Mom Goes Environmental - Cover

Mom Goes Environmental

Copyright© 2023 by alwayswantedto

Chapter 7: Time to Go Home

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7: Time to Go Home - Mother deplores the apathy of her sons

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

Nothing was said the next morning. Katy had her shower first and dressed in the bathroom before turning it over to the boys to have theirs.

“We have to check out so don’t dawdle,” she told them.

“Can’t we stay for another day?”

“No, Chris. We have to get back.”

“There’s lots to see here, Mom,” Kevin interjected.

“Your father will be expecting us tomorrow and we can’t make it back in one day.”

“Gee, it would be a shame not to see the sights.”

Katy thought about that over breakfast and relented. They could make the motel that night and still have few hours to see the sights so they went out for a walk. By the time got back to the hotel checkout time had passed.

“Well, I guess you got your wish,” Katy said. “I better call your father to let him know we’re going to be late.”

Brent didn’t answer and Katy didn’t leave a message. They went out for lunch, did the Smithsonian for a while, and then stopped at a dress shop on the way back to the hotel that was showing a cute dress in the window. The boys perked up when Katy tried on the sleek black dress that showed a lot of leg with a split up the right side. Her legs hadn’t received so much attention since the ride to DC. Katy knew she should have bought it but couldn’t help getting caught up in the moment.

They returned to the hotel but only stayed long enough for Katy to change and then went out for dinner. After that they went to the blues bar and stayed for a couple of hours, dancing a bit but mostly watching the other patrons. The boys wanted to stay longer but Katy was tired so they went back to the hotel.

Katy discarded her shoes as soon as they got in and slowly unzipped the black dress in front of the boys but with her back to them. She peeled it off her shoulders and let it slide down her legs on the way to the bathroom allowing the boys a brief glimpse of her in just panties. Chris smiled mischievously but Kevin bit his lower lip and retrieved the dress from the floor. He hung it up and avoided his brother.

In the shower, Katy thought about the previous night and how attentive the boys had been that day. She touched her breasts and belly button, remembered how well their cocks moved together and touched herself there, then yanked her hand away. Quickly, she finished her shower and stepped out of the tub, looked for her dress and remembered dropping it teasingly on the floor. Cursing, she wrapped a towel around herself and walked out drying her hair with another one. They boys were sitting on the edge of the bed. Kevin, still dressed, looked upset, but Chris was stripped down to his underwear, smiling.

Katy stood in front of them and, to no one in particular, said, “Next.”

Unlike the night before when they fought over who got the bathroom first, neither son made a move for the bathroom. Instead they both watched their mother dry her hair.

“Go ahead, Kevin,” Chris magnanimously offered.

“No, you go first,” Kevin countered. “I’m still dressed.”

“I don’t need a shower,” Chris replied.

“Neither do I.”

Katy sighed. “Don’t fight, boys.”

Forgetting her self-recrimination in the shower, she put a foot on the bed between them and leaned over to examine her leg.

“This oil’s going to take forever to get off,” she complained, holding the towel on her head with one hand while touching her leg with the other.

The boys looked at her leg, warm and flush from the shower, but couldn’t see any discolouration. Tentatively, Kevin touched her skin just above Katy’s knee. She flinched, surprised by Kevin’s touch. She wasn’t sure what she was playing at, being so coy, other than enjoying having her legs admired but knew his feelings would be hurt if she just flung his hand away. She let the finger stay but when his gaze lifted as the towel parted over her thigh his finger started to follow. Katy retracted her leg and the towel fell back into place.

“Did you call your father to let him know where we are?” she asked, suddenly all business-like.

“No,” Kevin replied.

“Did you?” she turned, directing the question at Chris.

“No. It’s too late.”

“I better let him know where we are. He’ll be worried.”

