The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 18
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Mai Li started them out on the linear trail. She set a pace that made both Vicky and Bobby stretch their legs.
“I knew this was here, but never paid any attention to it,” panted Vicky, gently. “It’s really beautiful.”
“It is,” said Mai Li. A man on a bicycle sped past them. “You have to watch what you’re doing, but it’s quite lovely.”
“Can we slow down a little?” asked Bobby.
“No,” said Mai Li. “We’re working up to running. You should have plenty of energy. It’s only an hour since you got up.”
“I used up all my energy,” said Bobby. He almost added “in bed” but was too shy to say it in front of his mother. Instead, a few heartbeats later, he said, “already.”
“Are you going to let your mother beat you?” Mai Li taunted.
“I don’t think I’ll be beating anybody,” Vicky panted. “I walk around all day at the diner, but this is different, somehow. I thought I was in shape!”
“You’re in great shape,” said Bobby.
“I don’t feel in great shape,” said his mother.
“We’re halfway there,” announced Mai Li, who was breathing almost normally. “On the way back we’ll slow down.”
There was less talk as Vicky and her son contemplated how much farther they had to go. They didn’t have spare breath to talk, anyway. At the end of the trail, where they turned around, there were park benches and both Vicky and Bobby sat to catch their breath.
“You’re a hard taskmistress,” gasped Vicky.
“You can see the improvement in Bobby,” said Mai Li. “Remember when I first got here?”
“I’m remembering when I first got him home,” said Vicky. “He couldn’t even get from the car into the house by himself.”
“He’s doing quite well,” said Mai Li. “My goal is to have him in as good as or better shape than when he got hurt.”
“Well, I don’t want to keep working out with you, but I know I should,” sighed Vicky.
“It gets easier,” said Bobby. He blinked. “Not that what we just did was easy, but I don’t feel like a total wimp anymore.”
“Well, I do,” sighed Vicky.
An hour and a half later Bobby was in the pool, marching and leaning against the flow of the water.
“I thought this would be easier,” he complained.
“You want me to take off my bikini?” teased Mai Li.
“Believe it or not, even that wouldn’t help,” groaned the teen.
“I’m hurt,” said Mai Li with an insincere pout.
“Is there room for me?” came Vicky’s voice.
The pair already in the pool turned to look at her. Bobby groaned. His mother was wearing a one piece swim suit and it bulged everywhere.
“I’m sorry about the suit,” said Vicky, as if she could read his mind. “It’s probably ten years old and I seem to have gained some weight.”
“You look good,” said Mai Li. “You need to get Terry over here to see you like this.”
“He’d just want me to take it off,” said Vicky, offhandedly.
“Mom!” groaned Bobby.
“Oh grow up,” she said. “We had this conversation already.”
“That doesn’t mean I like thinking about it,” he complained.
“Mai Li looks a lot sexier than I do,” said Vicky.
“Good grief,” moaned Bobby. “Are you torturing me on purpose?”
“Maybe a little,” said Vicky. “It’s nice to know I still have something to attract men with.”
“I’m getting out,” announced Bobby.
“No, you’re not,” said Mai Li. “You still have half an hour on the clock.”
“What clock?”
She tapped her head.
“The one in here. Can you jog a little bit?”
“You are both torturing me!” he whined.
“Then that will give you the energy you need to jog a little bit,” said Mai Li.
By the time Mai Li said her mental clock had reached the point where Bobby could quit he felt a little better. His mother had stood beside him, doing everything Mai Li was requiring him to do. Now that her body was mostly covered by the churning water, it wasn’t so bad. They chatted and Vicky asked him to tell her what he’d learned in his GED studies. He told her about several of the lessons he remembered and, in the process, the pain in his body began to wane a bit. The water supported his weight, so all he was really doing was moving his sore muscles. When Mai Li said he could stop he let the flow carry him to the outlet of the pool and he hooked his arms over the rim of the pool and just relaxed. He watched Mai Li and his mother continue to walk and talk.
