Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 17

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I wake up Thursday morning with my dick in Lexi’s mouth. The teenage nymphomaniac is under the covers, laying perpendicular to me. She has her hand wrapped around my base while she’s sucking away.

“Good morning, Lexi.” I whisper as I reach under the covers to caress her face.

“Mm.” Lexi hums around my thickness as her hand lowers to cup my balls.

Tossing the covers off of us, I reveal our naked bodies. Lexi is laying on her side, her flat stomach facing me as she bobs her head on my hard dick. I place one hand on the top of her head, while my other hand runs along her side. She’s been sucking me for awhile, I can tell because I’m close to cumming already.

“Lexi!” I warn her as I flood her mouth with sperm.

“Mm.” she moans happily as her hand massages my balls, drawing out every drop.

“Fuck, that was good.” I say as Lexi pulls off of me and swallows.

“Fuck, I love cum.” Lexi moans as she looks up at me while rubbing her tummy.

“It’s all yours, Baby.” I reply.

“Don’t you forget it!” Lexi chirps as she sits up and brushes the hair out of her face. “You’re just lucky I’m good at sharing.”

“The luckiest man in the world.” I say with sincerity as I watch my nude girlfriend hop out of bed and stretch.

“You really are!” Lexi says with a giggle as she twirls, showing me her entire body.

“I love you.” I chuckle.

“I love you, too.” she replies.

“We might have time for me to eat you out.” I offer.

“Nah, I’m good, but thanks!” says Lexi. “I just had a craving for cum.”

“When don’t you have a craving for cum?” I ask with a grin.

“Never. I always want cum.” she grins back.

I get out of bed and wrap my arms around Lexi. Grabbing her ass, I pull her close to me, so that her breasts press against my chest. Her hands go to the back of my neck as she draws me in for a passionate kiss.

After making out for several minutes, we break apart. Then we each put on clean underwear and robes. Lexi loops her arm through mine as we exit our bedroom and head down to meet Kayla for breakfast.

“Good morning, Lexi! Morning, Daddy!” Kayla says when we both appear in the dining room.

“Morning, Honey!” I reply before sitting down and starting to serve myself breakfast.

“Good morning, Slut.” Lexi says with a wink as she also sits down.

“You told him?” Kayla asks with a blush.

“I told him.” Lexi confirms with a nod.

“I hear Lexi is your Mistress.” I tease.

“Yeah, yeah...” Kayla says, her face bright red.

“No need to be embarrassed, Kayla.” says Lexi. “He dominated me last night. I’m his Slut, and you’re mine.”

“I did hear someone scream ‘Fuck my ass!’ when I walked by.” Kayla giggles.

“What can I say? I’m a dirty girl.” Lexi says primly.

“So am I!” Kayla announces.

“Prove it! Show us your tits. Now, Slut.” Lexi orders.

Kayla grasps both edges of her robe and, without hesitation, pulls it open, revealing her absolutely perfect breasts. The raven-haired beauty giggles as she bounces up and down in her seat, making her tits jiggle and slap each other lightly. Only after letting us admire her for thirty seconds does Kayla fix her robe.

“Good Slut.” Lexi nods.

“Thank you, Mistress.” Kayla says with a blush.

“After what you just did, you’re still embarrassed?” I ask.

“Maybe a little.” Kayla shrugs.

“You shouldn’t be.” Lexi says. “I’ll get on my knees and suck cock right now if Sir orders it.”

“I just came, Babe.” I laugh. “Not right now.”

“You’re no fun!” Lexi teases before sticking out her tongue.

“He just came?” Kayla asks Lexi.

“Yeah,” Lexi answers, “I woke him up with a blowjob.”

“How about we talk about something else?” I suggest. “Kayla, how was your date with Ian?”

“It was really good!” Kayla says. “His parents are nice, but controlling.”

“Controlling how?” Lexi asks.

“They made him leave the door open when we went into his room. Then his mom came in and offered us drinks, but I know she was just making sure we weren’t messing around.” Kayla explains.

“Were you messing around?” I inquire.

