Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


“Oh God, I’m cumming, yes!” I announce as I claw at the chest of the guy I’m riding.

I don’t know his name, and I don’t care. All that matters is that he has a nice, thick cock that can stretch my little pussy. His hands hold my hips as I slam myself down onto him, engulfing his entire length with my tight twat as I cum.

“Oh, yes! Yes!” I cry out, my body tense as tiny electric shocks explode from my pussy and circuit my entire being.

“Fuck yeah, cum on my cock!” the guy says as he reaches up and slaps my titties, making them bounce.

“Oh, fuck!” I gasp, loving how rough this guy is being with me.

He doesn’t know my name either. Why would he? I’m just an eighteen-year-old girl for him to stick his cock in. Oh, the thought makes me so wet. I can feel my pussy grip his cock like a vice as I cum again.

“You like that, Baby?” he asks as he grabs two handfuls of my boobs and mauls them roughly.

“Yeah, play with my titties!” I beg.

When my second orgasm ends, I use the strength of my toned legs to lift my body up until only his tip is between my moist folds. I let out a groan of pleasure as he tweaks my nipples and watches my actions. Then, in one fluid motion, I slam myself back down, swallowing his cock with my sheath once again.

“Holy shit, you are so fucking tight!” he gasps out while he holds my breasts.

“You like my tight, little pussy?” I coo as I start to ride him again.

“Fuck yes, ride me!” says the guy as he pulls my titties apart before squishing them together, creating a large and delicious-looking cleavage.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” I pant as I bounce up and down on his big dick.

The guy releases my breasts and slides his hands down my body. He then takes too handfuls of my butt cheeks and squeezes them. I toss my head back and moan, loving the feel of his hands roaming all over my naked body. With no one holding my tits, the firm, yet soft mounds are able to freely bounce on my chest as I undulate in his lap.

After bouncing on him for a couple minutes, I lean forward and shove my tits in his face. The guy releases my ass and grabs my boobs, holding them together as he kisses as much tit-flesh as he possibly can. I shiver when he takes a nipple in his mouth and sucks on it.

Soon, I pull my boob from his mouth and sit back up. I start riding him again, fast and hard, while he holds my hips to guide my movements. Keeping one hand on his chest for balance, I reach up and play with my own boob, squeezing it and tweaking my nipple.

“Get down on me.” the guy eventually says.

I lower my upper body until my breasts are pressing into his chest. My face is next to his and I’m panting into his ear as he thrusts his cock up into me. It feels so fucking good. He then grabs a fistful of my raven hair and yanks my head back so I’m facing him.

“Do you like my cock?” he husks.

“I fucking love it!” I hiss, a look of pure lust on my face.

“Do you want more cock?” he asks.

“Yes!” I groan, “I need more cock!”

He smirks as he looks at me and holds me by the hair. I can feel someone climbing onto the king size bed. Soon, hands that do not belong to the guy I’m fucking grab onto my ass cheeks and spread them wide, exposing my butt hole. A guy is settling into position behind me. I yelp and jerk forward slightly when I feel a glob of spit land right on my rear entrance. Then a cock is pressing right up against my ass.

“Do you like it up the ass?” the guy I’m on top of asks.

“Fuck, yes!” I admit in a wanton voice, “I love it up the ass!”

“Then take it!” the guy behind me husks into my ear.

“Holy shit!” I cry out as the tip of the guy’s cock pops into my backdoor.

The guy I’m on top of holds my hips as he buries his entire cock inside me. The guy behind me leans over me until I can feel his chest against my back. He then grips my shoulders in both hands as he pushes his cock into my tightest of holes. Soon, he is fully embedded, and I’m absolutely stuffed with cock.

Fuuuuuuuck!” I hiss, my nostrils flared and teeth clench as I’m DP’d.

I’m pressed tightly between two guys as they start thrusting into my holes. When the guy in my pussy is fully embedded, the guy in my ass pulls out. When the guy in my ass thrusts into my rear end, the guy in my cunt is pulling out. There is never a moment where a dick isn’t balls-deep inside of me.

“Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my ass! FUCK ME!” I scream as my body shakes. My nipples are rock hard and pressing into the first guy’s chest.

It feels so good, I’m so close. I’m so full. When the guys shove both their cocks up my holes at the same time, I let out a full-throat scream as my body starts thrashing between both large men. I’m cumming. I’m cumming so hard. I can feel my pussy clamp down on the cock buried inside as the guy above me keeps himself to the hilt up my ass.

