The Asian Blues - Version Bravo
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 5
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Bobby Washington got hit by a drunk driver while he was riding his bike and all the doctors thought he was a gonner. He lived, but he was in a coma for three years, and he had epilepsy. When he finally woke up his mom's dreams seemed to have come true. But there were still issues. He had a fifteen-year-old mind in an eighteen body. An Asian physical therapist came to live with them and, together, they tried to bring Bobby back to a normal life.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Mother Son Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy
Mai Li had told Vicky the truth. She ran for two reasons, usually. One was because she just loved moving across the ground so quickly. The other was that, while she ran, she could empty her mind of the usual distractions and concentrate on any issue in her life that was causing her problems.
On this run the “issue” in her life that was causing her problems was that, suddenly, she had permission to escalate her relationship with Bobby a whole bunch of steps. The issue wasn’t that she didn’t like Bobby, or want to be that close to him. She knew she’d be comfortable with that. He would too. In fact, he’d probably freak out with happiness. No, the issue was that they were just wrong for each other. If she did what Vicky suggested, it would make his crush stronger. He would become more dependent on her, not less, and less was the plan. A side issue, which she thought about for only ten or fifteen seconds, was that she wasn’t on birth control and Bobby’s seminal fluid output was prodigious. Along with that, if she actually started doing that, knowing Bobby, he’d want to do it a lot. And so would she. She knew she was hot-blooded. Raul had been hot-blooded, too, and they’d been a good match, in that area. Raul’s sexual bucket list had been to have sex in every room in the house, in all their favorite positions. Mai Li thought that was a little odd, but she went along with it, as long as she was in the mood.
Bobby was so young, at least mentally. That was the real problem. Sometimes she felt like an old person when dealing with him, because his outlook was still stuck, at least to some degree, back where he was before the accident. Granted, he was growing up fast, but still, the age gap bothered her.
She realized she was horny and almost staggered to a stop. She never got horny on a run. Running was a good way to quash being horny!
“I am in so much trouble,” she panted to no one in particular.
Vicky did not think it was fair to expect Mai Li to bring up the subject of “making women happy” to Bobby. Mai Li had already given much more than anyone could have asked, and way more than anyone would have even thought to ask. That said, Vicky didn’t exactly have a plan to approach Bobby with. Mai Li was gone on her run, and there was no time like the present, so Vicky went to look for her son.
She found him asleep, sprawled on his bed, naked. That was odd. Mai Li had described herself as naked, but had said he was clothed. So that meant he’d taken his clothes off to take his nap. The house was air conditioned, but it was an old system and it wasn’t all that efficient, so it sometimes got warm in the house. She ascribed his nakedness to that.
In fact, when Bobby had finished taking his math test and Mai Li had ordered him to go take a nap, he hadn’t been sleepy. Instead, with the other things Mai Li had distracted him with out of the way, his mind went back to the image of her, naked, on her bed, fucking herself with that fake penis. That’s what it had to be, a fake penis. It had looked a little like a penis when she pulled it out of her, except the balls were all wrong; spiky instead of round. It was also too short to be a penis, at least when compared to his own.
Thinking of his own was what made him take his clothes off. He stood in front of the mirror some former resident had nailed to the back of the bedroom door and examined himself. He didn’t usually do that. When he got out of the hospital he looked like death, warmed over. The muscles he’d been so proud of were gone. He was weak, pathetic, and looking at himself just made it worse.
Now, though, it wasn’t so bad. He had some roundness on his arms and shoulders that hadn’t been there the last time he happened to see himself in this mirror. That was because of those damn elastic bands that he hated so much. Well, hate was a little strong. Using them wasn’t all that hard except when Mai Li made him keep going and going and going. Now he could see the benefit of using them. He still didn’t feel like he had muscles, but they would show back up if he kept working.
