Birthday Pool Party - Cover

Birthday Pool Party

Copyright© 2023 by WittyUserName

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Single father hooks up with daughter's friend at pool party. Life goes on. Be warned, Chapter 7 gets extremely dark. Read the codes.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking  

Hi, my name is Steven and I’m a forty year old single father. I have brown hair, green eyes, and am of average height. A fairly intensive workout routine keeps me in pretty good shape. All in all, I’m a decent-looking guy. At least, that’s what I think.

Unlike a lot of single parents, money really isn’t an issue for me at all. My grandparents left us kids with a modest inheritance to pay for a place to live while pursuing our degrees. While getting my business degree, I used some extra income to fund various investments. At the same time, I started helping people with budgets, and giving financial advice. First, it was through a part-time bank job, but then I struck out on my own. Due to a number of smart business decisions and starting my own company, I’m living the easy life. I am quite wealthy and have a large house with several staff, including a housekeeper and a butler. My daughter loves it.

Right, my daughter. Kayla is your stereotypical teenage girl. She’s on the cheer squad, gets good grades; I’m very proud. My daughter has her mother’s raven hair and my green eyes. She’s of middling height with a flat stomach; all the boys are crazy about her. Especially her boyfriend, David.

Kayla just turned eighteen last week and I’m letting her have an outdoor pool party with her friends. Since all her friends are eighteen and responsible, I’ve agreed to supply the liquor. My one rule is that no one can drive drunk. They are all welcome to stay in guest rooms if they want to get drunk. I trust Kayla to be responsible and not let her friends leave the house if they’ve been drinking.

I have a very European attitude towards fatherhood; she’s an adult. Kayla has told me that she and David had sex on her eighteenth birthday and, while I don’t like to think about it, I accept it. I was always the cool dad and all her friends are looking forward toward my laid back attitude at the party. They know I don’t care if a couple eighteen year old adults wanna sneak off to the guest room for a hook up. It just isn’t my business.

The morning of the party arrives and I’m having breakfast with Kayla. I lay out a nice spread, and she is currently enjoying pancakes with syrup.

“Excited for the party?” I ask.

“Yeah, definitely!” she says, “There’s gonna be about fifty people here, I hope that’s okay?”

“Of course, that’s fine. We have the space.” I reply. “Who’s coming?”

“Well, David, of course.” Kayla answers, mentioning her boyfriend. “Hazel, Brittney, Derek, Katie, Ashley, Dan, Josh, Marcia, Lexi, Amanda, Kevin.” she lists a number of people in quick succession.

I recognize most of the names, like her best friend Hazel, but there’s a couple in there I can’t place. I also noticed Kayla roll her eyes when mentioning Lexi and Dan. Dan, I get, he is apparently a huge playboy who only cares about hooking up with as many girls as possible and then ditching them. Lexi, though, seems like a really nice girl. To my knowledge, she’s never hung out with Kayla alone, always in a group, so I know they are not close.

“Try not to ogle the girls in their bikinis too much.” Kayla teases as she takes a bite of her pancakes.

“Haha, very funny.” I roll my eyes, pretending to be offended. Kayla knows that I might subtly glance at one of her cute friends every once in awhile, but there’s a huge difference between that and actually touching them. They’re all over eighteen and I know it doesn’t really bother Kayla.

We eat in silence for several minutes before Kayla speaks up again “Thank you for letting me have this party.”

“You’re very welcome.” I smile, happy I raised such a kind, responsible, and grateful daughter.

“I’ll make sure no one drives drunk.” she promises.

“Good, I trust you.” I say, “Do you think a lot of people will be staying over?”

“Some.” Kayla says with a shrug of her shoulders, “A few others are designated drivers, I know some people are coming in groups.”

“Smart.” I respond with a nod.

“Then a few hookups might stay over just for the convenience.” she winks at me.

“Lucky guys!” I laugh.

“Even David?” Kayla teases.

“A father does not need to have those images in his head, Kayla!” I shake my head and make a disgusted face.

“Then don’t picture me having sex, pervert.” Kayla laughs as she finishes the last of her meal.

I sigh and shake my head again as Kayla gets up and gathers up both our plates. As long as David treats her right and she’s happy, I’m happy. I sit back with my coffee and relax as Kayla cleans up after breakfast.

