Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I can feel warmth around my cock, a slithering wetness around the hard shaft as I start to wake up. I jerk awake and look down to see that there is a very large lump in the comforter, between my legs. Part of the lump is moving up and down in conjunction with the warm wetness surrounding my dick. With a smirk, I throw the comforter off of me to reveal the nude frame of my daughter’s friend Lexi.

Yesterday was the pool party for my daughter’s eighteenth birthday. It was my job to man the grill and supply the booze for all her eighteen year old friends. I told Kayla she and her friends could drink as long as no one drove drunk, I even agreed to let people stay over in the guest wing of the house so that no one would be tempted to drink and drive. Kayla is responsible and agreed. At one point, I went inside the house and fell asleep on the chair. I woke up to Lexi giving me a blowjob. Standing behind her was a guy named Dan. Dan and I double-teamed Lexi before she and I headed to my room for a wild night of sex.

The beautiful redhead is now crouched on her hands and knees between my legs as she looks up at me with my dick in her sucking mouth. Her soft hand cups my balls, massaging them while she smiles at me with her twinkling green eyes. Morning light from the window shines on her naked body, bathing the perfect frame in a soft glow. Looking over her body, I admire her perfect curves, from her hanging B-cup tits to her perfectly-shaped rump.

“Hi!” Lexi chirps after she pulls off my shaft. She slowly strokes me with one hand as she looks at me with a coy smile, “I wanted a morning protein snack, I figured you wouldn’t mind.”

“Not at all, Babe.” I smile, “As you were.”

Lexi smiles and leans down to give my tip an an affectionate kiss. A drop of pre-cum connects her bottom lip to my cock when she pulls back slightly. “Fuck, you’re big.” she moans before opening her mouth and lowering her head to take me back between her lips.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I respond as I brush her shoulder-length auburn hair back behind her ears and cup her face.

I move my hand to her head, resting it on top of her auburn hair and lightly applying pressure to guide her bobbing motions. My other hand plays with her tits, rolling the firm mounds between my fingers and tweaking her nipple. This girl really does have the softest skin, her tits feel incredible. The entire time, Lexi just keeps sucking away, occasionally letting out soft moans of pleasure around my shaft.

My eighteen year old cocksucker reaches between her legs and pushes her fingers into her sopping cunt as she sucks me. Drool runs from her lips and coats my balls as she starts making the sexiest gagging and slurping sounds around my thickness. She gives me head for several minutes as I hold her head in both hands, guiding her much more aggressively now. Lexi is so incredibly gorgeous, this is so erotic, I can’t take it anymore.

“Gonna cum.” I grunt.

Lexi moans and sucks harder, bobbing her head faster and faster. I grab her head in both hands as my ass lifts off the bed and I grunt. Cum spurts from my tip, causing Lexi to cough as her cheeks puff out and my cum fills her mouth.

“Don’t swallow, don’t swallow.” I gasp out. Lexi just shakes her head and gives a “Mmmnnmmph.” sound in response.

My ass lowers to the bed as my orgasm finishes. Using my grip on Lexi’s hair, I pull her off my cock and look into her eyes. “Show me.” I say firmly.

Lexi gapes her mouth open to show me the pool of cum on her tongue. A thick strand of cum stretches from her tongue to the roof of her mouth. Her open mouth widens into a grin as she wiggles her tongue, playing with the cum.

“Swallow.” I order, holding her by the hair.

The nude beauty closes her mouth and tilts her head back, downing all of my cum in one big gulp. “Mmm, cum. I love cum!” Lexi coos.

“You’re incredible.” I laugh, releasing her hair.

Lexi crawls up my body and nestles into my arms, her head resting on my chest. She makes a happy noise as she starts tracing shapes on my bare chest with her finger. I can feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest while her body is molded against mine.

“Now that was a way to wake up.” I say and kiss the top of her head.

“That was a thank you for letting me stay the night.” Lexi giggles.

“In that case, you can stay any time you’d like.” I tease as I run my fingers along her bare shoulder.

“You mean that?” Lexi rises her upper body slightly and turns her head to look at me.

I look back at Lexi, shocked. I thought this was just going to be a hook up, and I was okay with that. We share a special night and move on. I am happy that I showed Lexi that a guy can care about her pleasure and not just use her. I figure Lexi can find a guy her own age that actually loves her. Is that all wrong? Do I actually have a shot here? If I do, should I take it? How will Kayla react? She and I have a good father-daughter relationship, but this is one of her friends, one I sense she has a complex relationship with.

