The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 8
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Supper was fairly normal, all things considered. Vicky was tired but upbeat. She mentioned how much better she felt at work, knowing that Bobby was being taken care of. It was Bobby who told her they’d gone to get a massage table and, after they finished eating, Vicky said she wanted to see it. They all gathered around the table, making the bedroom crowded. Vicky reached to push at the padding.
“I could use a massage right now,” she sighed. “I have good shoes but being on my feet all the time takes it out of me.” She looked at Mai Li. “That wasn’t a hint. I know that exceeds your job description. Don’t feel like I’m trying to pressure you.”
“Maybe Mai Li can teach me how to do a massage and I could give you massages,” said Bobby.
“Now that sounds like something I’d love,” said Vicky.
Mai Li thought about it. The only way she could teach him something like that would be to let him practice on her so she could feel his touch and the pressure his fingers were exerting. That way she could guide and correct his technique. His hands would be all over her ... like her hands were all over him when he needed that kind of therapy.
Could she take that? She admitted things were spiraling out of control. She knew that her own weakness was causing that spiral. The only thing saving her was Bobby’s innocence and the purity of his heart. He wasn’t taking advantage of her. He wasn’t trying to manipulate her. All he did was ask for her to masturbate him so he wouldn’t have seizures trying to do it himself. If she could control herself, then she could control him and the spiral they were in.
The question was: Could she control herself?
Her initial response, mentally, was, ‘Of course.’ He wasn’t asking for more than a hand job. She could resist sucking him if she tried. She could get a wash cloth to catch his spend and he’d be relaxed again. And she could teach him some massage technique that didn’t involve intimate areas. After all, he wouldn’t be touching his mother in an intimate way. Mostly she’d need her feet worked on and her lower legs. Anything he did on her upper torso would be just for relaxation and the good feelings of having loving hands on your body.
“I guess I could do that,” Mai Li said, aloud.
“Well, that will be wonderful,” said Vicky. “Let me know when I can get a massage now and then. Right now it’s a hot shower and bed for me.”
She left, leaving Bobby and Mai Li standing on opposite sides of the table. Bobby glanced at her chest but she knew her nipples weren’t erect right then. They never got actually flat, like she’d seen on a lot of girls in the locker room at school. They were still making little, soft bumps in her shirt. She wondered if his “problem” had softened like her nipples had.
“How is your problem?” she asked.
“I’m still horny, but it’s not super hard right now,” he replied.
“Okay,” she said.
“I’m going to try to do it myself on my bed,” he said. “I’m hoping I can do it and then fall asleep.”
“I worry about you trying that alone,” she said.
“I wasn’t thinking of being alone,” he said. “I thought you might be there to watch and coach me.”
“Oh,” she said. “Are you sure this isn’t just a ploy to get me to do it again? That’s what you’ll want if you feel a seizure coming on and have to stop, you know.”
“It’s not a ploy,” he said. “I’ve had hardons before that I couldn’t do anything about. It won’t kill me if I can’t do it by myself.”
Mai Li tried to imagine herself walking out, leaving him in sexual agony, or at least discomfort, unable to reach release. She knew she’d never do that.
“What can we do to lessen the number of times you need to masturbate?” she asked.
“We can make sure I never see you naked again, for starters,” he said. “I can’t stop thinking about that. I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.”
Mai Li felt a rush of tension in her belly. Most men would try to see her naked again. They’d want to see her naked lots of times. The fact that he was willing to try to be the opposite affected her on a visceral level. He couldn’t help himself. He was just adorable. His personality and moral stance made him too attractive to resist.
“We’ll work on that for sure,” she said. “What we need to do is train your mind to think of other things instead of me. You need to be able to distract yourself from thinking about things that get you excited.”
“I’ll be honest,” he said. “I’m pretty sure nothing could distract me from thinking about you, especially if I can see you.”
“Well, then,” she said, feeling a normal rush of satisfaction that a man found her irresistible. “I’ll make a blindfold and we’ll do your workouts blindfolded. How’s that?”
“I’ll try anything,” he sighed.