“No!” Kayla insists. “We made out for a few minutes, but that’s it!”

“Most parents would probably consider that ‘messing around’.” I say. “Most families aren’t like ours.”

“Well they should be.” Lexi says.

“I agree.” Kayla nods.

“Well, we can’t control other people.” I say. “Kayla, I know you’re eighteen, but that is their house, so please follow their rules.”

“I know, I know.” Kayla sighs “I won’t be disrespectful.”

“Just fuck Ian here, Steven won’t care.” Lexi suggests.

“I care, Lexi.” I respond. “I just want you to be happy, Kayla. I acknowledge you’re an adult, and you have needs.

“Yeah, I haven’t had any dick in ages.” Kayla pouts.

“How many times do I have to say it? Too much information.” I laugh.

“I fucked you with a strap-on recently.” Lexi says, ignoring me.

“Which I love!” Kayla replies, also ignoring me. “But, it isn’t the same as real cock.”

“I understand.” Lexi nods. “There’s no yummy cum, for one thing.”

“Exactly!” Kayla exclaims.

We spend the next several minutes eating in silence. I’m having an omelet, which is made perfectly. Lexi and Kayla are sticking to pancakes. I guess they need their carbs. After I finish my omelet, a thought occurs to me.

“When are Marcia, Ashley, and Hazel coming over for the trip?” I ask.

“Uh, I don’t know, why?” Kayla asks.

“We need to weigh our bags and leave early on Saturday.” I explain. “I was just thinking that maybe the girls should come over Friday night and stay over.”

“That’s a good idea!” Lexi chirps.

“We’ll ask them today.” Kayla promises. “And remember, I have my date with Ian on Friday.”

“Great, thanks.” I reply. “And yes, I remember.”

“Thank you again for taking us on this trip.” Lexi says sincerely.

“My pleasure.” I say. “I’m just glad all the girls have passports, otherwise we never would have been able to put this together so fast.”

“Yeah, we lucked out there.” says Kayla.

“By the way, good luck on your midterms today.” I say.

“Thank you, Daddy!” Kayla smiles.

“Yeah, thanks.” says Lexi.

Lexi and Kayla finish their meals, then we all head back to our bedrooms in order to get ready for the day. I change into workout clothes while Lexi puts on jean shorts and a t-shirt. I kiss Lexi and Kayla goodbye then I head to the home gym for my morning workout.

After my workout, I take a quick shower and then dress in my usual suit and tie. I say goodbye to the butler and head out to my car. Then I hop in the car and star the drive to work. It doesn’t take too long, and I listen to music the entire way.

“Good morning, Sir.” Stacey purrs when I walk up to her.

“Good morning, Stacey.” I reply.

“Do you need anything this morning?” she asks.

“Yes, actually, I do.” I say.

“Oh?” she asks. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, as you know, my trip is coming up.” I explain. “I was just thinking that we could use a couple cars to come pick us up Saturday morning and take us to the airport.”

“Of course! I can take care of that.” says Stacey. “There’s six of you?”

“Yes. With luggage.” I answer. “We’ll need two big vehicles, most likely.”

“I’ll make a call.” Stacey promises.

“Thank you.” I reply.

“You’re welcome, Sir.” she says.

I head to my office and start working. It isn’t long before Stacey comes in and informs me that I’m all set; two cars will pick us up Saturday morning and drive us to the airport. I thank Stacey, and then get back to work. Throughout the day, I actually text my best friend, Allan.

Steven: How’s it going?

Allan: Good! How are you?

Steven: Very good. I don’t think I told you, but I’ll be in Bermuda next week.

Allan: Oh yeah? Have a good time!

Steven: Thanks! And yeah, the girls wanna have a fun spring break.

Allan: Too bad it isn’t just you and Lexi ;)

Steven: I’ll still have fun. I’m glad Kayla is going. Also, three of their friends are coming with us.

Allan: You’re taking five, eighteen-year-old girls to Bermuda?

Steven: I am.

Allan: You lucky bastard.

