The Story of Sigrid Larsen - First Year - Cover

The Story of Sigrid Larsen - First Year

Copyright© 2023 by Lustysnake

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Synopsis: Sigrid is a beautiful woman from Norway. She settles down with Ivar, a compatriot living in the United States whom she marries and becomes a professor at Hornburg College. She is very happy until the day her life shatters into pieces. She then realizes that everything is just a web of lies. Worse still, she finds herself a slave of the College. NOTE: This story starts three years before Christina Cooper arrived at Hornburg College.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Illustrated  

When I wake up, it’s still night and I have an intense headache. My ass also hurts a lot, but right now it’s the head pain that’s taking over.

So, I trudge to the bathroom to get something for the headache. The door that leads to one of the rooms with the large baths has been left open, but the light is closed. Once the two pills are swallowed, I head for the exit, but I don’t know why, but the open door bothers me. I walk over to it and turn on the light in the large room.

What I see then is a horror show. Kylie is in the bath, half lying in the water that is reddish from the blood that flows from her arms that she has slashed. I rush to her, pull her body out of the water and she bleeds heavily from her wrists. So, she must still be alive, right?

I take towels and wrap them around the wounds as tightly as possible. I try to carry her, but when I get to the hallway, I realize that she is too heavy, or at least I am too weak. I’m not going to be able to carry her to the infirmary like that. I shout: “Help, help!”

Several bedroom doors open, but after a glance at me, the slaves return to their rooms and close their doors. All of them, except Grace and Jenna who rush to help me.

Between the three of us, we manage to transport Kylie to the infirmary. The door opens when we push on it and I expect to have to rummage around for bandages, but a few seconds after entering the room, the door to the lab opens and the nurse enter in the room, still naked except for her mask.

Seeing us, she quickly steps forward and says in an urgent voice, pointing to a stretcher: “Put her here.”

Once Kylie is settled, she begins to examine the unconscious young woman. and asks: “What happened?”

I explain the situation and when I’m done, she says, pointing the examination chair: “Sit down here, Sigrid. “ Pointing the others, she adds: “You can leave, I’ll take care of the rest.”

So, I sit down and watch as the nurse cleans the wounds and then quickly stitches Kylie’s arms. She doesn’t say anything to me, she’s just doing her job. I notice that Kylie is very pale. I don’t know how much blood she lost, but it must be a considerable amount. Then, after she has finished cleaning the young woman’s wrists again, she lifts her eyelids and says: “Fuck!”

The nurse then pushes the stretcher towards the door of the laboratory and says to me in a stern tone: “Sigrid, you stay here and wait for me, understood?”

I’m exhausted and so, it’s easy to obey the nurse. After an indeterminate amount of time, it seems that I have found a position that is not too painful for my ass and that the Tylenol has taken effect, as I fall asleep.

When I wake up, I hear the nurse’s voice and she is talking on the phone.

“Yes, she should survive, but that’s only because Sigrid found her in time. A few more minutes and Kylie would have been dead!”

A pause, and then she said, “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d done as I said when I arrived.” With what you’re doing to them, it’s certain that some women will try to end their lives!

Another pause, then she said, “It’s about time! There is something else. Kylie was raped in the ass without prior preparation and her rectum has significant injuries.”

Another pause and the nurse add: “No, I managed to do the right thing without a visit to a hospital being required, but there is still a risk of infections!”

Another pause and the nurse look over at me and notices that my eyes are open. She said to her interlocutor: “One moment.”


Then, looking at me, she said, “Do you know who fucked Kylie like that?”

I don’t know what to do, can I denounce a master like that?

I don’t have time to reflect more, the nurse said, in a stern voice: “Sigrid! Who did that to Kylie?

I say, in a weak voice: “Me and Kylie have been at James and Lydia’s house and several men have repeatedly raped our asses.”

The nurse said, “Those stupid pigs! “ Then she says on the phone: “Sigrid and Kylie were both raped unprepared by a gang at James Morris’ house. You know if they have an infection, I’m going to have to declare it, right?”

There’s a long pause, and then the nurse just says, “Good night.”

She then looks at me and beckons, pointing to the gynecological examination chair: “Sit here and I will examine you, Sigrid.”

It’s very uncomfortable, but the nurse helps me settle in and she uses a plastic syringe to inject a liquid into my rectum. The liquid must contain a strong painkiller, because a few seconds later I don’t feel any pain and she examine my ass.

After a while, she said to me: “You’re doing better than Kylie, you only have small tears in your rectum that should repair themselves in a few days.”

