Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  


I stand in the hallway near the exit to the school as students push past me to go catch their buses or get to their cars. Everyone is so eager to get out of here now that the school day as over. As for me, I’m staring at Ian with a blank look on my face.

After everything I’ve been through, I actually haven’t been thinking about prom much lately. Now, this sweet, shy boy is asking me. Oh, will he still want to go with me if he finds out the truth about the things I’ve done? I bite my lower lip nervously.

“I-it’s okay.” Ian stammers, “Never mind.”

The poor boy looks heartbroken as he turns around and starts walking away. I realize that standing there mute probably isn’t the best way to answer him. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and immediately rush to catch up with him.

“Ian, wait!” I call out as I reach out toward him.

“Y-yeah?” he asks as he turns around to face me. It looks like tears are forming in his eyes.

“Sorry, you just surprised me!” I say honestly, “I’d love to go to prom with you.”

“R-really?” he asks, looking both shocked and thrilled as a grin splits his face, “You’ll go with me?”

“I will.” I reply with a smile as I look at him cutely and twirl a lock of hair with my fingers. “As long as you really wanna go with me, that is.”

“Y-yeah.” the nervous boy says, “You’re great!”

“Aw, thanks!” I say as I walk up to him and give him a hug.

This guy is so adorable. He pats me on the back nervously, as if afraid I don’t want him to touch me, even though I initiated contact. I hug him tightly, making sure my firm breasts press into his chest. Then, I pull away and smile at him.

“I have to go meet Lexi.” I say, “Here, give me your phone.”

Ian looks like all his dreams are coming true as he hands over his phone and watches while I add my number to his contacts. When I finish entering my number, I smile and hand his phone back. Then I surprise him by swooping in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“Text me tonight?” I ask.

“Y-yes.” Ian stammers, “I will!”

“Great! See you tomorrow.” I say while giving him a cute wave. I then turn around and walk down the hallway.

Maneuvering through the throng of people, I make my way outside. The afternoon sun is warm against my skin and I smile happily. Then I make my way to the parking lot where Lexi is standing by my car, waiting for me.

“What took you so long?” Lexi asks as I unlock the car.

“I got held up in the hall.” I answer as Lexi and I toss our backpacks in the backseat. We then get in the car and put our seat belts on.

“Doing what?” Lexi asks suspiciously.

“Relax.” I say, rolling my eyes. “I wasn’t on my knees. I got asked to prom!”

“Just looking out for you.” Lexi says with a smirk. “Who asked you?”

“Ian.” I answer as I start the car.

“Really?!” Lexi exclaims, “Shy, quiet Ian had the balls to ask out a hot chick like you?”

“Oh my God, you should have seen how nervous he was, Lexi!” I giggle as I put the car into reverse and start backing out of the space “I thought the poor boy was gonna wet himself!”

“I’ll bet!” Lexi laughs, “Well? Don’t keep me in suspense; what did you say?”

“I said yes!” I say happily.

“You seem to be in a good mood.” Lexi comments, “Do you have a thing for Ian?”

“I mean, I always thought he was kind of cute,” I answer, as I pull out of the parking lot and onto the street “and I knew he had a crush on me. I just never really thought about him that way. I guess I’m used to more outgoing guys, but where has that got me? I’m happy I was asked and can do something normal, like go to prom.”

“Of course he had a crush on you, every guy does, sexy lady!” Lexi teases as she places a hand on my knee while I drive.

“Yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes, but can’t stop a small smile from appearing on my face, “I never bullied him at all, and I was always kind to him. I’m sure he finds me attractive, but I think he likes me because I’m a nice girl.”

“You are.” Lexi says as she squeezes my knee affectionately.

“Thank you.” I respond as I keep driving.

“I think this will be good for you.” Lexi smiles, “I’m glad.”

“Me, too.” I say, “I’m going to prom!”

“You’re going to prom!” Lexi says with a forced smile.

“You can still go.” I tell her, knowing instantly why she is down.

“Yeah, I know.” Lexi sighs, “I just wish I could bring my boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry.” I say as I stop at a red light. “I wish you could bring Daddy, too.”

“Thanks.” Lexi says with a sad smile.

“You can still go and hang out with all of us!” I encourage.

“I will. I already bought a ticket.” Lexi explains, “In fact, I’m gonna text the girls, see if they have dates yet. Maybe we can all go as a group and dance.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” I smile, “I don’t think Marcia, Ashley, or Hazel have dates yet.”

“We’ll find out!” Lexi says as she removes her hand from my leg and starts texting.

