Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


Consciousness slowly returns to me and, for a moment, I forget where I am. There’s a large pair of breasts pressing against my back, while my arm is thrown over a muscular chest. That’s when I remember. It’s Saturday morning, and I’m in bed with Steven, Hazel, Lexi, and Marcia.

I blink the sleep out of my eyes before observing my surroundings. Lexi’s head is laying on the other side of Steven’s chest. I can see her auburn hair splayed out across his body. Behind Lexi, Hazel is facing away from us and curled up. I can tell she’s drooling on the pillow.

Feeling mischievous, I slowly begin working the covers off our bodies. Steven’s stomach comes into view, and I can see Lexi’s tiny hand resting on it. Being careful not to wake anyone up, I toss the covers below our waists, revealing most of our bodies.

Pulling my feet up, I fully get myself out of the blanket. That’s when I realize that Marcia’s arm is around me. This isn’t gonna be easy. I wrap my fingers around Marcia’s wrist and lift her arm off of me.

“What’s goin’ on?” Marcia slurs sleepily.

“Nothing.” I whisper. “Just go back to sleep.”

“Mmkay.” Marcia mumbles as she rolls away from me and curls up on the far side of the bed, her pantie-clad ass facing me.

I brush my blonde hair out of my face and lean down to kiss Steven’s chest. He doesn’t respond. Fuck, I’m good. With Marcia out of the way, I lift my big boobies off Steven’s body and slide myself down so that I can kneel between his legs with my bum in the air.

Reaching up, I give Lexi’s limp hand a quick squeeze before reaching for Steven’s boxer briefs. With a happy smirk, I pull the front of Steven’s underwear down just enough to expose his cock and balls. I love how big he is, even without an erection.

I lick my lips as I cup his heavy balls, loving the feel of their weight in my hand. Reaching higher, I wrap my fingers around his shaft and aim his glans toward my face. Leaning in, I breathe on his cock before kissing the tip affectionately. Then I part my lips and take him in my mouth.

My hand strokes his base as I bob my head on the top half of his cock. As I suck, I can feel him start to harden between my lips. My tongue rapidly flicks the head of his dick and I hear Steven let out a soft gasp as he wakes up.

“What a sight to wake up to.” he says affectionately as his hand reaches out to lightly caress my face.

“Mm.” I hum around his cock.

I continue blowing Steven as he rest his hands on my head and encourages me to take him deeper. Gagging slightly, I back off. He’s so fucking big, I can’t take all of him. We can’t all have Lexi’s bottomless throat.

“Ashley.” he moans.

Hearing Steven say my name makes my pussy wet. While continuing to suck dick, I reach back and grasp my panties. It takes some maneuvering, but I’m able to get my underwear off and kick it away. Then I sit up and straddle Steven. Moments later, I’m lowering my pussy onto his dick.

“Fuck, yes!” I gasp out as I feel him stretching my walls.

Steven grips my hips as I start to ride him. He then slides his hands up my body so he can play with my big tits. I’m moaning and panting as I gyrate in his lap, loving the feel of his large cock inside me.

“Well, doesn’t this look like fun!” Lexi chirps.

“Did we wake you up?” I ask as I grind in Steven’s lap.

“I think we did.” Steven says.

“Yeah, you did.” Lexi confirms as she brushes a lock of auburn hair back behind her ear.

“Sorry, Lexi!” I say as I start bouncing in Steven’s lap. “I couldn’t resist his big dick.”

“I understand completely.” Lexi says, sitting up so that her breasts lift off Steven’s chest.

Surprisingly, Hazel and Marcia are still asleep. They are curled up on either side of the bed, facing away from the action. I guess it isn’t surprising about Hazel, she can sleep through anything. I’d expect Marcia to wake up though.

“Mind if I join in?” Lexi asks as she lifts her butt and slides her panties down her smooth legs.

“His cock is taken!” I announce as I place my hands on his chest and lean my head down to grunt.