Steven: One of them is my daughter, Allan :P

Allan: I realize that, but still, the other four? And you are dating Lexi. I should meet her at some point.

Steven: I’d like that! We’ll set something up after the trip?

Allan: Sounds good!

The work day is pretty standard. I sit through meetings and read financial reports. I have lunch with Stacey, and we spend half of it flirting. It’s amazing; Stacey is so professional, yet she can be so flirty with me. I love it. I also text Lexi a bit throughout the day.

Steven: Good luck on your midterms!

Lexi: Tests fucking suck.

Steven: I know, but they’re important.

Lexi: Yes, Daddy. ;)

Steven: I thought we agreed you wouldn’t call me that. :P

Lexi: What can I say? I’m a brat.

Steven: A cute brat. :)

Lexi: Awe, thanks! :)

Steven: You’re welcome.

Lexi: The girls will come over Friday night, by the way.

Steven: Great!

Lexi: It’s okay that they leave their cars at the house all week, right?

Steven: Yes, of course.

Lexi: Thanks. :)

Steven: No need to thank me, it’s your house too. :)

Lexi: I love you.

Steven: I love you, too.

When the work day is over, I say goodbye to every employee I pass as Stacey and I leave the office. We then each get in our own car and pull out onto the street. She follows me in her car to my house. Then we head inside, with Stacey carrying the dessert she’s brought for the night.

“Welcome.” I say as we walk into the foyer.

“This place is incredible!” Stacey gushes as she takes in the massive foyer.

“Good evening, Sir.” says the butler. “Ma’am.”

“Good evening.” I reply.

“Evening!” Stacey says excitedly.

We walk through the house, with Stacey looking around and commenting non-stop about how nice it is. I love how excited she is. After dropping off the cake Stacey brings, we continue the tour. Eventually, the two of us find Lexi and Kayla studying in the main living room.

“Good evening, ladies!” I say as Stacey and I walk into the room.

“Hello, Baby!” Lexi chirps as she hops to her feet and runs up to hug me.

“Hi, Daddy!” says Kayla happily.

“This is Stacey.” I say, introducing the beautiful blonde beside me. “Stacey, the dark haired one is my daughter, Kayla. You’ve already talked to the redheaded troublemaker, Lexi.”

“Nice to finally meet you both!” Stacey says as Kayla walks up and hugs her.

“Nice to meet you!” Lexi says as she holds me close.

“I can’t believe we haven’t met before!” Stacey says to Kayla.

“Maybe if Kayla visited my office, you two would have met sooner!” I tease.

“Whatever.” Kayla says, sticking out her tongue as she releases Stacey. “Nice to meet you.”

“I’d like to visit your office sometime.” Lexi says sincerely.

“You’re welcome anytime.” I reply as I lean and peck her lips.

“Thanks, Babe!” Lexi says.

The four of us chat for awhile before dinner. It seems like the three girls are all getting along very well. Then we head into the dining room and are served our food by the maid. Everything is going great.

“The food is so good!” Stacey says as she takes a bite of her chicken. “Do you eat like this every day?”

“Yeah, the maid is a great cook!” Kayla replies.

“We’re so lucky.” Lexi adds, smiling at me.

“Only the best for my girls.” I say.

“Awe! So sweet.” Stacey responds with a smile.

“He’s alright.” Lexi teases as she takes a bite of broccoli.

“You’re a lucky girl, Lexi.” Stacey says. “And not just because of the fine dinners. He’s a great guy. Trust me, that’s rare.”

“Believe me, I know.” Lexi beams.

“Well, uh, enough about how great I am.” I say, my face slightly red. “How did your midterms go today?”

“Fine.” Lexi says with a shrug.

“I think I did well, Daddy.” Kayla answers.

“Glad to hear it.” I respond. “Last tests tomorrow?”

“Yup!” Lexi chirps.

“Yeah, that’s what we were studying for when you guys got here” Kayla explains.

“Good luck to both of you! High school is almost over.” Stacey grins.

“I can’t believe it.” says Kayla. “We’re graduating in just a couple months.”

