Spellman - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by K.H. Elms

Chapter 22

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 22 - A young high school teacher and football coach moves back to his hometown to escape the drama that nearly ruined his life, taking a new job teaching fifth grade. But a school full of hot young teachers and sexy single moms has plenty of its own drama.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   School   Workplace  

Sunday, August 11th, 2013


I immediately scooted back away from her, taking my hand off her breast and putting some distance between my erection and her thong-clad ass.

“Huh, wha...” she said, woken by my outburst. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Taking a look at me and my awkward state, she started laughing. “Jesus, dude. Careful with that thing. You might poke someone’s eye out.”

“Beth, what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”

She shrugged, the movement drawing my attention down from her eyes to her bare shoulders and then her chest. Beth was not the most well-endowed woman in the world, but that fancy purple bra she wore was doing some very nice things to her presentation.

“You were right, that couch is extremely uncomfortable. I came in and asked if you minded if I slept in here, and you said no.”

“I definitely don’t remember that. I was asleep.” Amanda had always told me I was a heavy sleeper, so it wasn’t surprising I had slept through Beth coming in.

“Well, I sure wasn’t expecting you to start spooning me in my sleep, but it’s not a big deal.”

“Sorry, I just ... well, I’m still not used to sleeping alone. I woke up thinking you were Amanda.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” she said, glancing down at the tent in my boxers once more.

I grabbed the blanket and covered myself. “Weren’t you wearing one of my shirts? Why are you half naked?”

“It was hot. I’m used to sleeping in the nude, to be honest,” she said, and then she started to laugh. “Good thing I put my bra back on before I came in here. I’m just imagining how much you’d be freaking out if I had my tits out.”

I glanced back down at the tits in question. “Yeah, good thing.”

There was a knock at the front door. “Shit,” I said, sliding out of bed. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from my dresser and put them on as quickly as I could.

Another knock. “Just a second!” I called.

I looked over at Beth, who was still sitting up in my bed in nothing but her underthings. Seemingly unconcerned about this whole situation, she reached over to the bedside table and grabbed her phone.

A third knock. “Fucking hell,” I said under my breath. “I’m coming!”

I hurried over to the door and opened it. Tori had her fist raised, ready to knock again. “Finally,” she said, stepping past me and into the apartment. “Were you still asleep? It’s almost ten-thirty.”

“Uh, yeah, I had a late night. Look, Tor–”

Of course Beth chose that moment to emerge from my room. Tori’s eyes widened in surprise before she turned on me.

“Seriously, Ryan? You’ve been driving Melissa crazy with how hot and cold you are about her ever since you asked that Cece chick out, but now you’re hooking up with some random skank?”

Beth just smiled. “Nice to see you again too, Tori,” she said.

Tori’s brow scrunched up in confusion and she shook her head like she was trying to reset her eyes. It took her a few seconds, but eventually recognition crossed her face. “Holy shit, Beth?”

“In the flesh.”

“Damn, girl,” Tori said. “You look fucking hot. Where’d that come from?”

“Grew up a bit and found my look, I guess,” Beth said, shrugging.

“I’ll say. Damn. I’m sorry for calling you a random skank.”

Tori and Beth had never been hostile to one another, but there was always a bit of distance between them when we were in high school. Beth felt that Tori was stealing her best friend from her, and I suppose she was correct there. Tori didn’t like the idea of there being another girl in my life who I was closer to than her. Neither made a big deal of it, and there had never been any actual conflict as far as I was aware, but the tension meant that the two of them had never really been close friends.

“It’s fine. You were half-right, at least. I may not be random, but I am a bit of a skank,” Beth said.

Tori looked between me and Beth. “I didn’t realize the two of you were...” she said, trailing off.

“We’re not,” I said.

“Yeah, his couch is just hella uncomfortable. I crashed here last night after Ryan came to see my band play. When I couldn’t get to sleep on the couch I asked Ryan if he minded sharing the bed. He said it was fine, but apparently that was Sleep Ryan talking, because he doesn’t remember it. You should have seen how freaked out he was when he woke up spooning me.”

Tori started to laugh. “I can imagine,” she said as she turned to me. “I’m jealous. I want to wake up with you spooning me. Want to have our own little sleepover tonight?”

“We have work tomorrow,” I said.

“You’re twenty-five, Ryan, not twelve. You can have friends over on a school night.”

“Yeah,” Beth said, jumping in, “but if you’re really worried about it I can call your mother and ask permission for you.” She winked and stuck her tongue out at me.

“I’m not sure I like the two of you teaming up together against me.”

“You sure liked it when M and I teamed up together against you,” Tori said.

“I, uh ... that...” I stuttered. I was probably blushing. Things were already feeling awkward enough with Beth right now, I didn’t need Tori to start talking about threesomes in front of her.

Of course, Beth immediately jumped onto that little tidbit. “Oh my god, he’s so embarrassed,” Beth said, laughing. “You guys had a threesome? Who’s M?”

“Can we not–” I started to say, before Tori interrupted me.

“Melissa. She’s my roommate. She works at Spellman too.”

“Wow, and I thought teachers were boring. I wonder if my mom knows what sort of freaks she’s got working for her.”

