Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 22

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I’m laying on John’s bed with him on top of me. My legs are spread and my sundress is riding up my thighs as he lightly caresses my face. I can feel his bulge pressing against my pantie-clad crotch as we grind and kiss. He gasps softly against my lips when I bury my hand in his hair and pull him tightly against me.

His hand finds my breast, and I moan lightly when he begins to touch me from outside my sundress. My bare foot runs along his leg as he slips his hand into my dress and bra to cup my warm flesh. As he plays with my tit, John starts planting soft kisses along my neck and I tilt my head back to give him room.

John extracts my boob from my sundress and I can feel the cool air in the room hit my sensitive nipple. I groan when John pinches my nipple; the combination of his kisses, our grinding, and his hand on my tit is making me wet.

A sense of urgency suddenly grips John and he reaches between us. Without bothering to remove any of our clothes, he extracts his cock from his shorts. He then pushes my panties to the side, exposing my soaked slit. John lifts his head and our eyes lock as he lunges forward, burying himself inside me.

“Oh, my God, you are so fucking tight!” he groans as he begins working himself in and out of me.

I arch my back and moan while feeling his penis fill my vagina. My exposed breast bounces freely in the air when John releases it and plants his hands firmly on the mattress. His thrusts speed up as I wrap my legs around him, pulling him into me.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” I pant as I bury my hand in his hair.

It’s quick and dirty sex. I love it! John is thrusting hard and fast, his shorts down just enough to free his hard dick. I have one tit out and my panties are still on; I can feel his cock pushing by the strap of my underwear to enter me and stretch my little hole.

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” John grunts after only being inside me for a couple minutes.

“Cum inside me, Baby! That’s it, cum for Kayla!” I coo as my fingers caress the back of his head.

“Ah, fuck!” he groans as he buries himself to the hilt.

I can feel him swell, stretching my vaginal walls even further as I feel the sensation of squirting inside me. Warmth blooms in my womb as ropes of cum fill me. The sensation triggers my orgasm, and I cry out in pleasure.

“Thanks, Babe. That was great!” John says as he eases himself out of my messy cunt.

He then lifts himself off of me and puts his cock back in his shorts. I take some tissues from the bedside table and sit up to clean up my pussy before pulling my underwear back into place. When I throw the tissues away, I glance over and realize that we aren’t alone.

Standing in the doorway, clearly having just watched me get railed, are Tom, Ken, and Ryan. The boys’ arms are crossed and they have small grins on their faces. I smile when I realize that they still have a great view; my tit is still hanging out of my sundress and my legs are spread wide, revealing my panties.

“Hello, boys!” I say with a saucy grin, making no effort to cover myself.

“She’s one hell of a fuck.” John states as he smirks at me, his arms crossed.

“Get naked, Baby.” Tom orders, taking charge.

I giggle and stand up. Then I push my sundress down to my feet and step out of it, leaving me clad in just my matching dark blue bra and panties. One boob is hanging out of my bra, so I don’t waste any time reaching behind my back and unhooking it. I then stand before four men wearing nothing but a pair of lace undies.

“Lose the panties.” Ken grins as he gestures toward me.

“I shouldn’t be the only one naked!” I giggle.

“Deal, Babe!” Ryan says as he takes off his shirt.

The other three guys follow suit, removing their shirts and showing off their muscular upper bodies. Then they continue undressing. Soon, all four guys are naked, their hard cocks pointed straight at me. Life is good.

“Ready to suck some dick?” Tom asks as he approaches me, flanked by Ken and Ryan.

“Yeah!” I say enthusiastically. “Let’s get some cock in me!”

I drop to my knees and engulf Tom’s hard dick. Then I reach out with both hands to grasp Ken and Ryan. While sucking Tom, I stroke Ken and Ryan, their beautiful cocks looking so big in my tiny hands. I glance over and see that John is stroking himself while watching me give head.

