The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 7
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
They got up and Bobby reached in his pants to adjust his penis, so the bulge was less obvious.
They went back by the same route, in reverse, and Bobby had slowed appreciably by the time they got back.
“How you doing?” asked Mai Li for perhaps the tenth time.
“I made it,” he groaned.
“A hot shower would help,” she said. “I wish we had that pool. That would be the perfect way for you to cool down and keep working those muscles.”
“Well, we don’t.”
“Go take a shower and we’ll do some GED work,” she said.
“Okay,” he sighed.
While he was gone Mai Li signed into Bobby’s GED account to see what his current lessons involved, so that if he needed help she’d be prepared. It was social studies and it was about cultural differences as they impacted assimilation into foreign societies. That was pretty benign so she left the laptop open and went to check on supper. While she was there she whipped up some tuna salad so they could have sandwiches for lunch. Instinctively she tapped on the bathroom door and opened it four inches. The water was still on.
“Everything okay in there?” she called out.
“Better,” came his reply, “but I’m going to need a massage.”
She didn’t respond for ten seconds and he spoke again.
“Not that kind. The regular kind.”
“Okay,” she said, and closed the door.
She sat at the kitchen table and saw The Penny Saver that Vicky had been perusing, earlier. Idly she turned a few pages, looking for something interesting. Under the “Miscellaneous” column heading her eye caught the word “massage” and she read that a portable massage table was for sale. The owner wanted $150 for it, which was a decent price if it was a good table. She picked up her phone and called Ted.
She had just hung up and was smiling when Bobby limped into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his lower body.
“I just found a portable massage table and Ted says we can buy it,” she said. “Road trip after lunch?”
“My legs are all knotted up,” he complained.
“Okay, then. Massage, then lunch, and then the road trip,” she said. “Deal?”
“What about GED?” he said.
“We can do that later,” she said.
“Okay, then. Deal,” he said.
His legs were all knotted up. He was actively cramping in his left calf and if he pointed that toe he was in agony. Mai Li had to forcibly push his toe back up to relieve the pain. She worked on that muscle first and, slowly, it relaxed. It took her half an hour to get to the bottom of the towel that was still wrapped around his middle.
“That needs to come off,” she said, plucking at the towel.
He was lying on his stomach at the time, so he rolled, untucked the towel and then held it away from his body as he rolled back. His pale buttocks were revealed. As Mai Li began working on his thighs, she couldn’t resist peeking between his legs. She’d had a brief glance at his penis as he uncovered, and when he rolled back it had landed in the “down” position. His balls hid half of it, but the sheathed tip protruded from under the balls, making it look like some kind of odd, fleshy snail.
He’d been groaning on and off all half hour and he groaned some more now, as her fingers worked on his overstressed muscles.
“Roll over,” she said.
He did so and the snail wasn’t a snail any longer. His penis was half hard and it flopped, drunkenly to one side.
By the time she got finished with the front of his thighs, it wasn’t drunk anymore.
Now it was a soldier, standing at attention.
“I thought you said all you needed was a regular massage,” she said.
“I meant it,” he replied. “I can’t help that happening. Maybe it isn’t because of you.”
“Oh? Well, then, who is it for?”
He was obviously trying to come up with an answer and she prevented him from digging himself any deeper.
“Never mind. We’ll give you a quickie, just a little therapeutic orgasm, so we can go do other things, okay?”
“I thought you didn’t want to do that,” he said.
“I don’t want you to be distracted. From now on we’re going to keep distractions like that to a minimum. We’ll keep working on trying to make it so you don’t need me, but until then it’s easier to just deal with it. Okay?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said, almost eagerly.
Without further delay she moved to grip his prong.
“Remember to relax,” she said.
“I will,” he said. “It’s getting easier to do that.”
She started to stroke him and he moved his hips, as if to get more comfortable.
“I can’t believe how good that feels,” he sighed.
“Just relax.”
It wasn’t until he was almost there that she remembered the mess, and how she’d planned to have something handy in the future to deal with that. She’d forgotten, though. Again, the decision she made was made in haste, and was the product of her subconscious, maybe even some vestige of her dreams, the night before. It was impulsive and she would berate herself almost instantly, because when he groaned that he was going to cum, and she leaned forward to close her mouth over the tip of his cock, she didn’t warn him or prepare him for what would be the obvious shock to his system.
He was already groaning, and when he realized something was different and lifted his head, he let out a strangled gasp, just as her mouth was filled with creamy, warm man spend. In that second she berated herself, knowing that her own hidden desires had made her do something stupid. At the same second her brain registered his taste, which to her taste buds was delicious. His diet held to a minimum the bitterness and sour quality she had tasted in other men. Concern for him overrode that. She didn’t let him make the mess, but she turned her head so she could see his face. It was a face that did show shock, but with relief she didn’t see any indications that this had overstressed his brain to the point that a seizure was imminent. She gulped his prodigious spunk, feeling three good spurts in her mouth, and as his product waned, she sucked hard to clean his cock and lifted her head. She had to swallow again before she could speak, but then she tried to reassure him.
