Emma Watson and the Morsexius - Cover

Emma Watson and the Morsexius

Copyright© 2023 by killer bishops

Chapter 1

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Emma Watson joins the treacherous Snake House in a desire for greatness and sex. Her teacher Ms Willoughby shows her the way

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Celebrity   Magic   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking  

This is totally fictional and completely made up


The whole class were watching the clock, even the teacher. It was Friday afternoon and it was the weekend before the big final between the virtuous lion house and the sneaky snake house. Everyone was excited for tomorrow’s game.

All apart from one that is, even though she was playing in the game. It was of course Emma Watson, everyone’s favourite nerd.

“Ms Willoughby, can you go over the morsexius potion? It’s in the book but you just skipped over it!”

There was a collective groan as Emma did her best to milk every last piece of learning from the lesson.

The only person not exasperated was Ms Holly Willoughby, who gave her a look of indignation.

“Young woman, I choose what gets taught in this classroom and if I don’t bring it up, it’s because you don’t need to know it!”

Emma looked slightly sheepish with her cheeks turning red. She hated getting a row in class.

“In fact, my office after class! We’ll talk about your attitude there.”

The whole class laughed as Emma sunk into her seat. She felt embarrassed but angry at the same time. She should be praised for learning, not ridiculed.

“This isn’t fair,” she murmured under her breath, looking directly at her wooden desk.

“What did you say Miss Watson?” Holly fired back.

Emma looked up and caught her teacher glaring at her with contempt. She froze.

RIIINNGGG Thankfully for Emma the bell had rung and she wouldn’t have to say out loud in front of the others as the scraping of chairs and rustling of books and paper took over as everyone left the classroom.

“Miss Watson, follow me to my office please,” Ms Willoughby said formally as Emma pushed her books into her bag and reluctantly but obediently, following her teacher to her office.

Emma followed a few paces behind, her head down in embarrassment. Being summoned to the teachers office was not her usual thing.

She entered the large green office with stone walls, befitting the castle they were in. There were books everywhere as well as magical objects and trinkets. The walls were lined with portraits of Snake House greats, although due to their dubious morals Emma hardly thought of them as such. The room was lit by purple flamed torches, adding to the green tone of the room but making the feel uneasy for Emma. She was used to brighter surroundings in Lion House. The only brightness came from the pure gold box on Ms Willoughby’s grand desk.

“Sit down please Miss Watson,” the teacher said sternly, still standing on the other side of the large desk. She only say down across from Emma when she was settled and looked her straight in the eyes.

Emma tried to avoid those eyes by looking down but she knew this was not the solution.

“Is there anything you’d like to say for yourself?” Ms Willoughby began.

There was a silence as Emma thought better of saying how unfair this situation was.

“I can not have anyone question my teaching decisions in class, you understand?”

Emma looked up, and was taken back by Ms Willoughby letting a large green python snake slithering over the teacher’s shoulders. Not only was the size of the beast concerning but also Ms Willoughby’s apparent comfort with it.

“I hate snakes,” Emma said softly, before remembering herself and trying to sound more assertive than timid. “What did you mean ‘question your teaching?’”

Ms Willoughby eyed her critically. More back chat was not well received. “I am the boss. My students must show me respect. Doubly so as head of Snake House.”

Emma remained silent; that seemed to be her best option at present.

The snake slithered onto Holly’s desk where its scales glimmered as they caught the light from the fire. It intimidated Emma by getting closer.

“If you must know, approach me personally at the end. Keep it respectful.” Ms Willoughby’s tone softened a little, but the presence of the large python made it difficult for Emma to feel more at ease.

Seeing this, Ms Willoughby reached over to the gold box on her desk that the python was partially coiled around. She gently lifted the lid and pulled a small ampule of a white goo like liquid.

Emma’s eyes lit up.

“Morsexius,” Ms Willoughby began, “Is an extremely potent and powerful potion. Only the smartest and strongest members of Snake House are said to be able to harness it’s benefit.”