I work my way around the circle of hot guys, knee-walking from one man to the next, giving sloppy head to each and every cock I can get my little mouth on. My head is bobbing rapidly, inhaling dick after dick. I’m in heaven. A cock-filled heaven.

My hands are always full of dick, and I’m stroking away. Sadly, I can only suck and stroke three cocks at once. I can’t get to the fourth penis, and whichever guy I’m not servicing will masturbate while staring at my tits, or my cock-filled mouth.

Ryan grips my head and starts fucking my face, using my mouth as if it were a pussy. Drool is running from my lips and dangling from my chin as he holds my raven locks. I leave my mouth hanging open and make the sexiest gagging noises I can.

Moving to Ken, I lift my body and place his cock between my breasts. He squeezes my boobs around his shaft and proceeds to fuck my tits while I stroke Ryan and Tom, who are standing in front of me. John pushes in beside me and slaps my face with his dick. I turn and take him between my lips. I’m now surrounded by four men, servicing all of them at once. I cum without even touching my pussy.

“I have to try out her pussy.” Tom states. “Lose the panties and get on the bed.”

I stand up and walk over to the bed. Laying down, I bend my knees and plant my feet on the mattress. Then, with the guys watching me, I slide my panties down my legs. I toss them to John, who catches them and holds them in the air, laughing.

The four men admire my shaved cunt as I run my fingers along my slit. I then slip two fingers through my labia and spread myself open, showing the boys my pink interior. As one, they approach the bed.

I’m turned onto my hands and knees as Tom gets behind me and pushes into my pussy. I moan and throw my head back, arching my back to show off my body. Ken gets on the bed in front of me and feeds me his cock. Ryan and John are on either side of me, reaching beneath me to play with my tits.

“Mm, mm, mm.” I hum around Ken’s dick.

“That’s it, suck my dick.” Ken encourages as he buries his hands in my hair.

“How’s she feel, man?” Ryan asks.

“So. Fucking. Good!” Tom says, punctuating each word with a hard thrust.

The guys start getting rough with me. Ryan and John are squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples. Ken is fucking my face, forcing me to deep throat him. Tom spanks me hard, making me cry out around Ken’s cock. My body shudders as an orgasm shoots through me, making my toes curl. I love being spit-roasted.

“Holy shit, she’s cumming on my cock!” Tom groans as he holds my hips and rides me through my orgasm.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” I screech the instant Ken pulls his cock from between my lips.

Ken slaps my face with his cock as my body jerks back and forth from the force of Tom’s thrusts. He then lifts his cock and presents his balls to my mouth. I start licking Ken’s nuts while taking it from behind.

Soon, Ken steps aside and Ryan presents his cock to my willing mouth. I happily suck on Ryan while Tom pounds me for several minutes. I cum twice more, arching my back as my tits jiggle wildly on my chest.

“Let’s make her airtight!” Tom suggests.

“Fuck yeah, man, let’s do that!” Ryan agrees as he reaches down to squeeze both of my boobies.

Soon I find myself on top of Ryan, straddling him as I take his cock up my cunt. I then lower my breasts down onto him, exposing my ass to Tom. Tom takes full advantage and enters my asshole, making me scream. John and Ken kneel on either side of my head, and John grabs me by the hair so he can shove his cock down my throat. I’m airtight.

I alternate between sucking on John and Ken while Ryan and Tom plow away at my pussy and ass. Tom his holding my ass cheeks, spreading me open so he can fuck me up the bum. Ryan is holding my hips as he thrusts up and into me.

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” Ken warns.

I spit out John’s cock and turn my head just in time. The instant my lips close around Ken’s tip he starts shooting. I gulp down the first rope of cum, shivering as the sticky fluid slides down my throat. Then I hold the rest of his load in my mouth so I can show him what a good girl I am.

Showing Ken his cum in my mouth, he smiles and squeezes my boob before ordering me to swallow. I comply with Ken’s orders and swallow happily. Then I turn my head and take John back in my mouth.