Katy sat beside Kevin and leaned over to pick up the phone beside the bed. The towel parted to reveal her thighs again. She dialed nine for an outside line and dialed home. The towel fell from her hair and Chris climbed onto the bed behind her and started drying her hair. Brent answered and Katy told him where they were. He seemed relieved rather than worried or angry which puzzled her.

Katy told him about the protest and that she had been interviewed by a TV reporter. As she talked, two things happened. First, she realized Brent wasn’t really listening and second, Kevin had put his hand on her leg and was scratching the spot above her knee she had examined when she first got out of the shower.

Katy mentally rolled her eyes. ‘Why did I do that?’

Chris dropped the towel and started raking his fingers through her hair.

As Katy talked she tried to figure out why Brent was so disinterested and why he seemed pleased that they wouldn’t be home that night. She piled on detail to give herself time to think and remembered that, despite his initial protest, Brent had also seemed pleased when he first heard the boys were going with her. That would give him time alone, to ... do what, exactly?

Suddenly, Katy remembered borrowing Brent’s phone and being surprised to see Marion’s number on his favorites list. ‘In case I need to get hold of you and you’re not answering your phone’ he had explained. He had seemed uncomfortable and Katy remembered wondering why because it had been a reasonable explanation. But now she wondered if there was something going on between her husband and her best friend.

Kevin’s fingers were sliding up and down the top of Katy’s thigh and Chris’s were dragging her hair behind her shoulders, catching and loosening the towel wrapped around her body. She stopped talking and watched Kevin’s fingers slip onto the inside of her leg. They stroked upward to the point where her thighs started to thicken and the towel halted his progress.


Kevin’s fingers pushed into the towel and it parted.

“Katy? Are you still there?”

Brent sounded short of breath, worried.

Kevin’s fingers kept going, parting the towel as they went, until the light brown fur covering her pussy, still glistening with residue from her shower, was exposed. Nothing protected her modesty now. Chris pulled the towel from her shoulders and over her arms. It fell away from her chest, exposing her breasts. Katy noticed that her nipples were erect.


She didn’t trust herself to answer.

Chris reached around to cup his mother’s breasts and his fingers searched for and found her nipples, closed upon them, and gently tugged until the weight of her breasts eased away from her chest.


Kevin’s fingers had stopped about an inch from her brown fur. She stared, mesmerized, as the middle two stretched out to touch the apex of her parted legs, just grazing her lower lips.

“Katy? Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she mumbled into the phone. “I was just thinking, that’s all.”

Kevin’s fingers strummed across her lips. Her pussy quivered and throbbed. They returned to run up her groove and Chris pulled the towel completely away. She was naked.

“About what?” Brent asked.

Kevin’s fingers pressed and wiggled into her slit and Katy bit her lip. Chris’s hand slid off her right breast to her hip and then around and under to cup her buttock.

“Katy. What were you thinking about?”

“Oh, um, ah ... what would you think if we stayed another day?”

“Another day?”

“In DC,” Katy added.

Chris had pushed his middle finger into her crack and Kevin was probing her slit with tip of the longest finger of his right hand while flicking her clit with the thumb of the left.

“Yeah, I think we might need another day.”

“To do what?”

“Just relax,” Katy sighed heavily to cover the moan surging in her throat.

“Are the boys being good?”

“Yes, they’re being very good. Maybe too good.”

“Well, sure then. Stay another day, take more if you want.”

He sounded mysteriously pleased again. Katy couldn’t help herself.

“Say hi to Marion for me,” she said.

There was an awkward silence.

“Why would I see Marion?”

“Sorry. I meant to ask you to call her and let her know I won’t be back for a couple of days.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“I guess it’s a good thing you have her number.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“I better go now.”

Kevin pushed his finger through her lips and Katy spread her legs to accommodate it. Chris’s long finger stretched underneath and pushed inside her pussy from behind, joining his brother the way they had done with their cocks. Katy wasn’t surprised that she was already wet.

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

Katy didn’t answer. The boys wiggling their fingers in her pussy had rendered her speechless.


