The Neighbours Son - Cover

The Neighbours Son

Copyright© 2023 by MasonJar

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - I was out of town a lot, so I had set up some surveillance cameras around my house what they caught was amazing.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex  

I run a successful private investigation business and surveillance equipment supplier and have clients from all walks of life from Mob Bosses in Las Vegas to government departments. I’m married to Cindy 26, blond, blue-eyed and just 5’ 4”. I’m 38 and semi-retired after starting my own business over a decade ago now. I have 30 stores across the continent and 102 P.I. firms leased out under my business. Some say she is my trophy wife; I’d have to agree. I’ve worked hard I deserve a little arm candy.

Because I’m away a lot and have access to the latest spy wear and Surveillance equipment I have set up cameras around my home with movement censors. These are linked to a security firm that monitors the houses in the Gated Estate where I live and there is a recording set up with a monitor in my study. I have 30 cameras across the estate grounds and house, some are small pinhole cameras and others are as large as you’d see on bank buildings. Safe to say, I’m well protected. I’ve worked hard for all that I’ve got and guard it well.

I’m currently working on a contract with clients in Korea for electrical components and circuitry and will be out of the country for a few days. Cindy wanted to come along with me, but I wanted this trip to be totally business and the Korean businessmen I would be dealing with are easily distracted by a pretty western blond.

I hadn’t paid that much attention to the neighbours on either side of me because I’m away so much and had little to no contact with them and of cause they had busy lives themselves. Cindy knew all their names and was all over their Facebook pages.

I was on the plane leaving the states when the alarm went off telling me that the back door was accessed. Being daytime, this was usually Cindy coming and going. With nothing else to do on this long flight, I got out my tablet and brought up the Security monitor. The screen lit up with the different areas of the house and grounds. The backyard cameras were flashing indicating movement. I taped on the patio area cam and sure enough, there was Cindy laying out with her wicked weasel bikini on, the pink one. I loved to watch her when she was preening. She had one knee bent and was applying SFP sunscreen to her arms and chest. Her skin was golden from the sun and flawless from her blond hair to her delicate, pink-painted toes. I heard her phone ring, and she pushed a button with a long pink nail after looking at the screen and trying not to get grease on the screen.

“Hello?” (On Speaker)

“Hi. I’m Max, I live next door. I got your number from my mom and dad’s friends list and well, I hope I’m not bothering you, but I saw you were up.”

“Wait. You can see me?”

“Yes, I’m standing on my back patio and waving. Look to your left. See me?”

“Oh, Hi. Yes, I see you. Tall blond guy with a towel around your waist.”

“Yes, that’s me, I was wondering if I could come over and use your pool while ours is being built. It was supposed to be finished by the time school ended but there were delays in materials or something and work has stopped.”

“I think I met you once at the Mathew’s Xmas party one year.”

“Oh, that was years ago, I’ve grown up a lot since then and finished school.”

“I can see you’ve filled out a lot since then. I think, as we’re neighbours it might be safe to have you come over.”

“Great, I’ll be right there.”

I heard all this through the cams mike and watched as Max appeared by the side of the house. Cindy lay back as he approached, still rubbing in the oil.

“Hi. I’m Max.” and he stuck out his hand.

“I’m afraid my hands are covered in oil at the moment,” said Cindy.

“Oh, right do you need a hand with that?” he said and immediately blushed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that, well I did mean that, but it sounded like I’m a perv. Look forget I said anything.” And he blushed again.

Cindy giggled. “I’m sure you meant well and were just offering your help.”

“Call me Cindy, my husband is away on business, and I could do with the company.”

“You look worried Max and you’re shuffling from foot to foot what’s wrong.”

“Well, when I first saw you this morning, I thought you were lying here naked, but that suit is so small that I missed seeing it.”

“Yes, I like them. I have six and they make me look naked, especially from the back. Why.”

“Well, I like to swim naked, and I thought you were naked too and I didn’t bring a costume with me.”

