The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 6
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Again Mai Li gripped his thick stalk and squeezed it, feeling the satiny exterior and the firm insides. She tried kneeling on the floor beside the bed, but she was too short and it was awkward to grip him. She ended up getting a chair from the kitchen and sitting on it. She could reach comfortably, and keep her face away from the danger of getting semen on it. He had moved a little closer to the edge of the bed so she could reach him more easily. He had also squeezed his bone while she made her preparations, keeping it nice and hard.
She stared at the tip as her ministrations made his foreskin stretch, disappear, and then bunch up again for a second until it happened all over again. The little eye was crying a stream of clear liquid.
‘He made that inside his body,’ she thought. ‘It got made while he thought about me.’
“Relax,” she said, for the tenth time. “How do you feel?”
“I love this,” he sighed. “It feels kind of like a massage.”
“Good. Think of this as the last thing on your body I massage. It’s just a massage. When you feel like you want to cum, just let it happen. It’s all just part of the massage.”
“I could lie here like this forever,” he said, his voice dreamy.
She bit off the words, “We can’t stay here forever. Hurry up and cum!” before they slipped out of her mouth. It wasn’t going to take forever. She could already see him lifting his hips. He didn’t lift them far, but his body was mimicking the movements of intercourse.
“Relax and think of a sunset,” she cooed.
“I don’t think so,” he panted.
“Calm down,” she warned. “How do you feel?”
“I feel okay,” he said. “I can’t help thinking about you.”
“What about me?” That did slip past her defenses.
“Your breasts,” he groaned. “I love your breasts.”
“Calm down,” she said.
“I’m okay,” he grunted. “It’s going to happen.”
She sped up, her hand flashing up and down his manly column. She saw the jets of milky semen lance up into the air. This time her vision wasn’t occluded. She had seen a few of these go off like this, but his went farther and looked thicker. Three jets landed on his chest and abdomen as she continued to milk his spike.
‘He’s thinking about shooting that stuff in me,’ she thought, her mind agitated.
Then, as she let go, she sat back hard on the chair. In her mind was the admission she didn’t want to make.
‘He’s not thinking about that,’ she admitted to herself. ‘He’s not thinking about that at all.’
She closed her eyes and groaned, softly.
‘I’m the one who’s imagining him fucking me.’
Mai Li woke up and groaned, softly. After she had masturbated Bobby, the evening before, she had cleaned him up and then left him to nap while she tried to distract herself by doing some online research into laptops. When Ted got them the credit card, she wanted to be ready to buy something right away.
She did get some “work” done, but was still distracted. She realized she was horny. She had gotten rid of Bobby’s stress, but in the process had increased her own. For the first time in as long as she could remember she didn’t want to masturbate. She knew if she did, her mind would be filled with images of Bobby’s pale, firm, thick penis. She would see it spurting again and she would imagine it spurting somewhere different than in the air.
In the end, when she went to bed, she couldn’t get to sleep. She had to get some relief. She thought about her dildo but rejected that because it would be firm and thick in her pussy and she knew what other firm and thick penis she’d be thinking about.
Instead she spread her legs and began circling her clit with two fingers, moving the little nubbin this way and that. She closed her eyes and tried to remember Raoul. She did remember his smile and the way a lock of his hair always went the wrong way and made it look uncombed. But every time she tried to remember having sex with him, all that happened was that Bobby’s thin face hovered before her mental eyes.
Finally, since she couldn’t avoid thinking about her patient, she decided to think of him doing something other than fucking her. What worked was imagining him, lying between her spread legs, peering at his (probably) first vulva, while she talked to him about how to make some other woman feel good. She told him to touch her like she was touching herself and her mind replaced her own fingers with his. The orgasm she had, while she concentrated on looking at him having a blast as he played with her pussy, was so strong that she curled up in a ball, with her hand trapped between her legs.
Slowly she had relaxed, and stretched out, groaning.
“I am in so much trouble,” she had said aloud, softly.
Now, in the light of a new day, she knew she was still in trouble, because she woke up horny. Her dreams, during the night, had been pornographic in the extreme. In them a very different Bobby had appeared. In her dream he was taller, wider, and muscled. His easy smile as he approached her was confident. He had never said anything. All he did was sweep her into his arms and kiss her before making mad, crazy love to her. The dream had been one that lasted all night long but hadn’t repeated itself. Already the details were fading, but she remembered different positions.
