Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 23

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 23 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


The rest of spring break passes by in a blur. After taking Marcia’s anal virginity, the quiet girl waddles her way to the other bedroom with Ashley to work things out. Kayla shuts herself in her own bedroom, while Lexi, Hazel and I spend the night in the master bedroom. We have a highly enjoyable threesome, and I end up hosing down both girls’ faces before we all snuggle up in bed to go to sleep.

In the morning, Marcia and Ashley come down to breakfast holding hands and giggling. It looks like they’ve worked things out and are able to touch each other again. I’m glad. They talk and flirt quite a bit at breakfast. At one point, Ashley opens her robe and allows Marcia to suckle at her large breast while the tall blonde giggles.

“So, you guys had a nice night?” Kayla asks.

“Yes!” Ashley breathes as she puts her boobs away.

“We talked, and I feel better now.” Marcia says with a nod.

“Yeah, you ‘talked’, right. Is that what tribbing is called now?” Lexi teases.

“Whatever.” Ashley laughs.

“How did you girls work things out?” I ask.

“By tribbing, we just covered that.” Hazel giggles.

“Yes, we had sex,” Marcia admits with a blush, “but what really helped was the talking.”

“It really did.” Ashley says as she smiles at Marcia before taking a bite of food.

“Good.” Kayla says. “What did you talk about?”

“Well, we talked about how we both love Steven, but we know we can’t be with him.” Ashley answered. “And we talked about how hard it was to bring ourselves to sleep with someone else, and I was just upset that Marcia made it look so easy.”

“Who says you can’t be with him?” Lexi asks.

“You’re with Steven.” Marcia answers with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, and I always will be, but I can share!” Lexi announces. “With my Slut-sisters, I’ll always share.”

“Don’t I get a say in this?” I ask with a chuckle.

“No.” Lexi responds with a teasing smile.

“Like you’d ever complain about too much pussy.” Kayla rolls her eyes.

“Of course not, and I love all you girls. Very much.” I acknowledge with a nod.

“So, what, we could all be with him?” Ashley asks.

“Why not?” Lexi shrugs.

“They deserve to find their own man.” I state firmly. “A man who can make each girl his number one.”

“And ... I still like Shawn.” Marcia admits with a sad expression.

“And I like Josh.” Ashley adds with tears in her eyes. “And I’m still insanely attracted to Tom.”

“Oh.” Lexi says sadly.

“We do each deserve our own man. Steven’s right.” Hazel says.

“I’m glad you understand.” I say. “I love all of you, and I’d love to keep you all to myself, but that isn’t fair to you. You’d always feel like you were in second place compared to Lexi. I’m happy to keep sleeping with you, as long as you aren’t cheating on anyone, but I want you to find your own happiness. Like I did with Lexi.”

“Aw!” Kayla interjects. “How sickeningly sweet!”

“Fuck you, Kayla.” Lexi says with a smile.

Kayla just sticks her tongue out. We continue to chat over breakfast, and basically decide that the girls are free to do as they please, but we all are in love. We agree to just see how things develop and that we’ll always be honest about our feelings. This is hard. I would love to be in a relationship with all four lovely ladies, but they deserve more. Right? I can’t really be with more than one person at a time, can I?

After breakfast, we get ready for the day. Then we all pile into the SUV and drive to the right location for the famous crystal caves of Bermuda. We take a tour of both caves, learning about them and enjoying their beauty.

The six of us grab lunch at a small, local place. Then we head back to the house and change into our bathing suits. I enjoy the next few hours splashing around in the water with the five girls. Tom and his friends are out for the day, so we are able to take advantage of the privacy to really tease each other.

Ashley flashes me before burying my face in her tits so I can enjoy her massive tits. Lexi wades into the shallow water and turns around to moon us. Even Kayla gets in on the teasing, grabbing my bathing suit and yanking it down, showing everyone my cock.

“Kayla!” I exclaim as I pull my swim trunks up.