She rummages through a drawer and pulls out a heart-shaped, but pink, pendant. Then she changes my usual pendant to this one, saying, “You have to come and see me every day so that I can check the condition of your rectum. As long as I’m not satisfied, you’ll stay out of reach for the masters, as if you were menstruating.”

She then helps me get out of the gynecological chair by telling me: “Now go to bed, I’ll take care of Kylie!”

I go back to my room and, courtesy of the Tylenol and the product the nurse put in my rectum, I quickly fall asleep.

It’s nearly three o’clock in the morning and Sigrid is fast asleep when James Morris walks into Jefferson Bentley’s office. James doesn’t know why the CEO of Hornburg College summoned him in the middle of the night, but he’s in a very bad mood. He was having fun with Amanda Knight and Jefferson’s summons cut it short.

Jefferson is at his desk and seems to be just waiting for him. When James enters his office, the man in his fifties motions for him to sit in the chair facing him. James does this at the same time as he says in an angry voice, “What’s so important that you have to summon me in the middle of the night, Bentley?”

The CEO looks at him sternly, but he says in a calm voice: “You know, James, that slaves are the property of the organization and their physical health is important, if only to keep their street value, right?”

James suddenly begins to suspect what the old goat is getting at, but he acts innocent, maybe that’s not what he thinks and says: “Yes, of course! Why?”

Jefferson adds in the same calm voice: “Today, you and your gang ass fucked two unprepared slaves, causing them internal injuries that will keep them out of action for several days. In Kylie’s case, it’s only if she survives, after attempting suicide!”

James doesn’t say anything. He knows he’s in some bad shit now and he wonders if Amanda will cause trouble too. Luckily, she’s almost always chained to Beth’s bed, which reduces the risk for him. He will still need to take steps to reduce the risks even further.

The CEO continues: “The nurse in residence threatens to declare the situation if the health of the two slaves worsens. If she does it, you know there will be hell to pay and I do not intend to pay for your bullshit. I want to try to convince her not to make a statement this time, but things will have to change.”

James knows he can’t say anything, he has to wait until Jefferson finishes his little speech and hope it stops there.

Jefferson continues: “Starting this morning, the slaves will have to go through the infirmary for any medicine. Also, I want your guards to stay awake and keep an eye on the cameras. It’s not right that it was a slave who found Kylie and that it was her and other slaves who brought her to the infirmary. What do your guards do at night?”

James has a very good idea of what they’re doing. They pick a slave and fuck her all night without worrying about the cameras.

James is even more furious, but at least the old man gives him a way out. He replies, standing up, “I’m sorry. I’ll make sure your orders are followed to the letter and I’ll take care of setting things straight with the security guards. It won’t happen again.”

This morning, there is no news about Kylie and I explain to Grace and Jenna what happened after they left the infirmary. They are, like me, very surprised that a slave can have so much authority as to talk to masters in this way. What does the white color of the necklace mean? No one, at least among the slaves, seems to know.

At least I feel much better today and even if I don’t move around a lot, I can easily teach my classes as usual.

Except for Leo who asked me again to give him a blowjob and was very surprised to see me take his cock down my throat, this Monday was uneventful. I am very satisfied with my day when I arrive in the dormitory. Hopefully there’s no message telling me to go have sex with someone!

There is actually no message, but Jenna is there, on my bed watching Kylie who is sleeping in the other bed.

Jenna gets up when she sees me and motions for me to follow her down the hall. She says, careful not to speak too loudly: The security guards transported Kylie earlier with a message from the nurse for you. From now on, you’re her roommate and also, in a way, her babysitter. Kylie is sedated and should sleep through the night. If there is anything, you should contact the nurse. In addition, you are exempt from classes for tomorrow and possibly the rest of the week. Lydia has been notified for tomorrow and Mr. Bentley has also been warned.

I’m not happy. I don’t mean Kylie any harm and I hope she gets better, but I enjoy teaching much more than being a babysitter. Jenna adds: “You also have to bring Kylie tomorrow after dinner to meet the nurse.

Kylie has been sleeping soundly all night and I’ve just finished the breakfast Jenna brought me earlier when my roommate wakes up. She seems disoriented for a moment and when she sees me, she starts shouting: “No! Why didn’t I die? “ She starts crying.

I get up to her and say: “Your life is precious; you must not end it like this. Your period of slavery is going to end soon and.”

That’s when Kylie interrupts me shouting: “My slavery will never end! I want to die because I’m in hell!”