“Yeah, but I’ve got a face.” Steven says. “Come sit on it, Babe.”

“Gladly.” Lexi says as she looks at Steven with lust.

The sexy redhead throws her leg over Steven’s shoulder and straddles his head so that she is facing me. Lexi then lowers her pussy down onto his face. His hands release my tits so that he can grip Lexi’s thighs as he starts eating.

“Mm, fuck!” Lexi groans, her eyelids fluttering.

“Yeah, eat that pussy!” I encourage as I resume bouncing in Steven’s lap.

Steven slides his hands up Lexi’s body and cups her cute boobs. I watch him squeeze the small mounds as Lexi throws back her head and moans. She and I lock eyes, and we end up in a competition to see who can moan the loudest. Naturally, this wakes up the other girls.

“Isn’t it a little early for this?” Marcia asks with a giggle as she turns her body to face us.

“Not at all!” I say with a grunt.

“Never to early in the day to get your coochie eaten.” Lexi giggles.

“Too early to be conscious.” Hazel grunts as she places a pillow over her head and tries to go back to sleep.

Ignoring Marcia and Hazel, we continue our three way. Soon, Lexi throws back her head and cums hard on Steven’s face. She then reaches over and grabs my tits. She starts playing with my boobs as Steven caresses hers.

“Yes, play with my titties!” I groan.

Steven releases Lexi’s breasts and grabs my hips. He begins thrusting up, and into me. I can tell he’s gonna cum soon. Fuck, I want his cum inside me. Using just the strength in my legs, I ride Steven hard and fast, all while using my pussy muscles to squeeze his cock.

I hear Steven groan against Lexi’s cunt as he pulls me down onto him. His cock explodes inside me as Lexi pinches my nipples. I let out a full-throat scream when a massive orgasm crashes into me. Spring break is going to be amazing.


“FUCK! ME!” Ashley screeches as she claws at my chest.

I groan as her pussy convulses around my shaft, milking more cum out of me. When the last of my load dribbles into Ashley, I release the blonde’s hips and lightly smack Lexi’s ass, indicating that she should get off of me. My girlfriend lifts her pussy off my face and rolls off me, basically landing on top of Hazel.

“What the fuck?!” Hazel groans as she throws the pillow off her head and sits up.

“Sorry, Hazel!” Lexi giggles as she leans over and kisses Hazel’s cheek.

“She’ll get over it!” Marcia laughs.

“Holy shit, that was good.” Ashley groans as she lifts off of me.

“Yes. Yes, it was.” I agree with a chuckle.

“Did you have to wake me up?” Hazel grouses as she raises her arms above her head and stretches. I admire her small boobs as they jiggle lightly on her chest.

“Yes.” Ashley states simply.

“You had to get up anyway,” I explain, “we have a plane to catch!”

“Time for Bermuda!” Lexi claps.

“It’s finally here!” Ashley says.

“I’m still nervous about the plane.” Marcia admits.

“You’ll be okay.” Hazel assures her.

“Yeah, we’re all with you.” Ashley says as she wraps an arm around Marcia’s bare shoulders.

“I got you the window seat, Marcia.” I say. “So you can control if the window is open or closed.”

“Thank you.” Marcia says before leaning over and pecking my lips.

“You’re welcome.” I say, kissing her back. Feeling playful, I reach out and squeeze one of her titties.

“Naughty!” Marcia giggles.

“Yeah, he is!” Ashley exclaims as she lays down on the massive bed. “I’ve got a pussy full of cum to prove it!”

“I call the creampie!” Lexi shouts as she climbs over me and gets on top of Ashley.

I watch as Lexi kisses down to Ashley’s breasts. The redhead cups Ashley’s massive tits and starts kissing all along the taller girl’s cleavage. Ashley gets impatient and places a hand on Lexi’s head, encouraging her to kiss lower. Moments later, Lexi buries her face in Ashley’s cunt.

“Yeah, lick my twat!” Ashley encourages.