His eyes fell to his groin, where his penis hung, limp, resting on his balls. In theory, that penis could go where the thing she’d been using had been. He knew that much. He’d never seen that, but all the guys talked about screwing girls, and that’s how you did that. You stuck your dick in her pussy. He’d never thought much about that because “pussy” didn’t have any real meaning to him. Girls all had them, but they were always covered up by clothes. Now, though, he’d seen two pussies. He tried to imagine his mother, pushing something into her pussy and pulling it out like Mai Li had. His mind jittered and he shrank from that image, mentally. He didn’t need to seize out again.
Somehow, thinking about putting his dick in Mai Li wasn’t so unnerving. Unknown to him, his subconscious had decided that if Mai Li was unhappy about him “doing it” wrong, it was no big deal. But if he disappointed his mom, well, that could be serious. The idea of fucking his mom didn’t freak him out. The idea of not doing it right was what gave him problems.
Thinking about this had stiffened his cock. He lay down and gripped it, squeezing it rhythmically. He closed his eyes and went to the island, stroking slowly. Ginger, or the woman with Ginger’s clothes and his mother’s face, was there. So was Mary Ann/Mai Li. He took their clothes off in his mind, stroking a little more vigorously. He put them on their island beds and had them spread their legs.
The tightness showed up and, with a groan, he let go of his dick and opened his eyes.
He didn’t think it would be a good idea to go get Mai Li to help him. She was probably still mad at him.
He yawned as he thought about how, later that night, he could ask his mom to help him.
She wasn’t mad at him.
She’d help him.
Part of Vicky didn’t want to wake him up. Part of her did. The part that didn’t was the mother in her. The part that did was the woman in her.
She stared at his penis for a minute and then sighed. It would be okay if he had sex with Mai Li. As his mother, she had already gone too far to help him. Teaching him how to mount and satisfy a woman was something she shouldn’t do. That was better left to Mai Li, assuming the girl had enough experience to know what she wanted, and how to teach Bobby to give it to her.
“Hi,” came her son’s sleepy voice.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” said Vicky. She wondered if her mere presence had been enough to pull him up to consciousness.
“It’s okay. I think my nap is over.”
“I’d like to talk to you about something,” she said. She sat down on the edge of the bed, beside his hip.
“Okay. What’s up?”
“I want to talk to you about sex,” she said.
“Oh. What about it?”
Vicky had a moment of disorientation during which her brain thought, ‘Boys aren’t usually willing to talk about sex with their mothers.’ Then she realized that the relationship she enjoyed with her son was probably nothing like what most moms and sons engaged in. Nothing was ‘usual’ when it came to Bobby.
“At some point you’re going to start dating,” she said. She saw the skeptical look on his face and went on. “I know you don’t think so now, but some day you’ll meet a girl and decide you want to get to know her better. You and she will begin doing some of the same things that Mai Li and I do for you.”
“Will she know about my seizures?” he asked.
“Yes, and she won’t care. She’ll like you enough to learn how to deal with that.”
“Like you and Mai Li have,” he suggested.
“Well, not exactly, but close,” she said. “The thing is there is much more the two of you will want to do and you need to be ready for that.”
“Why? That’s not for years and years,” he said.
She wondered if that had been said by her fifteen-year-old son, or the adult one lying naked on the bed beside her.
“We don’t know when that will be. You might meet a girl like that a week from now, or a month. My point is you need to be ready so that, when it happens, you don’t get over-excited.”
“And have a seizure,” he said.
“So how do I get ready?”
“Well, Mai Li and I talked about that, and we think we could expand your education a little. You know, teach you some things that will help you when the time comes.”
“What kind of things?” he asked. He thought back to the pink thing that had been in Mai Li’s pussy, and how, on the island, Ginger and Mary Ann had been spread wide, available for him to put his penis in. Then he thought that probably wasn’t what his mother was talking about. You didn’t have sex until you got married. He’d always been taught that. And nobody had mentioned marriage. Even if he did meet a girl a week from now and she miraculously fell in love with an epileptic, she wouldn’t be interested in marriage for at least a year.
“You know how Mai Li and I help you de-stress and feel better?”
“Yeah.” He realized that, in just the few seconds he’d been thinking about his mother’s and Mai Li’s pussies, his cock had gotten hard.
