Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I find out for sure that something is wrong when I wake up Friday morning. Stretching, I throw the covers off of mine and Lexi’s body. Glancing over, I see that Lexi is curled up on her side with her bare butt facing me. I check my phone and see a text message from Stacey.

Stacey: Good morning, Sir. I’m really not feeling well. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it in today.

Steven: Okay, Stacey. I hope you feel better.

Stacey: Thank you, Sir.

I glance over at Lexi, who is completely naked and curled up in a little ball. Her cute rump looks so delectable in this position. Deciding I need to distract myself from Stacey, I try and wake Lexi up.

“Lexi? Lexi, wake up.” I say as I reach over and lightly shake her shoulder.

“Ungh!” she grunts in her sleep.

“Time to wake up!” I tell her as I slap her ass.

“Ah!” she jumps as she wakes up. “You jerk!”

“Get up, you.” I say as I lean over her and kiss her cheek.

“Mm,” she hums as she turns to peck my lips, “I think you’re the one who’s lucky to be cute.”

“Thanks!” I reply, reaching under her arm to squeeze a firm boob.

“Naughty.” Lexi whispers as she pushes her ass back against me.

“Wanna fool around before breakfast?” I ask while wrapping an arm around her thin waist as my cock presses against her butt.

“Sure!” Lexi chirps.

With a predatory grin, I roll Lexi onto her back. Throwing one leg over her shoulder, I straddle Lexi’s chest. My hard cock is aiming right at her pretty face. Lexi lets out a cute giggle and opens her mouth, sticking out her tongue.

“Gonna fuck my face, Baby?” Lexi asks while wiggling her tongue.

“You bet!” I say with a smile as I slap her outstretched tongue with my cock.

Holding Lexi’s head, I lift her up as she opens wide and takes me between her lips. I let out a breath and groan happily when I feel her lips form a seal around my cock. With a firm grip on her head, I start thrusting my hips into Lexi’s face.

For several minutes I fuck Lexi’s face, using her mouth as if it were a pussy. Her hands grip my thighs as she takes my cock. She’s making the sexiest gagging and moaning sounds as my balls slap against her chin.

I bury my entire length down her throat and hold her head against me. Lexi’s hands claw at my thighs as drool runs from her lips. When she can’t hold me in any longer, I pull out and slap her face several times with my dick as she gasps for breath.

“Fuck...” Lexi gasps weakly. “Fuck me, that was hot.”

“Ready to get fucked?” I ask while stroking myself.

“More than ready.” Lexi purrs. “Hurry up and stick it in me!”

Tossing my leg over her shoulder so that I’m no longer straddling her, I knee-walk down the bed and get between Lexi’s legs. Gripping her legs behind the knee, I bend them back, spreading her open for me.

“Fuck, that’s beautiful.” I whisper as I admire the perfect, pink pussy staring back at me.

“Give her a kiss?” Lexi asks playfully.

“With pleasure.” I reply.

Leaning in, I plant a firm kiss right on Lexi’s vulva, making her giggle and squirm in my grasp. Then I extend my tongue and take one long lick of her slit, pushing my tongue between her labia as I go. I grip her thighs tightly while I start to eat her out.

“That’s it Baby, lick my cunt!” Lexi coos.

Lexi grips my head in both hands as she moans and pants while I go down on her. Holding her thighs, I keep Lexi spread open as my tongue finds her clit and starts rapidly flicking the little nub. Lexi goes wild, bucking her hips and pulling my hair.

“Faster! Faster! Faster!” Lexi screeches.

I lick her clit faster and faster, my hands pushing her legs back more, the way they’re bent leaving her feet by my ears. My favorite redhead pushes my head into her crotch as her orgasm approaches. I’m soon rewarded with a series of loud gasps and grunts as Lexi cums hard.

“Oh wow, I’m cumming! Fuck, I’m cumming!” Lexi screeches.

Before she can come down from her orgasm, I pull away from her pussy and sit up. Still gripping her thighs, I twist my hips until the head of my cock comes in contact with her labia. Pushing hard, I enter Lexi in one quick thrust.

