The Story of Sigrid Larsen - First Year - Cover

The Story of Sigrid Larsen - First Year

Copyright© 2023 by Lustysnake

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Synopsis: Sigrid is a beautiful woman from Norway. She settles down with Ivar, a compatriot living in the United States whom she marries and becomes a professor at Hornburg College. She is very happy until the day her life shatters into pieces. She then realizes that everything is just a web of lies. Worse still, she finds herself a slave of the College. NOTE: This story starts three years before Christina Cooper arrived at Hornburg College.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Spanking   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Female   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Illustrated  

Today is a new day and I am full of energy. Whatever happens, I’m going to get through this. I am in front of the office door of the CEO of Hornburg College, Mr. Jefferson Bentley. I’m wearing what Jenna and Grace gave me this morning, which is a short black skirt and a very low-cut pink top and high heels. Without panties and bra. Along with the leather choker necklace with a blue heart-shaped stone pendant.


This, after a deep, dreamless night’s sleep in Jenna’s arms and after eating a good breakfast with her and Grace in their rooms. Also, after having received, slipped under the door during the night, a sheet of paper with the letterhead of the College with a message indicating that I had to be here by 7:00 am.

I have never met Mr. Bentley until now. In fact, I have always dealt with his secretary or with a human resources person. I know he is a very efficient man. He delegates many tasks to his subordinates, but he has a reputation for always knowing everything that is happening at Hornburg College.

Now it’s time to meet him and I still don’t know why I’m here. I probably should have left the place as soon as I put those clothes on. Yet Jenna convinced me to come here, if only to find out what he wants and how he thinks he can force me to do what they want. It wasn’t totally crazy and that’s why I’m there.

The door to the office of Joanes Landon, the secretary to the CEO of the College, is open and so I enter the anteroom. Joanes is already there. She is a woman in her fifties, approximately 5 feet 4 inches tall, with short-cropped gray hair and very overweight. She’s not pretty and I’m not sure she was even that when she was young. Especially since she never seems to smile. She says: “Miss Larsen, you can enter Mr. Bentley’s office. He is waiting for you.”

All the other times I have been in contact with her, Joanes Landon have always called me Mrs Larsen. Why does she call me Miss this morning? Nevertheless, I don’t say anything, I don’t want to make Mr. Bentley wait.

He’s sitting at his desk and, without even looking at me, he says, “Close and lock the door, Sigrid.”

Once that’s done, I stand in front of his desk, not knowing if he expects me to sit in one of the two chairs or if I have to wait standing. The man is obviously finishing something on the computer and he’s not paying attention to me.

Mr. Jefferson Bentley is a man in his fifties, with graying hair and a beard, but otherwise he looks in good shape. He has the physical appearance of a man in his thirties. He wears a jacket and tie with a shirt, all in shades of blue.

I’m nervous, but I don’t say anything and wait for him to speak first.

I didn’t wait long, he said, still without looking at me and in a strangely soft voice: “Hello Sigrid. I’m glad you decided not to make any mistakes and obey.”

I remain silent, even though I am not here to obey him, but to find out how they think they can force me to become one of their slaves. Only then does he look up and look at me. I don’t know what he was expecting, but he seems visibly surprised. For a moment, he doesn’t say anything, and he looks me up and down. Then is face seems to harden and finally he continues, “I guess you still think you can quit your job and go home? Forget what happened yesterday with the football players and continue your happy life with your husband, right?”

I want to talk, but he raises his hand to signal me to shut up and he continues: “You have to understand something Sigrid, the video that has been made of you asking for sexual favors to increase the grades of some of your students is not what puts you under our control.”

Exactly what I thought. Yes, in the video, I must be seen blackmailing my students to raise their grades in exchange for sexual favors, then giving blowjobs and even getting fucked by the students present. I don’t see how that could cause me any problems. At least, apart from losing my job at the College, where I don’t want to work anymore anyway.

Bentley adds: “At least, not the whole video. No, the important part of the video that was made during your meeting with the students is the scene with you and Mateo. Because Mateo Wade is a prodigy at running and catching football. So much so that we managed to get him through a year in advance. Yes, Mateo Wade is only 17 years old and therefore a minor.”