Lexi senses my hesitation and her face immediately starts to fall. “I-it’s okay. Nevermind. Forget I said anything.” she gives me an obviously fake smile and I can see tears in her eyes.

“No, no!” I say, quickly. “You’re always welcome here. I’m just surprised you want to see me again.”

“Why is that?” she asks as she wipes away her tears. Lexi looks hopeful now.

“Lexi,” I begin, “I was sleeping and you came in with another guy, then opened my pants and started sucking me while he fucked you. That’s not the way something usually starts.” I smile at her to show her I’m not judging her, just stating a fact.

She looks slightly crestfallen, “I knew I shouldn’t have hooked up with Dan.” she begins, “He’s a known horndog. He just uses girls and then throws them away. Made him perfect for me, I guess.”

“What do you mean by that?” I ask.

“Well, you’ve probably already guessed, but I have quite a bit of experience.” Lexi bites her lower lip, “My eighteenth birthday was pretty crazy.”

“Well, I noticed you were pretty damn amazing at giving blowjobs.” I tease before leaning in to peck her lips.

“I do love giving blowjobs.” Lexi admits, “Especially to you.”

“Why me?” I ask, curious and happy.

“Fuck, you’re big.” Lexi winks, “Oh, and I actually get to enjoy giving you head. Usually guys just grunt and squirt as soon as I get my mouth on them.”

I burst out laughing and can’t stop for about thirty seconds. Lexi just smirks at me until I finally relax and am able to breathe. “Sorry, sorry!” I say, “I’m just remembering being an eighteen year old guy, myself.”

“Oh, you can remember that far back?” Lexi teases and kisses my cheek.

“Ha, ha, ha, hilarious.” I roll my eyes in mock indignation.

“I’m kidding! Jeez, you old guys are so sensitive.” she snuggles up close and kisses my chest, “Anyway, like I was saying, I turned eighteen about six months ago now...” she trails off and takes a deep breath before continuing, “and I kind of went crazy.” she looks up at me to gauge my reaction.

“Okay, I get that. I was with Kayla’s mom, but a few of my friends had pretty wild college lives.” I answer.

“Probably not as wild as I’ve been...” Lexi bites her lower lip “Yesterday wasn’t the first time two guys had me at once.”

“We all have a past, Lexi.” I say, “I’m sorry you regret yours.”

“I just...” she begins, “My big sister was always really popular. So was my brother. I was quiet and didn’t really have friends. I turned eighteen, I knew I was desirable physically, and I used it. I used it a lot. Those guys, though? As soon as they were done with me they would kick me out. Wham bam, thank you, ma’am. I guess I asked for it, but it still kept me from getting close to anyone. I still don’t really have friends.”

“What about Kayla?” I ask, “You were at her party, after all.”

“So was Dan,” Lexi snorts, “and Kayla doesn’t have a high opinion of him either, Steven.”

“Then why...?” I begin.

“Why was I invited?” Lexi finishes for me. “I was invited because Kayla put out an open invitation to the entire senior class. She’s done that a few times, that’s how we’ve met before. Your daughter is a nice girl, but she wasn’t happy when either Dan or I said yes. She never is.”

“I’m sorry, Lexi.” I state, “I didn’t know.”

“That’s how I ended up with Dan yesterday,” Lexi continues, “He and I were kind of outcasts together. So, we started talking. I knew he only wanted to fuck me, but I didn’t care. I was getting the attention I craved. There are a lot of rumors about Dan, so I knew he wouldn’t last long. After we made out a little bit in the pool, he led me inside and I saw you asleep. I figured, why not? Dan won’t last long, you were really cute, and maybe there’d be a chance one of you would get me off.”

“That all makes sense to me.” I say, “Wanting attention no matter what form it comes in, but feeling guilty after. I understand why you hooked up with me, but I’m just surprised you would want more. And I’m not even sure what more would mean?”

“Well,” Lexi begins with a small smile, “The way all the other guys fucked me was different. They didn’t care about my pleasure. They were just using me. You? You had sex WITH me.”

“I did, and it was incredible.” I say and lean in to kiss her.

She kisses me back before pulling back slightly and continuing, “And you ate me out. No guy had ever done that before, even though I’ve asked. I’ve asked a lot. You listen to me when I talk and take an actual interest, not to get me to spread my legs, but because you actually care.”