“You’re welcome!” my daughter teases as she sticks out her tongue before diving into the water.

It may be my imagination, but Kayla has really stepped up her teasing with me. She runs her hands over my bicep, giving me a teasing wink before swimming away. Another time, she jumps on my back and wraps her arms and legs around me as I carry her around. She’s done this before, but this time she presses her heel into my crotch.

When we finish swimming, we all towel off and take showers before dinner. We enjoy a nice meal of chips and grilled burgers, all while chatting and enjoying each others company. Then it’s time to get ready for Tom’s party.

The party goes by in a blur. I see Ashley flirting with Tom, while occasionally glancing back at me with a guilty expression. Ken, Ryan, and John are all chatting up Hazel. The tan girl is laughing and doesn’t seem to feel any guilt at all. Kayla talks with several of Tom’s female friends, and even does a couple shots with them.

For our part, Lexi and I spend the entire evening drinking and talking with Heather. Eventually, we invite her next door. Heather is wild. The beautiful twenty-something eats out Lexi while I hold her hips and fuck her from behind. Heather has me fuck her face, she has me grab her tits and fuck her with the full length of my shaft. Finally, she reaches back, spreads her cheeks, and begs me to fuck her ass.

When I can take it no longer, I pull out and cum on Lexi’s lightly-freckled face. Then we shower. Heather has me fuck her against the shower glass before shoving myself down her throat and feeding her another load of cum.

We return to the bed, where I watch Lexi and Heather tribbing while waiting to recharge. Then I finally get my dick into Lexi. The redheaded nymphomaniac lays on her back with her legs over my shoulders as I fuck her. Heather than sits on Lexi’s face and rides my girlfriend to an intense orgasm.

Only when both girls are laying on their backs, naked breasts heaving as they gasp for breath while completely covered in cum, do we stop. The girls clean themselves up and then return to my bed, fully nude. That’s how we fall asleep.

I am woken up at 3:00AM by Heather sucking on my dick. She then gives me a titty-fuck until I’m ready to pop. The buxom beauty takes me back in her mouth so I can squirt between her lips. Heather shows me my cum before swallowing and climbing back up into my arms to fall asleep.

The next morning we fuck again, me on top of Heather, taking her in missionary as Lexi watches and runs her hand over my ass. Heather looks so beautiful as her face scrunches up while she cums. Only once I fill her with my seed do we head down to breakfast.

Heather exchanges contact information with us before heading out on her own for the day. Maybe someday our paths will cross again. Either way, we will always have the memories we’ve made. We will all have the memories we’ve made in Bermuda.

“Sounds like you had a fun night in there.” Ashley teases when she catches me alone after breakfast.

“You could hear?” I ask.

“Yeah, I found out Heather is a screamer when I came home last night.” Ashley responds with a wink as she raises her hand for a high-five. “Nice work!”

“Thanks, I guess.” I reply as I slap her hand.

“You’re welcome!” Ashley giggles, before her face suddenly turns serious. “I wanted to tell you something.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“I didn’t sleep with Tom.” she states simply.

“I see.” I reply. “Why not?”

“I-I’m not sure.” Ashley answers slowly. “I guess it’s not just because of you.”

“Then why?” I repeat.

“I’m a Slut-sister, but that doesn’t mean I have to sleep with everyone I’m attracted to.” Ashley explains with a shrug. “I slept with you because I was insanely attracted to you, then it turned into more. I like the sex better when it means more. I’m gonna be more selective about who I spread my legs for.”

“That’s probably a good thing.” I reply with a smile.

“I think so, too.” she nods.

We talk for a few more minutes before the other girls find us. Then we get down to packing for our journey home. The girls tease Hazel about fucking three guys again, which is when Hazel admits that Ken, John, and Ryan all made her airtight last night. I actually do feel a slight twinge of jealousy as I imagine three guys using Hazel at once, but I know the sweet girl deserves to be happy. If this is what makes her happy, so be it.