“I sure hope not,” I said.

“So when you say you had a threesome,” Beth continued, ignoring me, “do you mean that the two of you just played with Ryan, or do you and your roommate fool around too?”

Tori’s complexion didn’t really allow for blushing like mine did, but I could tell she was a bit surprised to have the tables turned and the focus shifted off of me and onto her. “Uh, we fooled around a bit, but it was my first time doing more than just kissing with another girl.”

“Hot. I wouldn’t mind watching that,” Beth said. She wasn’t wrong there, it was definitely hot.

“Sorry if this is insensitive or out of line, but ... you never dated anyone in high school and...”

“Are you asking if I’m a lesbian?”

Tori nodded. “Yeah, sorry, it’s just–”

“It’s totally cool, don’t worry. No, I’m not a lesbian. Definitely bisexual. I’m not really interested in relationships with girls, though. I just think women are so sexy, you know what I mean?” Beth asked, eyeing Tori up and down.

Tori nodded. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m still not sure if I’d do anything with M, or any other girl, without having a guy in the middle, but who knows? Maybe if Ryan does end up going exclusive with Cece, M and I will just have to take care of each other.”

“You haven’t told me about Cece,” Beth said. “I thought we agreed you were going to get my input before you made any life-altering decisions, since you’re obviously not very good at that.”

“We just went on one date, on Friday night. There’s not really anything to say about it besides we’ll probably go on another one soon.”

“You say that, but after you asked her out you got all weird and clam-jammed M when she wanted to get frisky,” Tori said.

“I’m just not used to being in this situation,” I said. “Melissa and I talked about it afterwards. We’re cool. You know that we hung out together yesterday.”

“You hung out, but you didn’t do anything with her. She said you barely even gave her a kiss goodbye. She wanted to come up and fuck your brains out but you didn’t even think to invite her back to your apartment, did you?”

“Uh, no. I didn’t.”

“I swear, for a smart guy you sure are an idiot sometimes.”

“Did you just come over here to yell at me for not fucking Melissa yesterday?” I asked.

“Of course not. I came over so you could fuck me. Yelling at you for being stupid about M is just a bonus,” Tori said with a grin.

“I hate to be a cock-block,” Beth said, “but Ryan drove me over here last night. So unless you two are cool with me joining in or watching, he kind of needs to give me a ride home before he can take you to Pound Town.”

I wasn’t sure if Beth was being serious or not, but either way it shocked me to hear her talk about being involved while Tori and I had sex, whether as a fellow participant or as a viewer. Until seeing the way she owned the stage last night, and then waking up with her half-naked in my bed this morning, I had never really thought about Beth in a sexual way.

Obviously there was the general curiosity about the differences between boys and girls when we were growing up, and the overwhelming desire of a teenage boy to have sex with just about anything that even resembled a female, but I could honestly say I had never really thought about having sex with Beth in particular.

Until now.

I didn’t know what to say, but my thoughts continued to spiral downward towards committing acts of sexual depravity with my childhood best friend, a girl who was practically my sister.

Luckily Tori was able to speak and salvage the situation. “I was kind of hoping to get him to myself, we haven’t been able to spend a lot of time together lately...”

Good. Thanks for the rescue, Tori.

“ ... but I guess if you want to watch, I wouldn’t mind,” she finished.

So much for a rescue.

Beth looked at me and raised a questioning eyebrow. I knew that I could speak up and shut this whole thing down, but I was surprised to find that a part of me didn’t want to. A very steadily growing part. I was continually amazed at how Beth had changed in the years since I had last seen her. She was, quite obviously, a very sexual person now.

Mrs. Mitchell had always been very protective of Beth, but I never thought of her as being overly restrictive or repressive with regard to her sexuality. I had always just assumed that Beth’s lack of a dating life was due to her choices and personality. She’d never had a boyfriend while we were in high school. Beth didn’t even have a date to Prom, instead choosing to go with her friends.

Whether it was finally being free of her mother after graduation, or some other event that led to her transformation, it was clear that something had happened. The fact that I wasn’t aware of how such a major change had come about in her life was just further evidence to how far apart we had drifted from being childhood best friends. I didn’t even know when she had lost her virginity, or to whom. That seemed like the sort of thing a best friend probably would have known about.

It still felt like actually doing anything with Beth would be crossing a line, but if she just wanted to watch? Well ... I guess that wasn’t too bad, right?

“If Tori doesn’t mind having an audience, I guess I don’t, either,” I said.

Beth’s lips curled up into a Cheshire cat grin. “Ooh, this is going to be fun,” she said. “I always fantasized about what you two got up to whenever you’d sneak off together.”

“Really? I had no idea,” Tori said.

“I was a very curious and very sexually frustrated virgin. You guys were the first people I knew for sure were having sex. I thought about it all the time.”

“Well, hopefully the reality isn’t too disappointing.” Tori turned to me and beckoned me over with her finger. “Come here, Ry-guy. It’s been way too long since I’ve had you inside me.”