“I understand.” I smile at her, looking into her pretty, green eyes.

“I don’t know what more will look like.” Lexi says, “I just know I want to spend more time with you.”

“I’d like that, too.” I say, “Maybe we should just spend some time together and see what happens?” Shit, I need to talk to Kayla. She has probably already heard from someone else.

“Then we have a plan!” Lexi says. She then looks at me and bites her lower lip, “Would you lick me again?”

“With pleasure.” I say, “Then I need to talk to Kayla. I have to tell her about us.”

“I guess you have to.” Lexi bites her lip nervously.

“Everything will be okay.” I say as I hug her body against mine.

I roll Lexi onto her back and get on top of her. She smiles up at me happily as I capture her lips and start kissing her. Soon enough, I break our kiss and start kissing down her flawless body. I cup her breasts together and make love to her tits with my mouth, I kiss down to her stomach, then press my lips down onto her pubic mound when I get between her legs.

Lexi lets out a small moan as I grip her thighs with both hands and spread her open wide. I then plant teasing kisses along her inner thighs as her breathing gets heavy. Her pink labia are swollen with arousal and parted in anticipation. I lean forward and press my lips to her pussy. “Oh, fuck yes!” Lexi moans, her hands reaching above her to grip the pillow with desperate fingers.

Gripping her thighs tightly, I push my tongue into her pussy and lap up her juices. Her mouth opens wide as her back arches and she moans loudly. Lexi’s moans are so sexy, they spur me on to eat her out with even more enthusiasm. I fuck her pussy with my tongue before licking higher and stimulating her clit. She releases the pillow and places both hands on my head as her hips buck against my face. Barely two minutes later, when I start rapidly flicking her clit with my tongue, Lexi announces her orgasm to the room, her body shaking while she holds my head against her pussy.

Lexi came fast, so I keep eating her out. When I push two fingers inside her and start fingering her while sucking her clit, Lexi cums again, screaming my name over and over “Oh, I’m cumming! Eat me, Steven! Eat me, eat me, eat me! Steven!” she screeches, her entire body convulsing.

I give her pussy a quick kiss once Lexi has settled down and get out from between her legs. She curls up on her side and coos happily as I walk over to my bedside table. Picking up my phone, I realize that Kayla has not sent me a text. This must mean she somehow doesn’t know about Lexi and I. I still have time!

I rush over to my dresser and pull out a pair of boxers and lounge pants. I turn and face Lexi, seeing her still laying nude on her side as she watches me. I pull on the boxers and lounge pants, causing her to give me a mock pout.

“Do you have to get dressed?” Lexi asks, “You have such a great ass, and I love seeing your dick.”

“I don’t think I’m gonna go see my daughter while nude.” I laugh, “Thanks though!”

“Hmph!” she pouts as she sits up and kicks her legs over the side of the bed. Placing both hands on either side of her on the bed, Lexi stands up. Damn, I love looking at that ass.

Lexi walks over to me and stands on her toes to give me a kiss. She then reaches down and grabs my crotch, giving my dick a quick squeeze before slipping past me. “I only have my bikini up here, I hope you don’t mind?” she asks as she opens my dresser.

“Not at all!” I say as she takes out one of my button down shirts. Lexi slips the shirt on and starts buttoning it. She then looks at me while wearing nothing but one of my button down shirts and a smile. I admire her long, toned legs from her ankles all the way up to her thighs, which disappear into the tails of my shirt. It’s true what they say; a man’s t-shirt on the naked female form is like a flag on a conquered fortress.

“I think I should go talk to Kayla alone first.” I say, hoping she will understand.

“Yeah...” Lexi nods, “Go have a nice father-daughter chat. I just hope she isn’t too mad about me. I’ll go back to the pool and grab my bag. It has a change of clothes and my phone.”

“I’m sure she won’t be,” I smile at her, “and that sounds like a good idea.” I lean over and kiss Lexi before heading out the door and walking down the hallway to Kayla’s room. Suddenly, I realize she probably slept in one of the guest rooms to be nearer to her friends who stayed the night. Damn. Lost in thought, and figuring she isn’t inside, I do something extremely stupid and invasive. I open the door without knocking.