I’m sucking on John, bobbing my head back and forth on him, all while Ryan fucks my pussy and Tom claims my ass. I moan around John’s cock, drool running from my lips as I cum yet again. My pussy clamps down on Ryan as I lay sandwiched between him and Tom.

“Fuck, she’s too tight! I’m cumming!” Ryan announces.

“I’m cumming, too!” Tom grunts.

I feel cum shooting into my ass and my pussy. I let out a full-throat scream around John’s hard dick as a I cum three times in rapid succession. I have cum breath, I can feel cum coating my womb as more fills my bowels.

“Oh God, fill me! Fill both my holes! I want your cum! I want it all!” I shout when I pull of John’s dick.

Tom pulls out of my ass and gives it a slap before he steps off the bed. Ken and John get off the bed as well. Ryan then grabs my hips and rolls me off of him. I land on the bed with a giggle, my tits bouncing.

“Get on your knees!” John groans as he reaches out to me.

John grabs me by the hair and yanks me roughly off the bed. I drop to my knees in front of him as he starts stroking his cock. Gripping John’s thighs, I take his balls in my mouth as he strokes himself and moans.

“Getting close.” John grunts. “Get ready for it!”

“Cum on my face, Baby!” I coo before resuming giving his balls a tongue-bath.

John uses his grip on my hair to pull my head back. I open my mouth, stick out my tongue, and say ‘ah’ as he aims his cock at my face. After about fifteen seconds, he lets out a groan and the first rope of cum splatters across my face. The second goes straight into my mouth. As I’m swallowing, John aims lower and paints my tits with the remainder of his seed. I can feel cum dripping off my tits, and a big dollop drops onto my thigh.

“More! I need more! I need more cock! I need more cum!” I beg wantonly as I wiggle my tight, cum-covered body.

That’s when I wake up. It’s Thursday morning and I’m laying naked in my bed in Bermuda. I’m on my stomach with my tits pressing into the mattress and one arm under the pillow. Dried drool is coating the pillow, while more is stuck to my chin.

“Another dream?” Lexi’s voice asks.

“Huh?” I turn my head to look at the other side of the bed. Lexi spent the night with me last night, I remember now.

“Another group sex dream?” Lexi clarifies her question. She’s sitting nude on the comforter, cross-legged as she looks at me.

“Y-you could tell I was dreaming?” I mumble sleepily as I toss the covers off of my body and roll over to face Lexi, baring my breasts to her gaze.

“Yes.” she confirms with a nod while looking at me with an affectionate smile. “You were making the cutest happy moaning noises. I think you came in your sleep at least twice just while I was watching.”

“Oh, my God.” I groan as I rub my eyes. She’s not wrong, I can feel how sopping wet my pussy is.

“So, it was a gang-bang dream?” Lexi asks again.

“Yeah, only this time it wasn’t just random guys I didn’t know.” I answer. “I dreamed about Tom and the guys.”

“Oh.” Lexi states simply.

“Yeah...” I trail off.

“You know, I won’t try and stop you if you really want to go through with it.” Lexi says.

“Thank you, but I can’t do that to Ian. You were right before, some fantasies should stay fantasies.” I tell her.

“Good.” Lexi says, a fresh smile appearing on her lightly freckled face.

“Fuck, I’m wet.” I say as I reach a hand between my legs and feel my juices immediately coat my fingertips.

“Really? Can I have a taste?” Lexi asks, her grin turning predatory.

“Sure!” I say as I reach over and push my fingers into Lexi’s mouth.

“Mm.” she rolls her eyes to meet mine as she sucks my feminine nectar from my fingers. She pushes her tongue between my two fingers as she sucks on them.

“Wanna taste from the source?” I ask.

“Lay back, Slut.” Lexi orders when she removes my fingers from her mouth.

“Yes, Mistress.” I purr as I lay on my back, causing my breasts to stand out and proud from my chest. I spread my legs, shamelessly exposing myself.

