Spellman - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by K.H. Elms

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - A young high school teacher and football coach moves back to his hometown to escape the drama that nearly ruined his life, taking a new job teaching fifth grade. But a school full of hot young teachers and sexy single moms has plenty of its own drama.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   School   Workplace  

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

I marveled at Cece’s astounding ass as she rode me in reverse, her powerful legs driving her as she squatted up and down on my cock. She cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain when I spanked her, leaving a nice red mark on her pale flesh. Taking a fistful of red hair, I pulled her back against me, turning her head so I could kiss her deeply. Cece moaned into my mouth, our tongues entwined as she rolled her hips to continue fucking me. I reached around and grabbed a handful of her left breast with my other hand, then started to thrust up into her hard and fast.

“I’m gonna cum, Ryan. Oh god, I’m gonna cum again, keep going. Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she begged, her words coming out in a ragged pant.

“Me too, babe. You’re so fucking hot. You ride me so well. I’m going to cum in you.”

“Do it. Cum in me. Fill me. I’m so close. So, so–” she suddenly cut off, her words becoming a silent scream as her climax tore through her body. I felt her insides squeeze me even tighter as she came, driving me to my own release. With a grunt, I unleashed my seed inside her, my cock pumping burst after burst until I felt like she had taken everything I had.

Cece twisted her body around to face me—my rapidly-deflating cock slipping out of her as she did so—and kissed me, grabbing my face with both hands. Then she pulled back and looked me in the eyes. “God, I love you so much,” she said.

“Mmm. I love you too, babe.”

“This has been such a bzzzzzzz. I can’t believe you bzzzzzzzz.”

I tilted my head in confusion. “What did you say?”

“I said that you bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.”

I opened my eyes to find myself in bed, alone, my phone vibrating on the bedside table. Groaning, I reached over to grab it. Not even bothering to look at who was calling, I accepted the call and brought the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I mumble, closing my eyes again.

“You’re still sleeping? What, did Cece keep you up late last night?”


“Yes, Beth. Dumbass. Wake up. I need you to come pick me up,” she said.

“What time is it?”

“It’s almost 8:30. Get your ass out of bed and come pick me up.”

“Why can’t you get an Uber?” I asked her.

“Because my phone is dead.”

“Then how are you calling me?”

“God, you’re dense when you’re sleepy. I’m calling from Thorn’s phone.”

“Why can’t he give you a ride?”

“Because he’s still passed out, and it’s hard to slip out of his apartment unnoticed if I have to wake him up and ask him to drive me back to my car.”

“Ask me nicely,” I told her.

“Ryan, my greatest and oldest friend, please come pick me up.”

“And you’re buying me breakfast.”

“Ugh, fine. Just come get me, please.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll come get you. Where are you at?”

“It’s the apartment complex behind the Jack in the Box, near Walmart. You know which one I mean?”

It took my still half-asleep brain a few seconds to process what she had said, but I got there eventually. “Yeah, I know which one you mean. I’ll be there in a bit.”

“Thanks, bro. You’re a lifesaver,” Beth said, hanging up.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. Emptying my bladder was a bit of a challenge, given the massive morning wood I was sporting thanks to that dream of Cece. I wasn’t sure I could ever forgive Beth for interrupting that. Maybe once Cece and I actually slept together, but for now that dream was all I had. I splashed some water on my face, brushed my teeth, and threw on some clothes before heading down to my car. This was far from how I imagined my morning going—mostly because I had imagined sleeping for a few more hours—but at least I was going to get some free breakfast out of it.

It was still pretty early on a Saturday morning, so there wasn’t too much traffic. I made it to the apartment complex in about twenty minutes. When I got there, Beth was standing out on the sidewalk, still wearing her sexy punk rocker outfit from last night, her black leather clutch in hand. She hurried over to my car as I pulled up.

“Walk of shaaaaaaaaame,” I teased as she sat down in my passenger seat.

“Fuck off.”

“Hey now, how about a thank you?”

“Thank you, and fuck off,” she said, before sticking her tongue out at me.

I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving in the direction of Colin’s, where Beth had left her car last night. When I made a left turn a street early, Beth gave me a confused look.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“You’re buying me breakfast, remember?” I gave her a big grin.

“Ugh, fine.”

She laughed when I pulled into the McDonald’s drive thru. I ordered the hot cakes and sausage with two extra sausage patties, plus a hash brown and an orange juice. Beth ordered a hash brown and a coffee for herself. After we got our food, I pulled into a parking space so we could eat.

I stuck a forkful of sausage into my mouth. “Do you remember all the McDonald’s breakfasts we had as kids?” I asked her, once I had finished chewing.

“Of course. Saturday mornings, after our moms’ aerobics class at the Y. In my memories it feels like it was every Saturday for our whole childhood, but now that I think about it, it was probably only for two or three years while we were in elementary school.” She took a bite of her hash brown, then stared out of the window, smiling. “Good times.”