“Yeah, finally!” Lexi sighs.

“You’ll miss it. Trust me.” Stacey says.

“You miss high school?” Lexi asks.

“Oh, definitely.” Stacey answers. “No responsibilities, just fun with my friends? Hell, yeah!”

“Even I miss high school sometimes.” I say.

“You can remember that far back?” Lexi inquires with a mischievous grin.

“Do I need to bend you over my knee?” I tease.

“Oh, yes please!” Lexi licks her lips.

“He’s only forty!” Stacey exclaims. “That’s not old.”

“Compared to eighteen, it is.” Kayla interjects.

“It means I have experience.” I chuckle.

“Yeah, you do.” Stacey says. “Best I’ve ever had.”

“Me, too!” Lexi chirps.

“Ew, Daddy sex. Gross.” Kayla sticks out her tongue.

“Yeah right, Kayla.” Lexi says. “Stacey’s cool, she won’t care that you tease Daddy.”

“Tease him how?” Stacey asks, her curiosity piqued.

“Well,” Kayla begins nervously, “he’s seen my boobs before.”

“Oh, that’s no big deal.” Stacey replies. “They’re just titties.”

“Stop worrying, Kayla.” Lexi says. “They don’t touch, but they’ve been naked in the same room, and Kayla has been in the room while Steven and I fucked.”

“Ooooh, kinky.” Stacey giggles.

“See? Told ya she’s cool.” Lexi grins.

“I’ve never fucked with someone else in the room before.” Stacey admits.

“You looking to change that?” I ask with a predatory grin.

“Mayyybe.” Stacey winks.

“I like her.” Lexi says.

“Me, too.” Kayla nods.

“Thanks, girls!” Stacey responds.

“Did you bring your bathing suit so we can swim?” I ask Stacey.

“Who needs a suit, let’s skinny dip!” Lexi suggests.

“I’d be okay with that.” Stacey says with a blush. I can tell she’s a little nervous.

“Never skinny dipped before?” Kayla asks, noticing as well.

“No, never.” Stacey answers. “Despite what you might think, I’ve always been a good girl.”

“Time to change that!” Lexi interjects.

“Definitely!” Kayla adds.

“Okay, no suits!” I say.

We finish dinner and then have dessert. We continue our chat as we enjoy a rich, decadent, chocolate cake that Stacey provides. I can tell the girls are really getting comfortable with each other, which makes me very happy.

After dessert, we head outside to the massive swimming pool. I glance over and see Stacey smile at the beautiful, blue water. Then we start stripping down. I turn away from Stacey to give her some privacy, since I know she’s nervous. Shrugging out of my suit jacket, I fold it neatly and place it on a chair.

“Really? You’ve got three hot women getting naked and, not only are you not even looking, you’re taking the time to fold your clothes?” Lexi’s voice calls out.

“I wanted to give Stacey privacy!” I exclaim, turning to face Lexi, who is down to her bra and panties. “And this is an expensive suit!”

“You really are an old man!” Kayla giggles as she shrugs out of her bra.

“Hurry up and get naked!” Stacey grins as she shrugs out of her button-down shirt, exposing her bra.

“Okay, okay!” I laugh while removing my tie.

As I remove my clothes, I watch the girls. Kayla drops her panties and steps out of them, leaving my daughter completely naked. Fuck, she’s beautiful. Her raven hair frames her flawless face, and her breasts are perfect teardrops. I can’t see an ounce of fat anywhere on her body.

Lexi is the next one to get naked. The beautiful redhead bends over the chair and places her underwear on top of her outer clothes before standing up. My girlfriend really is stunning. A light dusting of freckles covers her face, and her stomach is flat. Her breasts aren’t the largest, but they are perfectly shaped with the prettiest, pinkest nipples.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” I say to Stacey, noticing she’s standing nervously in her bra and panties. I’m down to just my boxer briefs at this point.

“Yeah, no pressure.” a naked Kayla adds.

“No one does anything they don’t want to.” Lexi nods.

“I want to!” Stacey says as she slowly reaches her hands behind her back. “I’m just a little nervous.”

