Spellman - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by K.H. Elms

Chapter 19

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - A young high school teacher and football coach moves back to his hometown to escape the drama that nearly ruined his life, taking a new job teaching fifth grade. But a school full of hot young teachers and sexy single moms has plenty of its own drama.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fiction   School   Workplace  

Monday, August 5th, 2013

I wasn’t sure if or how I was supposed to try to comfort Riley. She was, quite obviously, distraught. Sobs ripped through her body, her chest heaving, breaths coming irregularly. She had her head in her hands, shaking it back and forth and muttering “No no no no no” between bouts of wails and moans.

My instinctual reaction was to wrap her up in a hug, stroke her hair, and tell her everything was going to be okay ... but I held myself back. I didn’t think that I was the right person to do that for her right now. Maybe I was being overly cautious, but given everything between us, I was concerned that inserting myself into that role could lead to even more confusion in our relationship, especially given Riley’s recent admission that she was also still a little messed up by what had happened between us. Our whole affair had revolved around the decisions that Thomas had made and the lies he had told. Now that the truth had been revealed I was afraid that things could get very ... messy. So I just sat there, watching Riley weep.

The door opened and Tori peeked her head in. Her eyes went wide when she saw Riley’s hunched form shaking with sobs.

Help me, I mouthed to Tori.

She shook her head and slowly pulled her head out of the room before closing the door behind her. Coward.

I guess it’s up to me. I steeled myself and took a deep breath. “Riley,” I said, reaching out to pat her shoulder. “I’m sorry, is there anyth–”

The door opened once more, and this time Becca and Melissa marched into the room, followed by Tori. Oh, thank god.

Becca immediately wrapped Riley in a hug. “Oh, honey, honey, it’s okay,” she said. “Ryan, there’s a box of tissues in my classroom, can you go grab it?”

“Yeah, of course,” I said, hurrying out of the room, the sound of Riley’s crying disappearing as the heavy door slammed shut behind me. Well, that was worse than I expected. I walked across the hall to Becca’s classroom and found the box of tissues on her desk. I was glad she was there to help comfort Riley. It was clear that I was not the right person to handle that task.

I felt bad for her. Obviously she needed to know—everyone I’d talked to had agreed—but maybe there was a better way for me to tell her? Too late for that now.

As I walked back to my classroom I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I went inside and handed the box of tissues to Becca before pulling my phone out. There was a text from an unknown number.

Hey stud, sorry I didn’t text earlier, been a busy day at work. We should meet up again sometime. -Tiffany

Of fucking course she texts me now, I thought.

I really wish you would have texted me just ten minutes earlier.

Why’s that?

I just told Riley that I found out that Thomas is cheating on her. Was hoping I could talk to you first, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

Of fucking course he is, that slimy piece of shit. Are you with Riley right now? How is she?

She’s currently a crying mess. Some of the other teachers are comforting her.

My phone starting ringing. A call from Tiffany. “Hello?”

“Let me talk to Riley.”

Riley was wiping her eyes with the tissues, Becca still hugging her. I tapped Riley on the shoulder. “Hey, Riley. Tiffany is on the phone for you.”

She grabbed the phone out of my hand and pressed it to her ear. “Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Nuh-huh. Uh-huh.” She laughed at something Tiffany said. “Uh-huh. Okay. I love you too.” Riley hung up the phone and handed it back to me. “Thanks, Ryan.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Riley stood up, dabbing her eyes again with a tissue. “I ... I’ll let you have your classroom back,” she said. “Becca, would you mind coming with me?”

“Of course, honey,” the older teacher said.

The two of them walked to the door, but Riley stopped before leaving. “Thank you for letting me know, Ryan. I really appreciate it,” she said.

I nodded. “You’re welcome. I’m sorry this is happening. I wish I had thought of a better way to tell you.”

“I don’t think there’s a good way to hear it,” she said, before giving me a nod and leaving the room.

It was silent for what felt like a minute before Tori spoke up. “So ... that went well,” she said.

