The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 19
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 19 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
The mood lightened and both Terry and Vicky tried to ignore the elephant that was Terry’s feelings. They got to Olathe around eleven-fifteen and stopped at a pottery business where they browsed for half an hour or so before going on and choosing a place to eat. The carefree attitude both had previously displayed when they were together wasn’t quite there, though. As they got back in the car Vicky leaned back.
“I ate too much,” she said, rubbing her stomach.
“Me, too,” he said. “I didn’t want to get a box so I just finished it.”
“We need some exercise,” she said.
“I don’t know of anyplace to go for a long walk,” he said.
“I have an idea,” she said.
He looked over at her, waiting.
“We have that therapy pool in the back yard at our house,” she said.
“You told me about that,” he said.
“It’s good exercise to walk or swim in it.”
“I don’t think I have a swim suit,” he said. “I haven’t been swimming in years.”
“It’s private,” she said. “Who needs a swim suit?”
“You’re trying to seduce me,” he teased.
“Am I doing a good job?” she asked.
“As I recall, you live with other people,” he said. “How would they feel about us skinny dipping in the back yard?”
“They could be told to stay inside and let us discuss things in the pool.”
“You think so?”
“It’s good for sore muscles,” she said. “Don’t you have any sore muscles?”
“I guess I could wear my skivvies in the water,” he said.
“You don’t wear skivvies,” she pointed out.
“True. But we came all this way.”
“My plan was to just spend time with you,” said Vicky. “We’re spending time. Does it really matter if we spend it here, or in my back yard?”
“I thought you wanted to see if we could spend time without having sex,” he said. “I’m an idiot for reminding you of that, but that’s what you said.”
“We did spend time without having sex. We spent all morning not having sex. I wasn’t bored, were you?”
“Nope,” he said, succinctly.
“And who says we’re going to have sex in the pool?” she added. “We could just exercise and get our lunch settled.”
“If you and I are naked in that pool, I’m pretty sure there will be sex,” he warned.
“Oh,” she whined. “I’m so afraid. The big, bad wolf wants to eat me up!”
“The big bad wolf is too full to eat anything,” he said. “I guess you will be safe, after all.”
“I plan on working lunch off so I have room for some dessert,” she said. “I suspect I’ll have a little room to be filled up again.”
“You’re a devious woman, Mrs. Washington,” he said.
“It’s Miz Washington, Sergeant,” she said. “I am divorced, not married.”
“Very devious,” he sighed.
He started the car.
Half an hour later they were headed east on Highway Ten, approaching East Lawrence.
When they arrived Vicky saw Mai Li’s car was gone. She had Terry park on the street and led him inside. There was a note on the kitchen table that said Mai Li and Bobby were exercising and then grocery shopping so Vicky wrote on the bottom that she and Terry were using the pool. She ran out of room to add “privacy requested” or something along those lines, but hoped her housemates would be gone for another hour or two. She showed Terry the pool and he peered at the top of the fence and the wall of evergreens that surrounded the back yard.
“You really want to get in there naked?” he asked.
“Mmm hmm,” she said, unbuttoning her light dress.
“You know what will happen,” he suggested. “You know I can’t resist you.”
“Why do you think I came up with this idea?” she teased.
“We could have just gone to my house,” he said.
“We can go to your house later,” she said. She shrugged off her dress and it floated to the ground.
“You didn’t wear any underwear,” he sighed.
“You’re not wearing any underwear, either,” she guessed.
She went to the ladder that led down into the pool and stood, unashamed in her nudity. She posed briefly, and then jumped into the water. By the time she had the controls set to where she wanted them he was in the water with her. The initial rush of water caught him off balance and she watched as he was carried to the back of the tub. Having anticipated the action of the water, she had held onto the side of the tub and laughed as Terry was swept off his feet and under the water. He came up spluttering and stood, leaning against the current. Then he stalked toward her, growling.
Vicky waited until he was just two feet away and then let go of the rim, sinking under the water and letting the current push her past him. With her eyes open it was easy to see him and she reached to tweak his penis as she was swept past him. When she stood she expected to see him six or seven feet away but his athletic ability had allowed him to stand as the water pushed him the same direction she was going. As she stood he pinned her against the wall. The water helped him do that and, suddenly, she was trapped.
“Gotcha!” he said.
“What are you going to do with me?” she asked.