We pack away our clothes and our souvenirs, happy with the time we’ve spent in Bermuda. Then Lexi and I return the rental SUV before taking a bus back to the house. We then spend the rest of our time relaxing and eating the remainder of the food in the house. It’s time to leave.

Two cars arrive to take us and our luggage to the airport. The girls are chatting constantly about the great time they’ve had here. Kayla is texting Ian, Ashley is posting to social media, all while Lexi and Hazel tease each other.

Passing through airport security is without incident, and soon we’re waiting for the plane at the terminal. Then our first flight is called. Lexi makes a joke during the flight about joining the mile high club, but I remind her that this is real life, not a porno.

After two flights and an eight hour layover, we arrive back at LAX at approximately 9:00AM Sunday morning. Yeah, we got to sleep on the layover, and on the plane, but still, we are all completely exhausted as we get into the vans that are driving us back to the house.

“Hey Steven?” Lexi inquires on the drive.

“Yes?” I respond.

“I was texting Nicole, and she wants to know if she can stop by today?” Lexi asks.

“Really? You’re not too tired?” I ask.

“We’re still young, old man.” Hazel calls out from the back.

“He’s not old, he’s mature!” Lexi giggles.

“Well, whatever, if you’re up for it, then of course it’s fine. It’s your house, too.” I say.

“Thank you!” Lexi replies before texting her sister. “I’ll tell her to bring her bathing suit.”

“Sounds good.” I respond. “I’m gonna take a nap when I get home. What about you girls?”

“A nap sounds nice.” Lexi nods.

“Agreed. I’m gonna sleep.” Kayla adds.

“We girls have to get home. Our parents wanna see us after being gone for so long.” Ashley explains.

“Right. My Dad just texted me.” Marcia says.

“Same, my Mom is preparing a big lunch for all of us.” Hazel responds.

We arrive at my house not long after that. We all help the girls get their suitcases and carry-on bags into their cars. Then we tell them to have a safe drive and watch as Marcia, Ashley, and Hazel back out of the driveway and head to their respective homes.

The three of us who remain go inside. Kayla then enters her own room, while Lexi and I slip into the master bedroom. My redheaded girlfriend and I disrobe, with me watching as her tight, young body comes into view. I smile at her naked ass as she climbs into bed. I then join her as she molds her naked body against mine.

“Baby?” Lexi asks as she trails her fingers along my bare chest.

“Yes?” I respond while wrapping an arm around her and holding her close.

“Will you see Stacey tomorrow?” she wonders, biting her lower lip as she runs her bare foot along my calf.

“Probably, yes.” I confirm.

“Will you sleep with her?” Lexi inquires in a small voice.

“No.” I state simply.

“Really?” she asks, looking up at me with a smile.

“Really.” I nod. “You don’t want me to.”

“I’m just scared of losing you.” Lexi mumbles.

“You’ll never lose me, Lexi.” I promise.

“I hope not.” she says as she lays her head back down on my chest.

“I’m still confused.” I tell her. “You’re fine with me getting involved in actual relationships with Ashley, Hazel, and Marcia, in fact you encouraged it, but you’re not okay with Stacey anymore?”

“I have no fears about Ashley, Hazel, or Marcia stealing you from me.” Lexi explains. “I’ve told you this before; Stacey is closer to you in age, and she knows your work. She could steal you from me.”

“No, she couldn’t.” I say as I lean down and kiss the top of Lexi’s head. “I’m yours.”

“And I’m yours.” Lexi replies, kissing my chest.

“Good.” I smile as I squeeze her upper arm affectionately.

“Baby?” she asks.

“Yes?” I reply with a small smile.

“Will you lick me?” Lexi whispers.

“Of course, Babe.” I grin.

I toss the covers off of our bodies before rolling Lexi onto her back. She giggles and complies when I instruct her to spread her legs. I then kneel between her legs and admire her pink gash. Leaning forward, I plant a firm kiss on Lexi’s vulva.