Mai Li almost groaned. What needed to happen was for Bobby Washington to be somebody other than Bobby Washington. He needed to be a jerk, or a misogynist, or at least unattractive.
She knew, though, that was never going to happen.
Mai Li watched Bobby stretching. She was making him take his time and stretch every major muscle group. The whole time she reminded him to relax, prepping him for what would come later.
Then it was time.
She knew what she was going to do.
And she couldn’t wait.
“Quietly,” she said. “On the table, face down. Be quiet. We don’t want to wake your mom.”
He went to his room and shed his clothes. He walked, unashamed, naked, to Mai Li’s room. He lay on the table and sighed.
She worked his legs, back, shoulders and neck efficiently.
“Okay. Roll over,” she said, softly.
She watched as he rolled and noted that his muscles had improved enough that maneuvering his body 180 degrees looked, if not effortless, easy and normal.
Her eyes went to his penis. It lay on his abdomen, mostly hard but not a complete erection.
“You still horny?” she asked.
“Always,” he admitted.
“This can’t become just routine,” she said.
“I know.”
“When did it become so easy for us to talk about this?” she asked.
“I don’t know. All I know is I could never talk about it like this with anybody else.”
His hand went to his stalk and he gripped it, milking it gently.
“Okay, I’m ready,” he said. “Should I start?”
“Yes, but go slowly. We’ve worked hard to get you as relaxed as you are and I don’t want to waste that by you getting excited and tensing up. That’s when things get dangerous.”
“So are you saying if I feel a seizure coming you’ll help me again?” he asked.
She felt a rush of tingling heat in her core. She felt like her ovaries had just burped an egg, or something. How could he affect her like this?
“Yes,” she said, softly. “But no cheating.”
“I won’t,” he said. He kept working at his cock and she saw it firm up.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked, softly.
“I think you know,” he breathed.
“Most of me was covered,” she said.
“I know. I wanted to be that pile of clothes you had in your arm.”
“I shouldn’t have asked you,” she said. “Your thoughts should be private.”
“I think I need to talk about it,” he panted. Now his penis was standing tall and his hand was sliding three inches up and down along the shaft. “I’ve never had these kinds of thoughts about a girl before.”
“I know,” she sighed. “Calm down. You’re going too fast.”
“I can’t help it,” he panted.
“Then let me.”
She reached to brush his hand away and gripped his stalk. Her smaller hand could move four inches with no problem. She was fascinated by his foreskin, watching it disappear and appear again as if by magic.
“You can tell me anything on your mind if it will help you relax while I do this. Just talk and try to relax. If you feel a seizure coming tell me.”
“Got it,” he panted. “Thank you for doing this.”
“It’s not as distasteful as I let on,” she admitted. “Keep talking. I’m going to do something new. Try not to be shocked. Remember, if you feel a seizure coming on, tell me.”
“I will. What new thing?”
“This is only to control the mess,” she said.
She leaned and kissed the tip of the thing in her hand. She licked the sides of the knob, briefly, and then, slowly moved her lips over the head, behind the crown, where she clamped down and sucked, gently. Almost immediately she pulled off and looked at his face. His eyes were closed.
“Look at me, Bobby,” she commanded.
His eyes opened and he lifted his head. Good. He wasn’t seizing.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Uh huh,” he grunted.
“You stopped talking,” she said.
“I guess I forgot.”
“I need to know how you’re doing. You have to keep talking or I’ll have to stop. Okay. I’m going to do some more,” she said.
“Yes. Please,” he breathed.
She returned to what she now had to admit to herself was her favorite penis of all time. She sucked it gently and lovingly, delighting in the texture and slightly salty taste of his prod. She liked it so much she got lost in the process. He did continue to speak, but she didn’t listen to the words. Subconsciously she heard the level of excitement in his voice. She wanted him to cum, but she wanted him to enjoy it a lot before he did that.
Suddenly she realized she hadn’t been paying attention to him at all. Her entire consciousness had been centered on the thing she was sucking. Her mouth made a wet, popping sound as she pulled off and looked up at his face, suddenly worried.
“Don’t stop!” he gasped. “I’m okay!”
