Emma Watson and the Morsexius - Cover

Emma Watson and the Morsexius

Copyright© 2023 by killer bishops

Chapter 4

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Emma Watson joins the treacherous Snake House in a desire for greatness and sex. Her teacher Ms Willoughby shows her the way

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Celebrity   Magic   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking  

Emma Watson looked down at the wonderful tiara she’d stolen from Bird House with Ms Willoughby’s help. Despite it being a week later though she’d still never worn it and more worryingly she hadn’t exactly told Ms Willoughby that she had taken it. It showed an impulsiveness that her teacher would not approve of.

Tonight, she had the perfect occasion to wear it but couldn’t. It was the winter ball and it would go perfectly with her beautiful dress, professionally done hair and makeup.

The only slight problem was that it had a big gold hooded python on top. It was something a Snake House student would wear but Emma was still undercover in Lion House. At best, it would cause serious suspicions and at worst blow her cover completely.

Without the tiara, Emma still looked stunning. She had on an elegant green and yellow silk dress. It was strapless, and had a long skirt. She wore black strappy high heels which showed her feet and highlighted her toned pins through the long slit up the leg to the thigh. The outfit was classic formal evening wear.

The last thing Emma needed was her small, elegant green clutch bag. She picked it up from her dressing table and checked inside.

“Perfume ... Check.” Emma said out loud to herself.

“Lipstick. Check. Morsexius. Check!”

The most important part, the Morsexius. She looked at small vial of white goo that she and Ms Willoughby had extracted from Lord Snake’s strapon cock earlier that day. It glistened and glimmered in the light.

Emma thought for a moment about how much it had given her. Her life had changed for the better. Now, she and Ms Willoughby were going to take over the whole school and make sure everyone would serve Lord Snake.

Tonight, a new servant of Lord Snake would be created, however, not before Ms Willoughby and Emma had exacted revenge for Bird House stealing Snake House artefacts. Tonight, Bird House would pay.

Emma gave a knowing smirk to herself in the mirror, checking out how gorgeous she was as she did so. She shut her clutch bag and turned to head to the ball. Tonight was going to be something else.

As Emma entered the ballroom, she stopped to survey the scene. She could see heads turn to look at her, not hiding their clear interest in her beauty.

One of those heads was Ms Willoughby, who sat with some teachers in the corner. Although Emma could tell her interest was admiring, it was also a knowing, silent exchange of confirmation that their plan was about to start.

The other teachers turned to look at Emma, but only Ms Willoughby had that hint of intent about her. Everyone else was just curious or admiring Emma’s stunning, natural beauty.

Emma moved to the floor and made some chat with her fellow students. Tonight, she would again be pretending to be in Lion House, so spoke to people she knew in that house as default. Other students from Hippo House and Bird House joined in, but Snake House kept themselves to themselves. Emma longed to be with them but knew she couldn’t.

The young woman kept one eye on the teachers, waiting for a moment to enact their plan. Every now and then Emma would flick her gaze and see the teachers drinking in the corner with Ms Willoughby looking ever so relaxed.

In just a moment, Emma spotted her opportunity as the teachers wriggled about, trying to create space for one to leave the confined table.

Squeezing out the small space was Cheryl Cole, the gorgeous singer from a beautiful pop group. The brunette’s normally pretty face looked slightly embarrassed as she tripped over her companions feet on the way out.

Still, it was hard to miss her attractiveness as she finally straightened up leaving the confined space. She had on a purple dress, which had a short skirt, revealing her glorious legs. The top was quite low cut, revealing her cleavage. It could have been considered a bit too revealing, but somehow Cheryl made it look classy, especially with her choice of glamorous platformed black high heels.

“Drinks anyone?” Cheryl asked, getting several orders from the table, including Ms Willoughby who was normally more controlled.

Cheryl happily made her way to the bar, and reached into her diamond encrusted clutch bag, pulling out her red lipstick and re-applying it.

Emma approached from behind, taking position close to Cheryl.

“Looking very glamorous tonight Ms Cole,” Emma began, engaging in small talk.

The teacher turned round and smiled. “You too Miss Watson,” she answered, her Geordie tones clearly ringing out. “Are you having a nice time?”

“Yeah, I just arrived, but hopefully it’ll be a nice night. How about you?”

“Getting on it!” said Cheryl. “I’ve been drinking since lunch!” The teacher laughed quite happy with her current situation. “Even Ms Willoughby is getting a bit tipsy.”

Emma looked round, barely believing such a thing, but now that Cheryl had mentioned it Emma could see a slight slouching of her normally straight shoulders and a slight gaze over her normally serious face.

Emma laughed. “It must be a special night.”

“I never thought I’d ever see it!” Cheryl replied, before lifting two glasses of a tray and directing bar staff to take the drinks over to the table she just left.

“Cheers!” she said happily to Emma, thrusting a glass into Emma’s hand. Emma took it and smiled back, clinking the glass with Cheryl’s and taking a sip.

“What are drinking too, Ms Cole?” asked Emma after swallowing the champagne.

Cheryl thought for a moment, Emma could almost see the cogwheels turning in her pretty head. “Let’s drink to having a good night Ms Watson!” The pair shared another toast and warm smile, before Cheryl downed the remainder of her champagne in one.

