Spellman - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by K.H. Elms

Chapter 29

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - A young high school teacher and football coach moves back to his hometown to escape the drama that nearly ruined his life, taking a new job teaching fifth grade. But a school full of hot young teachers and sexy single moms has plenty of its own drama.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   School   Workplace  

Saturday, September 14, 2013

I woke in what was undoubtedly the best arrangement I’d had in months—with a naked Cece lying on top of me. She had one arm and leg across my body as she used my chest as a pillow, her red hair splayed out. This is what I’ve been missing. Cece began to stir as I slowly ran my fingers up and down her bare back, savoring the feeling of her skin against mine. Her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning,” I said.

She smiled, then closed her eyes again as she snuggled up even closer to me. “Mmm, good morning.” Her eyes popped open. “Oh, shit. Shit shit shit.” She started scrambling around, looking for her phone. “What time is it?”

I sat up. “I’m not sure. Still pretty early, I think.” I rolled over and grabbed my phone from my nightstand. “It’s just after seven. Why?”

“I wasn’t planning on staying the night,” my girlfriend said, her voice slightly panicked. “I need to be home to help my dad in the mornings. He needs to take his meds, and he can’t eat for an hour after, which means he wants to take it early because he gets hungry, and I need to help him make breakfast, and-”

“Cece, it’s okay. We’ll get you back home. Everything will be fine.”

She stumbled a bit as she pulled her clothes back on. “You don’t understand. Taking care of him is the whole reason I’m even in San Diego, Ryan. He needs me.”

“He’s seemed pretty capable the times I’ve seen him. I’m sure he can handle a himself for a couple hours in the morning.”

Cece finally tracked down her phone, which had slid under my bed. “Shit. He called me over an hour ago.” She tapped the screen and then held it to her ear. “Hi, dad. Yes, I’m fine. We just had a few drinks last night and needed to sober up before Ryan drove me home. I guess we fell asleep. Is everything okay? I’ll be home soon, we’re leaving now.” I was still sitting in bed, naked. She shot me a look, so I rolled out and went to my dresser to grab some clothes. “Love you too, dad. See you in a few.”

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

She let out a breath. “Yes, he’s okay right now.”

“See, I told you-”

“But just because he’s okay right now doesn’t mean he always will be,” she interrupted. “He has good days and bad days. I just got lucky this time.” She started walking towards the door. “Can we go?”

“Yeah, sure.” I was surprised by how stressed out she seemed, and how short she was being. I followed her out of my room, grabbing my keys and some sandals on the way. “Do you want a banana, or at least something to eat?”

She shook her head. “No, let’s just go. I can grab something at home.” When we got into my car, I could tell that Cece was still worked up. Her shoulders were tense and she was staring out the window.

“Hey,” I said, placing my hand on her leg. She turned to look at me, her gaze softening as I smiled at her. “I’m sorry. If I knew that you needed to make it home last night, I would have made sure that you got there.”

She sighed as she rubbed some of the sleep out of her eyes. “You don’t need to apologize. I know you would have. It’s my fault, not yours.”

“That being said, last night was amazing. And it was really nice waking up with you this morning.”

Cece smiled, placing her hand on top of mine and giving it a squeeze. “Yeah, it was. You’re a pretty great pillow,” she said. She even blushed a little bit.

“I’d really like to have that happen more often,” I said.

“Ryan, I...” she paused, frowning. “It’s just really hard, with my dad and everything...”

“I get it, Cece. I do. But there’s got to be some way we can make it work, right?” I had said I was willing to be patient with her in terms of our sex life, but now that I’d had a taste, it was hard to not want it more often. Especially if it meant I got to wake up next to her in the morning.

“I want to ... but I just don’t know. This morning was fine, but not every morning is. I’d feel awful if something happened and I wasn’t there for him.” She turned her head to look out the window again.

“It’s not like you’re there with him twenty-four seven right now. You go to the gym, you go to work, we go out on dates. My apartment is only a ten minute drive from your house. It’s closer than Eastwood,” I said. I wanted her to be able to feel comfortable staying the night with me more often, but mostly I just wanted to help her not feel so stressed out about this situation.

She took a deep breath. “You’re right. I just panicked a little bit. I’m just so used to our routine, and when I’m out of the house he knows where I am and how to reach me. When I saw that I had missed his call from over an over ago I just started spiraling. It’s...” She stopped to get her emotions under control, but I could see her eyes starting to water.

I gave her hand a squeeze. “It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, still fighting back her tears. “I’ve already lost my mom, and the thought of losing my dad too just terrifies me. I’m not ready for that. I’m here to take care of him, and to spend as much time as I can with him before it’s too late. I know that I need to have my own life, too, but he’s my priority right now.”