“Stop teasing and start eating!” she giggles as she reaches down and lightly caresses my face.

I smile up at her before returning to my task by burying my face in her hot box. Lexi buries her hands in my hair and bucks her hips up against my face. Her pussy tastes so good, and I’m so hard. I push two fingers into her wet cunt and curl them up against her G-spot. It only takes a few minutes.

“I’m cumming! Steven! I’m cumming!” Lexi screeches as she tenses up.

“Oh, Lexi.” I moan against her pussy as I lick her clit.

“Fuck me! I need you in me! Please be in me!” she begs while grabbing at my shoulders and trying to pull me on top of her.

I allow Lexi to guide me on top of her body. Then I reach between us and grasp my length at the base so I can rub my tip along her slit. We both let out a groan when I press inside of her tight, steamy cunt.

“Yes!” Lexi hisses as she wraps her arms around me tightly.

She begins to roll her hips to meet my thrusts as we take up the familiar rhythm of love-making. Her eyes tighten and her face scrunches up in pleasure each time I bury my full length inside her. We begin kissing, and Lexi moans through her lips while her hands grip my biceps with desperate strength.

Her hands slide up my arms to wrap around my neck. Our eyes are open as we gaze at each other in love. We whisper sweet words to each other as her pussy begins to convulse around my thickness.

“Cum in me, Steven.” Lexi begs, her green eyes wide and glistening. “Fill me with your love.”

“Lexi!” I gasp out as I push myself all the way into her vagina and start spurting.

“Steven!” she groans as she cums with me. Her breasts are pressing into my chest as my larger body covers her small one.

Lexi’s legs settle down onto the bed as all the strength leaves her body and she collapses backwards, panting heavily. I smile down at her heaving breasts before leaning down and licking a pink nipple, making her giggle. Only then do I roll off her body and draw her into my arms.

“That was a good one.” Lexi giggles as she rests her head on my chest and wraps an arm around me.

“Yes. Yes, it was.” I agree as I run my fingers through her auburn hair.

“Your dick always makes me cum so hard.” Lexi comments while tracing shapes on my chest.

“Your tight pussy makes my cock explode.” I respond.

“Good.” Lexi sighs. “I can still feel your sperm swimming around in my little pussy. I love it!”

“I love how dirty you are.” I say.

“Only for you. Well, and my Slut-sisters.” Lexi laughs.

“I’m glad you girls have each other.” I tell her.

“Mm, me too.” Lexi coos as her hand runs along my muscular side. “I wish we could have gotten close sooner, we could have had years before graduation.”

“You’ll still see each other after you graduate. You’re all going to the same college, right?” I ask

“Yeah, that’s true.” Lexi says. “I just can’t help but think that, if I had a stronger support system before, I might never have fallen prey to Keith.”

“It’s in the past, Lexi.” I say as I grip her bare shoulder. “You’re free of him.”

“I am.” Lexi nods. “And now I have you. Next year, I’ll be in college.”

“Do you know what you want to study?” I inquire.

“Before I met Keith, I wanted to be a doctor,” Lexi begins with a sigh, “but that was just a childish dream.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.” I say. “You can do anything you want. If you want to study medicine, you have my full support.”

“I- I don’t think I do. Not anymore.” she says, shaking her head against me. “I like the idea of helping people, but I really don’t think that being a doctor is the way to go.”

“Well, you’re only eighteen.” I tell her. “You don’t have to know now. You can start by just taking some general education courses. What’s your favorite subject?”

“I really liked chemistry when I took it last year.” Lexi answers.

“So, take college chemistry.” I suggest. “See where that takes you.”

“Maybe I will.” Lexi whispers as she starts to drift off.

“And whatever you decide, you will always have me.” I assure her as I kiss the top of her head. She’s already asleep.