The two of us relax for the rest of the morning, playing board games and spending time together. I love it. Kayla is all I have left of her mother, and I love her so much. These bonding times are incredibly valuable to me. Our relaxation continues until after lunch when it is time to get ready for the party.

The party has begun and I have found myself manning the grill, preparing burgers and chicken for Kayla and her friends. I’m wearing shorts and a t-shirt, while Kayla and all of her friends are wearing bathing suits. Kayla looks beautiful as always, in a black bikini. Her boyfriend, David is wearing his swim trunks.

I have to admit to checking out more than a few of Kayla’s female friends. They are all simply gorgeous. Ashley is a tall girl with big tits in a yellow bikini, Lexi is a short girl with auburn hair in a light blue bikini, and Hazel is a tan girl with long brown hair in a green bikini. So many bikinis, so much cleavage, so many tight, bodies. All the young, beautiful flesh around me, it is difficult to not get an erection.

The party is in full swing, with music playing and people enjoying the warm summer day in and around the pool. Various girls and guys are lounging on deck chairs, sometimes cuddling with a significant other. Lexi, the auburn haired girl does a cannonball into the deep end of the pool. Two couples are play-fighting in the pool; guys standing in the shallow end, each with a girl on their shoulders as the girls each try to knock the other into the water. One of the girls is Hazel, and I’m not sure who the other girl is, she must not be one of Kayla’s closest friends. Others are laughing and cheering the two couples on.

There is quite a bit of drinking going on. A few girls are doing jello shots as guys cheer them on, and two guys have set up beer pong on one of the tables on the patio. All in all, the party seems to be quite the success. Suddenly, a voice causes me to jump in surprise and look away from the pool.

“I’ll have a burger, please.” says a girl in a polka-dot bikini as she holds up a plate with an open bun.

“Of course.” I smile, snagging a burger with my spatula and placing it on the burger bun.

“Thank you.” she grins at me before walking away. Damn, her ass looks amazing in that bikini as she sashays along the patio.

The afternoon continues on, with people alternating between swimming, lounging, drinking, and getting food. Everyone is having fun. The flirting between guys and girls is getting more and more bold. One couple is even making out as they lounge together on a deck chair. Is it my imagination, or are a couple of female gazes lingering on me as well? Probably just wishful thinking on my part.

Evening arrives and I shut down the grill, putting the cover on before I walk over to the cooler and grab another beer. I head inside to the common area near the guest wing and sit down on an armchair. I kick my shoes off and crack open the beer to take a refreshing sip. Grabbing the remote, I turn the television on and settle in for a relaxing evening, leaving Kayla and her friends to their own devices.

About an hour into my relaxation, the door slides open and I notice Hazel walk in wearing her green bikini. She is holding hand and giggling with one of the many male party guests. Josh, I think his name is. I smirk as I realize the first hook up of the party is starting. Damn, Josh is lucky; the sexy girl has her long brown hair in a sexy ponytail. I’m jealous. Hazel blushes as she walks by me, but Josh just gives me a head nod. I nod in return, smiling at him and mentally congratulating him on his conquest. The couple heads towards the bedrooms and I notice Josh grab a handful of Hazel’s firm ass. I smirk as the two of them disappear down the hallway.

The television isn’t doing a great job of entertaining me and soon I’m starting to doze. I really am jealous of that guy; he’s probably getting his dick sucked by Hazel at this very moment. My eyes close as I imagine Hazel’s mouth on me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a blowjob, a very long time. A few minutes later, I’m out cold.

I can hear a girl giggling, along with a male voice in the background. I’m not sure if I’m still dreaming when I feel hands at my crotch, undoing my pants. Something warm and wet closes around my cock, and I can feel an intense pressure around my rapidly hardening shaft. “Mm,” a feminine voice moans around my thickness, and I can feel a wet sliding as something slithers around my dick. My eyes shoot open, revealing the shock of my life.

On her knees between my legs with my dick in her mouth is Lexi in her light blue bikini. Her auburn hair is up in cute twin buns at the top of her head as she smiles around my cock, her bright green eyes twinkling mischievously before she resumes bobbing her head on me. Lexi’s small hands grip my thighs as she makes loud slurping sounds while she sucks my cock.