I don’t understand, I ask: “You’re going to be able to leave after your studies, right?”

She angrily replies, “For that, I’d have to be able to pass my classes, but I’m too stupid for that!”

Kylie, who had risen on an elbow to shout me, collapses again in bed and continues to cry.

I get next to her on the bed and stroke her hair while saying words to calm her down.


It takes many minutes, but she eventually calms down and falls asleep again.

After having asked Jenna to stay in my room to check on Kylie I take advantage of this to go and use the computer system.

I find Kylie’s file and I’m surprise to find that she’s my age! She has been at Hornburg College for over 7 years! She’s almost done, except for two math classes. Those are two math courses that I don’t teach. One is ‘Statistics’ and the other is ‘Differentials and Integrals 1’. Her bachelor’s degree is in administration, I understand why she has the statistics course, but I don’t see why she has an advanced mathematics course like ‘Differentials and Integrals 1’. Digging through the notes in the file, I see that this course was added by James Morris.

I then go to Mr. Bentley’s office and askes the secretary: “Hi Joanes, I need to see Mr. Bentley please. It’s urgent.”

She looks like I’m the dumbest woman in the world and replies: “The CEO has no time to waste with a woman like you! Go back to work.”

Anger suddenly rises and I don’t have time to realize what I’m doing before I yell: “I HAVE TO SEE HIM!”

Joanes looks at me smiling wickedly and replies in a sweet voice: “You’re going to pay for this bitch!”

My anger turns to panic fear. Will I be punished for yelling at her? However, Joanes doesn’t have time to add or do anything, the door to Mr. Bentley’s office opens and he asks: “Do you want to see me, Sigrid?”

I don’t dare speak, I just nod and he motions for me to come into his office. He closes the door before going to sit in his chair and points to the chair facing him on the other side of the desk. Mr. Bentley asks: “Are you okay Sigrid?”

I can still feel the anger rising inside me, but I refrain from telling him everything I think about the situation. Instead, I take a deep breath to calm myself down and say, “The wounds that James Morris and his gang inflicted on me aren’t too bad, that’s not why I’m here. I’m here to talk about Kylie, who endured the hardest of that hellish day.”

The CEO doesn’t say anything, he listens to me carefully and I continue: “Kylie has been a student at Hornburg College for over 6 years and she has failed her last two courses several times. She doesn’t believe she’ll ever be able to complete her period of slavery and that’s why she tried to kill herself. I think I could help her pass her statistics course, but obviously she will never be able to pass the differential and integral course. This course is an elective course imposed on her by James Morris, she should be able to choose another one more suited to her skills.”

I almost expect him to tell me it’s not my problem or something like that, but he looks at me for a long time without saying anything. Finally, he says in his soft voice, “That seems like a good solution to me. I’m going to contact the director of studies to tell him that Kylie Warren is going to go to him to change her elective course.”

I expect him to tell me to leave his office, but he adds: “Is there anything else?”

I answer, without thinking, and a little surly: “I want to be able to teach my math lessons, I’m not bedridden, I just have a little pain in my ass when I move.”

He looks at me with a strange smile and says: “Okay, I’m going to give instructions that you’re going to keep teaching, but that’s only if you manage to convince Kylie of your plan. All right?”

I nod yes and get up to leave the office. Before I had taken more than one step towards the door, he adds: “Pay attention to the way you talk and especially who you are shouting at. You never know who can punish you and to what extent.”

I don’t say anything, I know he’s right and I’m trying to go to the door again when he says: “In the future, if you need to come to see me, come directly, I’ll let Joanes know and I want you to come to my house as usual on Thursday, okay?”

I look at him and with a smile, I say: “Yes, I’m going to be there.”

When I return to the bedroom, Kylie is awake again, but she is calmer this time.

I explain my plan to help her with statistics and the fact that she will be able to choose another elective. At first, she doesn’t seem to believe me, but eventually she hugs me crying and thanks me. When she calms down, we leave together to change her schedule and replace the advanced math class with a history class.

During lunch, Kylie tells me her story.

Kylie’s Story

Kylie had the misfortune of being born into an ultra-religious family. So, no premarital sex, no birth control, no abortion, and sex is only for procreation between a man and a woman. It was that last point that caused the problem, as Kylie is gay.

She tried to hide it for as long as possible, but eventually her secret was revealed. This was during a heated argument over Kylie’s refusal to go to prom with the son of a family friend. She didn’t want to say it, but in her anger, she screamed it anyway.