Fuck, I’m tired. An eight hour layover is brutal. I don’t bother to unpack my suitcase or carry-on. Instead, I leave them by my bedroom door and strip down to my panties. Tossing my bra over my desk chair, I climb into bed and grab my phone to text Ian.

Kayla: I’m home!

Ian: Welcome home! Glad you made it safe!

Kayla: Thanks, Babe. :)

Ian: Any plans for the rest of the day?

Kayla: Lexi’s sister is coming over later, but for now, nap time.

Ian: I should let you sleep then.

Kayla: You’re gonna leave me alone while I’m practically naked? ;P

Ian: You are?

Kayla; Yup! I’m laying in bed in just panties. My big boobies are out and my nipples are hard.

Ian: I thought you were tired. :)

Kayla: I’m more horny than tired! Are you alone, Baby?

Ian: I wasn’t, but I am now. I went to my room.

Kayla: Lay down in bed and take your pants off.

Ian: Done!

Kayla: I’m running my fingers along my large breast, thinking of you as I tease my nipple.

Ian: I’m rubbing my bulge. I’m so hard as I imagine you.

Kayla: What are you picturing?

Ian: You laying on your back.

Kayla: Is that all? C’mon, don’t be shy. This is sexting.

Ian: You’re only wearing underwear. I can see your big boobs. I love your nipples.

Kayla: Are you hard? Is your big dick throbbing as you think about my sexy body?

Ian: Yes. I’m so hard. You make me hard, Kayla.

Kayla: Show me!

Ian: What?

Kayla: Show me your hard cock. I’ll show you my boobs to be fair.

Ian: Okay!

I smirk, knowing that the promise of my boobs is taking away his anxiety. I put my dark hair up in a cute ponytail as I situate myself on the bed with my legs slightly spread. A minute later, my phone goes off and I admire Ian’s cock. It’s thick and hard, and he’s holding it at the base as it pokes out of his boxer briefs.

Kayla; Mm, yummy!

Ian: You like?

Kayla: I like! I can’t wait to suck that big, beautiful cock.

Ian: I’ve never gotten a blowjob.

Kayla: Well, you’re getting one from me! I swallow. ;)

Ian: You don’t have to.

Kayla: I know I don’t. I like to. I’m sure your cum is delicious! I think it’s my turn to show off!

I turn on my camera and hold my phone up high. Making sure my tits and face are both visible, I make a kissing face at the camera before snapping the picture. Then I send it to Ian. I trust him.

Kayla: Titties!

Ian: You’re breathtaking.

Kayla: I want you to keep that. You can look at it whenever you want, Baby.

Ian: Thank you. You can keep mine, too.

Kayla: Mm, I’m looking at it now. You’re so hard, big boy. Stroke your cock for me.

Ian: I am. Would you rub your, you know, down there?

Kayla: It’s my pussy. You can say that. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.

Ian: I want you to touch your pussy.

Kayla: Dirty boy. Okay, I just put my hand in my panties. Oh! I can feel how wet I am for you.

Ian: Touch yourself. Think about me and touch yourself, Kayla.

Kayla: Oh, Baby, I love it when you tell me what to do. I’m so wet. For you, Ian. Only for you.

Ian: Push your fingers inside.

Kayla: My fingers are up my cunt. I’m fingering myself.

Ian: I’m stroking. Oh Kayla, I’m so hard.

Kayla: I’m imagining something much longer and thicker inside me. You. You’re in me. Oh, Ian!

Ian: Make yourself feel good, I’m imagining you writhing in pleasure.

Kayla: Yes! My titties are jiggling as I finger myself.

Ian: I love your breasts. They’re so big, your nipples are perfect.

I take a picture of my hand between my legs. My pussy isn’t visible, but it’s obvious my hand is in my panties and I’m fingering myself. I quickly send the picture to Ian before re-opening his dick pic and resuming my masturbation.

Kayla: For you.

Ian: Oh wow, you’re so hot.