“I’m going to ravish you!” he growled.
“Promises, promises,” she teased.
He kissed her. His lips communicated his passion and she could tell he was more excited than usual. His kiss wasn’t quite brutal, but it was rough; demanding. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips, with her heels on his thighs and kissed him back.
As the kiss went on and on she reached to find his erection and positioned it at her portal. The water didn’t help as it washed away her natural lubrication, but she got him started. To his credit he went in slowly, but it was still difficult because the friction was significant. Once he got all the way in, though, his penis kept the water from diluting her oils and, as the kiss went on and on and on, he was able to move in her.
All the anguish and pain and uncertainty he had been feeling that day found relief as her inner muscles gripped him, squeezing and relaxing as she worked them over and over. She wasn’t reaching for an orgasm. She just wanted him to be in her. His emotional relief became a catharsis, of sorts, and with the water pushing him against her he didn’t have to use his muscles for that purpose. Instead he banged her, withdrawing and thrusting rapidly. As emotional as they were, this wasn’t lovemaking. Rather this was a physical release that consumed him until, with a groan, he emptied all his angst and fear into her body as he jetted his seed into her.
Mai Li and Bobby carried in bags of groceries, not noticing Terry’s car on the street because neither of them was familiar with it. It was Mai Li who saw the note first.
“Your mother is home,” she said. “The note says she and Terry are using the pool.”
“You made me sore today,” said Bobby. “The pool is big enough for four.”
“It would be pretty difficult for four people to exercise in that pool,” Mai Li pointed out.
“They won’t be exercising,” said Bobby. “They’re probably just talking. They might not even have the water moving. And they can stand at the end while you and I walk at the front.”
They put away the cold things but left the other purchases on the counter. Mai Li was pulling her bikini bottoms up when Bobby appeared in her doorway. He ogled her breasts.
“Too bad we can’t just go out there naked,” he said.
“The idea is to exercise,” she said.
“Oh, I’m thinking about an exercise I like a lot,” he replied.
She put her bra on and fastened it.
“Nice try, buster. Let’s go. You need to walk at least half an hour.”
Mai Li led the way out of the back door of the house and suddenly stopped. Bobby bumped into her. She whirled to face him.
“I don’t think they’re just talking,” she whispered.
Bobby looked over her head just as Terry reached his climax. The young man’s eyes took in Terry’s naked back, which had his mother’s hands moving all over it. Her body wasn’t visible at all, and the roiling water almost obscured her legs, wrapped around his hips, but Terry’s grunts and the movement of his shoulders made it clear to Bobby what was happening. He felt a peculiar tightness in his chest and then he saw his mother’s arms tighten into a firm embrace. Then she was caressing Terry’s broad back again and it was just crystal clear she loved what was happening. He had mastered his jealousy, and now Bobby felt a warm glow as he realized his mother had found something beautiful, maybe something as beautiful as he and Mai Li shared.
Vicky’s eyes had been closed as they neared their shared climax. They had stayed closed as Terry pounded her, spurting in her over and over. Now she opened them and saw Mai Li’s startled face only ten feet away. Her eyes moved to see Bobby, who had a silly grin on his face. That grin looked odd, somehow, out of place.
“Oh!” she blurted.
“Hi!” said Bobby. “We saw your note.”
Terry’s head turned to see the intruders.
“We didn’t think you’d be back this soon,” he panted.
“Mai Li got me all sore so we came home to use the pool,” said Bobby.
“You can’t come in right now!” gasped Vicky.
“Obviously,” said Bobby. “Did you bring towels out?”
“No,” moaned Vicky.
“I’ll go get you some,” he said.
“Bobby,” moaned his mother, who was obviously in distress.
“It’s no big deal, Mom,” he said. “Mai Li and I do it in the pool all the time.”
“Ohhhh,” she whined and buried her face in Terry’s chest.
“Towels would be nice,” said Terry. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” said Bobby.
He turned to go back in the house and Mai Li followed him.
“You okay?” she asked, anxiously.
“I’m fine,” he said. “It’s funny. Seeing them like that didn’t bother me at all. I’m really happy for her.”
“Me, too,” said Mai Li. “You get the towels but I’ll take them out.”
“You might be fine with it but I think your mother is a little embarrassed.”
“Oh. Okay, I guess.”
He got four towels and handed them to Mai Li.