‘These are the two most important women in my life,’ he thought. He felt an upwelling of emotion in his chest and felt tears trying to form in his eyes. He dunked his head in the water and went to the ladder.
As he climbed, his mother said, “Woo hoo. What a handsome stud.”
He turned his head and tried to frown.
“You’re a lucky girl, Mai Li,” said Vicky.
“I am,” said his lover.
Those few, mostly innocent comments caused something to snap inside Bobby. It wasn’t a hard or painful jolt. He just suddenly felt like his life was really back on track. He had a great mother and a hot girlfriend. He was getting stronger and his seizures were coming less often, with less serious consequences. He knew he’d had four or five focal seizures in the last week that he hadn’t told anybody about. He could feel them coming, now, and he knew to sit down somewhere and just relax and let it happen. They had been short, lasting only thirty seconds or so. At least he thought they only lasted that long. He still lost all the time during the seizures, unaware of what was going on in the world around him. He knew he should tell Mai Li about them, and he couldn’t articulate why he had kept them secret.
As he stepped onto the deck he relaxed.
He’d worry about the seizures later.
They all spent the rest of the day relaxing. Bobby played some video games on his laptop and Mai Li read a book. Vicky did some cleaning, which to most people wouldn’t seem relaxing, but for her it was a way to keep busy while she thought about things.
What she was thinking about was Sgt Terry Tindel. Things were moving very quickly, on an emotional level, and that worried her. They hadn’t known each other all that long and, to be honest, she knew very little about him. The time they spent in bed was consumed by pure passion and there was no chit chat or even pillow talk when a sexual session was finished. Most of the time they just gathered their strength to start another session.
She thought about asking him to take her on some regular dates. Walking on the linear trail had been fun; taxing, but fun. She knew he worked out at the gym on a regular basis, though, so maybe walking wouldn’t interest him. They’d had dinner a few times, but each of those times dinner had been, more or less, foreplay. Would he still be interested in her if they went bowling, or played miniature golf, or visited some museums?
She wished she could call him, but he was working on this Sunday. His shifts rotated, meaning he worked different hours and different days every month.
He’d get off work at five. She could call him, then.
She had no idea what she’d say, but she’d call him.
That phone call generated some giggles. She went and sat on the front porch to make the call, but she left the front door open, so Mai Li and Bobby heard her side of the conversation.
At one point Mai Li said, “She sounds like a teenage girl talking to a boy she’s interested in.”
“What do you mean?” asked Bobby.
“Listen. She’s talking, but not really saying anything. She just wants to hear his voice. She’s telling him about the therapy pool. Come on! How interesting is something like that?”
“I thought it was interesting,” he said.
“Yes, but only because you were there,” she said.
They listened some more, eavesdropping intentionally, now. They heard things like “How was your day?” and “So what are you doing now?” and “I missed you. Did you miss me?”
Eventually, Mai Li gently closed the door.
“We wouldn’t want her listening to us if we were talking like that, so we shouldn’t listen to her.”
“I love you!” he blurted.
She grinned.
“I know. I love you, too.”
“No, you don’t understand. I really love you!”
The emotion in his voice caused her to pause. He sounded really intense.
“You’ve told me that, before,” she said, softly, “but I love hearing it.”
“You still don’t understand,” he sighed. “It came to me when I was getting out of the pool today. Before this I thought I loved you, but I wasn’t sure what love was supposed to feel like. Now I do. When I looked at you and Mom I realized that I have to have you in my life. I can’t live without you. I can’t imagine a world where you aren’t there. And I love my mom, too. I want her to be happy, no matter what that takes. I don’t even care if she has sex with Terry. I know I’ll still get jealous, but I can live with it, now. I want her to be as happy as I am and I couldn’t be happy if you weren’t my girlfriend, so I have to let her have a boyfriend.”
“Come here,” said Mai Li, opening her arms. When they embraced she nuzzled his chest. “You’re the sweetest guy I ever met. I don’t think I could be happy, either, if you weren’t my boyfriend. I’m a little tortured that, some day, I’ll have to move out and go to work somewhere else.”