“Well, in normal relationships the woman has needs, too, and needs to de-stress kind of like you do.”
“How? Women don’t have a penis.”
“Actually, they do. It’s just designed a little differently and most of it is inside her body, instead of outside like on a man.”
“Oh, come on. If women had penises I think I’d have heard of that before,” he scoffed.
“It’s not a penis like a man has. It’s called a clitoris, but physiologically it’s very much like a penis.”
“Clitoris,” he said. Then, “Clit? Is it called a clit? I’ve heard of that before.”
“Yes, lots of people call it a clit.”
“Do you pee out of it?”
“No. It isn’t a penis like you’re thinking about it. When we help you, your penis feels really good, right?”
He nodded.
“Well, when you rub and suck a woman’s clit, she feels the same thing. She has an orgasm, like you have them.”
“You mean when I cum,” he said.
“Exactly. Women cum, too. But they don’t shoot sperm out. Their clit just feels super good, almost exactly like your penis feels.”
“So if you don’t pee through it and it doesn’t shoot sperm, what’s it for?”
“It’s only for making her feel as good as you do when you cum. It wouldn’t be fair for the guy to have all the fun and it just be boring for the woman, would it?”
“No,” he said, firmly. “They didn’t talk about this in health class. All they did was talk about reproduction and that if you have sex before you get out of high school you could catch a social disease.”
“There’s much more to it than that, and that’s why you need to learn it. Mai Li and I thought we might teach you what they didn’t cover in school, so when the times comes, you’re ready to have a happy sex life without having an unhappy seizure life at the same time.”
“So you’re going to teach me how to rub and suck a clit so the woman cums,” he recapped. “I don’t think that would make me have a seizure.”
“I don’t, either. Some of what we’ll teach you will be for parity, so that the enjoyment is equal between you and the woman. You’ll want her to be happy and eager to please you, right?”
“Like you and Mai Li do,” he guessed.
“Yes, and in other ways, too. It’s only fair that she has as much fun as you do, isn’t it?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Actually, that will help Mai Li, too, I hope,” said Vicky.
“Help her how?”
“Well, when you get excited she helps you, and sometimes that makes her excited, too. So I hope you’ll learn to help her, too.”
“Like she was my girlfriend,” he said.
“Let’s not get the cart before the horse,” said Vicky. “Mai Li is your physical therapist. She’s much older than you and she can’t be your girlfriend.”
“But I can make her happy as if she was my girlfriend,” he argued.
“As long as you promise not to expect her to be your girlfriend,” insisted Vicky.
“I get it,” he said. “I know that some day she’ll go work somewhere else, and won’t live here anymore.”
“That’s right,” said Vicky.
“I can live with that,” he said.
“I’m glad.”
“Because you’re my mom, and you’ll never go off and leave me. You and I will be together forever. You’re my mom, so you can’t be my girlfriend, either, but it will be kind of like that.”
“Bobby, you’re going to meet that woman and fall in love with her and have grandbabies for me to spoil. You can’t live with me forever.”
“Why not? By that time I’ll have my trust fund and I can buy a house big enough for all of us to live in. You won’t have to work. You’ll have all the time in the world to spoil my kids.” He frowned. “I can’t imagine having any, but if I do, you can spoil them all you want.”
“We have plenty of time to talk about that,” said Vicky, who had no doubt he’d want to move out and not have his mother around when he got married.
“I have a question,” he said.
“Go ahead.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Don’t you need your clit rubbed and sucked, too? I’m gonna guess that dad used to do that for you, but he’s gone and you never date. So what about you?”
“Me?” she squeaked. “I’m doing fine. When you get as old as me you don’t get that excited very often.”
“Well, if you do, then just tell me,” he said.
The butterflies were back in her belly and she stood up. When she turned around she saw his erection. It had obviously happened while she sat there. She knew he always had them when she came to tuck him in, but he’d never been soft and then gotten one because of her.
Had he?
“What, Dear?” she said, licking her lips.
“I barged in on Mai Li today when she was doing something private and she’s kind of mad at me right now. Do you think you could help me out? I know it’s not bed time, but...”