She was glad the dream was fading. The last thing she needed was to think about that all day.
She got up, got dressed, and went to eat something before she woke up Bobby up. Vicky was eating a piece of toast and reading The Penny Saver, a newspaper made up primarily of classified ads in the Lawrence area.
“Morning,” said Mai Li.
Vicky looked up.
“You two must have had an interesting time last night,” said the woman.
“When I looked in on Bobby he was lying in bed naked, with a smile on his face. I looked in on you, too. You were tossing and turning like your dreams were troubled. I’m sorry for intruding, but finding Bobby like that made me curious. He’s never slept nude before.”
“I need to talk to you,” said Mai Li. “How much time do you have?”
“They don’t need me at the diner until this afternoon,” said Vicky. “I’m all ears.”
“Things have gotten ... I don’t know ... weird, maybe? What I mean is that this job isn’t as straightforward as I thought it would be.”
“Life is never as straightforward as we expect it to be,” said Vicky. “So what’s weird?”
“We talked about his erections,” said Mai Li.
“Yes,” said Vicky. “He didn’t have one when I looked in on him, by the way. He brought back memories of his father. His father was built like that. They were good memories.” She shook her head. “Anyway. His erections. What about them?”
“A few days ago ... sometime last week ... he had one and he was so frustrated I was afraid he’d try something. I didn’t want him to have a seizure so I did a sort of ... experiment.”
“Go on,” said Vicky.
“I was afraid if he did it himself he’d have a seizure, so I tried teaching him some calming techniques while I ... um ... helped him.”
“I assume you’re talking about masturbation,” said Vicky.
“Yes,” sighed Mai Li. “I know I shouldn’t have done it,” she moaned. “I just didn’t know what else to do. I wish I hadn’t done it now. It’s caused ... problems.”
“Did it work?”
Mai Li blinked. She had expected vitriol from this woman. She had expected fury at Mai Li’s abuse of her son. But there was none, and the question Vicky asked threw her off guard.
“Uh ... yes. It did.”
“So you got him off and he didn’t have a seizure,” said Vicky.
“Well ... yes.”
“So what’s the problem? Mothers don’t normally think about the sexual development and satisfaction of their children, but Bobby is different. For years I’ve been afraid he’d never be normal again, never have what his peers have. If you expected me to be upset, I’m not, Mai Li. Quite the opposite.”
“But I touched him!” whined the Asian woman.
“You’re both adults,” pointed out Vicky. “I assume you were consenting adults.”
“He’s my patient!” said Mai Li. “It’s unethical to get involved like that with a patient.”
“Unethical unschmeckical,” snorted Vicky. “He had a medical problem and you helped him treat it. How you did that is between you and your patient.” She frowned. “And now me, but I’m certainly not going to tell anybody about it. My eighteen-year-old son, who I thought would be a basket case for the rest of his life, had his first happy sexual experience. I assume it made him happy, right?”
“He was definitely happy,” sighed Mai Li.
“So if we had any booze around here I’d suggest a toast. You said that was last week? Has anything happened since then?”
“If you’re asking if he tried to take advantage of the situation, then the answer is no. He didn’t mention a repeat until ... yesterday.”
“Aha!” said Vicky. “That explains his nudity and that silly grin on his face.”
“It didn’t go well at first,” said Mai Li. “I tried to teach him how to do it himself and stay calm at the same time. The goal was for him to be able to do that whenever he wanted to and not seizure out. But it didn’t work. Well, actually, it worked pretty well up until the point he ... um...”
“Shot off?” Vicky supplied, helpfully.
“Yes,” said Mai Li. “He got almost all the way, but then had a sudden focal seizure and zoned out.”
“So, did you finish for him?”
Mai Li nodded.
“I felt like he should get some relief, especially since he tried so hard and it didn’t work out.”
“Okay,” said Vicky. “If I know my son, then he’s happy about this. You obviously aren’t. That’s what I’m trying to understand.”
“I told you I don’t think I should have done it,” said Mai Li.
“If we remove the ethics from the situation, and I think we should, then how did it leave you feeling after you helped him? Was it distasteful for you?”
“Well ... no. I wouldn’t say it was distasteful,” muttered Mai Li.
“You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?” asked Vicky.
“He can’t be my boyfriend!” yipped Mai Li.