“I see more cum!” Hazel suddenly says.

“Oh?” I ask as Hazel scoots over. She then leans down and slurps the head of my soft prick into her mouth.

“Mm.” the tan girl hums as she cleans my cock with her tongue.

“Shit, that’s good Babe.” I say as I bury my hand in her long, brown hair.

“Eat me, eat me!” Ashley moans.

Glancing over, I can see that Ashley’s legs are over Lexi’s shoulders, and the blonde is holding my girlfriend’s head to her crotch. I smirk and reach down to absentmindedly play with one of Hazel’s hanging tits. Life is good.

“I have to pee.” Marcia announces as she hops out of bed and heads toward the bathroom in just her panties.

Hazel cups my balls as she sucks on me, making sure to lap up every drop of cum. I’m not hard, I did just cum, but I’m still enjoying the feel of her warm mouth on me. At the same time, Lexi is eating out Ashley. Soon, Ashley groans and cums on my girlfriend’s talented tongue.

“Still going at it?” Marcia asks when she returns a couple minutes later. “Don’t we have a plane to catch?”

“She’s right.” I say, releasing Hazel’s titty. “We have to get ready.”

“Ugh, fine.” Lexi says as she sits up.

“At least I got another cum in.” Ashley giggles.

“C’mon, stop sucking.” I say to Hazel.

“Bet you’ve never said that to a girl before.” Hazel says as she pulls off my dick and brushes her long hair back behind her ear.

“He’s definitely never said it to me!” Lexi interjects. “He always tells me to keep sucking.”

“Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time for all of you to suck my dick.” I assure the girls.

“Yay!” Hazel giggles as she gives my balls a light squeeze before releasing them.

Ashley and Lexi find their panties and slip them back on. Then the five of us put on robes and get ready to head down to breakfast. As soon as we open the door and step outside, we run straight into Kayla.

“Oh! Good morning!” Kayla says as she smiles at us.

“Good morning!” Ashley replies.

“Morning, Honey.” I say.

“Good morning, Kayla.” Marcia responds.

“Morning.” Hazel grunts sleepily.

“Morning, Slut!” says Lexi as she walks forward and hugs Kayla.

The six of us walk down to the dining room and I volunteer to make breakfast. With the housekeeper on a paid vacation, someone else will have to do it. The five girls sit at the dining room table while I go into the kitchen.

I fix a nice breakfast and bring it out to the girls. As they each look at me and smile, I reflect on the last few weeks. It’s been truly amazing. I love all these girls. My daughter, Kayla, who I love more than anything. My girlfriend, Lexi, who I see a real future with. Marcia, Ashley, and Hazel, who I now know intimately.

“Breakfast is served!” I say with a smile.

“Thank you!” all five girls reply.

“So,” I begin as I sit down and serve myself breakfast, “we have a lot to get done before the cars arrive to take us to the airport.”

“Cars, plural?” asks Lexi.

“Did you really think the six of us and luggage would fit in one car?” Ashley inquires.

“Oh, good point.” Lexi says.

“How many cars?” Kayla asks.

“Two large vans.” I answer. “One for us, one for our luggage.”

“Sounds good.” Hazel says as she takes a bite of eggs.

“I’m feeling really anxious.” Marcia grimaces as she nibbles on some toast.

“We’re here for you.” Ashley says while reaching over and placing her hand on Marcia’s.

“Thank you.” Marcia mumbles nervously.

“Everything will be fine.” I assure the scared girl.

“W-who’s sitting with me?” Marcia asks.

“I am.” Ashley answers.

“We’re all in the same row.” I respond. “Lexi, Kayla, and I are on one side, while you, Hazel, and Ashley are on the other.”

“There are three seats on each side like that?” Hazel asks. “It must be a big plane!”

“Yes, the planes are big.” I reply. “The seating is the same on both of them.”

“B-both of them?” Marcia asks nervously.

“We do have a layover, Marcia.” Kayla explains.