The cute redhead is in a better mood as she texts our mutual friends. Hopefully they don’t have dates and agree to Lexi’s idea. I think they will, they’re very supportive. Also, since they are all interested in fucking Daddy, I don’t think they’ll mind going dateless. In fact, I lost track of who in the group Daddy hasn’t boned.

“Hey, Lexi?” I ask.

“Yeah?” Lexi responds as she puts her phone back in her purse.

“Has Daddy fucked Marcia, Ashley, and Hazel at this point?” I ask.

Lexi erupts into a fit of giggles and it’s a good forty-five seconds before she answers “Not quite. He’s bagged Marcia and Ashley. He’s only gotten head from Hazel so far.”

“Oh yeah, he’s waiting for the threesome you guys have been planning for weeks.” I say.

“Yeah, we kept putting it off because Hazel wants to fuck me as well, and I’ve been so anxious about touching another girl like that.” says Lexi.

“Then you and I hooked up.” I tease as I pull onto our street.

“Then you and I made love.” Lexi corrects as she once again reaches out and squeezes my knee.

“Yes.” I smile “We made love.”

“I’m wet just thinking about it!” Lexi says, ruining the mood on purpose.

“That mean the threesome is happening?” I ask, changing the subject back to the question I really want an answer to.

“Yeah, and soon.” Lexi answers with a smirk. “I just have to talk to Hazel and tell her I’m ready.”

“When it does happen, I’ll want details!” I grin.

“Done!” Lexi agrees.

“Are you going to tell Hazel about us?” I ask.

“Maybe we should tell our friends together?” Lexi suggests.

“That’s a good idea. We’ll find the right time.” I say with a smile.

We pull into our driveway and I park my car next to Lexi’s. Grabbing our backpacks from the back seat, we both head inside. Lexi and I both wave and say hi to the butler before continuing through the foyer into the main part of the house.

“Homework and television in the main living room?” I suggest.

“Works for me.” Lexi answers as we work our way through the massive house, “Maybe a snack as well? I’m hungry.”

“Sounds good.” I say.

Once we reach the giant living room, we toss our backpacks onto the coffee table and I sit down on the couch while Lexi heads into the kitchen to fix us a snack. While she’s gone I take out our books and find something on television.

“I made mozzarella sticks!” Lexi says when she returns twenty minutes later with a piping hot plate of mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce. She also brought us two cans of soda.

“Great!” I say happily.

Lexi sets the plate down on the table and sits down beside me as she hands me a soda. We each open our drinks and take a sip before reaching for the mozzarella sticks. They are perfect; the outside is warm and crunchy, while the cheese inside is nice and hot and gooey.

We kick our shoes and socks off so we can get comfy on the couch. Then we waste a good half-an-hour watching television and chatting as we eat. Finally, it’s time to actually start our homework so we aren’t up half the night.

“Do you have any big tests coming up?” I ask Lexi.

“Yeah, I have one on Friday.” Lexi answers, “Why?”

“Same. I was just wondering.” I say, “I don’t feel like studying.”

“Neither do I.” Lexi says, “Not today, at least. I’m gonna finish what needs to be done for tomorrow, and that’s it.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Besides, it’s only Monday.” I respond as we continue our homework.

The two of us work on our homework for a couple hours. When we are finally finished, we put away our books and sit back to watch television until Daddy comes home. Soon, we find ourselves cuddling.

“The girls all responded to my text.” Lexi says as she runs her fingers through my hair.

“Oh yeah?” I ask. “What’s the verdict?”

“Marcia, Hazel, and Ashley don’t have dates.” Lexi begins, “They all said they’d be fine with going together as a group of four. It’s done!”

“Good, I’m glad.” I say with a smile. Lexi sounds so relieved. I really am happy she found a solution.

Lexi is holding me close as I shiver nervously, overwhelmed with everything I’ve been through lately. I look up at her with vulnerable eyes as she squeezes my upper arm affectionately. Without realizing, I lean up and press my lips against hers.

The two of us lightly kiss for several minutes, our arms lightly running over each others bodies. My hand finds Lexi’s breast as I slide my tongue into her mouth. The gorgeous redhead moans into my mouth as I squeeze her firm tit.

I love this girl so much. It isn’t romantic love, I need a man for that, but it is just as special, if not more so. She helps me stay sane, she helps me remember that I’m loved and cared for, that I matter. She’s the reason I haven’t completely spiraled out of control. The reason Daddy now knows everything that happened to me and is helping me. Lexi is the reason we’re a family.