“Oh God, I’m cumming so much! Oh fuck, oh fuck!” Lexi shouts just before she lets out a full-throat scream.

I can see her toes curling as she has a second orgasm from the feel of my dick pushing into her body. Bending Lexi in half so that her feet are by her ears, I start thrusting into her hard and fast. I fuck her for a couple minutes, loving the feel of her tight sheath, loving how flexible she is. I’m already close from the face-fucking, so I won’t last long. Lexi knows it.

“Where do you wanna cum?” she asks as she crosses her arms over her calves, pressing her legs into her breasts and helping me keep her bent in half.

“In you.” I grunt.

“Cum in my tight, little pussy!” Lexi coos. “Fill my teen hole! Cum inside me! Cum!”

“Fuck, I’m so close!” I groan through clenched teeth as my balls slap her ass.

“Cum in me, Baby! I want it! I want it! Cum in me!” she begs as she uses her well-trained vaginal muscles to squeeze my cock. “I want to feel it leaking out of me! Please cum! Please!”

“Oh, fuck!” I moan I bury myself to the hilt and start shooting inside her.

“Fill me, fill me, fill me!” Lexi screams.

“Fuck” I groan again as my legs start shaking while my balls clench and expel their contents into Lexi’s quivering snatch.

“Oh, Steven!” she moans as her entire body tenses up in one final orgasm.

“Lexi!” I grunt back as the last of my load dribbles out of my cock and into her hungry cunt.

Maintaining my grip on Lexi’s thighs, I pull my hips backwards and ease my softening dick out of her hole. I look down and smile when I see a dollop of white between her labia. Panting heavily, I smile down at her as I keep her legs bent back.

“Well, that was fun!” Lexi giggles with her feet by her ears.

“Yes, yes it was.” I agree as I squeeze her thighs.

“Are you gonna let me go?” Lexi asks with a wink. “Or are you just gonna keep staring at my spread open pussy?”

“It is a beautiful pussy,” I say, smiling as I release her legs, “but I should let you go. We’re already late for breakfast.”

“Yes, we are.” Lexi says as she unbends herself and sits up.

I reach over and squeeze a titty, making Lexi giggle and swat my hand playfully. She runs to the bathroom to pee and clean up her twat while I put on a pair of boxer briefs and a robe. When she returns, Lexi steps into a pair of panties.

“Stacey called out of work today.” I tell Lexi as she pulls up her underwear.

“Sick?” she asks while reaching for her robe.

“She just said she isn’t feeling well. I’m sure it’s about what happened yesterday.” I reply, sitting on the bed.

“You’re probably right.” Lexi sighs as she sits down in my lap. “She must be heartsick.”

“You’re not still worried, are you?” I ask as I wrap my arm around her narrow waist.

“A little.” she acknowledges with a shrug.

“You have nothing to worry about.” I say as I peck her lips. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” she responds with a tight smile.

“C’mon, you.” I say as I pull her to her feet and stand up. “We’re late.”

“Fine, fine. Let’s go.” Lexi agrees.

I pat Lexi on the bum before placing my hand on her lower back and guiding her to the door. Kayla’s bedroom door is wide open when we enter the hallway, showing us that my daughter is already at breakfast. Lexi and I make our way to the dining room to join her.

“About time!” Kayla says when Lexi and I appear at the doorway.

“We were busy!” Lexi chirps.

“Yeah, busy boning.” Kayla responds, rolling her eyes.

“We’re in a happy, healthy relationship.” I say as I sit down at the table and start serving myself breakfast. “A morning quickie is perfectly normal.”

“Yes, it is!” Lexi agrees as she also sits down at the table. “And it’s a lot of fun!”

“Whatever.” says Kayla.

“You’re just jealous no one is boning you.” Lexi accuses.

“I could get boned any time I want it!” Kayla replies, sticking out her tongue.

“Can we stop talking about boning?” I ask.