“No need to be nervous, you said it yourself, they’re just titties!” Kayla says as she cups her breasts and squeezes them together.

“If anyone should be nervous, it’s me.” Lexi reasons as she cups her own boobs. “Look at how small these things are compared to yours!”

“They’re perfect, Lexi.” I assure her. “If for no other reason than because they’re yours.”

“He’s such a sweetie.” Stacey says as she lowers first one strap, then the other. Shrugging her shoulders forward, Stacey removes her bra, baring her large breasts. “I don’t know why I was nervous around such great people.”

“He’s alright.” Lexi shrugs.

“Eat your own pussy.” I retort, rolling my eyes.

“Okay, okay! You’re amazing! Happy?” Lexi says in a pretend panic.

“Much better.” I reply while Kayla and Stacey laugh.

“He is really great at eating pussy. Speaking of pussy, here’s mine.” Stacey says as she takes a deep breath and drops her panties. She then steps out of the underwear, leaving her completely naked in front of us.

“Beautiful.” I breathe. I mean it, too.

Seeing her outside the office is really showing me just how gorgeous Stacey is. At twenty-five, she’s at the height of her feminine beauty. She has long, blonde hair, which cascades down her back. Her breasts are full, and high on her chest, with pink nipples right in the center. Her stomach is flat, and her legs are shapely.

“Flawless.” says Kayla.

“You’re one sexy lady!” Lexi chirps.

“Thank you.” Stacey says with a blush.

“Now, to be fair, I think someone owes us a penis.” Lexi says.

“Take it off!” Stacey cheers and claps while Kayla just giggles.

“Anything to please a lady.” I say as I hook my thumbs into my boxer briefs and drop them to my feet. My hard dick sticks out proudly as I step out of my underwear. Yes, I have an erection. Any guy would.

“Yay!” Lexi cheers.

“Damn, that’s a nice cock.” Stacey says, licking her lips.

“No comment.” Kayla grins.

“Thanks, ladies.” I say. “Ready to swim?”

“You’re gonna swim with a boner?” Kayla asks with a giggle.

“That will make things ... difficult.” Stacey teases.

“Oh! I’ll help him out!” Lexi says as she walks over to me and wraps a small hand around my member. “Come with me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I reply as Lexi strokes me.

“Good boy.” Lexi says. Using her grip on my penis, Lexi leads me off the concrete patio and onto the grass.

“Damn, your dad has a nice ass.” Stacey says to Kayla from behind me.

“Ew.” Kayla giggles. I can tell form their voices that Stacey and Kayla are following Lexi and I onto the grass.

“Hey girl, if he can check you out, you can check him out. Fair is fair.” Stacey reasons.

“Okay, you’re right. He has a great butt.” Kayla laughs.

“Thanks, ladies!” I call out as Lexi turns to face me.

“Just let me take care of you.” Lexi whispers as she drops to her knees.

“I’m all yours!” I say with a smile.

Lexi strokes my cock several times to make sure I’m nice and hard. Then she directs me to her open mouth. I let out a moan as I feel her lips form a seal around my shaft. My hands bury in her auburn hair as Lexi starts bobbing her head.

“I can’t believe she’s sucking your dick right in front of us.” Stacey whispers from beside me.

“That’s just Lexi. You get used to it.” Kayla explains from my other side.

“I’ve never seen a girl give head in person before.” Stacey says as she strokes my bicep.

“She’s really good.” I moan as Lexi starts taking me deeper on each down stroke.

“Wanna see her deep throat?” Kayla asks with a giggle.

“Yes!” Stacey breathes as she grips my upper arm.

“Mm.” Lexi hums as she adjusts herself before opening wide and taking my entire length into her throat so that my balls are resting against her chin.

“Holy shit!” Stacey gasps as she turns and rubs her breasts against my side.

“Show off.” Kayla laughs.

Lexi holds the deep throat for as long as she can. Her eyes are watering and her nostrils are flaring. Eventually, she has to pull off my cock. She breathes heavily, a strand of spit connecting my cock to her bottom lip as she strokes me.