This time, I know I’m in trouble. I see only one choice, to go home and ask for help from Ivar to get me out of this situation. He must certainly know some good lawyers who can help me fight this attempt to turn me into a slave.

Bentley waits a moment for me to fully realize the implications of what he has just told me before adding, still with a smile: “So, Sigrid, you really have only two choices: You submit to our demands or you go to prison. I can guarantee you that if you choose the latter, you will be in jail for many, many years!”

“I’m not heartless, I’m going to let you go for now. I even announced that you were taking the day of your classes. You have the day to realize that you really only have one choice, which is to submit. If you agree to become our slave, you will come here at the end of the day, at 4:30 p.m. sharp. You’re going to take off all your clothes and get on all fours like the bitch you are. Then, we’ll talk about your new situation in college. If at the same time you are not in position, I will contact the police regarding the video of a teacher sexually blackmailing her students, including a young minor.”

As soon as he’s done talking, he shows me the door and watches me quickly leave his office. In fact, I’m running away as fast as my high heels will allow.

When I get home, I take the key from under the flower pot and try to unlock the door. The key won’t fit in the keyhole! I try again and again several times, but without success.

Suddenly, the door opens. In front of me, there is a man in his forties, very muscular and in underwear that suggests an imposing penis. What is he doing in my house? I’m very surprised and I don’t speak immediately. It is the man who speaks first and not in a very friendly voice: “What are you doing here? You wanted to break the lock of my house?”

I can see behind him that the furniture in the house is not what it was the night before. Moreover, my family photos are no longer on the walls of the hallway. However, I know that I am at the right address, at home! I look at him in shock. My home is no longer my home! How is that possible?

The man then says, “Get out of here before I call the cops!”

I don’t wait for him to carry out his threat and I immediately go back to the school. There, I use my desk phone to call Ivar’s cell phone, but an automated message tells me that the number is not in service. I try again, hoping I dialed the wrong number the first time, but I get the same result.

I then try to contact him at work. I call Inestav Corp. but when I ask to speak with Ivar Kavli, the receptionist says, in a voice that seems annoyed: “there is no one by that name in the company. When you find him, tell him to stop giving out that number.”

I’m trying to insist: can you check again? She replies, in a voice that is now furious, “Stop wasting my time.”

What is going on? I’m starting to panic. I have no money, no passport and no one to contact to help me. There may well be some employees of INGENIØR COMPAGNIET ASTR, but they are not friends. At best, they are mere acquaintances. Anyway, there’s an ocean between us.

I finally realize that everything about my love affair with Ivar was probably totally fake. There are no other possible explanations. Ivar manipulated me and took advantage of my naivety to bring me to the United States so that I could be enslaved. For a smart woman, I have been so dumb, it is ridiculous. Thinking about it, there were plenty of clues, details, which should have tipped me off. My only real reason for falling for it was that I was head over heels in love and didn’t want to see those details. Obviously, I’m going to pay for that mistake for years to come.

I go back to Jenna and Grace’s room, but they’re not there. I lay down in Jenna’s bed and after several minutes of crying about my fate, I fell asleep.

It’s Grace who wakes me up by gently stroking my head. She says: “It’s time to eat. Come with me.”

She leads me to a small cafeteria in the Reedland building. The food is good and despite the situation, I eat with appetite.

During dinner, I explain to Grace what I learned today. When I finished my discoveries for the day, Grace says: “This is what I feared. You’re going to be forced to be a college slave for a while before you can leave.”

I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to find a solution other than submission, but eventually I make my way to Mr. Jefferson Bentley’s office.

It’s 4:20 p.m. when I arrive in front of Joanes Landon’s office. She said, “You can go inside Sigrid; Mr. Bentley will be coming soon.”

No more Miss Larsen for me then? I’m not so surprised. Anyway, what’s the point of talking to her? I walk into Mr. Bentley’s office without a word.