“Fine.” Lexi says. “Let’s talk about the fact that Stacey called out of work today.”

“Why?” I ask.

“I know.” Kayla says.

“You know?” I wonder. “How?”

“Yeah, how?” Lexi asks.

“I got her number yesterday, and I was worried about her.” Kayla explains.

“Is she okay?” I ask.

“She’s scared.” Kayla tells us. “She knows you aren’t leaving Lexi, and she’s scared about how strong she feels. Scared to see you.”

“Fuck.” I swear.

“I’m glad she knows that Steven isn’t going to leave me.” Lexi says with a nod.

“He isn’t leaving you, we all know that, Lexi.” Kayla rolls her eyes. “How about a little compassion for Stacey?”

“I am sorry she’s hurting.” Lexi says, looking down. “I just don’t ever want to lose Steven.”

“You never will, my love.” I vow, placing my hand on top of hers.

“Awe!” Kayla coos as she takes a bite of her breakfast. “So fucking cute!”

“Fuck you, Slut.” says Lexi, blowing a raspberry at Kayla.

“Bitch.” Kayla snorts before smiling playfully.

“Every damn morning.” I say, rolling my eyes.

“No one asked you.” Lexi says, taking a sip of her drink.

“I’m just glad you seem more chipper than a minute ago.” I explain.

“I guess.” Lexi shrugs.

“You have nothing to worry about.” Kayla assures Lexi. “Daddy is loyal.”

“I know.” Lexi says, trying to be strong.

We continue chatting throughout breakfast. It’s obvious that Lexi is still concerned about Stacey. I’m not sure what more to say, so I just try and keep my girlfriend’s spirits up. Kayla spends her time teasing Lexi, keeping the redhead in a playful mood.

After breakfast, the girls get changed into their clothes for the day while I put on my workout clothes. We meet in the foyer, where I wish them both good luck on their midterms and kiss my two favorite ladies goodbye. Then I head to the home gym to work out.

I run on the tread mill for awhile and lift some weights. Then I take a shower and get ready for work. Saying goodbye to the butler, I head outside and smile when I feel the sunlight hitting my skin. A minute later, I’m in my car and on my way to work.

Walking into the office, I say good morning to my employees before heading to my office. Passing Stacey’s empty desk really hits home that she isn’t here. That she isn’t here because she’s avoiding me. Fuck. I want to text her, but know better than to do such a thing. Instead, I text my daughter.

Steven: Have you heard from Stacey?

Kayla: No. Sorry, Daddy. Do you want me to text her?

Steven: No, but thank you. We should give her space.

Kayla: Definitely. I think she’s really confused and scared.

Steven: Oh?

Kayla: Yeah, just from a woman’s perspective. I mean, she probably intended this to only be casual, and now she can’t control her feelings.

Steven: I understand that.

Kayla: She knows you’re taken, and she’s mad at herself for confessing her feelings. She’s scared of being hurt. And she does love you. Her heart is probably breaking.

Steven: I hate that I hurt her.

Kayla: I know, Daddy. :( Just give her time. Wait for her to come to you. That’s all you can do.

Steven: I understand. Thank you, Honey.

Kayla: You’re welcome. I love you, Daddy.

Steven: I love you, too. :)

I’m working while texting with Kayla. Having to take my own phone calls sucks, but I do what I have to. I also attend a mid-morning meeting, which goes very well. During the day, I’m also exchanging texts with Lexi.

Steven: The girls still coming over after school?

Lexi: Of course. :) Hoping for an orgy?

Steven: I have no idea what you’re talking about. :)

Lexi: Of course you don’t, pervert. :P

Steven: I’m not a pervert!

Lexi: You’re imaging four hot, naked eighteen-year-old girls crawling all over you. Pervert.

Steven: Right now, you’re the only hot girl I’m imagining naked. ;)

Lexi: Wanna see?

Steven: Go to the bathroom and send me a picture of your tits. Now.

Lexi: Yes, Sir!