Melissa laughed. “If she’s anything like me, she’s going to be really sad for a while, before she becomes really, really angry.”

“Then she goes out to buy a blindfold and some handcuffs,” I said.

“I’m happy to give her some ideas if she wants to get back at him somehow. I had more than a few.”

“Well, I was just about ready to get out of here before Riley showed up. You two heading out?”

“Yeah, we were just about to leave as well,” Tori said.

I finished gathering up my things and led the girls out the door, locking it behind us. “Thanks for grabbing reinforcements, Tor. I thought you were just abandoning me.”

“You looked lost, and I definitely didn’t want to deal with that by myself. I’m glad Becca was still here,” she said.

“Do either of you have morning duties tomorrow?” I asked.

They both nodded. “I have the drop-off line, and T has buses,” Melissa said. “What about you?”

“No mornings for me, doing the afternoon pick-up line though.”

We walked out into the parking lot, which had emptied out a lot by now. Our cars were only a few spaces apart. “Big day tomorrow,” Tori said. “We’ll see you then. Have a good night, Ryan.”

“Goodnight, ladies. See you tomorrow.”

I swung by the grocery store on the way home to pick up a few things so I could make myself some decent lunches to bring to the school. There was no way I could afford to eat out for lunch every day.

Once I was home I put away the groceries before crashing on the couch. I turned on ESPN just to have some noise in the apartment. Telling Riley about Thomas had been emotionally draining—and I’d barely had to do anything in the aftermath. Thank God for Becca.

I pulled out my phone and poked around a bit, looking up some possible ideas for where to take Cece on Friday. Dinner shouldn’t be too hard, but I wanted something to do afterwards, assuming it went well. Nothing over the top, but a first date should be fun and memorable, right? A simple dinner together wasn’t going to cut it.

As I was browsing some options, a text notification popped up. It was from Cece.

What’s up?

Just got home from work, trying to make some plans for Friday night.

Oh? What’s going on Friday night? ;-)

Got a hot date. Trying to make sure it’s a good one.

Wow, lucky girl.

Hope so. What are you up to?

Just got off the phone with my niece.

Nice. Good chat?

Very good. She’s only a few years younger than me. More like my sister.

Very cool. Your family sounds great.

They are. Did you tell your coworker about her boyfriend?

I did. She was pretty broken up about it, obviously. I was lucky some of the other teachers were there to help comfort her.

Aw, crying women not your thing?

I can be pretty good at comforting someone if they need it, but I don’t think I was the best person for it in this case. Much better to let the other ladies take care of her.

Probably true. Well, I just wanted to check in. I’ll see you in the morning.

Great way to start my day. I’ll see you tomorrow.

I made a note with a couple ideas for my date with Cece on Friday then rolled off the couch to make myself an early dinner. Nothing fancy, just some fried rice with chicken, carrots, and peas. Plus a healthy dose of sriracha. I still had trouble cooking meals for one, so the batch was big enough that I could eat the leftovers as lunch or dinner for a couple more days.

After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and put the leftovers in the fridge. I was just finishing up rinsing my plate when there was a knock on my door. Weird. The last time I had a surprise visitor at my apartment it was Riley come to confront me and, unknowingly, interrupt my time with Melissa. I sure hoped it wasn’t Riley at my door right now. That would be all sorts of trouble.

I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised to find Melissa standing there. I wiped my brow in an exaggerated manner. “Whew,” I said. “I was afraid you were going to be Riley.”

“Ha, she would. Can I come in?” Melissa asked.

“Of course.” I moved aside to let her enter. “Have you already eaten? I just finished dinner but I could heat you up some of the fried rice I made.”

“I’m fine, thanks. I just wanted to talk.”

“Sure, what’s up?” I led her over to the couch and we both took a seat.

She shifted nervously, her face scrunched up in an adorable thinking expression. It took her a moment or two before she spoke. “What the hell was up with you last night?”

I rocked back a bit. “What do you mean?”

