The Asian Blues - Version Bravo
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 4
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Bobby Washington got hit by a drunk driver while he was riding his bike and all the doctors thought he was a gonner. He lived, but he was in a coma for three years, and he had epilepsy. When he finally woke up his mom's dreams seemed to have come true. But there were still issues. He had a fifteen-year-old mind in an eighteen body. An Asian physical therapist came to live with them and, together, they tried to bring Bobby back to a normal life.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Mother Son Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Pregnancy
By the time Vicky got home Bobby was up and around. Mai Li still had one of her sociology textbooks, from college, and he was leafing through that when his mother got home.
“You keep reading,” Mai Li ordered. “Your mother and I need to talk.”
“Am I in trouble?” he asked.
“No, Silly,” said Mai Li, smiling. “We just need to talk in private.”
He went back to reading and Mai Li looked at Vicky. She looked tired, but not as worn as she had even a few days ago.
“Can we talk while I get out of this uniform? I smell like grease,” said Vicky.
“Sure,” said Mai Li.
In the bedroom Mai Li sat on the edge of the bed while Vicky pulled her uniform off. In her common sense white panties and sturdy bra, she looked like any housewife who was getting ready to take a shower. Mai Li’s critical eyes appreciated the evidence that Vicky was still in good shape, even though her life had been hard for years.
“So, what’s up?” asked Vicky. “Did he have seizures today?”
“He might have had a focal one,” said Mai Li. “I got distracted and didn’t pay attention.”
“Distracted?” Vicky paused, her bra hanging from one hand. Her full breasts sagged a little, but not much.
“He needed ... um ... attention today. You know what I mean?”
“He needed you to jack him off?” guessed Vicky, who was much less shy about all this than Mai Li. The transition from a demure, stay-at-home housewife to having two jobs and interacting with the public all day had resulted in making her hard to shock. A lot of her customers were truckers and some of them could be pretty crude.
“And you were willing to do it?”
“And that distracted you?”
“Yes. I got too involved and didn’t watch him while he ... um ... got there.”
“What did you watch?” asked Vicky, who thought she knew the answer. Images of Bobby’s long, thick penis had plagued her all day at the diner. She had some of the same philosophical problems as Mai Li did, but in a different perspective.
“Something happened to me,” moaned Mai Li. “I lost control.”
“You lost control,” said Vicky. She tossed the bra on the bed beside Mai Li and stood, one hand on her hip. “What, exactly, does that mean? Did you have sex with my son?”
“No!” gasped Mai Li. “I didn’t do that! I just put my mouth on him!”
Vicky relaxed. Her mild outrage at the thought that Mai Li might have slept with her son came from a place deep inside her that wasn’t fueled by any moral compass. She knew Bobby would have sex one day, or at least hoped he could have that kind of relationship with a woman. She just wasn’t quite ready for it to happen, quite yet. As she looked at Mai Li, she idly thought that Bobby could do much worse than losing his virginity to this woman.
“Calm down,” she said. “He might be eavesdropping.”
“I don’t want you to think I’d ever do something like that!” gasped Mai Li, a little softer.
“That’s your business,” said Vicky. “I was just a little startled. I’m not angry about this.”
“Vicky! I sucked him off!” whispered Mai Li.
“And he didn’t have a seizure? That’s kind of amazing, Mai Li,” Vicky commented, calmly.
“Well,” said the Asian caretaker, who felt relief flood her body, “I only did it at the very end. I’ve done that in the past to save the mess, but this time I just wanted to do it. I lost control. It was scary, Vicky!”
“Are you all right now?”
“Well ... yes. It didn’t hurt me or anything. It was just ... not me ... you know?”
“Not to argue, but it must have been you, because you’re the one who did it,” Vicky pointed out.
“Okay, yes, of course, but I shouldn’t have felt like I did while it was happening.”
“How did you feel?”
“I felt like I couldn’t wait for it to happen again,” groaned the younger woman.
“I bet he felt the same way,” said Vicky. “Look. This is a no harm, no foul kind of situation. Don’t let it get you down. It’s been almost two decades since I did that for a man. Roger thought it was nasty and wouldn’t let me do it. My boyfriend before him loved it and I had a good time doing it. So if you enjoyed it, that’s great.”