Setting my phone down on my desk, I get up and close my door. I don’t think anyone will stop by, but I’m not taking any chances. I return to my desk and wait for my phone to go off. Checking the phone, I see a picture of Lexi while she stands in a bathroom stall, her shirt and bra are pulled up over her boobs.

Lexi: Titties!

Steven: Pull down your shorts and show me your pussy.

I caress my bulge while I admire the picture of Lexi’s breasts. Soon, my phone goes off again and I get a picture of her pussy. She is holding the phone with one hand while she uses two fingers from her other hand to spread open her labia, showing me her pink interior.

Steven: Push your fingers up your twat.

Lexi: It feels so good. My fingers stretching my tight hole. I wish it was your cock in me.

Steven: I’m so hard for you.

Lexi: I want to see your cock, Sir. Please show me.

I unbuckle my pants and lift my ass. My erection pops free as I slide my pants and boxer briefs down to my knees. Lexi sends another picture with her fingers up her cunt as I’m getting situated. I hold my cock at the base and snap a picture.

Steven: All yours, Baby. ;)

Lexi: Mm, I know! You’re lucky I like to share with my hot friends!

Steven: Very lucky! Sharing tonight?

Lexi: Maybe ... who knows?

Steven: I guess we’ll find out.

Lexi: I need to get back to class.

Steven: Okay. :(

Lexi: We’ll keep texting. Just no more nudes! At least until lunch. ;)

Steven: Sounds good!

Lexi: I love you.

Steven: I love you, too.

I think about whatever random thing I can to distract myself and make my erection go down. Once it does, I pull up my pants and get back to work. An hour later, I place a lunch order and head out to pick it up.

Delivery is definitely an option, but I like the idea of getting out of the office and getting some fresh air. I drive with the window down to the restaurant and pick up my lunch. Then I return to the office to eat alone and take my break while texting my girlfriend.

Steven: How are your midterms going?

Lexi: Fine. You’re lucky I wasn’t in one when you wanted to see some tit. :P

Steven: Lucky me! I love your pink nipples.

Lexi: I love your mouth on my pink nipples. ;)

Steven: Tonight?

Lexi: It’s a date!

Steven: Any more midterms?

Lexi: Yeah, two more after lunch. Then freedom!

Steven: I hope the last two exams go well.

Lexi: Thanks, Baby! Any chance you can get out from work early? I have an itch deep inside me that only you can scratch. ;)

Steven: I’m sorry, but I really can’t. I have to make sure everything is squared away before I’m gone for a full week.

Lexi: Lame. :(

Steven: Yeah. :( I actually had to go to the cell phone company and get unlimited international calling in case I’m needed while we’re away.

Lexi: You can’t do work stuff on our trip!

Steven: I may have to, Lexi. Being in charge comes with a lot of perks, but there are downsides as well.

Lexi: Lame-o.

Steven: Don’t worry, I’m sure I won’t be needed. It’s just for emergencies.

Lexi: Ugh, fine. Fine. Just make sure you don’t answer your phone while you have your dick in me.

Steven: I would never. :)

Lexi: :)

Steven: As for this afternoon, have Kayla fuck you with a strap-on before her date. ;)

Lexi: Um, I fuck her. Not the other way around. She’s MY Slut.

Steven: And you’re mine.

Lexi: Always, Baby. ;)

Steven: Good girl.

Lexi: :)

After lunch, I get back to work. Nothing eventful happens, even though I take a lot of calls. Then I set my away message for my email and send out reminders so that everyone knows I’ll be gone next week. I end up staying late, so I send a text to Kayla and Lexi that I’ll be missing dinner. Finally, the work day is over and it’s time to go home.

I’m the last one still in the office, so there’s no one to say goodbye to. I head out to my car and drive home. When I pull into the driveway and see the girls’ cars. The only car that’s missing is Kayla’s. She’s on her date with Ian.

“Good evening, Sir.” says the butler when I walk in.

“Good evening.” I reply with a nod and a smile.

“Steven!” Lexi shouts as she runs into the foyer before skidding to a stop right in front of me. She then throws her arms around me and hugs me.