“Sure, Honey. I’ll help you out,” she said.
“Okay, thanks.”
Vicky closed her son’s door and licked her lips, swallowing yet again. Roger’s penis had been large, like Bobby’s, but his health had made his emissions both bitter and small in quantity. There were many times when he didn’t seem to actually produce any semen at all. She was convinced, now, that this was why he’d never gotten her pregnant again after Bobby was born. She’d stayed off the pill for years and nothing had happened. Eventually she stopped thinking about it and had, therefore, never gone back on birth control.
As she enjoyed feel of his member in her mouth and the taste of her much healthier son’s semen, she realized Mai Li wasn’t the only one who had control issues. The fact that she was so willing to fellate her son was evidence of that. And yes, the main goal was that he get his issue dealt with in a safe manner, but there was no doubt she enjoyed the heck out of helping him. She also knew what she sometimes thought of when, after tucking him in, she went to bed and used the fuck out of her dildo so she could get to sleep. Her dildo wasn’t one of those puny little things, either. She hadn’t thought about it, but she’d chosen one that was closer to Roger’s missing size than the smaller ones displayed in the store that she thought of as “for those teenage girls who need a little help.”
His offer had been running through her mind as she deep throated Bobby’s magnificent penis. He could now tolerate a decent blow job, thanks to repetition and her willingness to pause and let him calm down. As the tip of his cock tickled the back of her throat, she imagined being in bed with him and lowering her dripping pussy down to his mouth. It would be so wrong ... but it would also be so sweet. And she was honest enough to admit to herself that it would be much easier and more comfortable than trying to meet and get to know a man and, eventually, end up in bed with him, hoping it would work out. She knew it would work out with Bobby ... even if it was wrong.
She went to take a shower and get ready for supper.
She took her dildo into the shower with her.
When Mai Li got back she knew she’d exceeded her normal three mile run. She could feel it in her legs. Her breathing was fine, though. Maybe she was ready for four a day. The run had been good for her, letting her think about the issues in her life while the ground flashed past under her feet. She still didn’t know what she was going to do about Bobby’s erections, but she no longer felt like things were spiraling out of control. She didn’t feel rushed. After all, Bobby hadn’t asked for more. She suspected that Vicky was also a hot-blooded woman and Vicky had gone without sex for longer than Mai Li had. It wasn’t surprising that the woman might be getting frustrated and was looking for some kind of sexual satisfaction. The most fascinating thing about all this was how Mai Li felt about the incest angle. Before she came to Vicky and Bobby’s house, she would have thought incest was disgusting. But seeing the two of them together, and getting to know them as well as she had ... it changed things, somehow. Who wouldn’t love Bobby? And Vicky’s love for him was fierce, like a lioness, protecting her cub. It was also simply genuine, an exchange of love that was as pure and authentic as the love of any two other human beings. Actually seeing that love made “incest” become a word someone had invented to destroy love. Mai Li couldn’t possibly destroy their love.
She went in the house and found Bobby at the dining room table, playing a game on his laptop. Ignoring him, she headed for her bedroom. She’d neglected to take her phone on her run and, like most young people, felt some apprehension that she might have missed a call or text. She’d provided Ted with the costs involved with joining a gym and a ball park figure for a therapy pool she found online. She expected the therapy pool to be rejected, because it was over ten thousand dollars, and it was the smallest one the company offered.
Tapping her phone on she saw that she had, indeed, missed a call from Ted. She punched his number and called him back.
“I’m on my way to a meeting so I’ll be quick,” he said. “Come by and get the card to pay for the gym membership. I’m going to have to handle the negotiations for the therapy pool. I called the company you referenced and they sound legit. They want to come to the house to do an estimate and I’ll need to be there for that. It’s been approved, though, so you can pick one you think will work. Don’t get the smallest one they have, unless it’s what you want. On the other hand, don’t get something you can have a party in. This is for his physical therapy, not recreation. Got it?”
“You’re a doll,” she gushed.