“Can you blame her?” Ashley asks. “You never really gave us any flight details.”

“He told Kayla and I.” Lexi shrugs.

“Tell the rest of us!” Hazel interjects.

“Well, since you asked so nicely...” I tease.

“Oh, just tell them.” says Kayla.

“Fine, fine.” I laugh. “We have a very long day ahead of us. The first flight leaves from LAX at 10:45AM. We’re in the air for about four-and-a-half hours, and we’ll land in North Carolina. We have almost a five hour layover in Charlotte, and the second plane leaves at just after 11:00PM. Then we’ll land in Bermuda at 2:30AM Sunday.”

“We lose an entire day getting there?” Ashley whines.

“Don’t complain about a free vacation!” Lexi admonishes before taking a sip of orange juice.

“How about coming back?” Marcia asks.

“Flight leaves at 8:30PM from Bermuda.” I begin. “We have a three hour flight and land in Miami. We spend almost eight hours in Miami before catching a plane back to LAX. We’ll get back around 9:00AM Sunday morning.”

“An eight hour layover?!” Ashley exclaims.

“I thought you said we were coming home Saturday night?” Hazel asks.

“Sorry, I should have explained better.” I say. “We’re heading home Saturday night, but won’t make it back until Sunday morning.”

“We’ll be exhausted.” Ashley says.

“We can sleep on the plane, right?” Lexi asks.

“Sure.” Kayla replies with a shrug. “But it won’t be very comfortable.”

“You’ll definitely be tired.” I respond. “You don’t have to head straight home. You can sleep here for awhile.”

“Probably a good idea.” Hazel says.

“Yeah.” Marcia mumbles.

We continue making small talk throughout breakfast. Once finished, the girls offer to clear the table, and I’m happy to let them. I take out my phone and sigh when I see that there are no new messages. I’ve been hoping Stacey will reach out and wish me a good trip, but it doesn’t look like that’s happening. Then again, it’s barely 6:00AM, she’s probably still asleep.

“So, we girls need to have a chat.” Lexi says when she returns to the dining room.

“Oh yeah?” I ask before taking a sip of my coffee.

“Yeah.” Lexi responds. “Nothing to worry about, just girl talk.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you to it.” I say.

“Thanks, Baby.” Lexi says as she swoops in and steals a kiss.

I kiss her back and smile as she walks away. Then I finish my coffee before heading back to mine and Lexi’s bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I dress in casual clothes for the day before checking my phone once again.

Still nothing. I’m tempted to send Stacey a text, but I don’t want to bother her. If she needs space, I’m happy to give her as much as she needs. Hopefully things will be back to normal once we’re all home from Bermuda.

I grab and weigh both my suitcase and Lexi’s. Fortunately, they’re both under fifty pounds. Then I print out all of our tickets and boarding passes. Next, I make two trips and move the suitcases and carry-on bags down to the foyer with the other luggage.

“We’re gonna take showers and get ready.” Lexi says when she comes to find me.

“Okay, did the girls all weigh their suitcases?” I ask.

“We were supposed to weigh them?” she wonders.

“Well, that answers that.” I laugh. “Okay, I’ll bring the scale down here and weigh them all. You girls take your showers.”

“Thanks, Babe.” Lexi says, kissing me before she disappears back into the house.

I head back to the bedroom and grab the scale. Weighing the suitcases results in one being overweight. I wheel that one back into the house and into the main living room. Then I head to the hallway with the master bedroom in order to try and find out who it belongs to. I stop the first naked girl I see.

“Marcia!” I call out as the dark-haired young lady walks by.

“Steven!” Marcia exclaims as she turns to face me. “I was just heading to get my clothes.”

“Okay,” I say, “after you do, could you please come to the main living room and identify a suitcase for me?”

“Sure, no problem.” Marcia responds before disappearing into Kayla’s bedroom.

I return to the main living room and wait. I check my phone again and send a couple of texts to friends, wishing them good morning and saying I’m leaving on my trip soon. A few minutes later, a fully dressed Marcia appears.