“Nobody’s talking about that,” said Vicky. “All I’m saying is that if you don’t have an outlet for your own sexual needs, then doing something like that, something you said was not distasteful, could be hard on you. I know how horny I get. I haven’t had sex with anything but these since my husband abandoned us.” Vicky held up her right hand and wiggled her fingers.
Mai Li was silent. Vicky let her mull things over, but then insisted on an answer.
“Mai Li, is helping my son making you feel uncomfortable?” she asked.
Mai Li felt tears forming in her eyes and wiped at them with the backs of her hands.
“I’m attracted to him,” she whispered.
“And I’m guessing you don’t want to be,” said Vicky.
“It was fine until last night,” groaned Mai Li. “Last night I had dreams, the kind of dreams I don’t want to have because they can never happen.”
“Sexy dreams?” suggested Vicky.
Mai Li nodded.
“Well, when you feel better, I’d love to hear the details of those dreams. I haven’t had a sexy dream in years.”
Mai Li’s head snapped up, a look of distress on her face. Vicky held out a hand and touched Mai Li’s elbow.
“I’m kidding,” said the older woman. “Your dreams are private.”
“I don’t want to have them,” moaned Mai Li.
Vicky patted the elbow she had just touched.
“Dreams are fantasy and fantasy can’t hurt you. If helping Bobby gets you going – and I remember how playing with my husband’s corkscrew got me going – then do something about it and go on with life. I know these” (she waggled her fingers again) “aren’t as much fun as the real deal, but when you’re stuck without a man like you and I are, they’re the best we can do.”
“I don’t know what to do,” moaned Mai Li.
“Well, while you figure that out, can I ask you for a favor?”
Mai Li nodded.
“I’d like it if you kept helping him,” said Vicky.
“You mean...?”
“Yes. If it helps him deal with his feelings for you, and doesn’t cause a seizure, I see that as a win-win. I know this will be hard on you, but I’d really like it if he could have something resembling a normal sexual life. His mind is still fifteen, though he’s progressing fast. A fifteen-year-old who can find a girl to jerk him off is as happy as a clam. I don’t think he’ll want anything more for a few more years and by then, maybe, he will have progressed to the point where he can go on dates with a girl his age and let things happen naturally.”
“Vicky! The problem isn’t what he wants me to do. The problem is what doing that makes me want to do!”
“Oh. Well, I wouldn’t ask you to do that,” said Vicky. “I’m sorry if it distresses you. All I’m saying is that, as his mother, I’d appreciate it if you kept helping him. Maybe I can introduce you to a guy or two I know who would probably be very happy trying to get you in bed. Maybe if you get laid now and again, you won’t feel bad anymore.”
“Is that what you’ve been doing for the last three years?” said Mai Li, sarcasm heavy in her voice.
“Well, no. I don’t do that with a man I don’t love and I haven’t loved a man since my divorce.”
“I don’t do it with a man I don’t love, either,” said Mai Li.
“Okay. I’m sorry. I was just tossing out a possible solution to your problem.”
“My problem is how I’m starting to feel about Bobby,” said Mai Li.
“If it gets too tough, then maybe we can hire another woman to ... you know,” said Vicky.
“You’re kidding!” gasped Mai Li.
“Am I?” Vicky sighed. “Probably. I can just see me submitting that bill to Ted for payment.”
“I don’t want some other woman touching him that way!” yipped Mai Li.
“You do have feelings for him,” said Vicky. “So ... what do you want to do?”
“I can’t just keep touching him like that,” groaned Mai Li. “All it will do is make it worse.”
“Not for him,” pointed out the patient’s mother.
“What would you do?” asked Mai Li, as panic tried to rise in her body.
Vicky looked at her for a few seconds.
“If it was me, I’d try to have as much fun as I could while it lasted,” she said. “You’re not doing anything wrong. Not as far as I’m concerned, and I’m his guardian. Okay, maybe you get a little attached. Would that be so horrible? How about this – you give him lessons in how to treat a woman so that, when he’s well enough and can go on dates, he doesn’t fumble around and make a mess of things.”
“Teach him?” Mai Li frowned. “Teach him what?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with,” said Vicky, skirting around the details. “And, maybe, if you teach him well and he can pick it up, you might get some relief, too.”
“Teach him what?” Mai Li said again.
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