I nodded. “They were. Everything was so simple back then.” I waited a few moments before asking the question that had been on my mind since Beth woke me up. “So what’s with the S.O.S. call?”

Beth groaned, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes. “I just needed to get out of there. If I was still around when Thorn woke up, he’d probably try to do some shit like make me breakfast in bed, or ask me how I like my coffee and expect me to hang around all day with him. Sleeping with him was a mistake. And not even a particularly fun mistake.”

“I’m surprised you did. Isn’t getting involved with a bandmate like that a major no-no?”

“It was just supposed to be sex. The other guys understood that. I just didn’t expect Thorn to be so ... lovey-dovey about it,” she said, shaking her head.

“I could have told you that he was really into you. It seemed pretty obvious,” I said before I fully absorbed what she had said. “Wait, you’ve slept with Brandon and Chuy too?”

She shrugged. “Yeah, it’s no big deal,” she said. “I told you, it’s just sex. I got drunk after a show with Brandon and we fucked. Chuy and I both went after the same groupie one time and just decided to go for a threesome. Shit happens.” I was still amazed at how casual Beth was about all of this. It was a total 180 from the girl I had known.

“Do each of them know that you’ve had sex with the others?”

She shrugged again. “Thorn definitely doesn’t know about Brandon or Chuy. I’m not sure if those two know about each other, but probably not.”

“Is this going to cause any problems for your band?”

“It better not. Thorn just needs to get over his crush. If me bailing this morning doesn’t get the message across, we’re going to need to have a talk, which will suck.” She finished her hash brown then turned in her seat to face me more directly. “Enough about my misadventures, how did things go with Cece last night? Please, spare no details. That girl is hot as fuck.”

“She is definitely hot as fuck,” I said, laughing. “But you can only look, no touch. I saw you giving her the eye last night.”

“Like I looked but didn’t touch with you and Tori? I’m fine with that.”

“No, not like that either.” Beth pouted.

“Stop it,” I continued. “I seriously doubt she’d be into something like that even if I wanted to try it again, which I don’t. That was a one-time thing.” Even as I said that, though, my mind raced with thoughts of Cece and Beth together on my bed, each getting the other ready for me. I shook my head to clear the images away, like a mental etch a sketch.

Beth must have noticed my mental detour, because she smirked at me. “If you say so,” she said.

“The night was a lot of fun, though. Cece thought you were amazing. She couldn’t stop gushing about how cool you were.”

“I am pretty fucking cool,” Beth said, brushing off her shoulders. “But if you don’t tell me more details about last night I’m going to have to call her and schedule a girl’s day so I can get them from her.”

“I don’t have any details to give. I took her back to my apartment, we made out for a bit, and then she went home. She wasn’t going to stay the night no matter how well things went. Cece lives with her sick dad and has to take care of him.”

“That doesn’t mean you can’t fuck. Sex doesn’t always have to turn into a sleepover, you know that, right?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Says the girl I just had to rescue from a sleepover.”

“Fuck off, I didn’t have my car.”

I took a deep breath. “I don’t know. This was our third date, and we got further than the last two, but so far every night there’s been some invisible line, and as soon as I pass it she shuts everything down.”

“Oh god, she isn’t a Bible thumper, is she? Did you check her for a purity ring? She can’t be, otherwise she would have been put off by my whole...” Beth gestured up and down at herself, “ ... me, right?”

“I don’t know. I know her dad is Catholic, but she’s never really mentioned anything about it herself, besides saying that she’s pretty ‘traditional’ in a lot of ways, but I never got the sense that meant she was super religious.”

“Do you want me to try to dig a bit? I know she wants to hang out. Maybe I can get some answers.”

I shook my head. “No, I don’t think that’s necessary. At least not yet. It’s not like it’s the end of the world, it’s just ... frustrating.”

“Aw, poor Ryan,” Beth said. “Did the sexy girl with the red hair leave you with some blue balls?”

Coughing, I looked away. “Maybe a little bit.”

“You need help with that? It’s been a while since I sucked a guy off in a parking lot, but I don’t mind.”

I turned in surprise to look at Beth to see if she was just fucking with me, but she looked completely serious. “Uhh, no. I’m good.”

“If you say so. I’m serious though, it’s just oral, a friend helping out a friend.”

“Somehow I don’t think Cece would see it that way.” I didn’t even mention how I saw it. I’d already come close enough to the line with Beth, but that would be hopping right over it. Even so, the thought of her just going down on me right here in the car did cause a stir in my pants.

Now it was Beth’s turn to raise an eyebrow at me. “I didn’t think you two were an official couple yet,” she said.

“We’re not, but ... I think we’re going to be. I really like her, Beth. She’s smart, we have fun when we’re out together, and like you said, she’s hot as fuck. I think that maybe the thing holding her back from getting more physical is the fact that we aren’t officially together yet.”