“Oh, that’s the one?” she asks.

“Yeah, it’s too heavy. I need to know which girl over packed.” I say with a chuckle.

“That’s Ashley’s. Shame on her!” Marcia giggles.

“She’ll have to take something out.” I say. “It isn’t overweight by much, but they make a huge deal if your suitcase is over fifty pounds.”

“I’ll get her.” Marcia says.

“Thank you.” I reply, smiling at the lovely, young lady.

“You’re welcome.” she smiles and reaches out to touch my arm. “I wanted to thank you for this trip. It’s so nice of you to bring all of us.”

“It’s my pleasure, Marcia. Really.” I say.

“Still...” she trails off before leaning up and kissing me.

I wrap my arms around Marcia and kiss her back. The beautiful girl slips her tongue into my mouth and moans. Reaching down, I cup her tight ass and pull her close. She grinds herself against me before reaching between us and grasping my bulge.

“We don’t have time for this.” I whisper when I break the kiss.

“Just a quick blowjob?” she suggests.

“We really don’t have time.” I say, sighing. “I’m sorry.”

“I understand.” Marcia replies, her lips close to mine. She then leans up and nibbles on my earlobe before whispering in my ear. “I was just hoping for some alone time with you.”

“You’ll get it.” I promise, giving her bum a squeeze.

“Hey, I’m ready!” Ashley’s voice announces. “Oh, am I interrupting something?”

“No, not at all.” Marcia says as she pulls away from me.

“We were just talking about your suitcase being too heavy.” I explain as I release Marcia’s ass.

“Oh, it is?” Ashley asks in an innocent voice.

“You’ll have to take something out of it. It’s five pounds too heavy.” I say.

“Fine, fine.” Ashley says. “Can I put the stuff in other suitcases?”

“Sure.” I shrug. “Most of them are enough below weight that you can add a bit more.”

“Great!” Ashley grins as she grabs her suitcase and wheels it out of the main living room.

“When will we be alone?” Marcia asks. “There are four other girls with us.”

“We’ll find time.” I say with a smile. “You girls are all very special to me.”

“We love you, too.” Marcia says with a blush.

I smile at Marcia and give her a hug. She hugs me back, then we go and find the other girls. Thankfully, they’re all just about ready. Except for Kayla, who is walking around in a bra. I tell her to hurry up and put a shirt on. She sticks out her tongue at me, but complies.

“Okay, the cars should be here in about twenty minutes.” I say. “Did you fix your suitcase, Ashley?”

“Yup!” Ashley exclaims. “All set. I moved some of the surprises to other suitcases.”

“Don’t tell him!” Lexi hisses.

“I didn’t!” Ashley replies.

“Tell me what? What surprises?” I ask.

“You’ll find out!” Hazel says as she reaches out to pinch my butt.

“Fine, be mysterious. I can wait.” I say as I return the favor and smack Hazel’s pert bottom.

“Good.” Kayla states, smiling at me. “You’ll have to.”

“Oh, you’re involved in this?” I ask.

“I helped.” Kayla replies with a shrug.

We make idle chit chat for the next few minutes as we wait for our ride to arrive. Eventually, the vans show up and we wheel our suitcases out into the front yard. The two drivers struggle not to stare at the girls as they help place our luggage into the second van. The girls pile into the first van, and I happily join them. I sit beside Lexi, holding her hand as we start the drive to the airport.

“Where are you guys heading?” asks the driver.

“Bermuda!” Ashley exclaims happily.

“Oh, that sounds like fun!” he says.

“Yeah, we’re all excited.” Kayla responds.

“It’s not spring break week for colleges, but it’ll still be so much fun!” Hazel replies.

“And we all have my amazing boyfriend to thank!” Lexi says as she leans over to kiss my cheek.

“B-boyfriend?” the driver asks in surprise.

“Yup!” Kayla interjects. “Lexi is dating Daddy.”