Holy shit, one of Kayla’s friends is blowing me. Should I stop her? I should stop her. Fuck, her mouth feels so good. Lexi takes me deep and starts using her tongue on the underside of my shaft, causing any thought of stopping her to leave my mind. I’ll never stop her.

“Oh, fuck.” I moan, my head rolling back as I sit up in my chair.

“She’s good, isn’t she?” a voice suddenly asks.

I immediately look over and see Dan, one of Kayla’s guy friends, standing several feet behind Lexi and to the side. I can’t believe I’m just noticing him now. Then again, a cute eighteen year old in a bikini is giving me head, so I guess it makes sense that I’m a little oblivious to anything else.

“She’s not bad.” I say with a smirk.

Lexi makes a choking sound around my cock that sounds like she’s trying to say ‘Hey!’ before taking me out of her mouth and stroking me as she looks up at me with those pretty eyes.

“Watch it, or I won’t finish!” she teases drunkenly, gesturing at me with my cock before leaning down and kissing my mushroom head. She then begins planting soft kisses all along my length. Fuck, it feels good. Her lips are so soft.

“Sorry, Lexi.” I reply with a smile, “You’re very good.”

“Better.” Lexi chirps. “Now let me show you a good time, Sir.” she purrs before engulfing my cock once more and sucking away.

“Normally I’d ask if I’m interrupting something,” I begin, addressing Dan, “but I was asleep.”

“We were making out and heading to a bedroom when Lexi saw you sleeping.” Dan explains, “She couldn’t resist.”

I look down at Lexi and noticed that one of her tits is hanging out of her bikini top, giving me a great look at a pink nipple. I can definitely tell that she had been making out and getting groped before this.

“You aren’t upset?” I ask Dan, both of us smirking as Lexi deep throats me and lets out a choked gagging sound. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy this is happening, but I don’t understand why you would be okay with missing out.”

“Simple.” Dan says as he kneels behind Lexi and grabs her hips. He pulls her up so that she is crouched in a doggystyle position while still kneeling over my lap so she can keep sucking. “Just because I picked up a girl doesn’t mean I can take her from both ends at the same time.”

With that, Dan slips his hand into the back of Lexi’s bikini bottoms and, with one quick yank, pulls the light blue material down so that it is spread between her upper thighs. He then drops his swim trunks, revealing his hard cock. Dan gets behind Lexi and rubs his tip along her slit, making the cute redhead moan around my length. I grip Lexi’s head and force her down on my cock at the same time Dan holds her hips and thrusts his entire length into her sopping hole.

Lexi lets out a sexy scream around my cock as she is impaled at both ends. A large amount of drool slops out of her mouth and coats my balls. The guy behind her starts thrusting as I grip Lexi’s twin hair buns and use them as handles to guide her up and down my cock. The beautiful, young redhead is moaning loudly as she is used by two guys, her lithe body moving back and forth between us.

I can feel Lexi’s free tit bouncing and slapping against my thigh as Dan fucks her hard and fast. Every thrust causes Lexi to be pushed forward so that my cock slides down her throat. Lexi is amazing, able to take my cock directly into her throat while another guy fucks her from behind. Each moan from her adorable mouth causes the most delectable vibrations to caress my shaft; it feels like she is jacking me off with her throat.

I’m really starting to get into spit-roasting this little slut when I hear Dan suddenly groan as he pulls himself out of Lexi. “Oh fuck, oh fuck!” he moans as he holds his shaft, his face turning red while he squirts semen all over Lexi’s pale lower back. Thirty seconds. We’re fucking for thirty seconds, and the guy is already cumming.

Dan smirks and gives Lexi’s ass a light slap. He then stands up and pulls his swim trunks back on. “Thanks, Babe.” he says, “That was great. Hey, enjoy her man!” he winks at me and then heads back out to the pool.

“How was that for you?” I ask Lexi.

The sexy girl pulls off my cock and starts stroking me as she looks up at me and rolls her eyes. “Fucker couldn’t even last a minute. Ugh!” She is laughing it off, but I catch a hint of sadness and regret on her face.

“Sorry, but I guess that’s what you get with eighteen year old guys!” I say with a laugh, trying to keep the mood light.