“Fuck, that looks delicious.” she says when she moves between my legs and admires my gash.

“Taste me, Mistress?” I suggest coyly.

“Hold your legs back for me.” Lexi orders.

I immediately comply, grabbing my legs behind the knee and spreading myself wide open for my best friend. Lexi grips my upper thighs and buries her face in my cunt. I squeeze my legs as my toes curl and I throw my head back, moaning in pleasure.

“Oh, Lexi!” I cry out as she shakes her head rapidly from side to side.

With Lexi’s talented tongue, it only takes a couple minutes before I’m screeching out an orgasm. My legs shake as Lexi sucks on my clit. As soon as I start to come down, Lexi shoves two fingers in my snatch and curls them up against my G-spot.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God!” I scream as I experience a second, much more intense, orgasm. I release my legs, letting them fall to the bed as I bury my hands in Lexi’s auburn hair.

“You’ve been a bad Slut, Kayla.” Lexi admonishes as she pulls way from my pussy. “Dreaming about getting gang-banged.”

“I know!” I call out. “I’m such a dirty girl!”

“You need to be punished.” she states as she grabs my hips and flips me onto my tummy. “Lift your hands to the headboard.”

I lift my hands up to the headboard and wait as Lexi gets up and starts rummaging around in the room. I can’t see what she’s doing from this position. A minute later, the redhead returns and handcuffs me to the headboard.

“Get up on your knees.” she orders.

I raise my ass into the air as I remain handcuffed to the bed. My upper body is slightly raised so that my tits swing beneath me, my nipples lightly brushing the sheet. Lexi then gets behind me and slaps my ass, making me cry out in pain and pleasure.

“Bad Slut!” Lexi shouts. “All you want is cock, isn’t it!”

“I need cock!” I groan.

“Apologize!” she orders as she spanks me again.

“I’m sorry, Mistress!” I cry out.

“Why are you sorry, Slut?” Lexi asks as she spanks both my cheeks in rapid succession.

“Because I’m a dirty, cock-loving Slut!” I answer as I feel my pussy twitch. “I’m gonna cum just from being spanked. Oh, God.”

“I didn’t say you could cum, Slut.” she says as she slaps my ass, making my butt-cheek ripple.

“Oh, God!” I bite my lower lip, trying to resist my orgasm. My hands pull against the cuffs as the sheet stimulates my hard nipples.

“Do you wanna cum?” Lexi asks in a soft voice as her tiny hand massages my red bum.

“Yes!” I hiss. “Please let me cum! Please spank me! Punish me!”

“Cum!” Lexi roars as she shoves two fingers up my cunt while her other hand spanks me multiple times, alternating between each cheek.

“Cumming!” I scream as my pussy clamps down on Lexi’s fingers while gushing juices.

“That’s a good Slut.” Lexi coos as she works her fingers in and out of me. She slaps my ass again, making my cunt twitch.

“C-can I have your cock, Mistress?” I ask as I flip my raven hair over my shoulder and look back at Lexi.

“I suppose so.” Lexi says.

Lexi gets off the bed to go get the strap-on. I crane my neck to watch her slip into the harness and get it into place. A minute later, Lexi is back on the bed, kneeling behind me. The gorgeous redhead rubs the tip of the fake cock along my slit, getting it nice and wet with my juices.

“Please fuck me, Mistress!” I beg as I push my ass backwards, trying to get the dildo inside me.

“Be patient, Slut!” she orders as she spanks me again. Fuck, I can feel how red my butt is. I love it!

It feels like Lexi teases me forever, but it’s really only a few seconds before she finally pushes the fake cock between my labia and into my hole. I toss my head back and let out a low, keening moan. My hands are holding on to the headboard with desperate strength. Lexi grips my hips and buries the entire dildo up my cunt.

“Yes!” I hiss. “Fuck me!”

Lexi grips my hips as she begins a steady thrusting motion, fucking me doggystyle. I arch my back, moaning like a porn star as I take it from behind. Like a good girl. I can feel my natural lubrication coating the dildo as it moves all along my pussy.