She went back on with her worries assuaged and made love to his penis. She attuned her ears now consciously to the sounds he was making and told herself that if he began to seize she’d hear it in his voice. All she heard, though, was a very happy man who was about to have an orgasm.
“I’m gonna –” he gasped.
She sucked harder and stroked his balls with her free hand, lifting them, hefting them as if she were trying to weigh them.
Suddenly her mouth was full of salty, slightly burnt, but also somehow sweet semen. It came in strong jets that her tongue tried to capture against the roof of her mouth, so his offering could flow sideways and she could manage to swallow. She did that twice, continuing to suck gently while her hand massaged his balls, encouraging them to give up everything they could.
She heard him making noises and turned her head to look sideways, with his softening penis still in her mouth. He was fine. He was panting like he’d just run a mile, but he wasn’t seizing. She felt an elation that was unfamiliar to her. This was progress on a major scale. True, she could never document that progress, but she knew it was there. He could engage in a patently sexual act without having a seizure.
Of course the evidence was merely anecdotal at this point, but the future would either confirm it or inform her that he wasn’t quite there yet, in terms of being able to have a normal relationship with a girl.
She finally pulled off and let his limp penis fall onto his abdomen. She stood and put one hand on his chest.
“No feelings at all?” she asked.
“Lots of them, he panted, gently, “but none relating to a seizure.”
“I’m so glad,” she said. “This is real progress, Bobby.”
“All I know is I loved it and I feel super relaxed,” he sighed.
“Good. Now, go your own room and get some rest. I’m going to work you hard tomorrow.”
He got up and, as if he had been drinking and was slightly tipsy, wandered out into the hallway and to his room.
Mai Li wondered what Vicky would have thought if she saw her naked son leaving his caregiver’s room like that.
She sighed as she realized Vicky deserved to know about his progress.
Maybe she could describe it and leave the details out about her own behavior.
She got undressed and into bed naked, eschewing her normal sleepwear.
She rubbed her clit with two fingers until she had a smallish orgasm, but it was enough to ease her own tension.
Then she rolled over and went to sleep.
On the sixteenth day she lived in the Washington home, Mai Li got up and put on a halter top and shorts. She was going to have to bite the bullet and go shopping for more bras, but she hated spending money on them. Her breasts were big, but they were also firm, with almost no sag to them. She knew bras helped a lot of women, who felt better with the support, but it wasn’t that way for Mai Li. If she was going to run, then she wanted a good sports bra. Otherwise she preferred to go braless. Now that she was around Bobby, though, she had to rethink that. Her nipples got him excited and she didn’t want him being excited.
She went to the kitchen to find that Vicky was already gone to her job as a part time bookkeeper for a small auto repair and tire shop, where she worked two days a week. Bobby was still sleeping so she opened her laptop and did a search for public swimming pools in Lawrence. She discovered that that the Lawrence Aquatic Center was only a couple of miles from the house. It opened at one PM. She sat, pondering whether Bobby was ready for being in a public setting like that. He’d done quite well in the limited public exposure she’d made him experience and the resistance of the water would be good for him, but he’d need to be relaxed. Did he have body issues?
She went to get him up and found him sprawled on his bed, naked. His penis was soft, which was good, but she felt that familiar tingle in her belly. The only swim suit she had was a bikini that Raoul had picked out for her. It wasn’t obscene, but it wasn’t modest, either. There would be other women at the pool and she had no doubt that he’d react to them. He was, after all, at least in his mind, a horny fifteen-year-old. What kind of suit did he have? Did he own a jock strap?
She touched his shoulder and said his name softly. His eyes opened and she told him it was time to get up.
“We’re going to do school this morning and then, after lunch, I want to take you to the public swimming pool and you can work out in the water. Okay?”
“What if I have a seizure?” he asked.
“I don’t think you will,” she hedged. “We’ve been in public before and you did fine.”
“Not like that,” he said.
“You’ll be fine,” she insisted. “Now get up and get dressed. Breakfast and then school. Chop, chop!”
She didn’t wait to watch him get dressed. Looking at his naked body too much wasn’t a good idea.