“Yeah, that’s why I asked if he’d be okay if I sucked you while he fucked me.” Lexi explains as she presses my cock against her cheek. “I’m glad I did, you’re so much longer and thicker!”

“I can last longer, too.” I promise as I look over Lexi’s body. One tit is still hanging out of her bikini top and her bottoms are still stretched around her upper thighs. Cum is running down her lower back.

“Mmm, I like the sound of that,” Lexi says as she kisses my tip and looks up at me with her lightly freckled face, “And I’m on the pill, you can cum inside me!”

“Then come sit in my lap, Babe.” I suggest.

“Let me do this for you first.” she says as she once again puts her warm mouth on me and starts sucking.

Content with her decision, I lean back and place my hands on her head, more than happy to let her suck on me at her leisure for the time being. Damn, this girl is good. She has definitely had a lot of practice sucking dick. She takes me all the way in and then slips her little tongue out to lick my balls, making me groan and twist my fingers in her hair. Lexi then starts bobbing fast on my cock, making the sexiest little gagging sounds each time she takes me in.

For several minutes, Lexi sucks my dick. At one point, a guy walks in leading a sexy dark-haired girl by the hand. “Lexi!” the girl shrieks when she sees the redhead with my dick in her mouth. The guy just gives me a knowing smirk and a thumbs up.

“Fuck off, Marcia!” Lexi takes my cock out of her mouth to say, “Let me suck his dick!” The sexy minx immediately puts me back between her lips and resumes sucking, ignoring her friends completely.

“That looks like fun.” the guy says as he pulls Marcia down the hall. Marcia giggles and allows herself to be led into a guest room. I guess Marcia doesn’t really care that Lexi is blowing a guy twice her age. I’m certainly not gonna complain.

I reach down with one hand and start caressing the boob that is hanging out of the bikini cup. Holy shit, this girl has the softest titties I have ever felt. Lexi lets out a moan as I tweak a hard nipple. My dick is rock hard and I am leaking pre-cum into the girl’s mouth, which she swallows greedily.

“Gonna cum soon.” I warn her with a grunt.

Lexi moans happily around my shaft as she rolls her green eyes up to meet mine, “Fuck my face.” she says thickly.

She does not need to ask me twice. I grab her head in both hands, holding her still as I start thrusting my hips up, impaling her throat on my length with each stroke. Lexi’s sexy gagging sounds get louder as drool runs freely from her lips. She squeezes my thighs tightly, her nostrils flaring as she struggles to breathe with nine inches of cock rammed down her throat.

Finally, I’ve hit my limit. I hold her head down on me tightly and lift my hips as I groan and start shooting. Lexi lets out a loud gag as drops of white appear at the corners of her lips. She is swallowing fast, but I’m cumming hard, and the little cocksucker can’t keep up. Her fingers are squeezing my thighs so tightly it is almost painful. I can feel her throat working as she gulps down jet after jet of hot cum until, at last, I have no more to give her.

My hips lower to the chair and I release her head. Lexi immediately pulls off of me, tears streaming down her face as she gasps desperately for air. A drop of cum is hanging off her bottom lip. Fuck, that’s hot.

“Holy shit.” she gasps, her chest heaving and her free tit jiggling slightly. I can see that a couple strands of auburn hair have come loose from the twin buns on the top of her head.

“Holy shit.” I agree with a deep breath as I watch Lexi’s tongue snake out of her mouth so she can catch the last of my cum. I grin when she swallows.

Lexi lets out a cute burp and then giggles and blushes. She is holding my cock in one hand now and stroking my half-hard length slowly.

“Cum burp?” I ask.

“Cum burp.” she confirms with a sharp nod. She then giggles that adorable giggle and leans forward to kiss my tip.

“Mm, fuck.” I moan happily.

“I’m gonna run to the little girls’ room.” she says as she stands up and pulls up her bikini bottoms.

“Okay.” I pant as I watch her place her tit back in her top.

The beautiful redhead stands up and sashays down the hall, toward the bathroom. I just sit here, breathing heavily as I think about the implications. Eighteen years old. Lexi is eighteen years old. I’m forty. Fuck, I shouldn’t be doing this. Still, all I can think about is wanting her to come back. I’m still horny. It’s been so long.