“Fuck yeah! Cum, Baby!” says the guy in my pussy.

“Cum, you little slut!” shouts the guy up my bum.

“Yes! I’m a slut!” I cry out as a series of multiple orgasms wash over me, “I’m your slut!”

“Damn, she can’t get enough!” the first guy says while I lay on top of him.

“Now we just need a cock for her mouth!” laughs the second guy.

“Would you like that?” the first guy asks as he grabs me by the hair and forces me to look him in the eye.

“Yes!” I hiss, “I want a cock to suck on!”

The first guy releases my head as another hand grabs me by the hair and forces my head to face sideways. Next thing I know, there’s a cock poking at my face. I don’t even know when a third guy got on the bed, and I don’t care. I open my mouth and gobble up that hard cock. Then I start sucking.

There’s a cock in my pussy. There’s a cock in my ass. There’s a cock in my mouth. I’m airtight. I scream around the cock in my mouth, drool running from my lips as another massive orgasm wracks my entire body.

The guy in my ass pulls out so only the tip is inside me. At the same time, the guy in my pussy thrusts up so that his entire length buries up my cunt. The guy in my mouth holds me by the hair and thrusts his entire length down my throat. I let out a choked gurgle as his balls hit my chin. Soon, the guy in my ass thrusts back inside. Three cocks are balls-deep inside me.

My gang bang continues, with all three guys fucking me hard and fast. The guy in my mouth is using my throat as if it were a pussy, causing me to make the sexiest moaning and gurgling sounds. The guy in my ass is holding my shoulders, fucking me up the bum with all the strength he can muster. Finally, the guy in my pussy is holding my hips, thrusting as fast as he can with me laying on top of him.

“I can’t take it anymore!” grunts the guy in my pussy, “I have to cum!”

“Fuck, me too!” announces the guy in my ass, “I’m gonna fill her ass!”

“You want cum in your mouth?” asks the guy fucking my face.

I look up at him with my innocent green eyes, and nod. That’s when I feel cum squirting into my cunt. Then the guy behind me gasps and starts shooting up my backdoor. As cum coats my vaginal walls and bowels, the guy in my mouth grips my head and forces me down on him. My cheeks puff out as cum explodes from his tip. My throat contracts as I swallow the first spurt, just in time for the second to fill my cheeks.

I’m being filled with so much cum. I can feel it overflowing from my pussy and ass. More cum is leaking out from between my lips as the guy keep shooting his load down my throat. My pussy is so wet, so fucking wet. The guy cumming in my mouth is lightly stroking my hair. He gently brushes a lock of hair behind my ear as he coos softly. I hear him whisper my name. Wait. He doesn’t know my name?

My eyes open and I can see a firm tit. My head is resting on a second boob and I can tell that I’m pressed up against a naked female body, my leg thrown over hers. Soft, delicate fingers are running through my hair as she coos softly.

“That must have been some dream.” Lexi giggles.

“W-what?” I groan as I lift my head to look at her.

“Well, you were making happy sex noises in your sleep.” Lexi explains, “Also, I can feel your pussy against my leg. You’re soaked!”

It’s true. With one of my legs over one of hers, my pussy is pressed against Lexi’s leg. I can feel how wet I am. I must have had one hell of an orgasm in my sleep. I blush as I slowly roll away from Lexi and sit up.

“Yeah, I had a dream.” I admit.

“Details, girl!” Lexi giggles as she sits up beside me and turns her head to look at me.

“Well, I, uh,” I begin nervously, “I dreamed I was having sex with three guys at once. They made me airtight.”

“Oh, wow.” Lexi says as she looks at me seriously, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it was just a dream.” I say, “I have to admit, it was really hot.”

“I’ve been there, it can be really intense.” Lexi tells me, “Second night in a row you’ve had a dream like that.”

“Yeah, I mean, I guess a part of me feels guilty about being turned on by something so intense,” I say, “but then I remember that there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’ll never sleep with more than one guy at a time again, but there’s nothing wrong with a little fantasy.”

“Nothing at all.” Lexi says with a smile before pecking my lips.

“Did the alarm go off?” I ask.

“Nope!” Lexi answers, “Your cute, little sex noises woke me up and I spent the last twenty minutes just caressing you.”

“Thank you.” I say as I look at the clock. It’s Wednesday morning, about fifteen minutes before the alarm will go off.

“There isn’t enough time to take turns,” Lexi husks as she reaches over and runs her delicate fingers over my left breast. “Wanna sixty-nine?”