“So then what about next weekend?” I asked.

She looked confused. “Next weekend?”

“On Saturday I’m flying up for my friend Sara’s birthday, and Kevin is going to propose to her. We talked about you coming with me.”

“Right, sorry, I remember. My brain is just all jumbled right now,” she said. She bit her lip. “I don’t know. I’ll have to talk with my dad a little more and figure out if it works for us. Maybe I can set something up for him.”

“I don’t want you to stress yourself out too much trying to make it work. I just think it would be fun to introduce you to all of my friends and, well...” I trailed off.


“It’s going to be the first time I’ve seen Amanda since we officially ended things.”

“Oh. I hadn’t thought about that. Do you really think it would even be good for me to be there for that?”

“Whether it’s next weekend, or at Kevin’s wedding, or whenever, it’s going to happen eventually.”

“But for the first time you’re going to see her since your breakup? I don’t know if having me around for that is the best idea.”

“I’m not trying to rub you in her face or anything. It would just be nice to have you with me. I’m not expecting to have some big heart-to-heart with her or anything. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t even say a word to each other the whole time.”

“Really? You don’t have anything else to say to her?”

I shrugged. “What would there be to say? We’re over, she’s in my past now. If we ended up talking then I guess I could ask how her family is doing. I was close with them. But I don’t think there’s anything left to be said between us as far as ’us’ goes.”

“I’ll try to let you know by Monday if I think I can make it work. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure. I just need to know if I’m buying one plane ticket or two, and figure out where to stay Saturday night. If it’s just me then I’ll probably just crash on someone’s couch, but if you’re coming then we can find a hotel room.”

“If I’m coming I can pay for my own plane ticket.”

“I’m not going to make you pay for a plane ticket to go see my friends. I’m inviting you on this little trip, I can pay for you. It’s not a big deal, anyways. Tickets from San Diego to San Jose are really cheap.”

She pursed her lips but didn’t say anything else on the topic. When we pulled up to her house, I asked if she needed any help or wanted me to come in.

“No, thanks though,” she said, shaking her head. She leaned over to give me a kiss. “I had such a great time with you last night. I’m sorry for going a little crazy this morning.”

“I had a great time, too,” I said as I stroked her arm. “Don’t worry, I understand.”

“I’ll figure something out, I promise.” She gave me another kiss. “I’ll text you later, okay?”

“Yeah, sure. Say hi to your dad for me, and my apologies for not getting you home last night.”

“I told you it’s not your fault.”

“Still, I kind of want your dad to like me.”

“I like you, and that’s all that matters to him.” She gave me one last kiss before hurrying out of the car. “Bye, Ryan. I’ll text you later.”

I took a few moments to enjoy one of my favorite views in the whole world as I watched her walk into her house. While driving home, I tried not to worry too much about the morning’s events. I really liked Cece, but I did feel a little bit of concern that the situation with her dad was going to continue to cause problems as our relationship progressed, or rather that it would be a roadblock to our relationship continuing to progress. It was perhaps unfair of me to think like that, but I couldn’t help it. I understood where she was coming from, and it would be childish of me to complain about Cece making her sick father more of a priority than her boyfriend of barely a month. I just had to trust that she would work on figuring out a solution that would allow us to spend more time together.

When I got home I made myself some toast and had a banana before going out for a quick jog. I showered after, and when I checked my phone I saw I had a few texts from Beth.

Beth: so, did you finally fuck her?


Beth: are you still fucking her?

Beth: dude.

Beth: answer me, bitch.

I texted her back.

Me: Calm your tits.

Me: It’s none of your business, Bethypoo.

Beth: it’s fine. I have other sources now.

She sent me a few screenshots of a conversation she’d had with Cece.

Beth: sooooo?

Cece: flushed face emoji speak no evil emoji

Beth: bitch is that a yes???

Cece: yes...

Beth: and?!?!?!

Cece: It was...

Cece: ... so good. ohmygod.

Beth: get it girl! about damn time.

Cece: I know. I’m amazed he was okay waiting that long.

Beth: he’s kind of a romantic softy.

Cece: there was nothing soft about him last night

Beth: hahaha

Beth: I guess hearing about how many of the girls last night had been with him was kind of a kick in the ass for you?

Cece: omg. I knew he had slept with other girls, but it was different seeing them all in one place, and how casual they were about it ... and how much they obviously wanted him again. I guess I felt like I had to do something to remind him who his girlfriend was.

Beth: that Tiffany chick looked like she was willing to hop on and take him for a ride right there in the living room

Cece: omg seriously wtf.