My hand finds the button of her jean shorts and I immediately undo them and slide her zipper down. I grasp the sides of her shorts and start pulling them down, along with her panties. Lexi leans her body back and lifts her bum so that I can get her clothes off. Soon, my best friend is laying bottomless on the couch, her legs spread and pussy exposed.

“Come taste me?” Lexi asks coyly as she looks up at me and runs her fingers along her slit.

“With pleasure.” I reply, licking my lips.

I kneel on the couch and grip Lexi’s thighs, spreading her legs wide. Lexi bends her knees so that there’s room to spread her legs. I then lean in and take a long lick, making her shiver and moan. Her pussy tastes so good, I can’t help but go in for another long lick.

“Mmm, that feels so good.” Lexi coos, her hands behind her head and gripping the armrest.

“I love your pussy.” I say before giving her labia a smooch.

Holding her legs apart, I start licking all along Lexi’s slit, getting her nice and wet. I know how I like to be licked, and I use that as a guide to eat her out. I’ve only eaten Lexi out once, and I think I did an okay job, but I’d like to get better. Especially since this girl made me cum in a matter of seconds after getting her mouth on me. My dad really is a lucky guy if she’s as good at sucking dick as she is at eating pussy.

“Oh, Kayla!” Lexi cries out as her hands drop to my head and grip tightly “Eat me!”

I can feel her fingers lightly tugging on my raven hair as I tease her. I push my tongue in and out of her, I lick all around her pussy, I even pull away to kiss her thighs. What I don’t do is target her clit. Not yet. I have to build up to that. Tease her until she is begging for it.

Lexi’s pussy is absolutely soaked and I can feel her arousal all over my lips and chin. Releasing her thighs, I slide Lexi’s top up her body until it is over her bra. Then I grab onto her bra and push it up, and over her breasts. I grab two handfuls of titty-flesh as my tongue finally finds her clit.

“Fuck, yes!” Lexi moans, arching her back.

I tweak one of her nipples as my other hand releases the boob it is holding and reaches between her legs. While licking her clit, I saw two fingers in and out of her cunt, making Lexi cry out as her legs shake.

“Kayla, you’re gonna make me cum!” Lexi gasps, “Kayla!”

Lexi’s ass rises off the bed as she bucks her hips. Her hands grip my head, holding my face against her crotch so I don’t stop licking her. I can feel her vaginal muscles squeezing my fingers as her pussy circuits pleasure throughout her entire body.

When her orgasm ends she collapses on the couch, panting heavily. My hand lightly pinches her pink nipple while I finger and lick her for several more seconds. Then, I remove my fingers from her cunt and give her pussy an affectionate kiss. Finally, I sit up and look down at her.

“Hey, you.” I say as I run my fingers along her legs playfully.

“Hey, you.” Lexi repeats as she wraps her legs around my waist and tugs, “Come kiss me!”

I lean over Lexi’s body and mold myself against her as we start to kiss. My hand travels up her body and cups her firm tit as I grind against her. She feels so good, I can feel the warmth of her pussy against mine, even through my shorts.

After kissing for a couple minutes, I stop to sit up and remove my shirt and bra, leaving me topless. Lexi discards her top and bra as well. Then I sit against the backrest and lift my butt to slide my pants and panties off.

Once we’re both nude, I lay on top of Lexi and press my body against hers. Our titties press together as our hands explore each others bodies. I can feel her grab my ass with both hands as we start grinding our clits.

“Oh, Lexi.” I moan into her mouth as we make love.

“Oh, Kayla.” Lexi moans back as she arches her back and wraps her legs around me.

I run my hand along her thigh as my other hand buries in her hair. I’m close. I’m so close. From the way Lexi is tensing up and panting into my mouth, so is she. I press my clit down against hers as she grips my ass. I’m there. I’m cumming. Oh shit, I’m cumming.

I scream into Lexi’s mouth just as she announces that she’s cumming. Our tits are rubbing together as we grind and I can feel my orgasm washing over me. Our bodies tense, my toes curl, I can see stars. I want to keep going, I want to make love to Lexi forever.

“Am I interrupting something?” a male voice asks.

I immediately sit up and look over the couch, flashing my bare boobs to my dad. He’s standing a few feet behind the couch, clearly drawn here by the sounds of our moaning. He smirks at me and I blush, lowering my eyes. That’s when I see the massive bulge in his shorts.

“I was just warming her up for you.” I tease as I stand up and get off the couch.