“I’d love to.” I reply.

We toss the covers off our naked bodies, giggling the entire time. I then lay flat on my back as Lexi turns around and gets on top of me. She then lowers her pussy down onto my face as I feel her tongue start to lick my slit.

Lexi is so much better at this than I am, that within two minutes she has me cumming on her talented tongue. I grip her ass cheeks tightly as my hips buck and I cry out against her pussy. Fuck, I love this girl.

I do feel like I’m getting better at eating pussy, because a few minutes later, Lexi cries out her orgasm as she grinds her cunt down onto my face. I can barely breathe, but I don’t stop, I keep sucking on her clit until her orgasm subsides.

We stay in sixty-nine for another ten minutes, gently and lovingly licking each other out. Lexi pushes two fingers up my cunt and is sawing them in and out of me as her tongue rapidly flicks my clit. I cum again. Hard. I can feel Lexi’s breasts pressing against me as our hands explore. We don’t stop fingering and licking until the alarm goes off.

“Fuck school.” I grunt as I shut off the alarm.

“Ugh, I know!” Lexi says as she gets out of bed. I can see her lick her lower lip to lap up as much pussy juice as she can.

“I wish we didn’t have to go.” I say as I walk over to her and wrap her up in a hug.

“We could skip?” Lexi suggests. “Spend the entire day making love. Mmm, then when Steven gets home I can get fucked until I see stars.”

“As nice as that sounds,” I respond, “we should probably go.”

“Yeah.” Lexi admits. “I’m gonna head to my room and grab some clean panties.”

We kiss, and then I watch Lexi’s naked ass sway as she leaves my bedroom. I go to my dresser and get a pair of clean underwear. I slip on the panties and then grab my robe. I don’t bother with a bra and just tie the robe.

“Are you okay?” Lexi asks when she returns in her robe a few minutes later. I can see her hard nipples denting the fabric.

“I’m just nervous about therapy.” I admit.

“I understand.” Lexi says as she hugs me. “Having to tell all your secrets to a stranger will be challenging.”

“Yeah, I just hope she can help me work though this.” I answer.

“I’m sure she can.” Lexi smiles as she pecks my lips.

I’m still a little down when we head down to breakfast. I think Daddy can tell, but he doesn’t bring it up. However, Lexi knows just what to do to cheer me up; she offers to go to therapy with me! She won’t join the actual session, but I’m still glad she’ll be in the waiting room. I even feel good enough to tease Daddy about Lexi and I scissoring last night. The look on his face is priceless.

I can tell Daddy and Lexi want to fuck, but sadly there is no time for that. We all have to head back to our rooms and change, then run out the door to make it to where we need to be on time. I’m driving today, and Lexi hops into the passenger seat as I start the car.

We make small talk on the way to school before arriving at the parking lot. I park the car and then the two of us head into the building. The two of us run into Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia almost as soon as we enter the building. We make small talk and I decide that I’m ready to tell them about what happened to me. Just not here, not at school. I wait until classes start to text Lexi.

Kayla: I’m ready to tell our friends about Keith.

Lexi: I’m proud of you. When do you want to tell them?

Kayla: How about we invite them over tomorrow to go swimming?

Lexi: That works! Steven has plans to go out for drinks with a friend.

Kayla: Great! Is it okay to tell them about us?

Lexi: That we fucked? ;) Yeah, it’s okay. That’s when I’ll tell Hazel I’m ready for the threesome!

Kayla: Perfect. :)

Lexi: Hah! Your dad just texted me. He fucked his assistant again.

Kayla: There are things a daughter doesn’t need to know!

Lexi: Please. You’ve seen his dick, he’s seen your tits. Hell, he’s seen you naked.

Kayla: Fine, fine. Whatever. :P

My last class of the morning ends and I head over to the cafeteria for lunch. “Hi, Ian!” I say just before entering the cafeteria.

“Kayla! Hi!” Ian says happily when he sees me. “How are you?”

“I’m good, how are you?” I respond.

“Great!” he gushes. “I’m excited for Friday!”

“Aw! Me, too.” I say as I lean up and peck his cheek. “I just need your address so I can pick you up.”

“Oh! Right!” says Ian as he pulls out his phone. “I’ll text it to you now.”

“Thank you, Ian.” I say with a smile as he types the address into his phone and sends it to me.

We exchange a quick peck on the lips, which makes Ian blush, then we head into the cafeteria. I take Ian’s hand as we walk inside, then he heads over to sit with his friends. I spot Lexi sitting with Ashley, Hazel, and Marcia. I buy my lunch and then head over to sit with them.

