The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 22
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
“Hi!” said Terry, smiling widely. He pulled Vicky into his arms. “I’m very glad you came over.”
“I need a favor,” she said.
“Hmmm. And what will you do for me if I grant you this boon?”
“I thought favors didn’t require compensation,” she pouted.
“They don’t, but I’m a poor beggar and I must try to improve my miserable life however I can and whenever an opportunity arises,” he said, sadly.
“You don’t look all that miserable,” she laughed.
“Devastated,” he moaned. “Just devastated.”
“You’re obviously not starving,” said Vicky. “You’ve got a pretty nice cardboard box to live in. How hard could your life be?”
“Very hard,” said the big cop, thrusting his loins against hers and rubbing.
“Oh,” she purred. “Yes, at least part of your life seems quite hard.”
“True,” he said, “but let us see to your needs first. What favor do you ask?”
“I need you to teach Bobby how to be romantic.”
He pushed her back with his hands on her shoulders.
“Yes. He and Mai Li decided to get engaged, tonight, but it was more like a business deal than a real proposal or acceptance. They’re both under a lot of stress and a little romance might relieve some of it.”
“And, obviously, you approve of this union,” said Terry.
“Complicated,” said Vicky.
“Please, come in and relax and tell me about the complications. I need to hear about them before I proceed.”
“That reminds me,” said Vicky. “Mai Li gave me lessons on how to massage you when you’re sore and tense.”
“I can barely stand because my muscles are so sore and tense,” he said.
Vicky laughed, but then said, “That’s a good example of the kind of romanticism I want Bobby to learn.”
“Okay. I’ll do it,” said Terry. “I need to have a plan, though, and I’ll never be able to think with all these achy muscles. Why don’t you give me a massage and I’ll think about it during the rubdown?”
“Deal,” said Vicky. “I don’t have any massage oil with me, though.”
“I’m sure we can find something,” said Terry.
Back at home Bobby was trying to be romantic. He wasn’t sure what that involved, but he’d seen some moments in movies and on TV that he was pretty sure qualified. In one of them a boy had proposed marriage to a girl when both of them were something like fourteen. The boy had kneeled and said he wanted her to marry him but he didn’t have any money to get her a ring. He produced a circle made of a pipe cleaner bent and wrapped to make a thick, fluffy, white ring and she extended her hand to let him slip it on her finger. Then they had kissed and, because the movie was rated PG13 nothing else much happened. Bobby hadn’t thought about it at the time, but now that he and Mai Li had sex pretty regularly, he suspected that the young couple got naked after that proposal and did the same thing.
This was a pretty good example of the issues running through Mai Li’s mind when she thought about marrying Bobby. He was a grown man, but he still thought some movies were real, or at least depicted real life. If he was pressed about it he’d work it out rationally, but short of that kind of thing it was easy for him to believe that some movies were documentaries, instead of fiction.
Of course if that was the only problem they faced then things would be fine. Lots of people need to be reminded, now and then, that movies are fiction. It can be the same with what they see and hear in the major media and the internet, in general. It’s just not always true.
Anyway, Bobby was in the same condition as that young man who fashioned an engagement ring from a pipe cleaner. He didn’t have a pipe cleaner so he started wandering around the house looking for something that he could substitute. Eventually Mai Li noticed.
“What are you looking for?” she asked.
“I can’t tell you, yet,” he said, opening all the doors in the small china cabinet that contained no china.
“And why is that?” she asked.
“It would spoil the surprise,” he said.
“What surprise?” she pushed.
“If I told you that it wouldn’t be a surprise,” he said.
“I could help you look,” she suggested.
“Ha, ha,” he said. “Go back to doing whatever you were doing.”
“I was thinking of ways to help you. Now there is a way to help you, but you won’t let me do that. You’re making my job difficult, Bobby.”
“Nice try,” he said. “Go away! I need to find something and you’re preventing me from doing that.”
“Okay,” she said, with obviously false disappointment. “I can’t wait to find out the surprise.”
“I can’t wait to show it to you,” he said, shooing her away with his hand.
Vicky wasn’t the kind of person who keeps things that don’t have an immediate use. Further, even if they were useful, things needed to be used fairly often – at least every six months or so – or they’d be tossed out. This was actually a result of being divorced and having to move. She’d had too much stuff to fit into the smaller house they now lived in and she got rid of a lot of it at a big garage sale; especially if it belonged to Roger. She took a whole carload of items to the Salvation Army and donated it. Then she moved the rest, by herself, with a U-haul truck. A neighbor helped her get the big stuff on and off the truck, but she made what seemed like countless trips carrying box after box of household goods and personal belongings.
It was while she was unpacking these boxes that she began to look at things and think, ‘When was the last time I used that?’ If she couldn’t remember, it went in the trash. If she had to move again, the load would be lighter.