“Don’t just jump right back into a relationship because you want some of that hot redhead pussy, Ryan. From what you’ve told me, if you want sex there are plenty of girls willing to have it with you.”

“It’s not just that. I really do like her. Yeah, having sex with her would be a very nice bonus, but I’m not thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend just because I want to get into her pants.”

“If you really like her then you shouldn’t make her your rebound,” Beth said.

“How long do I have to fucking wait until it’s not a rebound?” I asked, raising my voice in frustration. “It’s been months since Amanda and I broke up. I’ve had sex with more girls in the past month than in my entire life before that. It’s not fixing anything for me. I want a real relationship again. The thought of waking up next to someone and having then make you breakfast might freak you out, but I’m not you. I want that. I miss that.” I sighed and turned to look out the window. “And I think Cece wants that, too.”

“Being lonely isn’t a good reason to get into a relationship, either.”

“I’m not getting into a relationship just because I’m lonely. Yes, I do feel lonely sometimes, but I think that’s natural. Humans are social creatures. We’re meant for companionship. If I were doing this just because I can’t stand to be alone, because I need to have someone in my life and it doesn’t matter who, then yeah, sure, I can understand why that would be unhealthy. But I’m sick and tired of people telling me it’s bad to want that at all. I don’t want to be in a relationship with just anyone, I want to be in a relationship with Cece.”

“What about Tori? Or her roommate?”

I shook my head. “Tori and I are done being together like that. You saw how things ended. Nothing has changed there, and I don’t think it will. She avoided me pretty much all week.”

“And her roommate?”

“Melissa,” I said, then sighed. “It’s a little bit different with her. I would have pursued things with her, but she told me she’s not ready for anything serious. She has a lot of trauma in her past with relationships. I get it, but I can’t put my life on hold to wait for her to get over her shit. I need to move on from Amanda, and just having a series of hookups isn’t going to help me do that.”

“So what, Cece is your fallback because Melissa didn’t want to be serious?”

“No, it’s not like that. I met Melissa first, and things happened quickly with us. If she had been interested in something more, then I never would have pursued anything with Cece, but not because I preferred Melissa over Cece. I don’t want to think of either of them like that. They’re both amazing girls. Sometimes it’s just about how life shakes out. Whether it’s just timing or something else, things didn’t work with Melissa, and they are working with Cece. I may like romance, but I’m a realist when it comes to relationships.” I swallowed, getting my thoughts in order.

“Amanda wasn’t my soulmate, and I don’t think Melissa or Cece are either, because I don’t believe in soulmates. I believe in two compatible people making the choice to love each other, to commit to making that choice every day even when it’s hard. I’m obviously not there yet with anyone, Cece included, but I won’t get to that point by refusing to move forward. I need to put myself out there and try. Either it works and Cece is the girl I’m going to marry, or she isn’t, and I have to pick myself up and try again, but I’m going to give it a shot.”

“Sounds like you’ve made a decision,” Beth said. She looked me in the eyes, trying to determine how serious I was.

“I guess I have.”

Just then my phone vibrated, notifying me that I had received a text. It was from Cece.

Good morning :-) Can we do 12:30 for the gym?

“Is that Cece?” Beth asked. I nodded. “Well speak of the devil.”

That works fine for me. Lunch after? I replied.

Sure. I’ll see you then.

Beth poked me in the shoulder. “So what’s your plan?”

“We’re going to the gym, then we’ll get lunch, and I’ll tell her what I’m thinking and feeling. Hopefully she feels the same way.”

“Well, let me know how it goes. I hope things work out the way you want. If they do, I’ll see about hanging out with her. It would be cool to be friends with your girlfriend for a change.”

“That would be cool. I think Cece needs some friends out here either way, though.”

Beth nodded. “I’ll text her. I promise I won’t corrupt her ... too much.”

“Maybe just a little bit of corruption would be good for her, but yeah, not too much. Please,” I said. Beth just gave me a wink.

Finished with our breakfast and our conversation, I drove her back to her car. “Thanks for the rescue, Ryan. I’ll see you later.”

“And thanks for the breakfast. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Good luck with Thorn.”

“Ugh, thanks. Bye.” She waved and climbed into her car before driving off.

I was distracted throughout my whole workout, trying to figure out how exactly I should handle my conversation with Cece. This was a big step, and I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this nervous. Even after I finished my workout and took a quick shower, I still wasn’t sure what to say.

Cece came out of the locker room in a casual belted dress, the black top cut to show her shoulders, coming down to a purple floral skirt. Once again I was blown away by how good she looked.

“You’re gorgeous,” I told her.

“Thank you,” she said, blushing. She casually took my hand as we walked out to my car.

We went to a little Italian place for lunch, and each ordered a large salad, though I got mine with a generous portion of chicken thrown on top. The restaurant was pretty crowded for a Saturday lunch, staff rushing to and fro as they waited on the tables around us. We chatted about a whole lot of nothing as we ate. When I was finished with my salad, I put my fork down and gathered my thoughts.

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