“What took you so long?” asks Lexi.

“She was with her boyfriend!” Ashley says as she starts making kissing faces.

“Aw!” says Marcia.

“Oh, shut up.” I say with a blush as I take a bite of my lunch.

“Anyway, I was just telling the girls about your plans for a pool party tomorrow after school!” Lexi explains.

“Another pool party?” asks Hazel, “We do that a lot, don’t we?”

“Yeah, but it’s supposed to be a nice day!” says Ashley.

“And I have something I need to tell you guys.” I say seriously.

“Oh, is everything okay?” Marcia asks.

“Everything is gonna be fine.” I reply with a smile, “Let’s get together after school, splash around in the pool, do some sunbathing, and we’ll talk about it.”

“Okay!” Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia all say at once.

“Great!” Lexi says with a smile.

The five of us continue making small talk over lunch. Sadly, we never get enough time, and lunch is soon over. We dispose of our trash and then start making our way to our respective classes. I do notice that Ian and his friends haven’t left yet. I decide to tease him a bit.

“Well, hi Cutie!” I say as I walk over to Ian. I notice both his friends are guys.

“Hi, Kayla!” Ian says in a high pitched voice. I see that both his friends are equally as nervous around girls.

“No need to be nervous, boys!” I say with a giggle. “I don’t bite! Much.” I wrap my arms around Ian’s neck and lean down to nibble the top of his ear.

“Um, w-we’re not nervous!” one of them says.

“Y-yeah.” the second one gulps.

“Well, good!” I say, “Maybe you guys can sit with us girls one day?”

“R-really?” the first guy asks.

“Yeah! It would be fun!” I say sincerely. “Well, I’ve gotta get to class. Later!”

I can feel their eyes on my backside as I sashay across the cafeteria. I really would like all of us to be friends. I hope the guys get over their anxiety and can sit with us. It would be nice to get all three of them to come out of their shells. With only a couple months left in high school, it’s a little late, but better late than never.

Heading to the bathroom, I pee before going to my next class. As I’m leaving the bathroom, I start to get nervous about therapy. It’s getting closer. I take a deep breath and sit down in my next class. Before I know it, the school day is over and it is time.

“Ready?” Lexi asks as she fastens her seat belt.

“Not really.” I admit.

“You’ll be fine.” Lexi says as she leans over to kiss my cheek.

“I love you, Lexi.” I say as I start the car.

“I love you, too.” Lexi replies.

I back out of the space and leave the school. It isn’t a long drive, and soon I’m pulling into a nice office space on the other side of town. I park the car and shut it off. With a nervous gulp, I unbuckle my seat belt and step out of the car. Lexi is right beside me. She takes my hand and we walk in. Barely ten minutes later, I leave Lexi in a small waiting room as I’m ushered into a private room.

The room is nice, with several places to sit. There’s a potted plant in one corner. I park my butt down on the couch and look at the middle-aged woman who takes a seat across from me on a sturdy chair.

“Hello, Kayla. I’m Kasey.” says the woman, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you.” I reply.

“Nervous?” she asks kindly.

“Yes.” I acknowledge with a nod of my head.

“Well, let’s just take it easy. Tell me about Kayla.” the woman says.

“I’m eighteen years old and a senior in high school.” I begin. “I live with my dad, who I love so much, and his girlfriend, Lexi. I was a cheerleader all four years in high school, but that ended. I have a lot of friends and I’m happy overall.”

“So, what brings you to therapy?” Kasey asks.

“I-I was raped.” I admit with a heavy sigh.

“I see.” the woman says with a sympathetic expression. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you report it?”

“Yes, but I didn’t get a kit done because it was too late and I didn’t want a stranger’s fingers up my cunt.” once I start talking, I can’t stop. “My boyfriend is gone, I was raped by a piece of shit who I now see all the time at school. I turned into a cum dump and let two guys fuck me at once.

“I feel guilty about feeling guilty about it since there’s nothing wrong with consensual sex. It just isn’t me. I want love. I think I may have found a nice guy, but I’m not sure how that’s gonna work out because I don’t want to stop making love with Lexi, but I doubt he’ll understand that. I don’t know what to do!”

“Okay, you’re okay.” says Kasey as I start breathing heavily, “Why don’t you take a nice, deep breath and start at the beginning. You mentioned a boyfriend and sex with someone named Lexi. I thought Lexi was your dad’s girlfriend?”