So there weren’t drawers full of stuff for Bobby to sift through to find something resembling a ring. In the end he had to settle for the paper-covered wire closure on a loaf of bread. He untwisted it and tried to smooth out the kinks and bends in it to make a straight, flat band. Then he tried to wrap it around his little finger and twist it again. The twist stuck out and he didn’t like that. He tried weaving the extra wire around the circle, but that didn’t work, either. He remembered seeing tools out in the garage and moved his ring-making operation there. He found a pair of what his dad had always called “dykes” and, after twisting the wire, cut off the excess about an eighth of an inch from his finger. Then he used some pliers to bend and crush that eighth-inch tail against the circle.
He observed his handiwork at arm’s length. It looked like what it was. He felt a little dejected. All that work and it looked like a bread tie made into a circle.
Still, it was the best he could do until he got a job and made some money.
He went back into the house to look for Mai Li.
“So I have to be naked for this massage?” Terry asked.
“Of course,” Vicky said. “My hands need to be able to slide over your skin in an unbroken manner. Clothing would interrupt that.”
“And you have to be naked, too?”
She held the bottle up that he’d given her and read the label.
“I’m going to be smearing Gold Bond Ultimate hydrating lotion on you. What if that got on my clothing? It would no doubt ruin it.”
“No doubt,” he said. “Okay. I place myself in your hands.”
“Good. Now lie down on your stomach.”
“Can’t you do the front first?” he whined.
“No! Lie down! Don’t make me spank you!”
“Oooo, now I’m scared,” he said, with a grin. He bent over to remove the last of his clothing, which happened to be the boxers he’d been wearing when the doorbell rang. He pulled slacks on to answer the door.
While he was bent over she slapped his ass with her right hand. She might have slapped it a little too hard.
“Ow!” he yelped, standing up.
“I hurt my hand!” she moaned, blowing air on her hand.
“Poor baby,” he sneered. “I should charge you with assault! I might not be able to sit down in my patrol car tomorrow. Remind me to never spar with you in the boxing ring.”
“What if I can’t massage you right, now,” she moaned. “My hand really hurts!”
“Give it a try,” he said, lying down on his stomach on the bed. “Start with the handprint on my ass, please.”
She was both surprised and a little shocked to see he was right.
There was a bright red, perfectly formed handprint on the pale skin of his left ass cheek.
Mai Li was reading again, curled up in the mismatched, overstuffed arm chair in the living room. Bobby approached and got down on one knee, like the boy in the movie had done.
“I love you,” he said as she lowered the book to her lap. “I can’t afford a real ring right now, so this is all I have.” He produced the ring and her eyes focused on it. “Will you marry me? You’d make me so happy I might float away. I know it won’t be now, but I just want you to wear this until I can get a job and make some money and get you a real one. I want guys to know you’re taken. Please? Will you marry me?”
Mai Li closed the book and set it on the end table next to the chair. She realized her heart was pounding in her chest. He was so earnest that it made her want to cry tears of joy. She unfolded her legs and placed one on either side of the foot below the knee he wasn’t kneeling on. She extended her left hand and said, “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
His grin made her heart flutter even more as he slid the bread-bag ring onto her finger.
It stopped at her knuckle.
It was too small.
“Crap,” he muttered, pushing hard enough that her hand moved.
“We can make it bigger,” she said.
“Probably not,” he said, taking it back off. “I cut it off short and it’s all mashed up in there. And I can’t make a new one. This is the only thing I found I could make a ring with. Crap, crap, crap!”
“It’s the thought that counts,” she said, reaching for the ring. It did fit on her little finger so she left it there. She pulled him up and hugged him before giving him a long kiss.
“You got me all horny with that proposal,” she said against his lips.
“Mmm, hmm,” she said. “Now I want to get naked with you.”
“Okay!” he agreed, quickly.
“After we make love we’ll look for something else to make an engagement ring out of,” she said.
“Okay,” he agreed, further.
“I told you I’d help you look,” she said.
“It had to be a surprise,” he replied. “I have another surprise for you, too.”
“Ohh? What’s that?”
“It’s in my pants. I’ll have to take them off to show you.”
“Then get them off, Boy!” she said. “I want to see my surprise!”
In the bedroom he stripped and stood with his hands on his hips, proudly displaying his hard penis.
“Ta da” he said.
Mai Li had stripped with him. Now she hopped on the bed and spread her legs wide.
“We have to make sure that fits,” she said, beckoning him. “The ring didn’t fit, you know. We have to make sure that fits.”
Two minutes later she moaned in his ear.
“Mmmm, it fits perfectly. I wish I could wear that all day.”
“It won’t last all day,” he panted, moving faster.
“Let me catch up and then you can cum,” she gasped.
“Okay,” he grunted. “I need to calm down anyway. Knowing that this was what we were doing when you got pregnant is making me feel wonky.”
“Close to a seizure,” he breathed.
“Do we need to stop?”
“No. I just need to relax a little,” he said.
He went deep and rolled, slowly until she squealed.
Then, with a sigh, he shot off in her as deeply as he could get.
“Mai Li’s a good teacher,” grunted Terry.