“Well, um, I hope you two are very happy and have a great trip!” says the driver, gazing in the rear view mirror with a look of jealousy.

“Thank you!” Lexi chirps.

“Thanks!” I add.

“You’re welcome.” the driver responds, his eyes back on the road.

We make good time and soon are arriving at the airport. The drivers help me get the suitcases and carry-on bags out of the van. I tip both drivers and they bid us farewell. The six of us then head into the crowded airport.

“Where do we go?” Lexi asks.

“We have to drop our bags off first.” Kayla says.

“The line for our airline is right over there.” I say, pointing. “Just follow me.”

The five girls follow me through the airport and we get in line. I can tell Marcia is really getting nervous. The girls try and keep her talking so that she doesn’t dwell. After fifteen minutes, it’s our turn to turn over our luggage.

One by one, the woman weighs each bag and places a tag on it. Then she places the bag on a conveyor belt behind her. Ashley’s weighs in at forty-eight pounds, just barely making it under the fifty pound limit. I look at the tall blonde and slowly shake my head.

When I place Marcia’s suitcase up on the scale it suddenly starts buzzing. The woman looks at us, and then Marcia steps forward, her face bright red. She turns her suitcase on its side and reaches in. Marcia’s able to hide her vibrator from view, but it’s obvious what she’s doing.

“Sorry.” she mumbles, her eyes looking down as she stands back up and steps back.

“It’s okay, Honey.” Ashley teases as the other girls all giggle. “It happens to all of us.”

The elderly woman gives Marcia a disapproving look before resuming her job. Soon, our suitcases are all in the back, being taken to the plane. Then we have to get in another line in order to go through security.

“Planning on a lot of private time this vacation?” Ashley teases as we wait.

“Oh, shut up!” Marcia hisses, her face still red.

“Why didn’t you take the batteries out?” Kayla asks.

“Because I wasn’t thinking!” Marcia groans.

“Or you were thinking with your clit, not your brain!” Lexi suggests.

“Shut up!” Marcia pouts.

“Leave her alone, she’s the shy one and look what happened to her!” Hazel laughs.

“I’m not shy, I’m quiet!” Marcia insists.

“If you kids are done arguing, it’s our turn.” I say with a smile.

“We’re not kids!” Lexi insists.

The girls all place their purses in bins, then add the six carry-on bags to additional bins. Next, we take off our shoes and add them to the conveyor belt to be scanned. Finally, we all walk through the X-ray machine one-by-one.

After making it through security, the six of us walk through the main airport. We walk by all the stores and restaurants, until we find our gate. Then we spend the next ten minutes searching for six open seats.

“Oh, right over there!” Hazel says, gesturing to a spot near the large glass windows.

“Perfect!” I say as we all take our seats.

“How are you feeling, Marcia?” Lexi asks.

“I’m okay, I guess. For now.” Marcia answers. “You? It’s your first flight, too.”

“I’m fine. I’m not worried about it. I’m with Steven and my girls.” Lexi replies.

“That does help.” Marcia admits with a soft smile.

“You’ll be fine.” says Ashley.

“Yeah, you have us!” Kayla adds.

We continue trying to reassure and distract Marcia as we wait. Eventually, our boarding is called and we get on the plane. I keep glancing at Marcia, to make sure the scared girl doesn’t chicken out. Thankfully, she doesn’t, and soon we’re in our seats.

“You’ve got this.” Ashley says, offering Marcia her hand.

Marcia takes Ashley’s hand and I can see from my seat how tense the poor girl is. After the safety briefing, we take off. I can see tears running down Marcia’s face as the plane gets up to altitude. She’s terrified.

“You’re okay.” Ashley whispers. Marcia just nods rapidly.

Once the plane settles and we start cruising, Marcia wipes away her tears and starts to relax. I even see her laughing at one point at a joke Hazel is telling. I can’t really hear their conversation, so I chat with Kayla and Lexi as we munch on pretzels.