I walked over to Tori, bending down to kiss her gently before I grabbed her ass with both hands and lifted her up. She squeaked her surprise into my mouth as we kissed then wrapped her long legs around my waist. I carried her into my room. I sat down on the bed so Tori could straddle me as we made out.

I could feel her desire, her hunger, in the way she kissed me. It was tangibly different from any other woman I’d ever been with. Her kisses told me that she needed me in a way that no one else did, with something bordering on desperation.

It was strange, because I rarely felt like Tori pushed for more time together like this. I’d been with Melissa more often than I’d been with Tori. A large part of it was probably because she had another major concern—her son. But when she was with me like this? She kissed me like she was lost in a stormy sea and I was her life raft.

“Oh god, touch me, Ryan,” she whispered.

I lifted her off me and rolled us over so that she was the one lying on the bed. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off while she lifted her shirt over her head. She looked at me with longing in her eyes as she unhooked her bra and threw it on the floor. I dove in head first, latching onto her right breast, flicking her nipple with my tongue as my hand found its way between her legs and started to gently rub her clit.

“Yes, yes, just like that baby,” she moaned. I could feel the warmth of her desire growing by the second. “That’s enough, just make love to me, please.”

I stood and quickly shed my clothes. Just as she was already ready for me, I was ready for her. Well, almost ready. “I need to grab a–”

“No, it’s fine! Just put it in me! Please!”

I hesitated. Literally just the day before I’d gone to get tested. Not that I’d had any specific concerns, but it was better to be safe. The smart thing to do would be to use protection until a week or two had passed without hearing from the clinic.

But it was hard to be smart when a gorgeous, naked woman was right in front of you, pleading with you to just put it in.

“Yessss,” she moaned as I sunk into her depths. The look of ecstasy on her face was one of the most beautiful things in the world. The physical pleasure of sex was wonderful, of course, but nothing compared to the emotional satisfaction of seeing the person you were with receive their pleasure.

A gasp from across the room drew my attention. I had completely forgotten that Beth was there, but once I glanced over in the direction of the sound I knew it would be impossible to forget again.

Beth was sitting in my desk chair with her eyes half-closed, a hand down the front of her panties, furiously rubbing as she watched me thrust in and out of Tori. She had removed her bra at some point and was grabbing her breast and twisting a nipple with her other hand. Beth’s breasts were perky and beautifully shaped. Her nipples were pierced, which shouldn’t have been a surprise given her overall punk rock aesthetic. I had never seen pierced nipples in person, and I was fascinated by them, and for a moment I felt a strong desire to see what those little metal bars would feel like in my mouth.

When she came down off the small orgasm that had drawn my attention, she opened her eyes to find me watching her. Our eyes locked and she smiled before running her tongue over her lips. The sight nearly made me lose control. I forced my eyes away from Beth and back to Tori, who had her face buried in one of my pillows as she screamed through a climax of her own.

I grabbed her hips and redoubled my efforts, thrusting harder and faster. Tori always peaked even higher if I was able to keep myself going through her first orgasm. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before I felt her whole body quake and she screamed into the pillow once more. Her pussy squeezed around my cock as she came, bringing me close to the edge. In an attempt to prolong our fun, I decided to switch positions. I pulled out, causing Tori to whine.

“Flip over,” I told her.

She complied immediately, arching her back and presenting her upturned ass to me. I quickly reinserted myself. The bed shifted, and I was surprised to see Beth—now completely nude—climbing on. She sat at the head of the bed while I stood at the foot, pounding away at Tori from behind.

Beth spread her legs and resumed her self-pleasuring, now rapidly shoving three fingers in and out of her pussy. She was completely bare, except for a tattoo of the purple, horned imp smiling face emoji that sat just above her inner thigh.

“Oh yeah, give it to her good, Ryan,” Beth said. “Spank that fine ass of hers.”

“I said you could watch, not direct,” I told her.

“Do it,” Tori said, panting. “Spank my ass, Ryan. Mark me. Leave your handprints all over me.”

I was stunned to hear Tori talking like that, but it was also insanely hot. Her request for me to mark her woke something primal in me. I wound up and spanked her, the sound of my hand slapping her flesh echoing through the room.

Tori moaned. “More. Harder,” she said.

So I did again. And again. And again. Each time I did so Tori cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain, and Beth did too. The whole scene was really getting to me.

“Tori, I’m gonna–”

“In me! In me!” she cried.

I thrust a few more times before I felt my release begin. Slamming into Tori one last time, I pulled her back against me as I unloaded, holding my cock as deep inside her as I could.

“Yes! Give it to me! Breed me, Ryan!”

Somehow her words sent another twitch through me, enough to force out another burst or two of my seed. I groaned as I felt the last surge leave my body. Tori and I collapsed together in a sweaty heap onto the bed.

My head was spinning, both from the high of amazing sex and from what Tori had just said. She had practically demanded that I fuck her without a condom, and then when I came, she cried out asking me to ‘breed her.’

It took me a few seconds to gather myself. “Tori ... at the end there, when I came, you said–”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Ryan,” she said. “It’s just a fantasy, or a kink, or whatever.”

“Okay...” I said. “But are you sure it’s fine? Obviously I didn’t use a condom, and–”

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