“Well, hello there.” I say, hugging her back after noting that Lexi is wearing a robe. Her auburn hair is also up in a ponytail, which is unusual for Lexi.

“You’re back! Finally!” Lexi chirps as she grabs my face and pulls me in for a kiss.

“Someone missed me!” I chuckle as we kiss.

“So much! And I have a surprise for you!” Lexi exclaims.

“A surprise?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“You’ll see.” she says.

The butler grins at me, and I grin back as Lexi takes me by the hand and drags me out of the foyer. I wave to the butler, who just smiles and shakes his head as Lexi and I disappear deeper into the house. We get to our bedroom and Lexi throws open the door with a smile.

“Surprise!” she exclaims.

Three girls are kneeling beside our bed with their hands resting on their thighs and their hair up in ponytails as they look straight ahead. The girls look incredibly sexy, wearing nothing but cute panties. I’m rock hard instantly.

Hazel’s long brown ponytail looks as sexy as always, hanging more than halfway down her back. Her apple-sized breasts are on full display. The tan girl’s flat stomach rises and falls slightly with her breathing.

My gaze travels to the beautiful Ashley. Her massive globes hang from her chest, and almost look fake with how firm they are. I know from past experiences that they are very real. Her blonde hair is pulled back in a long ponytail.

Finally, the girl who most resembles Kayla, Marcia. She’s actually blushing slightly as she kneels on the floor, waiting for me to arrive. Her dark hair is pulled back, and her good-sized titties are high on her chest.

“Holy shit.” I finally gasp.

“I think he approves.” Ashley says with a giggle.

“You’re surprised?” Lexi asks as she removes her robe, revealing that she is also only wearing panties.

“I’m not!” Hazel laughs.

“This was such a good idea!” Marcia says, blushing.

“I know!” Lexi chirps.

My girlfriend sashays over to the other girls and kneels besides Marcia. The four high school seniors are now lined up in order; Hazel, Ashley, Marcia, Lexi. Four perfect smiles, eight perfect breasts. I’m in heaven.

“You might be interested to know that we had a lesbian orgy with Kayla before she left for her date.” Ashley says with a devious smirk.

“Oh yeah?” I ask while I remove my suit jacket and walk over to the closet to hang it up.

“Yup! We all ate pussy and got eaten!” Hazel informs me.

“You gonna take your time undressing?” Marcia asks with a giggle.

“I am.” I state simply as I remove my tie.

“He always does this.” Lexi explains. “He likes to make his Sluts wait.”

“We are your Sluts.” Ashley confirms with a nod.

“All four of us.” Hazel agrees.

“Yes!” Marcia breathes.

“Then be good Sluts and wait until I’m ready for you.” I say while unbuttoning my shirt.

“Yes, Sir!” Lexi announces.

“Of course, Sir.” Ashley responds.

“Sorry, Sir.” Hazel adds.

“Yes, Master.” Marcia purrs.

“Master?” I ask with a smirk as I drop my pants, leaving me clad in just my boxer briefs.

“I like it better than ‘Sir’.” Marcia explains with a shrug. “If that’s okay with you?”

“It is.” I reply as I walk over and stare down at the four girls and feel them shiver beneath my gaze.

“Before we get started, I have a promise to fulfill.” I say, leaving the girls looking at me in confusion.

I walk over to Lexi with my erection tenting my boxer briefs. Then I reach out and cup one of her firm tits. Leaning down, I take a boob in my mouth and start sucking on it. Lexi’s hand goes to the back of my head as my tongue flicks her pink nipple.

“Mm, fuck!” Lexi coos.

“I love these tits.” I say as I switch to the other boob.

“What promise is this?” Ashley asks as I release Lexi’s breast and stand back up.

“I sent him a shot of the girls from the bathroom today at school.” Lexi explains as I go grab my phone. “He promised to suck on my titties tonight.”

“Oh.” Hazel giggles, making her little boobies bounce.