“Hi, Baby!” Lexi says as she hops up from the couch and walks over to my dad.

She’s fully nude as she embraces Daddy and hugs him tight. I smirk when I see Daddy grab a handful of Lexi’s bare ass. He is watching me as I hunt around for my clothes, not even trying to cover myself.

Looking over, I see Lexi drop to her knees and fish out his cock. Within seconds, she is sucking hard. I smile as I slip into my panties and then place my bra over my chest. Reaching behind my back, I hook my bra and adjust my breasts so they are sitting comfortably inside the cups.

“I’m sorry for interrupting.” he says, his hands buried in Lexi’s hair as she gives him head. “I can leave you two alone.”

“No, no.” I say as Lexi makes a negative noise around his dick. “We were finished, besides, she and I just hook up occasionally. You two are the couple. I understand that.”

“Thank you, Honey.” he says before reaching down to play with Lexi’s tits.

I slip on my shorts and top before heading over to the table. While Lexi is blowing my father, I clean up the leftovers from our snack from earlier. Then I start making my way out of the room and to the kitchen.

“Meet up for dinner?” I call out over my shoulder.

“Sounds good, Honey.” Daddy says in a shaky voice as Lexi deep throats him.

I can hear sexy gagging and slurping noises as I leave the room. Soon, I’m out of range of the sounds as I enter the massive kitchen. I toss out the trash, put the cans in the recycling, and place the plates in the sink. I then start to wash the dishes. Yeah, we have a maid, but Daddy taught me not to be lazy. I can do this myself. Besides, the maid is going to be busy cooking us dinner soon. Maybe I can be a little lazy sometimes.

After the dishes are done, I head into the game room and watch some television for a little while. I’m kinda sad that Daddy interrupted us, but it isn’t like there won’t be more opportunities. Lexi and I are both always horny, and she’ll be my only source of relief for awhile. I don’t think I’ll be ready to have sex with another boy for some time now. I need a break from that to get my head on straight. I’m sure my therapist will agree when I see her for the first time on Wednesday.

When it is almost dinnertime, I head into the dining room and sit down. I play on my phone for a little while, texting my friends until Daddy and Lexi arrive. Both of them are wearing robes and happy grins on their faces.

“Uh, Lexi.” I say, “You have a little...” I tap the right corner of my lips.

“What? Oh!” Lexi says as her tongue snakes out to lap up the last of the cum still there. “Thanks!” she says as she sits down at the table.

Daddy also sits down and smiles at me. The three of us make small talk for about twenty minutes until it’s time for dinner. Tonight is steak, yum! All three of us get a generous cut, along with potatoes and vegetables.

“So, you two have fun?” I ask with a smirk.

“We did.” says Daddy with a grin.

“Yeah, nothing like getting bent over and fucked until you scream.” Lexi says with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“I know what you mean.” I say with a sigh. I miss cock.

“No need to pout, you’ll be having sex again soon, I’m sure!” Lexi says.

“I may be okay with my daughter having sex, but do you really need to set her up now?” Daddy asks, “After everything she’s been through.”

“I was talking about with me! Duh!” Lexi sticks her tongue out.

“Well, that’s okay!” Daddy laughs before resuming his meal.

“Yeah, yeah,” I say, “you like thinking about your daughter and girlfriend fingering and licking? Dirty old man.”

“Yes. Yes, I am.” Daddy admits with a happy nod.

“I love that about him!” Lexi chirps as she reaches over and touches Daddy’s arm, “Anyway, there’s no reason to set Kayla up. Your baby girl was asked to the prom today!” Lexi announces.

“Is that so?” Daddy asks, turning to look at me, “Anyone I know?”

“No.” I answer, “His name is Ian. He’s kind of a shy nerdy guy. Really sweet. I said yes.”

“I’m glad you have a date, Honey.” Daddy says with a smile, “You and Lexi should go dress shopping soon so the boy knows what color corsage to get.”

“That’s a good idea!” Lexi says, “I think I want to wear light blue. It’s the color of the bikini I wore when Steven and I got together.” She smiles at Daddy before taking a bite of her steak.

“Aw!” I say, “That’s so sweet I think I’m gonna throw up.” I stick out my tongue.

“No one asked you, Honey.” Daddy says, taking a sip of his drink.

“Hmph!” says Lexi, pretending to pout.

“I’m just teasing!” I roll my eyes, “Giant babies. So, dresses!”

“Yes, dresses!” Lexi says, “I really do want a light blue one. What color were you thinking, Kayla?”