Emma listened intently, immediately thinking it was incredulous that she couldn’t handle it just because she was a lion.

“I had it when I was a young woman at your age. It’s effects last a lifetime and it gifts extraordinary abilities to anyone who can pass one challenge.”

Emma stared at the vial. It almost seemed hypnotizing the way the dim light glistened on it. “What does it do?”

“It enhances everything. Your intelligence, your energy, your concentration. Certain very magical abilities.”

Emma was intrigued. “Can I have some?” Emma asked hopefully.

“Miss Watson, you are not in Snake House. You wouldn’t be strong enough.”

Emma quickly retorted, feeling that Ms Willoughby underestimated her. “I’m as strong as anybody in Snake House. Stronger in fact.”

Ms Willoughby had played it perfectly. She had Emma right where she wanted her. “Well if you think so.” The teacher held out the ampule.

“I do,” said Emma triumphantly, taking the vial and lifting the stopper off. Immediately a sharp smell came from inside the container, making the girl shiver slightly from the potency of the thing. However, once over this initial shock she took a deep breath and inhaled deeply through her nostrils to get the full effect of what the potion could give to her body.

Emma held the vial to her lips and looked at Ms Willoughby confidently. She tipped the vial up and the sticky potion fell on to her tongue. It tasted salty but pleasant. She smiled at Ms Willoughby.

“See, it really isn’t as big a deal as you Snake House lot think.”

Ms Willoughby gave a smile as Emma’s eyes lit up.

“I think I should have some more.” Emma looked directly at her teacher.

Ms Willoughby gave a knowing smile. This was going perfectly. “Well to get more, we have to source more.”

Emma was immediately ready for what ever challenge lay ahead. She craved the powerful potion.

Ms Willoughby reached over her to the golden box and for the first time Emma found herself really looking in to Ms Willoughby’s cleavage, something she’d heard her male companions go on and on about. She immediately got what they saw.

Ms Willoughby sat back up with an object in her hand. It was long and quite thick and it was coloured green and gold like all Snake House artifacts. It had some green and gold silk ribbons or straps coming from it. Ms Willoughby held it out in reverence.

“This is an exact cast of Sammy Snake’s, the founder of Snake House, cock. It is one of our most treasured artefacts. Only a true Snake House would be powerful and skilled enough to draw more Morsexius from it.”

Emma looked at it with a mix of reverence and determination. She knew what she had to do.

“Succeeding will bring you magical power, sex and lust like you’ve never dreamt of. You’ll be worshipped as a goddess amongst your peers. You’ll have everything.”

Ms Willoughby let down her teaching robes revealing she was wearing a green and black bustier and stockings. The green was silk and covered her front, the rest was black lace with snake patterns in seen through. Every so often, what appeared to be solid gold snake decorations would adorn the exquisite material.

The bustier enhanced Ms Willoughby’s cleavage, her boobs looking like they were about to burst out. The bustier tightened at the waist giving the blonde the hour glass figure of a model. She wore black suspender stockings and expensive black designer platformed peep toe high heels.

Ms Willoughby left her witch hat on, the tall black cone with wide brim giving her that fantasy type appearance without undermining her sex appeal. She had her wavy blonde hair down over her shoulders.

Within a few moments, the strap on floated out of her hands, leaving a trail of green and gold sparkles behind. Ms Willoughby followed round her desk, standing in front of Emma before the strap on magically tied itself on to the teacher’s pelvis.

Ms Willoughby stood expectantly in front of Emma, her hands on her hips in a powerful pose. “Miss Watson, your challenge has officially begun.”

The determination to succeed was stronger than ever in Emma as she immediately took to her task. Giving a cheeky pout, she pulled her tie over her head before ripping her shirt open sending the buttons flying. It revealed her red and gold bra, the colour of Lion House. Emma had small round tits, which perfectly suited her toned body. She then slid out her short skirt, revealing her suspenders and the top of her black stockings. Emma wore matching red and gold panties to her bra.

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