“You can put away the rest of the groceries while I take these out to them,” she said.
“Okay,” he said, happily. “If they get out we can still use the pool.”
“Sure,” said Mai Li.
She was thinking about what might be floating around in the water or getting caught in the pool filter at that very moment.
“I knew we shouldn’t have done this,” moaned Vicky, for the third time.
“He didn’t look freaked out,” said Terry, instead of reminding her it was her idea and she had, more or less, insisted.
“I know, but I’m sure he was.”
“It will be fine, Vicky,” said Terry.
“I’m not so sure about that,” she replied.
Mai Li appeared with the towels.
“Here you go, guys,” she said. “Bobby’s putting away the groceries we got, so if you want to come inside to dry off and get dressed you can.”
“Thanks,” said Terry.
“I’ll just give you some privacy,” said Mai Li. She turned and went back in the house.
“She’s taking this pretty well, too,” said Terry.
“She’s wonderful,” sighed Vicky. “I’m so glad I hired her.”
“Well, come on,” he said. “You have to face him sooner or later.”
He climbed the ladder and stood, nude and dripping, waiting to help her out.
Vicky had to dredge up some courage to leave the relative privacy of the water. She ran into the house, holding a towel over her front.
Terry sighed as he watched her buttocks bounce. Then he picked up their clothing and followed her in.
Mai Li stood with Bobby, just inside the back door of the house. Both were naked. They were about to enter the pool to do some “therapy”.
“It feels different this time,” said Mai Li.
“Why?” asked Bobby.
“Because I never thought about getting caught before, at least not really. Now I know it’s possible.”
“How? Mom and Terry left to go to his house. Who could catch us?”
“I don’t know,” she said.
“And even if they did, why would it matter?”
“Bobby, you’re not supposed to have sex in public.”
“Why not? They did.”
“Yes, and your mom was horribly embarrassed.”
“How do you know?” he asked. “She didn’t say anything to me about that. Did she say something to you?”
“Let’s just say I could tell,” said Mai Li.
“So, would you be embarrassed if they caught us doing it?”
“I’ve already been embarrassed by your mother catching us doing it,” said Mai Li.
“I don’t get that,” said Bobby. “She never yelled at us. She even said she wants us to be happy. I want her to be happy, too. So what’s the big deal?”
“So, what you’re saying is that you want to be a nudist,” said Mai Li.
Bobby thought about that for a few seconds. He imagined him and his mother in the kitchen, nude, getting ready for supper. He knew what would happen in that situation and he knew how embarrassed he be if his mom saw him get a boner for her.
“I guess not,” he said.
“Okay, then,” she said. “They get their privacy and we get ours and that’s how it should be.”
“Okay,” he said. “Still, they’re gone, so there’s nobody to catch us right now.”
“You just want to get your pretty penis inside me,” she complained. Her voice made it pretty clear the “complaint” was spurious.
“I think you already knew that,” he said.
“We could do it in bed,” she suggested.
“It’s fun doing it in the water and, besides, I need to exercise.”
“You sure have changed,” she said. “When I first came here it was like pulling teeth to get you to do any exercise at all.”
“That was before you said you’d do them with me naked,” he said, grinning.
To his credit he did walk and even jog a little bit for half an hour before he trapped Mai Li against the back wall of the pool, just like Terry had done to his mother.
As he spurted into her hot depths, though, the difference was that the egg he had fertilized was still viable in her womb, drifting, and growing.
When she came home from her day-long date with Terry Vicky was unable to approach her son and just talk about him catching her naked in the pool with Terry, but no words were needed. Almost as soon as she came in the house Bobby hugged her, told her he loved her, and she knew everything was fine.
Things settled back into a routine, both with Bobby and his mother, as each enjoyed the emotional and physical intimacy that neither had had for the last three years. For the rest of the week she and Terry went to work and saw each other when he stopped into the diner to eat. Vicky spent Wednesday night at his house and they watched a movie together, cuddling, until she finally took him to bed. She didn’t question him about how he felt, concerning his deceased wife. She believed that would take care of itself, given time.
Bobby centered his study time on language arts, preparing to take the GED test on that module. He needed less and less help from Mai Li in that area, so she had more time to read or go for a run.
