I, Candi - Cover

I, Candi

Copyright© 2023 by SZENSEI

Episode 13: Mister Sandman

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 13: Mister Sandman - Candace Palmer just had to marry a soldier. Barely a life together her husband Damian was sent overseas leaving her in a huge house that once belonged to his grandmother. She loved her man but all that time alone was killing her. One day Damian told her to spice things up, send him erotic videos to cheer up the desolation. Anything for her man! Challenging her only made things more interesting. Each new day was wilder than the next. She rather liked being a porn star. XXX OH OH OH!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Brother   Father   Uncle   InLaws   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Illustrated  


“Hey, guys! How did it go at the gym?”

Kevin Palmer stood in the kitchen eating leftover spaghetti from a microwave safe dish. Sweats and t-shirt with no socks on he was technically ready for bed after scarfing. In through the side door leading into Joe’s two-car garage came Joe and his daughter-in-law Candace. Candi was but ass naked, hair a mess, but grinning shamelessly. Without so much as a hello she waltzed right up to Kevin and hugged him from the side. Offering her a bite she accepted his fork full of pasta and ended up stealing the bowl from him. Unable to resist him she instead stepped in front of her brother-in-law and backed her sweet ass right up on his dangling pecker. The sweats quickly began to rise the more her ass rolled from side to side over him. Spaghetti yum!

“That well, huh?”

“She worked up an appetite.” Joe closed his door after casting his shoes out onto a mat. A habit he had incurred since his late wife insisted no shoes were to be worn in the house. Now, Kevin, he ignored her like any teenager, his shoes were in his bedroom. But again, his mother wasn’t here anymore to complain.

“I can see that. Give me back my dinner. Find your own sustenance.” Kevin reached around her and claimed his Tupperware dish and fork, she resisted until finally caving into him. Too many calories anyway! Rotating to face him she expressed puppy dog eyes and a mumbling pout. “Don’t try that shit with me. Raid the refrigerator!” Flipping her tongue out at him she simply knelt down in front of Kevin and reached for his waistband. Dragging his sweats down to his knees she went in with greedy intent and started sucking his cock. No warning whatsoever! Joe with a borrowed camcorder he intended to charge shook his head and turned it on for an added bonus. Not that he truly wanted to watch his son get a blowjob. “I said the fridge not my cupboards.” He did wear a cup on the football field earlier, and his erection was technically referred to as wood thus a board. Yeah, it fit!

“She’s ravenous now. That Rodney guy she works with at the gym had a monster cock. Ten or bigger, thicker than that Pringles can on the counter. It’s always the quiet ones.”

“Daaamn! That might be bigger than anyone she’s had since Damian. I mean we’re all packing but I know I’m no perfect ten. Even the guys on my team aren’t that hefty.” He was right, only her hubby Damian and Candi’s new friend Doug were remotely as close. Enjoying her deepthroat endurance test Kevin polished off his spaghetti and belched. Tossing his bowl and utensil in the sink at his side Kevin devoted his hands to the sides of her face and gripped it like he would his football. Looking up at the camera Kevin grinned. Standing erect he face-fucked his sister-in-law with everything he had.

Joe was ready to cease filming until his boy asserted control. Nodding at his son for manning up, he was proud of him showing off his manly bravado. That was something he rarely noticed up until recently, Joe was feeling he had raised the boy well. Although his deceased wife might not be as proud toward any of the Palmer men for fucking her only daughter-in-law. Joe tried not to think about that.

Nutting hard after minutes of dramatic strain Kevin stood tall trembling as she drained him dry with pride. This was a test in her mind, to see if Daddy Joe could cope with seeing her with his youngest son. A success in her thoughts, Joe sure didn’t put a stop to it. Mission accomplished she drew back revealing every inch in a slow sensual retreat just for Joe to record it from the side. At the tip she flicked Kevin’s weeping urethra then molded her lips around the head for a final kiss. From there she lovingly used only her face to roll his wet, sticky penis all across her features without blinking.

“Cut!” Joe shut the camcorder off, “This battery is as drained as Kevin there. No more filming until tomorrow. Get your ass up and go grab a shower.” She was just in the gym showers with seven buff members of Power Play. But, after Rodney Larsen she understood. Kevin volunteered to help her up but did it by gripping her long blonde hair rather than be gentle. She smiled at his new attitude, gallantly letting Joe witness it. Take lessons Daddy Joe! Even Joe knew that she was begging for roughness without verbally admitting it. On her feet Joe took her by her arm and away from his son. “My shower! You’re sleeping with me tonight. Move that beautiful ass.” A swat and squeal combo Candi ran through his house and into the master bath.