Morning sunlight from the window lands on my face, slowly drawing me from my slumber. I wake up nude, cuddled up safely in David’s arms. My boyfriend. He loves me so much, he said so himself. One week ago, on my eighteenth birthday, I gave David my virginity. I discovered I like sex very much, and the two of us have been going at it quite a lot ever since. A fact that makes my father cringe when I tell him, he always says there are some things a dad just doesn’t need to know. He’ll just have to accept his little girl is all grown up.

My party yesterday was so much fun! I wonder how many of my friends stayed over. I probably should have stayed at the party yesterday, but I was just so horny. David and I came to my bedroom partway through the party. Everyone teased that we were the first hookup of the party. I wonder who else found a hook up last night.

I open my eyes and look up at David to see that he is still fast asleep. Leaning forward, I press my lips to his chest before tossing the covers off our naked bodies. I smirk when I see his flaccid penis between his legs and come up with an idea.

I put my raven hair into a ponytail and then kneel perpendicular to David, on the bed with my head over his lap. Using one arm for balance, I reach over with my free hand and grab his soft member. I then lean forward and capture his tool with my lips.

Since he isn’t hard, I’m able to fit David’s entire manhood in my mouth. I suck hard on him and can feel him begin to lengthen in his sleep. When he reaches half-mast, I start bobbing my head on him, taking him deep as my hand cups his balls. I moan happily around his shaft, letting the vibrations of my mouth pleasure his length before I flick the underside of his head with my tongue. Soon, David is fully hard and I am able to get most of his four inches into my mouth at once. Not bad for a girl who gave her first blowjob a week ago!

David begins to stir after I’ve been sucking on him for about a minute. He looks down at me as I suck on him and gives me a happy smile. His hand goes to my ponytail and he begins lightly applying pressure on my head so I will take him deeper. I happily oblige, gagging slightly as his cock fills my mouth. David’s other hand reaches for my hanging breasts and I moan when he tweaks a nipple. My tits are a full C-cup, and David loves to lavish them with attention. One of my favorite memories from last night is when I let him fuck my tits for the first time and cum on my face.

“Fuck, that feels so good.” David moans as he holds my ponytail tightly. I giggle around his cock before resuming David’s morning blowjob. Content to let me bob my head on him at my own pace, David releases my ponytail and reaches for my hanging tits with both hands. Taking one breast in each hand, he squeezes the firm globes, pulling them apart. He then squishes my boobs together, creating an enticing cleavage. I moan around his hard dick when he pulls on one of my nipples, stretching my tit. When he releases my boob and gives the large breast an open palm slap, I let out a small scream around his dick. Fuck, my pussy is soaked.

I can tell David is getting close when he releases my tits and grabs my head in both his hands. His hips are bucking off the bed slightly, making me gag. I suck harder and flick the underside of his shaft with my tongue while my hand plays with his balls, urging them to give up their prize.

“Can I cum in your mouth?” David asks in a raspy voice.

My eyes flick up to meet his, and I nod with his cock still in my mouth. I suck for about another thirty seconds when David grips my head tightly and lets out a groan. His hips buck and my mouth is suddenly flooded with salty sperm. I swallow the first wave just as the second squirts into my mouth. I can feel cum leaking out of the corners of my mouth as I struggle to keep up. Eventually, David’s spurting slows to a trickle and I hold the last of his load in my mouth. I start sucking on his softening prick, swirling his warm cum around my mouth as I do so.

Eventually, the sensations become too much for David and he pulls my head off of him. As he holds me up by the ponytail, I lock eyes with him and snake my tongue out of my mouth to lick the cum up from my lips. I let out a seductive “Mmm,” as I swallow the last of his offering.

“You’re amazing.” he whispers as I slide my body up him and nestle into his arms.

“I know.” I chirp happily as I reach down and grasp his half-hard dick. I start stroking him as he holds me in his arms, my breasts pressing into his chest and side. He just laughs and kisses my cheek.

My foot seductively runs along his leg as I press my nude body against him. I give David a handjob for a couple minutes, until he is fully hard again. “Wanna fuck?” I whisper to him, looking up at him with desire.

David immediately pounces. He reaches up and touches my face as he kisses me hard. We both sit up as we make out intensely, hands exploring each others bodies. I moan into his mouth when his hand squeezes my boob.

I let out a squeal of surprise when David tosses me down onto the bed playfully. I land with my head near the foot of the bed. I giggle and turn around to face him as I spread my legs. Licking my lips, I push two fingers into my pussy and watch him as I finger myself. He stares at me for about a minute while I play with myself, one hand on my breast as the fingers of my other hand push into my pussy again and again.