What no one knew, that week, only 6 days before Vicky and Mai Li both had an appointment with the doctor, was that the fertilized egg in Mai Li’s womb had finally bumped into the wall of her uterus and implanted. When she and Bobby fell asleep in each other’s arms that night, Mai Li MacIntosh was biologically pregnant.
“I’m going to take the language arts test today,” said Bobby, as he ate a bowl of cereal.
“That’s wonderful!” replied his mother.
“I think I’ll do pretty well on it,” he said. “Mai Li’s been quizzing me and I haven’t gotten anything wrong for two days.”
“My little boy is getting all grown up,” sighed Vicky.
“Mom! I’m not little!” he complained.
“You’ll always be my little boy,” she said, putting her arms around him from behind and hugging his neck.
“Mom,” he groaned. He could feel her soft breasts crushing into the back of his head. He had gotten used to the concept that he thought his mother was sexy, but actual, physical intimacy between them still made him uncomfortable sometimes.
“I have to go to work,” she said, releasing him. “Good luck on the test.”
Mai Li came into the kitchen just as Vicky left. She had just put a load of clothes into the washing machine.
“You want to quiz a little more before you take the test?” she asked.
“No. I want to take it and then get naked with you,” he said with a grin.
“Is that all you think about?” she asked, arching one eyebrow.
“No. I only think about that when I think about you or see you in person,” he said.
“Why are men so horny?” she groused.
“Because women are so sexy,” he shot back.
“You think about taking the test, mister!” she said in mock ferocity. “After that you can maybe think about other things.”
On Tuesday morning, when Mai Li checked the website, Bobby’s score on the language arts test had been posted. It was 176, which was just high enough to give him some college credit.
An hour later, when Vicky and Mai Li went to see Vicky’s doctor and informed him that they had been engaging in unprotected sex, it was normal that he did some tests. Vicky was written a prescription for the pill. Mai Li got to have another conversation with her new doctor.
“Your hCG levels are slightly elevated,” he said.
“What does that mean?” she asked.
“hCG refers to a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin,” he said. “It’s an indicator that you may be pregnant. I’ll need to do some further tests to make sure.”
“I might be pregnant?” Her voice wheezed a little.
“Based on your hCG levels, if you are pregnant, I’d say it’s very recent. If the levels go up, then that will confirm things. Based on what you told me, you should have a period in the next week or so. If you don’t, we’ll run the test again and have a better idea of your condition then.”
“I might be pregnant,” she said. Now her voice was dull. “I can’t be pregnant!” she said, suddenly animated. “This will ruin everything!”
“If you are pregnant, you have options, Mai Li,” said the doctor. “With the recent overturning of Roe versus Wade you’re lucky you live in Kansas. It’s still legal to think about termination, at least for now.”
“Termination? You mean an abortion?” The word sounded like it tasted bad in her mouth.
“You have time to think about it,” he said. “Let’s see if your period shows up. If not, then I’ll get you back in here to do the test again. In the meantime you should discuss this with your partner.”
“Right,” sighed the young Asian woman.
Vicky was waiting for her when she trudged into the waiting room. It didn’t take an expert in interpreting body language to tell something was wrong. Her normal peppiness was nowhere to be seen and her shoulders were hunched. She looked pale, too.
“What’s wrong?” asked Vicky, standing to move toward her friend.
“He said I might be pregnant,” droned Mai Li.
“Oh my,” sighed Vicky. “Come on. We don’t want to talk about this here.”
Mai Li followed Vicky outside and toward the car. Once inside Vicky didn’t start it, instead turning sideways in her seat to face Mai Li.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” said Mai Li.
“I remember how I felt when I found out I was pregnant with Bobby,” said Vicky. “I know that doesn’t help, but I know how you feel. You’re overwhelmed right now. Just know this. Everything will be okay.”
“Will it?” said Mai Li.
Only then did she break down and cry.
Vicky decided the last thing she needed to do was stop at a pharmacy to fill her new prescription and leave Mai Li alone in the car. Instead she drove straight home. Mai Li’s eyes dried up on the way, but she felt hopeless again. When Vicky parked the car she thought about how she needed to get to work. She had gotten time off to go visit the doctor, but her boss didn’t expect her to miss more than a couple of hours of work. Mai Li’s situation changed things, though. The girl was in a very vulnerable position and Vicky didn’t want to leave her alone. Bobby was home, but he couldn’t help and Vicky didn’t want them to get into a shouting match about how to proceed.
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