“Smile, ladies.” I say just before snapping a picture of the four sexy women.

“Do mine next, Master?” Marcia asks shyly after I set my phone down.

“I think I can do that.” I reply as I walk over to Marcia. Leaning down, I capture a nipple in my mouth and start sucking on it. My hand plays with her other tit at the same time.

“Oh, that feels nice!” Marcia moans.

“Mm.” I moan as I switch to her other tit. Damn, Marcia has a nice pair of sweater puppies.

After playing with Marcia’s boobs for a minute, I stand up and back away so that I can admire all four girls. I then drop my boxer briefs and step out of them. The girls all stare at my hard dick with pure lust.

“Fuck, you’re big.” Lexi moans longingly before she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue for me.

“Nicest cock I’ve ever seen.” Ashley says as she blows me a kiss.

“Mm.” Marcia moans, licking her lips.

“I can’t wait to feel you stretching me.” Hazel says in a sexy whine as she cups her boobs and presses them together.

“Fuck, you’re all gorgeous.” I say while winking at Lexi. She giggles when she hears me use those words.

I slowly stroke myself as I admire the four teenage beauties kneeling before me. All four of them are making kissing faces or miming trying to suck my cock as I masturbate. This is gonna be a great evening. I lift my cock so that it is pointing straight up. As I continue stroking, I approach Hazel and place my balls by her mouth.

“Lick my nuts.” I order.

“Gladly, Sir!” Hazel giggles cutely.

I hold my cock up to give Hazel room to lean in and take a long lick of my ball sack. She then lightly takes my balls in her hand and massages them while licking. I let out a groan, my legs shaking as Hazel takes one ball in her mouth, her tongue playing.

“Next!” I call out as I pull my balls from Hazel’s mouth.

“I love you!” Lexi calls out as she laughs and claps once.

“Hold your tits together.” I say to Ashley once I’m in front of the blonde.

“Yes, Sir!” Ashley says as she places her hands on either side of her breasts.

Placing my cock between her giant knockers, I moan with pleasure as I feel warm tit-flesh surrounding my shaft. Ashley wraps her breasts around my dick as I start thrusting in and out of her cleavage. At one point, my cock pops out from between her boobs, and the busty blonde pushes it right back in, keeping one hand over her breasts to make sure my cock doesn’t fall out again. The entire time she’s looking down at her chest, watching the titty-fuck as she begs me to keep going in a wanton voice.

“Next!” I state, pulling my cock out from between Ashley’s tits.

“Mm, my turn.” Marcia coos as she wriggles her tight, young body.

“Open wide, Baby.” I state, presenting her my cock.

“Anything for you, Master.” Marcia purrs as she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue.

I slap my dick on her outstretched tongue several times, then I place the tip of my dick on Marcia’s tongue and then push inside her cute mouth. She looks so sexy, on her knees with her dark hair in a ponytail. Once Marcia can’t take me in any deeper, she clamps her lips down on my erection and starts bobbing her head.

“Fuck, yes!” I groan as I feel her tongue lash against the underside of my shaft.

“Yeah, suck that dick!” Ashley exclaims.

“Woo!” Hazel claps.

“Suck it, suck it!” Lexi cheers.

Hearing her friends cheer her on makes Marcia suck me with much more enthusiasm. Her hands reach up to grip my thighs as she rapidly bobs her head while moaning. Drool runs from between her lips as, for the first time, Marcia gives me sloppy head. She’s usually so much more reserved, but hearing her friends is really getting her going.

“Fuck, that’s good.” I moan, encouraging the quiet girl.

“Mm, mm, mm!” Marcia gurgles around my length.

I grab her head in both hands as my hips start bucking. The force of my thrusts makes Marcia’s tits jiggle on her chest. Seeing how sexy she looks, on her knees wearing nothing but a cute pair of panties with my dick stretching her mouth causes me to decide on a change of plans.

“You want my cum, Babe?” I ask as I look down at the beautiful girl.

“Mmhm!” Marcia moans around my cock, her eyes wide as she nods.