Her hips moved but were confused about whether to forge ahead or push back. Kevin leaned forward and started kissing a path from her knee to where his fingers were so pleasantly busy. Chris withdrew his finger, retreated to her little hole, and started rubbing back and forth over her anus.

“Yes, yes,” she cried.


Brent’s voice startled her.

“Yes, I’ll see you in a couple of days.”

She covered her mouth with her right hand, stifling the gasp that surged up from her lungs.

“Call me first?”

Katy uncovered her mouth long enough to say, “Sure.”

Kevin’s tongue lathered the outside of her labia. Her left hand grabbed his head and pulled it tight.

“Bye,” she gasped. “Don’t forget about Marion.”

She tossed the phone behind her onto the pillow.


Her hips knew which direction to move now. She urged her pelvis forward, onto Kevin’s fingers and into his swirling tongue. Chris pressed his finger on her anus, trying to insert it, and Katy remembered how many of his favorite videos involved DP. The thought scared her but her pussy throbbed on Kevin’s lips.


Chris pulled her back on the bed and Katy looked at the phone lying on the pillow beside her. She thought about hanging it up but the feel of her son’s long cock sliding between her cheeks shanghaied that thought. She remembered then that he had only been dressed in shorts, the cheeky little bugger. Chris was trying to get his cock where his finger had been so Katy quickly pushed her hand behind herself to block it.

“No,” she whispered, pushing Chris’s cock away.


Brent pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it. He held the mouthpiece near and repeated, “Katy?”, listened for a response but only heard muffled sounds. He put the phone down on the table and looked down at the top of Marion’s head which was moving back and forth and her mouth worked his cock.

“She won’t be back for a couple of days and she’ll call before getting here.”

Marion pulled her head back. “Really?”

“Yeah. Don’t stop.”

Brent pulled her mouth back onto his cock but Marion resisted.

“Why’d you ask about calling me?”

“She said she wanted me to tell you she wouldn’t be here for a few days.”

“Oh. So what’s the matter?”

“I don’t know. She sounded kind of funny.”

“You think she knows?”

“No, of course not.” Brent smiled. “It looks like we have a couple more days.” He lurched toward Katy’s and plugged her mouth with his cock and she took it without complaining.

Brent couldn’t imagine Katy ever doing that. She hardly ever let him put it in her mouth and then she only sucked it a half dozen times. Marion was the first woman that had let him come in her mouth. How could a man resist that?

Marion sucked Katy’s husband in deep, purposely taking him in far enough to make herself gag a bit to produce excess saliva. Men loved that, she had found. Not her own husband, of course. She was little Miss Prude with him, as always, but the other husbands of their group —Brent was her third and she was already working on the fourth— loved a good wet suck. Every one of them ate her after a good sucking. Tom never went down on her and Marion loved being eaten. Brent had been the best so far but there was room for improvement. Besides, she wanted to get all the men in their group. She was the least attractive of the wives but now would eventually have it over all of them. She loved looking around the room when the women got together, knowing their limitations in bed and how much better their husbands said she was.

Two days? That left lots of time for Brent to eat her. She pulled her mouth off his cock and stood up. He was about to complain until she turned around and bent over the little telephone table in the hall, pulling her dress up to reveal a lack of panties.

“God,” Brent gasped. “You are the most awesome fucking woman!”

As she slid his meat into his wife’s best friend, he thought about how Katy would never do anything this wild.

Kevin had relieved himself of his clothes and climbed onto the bed. Meanwhile, Chris had been trying to get his cock into Katy’s ass but she foiled every attempt.

“Get some cream,” Chris gasped.

Katy thought she heard Marion’s voice in the phone beside her head. Then she heard Brent say ‘awesome’. There was a big clatter followed by the unmistakable sound of people mating.

“In my bag,” Katy cried.