Kayla: I’m rubbing my clit. It feels so good. I’m gonna cum for you. I’m gonna cum, Ian.

Ian: Cum for me.

Kayla: Oh, Ian! Oh fuck, oh fuck!

Ian: Did you...?

Kayla: Mm, I did. I came for you, Baby.

Ian: I’m glad.

Kayla: It’s your turn, big boy. Stroke that cock while you think about being in me.

Ian: I am! I’m stroking myself.

Kayla: I’m on all fours, bent over for you. Your holding your hips as you thrust into my body.

Ian: Oh wow.

Kayla: My titties are jiggling and slapping each other while you fuck me like a dog.

Ian: I’m so close.

Kayla: I’m cumming all over your dick. You grab my hair and pull it. I scream your name.

Ian: I just came.

Kayla: Show me!

I start sucking my juices off my fingertips as I wait for Ian’s picture. My phone soon goes off and I check the picture. It’s another dick pic. Ian is holding himself at the base, and cum is covering his hand and cock.

Ian: All for you.

Kayla: Mm, I’d love to lick it all up!

Ian: I’d like that.

Kayla: I bet you would, dirty boy. My tongue lapping up all your warm cum as I lick your cock.

Ian: You’re amazing, Kayla.

Kayla: I’m glad you think so :) Now, you clean up all that messy sperm while I take my nap.

Ian: Sweet dreams, Babe.

Kayla: :)

I smile happily as I plug my phone into the charger and set it on the desk. Then I pull the covers up over my body and settle in. It doesn’t take long before I fall asleep. No dreams of gang bangs or blow bangs, I only dream of Ian.

Waking up, I feel refreshed and ready to enjoy the last few hours of freedom before school starts up again. I strip out of my undies before walking to my bathroom naked to take a shower. I put on a cute outfit, then I meet up with Lexi and Daddy, who are just getting up.

“Morning.” Lexi mumbles sleepily as she yawns and stretches in her robe.

“It’s 1:00PM.” I correct with a giggle.

“Wow, we slept for awhile.” Daddy says.

“You two should get dressed at some point.” I say.

“Yeah, we’re gonna eat lunch first.” Lexi explains.

“Sounds good, I’m hungry.” I reply.

The three of us enjoy a nice lunch, where we chat and laugh. Then Daddy and Lexi go to take a shower. I text Ian and the other girls while waiting in the main living room with my feet up. Lexi and Daddy soon reappear, fully dressed.

“What time is your sister coming?” I ask, standing up.

“Around 3:00PM.” Lexi answers.

“And we’re gonna go swimming?” Daddy wonders.

“Yeah, I told her to bring her bikini. And no checking out my sister, mister!” Lexi admonishes as she pokes Daddy on the chest with the tip of her finger.

“No promises.” Daddy teases as he laughs.

“Dirty, old man.” I giggle.

“He really is.” Lexi says while standing on her toes to peck Daddy’s lips.

“And I’m all yours.” Daddy replies as he grabs Lexi’s ass and pulls her close.

“Gross.” I say, pretending to gag.

“Whatever, Bitch.” Lexi says, flipping me off.

“Slut.” I snort.

“Okay ladies, that’s enough.” Daddy laughs. “How about we watch some TV?”

“Okay!” Lexi chirps.

“Fine, fine.” I smile as I sit back down.

We all sit down and watch some television for a little while. We only have time for one episode, because 3:00PM gets here quickly. The three of us walk down to the foyer to greet Nicole when she arrives.

“Hi, Nicole!” Lexi says happily as she embraces her big sister.

“Hi, Lexi!” Nicole replies, looking very cute in a bright sundress.

“Nicole.” I nod politely.

“It’s nice to see you again.” Daddy says.

“Thank you!” Nicole smiles, looking every bit as beautiful as Lexi, with her auburn hair and lightly-freckled face.

