Bond-mates: Necessary, Sometimes Horrible, Usually Magnificent - Cover

Bond-mates: Necessary, Sometimes Horrible, Usually Magnificent

Copyright© 2023 by Sterling

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Humanity has a different and peculiar sexual structure. Sex might make a couple form a bond, which means they share in each other's feelings and thoughts, enhancing sex and creating a sense of closeness. Everyone needs one bond, but no one can have more than two. If your mate has a bad secret, a bond can be painful. The story explores the resulting complexities.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Humor   Tear Jerker   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Sharing   Group Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

There were many books describing how to handle sex once a person came of age. The most popular was “Not Less Than One, Not More Than Two”, often just called “the handbook”. Lucy had read its section on bonds before, but now she reread it with attention to detail. Regular sex with William would help the bond last, but if it was more often than once a week that tended to cause the bond to break. But mating several times during those delightful first hours after the bond is formed was OK.

She couldn’t read William’s thoughts, but she could experience his emotional state. Usually she was not aware of his existence, but when his emotions got strong it drew her attention. In this respect her experience so far matched the handbook.

When they got together a few days later, it was just to talk, for fear of over-using their bond. She related how sweet it had been to experience his next sexual encounter. His partner had given William a blow job and he came in her mouth. That was a new feeling! She was dimly aware of him eating her out, but it didn’t come through as intensely, as he was doing it for her sake and not his.

William in turn told her how great it felt when she masturbated to climax. She hadn’t been thinking of William “listening in” -- she was just doing it for herself, though the memory of those magic times with William was very much on her mind. He said that as just one person, in control of every little thing, her pleasure was perfect and very intense. Lucy figured that sounded about right, but she hadn’t really analyzed it that way before.

“Why didn’t you have real sex with that woman?” she asked him.

“If I did it might break one of my bonds,” he said. “And I like both of mine, especially this new one with you.” His smile was both sweet and tinged with lust. “And I figured you wanted to keep our bond, as you had just had a bad case of the yuckies.”

Of course! Lucy felt touched. It would be bad enough if her bond with William just spontaneously broke, but if William had done things to bring it on, she would hate that.

“Say, I’m going to have sex with Karen -- she’s my other bond-mate -- Thursday night at about 10pm. If you want to be in a private place you can be as sexy as you want.” That sort of made sense, though his oral sex experience with that other woman hadn’t aroused her a great deal. But she followed his advice. And when Lucy felt the power of bond sex transmitted through William, she was very glad she was alone and could urgently massage her clit! His pleasure turned her on a great deal. She was not quite there herself when William came, but she soon finished up. If she had been in a social situation and unable to touch herself, it would have been frustrating.

She hugged him goodbye, but found her pelvis briefly writhing against his leg. “You sure we can’t do it? It would be so great!”

“Delayed gratification,” he said with a sad smile. Lucy’s smile was sad too. She knew what it meant.

Later she also took in the fact that the situation with Karen was symmetric. Whenever she and William made love, Karen could and likely did share vicariously in what she and William felt. A little bit of her had instinctively hoped their pleasure was private -- just the two of them. But why not share?

Once the yuckies were gone and she had her bond with William, she was immensely relieved to give up on getting disgusting men to fuck her. But then she realized that when the bond with William broke -- as it almost certainly would, at some point -- she would start down that path of the bondless syndrome all over again. Much better to have a spare!

It was also good to have sex, if you felt good about your partner. She called up Bruce and asked if he’d like to do it again. There was virtually no hope of a bond, as they had tried once and failed, but plenty of hope for some satisfying sex. He was delighted as well. On top of him, moving up and down, she felt an almost ferocious desire rise in her which she then satisfied with a wonderful climax, pussy rhythmically clutching his cock. Warm and content in afterglow, she was entirely happy to be his plaything as he turned her over and fucked her hard and deep, growling and clutching at her back before crushing her beneath his full weight as his frenzy built up to his own orgasm. It triggered her and she had another one of her own.

When next they met, William told her how good it had felt when she was with Bruce. Once again she was reminded that what had seemed private really wasn’t. She didn’t mind so much because the one benefiting was William, her bond-mate, and she adored him.

She had known for years that sexual intercourse outside of a bond had different implications depending on how many bonds the person had going into the encounter. Now it really sunk in. With one, there was nothing to be lost, just another bond for both of them if it was a bond-forming act. But with two, creating one bond was instantly destroying another.

Eric was a handsome man who asked her politely if she would consider sex. He said he had one bond and would like another. He also said he thought she was very sexy. It was perhaps true, but saying “I’d like another bond even though you’re a dog” was uncommon, to say the least.

He proposed a “standard” at her house -- a “standard” meaning two minutes of the man thrusting, culminating with his orgasm, and no time or activity specifically designed for the woman’s pleasure.

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