Mom Goes Environmental - Cover

Mom Goes Environmental

Copyright© 2023 by alwayswantedto

Chapter 6: Second Night in DC

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6: Second Night in DC - Mother deplores the apathy of her sons

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

They met up with Diana, Debra, the ditzy girls and three of their new followers. After one beer Kevin suggested they go to a blues bar down the street. They left the ditzy girls behind with their new admirers.

The music was really good and that, together with the funky surroundings and intelligent company, drew Katy back to the free wheeling, adventurous mood she had slipped into during the protest. She loved the vibe in the room and felt like an integral part of it and their group instead of feeling like a fifth wheel.

As the evening wore on, she even lost her nervousness about being close to the boys as they joked and laughed and bumped against each other in the large, U-shaped booth. Nobody let her stay at the table alone. They danced as a group, intermingling, sometimes splitting into pairs or trios. Hours passed and liquor loosened them up. Katy danced slow numbers with Kevin, Diana, and Chris. She hugged them close and felt hands on her ass but She didn’t object because it was accidental except when Diana did it but she didn’t protest then either.

The bar closed too soon though it was very late. They walked back to the hotel together because the girls’ hotel was close by. They considered continuing the party in the room but everyone knew the night was really over so they exchanged phone numbers and emails, promised to stay in touch, and parted ways.

Katy used the bathroom first. The boys were shirtless and had taken their socks off when she came out but still had their jeans on. Chris headed for the bathroom first.

“Do you want to watch a movie?” Kevin asked.

“No, I’m bushed.”

Katy unzipped her skirt as she walked toward the bed. She was so tired that, once Kevin passed out of her line of sight, she assumed he had gone into the bathroom but he was waiting outside the door because Chris was taking a leak. He turned and saw his mother unzip and push her skirt over her hips, watched it slide down her legs to the floor, and stared at the crumpled pile bunched around her feet. His gaze slid up Katy’s legs, over the slender but muscular calves strengthened from her love of cycling, past the backs of thighs unmarred by cellulite, and ended, disappointed, on the hem of the t-shirt which was just long enough to cover her ass. At least it clung sufficiently tight to her rear end to reveal its shape. Kevin smiled. If only...

Katy was too tired to put on a nightgown but her t-shirt smelled like the bar. She crossed her hands in front of herself, grasped the t-shirt beside each hip, and dragged it over her head. Kevin was astounded. His mother’s back swam into view as the efficient maneuver was completed and for a moment he saw hers tits swing from side to side when she pulled the covers down and got into bed. Luckily, she didn’t turn around but shimmied to the center and immediately went into sleep mode.

Kevin watched his mom for a few minutes still stunned that she had undressed in front of him. She must have had more to drink than he had thought. Convinced that she was going to sleep, he unsnapped his jeans and pushed them and his shorts down and off. Stark naked, he stared at his mother. He didn’t call for his brother to hurry. In his mind, he was watching a slow-mo replay of his mother unzipping her skirt and letting it fall, surveying her legs, and staring as the t-shirt peeled off, then freezing the frame when she bent over to drag the covers back, her tits dangling in mid-air, and one cheek tensing more than the other, creating a gap as her panties stretched across the divide.

Kevin’s long cock jerked upward in a series of stiffening lurches. He seemed unaware of its growth until his hand casually dropped down to steady it, then slowly stroked it back and forth. When Chris walked out of the shower, he was more than ready to use the facilities. His brother was aghast but Kevin didn’t bother explaining what had happened.

Chris was still up when Kevin finished. He was walking around the room as naked as Kevin, wearing a goofy smile. He obviously thought that was the game Kevin was playing so he motioned him over to the bathroom and whispered an explanation of what had happened.

Katy awoke to a pitch black room. She was laying on her back with her knees up and together but feet apart. About to shift into a more comfortable position, she stopped before even flexing a muscle.

“Shhhhh,” one of the boys whispered. “You’ll wake her!”

It was Kevin’s voice. Chris didn’t answer but a bolt of air whisked over her right nipple. She realized with a shock that she wasn’t wearing a nightgown, then remembered taking the t-shirt off and getting into bed naked except for her panties. How foolish! Her breasts were not only bare but also taut, and it wasn’t because it was cold. They were prickly with excitement.

“She’s dead to the world or she would have woken up by now,” Chris replied.

His words implied they had been up to something and Katy wondered what that was and how long they’d been doing it. Another bolt of air blasted her right nipple and it responded, tightening even more. A warmer, gentler wind wafted over the left and it twitched too.

“Did you see that?” Kevin whispered.


Obviously, the boys’ eyes were acclimatized to the darkness and the room wasn’t as dark as it appeared to Katy.

“I’m going to touch it,” Chris whispered.

“No, don’t!”

“Too late.”

A low chuckle was followed by a fingertip pushing past her nipple and letting it snap back.

“See? She’s out cold.”

Her left nipple was snapped and then the right was flicked again.

“Chris, don’t.” Kevin sounded worried.

The mattress depressed beside her as Chris shifted his weight. He leaned over her and sucked her right nipple into his mouth. It was a mighty struggle not to react. On the one hand she couldn’t understand why she didn’t shove his head away but on the other she desperately wanted to arch her back and push the rest of her tit into his mouth. Chris flicked her nipple with his tongue and sucked it again just as her left was sucked into another mouth.

Oh, Jesus. What do I do now?