For the first few hours, she thought that her parents, contrary to her fears, were taking it without much reaction. Indeed, except for her mother who cried for long minutes, they didn’t say anything. The argument ended with silence.

She was wrong. In the morning, she was forcibly taken to an institution specializing in conversion therapy.

Two nights later, she managed to escape through a window and never returned to her family who had betrayed her.

Kylie hitchhiked to get as far away from the family home as possible. She didn’t have too many problems, although a few times she had to get out of some cars very quickly.

She then met Ariana Milendis, a woman who brought her to her home. She was also a lesbian and became her first lover. Kylie spent several days at Ariana’s house, but one morning, the woman told her that she had to go on her way, that she didn’t want to host her for free anymore. Kylie was a little disappointed, but wasn’t heartbroken either, she wasn’t in love with Ariana.

She hitchhiked again to go to another city. Then, she settled into a routine. She would go to gay bars and with her appearance and age, she would manage almost every night to be picked up by a woman with whom she lived a day or two or even several days sometimes.

It was at one of these parties that she met a group of women who took her under their wings. They lived together in an apartment and had sex with each other. Kylie lived with them for a few weeks before the real problems hit her.

One night, Kylie was with them for a night out and when they came out of the bar, they left with two luxury cars. Kylie was surprised that they could afford such cars, but she didn’t say anything, she was just happy to have a group of friends to live with and have sex.

That’s when they were stopped by police cars and brought to the station for car theft! Kylie then learned that the women she was with were part of a criminal group that specialized in the theft and resale of luxury automobiles.

According to her lawyer, she was at risk of being sentenced to a lengthy prison sentence.

However, Judge Jaxon Shaw, after consulting with Kylie’s lawyer and the prosecution’s attorney, made a surprising announcement. He said that considering her age and that it was a first offence, he offered Kyles to participate in the Reedland Project. This project would allow her to avoid several years in prison, but it would also allow her to study at a university. This, in exchange for community work done in the school.

Of course, community work was not at all what she expected. This is how Kylie became a slave at Hornburg College.

When we’re back in our room in the afternoon, I start tutoring Kylie for her statistics class. After several minutes, I fully realize that she has a lot of difficulty with this subject, but she is not stupid. With some effort, she will probably be able to pass this course without too much difficulty.

For the history class, it is too late for this session, but it will allow her to read the material before she even starts the course.

Just before dinner, we go together to see the nurse who agrees, after my explanations, to allow Kylie to no longer be on constant guard, as long as I help her and make sure that the plan works well.

I spend the rest of the evening relaxing and preparing an exam for next week. Kylie, meanwhile, is looking at the books for her new history class. I’m a little wondering what Lydia is doing in my absence for her class, but not enough to go and see!

Just before bed, I realize I don’t have my clothes for this week! Luckily, Marco isn’t there and the man on duty doesn’t ask me anything.

The last two days have gone well. I was happy to be back in class teaching my math lessons. My clothes aren’t more appropriate for teaching, but it doesn’t bother me as much now that I’m used to it. Also with the pink pendant, I had some protection from students.

On Wednesday, even Anthony’s gang left me alone. This surprised me because I would have thought they would have asked for oral sex, but no, they left after class without saying or doing anything.

Then, today, it was the same thing, except Eli Webb and Xavier Olson. they asked me to have sex with them, but I just refused and they didn’t think to ask me for a blowjob! I wasn’t going to propose that to them!

Except that tonight, I have my date with Mr. Bentley and there’s no way I’m going to miss an evening with him! That’s why at the end of the day I go to the nurse to get my blue pendant back.

When I get to his office, Mr. Bentley is already ready and we leave for his house. During the trip, he asks me about my week, how it’s going with Kylie and above all, how I feel. I answer frankly and I even specify that I had my blue pendant again today. I’d like to ask him how his week went, but I’m not sure I want to know.

At home, it’s the same as the other times, I undress when I get there, then we go to the basement and he orders food. This time, it’s fried chicken. It’s a good thing I don’t eat with him every day, because I’d quickly gain a lot of weight! Plus, I know he eats the leftovers from our meals over the next few days! It seems that his metabolism is different, as he doesn’t seem to have gained any weight since I’ve known him. Has the last time, when we’re done eating, He brings the leftovers to the kitchen and when he comes back, he undresses.

Unlike the last few times, he doesn’t turn on the TV and sit next to me. No, this time he takes me by the hand and helps me up. Then he takes me in his arms and we immediately start kissing languidly.

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