“I mean we were making out, I was getting all hot and bothered, and then as soon as I tried to take things up a notch you fucking bail on me. It was really weird. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all day.”

“I told you, it was getting late and I was tired.”

“Come on, Ryan. That’s bullshit and you know it. We haven’t known each other very long but I think I know you well enough to call that one out.”

I frowned. “Okay, fine. That wasn’t all of it.”

“So what’s the deal?”

“I just ... I felt weird getting into a more ... sexual situation with you last night because I asked Cece out on a date over the weekend.”

Melissa looked surprised for a second, then confused. “Who?” she asked.

I remembered that Cece had introduced herself to Melissa and Emma as Claire.

“Claire. The girl I brought to the baseball game. She goes by Cece.”

“Oh, okay,” she said. “You haven’t gone on the date yet, right?”

“No, we’re going out on Friday.”

“And that will be your first date?”

“Officially, yeah.”

“And that’s it?”

“Well ... yeah.”

“So what’s the big deal?”

“I...” I said, trying to put my thoughts into words. “I guess I don’t know. It just felt weird to me.”

“I know that you’ve always been Mr. Monogamy, but Ryan, just because you asked a girl out on a date doesn’t mean that we can’t fool around together. You sure didn’t seem to have any problems when we were kissing.”

“Yeah, but it just felt different when you started to take off my pants.”

She shook her head. “You’re overthinking this. You aren’t in a relationship. You won’t be in a relationship even after you and ... Cece go on a date. You need to just relax.”

“I know, but–”

“No. No buts. I’m serious, Ryan. Chill. I told you that I’m not ready for anything serious right now, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to just let you throw yourself into a relationship and cut me off, either. Trust me, you aren’t ready for that.”

Deep down I knew that she was right. “I just, I don’t know how to do anything else,” I told her. “I don’t know how to do ... whatever it is that we’re doing right now. Is this all that we are? One of us shows up at the other’s place and we have sex? Am I supposed to ask you out on a date, too? Do you even want that?”

She smiled at me then leaned over for a quick kiss. “I wouldn’t say no to a nice dinner out on the town with you, but no, I’m not really interested in dating right now. I’m still really fucked up. Maybe even more than you, if that’s possible,” she said with a wink and a laugh.

“Hey now.”

“I’m kidding ... mostly. I like you a lot, Ryan. You’re a sweet guy, you’re fun, and yes, I really like having sex with you. I think that’s more than enough for us right now. We work together, we can hang out after work or on the weekends, and sometimes we can fuck each other like rabbits. Maybe we can have another threesome with Tori. Do you really think that things need to be more complicated than that?”

I shook my head. “No, I guess not. I’m just not used to this. It’s a lot to adjust to.”

“I get it,” she said. “But trust me. It’s fine. You don’t need to stress out over this stuff.” She stood up from the couch, grabbing my hand and pulling me up after her.

“What are we doing?” I asked.

“I need you to prove to me, and to yourself, that you can get over whatever this mental block is that messed things up last night. So, we’re going to go into your room, I’m going to suck your cock, and then you’re going to fuck me until I scream. Sound good?”

I didn’t have to think too hard about that. “Yeah, sounds good.”

She giggled and clapped her hands together. “Perfect.” She crossed her arms and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up over her head before tossing it at me. Her black bra followed shortly after. Leaving the clothes behind, she skipped into my room. I followed her.

Melissa bent over my bed and looked over her shoulder at me, flipping her blonde hair out of her face and giving me a sexy smile. She unbuttoned then slipped off her tight jeans, revealing her pink panties with little red hearts on them. I crossed the room and knelt down behind her, taking a gentle, playful bite of her panty-clad behind. She laughed. I took another bite, this time catching the elastic band in my teeth and pulling the panties off her ass and down her legs. Then I buried my face between her legs, licking her pussy from behind.

“Mmmmm, yes!” she cried out. “Oh god, eat me.”

I did as she asked. I reached one hand around to play with her clit as I licked her, my other hand reaching up to grab a hanging breast. It took a few minutes, but eventually Melissa moaned loudly and her knees buckled as she crested. She collapsed forward onto the bed. A moment or two later she twisted around, kicking her panties off completely.