“Sorry,” Lexi says when she returns ten minutes later, “I had to pee, and I wanted to clean up for you.”

“No problem at all.” I say.

“Now, where were we?” she asks in a seductive purr as she kneels down between my knees.

My cock is still sticking out of my shorts, and Lexi wastes no time in grasping the flaccid shaft with one hand. Her other hand reaches into her top and extracts the same breast that I’ve been admiring. With a sexy wink, she leans down and kisses my tip. While gripping my base and planting soft kisses all along my mushroom head, Lexi reaches down and pulls her bikini bottoms down to her waist. My cock jumps in her hand when I realize she’s now running her fingers along her wet gash.

“Think you can get it up again?” Lexi asks with a smirk while stroking me.

“For you? Anytime.” I answer as I stand up, my soft cock sticking out of my shorts.

I grab Lexi and practically drag the giggling girl over to the couch. I toss her down onto the couch and look down at her with lust. One tit is still dangling out of her bikini top and her bottoms are around her thighs, revealing her shaved mound and glistening slit.

With some difficulty, I straddle Lexi and place my half-hard dick between her small breasts. My hand reaches into her top and pulls her other breast out of the bikini, baring both perfect mounds to my gaze. I push her boobs together and push my length between her cleavage several times before lifting my body slightly and presenting my mushroom head to her pink lips.

“Get me hard again, Babe.” I say.

Lexi giggles, opens wide, and leans forward to take me between her lips. I groan as her warm mouth closes around me. She immediately starts sucking me hard with enthusiasm. Her hands grip my ass from outside my shorts and Lexi pulls me closer so she can engulf my entire length. In less than a minute I am rock hard again and ready to go.

I pull my cock from her mouth and slap her face with it several times as she kisses as much cock flesh as she can. Next, I slide back so that I am kneeling on the couch cushion between her legs. My hands grip her bikini bottoms and I slowly slide them down her long, smooth legs. Lexi lifts her legs to help me get the bottoms off of her.

The bikini bottoms are tossed aside as I look down at Lexi. The beautiful redhead is naked except for her bikini top, the cups of which are pushed beneath her bare breasts. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. I rip my shirt off and I lay my body on top of hers. Next, I start kissing along her neck as she buries her fingers in my hair and coos happily.

I kiss down Lexi’s body, stopping at her lovely breasts. I squeeze the soft, yet firm mounds together and start kissing between them rapidly. Lexi giggles turn into moans when I take a nipple in my mouth and start sucking on it softly. My hands stay at her tits as I work my head lower, planting soft kisses on her flat stomach. When I reach her pubic mound, I release her tits and grab her knees, spreading her open wide for me. I need to taste her pussy.

Lexi lets out a loud moan as I lean in and take one long lick of her slit. My tongue finds her clit and starts circling the little nub “Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow, oh wow!” Lexi keeps moaning haughtily as I eat her out. I grip her upper thighs tightly as my tongue stimulates her clit; usually I’d add my fingers to the mix, but I enjoy holding Lexi’s legs open. Also, she seems perfectly content with just my tongue working on her.

I continue to eat Lexi out for several minutes, using every technique I know; I lick her pussy, I slip my tongue inside her, I use my tongue on her clit, and I suck on her clit. Lexi’s back arches, her hands twisting in my hair as she moans and groans. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” the sexy eighteen year old redhead screeches, her body convulsing in pleasure. Lexi’s moaning becomes incomprehensible and I am unable to understand what she is babbling as she bucks her hips against my face.

I plant one last kiss on her vulva before sliding up her body and immediately pushing inside the tight babe.

“Fuck, you’re big!” Lexi groans as my entire length buries inside her velvet tunnel.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” I husk back.

My hand rests on her head as my other grabs her tit and I start thrusting into Lexi. The sounds of slapping flesh can be heard in conjunction with Lexi’s passionate cries of “Fuck me!”. Her naked breasts press into my chest and I can feel her hard nipples rubbing against me.

Lexi grips my bare back with desperate fingers as her pussy squeezes my shaft. I reach between us to push my shorts and boxers down to my knees so that I can fuck her easier. The cute redhead hooks her ankles around my calves, pulling me into her with her legs, “Mmm, fuck me, yes!” she moans loudly.

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