“Hey! What about me?” Lexi asks loudly. “It’s my turn!”

“I guess you’ll just have to wait!” I say with a smirk.

“Hmph!” Lexi pouts.

“Oh, you’re fine.” Ashley speaks up. “You get him every day. Let Marcia taste his load.”

“Cum in her mouth, Steven!” Hazel breathes.

“I’m close.” I grunt as Marcia’s tongue flicks my tip. “I’m so close.”

“Don’t swallow!” Lexi chimes in. “I wanna see it!”

“Ah, cumming!” I groan as the first spurt splatters against the roof of Marcia’s mouth.

“Take that cum!” Hazel cheers.

As I hold her head and cum in her mouth, Marcia reaches up and starts jacking me off while sucking on my tip. Her ministrations successfully pull every drop of cum out of my balls, and I notice her cheeks puff out as they fill with sperm. My legs shake and feel weak as the last of my load dribbles out onto her tongue.

“Remember, don’t swallow!” Ashley reminds the dark-haired girl.

“Show off the load!” Lexi exclaims as Marcia keeps her lips clamped tightly around my tip.

“Show us, show us!” Hazel claps as Marcia pulls off my cock with a loud slurp.

Marcia blushes as she gapes her mouth open and allows all of us to see the pool of cum between her lips. She turns her head to the left to show Lexi, then to the right so Hazel and Ashley can see clearly. The quiet girl then shocks us all by looking down at her chest and moving her head from side to side as she spits out the cum onto her tits.

“Holy shit!” Ashley gasps.

“Damn, you go girl!” Lexi cheers.

“Didn’t think you had it in you.” Hazel giggles as she watches Marcia spit out the last of my load, which lands on her right breast and runs down over her nipple.

“Hazel, Ashley.” I state, getting their attention. “Lick the cum from Marcia’s tits.”

“Yes, Sir!” Hazel nods as she knee-walks across the floor to get to Marcia.

“What about me?” Lexi asks with another pout.

“Gladly, Sir!” Ashley says as she turns and leans in to lick Marcia’s right boob.

“Lexi, clean my cock.” I order.

“Okay!” Lexi chirps as she knee-walks to me and lifts my limp dick to her mouth.

I watch Hazel lower her head and take Marcia’s left nipple in her mouth. Ashley is squeezing Marcia’s right boob as she licks the cum from the large orb. Marcia moans and places one hand at the back of each girl’s head.

As Lexi gently cleans my sensitive cock head with her mouth, I admire Ashley and Hazel’s firm backsides. They look so cute, clad in nothing but panties, with their ponytails down their backs. Fuck, all four of these girls are so sexy.

Soon, Marcia’s tits are completely clean of all my cum. Ashley and Hazel move back to their original positions. All three girls are back to kneeling with their hands on their thighs, awaiting further orders.

“Girls,” I say in a strong voice, “stand up and lose the panties. Lexi, keep sucking.”

I’m not hard at this point, since I did just cum, but it feels good to have Lexi’s talented mouth on me. She reaches a hand up and massages my balls. The after-orgasm sensitivity is fading, and Lexi is taking advantage to flick her tongue along my tip.

Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia don’t speak. They just give me charming smiles and hop to their feet. As one, the three girls hook their thumbs into their panties and bend their knees so they can drop their panties to the floor. Each girl steps out of her underwear and kicks it away.

“Turn around and bend over.” I order.

The girls all giggle as they turn around and bend over the bed, looking straight ahead as they rest on their elbows. Their boobs brush the comforter as they show me their perfect asses. Each girl’s legs are slightly spread, revealing a hint of pink.

Now, I’m starting to get hard again. I admire the girls’ perfect bodies as Lexi sucks me back to full hardness. Once I’m fully hard, I pull Lexi to her feet and grab her ass. Pulling her close, I look down at my redheaded girlfriend as I grab her panties and start pushing them down her smooth legs. Lexi helps me, and soon her underwear is somewhere in the corner of the room.

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