“That’s it, take my cock, Slut!” Lexi orders as she grabs hold of my bum and continues working the dildo in and out of me.

“I love your cock, Mistress!” I announce, throwing my head back. “You’re fucking me so good! So good!”

My best friend fucks me with a steady rhythm until I’m moaning and cumming on the fake cock. Then she pulls the dildo from my pussy and takes off the strap-on. Lexi removes the handcuffs and tosses them on the bedside table before flipping me onto my back.

She gets on top of me, our tits pressing together as we start kissing. Our hands explore each others bodies as we pant and kiss. Soon, we’re tribbing. I moan into Lexi’s mouth as I feel her wet pussy rub against my sopping slit. Life is good.

Once our sexual exploits are finished, we gather up the dildo and put away the handcuffs. Then we run to the bathroom naked, laughing and kissing the entire time. We pass Daddy in the hallway, who just smirks and shakes his head at us.

After washing the sex toy, we decide to take a shower. I end up on my knees with my face buried in Lexi’s box. Once I make Lexi cum, we actually get around to cleaning each other. I soap up my breasts and use them to wash Lexi’s back. Now, it’s time for breakfast.

Lexi and I head to breakfast naked. We sit our naked asses down on chairs as we glance around the table at our friends. At our family. Daddy is wearing a robe, but Ashley and Marcia are only clad in cute panties. Hazel is absent.

“Did everyone have a nice night?” I ask the room before biting into a piece of buttered toast.

“Very nice.” Daddy smiles as he glances at Ashley and Marcia.

“Oh, did you two girls work through your issues?” Lexi asks them.

“No.” Daddy answers for them as the two girls pointedly look away. “They still won’t touch each other.”

“You need to get passed that!” I say. “We’re Slut-sisters!”

“How did you have a threesome last night if Marcia and Ashley won’t touch each other?” Lexi wonders.

“He alternated which one of us he fucked.” Ashley explains. “Also, one of us could ride his cock while the other sat on his face.”

“Makes sense.” I say. “Still, I would think it would be better if the girls played a bit.”

“Speaking of sisters, where is Hazel?” Lexi asks.

“She stayed the night with the Ken and Ryan, remember?” Marcia answers.

“Yeah, she’s probably getting boned right now.” Ashley giggles. “Nothing like taking morning wood in your cunt.”

I glance at Daddy to see how he reacts to the news that Hazel is probably having sex right now. He seems to be taking it just fine. He takes sip of his coffee before biting into a bagel. I guess everything is working out. Now we just need to get Ashley and Marcia to touch each other again.

“What are we gonna do today?” I eventually ask.

“I want to try kayaking!” Lexi chirps.

“That sounds like fun!” Daddy adds.

“Yeah, let’s do that!” Ashley agrees as Marcia nods.

“Do you wanna invite Heather and the guys?” I ask.

“Heather is busy today, I think.” Lexi answers.

“She is.” Daddy confirms.

“Maybe we should go with just us today?” Ashley suggests.

“Yeah, I like that.” Marcia says.

“If we can pry Hazel away from her guys.” I giggle.

“I’ll text her.” Ashley responds as she picks her phone up off the table and types out a text message.

We continue chatting and eating as we sit at the table and enjoy each others company. I’m sure Daddy is happy with eight breasts to stare at. I can’t believe how far we’ve come. I remember being mortified when Daddy saw my titties, but now I’m perfectly comfortable to have them out in front of him.

“Hazel is coming back now.” Ashley says, looking at her phone.

“Oh, good.” Daddy says with a smile.

A couple minutes later, a fully dressed Hazel walks in the side door and enters the kitchen. I smirk when I realize she is walking slightly bow-legged. With a smile on her face and her long brown hair in its usual ponytail, the tan girl sits down at the table.

“Looks like someone had a great night last night!” Ashley teases.