“Green to go with my eyes, maybe?” I suggest, “Or pink, because, well, because I like pink!”

“Either would look great on you.” Daddy says with a smile.

“Kiss ass.” Lexi mutters.

“Thank you, Daddy!” I chirp, ignoring Lexi.

“Do you want me to go with you guys?” Daddy offers.

“No!” Lexi says quickly after swallowing a bite of potatoes. “I wanna surprise you with my dress.”

“Sounds good to me.” Daddy answers.

“How about we go tomorrow after school?” I suggest to Lexi.

“Will we have enough time?” asks Lexi, “Maybe we should go on a weekend?”

“I think we will.” I say, “If not, we can always go back.”

“Okay, let’s go tomorrow!” Lexi agrees.

“Should I plan on dinner for just myself?” Daddy asks.

“Yeah, we’ll probably eat at the mall.” I say.

“If you get bored while we’re gone, you’ll just have to play with yourself.” Lexi teases.

“Gee, thanks.” Daddy says “My loving girlfriend.”

“Hey, I just got two loads out of you.” says Lexi, “You’re fine.”

All three of us start laughing and don’t stop for several minutes. We then continue making small talk as we eat our dinner. Daddy of course is paying for the dresses, as long as we both get good grades, he pays the bills. I love having a rich father.

After dinner, we eat dessert and then head into the main living room. We settle in for a relaxing movie and I end up snuggled up next to Daddy, with Lexi on his other side. I can’ believe I wasn’t comfortable enough to tell him what’s going on with me. He loves me so much and would do anything for me. I have Lexi to thank for reminding me of that.

“Ready for bed?” He asks Lexi at the end of the movie.

“You just wanna go to bed because I said you could fuck my ass tonight.” Lexi says with a laugh.

“Please,” I say with a roll of my eyes, “you’d let him fuck your ass any time.”

“That’s true.” Lexi says, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

“Well, maybe I am a little horny.” Daddy admits.

“Go ahead.” I say, shaking my head. “I’m just gonna watch a little more television before bed.”

“Goodnight, Honey.” Daddy says as he pecks my cheek before standing up.

“Goodnight, Kayla.” Lexi says as she kisses my lips and stands up.

“Goodnight, guys.” I reply as Daddy takes Lexi’s hand.

I playfully swat Lexi on the bum as she and Daddy head out of the room. Then I grab the remote and put on a television show to watch. For another couple of hours I watch television and laze on the couch. Finally, it’s time for bed.

Heading upstairs, I go into my private bathroom for my nighttime routine. I pee, then wash my hands and brush my teeth. Then I strip down to my panties and toss the dirty clothes into the hamper. I wash my face and head into my bedroom.

Collapsing in bed, I bury a hand in my panties and rub myself to a very pleasant orgasm. Panting happily, I make myself cum again. Then I take my hand out of my underwear and suck my juices from my fingers before getting under the covers and taking out my phone. I notice a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hi, it’s Ian. You gave me your number. I hope it’s okay that I sent a text?

I smile and immediately program Ian’s number into my phone. The poor boy sounds nervous even over text. He’s so cute. Even though I think it’s adorable that he’s so nervous, I do hope he can get over that and actually dance with me at prom. I text him back.

Kayla: Of course it’s okay! I gave you my number, after all.

Ian: Okay, good. How are you?

Kayla: Pretty good. I had dinner with Daddy and Lexi, then we watched a movie. You?

Ian: I’m well, I’m talking to you.

Kayla: Aw! That’s so sweet.

Ian: So, your dad really is dating Lexi? I heard that rumor, but I wasn’t sure if it was true.

Kayla: Yeah, it’s true. She lives with us now. Is that a problem?

Ian: No! Not at all, I was just curious. I’m sorry!

Kayla: All good. :)

Ian: Okay, good.

Kayla: Well, I should go to bed. See you tomorrow?

Ian: Yes, definitely. Sweet dreams.

Kayla: Sweet dreams, Cutie!

I plug my phone into the charger and set it down on my bedside table. I then smile as I think of our conversation. Ian makes me feel nice. He makes me feel special without having to take my tits out or get on my knees. Granted, that may happen, but not yet. I’m enjoying taking things slow right now. I get comfortable and am asleep within minutes.


“Fuck! Me!” my beautiful blonde assistant begs as I drill her from behind on a Monday afternoon.

“You like that?!” I ask as I spank her ass hard.

Stacey is bent over my desk with her skirt bunched up around her waist and her shirt and bra pushed up over her big tits. Those boobs are currently squished against my desk as Stacey takes my cock. Damn, it’s great to be me.