The office is empty, but I’m doing as Mr. Bentley told me to do this morning. I take off all my clothes and get on all fours.

After a few minutes, Mr. Bentley arrives. I had positioned myself so that I could look towards the door when it opened, and I therefore saw him enter the office, followed by Dr. Charles Grégoire. The latter is a teacher of French literature. Dr. Grégoire is a man at the end of his forties who obviously does not pay much attention to his diet and does not make many physical activities. He’s not overweight, but he has a big belly. I do not know this teacher very well, working in a different department from his, but he has a big smile on his face. I suppose that he is part of the organization enslaving woman.

They each stop on either side of me and look at me while discussing among themselves my situation. How I have been stupid enough to follow the one I knew as Ivar, letting him take control of my life before he sold me to Hornburg College. I’m humiliated, but not surprised. I already understood during that day that the only explanation for Ivar’s disappearance was that he never really existed.


Charles Grégoire then say to me: “Get up bitch! We want to watch you a little closer!”

I’m getting up and Charles Grégoire start touching me all over, weighing, then pinching my breasts and stroking my hairless pussy and buttocks. Mr. Bentley don’t do anything; he just stares intently at me as the professor manipulate me.

After a moment, Mr. Bentley say: “Now we’ll see how good you are at sucking cocks.”

I see Charles Grégoire pull down his pants and waving to me to get closer.

Mr. Bentley continues: “While you train with Charles, I will explain to you what will happen for the rest of your contract with us.”

I knelt in front of the professor and I take his penis in my hand and I masturbate him for a moment before taking him in my mouth to give him a blowjob. Meanwhile, Mr. Bentley keep on speaking: “From now and for the next four years, you belong to the Hornburg College and especially to the members of the organization.”

“You will continue to give your mathematics lessons, but in addition to that, you will have to be available for other needs of certain members of the College. If someone asks you to perform sexual acts with you, no matter what, you must do it, without protest. In fact, you have to do whatever a master asks of you, whether it’s sexual or not.”

“About blowjobs, you always have to swallow the sperm, never spit it out, it’s not polite.”

Charles said at that moment, “Damn, she’s bad at giving a blowjob!”

Bentley replies: “She’s going to learn, just like the others.”

“We know that you are not in your fertile period, but tonight you will receive an injection of a contraceptive drug. We will ensure that you will receive a new dose regularly.”

He adds with a smile: “We wouldn’t want any of our single teachers to get pregnant. What would people say!”

Single? Yes, of course, as Ivar does not exist, the rest has never been real either. So even my marriage to Ivar was false. The priest and witnesses of my marriage had to be members of the organization. Mr. Bentley goes on with the rules:

“You are no longer allowed to wear pants, just skirts and blouses or tops that we provide to you. In addition, you will no longer wear underwear, except during your period.”

“Yesterday you tried to take off your collar and you got an electric shock. Know that it was the minimum power and that the maximum power could kill you.”

Charles then adds, pointing to his watch: “Do you see that, bitch? We are several in the area to have this model of watch. It can send you an electric shock through your collar if you disobey an order.”

Mr. Bentley pursue his explanation: “That necklaces is a work of art and will not seem strange to the majority of people you will encounter over the next four years. On the other hand, it will indicate to those who are members of the organization, that you are one of our slaves.”

“Yet it’s not just that. Our organization has paid a fortune for the design and manufacture of these necklaces, watches and other items that can activate the necklaces. As you have seen, it is a way of ensuring that you will obey via electric shocks, but it is much more than that. The collar contains a GPS and it can be activated to send electric shocks for several miles.”

“When your contract is over, you can leave the College and we will not use the criminal evidence we have against you.”

Then he was silent, just watching me suck Charles’ cock. When Charles finally cum, I swallow his sperm which has a particularly bad taste. Worse still than that of the football players yesterday. I expected that I would have to do the same for Mr. Bentley too, but he simply said to me: “You can get dressed and go back to the dormitory. Jenna will show you your room.”

Can I really believe Mr. Bentley, that when my contract is finished, I will become free again. Why would I not denounce the organization then? Because once back in Norway, I could easily denounce them, even if it means doing it anonymously, right? Anyway, I have time to think about it, my contract ends in 4 years!