“And a great morning.” Hazel says with a smile as she pours herself some orange juice.

“That why you can barely walk?” Lexi says cheekily.

“Pretty much!” Hazel acknowledges.

“I’m glad you had a nice time, Hazel.” says Daddy.

“Are you okay, Steven?” Hazel asks, looking at him nervously.

“As long as you’re happy, I’m okay.” Daddy nods.

“Great guy, isn’t he!” Lexi says as she leans over and kisses Daddy’s cheek.

“He really is.” Marcia agrees, giving Daddy a sappy look.

“So, give us details!” I grin.

“Ken and Ryan double-teamed me!” Hazel giggles, her tan skin turning slightly pink.

“Did you get spit-roasted? Did you get DP’d?” Ashley asks, leaning forward eagerly.

“Yes to both!” Hazel laughs as she places her hands over her mouth.

“Wow.” is all Marcia can say.

“Last night and this morning?” Lexi inquires.

“Just last night.” Hazel answers. “My holes were too sore this morning so I just blew them both and let them cum on my face. Then I came home!”

“You go, girl!” Ashley says, offering Hazel a high-five.

“Thanks.” Hazel says as she slaps Ashley’s hand. “There’s something else, Kayla.”

“Oh?” I ask, wondering why she is looking at me nervously.

“When Ken and Ryan were taking a break, John came by and asked for a turn with me.”

“Oh!” I exclaim. “What did you say?”

“I’m sorry, he asked for a turn? How sweet.” Ashley snorts.

“Yes, he asked for a turn!” Hazel confirms with a nod. “I agree, poor way of asking, but hey, is there a good way?”

“What did you say?” Lexi asks.

“I let him fuck me.” Hazel admits with a sigh. “Are we okay, Kayla?”

“Why wouldn’t we be?” I ask. “I mean, yeah, John and I kissed a little bit, but I turned him down. I’m with Ian. We’re fine, Hazel.”

“Okay, good! Just making sure.” Hazel smiles before taking a bite of her blueberry muffin.

“Funny that I’m the one who hasn’t let any other guy fuck me.” Ashley laughs.

“Yeah, funny.” Marcia mumbles.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Marcia.” Lexi says. “No one is upset with you.”

“Anymore.” Marcia adds, glancing at Ashley.

“I’m sorry, Marcia.” Ashley sighs.

“I believe you.” Marcia answers. “I just need some time.”

“I understand.” Ashley replies with a nod.

“Anyway,” says Daddy, “Hazel, we’re planning on going kayaking today. Just us.”

“Sounds great!” Hazel says with a smile.

We continue chatting as we finish our meals. There’s still tension in the air between Marcia and Ashley, but they’re at least talking. Hazel also seems a little nervous around Daddy, but it’s obvious that he isn’t the slightest bit upset with her.

After breakfast, we decide to shower and get ready for the day. While Daddy is in the shower, Lexi pulls us girls aside to talk. I’m confused about what she wants, but we all have a meeting. It’s funny, Lexi and I are naked, Ashley and Marcia are only wearing panties, and Hazel is fully dressed. Yet, there isn’t the slightest bit of awkwardness. We’re completely comfortable with each other. Slut-sisters forever.

“What’s up?” I ask Lexi.

“Well, tomorrow is the party at the guys’ place, so tonight is the last night in Bermuda where it’ll just be us.” Lexi explains.

“Oh, I see.” Ashley nods. “You want Steven’s surprise to be tonight.”

“Yes!” Lexi breathes. “And I thought after kayaking we could come back here and play some of the games we brought.”

“Works for me!” Hazel agrees.

“Yeah, okay.” Marcia nods.

“What am I supposed to do while you guys are fucking?” I ask.

“You could join in?” Lexi suggests.

“I’m not doing anything sexual with my dad!” I insist.

“You don’t have to!” Ashley says. “The games will just be for fun and to get us all naked.”

“You can be naked around your dad. Hell, you’re naked right now.” Hazel says as she reaches out to squeeze one of my boobs.