“You told me to do it!” Lexi retorts. Then she takes me back in her mouth.

“Suck that dick!” Stacey cheers Lexi as her right hand runs along my taut stomach, feeling my muscular body.

“Mm!” Lexi moans as her hand reaches up to cup my balls.

“I could never swallow a cock that big.” Kayla sighs.

“Good thing it’s your dad, so you never will!” Stacey says.

“Unless Ian is as big as Daddy.” Kayla muses.

“Ian your boyfriend?” Stacey asks Kayla while the nude blonde absentmindedly caresses my abs.

“Oh fuck, that’s good!” I groan as Lexi’s tongue licks the underside of my shaft.

“Kinda.” Kayla answers between giggles. “We’ve gone on a few dates, and I used my calf to make him cum in his pants.”

“Awe, taking it slow! That’s sweet.” Stacey says. “Um, can I help you?”

“Nah, I’m good.” I say as I play with her boobs with one hand, while my other holds Lexi by the hair.

“He’s a virgin, I don’t wanna move fast.” Kayla explains. She’s so close to me, I can physically feel her presence beside me, even if we aren’t touching.

“Damn, he’s gonna rupture a testicle when he sees you naked for the first time.” Stacey laughs.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop!” I mutter to Lexi as I get close to my release.

“Mm, mm, mm!” Lexi hums as her cheeks cave in while she sucks me.

“Thanks!” Kayla laughs.

“You’re welcome, Gorgeous.” Stacey purrs. “Is he going to Bermuda with you?”

“No, his parents would never let him go away with a girl. Even though he’s eighteen.” Kayla pouts.

“I’m gonna cum soon.” I grunt, causing Kayla and Stacey to stop their conversation.

“Do it!” Stacey breathes as Kayla just watches in silence. “Cum in her mouth!”

“Ah, fuck!” I grunt as I explode in Lexi’s hot, teen mouth.

Lexi keeps bobbing her head on me as she collects blast after blast of cum in her cheeks. Eventually, my spurting slows to a trickle and Lexi holds my tip between her lips as her tongue laps up every drop. The sensations soon become too intense and I have to push her off of me.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Stacey moans as Lexi opens her mouth and shows all of us the cum on her tongue.

“Mm.” I hear Kayla let out an involuntary moan when she sees Lexi’s full mouth.

Lexi hops to her feet, mouth agape, and marches right up to Stacey. The bold redhead places one hand at the back of Stacey’s blonde head and mashes their lips together. Stacey lets out a surprised squeak, but quickly melts into the kiss. I can see their wrestling tongues as they swap my cum between them.

“They like your cum.” Kayla comments as she crosses her arms beneath her breasts.

“Jealous?” I ask as we both watch Stacey and Lexi wrap their arms around each other as they kiss. I can see Lexi’s smaller breasts squishing against Stacey’s big jugs.

“Just because it’s cum, not because it’s you.” Kayla explains. “Lexi isn’t the only girl who loves cum.”

“Too much information.” I say in a sing-song voice.

“Deal with it, old man.” Kayla chuckles.

“He’s not old!” Lexi chirps as she breaks the kiss and leans back in the taller girl’s arms.

“He still has a lot of good years of fucking left in him!” Stacey giggles.

“Thanks, ladies.” I say to Lexi and Stacey. “How was your first kiss with a girl, Stacey?”

“I loved it!” Stacey announces. “Lexi is a great kisser.”

“I’m great at other things, too.” Lexi replies as she leans in and licks Stacey’s nipple.

“I’ve never touched another girl’s boobs.” Stacey says as she reaches out and starts playing with Lexi’s little tits.

“Now you have!” Kayla interjects.

“I like them.” Stacey breathes.

“Her hands feel nice.” Lexi says, moaning as Stacey’s fingertips tease her nipples.

“And maybe I’ll feel her hands on me at some point, but for now, that’s enough fucking. Let’s go swimming!” Kayla shouts as she takes a running leap and cannonballs into the pool.