“She is. Okay, okay.” I say, trying to gather my thoughts. “I’ll start at the beginning.”

I tell Kasey everything, I don’t hold back. I tell her about dating David for months, about making love with him after turning eighteen. I go on to explain about my birthday pool party where Lexi attends. I tell her about Daddy sleeping with Lexi, about slapping Lexi, and then about growing closer to her.

I continue my story and tell Kasey about Lexi getting thrown out of her house when Keith sends naked pictures and videos to her parents. Breathing heavily, I admit to watching the video of Lexi having sex and seeing David fucking her. Then I tell her about dumping David and going wild. Finally, I explain getting raped by Keith while drunk and bonding with Lexi over our mutual trauma with sex.

“Well, you’ve certainly been through a lot the last few weeks.” Kasey says.

“Yes, and now things are starting with Ian.” I explain. “I have a date with him on Friday and we’re going to prom together.”

“I hope that goes well.” Kasey says kindly.

“Thank you.” I say.

We spend the next thirty minutes exploring what I’ve gone through the last few weeks. I feel better just being able to let it all out. Near the end of the session, Kasey decides to introduce me to a technique for meditation. She thinks it’ll help me relax when the emotions from what I went through become too much. I have to admit, the deep breathing is very relaxing.

“Same time, next week?” Kasey asks at the end of the session.

“Yes, thank you.” I reply.

Kasey shows me to the door and I head out to the waiting room to meet up with Lexi. The gorgeous redhead hugs me and then the two of us then leave the building. We make it to my car and get in. I start the car and only then does Lexi speak up.

“So, how was it?” she asks.

“It went really well.” I say, “It was nice to just spill my guts.”

“I’m glad.” Lexi responds. She has a big smile on her face.

“She was slightly shocked that I’m sleeping with my dad’s girlfriend!” I say with a giggle.

“Only slightly?” Lexi asks.

The two of us start laughing and can’t stop for several minutes. I hold the steering wheel with just my left hand so I can reach over and take Lexi’s hand. She laces her fingers with mine and we hold hands for the rest of the drive back to our house.

“How’d it go, Honey?” Daddy asks when Lexi and I get home.

“Really well, Daddy.” I say as I hug him tight. “It’s nice just having that outlet for everything.”

“I’m glad.” Daddy says as he rubs my back.

He releases me and walks over to Lexi. After kissing her, the three of us sit down to dinner. Chicken is on tonight’s menu, and like every other night, it is cooked perfectly. We make small talk as we dig in. Daddy is told about the pool party tomorrow and he is perfectly happy for us to have everyone over.

After dinner, we head to the main living room to watch some television. Like most nights, Lexi and I are each snuggled up to Daddy. I feel so safe with his strong arm around me. I’m lucky to have both of them.

“Time for bed?” Daddy asks after we finish another season.

“Yeah, I’m exhausted.” I say.

“Do you want me to stay with you again tonight?” Lexi offers.

“Nah, not tonight.” I reply, “I need to be able to sleep alone. Besides, I can’t take you away from Daddy two nights in a row!”

“If you need Lexi tonight, it’s okay with me.” Daddy says.

“I know.” I respond with a smile, “I’m okay. Really.”

Daddy and Lexi both kiss me goodnight and then they head to their bedroom. I take a late night shower and brush my teeth before heading to my room completely nude. With a smirk, I send Ian a goodnight text, telling him I’m sleeping naked tonight. Then I get into bed and practice some meditation. Within minutes, I’m fast asleep.


“I’ll report back as soon as I have something for you.” Jason says as he offers his hand.

“I look forward to seeing your results.” I reply as I shake his hand.

I call Stacey in and have her show Jason out. Then I shut my door and sit at my desk. I really hope this guy can help me. If he finds something I can bring to the police that proves Keith Strulk is a drug dealer, perhaps they’ll be able to arrest him. Get him out of Kayla’s school, at the very least.

Since I want to be home when Kayla gets back from therapy, I don’t work for much longer. Once I’m done for the day, I say goodbye to Stacey and get in my car. The drive home is uneventful and soon I’m relaxing at home.

Kayla and Lexi arrive at the house and I immediately meet up with them in the dining room. My daughter seems in a much better mood, for which I am extremely grateful. Hopefully things will keep looking up.