“Woah, Ms Cole!” Emma said, in a state of shock but also admiration.

Cheryl just giggled before turning back to the bar. “Two more please, one for me and one for my star student, Ms Watson!”

Emma blushed slightly at the compliment. She was also slightly nervous of the speed the Head of Bird House was drinking. Emma would never be able to keep up. But then an idea popped into her head.

“Actually Ms Cole,” Emma said, indicating to the bar staff to delay that order. “I have something better that you might enjoy.”

Cheryl raised an eyebrow. “Ms Watson, I never had you down as the thrill seeking type!”

Emma thought for a moment she might have gone too far. She thought about apologising or backing down. But in an instant Ms Cole lightened up and grinned mischievously.

“Sounds intriguing! I’m definitely game Miss Watson,” before the pair left the bar and headed somewhere a little quieter.

Emma felt a bit conspicuous leaving the room with Cheryl Cole. The pair were extremely beautiful and hard to miss and she knew someone might remember them leaving. However, another opportunity quite like this may not have happened so she had to take it.

The pair moved to a door towards the back of the room and went inside a doorway. It seemed to lead backstage with stairs towards the performance area. It was quiet just now but Emma and Cheryl both knew it may get busier later.

When Emma was sure the coast was clear, she dipped into her clutch bag. She peered in carefully and a carefully pulled out the small vial of Morsexius. She presented it carefully to Ms Cole.

“Here, try this,” Emma said excitedly. “It never fails.”

Cheryl looked at the vial carefully. “Looks a bit like...” Cheryl stopped herself from saying cum in front of her student. “Are you sure it’s ok to drink?”

Emma nodded. “It’s better than any drink you’ve ever had.”

The confidence in Emma’s voice immediately eased any concerns Cheryl had, as she reached out and took the vial excitedly. She popped off the stopper and was immediately hit with the most wonderful smell.

Emma watched as Ms Cole’s eyes widened with growing excitement. She now had a big grin on her face, accepting the naughtiness of doing a shot with student in the back.

“Cheers!” Cheryl said in her Geordie tone, clinking with Emma’s half finished champagne. The teacher then downed it in one and shook her head. A salty tang had hit her mouth which seemed to give a warm feeling sliding down her throat. Suddenly, the tang hit her whole body causing an excited shiver. Cheryl’s brown eyes lit up as a naughty smile game over face.

“That was delicious Miss Watson. You certainly didn’t disappoint.”

“Thank you Ms Cole.” Emma gave a knowing smile as she watched her teacher become more and more horny.

“Shall we do another?” asked Cheryl, desperately hoping the answer was positive. She reached out and touched Emma’s arm, feeling a spark of electricity. It felt good, the sexual tension between the pair was building.

“Definitely Ms Cole...” Said Emma, feeling Cheryl’s tender touch on her soft skin. “But not for a while.”

“Why is that Miss Watson?” Cheryl asked, stepping closer to Emma, their chests almost touching. The excitement of being with Emma over rode the disappointment of the news.

“We need to get it from Lord Snake’s special strap on. It’s one of the most powerful magical artefacts in the world.” Emma said, her voice becoming quieter as her lips drew closer to Cheryl’s.

“So in the mean time we just...” Cheryl was hardly disappointed. The brunette’s lips met with Emma’s and they began to kiss passionately. Cheryl hooked her arms round her student and pulled her closer for the kiss.

Emma responded as well, her hands immediately going to Ms Cole’s toned firm ass. She squeezed at the perfect shape, eliciting more force from Cheryl’s kiss.

The pair snogged for a minute, enjoying the feel of soft womanly lips together. Hands were roaming, exploring the feel and shape of the other’s gorgeous body. As this continued, Emma felt Cheryl pulling the back of her green and yellow strapless dress down.

When the dress hit the floor, Cheryl took a step back and took in Emma’s stunning body. She was perfect, gorgeous frame, small round tits and toned abdomen. Emma’s legs were just as shapely and smooth, enticing Cheryl between them.

“All hail Lord Snake!” Cheryl enthused as she unzipped her own dress. “I’ll do whatever it takes to please him, his house and his subjects.”

Cheryl’s dress fell to the ground showing her beautiful body. She was stunning and had slightly fuller tits than Emma. She too had glorious legs, accentuated by her sexy high heels. She wore a very small thong which was clearly wet already.

The sight of Cheryl almost naked pleased Emma greatly. Not only was Cheryl hot and attractive but her plan was going perfectly just now. She pulled Cheryl closer.

Cheryl began to kiss Emma again, firstly on the lips but the hurriedly moved down her student’s neck to her chest. As she cupped Emma’s small tits and played with the flesh, she kissed Emma’s erect nipples, playing with them.

Emma groaned in approval, “Mmm Ms Cole.”

Cheryl didn’t stop, making sure she switched to Emma’s other breast while her hand massage the one she’d just left. Emma’s body was incredible and Cheryl was worshipping it the best was she could.

Emma was going weak in the legs as she enjoyed this beautiful woman pleasing her. She could barely stand as Cheryl pushed Emma’s thong down her legs. She felt herself totter in her heels as Cheryl guided her onto the stairs. Emma loved the sound of the high heels moving over the floor.

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