Beth: I was ready to cut a bitch and he’s not even my boyfriend

Cece: can I ask you a stupid question?

Beth: the stupider the better

Cece: you’ve slept with a lot of guys, right?

Beth: are you calling me a slut?

Cece: nononono

Beth: it’s okay if you are. because I am.

Cece: lol. okay. well.

Cece: I’ve only been with two guys now, and there was quite the ... um ... size difference between the two of them. I don’t know if my ex was small or if Ryan is big. or both.

Beth: well, I can’t really comment on either of them directly ... but give me one second

The next message in their conversation was a selfie of Beth holding a purple dildo in one hand, her mouth open and tongue out as if she were about to give it a big lick.

Beth: this thing is about five inches, which is pretty average. not my favorite, but it gets the job done.

Cece: good to know...

Beth: so how do they compare?

Cece: um. I guess my ex was on the smaller side of average? Ryan is ... much bigger.

Beth: and was it better?

Cece: yeah. a lot better.

Beth: Cece the Size Queen.

Cece: lol stop. I don’t know if it was that. I mean, it was nice. but it was just ... everything. He was sooo intense. and focused on me. I could tell he wanted to make me feel good. My ex just wanted to make himself feel good. also he didn’t last anywhere near as long as Ryan did.

Beth: you should have taken a selfie in bed with him and sent it to Tiffany

Cece: hahaha

I don’t know if they kept talking after that, but that was the end of the screenshots Beth sent me.

Beth: another five star review, and now you’ve fucked 5/7 of the girls who were at Tori’s last night. so close to one girl for each day of the week!

Me: I think I’m good at keeping the number where it is.

Beth: are you sure? That Emma chick really felt left out about being the only one who hasn’t seen Little Ryan.

Me: please don’t call it that.

Beth: you’re right. it’s definitely not Little Ryan ;-)

Me: Beth.

Beth: maybe Cece wants a threesome and she’ll let me tag in.

Me: I doubt that.

Beth: bet.

Me: Beth.

Beth: muahahaha

Me: don’t be evil.

Beth: smiling imp emoji

Me: I’ll tell your mom

Beth: HAH. you think my mom is going to discourage me? she wants you to give me her grandbabies.

Me: good point.

Beth: I’m just screwing around. You know I won’t mess up things for you and Cece. I like her.

Me: I know.

Beth: she’s really hot, though. if she wants to lezz out with me I’m not sure I’ll have the willpower to resist her.

Me: Somehow I don’t think we need to worry about that.

Beth: we’ll see...

Me: dork.

The thought of the two of them together was very hot, but it definitely wasn’t something that would ever happen.

Beth: what are you up to the rest of the weekend?

Me: no plans, really. Have a bit of prep I can do for the week. other than that I’ll probably just end up doing some reading, play some video games. what about you?

Beth: I’m editing the photos from the last shoot I did right now. you want some company when I’m done? I’ll bring over some pizza and beer.

Me: sure, that sounds like fun.

Beth: cool. I’ll text you when I’m on the way.

I used the rest of the morning to finish all of the prep for the school week that I could do while at home, which was mostly everything except make copies. Then I settled on the couch to read. Riley had picked a new book for us to read and I was finding it very compelling.

Before I knew it several hours had flown by and Beth texted to let me know she was on the way over to my apartment. When she arrived to opened the door to find her balancing a box of pizza on one hand, with a case of beer tucked under her other arm.

“Sup bro,” she said.

“I’m hungry, that’s what’s up.” I grabbed the beer from her and brought it into the kitchen, grabbing a couple out of the case and sticking the rest in the fridge. She dropped the pizza box onto the counter, then grabbed a couple of plates for us. I loaded mine up with three pieces of pizza.

“Nice, you remembered my favorite toppings,” I told her. Sausage, peppers, and onion were my toppings of choice.

Beth scoffed. “No, I couldn’t give a shit about what you wanted. They just happen to be my favorite too.”

“Probably because I made you eat it all the time when we were kids.”

“Yeah, you were always forcing sausage into my mouth,” she said with a wink and a laugh.

We sat down on the couch together with our pizza and beer. Over the next several hours we polished off the whole pizza and most of the beer, all while Beth absolutely kicked my ass in every video game we played. I had seriously let my skills slip in everything except for Madden and NCAA Football over the years.

“How’d you get so damn good at this?” I asked her after she’d killed me with a headshot from across the map for what seemed like the thousandth time.

“I had a thing with this guy for a while. We’d get high and game, and the loser had to go down on the winner. Let’s just say I like getting my pussy licked a lot more than I like sucking cock, so I made sure that happened.”