“I’m sorry!” she gasped. “I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t mean to surprise you. Are you okay?”
He blinked and let his head fall back on the bed, where it bounced once and then settled.
“I’m not sure I could be more okay,” he panted. “Wow! I’ve heard of that, but I never thought it would happen to me.”
She scooted up to be beside his head, hovering over him anxiously, licking her lips.
“That’s an example of what I was talking about in the park. Things got out of control.”
“How?” he asked. “I didn’t ask you to do that.”
“I know,” she moaned. “I had a dream last night and in the dream I did that. Then, when you said you were going to cum, I remembered I hadn’t gotten anything to catch it in. You’ve been making big messes and then we have to clean you up and ... I think my subconscious remembered that dream and told me there was a way to control the mess.”
“So you wanted to do that?” he sighed.
“No. I mean not really. Just because I had a dream doesn’t mean I want to do something.”
“Mai Li, I don’t think a girl will do something like that unless she wants to.”
She sat back on her calves.
“You’re really okay?”
“I didn’t have a seizure, if that’s what you mean,” he said. “I was surprised, but I stayed conscious. I think all that practice relaxing is really helping.”
“Ohhh, I’m so glad,” she moaned. “I was afraid the shock would send you into a tizzy.”
“It did send me into a tizzy,” he said. “It just didn’t make me have a seizure.”
“Well, that’s good, right? That’s progress,” she said.
He sat up. It was the first time he’d ever sat up without having to help himself with his arms. He didn’t even seem to notice it.
“That’s progress,” he agreed. “But what about you?”
“Do you need to go masturbate?”
Her jaw dropped open and then she closed her mouth and scrambled off the bed.
“You just worry about you, Buster,” she said. “You have five minutes to be at lunch, and be dressed to go with me to look at a massage table.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said, saluting.
“Now, put that thing away,” she said, gesturing at his now limp penis. “It’s caused enough trouble for today.”
Bobby wondered at Mai Li’s seeming backpedaling, concerning being intimate with him. He had understood her reluctance. It was his penis, after all. Who wanted to touch one of those? Before the accident he’d loved touching his own. Since he woke up? Not so much. The doctors had been honest with his mother and him. Seizures caused additional brain damage. That was just a fact. So minimizing the number of seizures he had would extend his life. He had been torn, when she offered to help him, fearing that he would still seize. When he hadn’t, he was almost reduced to tears of gratitude. He had thanked God. Before the accident his mother had dragged him to church on a regular basis. Since he woke up, she was afraid he’d have a seizure or something and didn’t make him go. Still, his fifteen-year old mind had felt comfortable thanking God for something most people would wish they could hide from the creator.
Since then, several times, late at night, he had talked to God as if he was in the room. According to what he’d been taught, God was in the room.
“I know I shouldn’t ask for this, but if Mai Li does it I don’t have a seizure, and if I try it, I do have a seizure. So would it be okay if she did it again? Just a few times. I promise I won’t ask for more than a few more times. It just makes me feel so good, like it’s the last thing in the world I can have fun at.”
So Bobby Washington was much more cognizant of the ethical and moral issues involved in their relationship than Mai Li was aware. He wasn’t stupid. He was inexperienced, but not stupid. He knew nobody would approve of what she did. A teacher in his school who had done that with one of her students got sent to prison, for Pete’s sake. He knew that some girls would do that for their boyfriends and some wouldn’t. The ones who did had to really like the guy to touch his dick. That was the way he thought of it. He knew Mai Li didn’t like him; not in that sense and not like that. But, on the other hand, she did like him enough to try to help him avoid having seizures. He was pretty sure that wasn’t in her job description as a physical therapist, but she was working with the doctors, so maybe she saw it that way.
He wasn’t surprised to hear her story from when she was a girl and her mother warned her about sex. His mother had done something similar, though not in depth. She had just said that dating caused pressure to do things he wasn’t old enough to do, yet. That was why he wasn’t allowed to date until he was in the second semester of his junior year. That boat had sailed while he was in the hospital and what Mai Li was doing for him was the only bright spot in his otherwise fairly miserable existence.
Well, that wasn’t true, strictly speaking. Just having her around made his days worth getting up for. She was so beautiful, in her exotic Asian way. And yet she was just like any other woman he knew. The only difference was her looks. And the fact she was willing to jerk him off, of course. He was pretty sure there wasn’t another woman in the world who would be willing to do that.
Still, while she’d been talking about the dangers of sex, he decided not to admit that he’d imagined her naked several hundred times, and also tried to imagine what it would feel like lying on a bed with her, both of them naked, hugging each other. Maybe even kissing ... except he didn’t know enough about kissing to be any good at it, and she’d know that instantly.
