathroom. I sigh as I return to my desk and resume working. At one point, I call the PI and am disappointed that there is no movement on the case. I’m afraid Keith is going to get away with what he’s done. What can I do though? I love Kayla and Lexi so much, I want to bring that asshole to justice for them. I feel so helpless.

After work, I drive home and have a nice dinner with Lexi and Kayla. I tell them how the chat with Stacey went, and they both agree that it’s best to just give her time. When we finish eating, we spend the evening watching television and relaxing. Then I read a book while the girls get their homework done.

Once it’s time for bed, Lexi and I both hug and kiss Kayla goodnight. My raven-haired daughter disappears into her room while I enter the master bedroom with Lexi. She and I are kissing the instant the door is closed.

Within forty-five seconds, Lexi and I are completely naked. She kneels on the carpet and blows me for a couple minutes before climbing up on the bed and spreading her legs. Hoping on the bed, I place Lexi’s legs over my shoulders and eat her out to two screaming orgasms.

“I need you in me, Steven.” Lexi gasps while looking down at me and tugging on my hair, urging me up her body.

My only response is to climb up Lexi’s naked body and slot my erection at her opening. Then I’m inside her. We make slow, passionate love while whispering sweet words to each other. It ends when we both tense up in orgasm, Lexi’s pussy spasms while my cock is squirting inside her, filling her up with semen.

“Nice ass!” I call out as Lexi waddles toward the bathroom with one hand over her pussy to stem the flow of cum.

She just flips me off before going into our private bathroom. Lexi comes back a couple minutes later with a clean pussy. She then curls up in my arms and falls asleep with her head resting on my chest. I kiss the top of her head before falling asleep as well.


“I can’t wait for the pool party on Saturday.” Ian says.

“I’m glad.” I reply, smiling cutely. “I hope everyone has fun.”

Ian and I are standing outside the school building on Wednesday, just after the last bell rings and ends the school day. I’m wearing a fun skirt and a cute top as I chat with my boyfriend. Ian looks adorable in jeans and a nice t-shirt.

“Do you wanna do something today?” Ian suggests.

“Oh, I can’t.” I say sadly. “I, um, have an appointment to get to.”

“Is everything okay?” he asks.

“It’s therapy, Ian.” I whisper after glancing around to make sure no one is listening. “I have therapy on Wednesdays.”

“Oh, right!” Ian says, realization dawning on him. “I hope it goes well.”

“Thank you.” I say with a small smile.

“You’re welcome.” he replies, taking my hand.

“Maybe we can do something tomorrow or Friday?” I suggest as I lace our fingers.

“How about tomorrow?” Ian offers.

“Do you wanna come over?” I ask. “We can’t fool around at your place.”

“Oh, we’re gonna fool around?” he wonders with a small blush. “And, yes, I can come over.”

“Aw, you’re blushing!” I giggle. So. Fucking. Cute.

“I’m trying not to!” he laughs nervously.

“And to answer your question, yes.” I state primly. “I can’t wait to suck that nice cock of yours again.”

“I-I’d like that.” Ian says.

“Mm, I bet you would, big guy!” I smile. “I should get going though. I don’t wanna be late to therapy.”

“Okay, bye Kayla.” Ian says as he leans forward and kisses me.

“Bye, Ian.” I reply, kissing him back.

Lexi and I took separate cars today so that I can go to therapy. I hop in my own car, start the engine and pull out onto the street. Listening to music, I tap my fingers on the steering wheel until I reach my therapist’s office. Then I head inside for my appointment.

“Hi, Kayla!” Kasey says with a smile. “Welcome back!”

“Hi! Thanks!” I reply as I sit down on the couch across from her.

“How was your trip? Bermuda, right?” she asks.

“Yes, Bermuda.” I nod. “It was fun! Lots of beaches and tanning. Some swimming, we shopped, and did tourist stuff.”

“That’s great!” Kasey responds.

“Met some people.” I mumble.

“Uh-oh, did something happen?” she wonders as she looks at my expression.

“I met a guy, and we kind of made out a bit at a party.” I answer with a sigh. “I stopped things before they got too far and ran out of the room. He called me a tease, but whatever. I’m mostly upset about kissing a guy while seeing Ian.”

“Did you tell Ian afterwards?” Kasey asks.

“Yes! And we weren’t a couple at the time, but we are now. He was upset, but understanding.” I say.

It was really rude of that guy to call you a tease. Consent can be revoked at any time.” Kasey states.

“I know, and he didn’t try to force me or anything, he was just upset.” I tell her.

“It does sound like things worked out though, you said you’re together with Ian now?” she asks.

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