“You mean your naked under that towel?”


“Would you feel awkward if you swam naked in front of me?” asked Cindy.

“Oh, no. I’m usually naked in the Hot Tub and Sauna. Oh, and you can come and use those any time you like. ‘Shit’. That sounded pervy too. Sorry. Mom doesn’t mind and I think dad is too busy to notice. We’ve gone through a lot of maids till we found one that doesn’t mind me going naked around the house.”

“So, it’s not just you being naked in the Tub but the house too.”

“Well, house to Tub and Tub to house nakedness, yes, but Conti says if she could she would be naked all the time. She’s from Jamaica.”

I’m going to take in a little more Sun. You can use the pool and be as naked as you like.”

“Great.” And he dropped his towel on a lounge and walked naked out to the pool.

I was stunned by his actions as I imagine Cindy was, I watched via the cams and Cindy watched from the lounge as he dove in and started to do laps of the pool.

Cindy’s POV ~ Shit, he just dropped the towel and walked off. I can see that he does this on a regular basis to be so comfortable with himself. I hope this doesn’t get awkward. He is nice to look at though and has a nice bum and muscles. I’ll have to watch for him coming back and check out his cock. He’s been doing laps for a while; I could join him in the pool, or I can stay here and jill off till I see him coming back. I’ll just slip a finger in. Yes, that feels nice, a quick cum while I watch his bum do turns at the end of his laps. Ahh. Oh yes. That was a nice one. Here he comes, he’s hopping out. Fuck he’s built, his six-pack looks amazing with all that water running down his front and dripping off his cock. It’s dangling and swinging around mid-thigh I wonder just how long it gets when it’s stiff.

View from the cam ~

“That feels better. I can relax when I’m in the water and let my mind wander.” I heard him say as he dried himself.

I saw Cindy reapply sunscreen to her arms and Max ask. “Can I use some of that when you’re finished?”

“Sure, in fact, if you do my back I’ll be finished.” And she rolled over onto her front.

The back view on those Wicked Weasel bikinis is wonderful and always makes me hard when I see her in one. There is practically no material on view, just acres of young flesh.

Max put the towel around himself and knelt down next to Cindy’s side he dropped oil on her back and rubbed it in.

“This wasn’t how I thought I’d meet the neighbours,” said Cindy giggling.

Max was now level with Cindy’s shoulder and his cock was growing under the towel. I watched as it grew and tented the towel. This wasn’t missed by Cindy that openly stared at it just a foot away from her face.

Max tried to adjust himself and hide his stiff dick but was having trouble keeping the towel on, his dick kept pushing it off.

“Cindy, I’m sorry but this happens all the time and I hope you’re not offended. I’m sorry.”

“That’s OK. You’re young and you have your hands on the body of a cute girl. It’s understandable that you might get hard.”

It was at this moment that I saw the towel fall as he knelt next to her, and I heard the intake of breath as she saw what was tenting the towel. It had to be at least eight inches long and thick and standing at a forty-five-degree angle.

He went back to applying oils to her back and I watched Cindy as his cock swung back and forth inches away from her shoulder.

“Mom says the same thing and not to worry if it happens around her as she won’t feel embarrassed.”

“They’re all done, or do you want me to do your legs while I’m here.”

“No thank you. You can use it now.”

I watched as he got up and sat on another lounge and put oil on his arms and chest Cindy watched him and she rolled onto her back.

“Do you want me to do your back?” asked Cindy.

“Yea. OK. And he stood and turned his back to Cindy and held out the oil bottle to her. She got up and stood behind him and put her hands on his broad back and shoulders. She stood there for a minute admiring this fit young body and squirted oil along his shoulders. She had to reach up to get his neck then ran her hands down lower to his waist and hips, going around his waist and feeling his Abbs, her fingers just touching his pubes for a second, then returning and going over his Glutes with oil. She looked to be in a daze as she knelt down to reach the backs of his legs. He half turned and looked down. “Thanks for that.” He turned further around and reached for the tube in her hand. Now facing her she was looking directly at his stiff cock and her oil-covered hands reached up and slowly stroked it, covering it with oil.

