Mom Goes Environmental - Cover

Mom Goes Environmental

Copyright© 2023 by alwayswantedto

Chapter 4: The Rally

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Rally - Mother deplores the apathy of her sons

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

Katy tried hard to act like nothing had happened the night before but the boys were aware something was amiss. They both asked if anything was wrong to which she replied sharply, “Wrong? Why should anything be wrong?”

The boys were taken aback and she immediately regretted the vehemence of her response.

“I guess I’m not feeling a hundred percent.”

The boys nodded and gave her some space. At breakfast, they carried on with their usual sparring and she calmed down. Clearly, they had no idea what had happened the night before and Katy tried to convince herself that she would soon forget about it herself.

After breakfast they wandered down to the gathering and ran into Diana and her crowd. The ditzy girls had already gone topless and were causing a minor sensation but Katy was pleased when the boys barely spared them a glance. When they left with their entourage the boys stayed behind while Diana and Debra plastered their t-shirts and tattered cut-offs with oil.

“You’re not going to ruin those, are you?” Diana asked, pointing at Katy’s designer jeans.

“I bought them for the protest so I guess I am,” Katy laughed.

“They’re way too cool to do that.”

“I don’t have any cut-offs in my back pocket.”

“Just wear your t-shirt.”

Katy laughed. “I can’t parade around in my t-shirt and panties.”

“Why not? I have an extra long one in my bag you can borrow. It’s almost like a dress. Don’t ruin those jeans,” Diana pleaded.

“I really don’t think...”

“Don’t ruin those jeans,” the boys echoed, laughing.

“Really, you shouldn’t,” Debra added.

“Yeah, don’t ruin your jeans,” the boys teased.

Diana grabbed Katy’s arm and dragged her over to one of the make-shift tents that had been set up to dispense posters and other rally material. She pushed her way past the tables to the back and dragged a very long t-shirt out of her bag which, true to her word, almost looked like a dress.

“Take off your clothes and put this on.”

Before she knew it, Katy was dragging her t-shirt over her head while Diana blocked for her. As she lifted it over her head, Diana’s gaze slid over her breasts.

“Wow, you have really nice ones. No wonder you have two young guys following you around.”

“We’re just friends,” Katy replied emphatically.

She felt funny doing it but Katy hesitated with her arms above her head, leaving her breasts to be admired for several more seconds. It was as if she knew instinctively what would distract Diana from her inquisitiveness about her relationship with the boys. From the look on her face, Diana appreciated the delay and Katy also experienced a strange exhilaration. It was then that she realized sexual appreciation could be gratifying regardless of the source.

Afraid she might get more than she bargained for if she dawdled any longer, Katy quickly pulled the new t-shirt over her head. Diana helped her smooth it over her hips and tugged the left side down where it had caught on her breast, lingering longer than necessary but Katy didn’t object.

“You look awesome,” Diana said. “The cameras are gonna love you.”

Diana dragged Katy out of the tent. As she stumbled along behind her younger friend, Katy wondered what she meant by that. The boys whistled when they rejoined them by the barrel of oil. Other people had gathered around and were painting themselves with the gooey mess.

“Doesn’t she look fantastic?” Diana prodded.

“Awesome,” the boys answered, finding lots to admire in their mother’s body covered only by the thin, clinging white cotton t-shirt.

The looks on their faces made Katy self-conscious and she turned away, strangely thinking that the way they looked at her would make it hard for anyone to think she was their mother. At that precise moment Diana doused her with a pail of oil, splashing it over her right shoulder and onto her breast.

“Whoa!” Katy shrieked, ducking and cringing.

She straightened up and tried to pull the soaked t-shirt away where it had plastered to her skin. From the corner of her eye, she saw Diana lifting another pail of filthy oil.

“No,” she shrieked, lifting a hand to ward it off but it was too late.

Diana dumped the second pail directly behind Katy’s right shoulder and let it cascade down her back. Katy flung her arm outward, flinging drips of oil from her hand.

“Jesus Diana. Look at me.”

Distracted, Katy wasn’t any more ready for the third pail than she’d been for the first two. This one, however, was aimed at the small of her back and molded the cotton t-shirt so tightly to her buttocks that a rivulet of surplus oil drained through the crevice dividing the two. The t-shirt even clung to the underside of her cheeks and trickled through the inside of her upper thighs, outlining them more sumptuously than any pair of designer jeans ever could.

The black mess also highlighted Katy’s breasts beautifully, drawing more attention to her assets than if she had been naked. The boys gawked while Debra remarked about the symbolism of one breast covered in oil while the other broadcast pure, white innocence. Katy knew the concept was lost on several nearby men, her sons included, and a sense of adventure surged beneath her solar plexus.

“Let’s get the show on the road,” Diana yelled and shoved a placard into Katy’s hands.

They marched off waving their signs and Katy followed holding the handle at an angle to cover her soaking right breast as best she could. The boys, having started off right behind Diana and Debra, soon dropped behind to protect their mother’s backside from prying eyes. Katy felt better having someone she knew behind her because if the back was anything like the front there wasn’t a lot left to the imagination. The boys seemed eager to help and Chris’s eyes rarely wavered from his mother’s ass.

Katy lost her self-consciousness as the crowd thickened and they lost themselves within it. Soon she was yelling and waving her placard, competing for attention as much as the others, hoping to get her message across, whatever it was. She hadn’t seen what was written on the placard and it was too crowded to pull it down for a look now. At times she lost track of the others only to find them again minutes later. It was a real rush being there and Katy loved the youthful enthusiasm that permeated the crowd.

The elation peaked at the congregation point and speaker after speaker tried to rouse the crowd’s hysteria even higher. After a while, the throng began to mill about and gradually thinned out. The group wandered toward the edge, back the way they had come. Or at least Katy thought it was. She had no recollection of the path they had taken. As they neared the edge they encountered people posing for TV crews and some obviously being interviewed. Katy recognized one of the speakers, an actress, but it wasn’t Darryl Hannah.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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