“Stop that!” I laugh as I playfully swat her hand away. “Okay, fine. Fine. You need me for a few of the games anyway.”

“Great!” Lexi says. “Now, let’s go get ready.”

Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia all take showers. Lexi and I don’t need to shower again. They take separate showers, partially because the showers are so small, but they also realize we want to get going; there isn’t always time to play.

Soon, we’re all dressed and ready to start the day. We’re all wearing bathing suits with cover ups over them, since we’ll be stripping down to our suits when we get to our destination. I’m feeling especially cute with my raven locks held back by a functional ponytail. Now it’s time to head out and go kayaking.

The six of us pile into the car and Daddy drives us to the beach. We’re taking a boat to the departure point. Daddy booked us a tour where we’ll kayak along Bermuda’s shoreline with a guide. I’m so excited! I’ve never been kayaking, neither have the other girls.

“Welcome aboard!” the tour guide says in a friendly voice as our group walks passed him and onto the boat.

“Thank you!” I say in a friendly voice.

With our hands on the rail, we enjoy the salt air and the beautiful views of the water and coast. The breeze feels great as it blows through my hair. I smile while putting on my sunglasses so I can better enjoy the sights.

“I hope no one gets sea sick!” Lexi giggles as her auburn hair blows in the wind. She has a huge smile on her face, enhancing her beauty.

“Don’t jinx it!” Ashley admonishes.

“We’ll be fine, stop worrying.” Hazel says with a grin. Her long, brown ponytail is hanging down her back, almost reaching her ass.

“Look! A turtle!” Marcia exclaims, pointing excitedly.

We watch as a large turtle swims alongside the boat. In the clear waters of Bermuda, we can see it without any difficulty. I love it here. It’s so nice. The heat is dry and not bad at all. Of course, it’s only April, I can imagine how hot it must be here mid-summer.

After about half an hour on the boat, we arrive at the departure point. We all head to changing stalls and strip down to our bathing suits. We girls are turning heads as we walk along the dock in our string bikinis.

As we’re watching the safety presentation I catch Hazel checking out Daddy’s bare chest. I elbow her and gesture for her to pay attention. She just licks her lips and waggles her eyebrows suggestively. Slut. I love her.

“Ready to hit the water?” Daddy asks us happily.

“Yes!” Lexi chirps as she wraps her arms around Daddy’s middle and hugs him tight.

“Let’s go!” I say.

It’s nice and sunny out, with only a mild breeze, and the water is calm. The weather is perfect for kayaking. We get in our kayaks and are shown how to use the paddles effectively. The guide then takes off, and we follow.

Our guide points out the various landmarks as we make our way down the coast of Bermuda. Everything is so beautiful. I love the architecture, the birds flying overhead, and the cool water beneath us.

“Have you been a guide for long?” Ashley asks as she paddles alongside the handsome, young man. He’s probably twenty-one or so.

“For a couple years now.” the guide explains as he glances over at Ashley. “The tourist industry is so big here, that most of our jobs are in it.”

“That makes sense.” Ashley says as she leans forward to give him a peek at her cleavage.

“I hope you are all having a nice time.” the guide says to Ashley’s tits. He actually nearly goes off course before he manages to correct his kayak.

“Very nice, thank you! Tell us more about life here.” Ashley says as she looks over her sunglasses at him and admires his muscular arms.

The tour continues, and we see more landmarks as we approach a secluded beach. That’s where we land and get out of our kayaks to stretch our muscles. I can see our tour guide admiring Ashley’s tight, young body. Now it’s time to swim for a little while.

We’re the only ones on this tour, so the beach is private, with an old lifeguard shack off to one side. In fact, you can only really get here by kayaking, so we have the entire place to ourselves, away from prying eyes. We laugh and splash around in the cool waters as the guide takes a break. He’s sitting on a folding chair that he brought along. I can see Ashley glancing back at the guide more than once. She’s clearly interested.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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