“Take off your clothes and get on the bed. I want to suck your cock.”

Who was I to refuse an order like that? I did as she asked, though it was a bit difficult to get my pants and boxers off given the aroused state I was in after licking Melissa to a climax. As soon as I sat on the bed—my cock standing tall and proud like a flagpole—the petite blonde was on her knees in front of me.

She grasped the base with one hand then gave me one long lick from balls to tip. “I love your cock,” she said. “I love licking it, kissing it, sucking it. If you haven’t noticed, I have a bit of an oral fixation.” She gave me another lick. “I’m not ready to give up my new favorite toy. Any bitch who thinks that she can lock you down and take this beautiful thing away from me has another thing coming.”

Melissa gave the head of my cock another kiss then plunged herself down on it, taking the whole thing down her throat in one fell swoop.

“Oh, fuck. Melissa, you’re incredible.”

“Mmhmm,” she mumbled around my cock, the words sending pleasant vibrations through my shaft. She pulled off, dragging her tongue along the bottom of my dick as she did so. Both of her small hands grasped my shaft and held it up against her face. “Look at this thing. Beautiful. Can’t wait for you to shove this inside me.” She stroked up and down with both hands, kissing and licking it as she did so. Melissa continued her oral ministrations for another few minutes before she decided I’d had enough.

She stood up from her knees and climbed onto the bed, straddling me, her pussy hovering over my waiting erection. I let her have complete control as she lowered herself down, my cock spreading her wide as she sunk onto me, stretching her out.

“Fuuuuuuuuuccck yeah,” she moaned, once she had seated herself down completely onto me. “It feels like you’re almost all the way up to my chest.” Then she began to move, rocking her hips back and forth with rapid gyrations, finding the perfect spots to bring herself as much pleasure as possible. Not that it didn’t feel great for me, because it absolutely did, but my pleasure was secondary to her own for now.

She swung her legs up and planted her feet on either side of me, switching from rocking her hips to bouncing up and down on my length. Her breathing became shallower and more rapid with every bounce as she approached her goal. When her orgasm finally hit, her legs began to tremble. She grabbed my face and pulled me to her for a kiss that was so passionate it was almost violent, moaning her pleasure into my mouth.

I rolled us over and pulled myself from her warm wetness then stood up at the edge of the bed. “Turn around and get on your knees,” I told her.

She scrambled to comply, arching her back and shaking her upturned ass at me. “Fuck me hard, Ryan. I want to still feel it tomorrow.”

Grabbing her by the hips, I pulled her closer then lined myself up. I slid in, savoring the feeling of entering her once more. A few long, gentle strokes caused her to purr, but then I pulled nearly all of the way out before slamming myself deep inside her again.

“Oh!” she cried out.

Then I was off to the races, pounding her hard and deep. Her shouts of pleasure echoed throughout the room. She’d already cum at least twice, so I wasn’t trying to extend things out for her benefit. This time was purely about me getting mine, but she still enjoyed herself anyways.

I couldn’t last long at this pace, and after a few minutes I felt my impending eruption building. “I’m going to cum,” I told her.

“On my face,” Melissa panted. “Fucking paint me.”

I thrust a few more times before pulling myself out of her, grasping my cock at the base and stroking furiously. She slid off the bed and fell to her knees in front of me just seconds before I exploded, blasting ropes of cum over her cute, lightly freckled face.

When I was finished she ran her tongue over her lips then wiped some of my cum off her face with a finger, popping it into her mouth. “Mmm, delicious.”

“You are incredible,” I told her while trying to catch my breath.

“I know,” she said. She stood up, proudly wearing my spend on her face. “Let’s go take a shower and clean up.”

We kissed and touched a bit more in the shower, but neither of us wanted to get anything too serious started up again. It was getting late, and we had the first day of school tomorrow. After the shower I helped her collect her clothes and get dressed.

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