Suddenly, David grabs my hips and flips me onto my belly. He then holds my hips and starts pulling them upward. I get what he is after and rise to my hands and knees. Tossing my hair over one shoulder, I turn and look back at him as I wiggle my butt. David grips his cock and rubs it all along my pussy causing me to shiver in anticipation. A moan of pleasure accompanies my shivers as David eases his cock into me. Three strokes later and he is fully embedded in my warm sheath. “Fuck, you’re tight.” he moans.

I bare my teeth and grunt when David pulls out and slams back into me with one powerful thrust. Soon, David is fucking me with a steady rhythm and my pussy is dripping. I squeeze my vaginal muscles on him, the way my friends told me to do, and David lets out a groan of pleasure. He grips my hips tightly and starts fucking me harder, causing the sounds of slapping flesh to drown out my moans.

“Ah!” I cry out as David spanks my ass hard. My back arches and I feel him take hold of my ponytail, pulling my head back. My tits are bouncing and slapping each other as I’m fucked doggystyle. It feels so good. “Fuck me!” I beg, “Fuck my pussy!” David obliges, holding onto my butt and pulling me onto his cock. He pushes me forward until his cock almost exits my body, then grips my cheeks and yanks me back onto him. He does this again and again and again. “I’m cumming, fuck!” I squeal as my toes curl.

As soon as I come down from my orgasm, David abruptly pulls his cock out of me. I clench my pussy muscles and make a sad sound at the sudden empty feeling. David grabs my hips and flips me onto my back. He takes hold of my legs and places them over his shoulders as he pushes his dick into me again. With both hands on my tits, David starts thrusting into me again.

“Feel good, Babe?” he asks.

“Yes!” I cry out in response, “Fuck me! Squeeze my tits!”

David responds by squeezing my breasts in his hands and using them as handholds so he can fuck me. My feet are by his ears and I’m moaning heavily, I can tell David is enjoying my dirty talk. “Your cock feels so good!” I groan as my pussy grips his length. “Play with my big titties! Slap them! Fuck me and slap my tits! FUCK ME!” I scream as I feel myself getting into it more than I ever have.

David’s eyes go wide at my request, but he quickly smiles happily, releases my tits and, with one hand, slaps one tit hard. I arch my back and scream in pleasure as my tits slap into each other. David then grips my upper thighs and starts fucking me with the full length of his cock. I have another orgasm and scream his name as he fucks me through it. Not long after, my moans get quieter and I look at David’s face as he thrusts into me. I can see he is getting close so I urge him on with desperate whispers, “Cum inside me, David. Fill me with your hot load! That’s it, cum in me!” I groan as he buries his cock to the hilt inside of me and I can feel him start to squirt.

In that moment, the door opens loudly. I whip my head around and scream “DADDY?!?!”


“DADDY?!?!” Kayla screams as I walk in and see her on her back, getting fucked by her boyfriend, David.

Kayla immediately moves to cover her breasts as David pulls back and out of her body. I see a jet of cum shoot out of his cock and land on Kayla’s thigh.

“Sorry, sorry!” I say as I back out and immediately close the door.

Shit, shit, shit! I did not need to see that. A dad does not need to see his daughter with her legs in the air. I should have knocked! She’s gonna be pissed at me, and she should be. Kayla has a right to privacy and I always knock. I was so lost in my own thoughts and convinced no one was inside, I just walked in and saw my own daughter having sex! Great, and now this hard on won’t go down. I can’t think about Kayla like that, no matter how gorgeous she is.

“What’s wrong?!” a feminine voice asks me in a voice full of concern.

“Wha-?” I say, realizing I must have wandered back to my bedroom while lost in thought. Lexi was laying in my bed on her phone, still wearing nothing but one of my button down shirts. I can see her bag on the floor beside the bed.

She immediately puts her phone down, stands up and runs over to me, “What happened? What’s wrong?” she asks again.

“I-I, uh...” I begin, “I walked in on Kayla and David ... together.”

Lexi’s eyes go wide and she cups her mouth with her hands “Oh! Why didn’t you knock?”

“I wasn’t thinking!” I say as I look at Lexi, “I figured she would be in the guest wing because of the party and I was so lost in thought about what to tell her about us that I just opened the door and saw them.”