“How is Marcia doing?” Lexi asks from her window seat.

“Better, I think.” Kayla answers, looking across the aisle.

“Good.” I say.

“You doing okay, Marcia?” Kayla calls over.

“I-I’m okay.” Marcia stammers.

“The hard part’s over, you got through it!” Hazel says.

“I know, thank you.” Marcia replies with a strong smile.

Four-and-a-half hours later we begin our descent. Marcia is nervous as the plane lowers, but she doesn’t cry this time. The girls all congratulate Marcia once we’ve safely landed in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“Now, we’re here for almost five hours!” Ashley pouts.

“What are we gonna do for five hours in an airport?” Lexi asks.

“Well, we should probably grab dinner.” I suggest.

“That’s a good idea.” Kayla says.

“Yeah, I’m hungry!” Hazel adds.

“Me, too.” Marcia confirms.

We grab some fast food and find a big table to sit at so we can eat. Lexi runs her foot along my calf as we enjoy a dinner of greasy food. The girls are all in a great mood, and we’re all excited to finally make it to Bermuda.

We spend the next five hours playing on our phones and chatting in the airport. Sadly, Stacey still hasn’t sent me a text. I start reading a book on my phone as the noises of the airport echo all around me. Eventually, it’s time for our second flight.

Marcia is a lot more relaxed this time around as the plane leaves North Carolina. Due to the late hour, we all nap on the plane. Lexi ends up drooling with her head on my shoulder. A few hours later, we land at the airport in Bermuda at 2:30AM Sunday morning.

It’s really late, but fortunately airports are always busy. The large buses only go to the main hotels, so we have to call for two vans to take us to the house we rented. Thankfully, the wait isn’t long and we arrive at the house just after 3:00AM.

“I’m so fucking tired.” Lexi complains.

“Me, too!” Ashley groans.

“Unpack in the morning?” Kayla suggests.

“Sounds good to me.” I say.

We leave our bags by the door and take a quick tour of the house. It’s huge, with plenty of room for all of us. Lexi and I get the master bedroom, while Kayla will have her own room. There’s also a large room with a full size bed and a twin. Since Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia have no problem sleeping in the same bed, it works out perfectly.

Everyone says goodnight, then Lexi and I head to our bedroom. After using the bathroom and brushing our teeth, we strip down and get into bed naked. We’re too tired for sex, so we just fall asleep. We made it. We’re in Bermuda.


I wake up Sunday morning in Bermuda. Tossing the covers off myself I sit up and stretch, causing my bare breasts to bounce lightly on my chest. Yawning, I grab my phone and check my messages, thankful that Daddy set us up for an international plan.

Ian: Good morning. Just got your message. Glad you arrived safely! Have a great time!

Kayla: Thank you!

Ian: How’s Bermuda?

Kayla: We got in really late. All we really did was explore the house.

Ian: Still in bed?

Kayla: Yup! Just woke up. Laying naked in bed. ;)

Ian: Oh yeah?

Angling my phone, I take a picture of myself. My breasts aren’t visible, but my shoulders are, and it’s obvious I’m topless. I send the picture to Ian. I’m not ready to send him nudes, but a tease is more than fine.

Kayla: Hope you like what you see. :)

Ian: Love it!

Kayla: Good. :)

Ian: I hope you have a nice day!

Kayla: You too, Cutie.

Ian really is a great guy. I’m lucky to have him in my life. I hope he stays. The girls and I all agree that we are slut-sisters forever. Ian will have to accept that. If he can’t, then I can’t be with him. That is the pact we made. The pact we will always honor.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Sadly, I won’t have my own private bathroom during this trip. Five girls, two bathrooms. This will be a challenge. Thankfully, I’m the first one up and am able to use the bathroom.

With a small cup of water, I take my birth control pill. Then I drop my panties and sit on the toilet to pee. After wiping and washing my hands, I walk through the house in just my underwear. I grab my suitcase and carry-on, then bring them both into my bedroom.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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