“Fuck yes, I love it!” Stacey calls out, throwing her head back and tossing her long blonde hair over a shoulder.

I grip her hips in both hands and continue to fuck her with a steady rhythm as she moans and pants. Fuck, she’s tight. Her hands reach out and grab hold of the edges of my desk, squeezing so hard her knuckles turn white.

“Gonna! Cum!” Stacey grunts as she looks straight ahead. I can just imagine the look on her face as she takes my cock.

“Cum on my cock!” I encourage as I bury myself to the hilt and roll my hips to stimulate her vaginal walls.

“Holy shit! Cumming!” Stacey announces as I feel her pussy start to convulse around my shaft.

I fuck my blonde assistant through her orgasm, causing her to cry out loudly and beg for more. I’m so glad we are friends with benefits. Without Lexi, this wouldn’t be happening right now. That gorgeous redhead really brings out the young stud in me. I’m lucky to have her in my life.

“I’m gonna cum!” I say loudly, my breathing heavy as my hips slam into her ass, “Where do you want it?”

“Mouth!” Stacey grunts.

“Get on your knees!” I say as I pull out of her and grasp my cock at the base.

Stacey spins around and drops to her knees. The blonde bombshell grasps my cock and guides it to her open mouth. My hands bury in her hair as Stacey starts sucking. Her hands grip my thighs whil she bobs her head. Finally, I can’t take it anymore.

“Oh, shit! Stacey!” I grunt out in warning.

She hums happily around my shaft as my cock pulses in her mouth. Her cheeks puff out and she lets out a gurgling sound when cum starts pumping from my dick and into her willing oral cavity. Stacey slides her mouth off of me and smiles, allowing me to see the cum on her tongue. She then tilts her head back and swallows with gusto.

“Mmm, delicious!” she smacks her lips.

“Fuck, that was good.” I say while panting heavily.

“Yeah, it was!” Stacey agrees as she slowly stands up.

My assistant adjusts her skirt before pulling her bra down over her tits. I watch as she adjusts her breasts so they are situated correctly in the cups. Then Stacey pulls her top down and makes sure her clothes are in order.

“There!” she says, “No one will know.”

“Unless they heard you screaming and begging for cock.” I tease.

“Oh, shut up you.” she giggles, lightly shoving my chest with one hand.

“Careful.” I say, pretending to be menacing, “I am your boss.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Stacey says, sticking out her tongue. “I’m gonna go back to my desk.”

I watch her ass as she sashays out of my office. Then I grab my pants and boxers and fix my own clothes. Checking the clock, I see I have a little while before my next meeting. I decide to text Lexi.

Steven: Just fucked my assistant!

Lexi: Lucky girl! I’m jealous. I’m just sitting here in History, missing your cock.

Steven: My cock misses you! Tonight?

Lexi: Definitely! I want you to fuck my ass before bed.

Steven: It’s a date.

Lexi: So, tell me about boning your assistant today?

Steven: We had some time after lunch before my next meeting. Stacey started getting frisky.

Lexi: And then?

Steven: Then she ended up bent over my desk with her tits out.

Lexi: Where did you cum?

Steven: In her mouth.

Lexi: Yum!

Steven: That’s pretty much what she said!

Lexi: Smart girl!

Steven: Gotta run, she’s at the door. I think my 3:00PM is here. Love you!

Lexi: Love you, too!

“Hello, Sir.” Stacey purrs as she smiles at me from the door to my office “Your interview is here.”

“Thanks, Stacey!” I say, “Send them in.”

I’m interviewing for a high level position and am excited to meet this candidate. His resume is really good, with years of relevant experience. Assuming he doesn’t completely blow this interview, I’ll probably hire him.

The interview ends up going really well and, while I don’t offer him the job on the spot, I know I’ll hire him if he’s willing to work here. We shake hands and Stacey shows him out. Fortunately, I don’t have any more meetings for the rest of the day, so I’m able to go through various reports and get some planning done for the future of the company.

After work, I hop in the car and start the drive home. While stuck in traffic I end up lost in thought. I’m so worried about my baby girl. My hands grip the steering wheel tightly as I think about what those bastards put her through. I want to kill them, David and Keith both. I know that I can’t. All I can do is be here for Kayla and do whatever it takes to help her through this. I love her so much.

Walking into the foyer, I say hello to the butler before heading deeper into the house. When I approach the main living room, I can hear the sounds of two women moaning. I enter the living room and stand behind the couch.

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