“You really need to have this covered as well. This is one area that you don’t want to be burnt.”

“Well thanks but you don’t really have...” he started to say.

“it’s OK. And this might help you relax around me. OK?”

I watched amazed as my wife jacked off our young neighbour while kneeling in front of him. He wasn’t fazed at all and just let it happen like this was the normal thing that he was used to and maybe it was. He came quickly all over her front and kept going until his cock was slack again. “Is that better?” she asked.

Panting and smiling, he said, “Yes much, thank you.”

She stood and swayed a bit and put her hand on his chest to steady herself. “Now I think I’ll go in and have a shower. When do think you’ll want to use the pool again?”

“I’d like to use it every day if I could after I exercise in the morning and maybe in the afternoon to cool down after a run if that’s OK of course.”

“Yes, that would be OK. I’ll tell you when I’m having friends over, so they don’t catch you naked swimming. OK?”

“Great. I’m glad that we hit it off so well.” He took her into his arms and hugged her to his naked body. I watched, astonished as she rested her head on his chest and hugged him back and ran her hands down to cup his ass in her hands. They held each other like this for a while whispering something that the mikes couldn’t pick up but when they separated, he was semi-hard, and it was touching her Belly. She swatted it away and they both laughed.

They separated and he took his towel and without wrapping it around himself casually walked through the few trees that marked the boundary of our property.

I saw Cindy watching him and his toned body as he walked away and then rush inside. The inside pin-hole cameras picked her up as she moved through the house to the master bedroom’s ensuite. I had put a cam in there facing the shower simply because I could and because I liked watching her in the shower.

She grabbed the hand-held nozzle and immediately brought it to her pussy with the water on full, blasting her clit. I’d watched this often enough to know that she wouldn’t take long to get off. She must be having continuous orgasms as she was there for a long time. Finally, she turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her slim figure and the Kitchen cam picked her up next getting herself a coffee.

I closed down the Cam App and sat there. This was a lot to think about. Was I angry with her? Had she crossed the line? Was I turned on and horney? Yes. In a strange way it was exciting seeing another man with my wife and to see her enjoying the attention was the icing on the cake. She was happy. She was turned on. I wanted to see more.

Chapter two ~ When I landed, I went straight to the hotel and made arrangements to meet with the clients tomorrow after I had gotten over the long flight.

I had a quick meal at the hotel and retired to my room and rang Cindy to tell her that I had arrived. I got the answering machine, so I left a message.

“Hey, Cindy. I arrived safely and I’m at the hotel. I’ll be in meetings for most of tomorrow, but I’ll try and ring when I’m finished if it’s not too late, taking into account the time difference as well. Love you.”

I wondered where she was, so I opened the Cam App and the outside cams were all active. I saw movement on the pool Cam and clicked on it. It was mounted on the side of the pool house and faced down the pool towards the house and back patio. Cindy was in the pool and so was Max. He was doing laps and she was floating on her back, and I could see that she was naked.

After a while, Max stopped, and he seemed to be supporting her with his hands while she floated. I could only pick up the louder sounds on the mike so I couldn’t hear them all the time.

Max was bringing her towards the deeper part of the pool, and I caught bits of conversation.

“Watch where you’re putting your fingers young Max I’m a married woman.” And she rolled away from him. He lifted her up in the air and held his face against her stomach and blew razzberries, making her wriggle and laugh. Then he lowered her down and held her close. The water was clear, and the downward angle of the Cam was enough that I could see her wrap her legs around his waist.