We show Nicole inside and end up watching television for a couple hours until dinner. The housekeeper is still off, so Daddy cooks a nice meal for all of us. Daddy is a good cook, and we all have a pleasant conversation over dinner. Nicole is an accountant, so she and Daddy discuss boring finance stuff while Lexi and I chat about school.

After dinner, the four of us change into our bathing suits. Lexi is in her usual light blue bikini, while I’m wearing a fun purple suit. Nicole looks absolutely stunning in a white bikini with colored polka dots. Daddy, of course, is in a pair of swim trunks.

“This is really nice pool.” Nicole says as she slips into the clear water.

“Thank you.” Daddy replies as he also gets in.

“How long have you guys lived here?” Nicole asks as Lexi does a cannonball into the deep end.

“We moved here when I was a little girl.” I answer, my arms stretched out and resting against the side of the pool. “Not long after mom died.”

“I’m sorry about your mom.” Nicole says sadly.

“Thank you.” I reply. “I miss her still, but I know I’ll always have Daddy. Now, I have Lexi, too.”

“There’s so much love between the three of you, I’m sorry I doubted your relationship.”

“It’s okay, Nicole.” Lexi says as she playfully splashes her sister. “It’s understandable. You’re old and boring.”

“Hey! Your boyfriend is older than I am!” Nicole exclaims. “Brat!”

Lexi sticks out her tongue and splashes her sister again. The two of them end up splashing around in the pool for a few minutes before Daddy and I join in. It’s a great evening; we swim and chat, and just enjoy the water.

“So, Nicole,” Daddy begins at one point, “are you seeing anyone?”

“Not right now, no.” Nicole answers. “I broke up with a guy not too long ago, actually.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” I say.

“Eh.” Nicole shrugs. “I knew we didn’t have a future together. It’s all good.”

“His loss.” Lexi says. “The women of our family our babes!”

“That they are.” Daddy laughs.

“Hey! No checking out my sister!” Lexi admonishes playfully. “We covered this.”

“Oh really?” Nicole asks with a cute giggle.

“Yeah, I told him he couldn’t check you out in your bikini.” Lexi nods.

“Well, he definitely failed at that.” Nicole teases.

“Dirty, old man.” I say.

“Yes!” Lexi exclaims. “Yes, he is!”

“It’s okay, he’s cute.” Nicole smiles.

“Why, thank you!” Daddy says with a nod towards Nicole.

We do a few laps around the pool before getting out and jumping back in, laughing as we all get splashed. Then we resume our conversation, chatting and laughing. I may be imagining things, but it feels like Nicole is getting a little flirty with Daddy.

“I’m gonna run to the bathroom.” Nicole says while we’re all relaxing.

“Okay.” Lexi says.

“Do you know where it is?” I ask.

“Yes, thank you.” Nicole replies with a smile.

Nicole lifts herself out of the water and brushes back her wet hair. She then walks along the grass, dripping water as she reaches the door. Lexi calls out that Nicole has a nice ass, causing the older redhead to flip off her sister before disappearing into the house.

“Nicole really seems to be getting used to us being together.” Daddy says to Lexi with a smile.

“Yeah, it’s great!” Lexi chirps as we all rest by the side of the pool.

“Now we just gotta convince Kyle!” I giggle.

“That’s easier said than done.” Lexi mutters with an eye roll.

“He’ll come around.” Daddy says, wrapping an arm around Lexi’s shoulders.

“I hope so.” Lexi mumbles.

“Stop worrying.” I say as I swim out in front of the auburn-haired girl and splash some water at her.

“Stop splashing me!” Lexi blows a raspberry before splashing me back.

“Make me!” I tease playfully as I splash her two more times.

“You!” Lexi hisses in mock anger. She then lunges forward and tackles me into the water.

“Ah!” I screech as we fall backwards.

We land in the water with a big splash and sink below the surface. As soon as we rise above the water again, we start wrestling playfully. Daddy watches and laughs as we play-fight in the pool, and soon, we’re laughing as well.

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