“Vicky, I’ve only known him for three days. I can’t just go sucking his dick like he’s my boyfriend!”
“Okay, I get that. So don’t suck his dick like he’s your boyfriend. Suck it like he’s your patient and it’s for his own good. There’s nothing wrong with feeling good about helping your patient.”
“I can’t believe you said that,” moaned Mai Li. “You’re saying I can suck it again? That’s crazy!”
“No it isn’t. I can’t very well suck it for him. I can get away with jerking him off, but I think oral sex for me crosses a line.”
“Of course. You’re his mother, for Pete’s sake.”
“That’s not what I meant,” said Vicky. “What I meant is that he’d have a heart attack if I did that to him. I don’t want him to have a heart attack.”
“Are you saying you’d even think about doing that?” gasped Mai Li.
“Thinking isn’t doing,” said Vicky. “I’ve been without a man for the last three years and before that Roger wasn’t much good for me for five or six years before he left. I have needs, too, and I’ve stifled them all this time, in terms of involving a man in my life. Just because neither of us has a boyfriend doesn’t mean we don’t have desires and wishes. I’m not going to lie. I get horny out of my mind sometimes. That, combined with the fact that the man I now love more than anyone else in the world almost died, makes me think about things differently. I love him, and I know he loves me and that it’s a real, genuine love that will never die. I know people would say what I did with him last night is wrong, but they haven’t lived through what I’ve lived through. What I did wasn’t wrong for me and I don’t believe it was wrong for him and everybody else can just keep the fuck out of our business!”
Her voice had gotten louder and more forceful as she went on. She was clearly in defensive mode, even if nobody was attacking her. Mai Li put her hand on Vicky’s forearm.
“Calm down,” she urged. “Nobody’s going to make trouble about this. I’m with you. I don’t think it hurt him, either. I admit I’m a little freaked out by my own feelings, but I’m not concerned about his. He’s taking this all very well, as far as I can see.”
“Well, I wouldn’t think about blowing him because he wouldn’t want me to do that,” said Vicky, still unsettled a little. “That’s what takes it off the table for me. As far as you doing it, I think it’s great, but only as long as you want to. Our main concern here is for his needs, but if we can meet a few of our own along the way, then that’s even better.”
“There’s more,” sighed Mai Li.
“How much more could there be?” asked Vicky, who stopped and stared at Mai Li.
“I already told you I didn’t do that!” moaned the younger woman. “But, while I was, um, rubbing him, he wanted to see my breasts and I showed them to him. I don’t know what came over me. It’s like he can hypnotize me or something!”
“Is that all?” Vicky smiled. “It’s nice to know he’s normal in that way, too.”
“What am I going to do?” moaned Mai Li. “I’m going to wear out my battery-operated-boyfriend if this keeps up!”
“I think we can afford batteries,” said Vicky. “Now, I’m going to wash the stink of grease off of me. Is there anything else?”
“Not yet,” said Mai Li.
“Well, I don’t see anything to be concerned about. I say we should be happy with the progress we’ve made and continue to march.”
Neither woman might have been so willing to engage in “unconventional” behavior with Bobby had they known his real mindset.
Children go through a phase in their lives wherein they feel like the world should rotate around them. Its only purpose is to fulfill their needs and wants. Children have to be taught how to be unselfish, and delay gratification. That doesn’t come naturally. They have to be taught how to understand that their every whim will not be met, and should not be met. They must be taught a work ethic, in which they receive fair compensation for fair output of effort. If they don’t, then they end up living on the dole, on the street or in prison. What makes parenting so difficult is that it often takes eighteen years or more to instill all these values in a young person.
In Bobby Washington’s case he had just gotten to the point where, in many young men’s lives they begin to transfer from “I want that cereal (or toy) and I want it now!” to “I want to know more about this sex thing and I want to know it now!” Then an accident and a coma had interrupted his learning curve. In the three years he could have learned the beginnings of how to understand women and his own sexuality, he had learned nothing, instead. He was still at that stage of life where a Playboy magazine was worth its weight in gold. He was trying to figure all this out and, from his perspective, things couldn’t be going any better. He’d gotten two hand jobs and the most beautiful woman in the world (a recent promotion, received in large part because of all this) had even sucked his prong!