“She’s eating this shit up, Pop.”

“Eating us up! I’m still apprehensive a bit but I’m coming around. What D wants from her is a little disturbing, don’t you think? This can’t just be for personal porn to keep him from boredom over there in Iraq. He has to have an alternative. You know as well as I Damian is the Devil’s son, more than mine.”

“Maybe he’s making cash from his unit by providing them porn.”

“I was thinking of that myself. Sad, but hey with a wife as hot as his I suppose I could see that. I just worry about the damage this is all going to inevitably cause. She’s young and impressionable still whether she’s committed to D or not. The more I witness the more info I gather. She’s easily stepping into nympho territory. It won’t be long before she walks around town carrying a camcorder and getting everyone to film her. She’s at a point now where she can’t stop wanting fresh video.”

“So, D is now a pimp.”

“Looking that way. You and I aren’t much better going along with this.”

“We going to stop?” Kevin looked worried.

“No!” Joe chuckled, “We love this little whore too much to throw her away. All we can do is protect her the best we can.”

“No problem! My buds all agree to have her back. That Doug guy, now Mark and whoever she fucked at the fitness center. She’s building an army. Right up your alley, Pop!” Joe was in the armed forces not terribly long ago.

“I suppose! Listen, while she’s cleaning up, I had an idea. Help me haul that old Fullsize mattress from the guest room and put it in the bed of my truck.”

“Aww, hell! At least there’s no rain in the forecast. You might need to tie it down to prevent it blowing out on the interstate.”

“Her weight can keep it down.” Joe laughed waving his boy to follow him. At the door to the guest room next to Kevin they opened the musty room and entered it. Pretty much storage, the bed was a last resort for guests. Throwing everything off of it the men hauled that mattress through the house and out into the garage. And easy up and over the side Kevin crawled up and positioned it neatly between the fender wells. It was a tight fit but flattened as best it could be. Joe then tossed Kevin a tube of bungee cords to place near it. Thin clothesline rope was next.

“Tie the rope to the cargo hooks. I’ll likely tie her spread eagle on that mattress.”

“Want me to skip school so I can record her while you drive?”

“I hadn’t thought of that. No, you need to go to school. You never miss so don’t start now.”

“So, how will you record her?”

“When I stop, I suppose.” Joe then noted some poster board he had bought to promote a yard sale and never used any of them. “I have a mission for you. Grab those poster boards and make two signs that I can hold up without wrecking. On one write Record Her on Your Cell. The other say send video to me at my email.”

“MajorDad96@Yahoo.com, right?”

“Big M, Big D in dad.”

“Got it! We have a Sharpie?”

“Kitchen drawer with the wooden ladles. I’m going to bed. I’ll be fucking Candi so just turn up your radio or something.”

“Nice! You go, Pop! Send her to my bed after you’re done.”

“Some family we are.” Agreed! “Mission first!”

“Sir, Yes, Sir!”

Hours ahead! Somewhere else in the world. A classified location in Iraq. That is all of the info you will get considering it was a secret base.


“Man, that was a long shift. Time to go check on my girl.”

“I hear that, Kelso.” Damian Palmer stretched now that his combat gear was not weighing him down. Back in his shared barracks with six other soldiers it was time to hit the showers and enjoy a few hours of U.S. freedom. “Same here!”

“Did your girl take my advice and start up her own Onlyfans page? My girl is killing it making money off of horny saps out there with nothing else to do but fantasize and play with my Barbie.” No surprise her name was indeed Barbara Kelso. In an odd twist of fate Kelso’s first name was Kenneth. So, yeah, Ken and Barbie!

“Like us over here.” D chuckled, “I have her making changes in her life for now. I’ll get to that Onlyfans stuff soon enough. I’m taking the long way there until I know how receptive Candace will be in the long term. For now, she’s getting laid because I’m ordering her to.”

“Nice! How is that going?”

“Better than I expected. Before I insisted, she sat at home waiting on my calls or letters. She’s one hell of a faithful wife.”