I laughed. “Of course. I’m pretty sure most people would rather give than receive there, though. Maybe except for Melissa,” I said without thinking. The beer had maybe dulled my senses a bit.

“Oh? Tell me more.”

“Nothing, I shouldn’t have said anything,” I said, shaking my head.

“Come on, it’s just me. I’m just curious. That little blondie liked sucking your dick?”

Beth wasn’t going to let this go now that I’d let it slip, so I relented. “Yeah, she was nuts for it. I’ve never seen anyone who enjoyed giving a blowjob more than her. She’s the only girl who’s ever managed to deepthroat me. If I’d asked she’d probably have been down to just sit between my legs and blow me for and hour while I played games or watched tv or whatever.”

“Damn, and you’re not with this girl why? It’s not too late to switch. You can get your little cocksucker back and I’ll take the hot redhead off your hands,” Beth said, waggling eyebrows and making grabby motions with her hands.

“Hands off my girlfriend.” I threw a pillow at her.

“Speaking of, I got the review from her side, but what about you? How was the sex?”

I normally wouldn’t talk about the intimate details of my sex life like this, but it was Beth, and it was true she’d already gotten it from Cece.

“It was fantastic,” I told her. “More than worth the wait. Plus, I loved waking up with her this morning. I just wish it could happen more often. Her living situation with her dad is going to make that tough, I think.” I gave her a quick overview of what had happened that morning.

“Yeah, that sucks. You knew what you were getting into with her, though.”

I sighed. “I did, but it doesn’t make it easier to have to deal with. And I feel like an ass for being a little annoyed by it. It’s not her fault, and it’s an objectively good thing that she’s doing. Really, she’s a fucking saint.”

“But you wish she spent less time being a fucking saint and more time fucking.”

“No. Well, I mean, I guess. But not really. She’s an amazing person. She’s exactly the kind of person I want to be with. It’s just that I wish we could actually be together more often.”

“Obviously it’d be good to get laid more, but honestly I think it’s probably for the best that she has other priorities right now. It keeps things from moving too quickly. You’re already looking to play house with her, I can tell. And trust me bro, you aren’t ready for it. You need to chill.”

“I’m not asking her to move in with me or anything,” I said. “I just want her to be able to actually stay the night with me without feeling guilty about it.”

My phone buzzed on the coffee table. I glanced at the screen. A text from Cece.

Cece: Hey! Sorry I haven’t texted all day, been doing a bunch of stuff around the house. What are you up to?

“Here, take a picture with me for Cece,” I told Beth. She held up a can of beer in one hand and the PlayStation controller in the other as she made a funny face for our selfie. I sent it to Cece.

Me: Just hanging out. What about you? Everything okay with your dad?

Cece: Aw, fun! Say hi to Beth for me.

Cece: The house was a bit of a mess when I got home. My dad said everything was fine, but he tried to make himself breakfast. He dropped a bowl of cereal. Broke the bowl, spilled milk all over the kitchen, then tracked the milk over the house with his walker since he couldn’t get down to clean it up. So I had to deal with that.

Cece: Now I’m just sorting out his pills for the week. I’ll let you and Beth hang out.

Me: I can talk. We’re not really doing much at the moment.

Cece: It’s fine. I just wanted to check in. Call me later?

Me: Sure. I’ll call you when she leaves.

Cece: Sounds good. Talk to you then kissing face emoji

Beth and I played games for a couple more hours. She sandbagged a bit in Mortal Kombat, tricking me into betting a foot massage before completely hustling me. After collecting on the bet, she called it a night and headed back to her place. I cleaned up a bit—taking the pile of beer cans out to the recycling—then got ready for bed before calling Cece.

“Hey, hot stuff,” she said when she picked up.

“And hello to you, beautiful. How was your day?” I asked.

“It was fine. Mostly just doing little things around the house. Cleaning up a bit, planning out meals and the grocery list for the week. I talked to my niece on the phone for almost an hour.”

“That’s nice. Which one?”

“Carrie, my brother Colin’s daughter. She’s the one that’s almost my age.”

“Right, the one you said is more like a sister than a cousin. What did you two talk about for almost an hour?”

“You, mostly.” She giggled.

“Uh oh.”

“It was good. She does think that you need to have a Facebook or Instagram account or something, though.”

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“So she can stalk you a bit, obviously. Plus, you can see the stuff that I post.”

“Do you post about me on yours?” I asked her.

“Of course. I got a lot of questions when I changed my relationship status on Facebook but didn’t have anyone to tag in it. I’ve posted some pictures of us on our dates.”

I knew that she’d taken some pictures of us, but I’d never actually seen them after the fact. “What pictures? You should send them to me.”

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