“Tell that to my wife,” he said. “Call me and tell me when they’ll be there for the estimate. I’ll put it on my calendar.”
He hung up, leaving Mai Li with her mouth hanging open.
Then she gave a whoop of excitement and went to tell Bobby and Vicky the news.
Both Bobby and his mother were mellow because both had recently cum, while Mai Li was out running. They were enthusiastic about the therapy pool, but neither really understood the utility of having an exercise pool. Bobby assumed that the gym would make him sore like the elastic bands did. He always blamed his soreness and fatigue on the exercise he did, and not his atrophied muscles. So, basically, Mai Li was a little miffed that neither of them was excited about the new developments as she was.
Bobby looked at her a little differently, too, during supper. He still had his usual puppy-like admiration in his eyes, but there was also something else, something speculative. Finally her curiosity made her probe.
“You’re looking at me funny, tonight,” she said, staring at him.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.
“That’s probably my doing,” sighed Vicky. “Bobby and I had a little talk while you were out running.”
“Mom says I’m going to start sucking and licking your clit,” Bobby said, smiling.
“Bobby!” barked Vicky, at exactly the same time Mai Li said, “What?!”
Bobby looked at his mother and asked the same question as Mai Li had, except his tone was injured, rather than astonished.
“What I said was that we were going to teach you how to treat a woman,” said Vicky.
“You also said that meant I should learn how to rub and suck a clit,” said Bobby, in his usual innocent, filter-lacking way.
“Your first lesson is that you don’t just blurt out something like that,” sighed Vicky.
“I’m confused,” said Bobby.
“I’m confused, too,” gasped Mai Li. “Yes we talked about that, but I wasn’t aware any decisions had been made!”
During her run Mai Li had thought about what she and Vicky had discussed. She was of two minds about that. When compared to Raul, Bobby was much better boyfriend material. He was sweet and caring. He was eager to please, at least until she had worked him hard enough that his body complained. He was thankful for the sexual release she gave him, rather than having the sense of entitlement Raul had displayed. At the same time, she couldn’t help but think that moving forward like Vicky had suggested was like a girl who was a senior in high school and was choosing an 7th grader as the guy to take her to prom. Of course Bobby wasn’t a 7th grader and she was far from being the person she was in her last year of high school. Still, she really missed the closeness of sleeping with a man, both metaphorically and literally. There was something about waking up with a warm body next to you that was just delicious. Basically, it had been vexing enough that Mai Li stopped thinking about all that and concentrated on her breathing and pace and body as she continued to run. She was still horny, but she used that energy to run.
“We didn’t make any decisions,” said Vicky. “I just explained some things to him.”
“About clits,” said Bobby, helpfully.
Supper was finished. For Bobby the meal had been, basically, normal. The two women hadn’t had the same reaction. Vicky kept trying to assuage Mai Li’s reaction to Bobby’s coarse and unthinking comments. Mai Li tried to deal with the emotions that she’d damped down on her run. Bobby felt the tension at the table, but wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what was going on, so he just ate. His appetite had improved to the point where he ate like a normal teenage male.
“Do the dishes,” said Vicky to her son. “Mai Li and I need to talk, privately.”
“You guys sure do need to talk privately a lot, lately,” Bobby commented.
“That’s because you are in our lives,” snorted Vicky.
Vicky pulled Mai Li to the living room.
“I’m sorry my son is such an idiot,” she opened. “He asked me to help him while you were running and I used the opportunity to talk to him about ... things.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t go running anymore,” said Mai Li.
“Nonsense,” said Vicky. “All I did was explain to him that while his needs were getting met, our needs were not. I told him that, some day, he’d have a girlfriend and that he needed to know how to meet her needs. That led to a bit of conversation about how that might be done. I told him you might be open to practicing with him. I didn’t tell him anything was going to happen for sure.”
“He obviously thinks something is going to happen,” said Mai Li.
“Well, maybe I didn’t handle things as well as I could have,” admitted the older woman. “But we both know this is hard on us. What else could I have done?”
“You could have asked me if I actually want to be part of any of this insane plan you have!” snapped Mai Li.
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