Lexi walks up and hugs me, “It’s okay,” she says as she pats my back, “accidents happen, I’m sure she’ll forgive you for this.”

“Yeah, and I mostly feel bad for violating her privacy.” I explain as I hug Lexi back tightly. “I’m just a little rattled after seeing my daughter having sex.”

“Understandably.” Lexi says as we hold each other. “A couple of people sent me texts about you and I. Looks like everyone knows now. Hopefully Kayla hasn’t found out.”

“I hope no one thought to text her about it.” I reply as I run my fingers through Lexi’s auburn hair. “No one was mean, were they?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” Lexi says, “I’m just worried this will hurt Kayla.”

“Me, too.” I respond, “People can be cruel, and it is kinda strange to hook up with someone your daughter’s age.”

“Six months older!” Lexi giggles, “Hey, you missed out on fucking someone younger than your daughter by a mere six months. Maybe I’m too old for you?”

I give her butt a playful slap before returning my hand to her lower back. “Hysterical.”

A few seconds later I hear my phone go off. Letting go of Lexi, I walk over and check my phone as she watches patiently.

Kayla: Daddy, what the fuck?!

Steven: I’m so sorry, Honey! I needed to talk to you and figured you would be in the guest wing. I was lost in thought and didn’t think. I’m sorry.

I let out a breath as I send the text and set my phone down. I realize I’m the parent, but she is eighteen and I really did violate her privacy. I can’t help but feel relieved that Kayla didn’t mention Lexi, maybe Kayla doesn’t know. Walking back over to Lexi, I wrap my arm around her and kiss her on the forehead.

“You’ll be fine.” she says as she rubs my back.

“Yeah, I know.” I reply, I hope I can talk to her soon and we can spend the day together.”

“Really?” Lexi looks up at me happily, “You want to spend the whole day just the three of us?”

“Well, four of us, most likely. You forgot David.” I explain, “That’ll be after everyone who stayed over last night leaves. Why do you seem so surprised? We agreed to spend more time together.”

Lexi shrugs “I’m just not used to someone wanting to spend so much time with me. I guess when I asked to spend more time with you, I expected most of it would be fucking, not quality time with your daughter.”

“Believe me, there will be fucking at some point,” I tease as I reach down and grab a handful of her ass, making her giggle, “but I want quality time with you, too.”

“Another reason you’re different.” Lexi says as she gets up on her toes and kisses me, “Other guys never thought they had to spend time with me to get me to bend over.” Lexi lets out a sigh, “They were right.”

“It’s never too late to change things, Lexi.” I say, “You are worth it.”

Lexi throws her arms around me and hugs me tightly as my phone goes off again. With the short redhead clinging to me, I reach over and grab my phone.

Kayla: What the fuck was so important that you just had to find me?

Steven: It’s something we should talk about in person. It’s nothing bad, I promise.

I send the text and sit down on the bed holding my phone as Lexi unbuttons my shirt that she’s wearing. She smirks and shrugs the shirt off, revealing her naked body to my lustful gaze. Lexi sticks her tongue out at me as she bends over to unzip her bag. I watch as the gorgeous redhead pulls out a bra and a pair of panties.

Lexi turns her back to me so I can watch her ass flex as she steps into her panties and pulls them up. She then faces me again so I can watch her put her bra on. Neither of us talk as I watch Lexi dress. When she is finished, Lexi is wearing a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top beneath a purple camisole. A pair of cute flip flops adorn her tiny feet.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I say, just as my phone goes off again.

“Fuck, you’re big.” she replies with a wink.

I immediately light up my phone screen to look at the text I just got.

Kayla: So it’s true about you and Lexi?

Steven: What did you hear?

“She knows.” I say with a sigh.

“Someone must have sent her a text then.” Lexi bites her lower lip as she collects her bikini from around the room. “Are you ending this?”

“I don’t want to.” I answer, “Let’s just see what Kayla texts back.

“Should I leave?” Lexi asks.

“No, not yet.” I respond. “By the way, were you planning on spending the night here?”

“No, why?” Lexi asks, confused.

“You brought a change of clothes.” I said.

“Well, yeah.” Lexi says as she zips up her bag. “I wore these clothes here and then changed into my bikini. I didn’t drive here in it.”

“Oh, right.” I say as my phone goes off again.

Kayla: We need to talk, Daddy. Alone.

Steven: Okay, meet me for breakfast.

“She wants to talk alone.” I tell Lexi.

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