As she drove them to the address where the massage table was, he thought about all this and was, therefore, pretty quiet.
“You okay?” she asked, at one point.
“I’m maybe a little confused,” he said.
“What about?”
“You said you don’t like being intimate, but then you seemed to change your mind and you got even more intimate.”
“Are you complaining?”
“Nope. No Ma’am. Not one bit,” he said.
“I don’t understand it, myself,” she admitted.
“How can you not understand? You’re the one who decided to do it!”
“I know how frustrated you can be when you’re horny and you don’t feel like you can do anything about it. I really don’t mind helping you, even though I know I should. But I don’t. What happened at the end, earlier today, was an impulse. I didn’t think about it before hand. I just did it.”
“But why would you even want to?” he groaned. “I mean it seems pretty nasty to me.”
“It’s not nasty at all, as long as you do it with a guy you like. I shouldn’t tell you this, but I like doing it. I used to do it for my boyfriend a lot.”
“If you say so,” he said. “I don’t think I’ll be doing that to anybody, though.”
She laughed.
“I’m glad you’re not gay,” she said. “We’d be in a real pickle if you were gay.”
“Because you wouldn’t want a woman to do that for you and I don’t know any guys who would come over and help you out like that.”
“No guys,” he said, firmly. “Even if you decide to stop, no guys.”
“I don’t think I’ll decide to stop,” she said. “I know I should, but I can’t put you through that. We just have to be really careful about escalating things.”
“You mean like before lunch?”
“Yes. Like that.”
“I couldn’t have stopped you doing that, even if I had known you were going to. And I didn’t, so I don’t know what I could have done.”
“Like I said, that was an impulse. Other things ... things further down the line in a normal relationship ... are usually discussed first, or at least telegraphed. Take kissing, for example. You can tell when someone wants to kiss you and the two lean closer and it’s obvious what’s going to happen before it happens. Either person can pull back if they’re not comfortable with that kind of intimacy.”
“Kissing is way different than what you did,” he said.
“Yes, but kissing can be much much more intimate than that, believe it or not.”
“I think not,” he said.
“How many girls have you kissed?” she asked.
“Where was it?”
“Both were at school dances. I wasn’t allowed to date before the accident.”
“Well, I’d venture to say you never got a chance to find out how wonderful kissing can be. In many ways it’s much more intimate than what I did for you today, at least for me. I’ve given a guy a blow job just to cool his jets and it didn’t make me want to have sex with him. But get me going with a few dozen kisses and I melt. I get so horny I can’t wait to get into bed.” She slowed, suddenly, and looked at him. “I can’t believe I just said that!”
“Well, you did and I’m not shocked,” said Bobby. “So don’t freak out.”
She drove on and they arrived a few minutes later.
A compact, very fit young woman answered the door. She was wearing a leotard and had her golden hair done up in a ponytail. She had on tennis shoes and looked like she was about to go to the gym. Mai Li had called and made an appointment, though.
“Hi!” said the woman brightly. “I’m Mandy. You must be Mai Li. And this is?” She looked at Bobby with interest, which was seen and recognized by Mai Li instantly, and was not by Bobby at all.
“I’m Bobby,” said Bobby, and he held his hand out.
Mandy looked at the hand and hesitated, not because she didn’t want to shake his hand, but because nobody wanted to shake hands these days. Nowadays post Covid, it was all high fives and fist bumps. The formality and intimacy of a handshake was rare. She reached, grasped his hand, and felt it crush in her firm grip.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to squeeze so hard.”
“It’s okay. I got out of the hospital recently and I’m still not back in shape,” said Bobby.
“Yes, I can tell you need some work,” said Mandy. She grinned. “I’m a personal trainer and massage therapist. I criticize people for a living, or so it seems to some folks. Come on in. I’ll show you the table. I set it up so you can examine it.”
It was a nice table, made of good hardwood and thick cushioning. It was an older one, with all wooden legs. Mandy said she wanted a lighter one and one that would fit in her car more easily.
Mai Li told Bobby to lie down on the table and Mandy pointed out how to make the legs shorter, since Mai Li was several inches shorter than Mandy. To adjust their length you had to remove two bolts per leg, but Mai Li figured she’d only need to adjust that once. Mandy had a step bench Mai Li could stand on, for the present. Then Bobby got on and Mai Li dug her fingers into his lower back muscles.
“You’re a physical therapist, aren’t you?” Mandy commented.
“Yes,” said Mai Li. “Did I mention that?”
“No, but I can spot a physical therapist a mile away. You guys learn massage techniques that are different than what we use in massage therapy. That makes sense because the aims are different. You are trying to heal and build muscles, while what we do is just for relaxation and pleasure.”
“She hurts me all the time,” Bobby complained.
“I just bet she does,” said Mandy.
Her phone rang and she stepped away to use it.
“How does the table feel?” asked Mai Li.
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