To put it in automotive parlance, Vicky and Mai Li had jerked the car forward, as if they were just learning how to drive a stick shift and engaging the clutch was giving them problems. Bobby’s attitude was “Let’s get an automatic and just floor it!”
He had no filters yet; no sexual filters, anyway. He was past the “I can have anything I want” stage and more into the “If I want my allowance I have to do my chores and earn it” phase of his life. The main difference was that his body was fully adult, and the “allowance” he was interested in wasn’t money anymore. His mind was trying to catch up to his chronological age and he was eager to expand his sexual horizons. From his point of view that necessarily involved his mother and Mai Li, because he couldn’t do it by himself without having a seizure. There was no moral component to it. His continued health and welfare demanded that his caregiver and mother continued to help him with his sexual needs.
All of this could have been a recipe for disaster ... or what outsiders would have called disaster. Both women, though, were used to employing restraint in their sexual lives and they kept doing so. Bobby didn’t know what he was missing, so what they continued to do for him was also something he could live with.
Over the next three months he got hand jobs regularly, at least once a day, in the beginning. That changed to twice a day, not by any scheduled intent, but because of two things. The first was that he worked hard to earn his “allowance” as he thought of it, and Mai Li gave it to him daily. Vicky saw the results of Bobby’s hard work as his muscles began to look like muscles again and he looked less wan and bony. He wasn’t buff and brawny, yet, but he smiled more, which somehow made him look healthier and he was happy again. That made her happy. She didn’t get to spend lots of time with him because she had to keep working two jobs.
The “bedtime relaxation drill,” as it came to be called for a brief time, started one night when Vicky got home late after working a double shift at the diner. She took a shower and went to say good night to her son, who was already in bed. Mai Li had established a strict bedtime for him to make sure he got plenty of rest. Vicky, clad in a thin, short, summer robe, sat on the edge of his bed and they talked quietly, during which she noticed his eyes stray to the cleavage the robe displayed. She hadn’t asked Mai Li if she still got topless for Bobby. That he ogled his own mother’s cleavage didn’t bother her. She was pretty sure lots of teenage boys did that. The front of his shorts began to protrude and she realized what was happening.
His “treatments” hadn’t really been discussed all that much. Basically, he had come to understand (believe) that getting boners was normal and having Mai Li either stroke or, rarely, suck his penis took care of them nicely. There was no need to talk about them any further than, “Mai Li? I’m real hard. Can you help me, please?”
He had always wanted his mother to stroke him again. He couldn’t have articulated why. He wasn’t yet sophisticated enough to understand that, when you love a woman, you crave her touch, and it doesn’t matter what her familial relationship is to you when you’re still young and it hasn’t been inculcated in you by the establishment that you must believe incest is an unforgiveable perversion. That was the second thing that happened. He happened to get a boner while his sexy mother was right there.
“Looks like you have a problem,” she teased, reaching to touch his bulge with one fingertip. “Do I need to go get Mai Li?”
“No, I’d like it if you did it,” he answered. It came from a place of simple honesty and she heard that honesty. At this point in the three month time frame mentioned above, it was roughly two weeks after she had first helped him have an orgasm without also having a seizure. Her talk with Mai Li had established her “position” on all this, but she hadn’t pushed forward. Mai Li had been taking care of him and she was fine with that. Now she had the perfect excuse to get her hands on a nice, warm, stiff cock and she was only too happy to do so.
That second night (and every night afterwards for those three months) was just that, a simple hand job in which Vicky told her son to relax and “Go to the island” while she lovingly stroked the penis she increasingly wished she could do more with, until it erupted into the washcloth she now routinely brought with her when she came to ‘tuck him in.’
They had started out wanting him to feel normal and, in that, they succeeded. Being jerked off became not merely normal, but routine for Bobby, and by the time a semester in the school he no longer attended had gone by it was just a very enjoyable part of his daily routine. What broke down were the intentions of the women who, originally, thought to try to find a way for him to “handle things” himself, and not have a seizure while he did it. Being intimately involved with the process, though, was almost as rewarding for them as it was for him, and neither woman ever got tired of servicing their young charge; quite the opposite, in fact. Both women loved handling his organ and making it spurt. That wasn’t their original intent, but that’s how things evolved. When a sweet guy clearly loves what a woman is doing for him and is appreciative in the extreme, it’s pretty easy for her to like doing it for him.