Vicky was sitting on the back of his thighs with her hands on his back. She had tried to reach him while she stood beside the bed, but when she reached like that she couldn’t bring any real weight to her hands. So she’d simply climbed up and straddled him, starting with her buns on the upper slope of his ass cheeks while she massaged his neck and the tops of his shoulders. She scooted back as her hands went lower.
Feeling her hand slip over his back and feeling his muscles like this was very unlike what she’d done in the past. She’d been aware of his muscles before this, but it was different and it excited her. She found herself trying to rub her pudendum against the round swells of his lower ass cheeks. She already knew she wouldn’t be able to finish this massage.
“Turn over,” she rasped as she put her feet beside his hips and stood, crouching over him with her feet spread wide.
He rolled under her and she saw the same lust in his eyes that she felt in her loins.
“You’re very slippery,” she said. “I need to anchor myself so I can apply the right kind of pressure.”
She reached to spread her slippery pussy lips and then pulled the tip of his rigid penis to her opening as she sank down on him again.
“Yes,” she groaned as he went deep. “That’s better.” She reached to put her flat hands on his pecs and squeezed them.
“I agree,” he said, his own voice husky.
“I like massaging you,” she said, as her hips lurched toward his head.
“I love being massaged,” he panted. “I think I might be massaging you a little bit, too.”
“I like being massaged while I give you a massage,” she gasped.
Nothing other than his chest got worked by her hands. Soon the “massage” was forgotten as she lurched, seeking sexual release.
When she got there she went rigid, groaning as her pussy muscles worked on his stiff prick.
“Mmmm,” she breathed as she felt his warm offering bathe her sexual channel.
She lay down on him, crushing her breasts against his chest.
They kissed, short, warm joinings while they panted, catching their breath.
“We never did talk about your doctor’s visit,” said Bobby. They were cuddling and had caught their breath.
“He did the test and it was positive. I have to go back and see him every so often for prenatal exams. I also have to start taking vitamins and some stuff like that.”
“So you’re going to have the baby?”
“Yes,” she said, kissing his shoulder. “We’re going to have a baby and raise it.”
“Wow,” he sighed. “It’s really real.”
“Yes, it is. That’s one of the things that will bring big changes into our lives.”
“Okay. Can I tell you something?”
Always,” she said.
“I know I wasn’t supposed to do that to you, but after thinking about it a little while ... I’m glad I did. Is that weird?”
“Not weird,” she sighed. “In fact, you’re going to need to feel that way. The changes I mentioned could be really big ones.”
Those are changes I’ll welcome and learn how to adapt to,” said Bobby.
“We can keep living with your mother, but I wish we could have our own place when we get married,” said Mai Li.
“If I start working and save up some money maybe we can do that,” he said. “In two and a half years I’ll have lots of money.”
“In three years I could have another baby if birth control doesn’t work after I have this one.” She patted her stomach.
“That blows my mind,” he said.
“I’m used to the idea that I got you pregnant this time. But thinking about doing it again is freakin’ wild!”
“We just did what got me pregnant and probably will get me pregnant again some day. I want to have three children.”
“When did you decide that?”
“Actually, it was when I was a little girl, like when I was ten or something. I decided I’d get married some day and have three children, two girls and a boy.”
Bobby laughed.
“I’ll try to make sure I get the genders right after this one,” he said.
“I know it’s silly, but that’s what I thought would happen, back then. That didn’t last very long, though. A boy called me a Chink and made fun of my eyes and I decided I’d never get married because boys were jerks.”
“I’ll do my best not to be a jerk,” said Bobby. “What else did you think would happen when you were a little girl? What kind of man did you think you’d marry?”
“Ohhh, well, I thought he’d be tall and have dark hair and a beard, and he’d be a jet fighter pilot.”
“I can’t compete with that,” said Bobby. “In fact, I’m the opposite of all of that.”
“I’m not locked into that little girl dream,” said Mai Li. “I like you enough I think I’ll just keep you.”
“In two and a half years I could buy a jet, but I doubt they’d sell me a fighter,” said Bobby.
“I don’t think I want you soaring around in the clouds. You might crash. You have a history of that, you know.”
“I got crashed into,” he corrected. “I didn’t crash. That woman ran into me.”
“Still, I don’t want you doing dangerous things. I don’t want to have to find another husband or raise three kids alone.”
“Okay,” he said. “I guess that means I can’t be a fireman or a cop, or one of those guys who climbs radio towers to change light bulbs.”
“They have people who climb towers and change light bulbs?” asked Mai Li.
“Of course they do,” he replied. “Somebody has to do it. All those blinking red lights you see when you drive at night have to be working or airplanes will fly into them. You don’t even have to have a degree to do it. They train you on the job.”
“Surely they have to go to courses of some kind,” said Mai Li.
“I remember they have to be certified in some stuff. I remember CPR was one of them. I’m probably not strong enough to do that right now, but if I work out enough and get strong I could do something like that.”
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