Mom Goes Environmental - Cover

Mom Goes Environmental

Copyright© 2023 by alwayswantedto

Chapter 2: The Trip to DC

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: The Trip to DC - Mother deplores the apathy of her sons

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

Katy sat in the front while the boys took turns driving. She wore a skirt for traveling instead of the jeans because they clung to her ass and made her self-conscious. She hadn’t worn a bra under the tight t-shirt but the fleece hoodie hid that. It felt good to be loose and comfortable. Though chilly it was a sunny day and the brightness added to the excitement, as did the light-hearted banter in the car. Katy couldn’t remember when she had got on so well with the boys.

For the most part, she sat side-saddle with her back to the door so she could see both boys while they talked. The knee of her left leg pressed against the back of the seat while the right rested upon the left with the foot extended to the floor. Of course, this left her legs open but she had pushed the loose skirt between her thighs. However, on several occasions she had to push the skirt back into place because it had a tendency to ride up her thighs. This especially happened when she became animated talking about things she had done in college in an attempt to seem young like them. Once, both boys suddenly looked away before she realized the skirt needing fixing. Katy didn’t look down and waited until the conversation calmed down before fixing the skirt but the boys continued asking about the old days and soon had her animated again.

After a hundred miles or so they stopped for lunch. The mix of truckers, salesmen, and families on the move made Katy feel like they really were on an adventure. She wasn’t dressed like a mother and even the families in the restaurant didn’t look at her like she was one. Even two of the fathers checked her out like the truckers and salesmen did and that made her feel young.

Out of the blue she told the boys, “When we get there, don’t tell anyone I’m your mother.”

“Why not?”

“Because I want to be one of the crowd, not your mother. I don’t want to feel old.”

“You’re not old, Mom,” the boys chimed.

“Sure, sure. Just don’t tell anyone.”

After that the conversation turned toward the pipeline and Kevin and Chris quickly got into an argument which surprised Katy. She wasn’t sure whether they believed that strongly about it or if they were just arguing for the hell of it. She was relieved when the burgers arrived, delivering the relative peace of mouths stuffed full of hamburger and fries.

When they started arguing again, Katy got up to pay the bill. A couple of the truckers checked her out when she was standing at the counter to pay. One of them approached and seemed about to say something to her but she just smiled and left the diner. The boys followed but she was sitting in the back seat by the time they caught up. As they drove out, the trucker waved and she smiled back, feeling like she was back in school.

The sun was stronger in the afternoon which made the car warm. She had been hot earlier too but didn’t want to take the hoodie off because of her braless state under the t-shirt. Since the boys were sitting up front and were still arguing she quickly pulled the hoodie off, put a pillow against the passenger side rear door, and settled back to rest, draping the hoodie over her chest. Gradually, the boys heated exchange dwindled to an annoying buzz and eventually to a soothing drone. Katy felt at peace with the world. She was very happy.

Though Kevin was driving he occasionally looked at Chris to emphasize a point. Chris was angled against the door with his left arm extended across the top of the front seat which he frequently clutched to pull himself toward his brother when emphasizing his own points. During one of his glares Kevin swore at him and glanced into the back seat to make sure Katy hadn’t heard. The expression on his face made his brother look too.

Katy had composed herself in a proper manner but several position changes left a leg lifted and pressed against the back of the seat while the other was extended with an ankle hooked over the edge of the seat. The skirt had ridden up which, apart from displaying a large expanse of bare leg, also created a substantial gap between her thighs. The boys looked at each other and then back at their mom. She may be their mother but she was still a pretty good looking woman. The car swerved, forcing Kevin’s eyes back to the road.

“You want to drive?” he asked his brother.

“No, you go ahead,” Chris answered, gazing into the back seat and noticing Katy had tried to use the hoodie as a blanket but it had fallen part way off her chest.

“It’s your turn,” Kevin complained.

“Keep driving,” Chris urged.

Kevin eased into the slow lane and turned around to see what had made his brother’s voice so thick. His breath caught in his throat when he saw his mother’s breast, the one closest to the back of the seat, and its nipple straining against the thin cotton of the tight t-shirt. For the next couple of miles Chris stared at his mother and Kevin divided his attention between her and the road, favouring the back seat. Chris paid more attention to Katy’s breast while his brother, who from his vantage point on the driver’s side could see further up her skirt, favoured his mother’s legs.