The three of us eat dinner and chat. Apparently, the girls are planning another pool party tomorrow, where they will tell their friends everything. Hazel, Ashley, and Marcia will know that Kayla was raped, and that she bonded with Lexi by making love to her. I’m glad the girls are so close. I’m also glad that Lexi is gonna bring up the threesome with Hazel. I am a father first, but I’m also a red-blooded male.

Upon finishing dinner, Lexi and I walk hand-in-hand to the main living room to watch television. Kayla joins us, and I’m soon sitting with both girls cuddled up beside me. I hold them close, loving them both so much. My daughter, my only child. Lexi, the girl who woke up the lover inside me.

We finish the latest season of the show we’re watching and decide that it is time for bed. Lexi offers to stay with Kayla tonight, but Kayla insists she’s fine. I hope that’s true, I love my daughter and want her to be happy.

“How do you think Kayla is doing?” I ask Lexi when we get to our bedroom.

“Much, much better.” she answers as she removes her shoes and socks. “She was nervous about therapy, and just knowing that it isn’t something scary has lifted a weight from her shoulders.”

“That’s very good to hear.” I say as I kick off my shoes before taking off my shirt and tossing it in the hamper with my socks.

“I think telling the girls everything tomorrow will help her, too.” Lexi says as she peels off her shirt, giving me a look at her bra-clad breasts. “Kayla needs to know she’s loved, and it isn’t just you and I who love her.”

“I’m glad she has so many great friends.” I say as I admire Lexi’s flat stomach. “With all of you helping her, and with therapy, I think she’ll get through this. She’s so strong.”

“She really is,” Lexi says as she drops her shorts, leaving her in just her underwear, “Much stronger than I was when Keith got his hooks into me.”

“That’s in the past.” I say with a smile.

“Yes, it is.” Lexi agrees as she unhooks her bra. She then shrugs her shoulders forward and removes the bra before tossing it onto the desk. “I have you now. A boyfriend who loves me. And I have Kayla, my best friend and lover.”

“You have us.” I say with a nod and a smile as I watch Lexi putter about the room wearing nothing but a pair of cute panties.

“And hopefully this thing with Ian works out.” Lexi says as she sits down in front of the vanity mirror I recently had put in for her.

“What do you think of him?” I ask, wanting to know more.

“He’s nice.” Lexi answers as she takes out a container of moisturizer. “Really shy. Quiet. Which doesn’t seem like her usual type, but she thinks it’s really cute. As long as she’s attracted to him, that works!”

“And we’re sure he’s nothing like David?” I ask hesitantly.

“Yes, I’m sure he hasn’t stuck his dick in me.” Lexi says, rolling her eyes as she starts rubbing moisturizer into her skin.

“That’s not what I meant.” I state quickly as I plug my phone into the charger and set it on the bedside table.

“Yes, it is.” Lexi smirks and turns to face me. She sticks her tongue out at me before returning to her task.

“I just want to know that he’s a good guy!” I insist.

“I really think he is.” she says as she starts rubbing moisturizer into her breasts.

“Good.” I say as I watch Lexi squeeze and rub her tits.

“I just hope that, if things get serious between her and Ian, she doesn’t forget about me.” Lexi bites her lip nervously as she starts moisturizing her toned legs.

“Kayla could never forget you.” I state confidently as I sit down on the bed.

“I guess that’s not what I meant.” Lexi clarifies, “I know we’ll still be best friends, it’s just ... it’s just I don’t want to stop having sex with her.”

“Oh, and that could be considered cheating on Ian if he doesn’t know.” I say, understanding the problem.

“Exactly.” Lexi nods.

“Maybe he’ll be okay with it.” I suggest.

“For that, we’d have to tell him.” she responds, “And not all guys are as understanding as you.”

“I think most guys are turned on by the idea of two girls going at it.” I point out.

“True,” Lexi giggles, “but they’d want to be a part of it. Or at least be able to watch.”

“I’d like to watch you eat pussy.” I say with a smirk. “As long as it isn’t my daughter’s.”

“You’ll get to see soon enough.” Lexi promises as she puts away the moisturizer and stands up.

“Good.” I smile.

“Now, that’s enough talking.” Lexi says as she grips her panties by the waistband. “It’s been way too long since I’ve had any dick.”

“We’ll have to do something about that.” I say.

“Excellent.” Lexi says as she drops her panties and steps out of them. “Let’s get some cock in me!”

My eyes don’t leave the nude redhead as she hops up on the bed. I stand up and turn to watch as she lays down and spreads her legs. Taking a tit in her hand, Lexi runs her other hand slowly down her body until it reaches her perfect pussy.

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