Kevin ignored the request since he was already lying beside his mother. Chris squiggled out from under Katy and she rolled onto Kevin, her arms encircling his neck. Immediately, she began kissing her son, whispering, “Love me, love me.”

Chris fetched his mother’s bag and frantically rummaged through it while she and Kevin kissed. Katy felt his manhood on her bare tummy and that set alarm bells off in her head but then she remembered the sound of Brent fucking someone, probably her best friend, and she rubbed herself against it.

Chris found a medium-sized jar of cream and applied it to his mother’s buttocks. He watched the back of her head for a reaction and when there was none he put some right in her crack, then rubbed it in with his fingers. When he started sliding his cock through her greasy cheeks, Katy turned to look over her shoulder. Chris kissed her as his way of assuring her he would be gentle.

Katy turned toward the front and Kevin kissed her again while Chris spread more cream on his cock and her ass. Katy tightened her arms around Kevin’s neck and kissed him deep, then turned and let Chris explore her mouth. It felt wonderful kissing the boys. She and Brent stopped French-kissing years ago.

Katy turned back to kiss Kevin and lifted her hips so he could enter her while his tongue snaked inside her mouth. Chris grasped her tits from behind and Kevin put his hands on her ass, pulling her cheeks apart to help his brother. Chris angled up and tried to push his cock into her ass.

“Oh Jesus,” Katy cried. “Oh no.”

“Shhhhh,” Chris whispered, rubbing his cock up and down on her dark asterisk.

“It’s too big,” she whispered.

“Don’t,” Kevin said.

“It’ll only hurt for a minute,” Chris rasped, sawing his cock through her cheeks. He pressed on her button and tried to push it in again.

Katy clamped her legs together to resist but it didn’t help.

“I can’t,” Katy wailed.

“Chris, don’t!”

“Okay, okay.”

Chris withdrew his throbbing member and for the next few minutes the boys took turns kissing their mother. Kevin pushed the pad of his index finger onto her slippery rear hole and pressed until the tip poked inside. Katy moaned.

“You like that?” Kevin asked.

Shocked, Katy didn’t know what to say. Kevin’s finger moved easily in her backside and it actually felt good with his long cock filling her cunt. Remembering the night before, Katy suddenly wanted more. She twisted her head over her shoulder but when Chris tried to kiss her she whispered.

“Come inside me.”

She wrapped her arms around Kevin and hugged his chest, pushed her tummy forward, and tipped her ass back until Kevin’s finger popped in to the second knuckle.

“Ohhhhhhh,” she sighed, purposely exaggerating so it sounded like it really got to her.

“She likes it,” Chris groaned.

He grabbed his cock and forced the tip up through Katy’s cheeks, trying to push brother’s finger away.

“Maybe, but she’s not ready for the full nine yards,” Kevin scolded.

“I just want to rub it on the outside.”

“Yeah, sure. Come inside with me.”

“Okay.” Chris sounded like a little kid not allowed to play with his favorite toy.

Katy opened herself in welcome and Chris pushed his cock inside her, using his brother’s pole as a guide. As he slid in, Katy moaned, feeling herself stretch to accommodate the two cocks. God, she loved this. She moaned and groaned as they moved in and out of her and they starting talking to each other as they fucked, discussing moves and coordinating with each other. Katy liked it when they talked about her and made sounds so they knew it. When they started their asynchronous fucking, Katy started toward a huge orgasm she knew she couldn’t stop so she rode it with abandon all the way, knowing the boys liked the sounds and the way she couldn’t help reacting to their thrusts.

When it was finished, Chris pulled her hips back and Kevin slid out without a fight. Katy knew why a few seconds later when he got on his knees in front of her and lifted her head, holding his cock in front of her face. Katy leaned forward and Kevin reached out to slide his fingers through her hair. She paused before his throbbing cock and opened her mouth wide, closing her eyes as Kevin’s fingers closed tightly in her hair and pulled, his helmet tickling through her lips.

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