Katie stretched and relaxed, causing her right foot to hang farther over the edge of the seat and the hoodie to slide further off her chest. The boys breathed in the shallow but quickened pace characteristic of the early stages of both sexual excitement and fear.

When Chris reached over the back of the seat toward Katy Kevin flung his right arm out to smack him. Chris fended him off with an angry shrug and shake of his head. Kevin watched, captivated and scared, as his brother reached for the hoodie. With the garment pinched between thumb and forefinger, Chris gently lifted and tugged until it slid an inch toward him. Another tug made Katy flinch and Kevin slugged his brother again. While they glared at each other Chris defiantly gave the hoodie a final tug and it slid onto the floor.

Both of Katy’s breasts were now on display, their heavy, sagging form perfectly molded by the tight t-shirt. The nipples, straining in different directions, stretched the thin cotton and threatened to tear it apart. Kevin started to whistle but swallowed instead when Chris jerked his head toward him, fixing his brother with a glare fit to kill.

Not quite asleep, Katy felt a pleasant warmth spreading over her body and arched her back in an indulgent, cat-like stretch that imparted a feeling of constrained but intense euphoria. Her sluggish mind became aware that the boys weren’t arguing anymore—in fact, they weren’t talking at all—and she wondered what had captured their attention. Were they argued-out and mindlessly watching the road?

Katy was about to open her eyes when she heard the boys suck in their breath. Her chest constricted in fear but the car didn’t swerve and the boy’s didn’t swear about a bad driver. For a moment she wondered what they were reacting to and then suddenly became aware that her legs were wide open and her skirt was up who knows how high? Then she realized her chest wasn’t blanketed by the hoodie and that meant her breasts were bursting against the t-shirt unhidden. In a flash, she knew the boys were looking at her!

She fought the urge to open her eyes because if she did they would be caught in the act, an embarrassment and that would surely ruin the trip. Instead, she would clear her throat to warn them she was about to wake up so they would have time to turn around and put their eyes on the road where they belonged.

But Katy didn’t clear her throat. Instead, she succumbed to an impish impulse to have some fun with the situation, much like she had when she had finished the dishes topless. She knew she had nicely shaped and supple breasts for her age. She didn’t consciously admit that awareness of male attention, even by her sons, caused her nipples to poke hard into the thin cotton but she felt if the boys were going to ogle her body it was fair to mess with their minds.

Katy drew her left arm up, intending to stretch the t-shirt even tighter over her breasts, but accidentally and unknowingly hooked the hem of her loose skirt with her watch and dragged it up to her hip. There was a gasp from the front seat and she found it hard to suppress a smile, thinking the boys were reacting to the exacerbated thrust of her breasts.

It was time to ‘wake up’ but on the spur of the moment Katy eased her right knee outward, completely unaware her skirt had been pulled up so high. She had noticed the boys looking at her open knees when she had been sitting in the front seat. The skirt had been pushed between her legs then but now she suspected they were parted enough to make any male think about what was hidden just out of sight. Katy almost laughed out loud imagining the look on their faces and felt a sudden urge to throw her legs wide open so they could see her panties. Wouldn’t that be a shock, to see that their mother actually possessed sexual equipment?

Katy decided against it, of course, but though she didn’t know it the lifted skirt had already exposed her panties. The boys were staring between their mother’s open legs at the mound bulging against the gusset, clearly outlining her feminine sexuality.

“It’s your turn to drive,” Kevin whispered.

Chris shook his head. “No it’s not!”

“Is so. I’ve been driving for almost an hour.”

“I drove for two,” Chris countered.

Katy smiled inwardly. Normally the boys would be arguing to see who could drive longer. It was very flattering. She stretched, unknowingly pressing her pussy forward for an even more explicit demonstration of her womanhood. The muscles in her thighs tensed, amplifying the effect. Katy arched her back, pushed her breasts upward, and sighed to send the first signal that she was about to ‘wake up’.

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