In fact, it was because the women were having fun that another idea surfaced that would change all their lives forever.
It happened one night when Vicky was tucking him in. For the umpteenth time she was slowly rubbing his delightfully hard penis. Both women had, by agreement, learned how to bring him off without furiously beating his meat. Rather, they moved their hands slowly, almost massaging his erection until, with a groan, he offered up his spunk. The two women developed, together, a technique where his foreskin did most of the work, assisted by an often oily hand lovingly circling and squeezing just the head of his penis. This allowed him to reach completion almost without even increasing his breathing rate. Mai Li, several times a week, added some sucking to her ministrations, but she never deep throated him or anything. She just kissed and sucked the head until she got a mouthful of delicious “Bobby Juice”. Vicky knew about this, but she had never approached Bobby about how he’d feel if she did the same thing.
That she wanted to do the same thing didn’t bother her. She wanted the increased intimacy with her son. Her love for him had always been strong, but since he came back from the dead, it had consumed her. Everything she did, she did for Bobby. He was the only man in her life and, while most people would have been horrified, her love for him began approaching the kind felt by a woman toward the husband she loves. Society’s attempt to inculcate in her that she should be horrified by incest wasn’t as strong as her relief and love when she got him back. In her case, love won and what society thought about that didn’t really concern her.
“Sweetheart?” she murmured.
“Mmmm?” he replied. His eyes were closed. He was thinking about the island. Gilligan and the Skipper were still there. So were the Professor and the Howells. But Mary Ann and Ginger had been replaced by Mai Li and his mother. There was another new twist to the island fantasies he had. Now Mai Li and his mom walked around the island naked. They got him naked, too, and they danced with him. A psychologist might have opined this came from his few memories of school dances, before his accident, which were the only chances he had had to press his young body against that of a girl while they danced slowly.
“Do you like it when Mai Li sucks your penis?”
“Oh yeah,” he sighed. He opened his eyes.
“I used to do that for your father,” she said, tentatively. “He liked it, too.”
“It feels different,” he said. “When she does that I shoot extra hard.”
“Does it ever make you feel anxious?” The word she used wasn’t by chance. Whenever he expressed any elevated level of emotion they asked him if he was feeling anxious. It was code for “Do you feel a seizure coming on?”
“It did a few times at first,” he said. “Now I’m used to it.”
This conversation was another example of how they had trained Bobby to stay calm. That they could talk like this while she was masturbating him was a goal that had now been reached and which delighted both women. It didn’t detract from the intimacy they shared with him. Rather, they all felt closer because it wasn’t “just sex”. It actually enhanced the feeling of intimacy. It was almost like sharing good hugs, but of course it went deeper than that. Instead of distracting them from the sexual component of their relationships, it enhanced the feeling of being closely and deeply satisfied by the human connection that was now the norm in the household. It was pillow talk without the intercourse or the actual pillows.
“Mai Li says she likes doing that for you,” said Vicky. “I liked doing it for your father, too. I miss it.”
“He shouldn’t have left,” said Bobby.
Vicky was startled to feel his erection soften and she realized, instinctively, that talking about his father was ruining his mood.
“You’re right,” she said, “but he did and we’re doing fine. I don’t miss him, but I do miss some of the things we used to do. Like what Mai Li does for you.”
“He was an idiot,” grumped Bobby.
“Don’t go soft on me, Darling,” she said, increasing the speed of her hand. “Would it bother you if I wanted to kiss your penis, like Mai Li does?”
“Bother me? Why would it bother me?” he asked, lifting his head.
“Relax,” she said, going back to their usual mantra. “I just wanted to ask you. I really did like doing it ... before ... but I didn’t want to shock you by offering.”
“I’m not shocked,” he said. “You’re my mom. I love you. I don’t think you could ever shock me.”
“That’s good,” said Vicky, slowing down as his cock firmed up in her hand. “I don’t ever want to shock you.”