Katy tried to come up with a plan as the boys sucked and flicked her nipples with their tongues. She rationalized that she was trying to keep her mind off what they were doing until she had an opportunity to do something but she was also dimly aware of a failure to acknowledge that she was delaying because she loved what the boys were doing. They teased her nipples, sucking and closing their lips tight, drawing her tits up until the nipples popped out of their mouths, then quickly capturing her hard nubbins again, sucking, releasing, and recapturing over and over. Katy didn’t want it to stop. Did that make her a horrible person?

The boys chuckled softly, thrilled that they had raided the proverbial cookie jar without getting caught and pleased that, even in her sleep, their mother’s nipples revealed a secret desire that, though not acknowledged, matched their own recently discovered illicit need.

Katy’s eyes fluttered open and was shocked to see a look of pure pleasure on her boys’ faces such as she hadn’t seen since Christmas mornings years ago. Surprised that she could now see, she snapped her eyes shut before the boys noticed.

Nothing happened. Relieved that they were done with their little game, Katy was nevertheless disappointed. It wouldn’t have hurt to let it go on a little longer but it was just as well. If it had continued, no matter how reluctant, she would have had to turn over—in her sleep—to put a stop to it. Last night she had gotten away with her own nefarious exploration so it was only fair to let them get away with theirs tonight but she couldn’t expect young men to have the strength to stop. And, it had gone far enough. Katy got ready to turn over.

But she was too slow and the boys were not finished. A hand slid down each hip, hooked the waistband of her panties, and moved up the side of her thighs, dragging the panties with them until they pulled stickily away from her pussy.

‘My God. I’m wet!’

The hands brushed down her legs and onto her stomach, coming to rest mere inches above her exposed pussy. Katy could scarcely breathe. She thought about lifting her arms, which were lying beside her, to push the boys’ hands away from her private parts but was afraid that might signal that she was awake. She didn’t want the boys to think that so soon after sucking her tits in case it gave her away but changed her mind when Chris’s hand edged downward. She lifted her arms to bump their wrists higher and landed their hands smack onto her breasts. She froze and the rigid response triggered a stillness in the boys. Carefully, their hands withdrew, pulling away from her breasts. Katy was relieved and sorry at the same time. She tried to relax and breathed deeply to assure the boys she was asleep. Several minutes passed. It was over.

There was a tentative touch on her tummy, from Chris’s side, of course. His hand slid up to cup the fullness of her breast. Kevin’s soon followed. She would stop them soon. She just had to act like she was waking up.

‘As soon as they touch my nipples,’ she promised herself.

Minutes passed. Katy waited patiently for the boys to touch her nipples. They squeezed and massaged her breasts until her nipples grew stiff but they didn’t touch them. Several times, she inadvertently flexed her back, pushing her breasts into their hands, hoping to make nipple contact so she could stop them. At least, that’s what she told herself. Her nipples were so hard she could hardly stand it. They ached to be sucked and Katy knew she had to do something soon. She needed to change positions or she would be lost.

Chris’s thumb flicked across her nipple and Katy moved but only to lift her arms to dislodge the boys hands. It worked, sort of. Their hands slipped off but their heads returned to press their lips upon her breasts as soon as she was still. Katy sighed inwardly but did nothing.

More minutes passed and Katy wondered why she wasn’t turning over. She had been excited just by the boys cupping her breasts, fingers flicking her nipples had been hard to bear but was at least manageable compared to the joy of lips sucking them into their mouths. And now, with their faces so close, she ached to feel her stiff, extended nipples sucked into their mouths again. But the boys didn’t touch her nipples and she wondered if they somehow knew of her plan to put a stop to their game as soon as they did. They blew warm breaths over her nipples but they didn’t touch them. Katy felt a familiar stirring in her groin.

‘Oh no. Not now. I can’t stop them ... but I must. Please God, give me strength.’

Katy was immersed in guilt but getting more aroused by the second. She had to do something! Self anger bought a lucid moment in which she curled her fingers inward to stab her nails into her own palm using pain to force herself to act. During the momentary reprieve from ecstasy she tried to turn over but her muscles failed her. Frantic, she tried to grasp the boys’ hands but her own barely moved and the boys moved theirs hands out of reach under Katy’s thighs. Their fingers brushed her skin and then moved inward until each cheek was cupped in a gentle embrace. The boys shifted closer until their bodies were snuggled against her sides, breath blew hot and moist across her nipples, and tongues were so close they could easily flick out for a taste.

‘The Hell with it. Do it! Oh, Jesus, just do it.’

Katy groaned and then cringed. What was the matter with her?

Chris flexed his fingers, gently squeezing and then tugging her left cheek, prying her pussy lips apart. She was very wet, Katy realized with a shock, as Kevin kneaded the other cheek and pulled to open her gash further. She wanted to straighten her legs to obstruct the boys’ efforts but they wouldn’t move.

They’ll stop in a moment. They won’t take advantage of their own mother. They’re just playing. Just grin and bear it for a little longer. They’ll stop. They’re good boys.

The touch of the supple fingers—prying and prodding, tugging so near her special place—eroded Katy’s mental and moral objections. She groaned. It was too much. Her pussy ached to be explored as desperately as her nipples itched to be sucked. And yes, Katy wanted to be kissed, deeply, with strong, active tongues.

‘I have the will power. I do ... I can; ... I will... ‘

At first, she wasn’t aware, then thought she was dreaming, but soon realized tongues really were tasting her nipples again, curling around, flicking.

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