“Until now! Once you have her hooked on other guys, she might turn on you.”

“Not my Candi. That woman is head over heels, heels over head for me. I do have her under watch though, my brother and my dad are tapping her now. That keeps her tied tightly to the family. She loves those two, so, it was a no-brainer.”

“Wow! I’m not sure Barbie would go for my dad.” He laughed. “He’s a boring out of shape accountant. That’s why my mom dumped him. Now my mom for 40 is still MILF material if I do say so myself. Barbie’s been trying to get mom to start her own Onlyfans page while she has the hotness factor still going on. Had her chest jumped up to a 40G two years ago and man it brings back memories of breast feeding.” Twisted, but Damian laughed hard.

“I like Candi’s as they are. She’s all natural and drop dead gorgeous. You know, I had a crazy idea where I started my own version of Onlyfans that goes further than these silly modelling gig pics.” He sat on his bunk and plucked out his cell. Now that he was back on base his privileges were intact. Pulling up Instagram he located a few cam models that got incredibly risqué. Showing Kelso one of a busty brunette walking down the street wearing only black tape in front of everyone in sight sparked him. “Imagine getting away with that totally nude.”

“Breaking laws there, Brother. But yeah, I’d love to see Barbie do that.”

“Where I live that nudity stuff is easy to achieve. That’s why I have Candi going all out. Born and raised there I know the local cops and all the bigwigs in a fifty-mile radius. Candi works parttime at my buddy Mark’s fitness center and he’s going to let her work naked when certain folks aren’t there. Matter of fact just before we headed out last night on bed check,” Bedouin! Nomads of Islam!, “I talked to Mark, and she was getting hammered by seven guys in the gym showers. I should have video sometime here today.”

“Seven? Damn, Soldier! Awful risky there. I’m telling you she’s going to find love in someone else who is there on a daily basis. Even your brother, maybe.”

“Naaa! Kevin won’t betray me. Dad won’t let him do that. I trust them. She is meeting a few guys who are volunteering to help her video herself playing in public and at home. My brother’s football team fucked her silly the last two nights prior. I had her cut up all of her clothes to make booty shorts and crop tops. Ordered the skimpiest micro bikinis on the market.”

“You should have her do that black tape stuff. Her vitals are covered so nobody can really bitch too hard. Barbie did try that but on a modelling gig that only had a couple voyeurs. She hasn’t been bold enough yet to go into more populated areas.”

“Candi got laid and ran naked in the grocery store. Hang on, I’ll show you.” A quick search of her video snippets to avoid the size of the files he shared six different recordings in the store. “She even ate out of a dogfood dish in the pet supply aisle.”

“Goddamn, Palmer! How did your ugly ass land that porn star?”

“So, not ugly!” He laughed! Damian was buff, charming, charismatic, and badass. “Why do you think Major Holiday is biting her lip when I report in.” He grew smug.

“Holiday is fire. No way can you land the Major.”

“Bet me!”

“Easy win! How much?”

“I’ll make it easy on you Kelso. If I land Holiday, you let me fuck Barbie. You guys are only like 300 miles from Missouri. Indianapolis, Indiana, right?”

“Deal! Less than 300, I think. Four-hour drive at most. If I win, I get Candi.”

“Deal! Fuck, we can just switch partners. Oh! I never finished my ONLYFANS flipside. What do you think of a totally uncensored version called LONELYFANS. A site where guys can pay and dare the girls to do something outrageous. Like Candi in the grocery store, or the Goodwill store that same day. She even fucked a guy mowing along the interstate and a State Trooper. Things like that but the crazier the better.”

“Sounds more like Twitter girls, but even then, the only sex videos are already made porn video clips from movies. You might be onto something Palmer.”

“I’m inching that direction. The thing I need to figure out is how to go widespread. I don’t have billions of dollars to start my own channel.”

“You don’t need billions. Just have Candi start that ONLYFANS but promote an email address with a sideline called LONELYFANS where she has a pay account set up like PayPal and she takes direction, films something the fans ask for and keep the good word going.”

“Not bad! Simple enough. It’s worth a shot. I remember Candi mentioning some nerdy guy she works with at the gym is a computer geek, maybe he can figure it all out. She said he had a crush on her so she can pay him in sex.” Rodney Larsen would bite hard now that he had sampled that tasty whore. In a few hours he would know that crush was worthy.

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