“If anything I’m more worried about shocking you,” he said.
“And how would you do that?” she asked.
His eyes strayed to the loose closure of her robe. She’d gotten into the habit of changing into it when she went to tuck him in. She knew he liked peeking at her cleavage.
“Sometimes Mai Li lets me see her breasts,” he said.
“I know,” said Vicky. “She told me. Do you like them?”
“A lot,” he said. “She only does it every once in a while. She says it gets me too excited.”
“We worry about you getting too excited,” said his mother. “I see you looking at my breasts, too, but that’s okay because it doesn’t excite you too much.”
“You see me looking?” he groaned.
“Of course, Darling. Lots of men stare at my boobs. How many times do I have to tell you you’re normal?”
“I thought you’d be mad if I wanted to see them,” he said.
“Not mad at all, but you don’t want to see my saggy old boobs. Mai Li’s are much prettier.”
“I’d love to see yours,” he said, panting gently. “I think you’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful it makes my heart hurt a little sometimes.”
“Awww, that’s sweet,” she said, feeling butterflies dance in her belly. “My body used to be hard and tight like Mai Li’s, but these days I droop a bit.”
“Is that why you don’t go on dates?”
“Maybe a little, but the main reason I don’t go on dates is because I don’t need any men in my life except for you. You’re all the man I need.”
“That’s silly,” he said, smiling. “You can’t marry me.”
“I’ve been married and it didn’t work out all that well,” she said. “I’m happy with having just one man who I love very much. That’s you. Now, can I kiss your lovely penis or not?”
His eyes glittered.
“You can if you take your robe off,” he said, softly.
More butterflies danced, but these danced in her womb.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“I’m positive,” he said.
She felt apprehensive as she stood, abandoning his stiff prick. Her apprehension didn’t come from a place of shame that she’d expose her naked body to her son. Rather, it was based in the same thing most women worry about. Her self-image was a little worn. Yes, some of her customers ogled her shamelessly and most of them would have tumbled her into bed happily, but she didn’t believe it was because she was beautiful. Men just wanted to shove their cocks into a woman and get off. It didn’t matter what they looked like. She had once overheard two truckers talking and one of them had said he knew a woman who’d let him have sex with her but she was ugly as sin. The other trucker had said, “Put a flag over her face and fuck her for Old Glory.” They had both laughed and she’d gone on with her work, but she’d always remembered that crass comment.
Bobby’s eager eyes raked her up and down, though, and instead of lust in them, which was what she saw in most men’s eyes, she saw eager anticipation, almost like he’d had on his birthdays, when he knew he had a gift to open. In that moment, she thought of herself as his gift. He deserved a gift.
She opened the robe and watched as his eyes moved up and down. He had only asked to see her breasts, but there wasn’t any easy way to restrict his view when all she had on was the robe. She felt blood rush to her face as she realized she probably needed a tune up down there. She’d gotten used to keeping her pubes shaved because Roger had liked it that way. Letting it grow out made things itch and she’d gotten expert at shaving in the shower. She knew she had some stubble right now and it embarrassed her.
She didn’t think about the fact that baring her breasts and pussy to her son didn’t embarrass her. What bothered her was the thought that she wasn’t perfect for him while she did it.
Vicky didn’t think about the possibility that hers was the first pudendum her son had ever seen. It is possible, though impossible to prove, that most women assume their sons, once they have entered puberty, have viewed porn or pictures that include naked women and all their parts. Vicky didn’t think about that one way or the other, which is why she wasn’t quite prepared for Bobby’s reaction.
This was, however, the first time Bobby had seen a woman’s bare sex, and it went beyond merely novel. What he thought about, as his eyes took in her fat, puffy pussy lips, was that this was where his father had inserted his penis when they created him: Bobby Washington. He didn’t visualize the head of a baby stretching those fat lips as he was delivered in a hospital somewhere. All he thought about was that a penis had penetrated those lips. It was the first time in his life that he thought about the act of sexual intercourse in a way that went beyond something vague, foggy, and undefined.
For the first time in his life, Bobby thought about fucking a woman – actually engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman.