“I like being with you, Cindy. You’re a lot of fun to be with and I think you like being with me but I don’t want to cross any lines or be seen to come on too strong if you know what I mean I’ll let you decide where to draw the line. When you helped me get off this morning it felt amazing, and it did calm me down. All I can think about is sex, ever since I hit puberty I have been waking up with a horn and I have to jack off all the time sometimes four or five times a day so your help this morning was great but don’t be surprised if you see me stiff now and again.”

“I’m glad you can be so open and honest with me. Tell me. Are you a virgin Max?”

“Yes. You jacking me off this morning was as far as I have ever gotten with a girl, and it was great, much better than when I do it myself, but I don’t want to go too far and cross any lines.”

“You holding me up like this in the water isn’t going too far even me wrapping my legs around you and feeling your cock at the entrance of my pussy isn’t going too far but until I say It’s Ok, you can’t stick it in me but that doesn’t mean you have to stop trying a girl likes to be wanted.”

“What if I only put it in a little bit, like this.” And I saw Cindy’s eyes go wide, and her mouth forms an ‘O’.

“That’s way more than a little bit and no that’s something you can only do to a girl when she says you can, now take it out.”

“I’m trying but with you sitting on it it’s slipping in further. Oh, that didn’t work now it’s all the way in and it’s pressing on my cervix.”

“Does this mean that I’m no longer a virgin?”

Cindy smiled and rested her head on his chest and sighed.

“Well, technically we’re not fucking. If I were to rock back and forward like this, we would be fucking.”

“And if I were to grind my cock up hard against your clit and give you an orgasm? Would that be fucking?”

“Mmmmmm. Yes.”

There was a lot of movement under the water for some time and the two of them returned to whispering to each other.

Max held Cindy up and walked out of the pool. Still with her hips wrapped around his waist and laid her down on a lounge and they really started fucking. She lifted her legs up and nearly had them beside her ears and I heard the wet slap, slap, slap of their bodies coming together.

“Oh, yes harder, go as deep as you can. Fuuuck meeeee.

I couldn’t believe how much this was turning me on. I’d never been this hard in my life and listening to Cindy’s cries of passion made my heart race. She was loving it, all eight inches. I’d cum all over myself and had to have a shower, so I closed down the App for the night.

Chapter Three ~ It was the next day back in the states before I had the time to log back onto the Security cams and none were activated. No movement. I went back through the log and found Cindy on the phone while on the lounge on the deck. I heard.

“Oh, hi.”

“OK, that would be great I’ll be over shortly.” She said. And came inside and put on another Bikini (this one in white) and left going through the trees on the boundary over to Max’s house. I had no way of knowing what they were up to other than asking Cindy when I returned but then she would know that I had been watching them.

Cindy’s POV ~ I expected Max to be over for his morning swim, but he called instead and asked if I would like to come and enjoy the Sauna and Hot Tub.

When I got there Max met me and brought me around past the still being built pool, to the Pool house where the Sauna and Hot tub were. He had a towel on and gave one to me.

“The Sauna isn’t too hot this morning and it’s on a timer anyway so you can’t fall asleep and cook yourself. After twenty minutes you have to get up and reset it manually. Dad’s away somewhere and mom is inside. We can get in some Sauna and Hot Tub time without being disturbed. We went into the Sauna, and he stripped off revealing that he was naked under the towel.

“Come on, no one wears clothes in the Sauna.”

So, I stripped off to nothing and sat on my towel as he had. After a time, I did relax, and we talked about yesterday.

“So, I said. You’re no longer a virgin. Feel any different?”

“Actually, I do. It’s over, gone, something I no longer have to worry about. It’s freeing to know that I’ve passed another milestone in my life.”

“Wow. That’s a really good way to look at it. Most young guys see it as putting another notch on their bedpost. That’s very mature of you.”

Talking about sex and seeing me sitting beside him he naturally got hard, and I watched as it grew to its full length and marvelled at the beauty of it. It was straight, long and fat and before I knew it, I had my hand wrapped around it, stroking it. He put his hand on mine and increased the pace. Then there was a knock at the door and his mom poked her head through in.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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