We all laugh as a wave of water splashes onto the patio. Lexi goes next, immediately following Kayla and jumping into the pool. I love watching her tight ass flex as she runs. Stacey is next, her big tits bouncing on her chest as she jumps in.

Then all three girls turn to me and wave me into the water. Three beautiful, naked women in the pool, all inviting me in. I do what any man would; I get a running start and cannonball right into the pool.

We end up splashing around in the pool for awhile. At one point, we race to see who can swim the length of the pool the fastest. Kayla beats us all by a very large margin. After that, we continue laughing and playing around.

Quite a bit of grab-ass is going on. I target breasts, while the girls target breasts and my cock. Lexi grabs Kayla’s big boobs and honks them, I bury my face in Stacey’s jugs and motorboat them, Stacey grabs Lexi by the ass and leans down to suck on her tit, then Kayla lifts up Lexi and tosses the smaller girl into the deep end of the pool.

At one point, Kayla and Stacey touch each other for the first time. From the way Stacey’s hand is moving underwater, she’s rubbing my daughter’s slit. The two then exchange a soft kiss while wrapped in each others arms.

The only touching that doesn’t happen is Kayla and I. I make sure that I know exactly where my hands are whenever Kayla comes near. However, some things are unavoidable. My erection starts to come back when Kayla’s breast brushes against my back as she pushes by me to chase Stacey. Another time, I turn around quickly and bump into her; I’m sure my soft cock impacts with her side. We both just choose to ignore it and continue rough-housing in the pool.

“Wanna try chicken fighting?” Stacey suggests at one point.

“How’s that gonna work?” I ask. “There’s three girls and one guy.

“I can hold up a girl!” Stacey insists.

“I’m good with it, as long as I don’t have to put my pussy on my dad’s head.” Kayla states, her breasts bobbing on the surface of the water.

“How about boyfriend and girlfriend vs big tits?” Lexi suggests. “I’m happy to put my pussy on Steven’s head.”

“Actually, it would be more on my neck or upper back...” I say.

“Really? That’s what you’re focused on?” asks Lexi with a raised eyebrow.

“What? It’s true!” I respond with a laugh.

“How about losers go down on the winners?” Lexi suggests, bringing the subject back to the chicken fight.

“Um...” Kayla begins.

“Obviously, you’d go down on me, Kayla. Or I would go down on you.” Lexi explains with an eye roll. “Steven and Stacey.”

“Do you girls do stuff like this often?” Stacey asks.

“Um...” Kayla mumbles nervously.

“Yup! Kayla and I are best friends, we make love all the time.” Lexi announces proudly. “Same with the others.”

“The others?” Stacey asks in shock.

“Our best friends; Marcia, Ashley, and Hazel.” says Lexi.

“Wow! That’s amazing!” Stacey says. “I wish I had friends like you guys when I was in high school.”

“Yeah, we’re really lucky.” Kayla says, letting her anxiety pass.

“And Steven gets all the pussy he can handle?” Stacey asks.

“Yes. Yes he does.” I nod happily.

“Just not mine!” Kayla interjects.

“Anyway, do we have a game?” Lexi asks, ignoring Kayla.

“I think we do!” Stacey says excitedly.

“Yes.” I agree.

“I’m in.” says Kayla.

A couple minutes later, Lexi is on top of me. Her pussy is against the back of my neck. Looking across the pool, I see Stacey holding tightly onto Kayla’s thighs while my daughter sits on her shoulders.

“Ready?” Lexi asks.

“Ready.” Kayla confirms.

“Go!” Lexi shouts.

Lexi and Kayla raise their arms as Stacey and I move toward each other. Soon, Kayla and Lexi have their hands locked as they each struggle to throw the other one into the pool. Kayla and Stacey’s tits are bouncing wildly on their chests, I can only imagine Lexi’s are, too.

For several minutes, the chicken fight continues. At one point, Kayla and Stacey almost win. Kayla twists her body and causes Lexi to lose her balance. I actually nearly fall into the water myself. Eventually though, we are able to right ourselves, and the battle continues.

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