When I arrive at the dorm, Jenna is waiting for me and she directs me to my new bedroom, which is number 10 across from theirs. There are two beds, like in Jenna and Grace’s room, but Jenna tells me that for now I’m going to live there alone. Then she gives me a card with the following message from Mr. Bentley:

At your request, you will volunteer for Hornburg College. You are going to be the teacher’s assistant for the art class that is given every Tuesday evening. So, it starts today. You must arrive by 7:30 p.m.

I eat with Jenna and Grace. I learn a little more about these two women and why they are here.

Jenna’s Story

Jenna had good grades throughout high school, but she was particularly good at math. When she was 16, her parents died in a car accident and she was forced to move to another city with a childless aunt who didn’t really want to take care of a teenage girl.

This aunt wasn’t really mean, but she didn’t care about Jenna. With no friends and no supervision, she joined a group of girls who seemed nice and interested in her. With them, Jenna started petty theft, such as stealing items from stores, vandalizing unattended places, etc.

Despite everything, she managed to maintain good grades.

Her life changed when she went on a bus trip to Mexico with her friends to celebrate her 18th birthday. On the way back, Monika Perez, one of her friends convinced her to take and identify one of Monika suitcase in Jenna’s name, on the pretext that if she didn’t, Monika would have to pay a surcharge for the weight of her luggage.

They were arrested at the border and while rummaging through the suitcases, the authorities found a large amount of cocaine in a double bottom of the suitcase that was labeled with her name. The one Monika had asked her to take.

Her aunt refused to help Jenna and even announced that she didn’t want anything more to do with her. So, she got a public attorney who didn’t have the time or inclination to look any further than make a deal to lower her sentence. He didn’t believe Jenna was innocent. When she went to court, Jenna knew she was facing a lengthy jail time

However, Judge Henry Morris, after consulting with Jenna’s attorney and Mason Shaw, the prosecution’s attorney, made a surprising announcement. He said that, given her age and circumstances, and also considering it to be her first offence, he decided to offer Jenna to have her participate in the Project Reedland. This project would allow Jenna to avoid several years in prison, but it would also allow her to study at a university. This, in exchange for community work done in the school. It almost sounded too good to be true, didn’t it? Sure enough, it was, and Jenna realized it quickly after accepting the judge’s offer.

Jenna was brought to the city of Whitefield, to the large building of the Reedland project. There she met James Morris, her probation officer, who was also, coincidentally, the nephew of judge Henry Morris. After that, Jenna became a slave and she is waiting to finish this probation.

Grace’s Story

When Grace was 8 years old, her mother died of a heroin overdose. Having never known her father, and having no family other than her grandmother, she went to live with her in a small apartment. Yet, in reality, it was very good for Grace, because her mother, a drug addict, has never been able to take good care of her.

Grace had good grades throughout high school, but she was particularly good at gymnastics. Not enough to get a scholarship though. Her grandmother would have liked to help her, but she couldn’t afford to do so, having no savings. She died of a heart attack in the early summer of her 18th birthday.

Grace was desperate because housing was paid for until the end of the summer, but after that, she had nowhere else to go.

That’s when she got a letter offering her a full scholarship to Hornburg College.

She arrived at Hornburg College a few weeks before the start of classes to be able to finalize the registration and sign the contract for the scholarship.

The contract had many pages long, and was in legalistic language that were difficult for her to understand. Even though she had full confidence that Hornburg College had good intentions towards her, she preferred to meet with a lawyer. Megan Mcdonald, a student she had met when she arrived at the College, suggested the name of a well-known lawyer in the city.

So, Grace met with Christian Mitchell of the firm Mitchell, Jones and Garcia. He read the contract and explained to Grace that it was a standard contract in a situation like hers. It was true, considering that her situation was to become a slave of Hornburg College. She didn’t understand this until later. He explained that her scholarship included community service for Hornburg College, but that it shouldn’t interfere with her studies. It was the first stage of the trap for her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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