It wasn’t that he wanted to fuck his mother. His thoughts weren’t that well established. All he thought about was that it was possible that, one day, his own penis might spread a set of pussy lips like those, as he had sex ... real ... live ... actual ... sex.
Those were very fleeting thoughts, though. They were thoughts he would come back to many times over the next month, but for now his primary concern was enjoying what he was getting to see. And he enjoyed it very much.
“You’re not saggy,” he breathed. “You’re beautiful. I knew you would be and you are!”
“Thank you,” she said, a little breathlessly. The import of what she was doing hit her and she thought about Mai Li, wondering if Bobby could somehow hypnotize her. She felt a little like he had somehow manipulated her into doing this, but she knew she could have stopped it if she’d wanted to.
She had to admit to herself that she didn’t want to, though, and she also had to admit that the look in his eyes and his honest compliment made her pussy get damp. She knew she’d be abusing her dildo quite soon.
“Relax,” she droned.
Then, like Mai Li had, she abandoned control and returned to grasp her son’s stiff prick.
Unlike Mai Li, she devoured that prick, sending the tip to the back of her throat as she gave him his first “proper” blow job.
“Mom!” came a gasp that penetrated her lust-fogged mind. Vicky paused and pulled off, slurping and swallowing some collected saliva that was tinged with his taste.
“Stop!” he panted.
She was ashamed, not because she was fellating her own son, but because she hadn’t paid any attention to what this was doing to him, in terms of the potential for seizures.
“Relax,” she panted.
“Let me breathe for a minute,” he said. “I was trying to meditate, but it felt too good.”
“I’m sorry,” she breathed. “I got too excited and it made you too excited.”
“I’m okay,” he said, breathing deeply. “I just need to calm down a little.”
“I can finish the regular way,” she said, stroking him slowly.
“I love it when you do that,” he said. “I just need to get used to it, that’s all.”
“Maybe if I wasn’t so energetic?” she suggested.
“Maybe,” he agreed.
She stroked him with her hand for a few more minutes and then went back on with her mouth. This time she went more slowly, moving her lips halfway down his stalk and then sucking as she pulled back up. He groaned, but didn’t stop her again.
A few minutes after that she was rewarded with a warm wash of salty, musky semen in her mouth.
He tasted much better than his father had.
Like Mai Li, she knew she’d be doing this again ... many times.
Vicky and Mai Li didn’t have regularly scheduled discussions about Bobby’s prognosis or treatments. Rather, whenever they had a few minutes together, if there was something of import to discuss, they did so. By this time the fact that they were both getting Bobby off was, more or less, just another part of the day, and nothing special to mention. After Vicky sucked him dry, though, she felt like Mai Li needed to know. She needed to know if for no other reason than that she needed to know everything about her patient.
It was at breakfast, the next morning, that Vicky filled Mai Li in.
“Do you remember telling me how upset you were that you wanted to put your mouth on Bobby’s lovely penis?” she opened.
“Yes,” said Mai Li, who had repeated that action a dozen or more times since then.
“Well, last night when I was tucking him in, things kind of got out of control for me, too.”
“No way!” squealed Mai Li.
“Way,” sighed Vicky. “I mentioned that his father liked it when I did that to him and then I said I liked doing that for his father and he didn’t blink an eye when I said I’d be willing to help him that way, too. And not only that, he asked to see me naked and I took off my robe.”
“You were completely naked?” gasped Mai Li.
“Bare as the day I was born,” sighed Vicky.
“Vicky Washington, you slut,” teased Mai Li.
“I’m not quite there, yet,” said Vicky. “How are you doing?”
“In terms of... that?” Both women knew what the unsaid subject of this conversation was. “I’m still not thinking about that. That’s going too far.”
“I know,” sighed Vicky. “But he affects me, so I know he affects you.” She cocked her head. “Unless I’m wrong. I guess it’s entirely possible you have no interest in him, sexually, at all.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” admitted Mai Li. “What bothers me is how much I am affected by him. He’s supposed to be my patient, not my boyfriend.”
“Of course,” said Vicky. “On the other hand, I’ll just throw it out there that if, by some chance, you ever did become his girlfriend, I wouldn’t mind that at all.”
“I don’t want to think about that,” grunted Mai Li.
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