To her relief the morning went with no issues. His school work on this day had to do with language arts, where he had to read sections of various books and then answer questions about the plot, or characters, and how the passage was written. He didn’t need her help on that so she relaxed with her own book for a couple of hours.
“I’m done,” said Bobby, startling her a little. He was standing to one side, looking at her where she was curled up in an overstuffed chair. She looked at her watch. It was 11:00 A.M.
“Lunch and then some warmups before we go swimming. What kind of suit do you have?”
“I had a suit,” he said, “but I have no idea where it is.”
“Do you have a jock strap?” she asked.
“Same,” he said, simply. “I haven’t seen either one. They’re probably in a box somewhere.”
“Call your mom and ask her if she remembers where she put them,” suggested Mai Li.
“I can’t ask my mother where my jock strap is,” he said.
“Sure you can. She’s your mother. You can ask her anything. She knows the deal.”
“Why do I need a jock strap anyway?” he asked.
“Think about it, Bobby,” she said, gently. “I’m going to be wearing a bikini and there might be lots of sexy women at the pool. It would be nice if you had some help controlling any problem that develops.”
“You mean the erection I’m going to get,” he said.
“You are correct,” she said.
“Why don’t we just go buy new ones,” he said. “That suit probably doesn’t fit me anymore, anyway.”
“We could do that,” she said.
Mai Li thought it was ridiculous that it was summer but none of the stores they visited carried swimwear. Everything on display was designed for wear in the fall. They did find a jock strap, and bought it, but finding a swim suit was becoming a challenge. They finally found a small selection of suits at a Dollar Store, of all places.
They were finally ready to hit the pool.
As she put on her bikini in the changing room Mai Li worried that Bobby might have a seizure in the men’s changing room, in which case there would be no help for him unless some poor man or boy saw what was happening and went for help. She realized her worries had been groundless when she emerged to find him waiting for her. He had on the multicolored baggy suit they had picked, not because of the design, but because it was the only one that would fit him. He looked skinny in the baggy suit but he didn’t look nervous. Instead, he stood and stared at her.
Her hair was tied in a ponytail with elastic clips every six inches or so. It did nothing to cover her skin except for her ass. Her bikini was bright yellow, which set off her black hair and faintly dusky skin. It had dark brown edging on all the pieces. When she first got the suit Raoul had taken out the modesty panels so he could see her nipples and camel toe. Back then she had been a bit of an exhibitionist – her own diagnosis – and she hadn’t minded that she looked racy in the extreme. When she broke up with him, though, she had put the panels back in the suit. Now it covered all the strategic parts and did not reveal any details about her body that the public might complain about. Still, her breasts bulged in the cups, showing what she felt like was an acre of cleavage and the high rise sides of the bottoms made it look like her legs were much longer than they were. When she shimmied into the bottoms she had discovered a tiny little pooch, just below her belly button and above the waistband of the bottoms. She needed to burn that off, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Other than swim, of course.
“Don’t look at the other women like that,” she chided.
“I won’t.” He looked up and grinned. “I probably won’t look at any other women at all.”
“Naughty, naughty,” she scolded. “I’m your physical therapist. Let’s keep this professional.”
“Right,” he said. “It’s a good thing we got that jock strap, though.”
The pool was well-populated with kids between the ages of roughly six and sixteen. Mothers and a sprinkling of fathers lounged under a shaded area where they could see what their kids were doing in the pool. A few adults were in the water but Bobby and Mai Li were the only two in their age group in the pool. Mai Li started him out in neck deep water, next to the floating rope that separated the swimming area from the part restricted to the diving boards. She had Bobby wade from one side of the pool to the other but soon discovered he was a good swimmer when he did one “lap” using a very smooth breast stroke. He told her he’d spent many days at the pool before the accident. He only swam a few laps, both because he tired easily and because it was difficult to swim in a straight line because of other patrons playing in the water. She thought about asking if there was a time of day when people could swim laps but decided not to. One reason was because she didn’t think Bobby could swim that many laps lengthwise in the pool before he tired. The other was because, hopefully, within a month they’d have their own pool he could do “laps” in.
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