“You don’t have to move out,” he said. “You can live with us and work anywhere you want to.”
“As long as it’s in Lawrence,” she said.
“Ahhhh,” he moaned in mock pain. “I’m having a relapse. I think I’m going to need physical therapy for a year! Maybe two!”
She hugged him tighter.
“Wanna go to bed?” she asked. “You made me horny.”
“I don’t know if I have the strength or not,” he said in a false groan.
“I’ll examine you,” she said, bumping her loins against his upper thighs. “Maybe there’s something I can do to help you get better. I’m a professional, you know.”
What she did, allegedly to help him get better, was sit him in a hard-backed kitchen chair she carried to her bedroom. She made him strip first and ignored his already mostly stiff penis.
Then she did a slow striptease for him. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so she turned her back to him while she slowly removed her shirt. Then she bent over and took thirty seconds to get her shorts off. In the process she spread her feet eighteen inches apart. Her panties covered her peach, but Bobby was mesmerized by her ass. He’d never really had the chance to just stare at it.
She turned, covering her nipples with one arm.
“Are you okay? Do I need to call the paramedics?” she asked.
“I’ll survive,” he said. His voice cracked.
“Okay,” she said, and turned her back to him again.
She took another thirty seconds to roll her panties down her legs. When she stepped out of them she spread her feet even farther apart and kept them straight as she bent at the waist to pick up her panties. She stood, walked them to the hamper and then returned to assume the same pose as she bent over to pick up her shorts. She took them to the hamper too and returned to bend and pick up her shirt. During all of this she managed to cover her strategic parts, giving him only glimpses of her naked body. She looked at his swollen rod and smiled to herself.
“I’m only getting naked like this because if I determine you need a massage I don’t want any massage oil to stain my clothes,” she said. “I’m so sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not uncomfortable at all,” he said.
“Part of you looks uncomfortable,” she said, gazing directly at his erection. “It looks very stiff and achy. Maybe I should give it some attention, first ... you know ... massage it a little? Take the stiffness out of it?”
“Yes,” he breathed. “You’re right. It is uncomfortable. It needs some attention.”
“Well, perhaps I can help.”
She went to stand in front of him and then, spreading her feet apart, moved forward to straddle his lap before sitting on his thighs.
“I need to explain how I can help you. It would be helpful if you understood the process. I’m not too heavy for you, am I?” she asked.
“I think it’s okay,” he said, reaching to put his hands on her waist. “You might need to scoot closer to me. That would put less weight directly on my knees.”
She lifted and moved, pressing her pussy lips against the underside of his unbridled penis.
“Okay,” she said. “What it appears your problem is, is an excess of blood in your man part.”
“My man part?”
“The technical name for it is penis, but I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with clinical terms.”
“Technical terms don’t bother me,” he said. “How did I get excess blood in my penis?”
“Well, there are a couple of ways. Sometimes, if your bladder is full but you don’t want to urinate, the repeated clenching of your muscles to close off the neck of the bladder can cause blood to flow into the penis. Some people call that a piss hardon.”
“I don’t really need to piss,” said Bobby.
“Okay. Another reason that could happen is if you are sexually excited. That happens to men frequently, sometimes even if there is no potential sex partner present. For some men, just thinking about sex is enough to produce an erection. That’s what it’s called. My diagnosis is that you have an erection.”
“I’ve noticed it happens a lot,” said Bobby. “But what can I do about it?”
“You have lots of options,” said Mai Li. “Some might not be immediately available to you, but there’s almost always a way to get that excess blood out of your penis.”
“Could you explain these options?” he asked. He was enjoying this little game Mai Li had started playing. It kept him on edge, but he was also relaxed. “I believe you mentioned massage?”
“Well, that’s one way. There are quite a few others and your erection is kind of poking me. It’s a little uncomfortable. If it’s all right with you, I’d like to move it so I’m more comfortable as I explain your options. May I do that?”
“Sure,” said Bobby. “I’m comfortable, so you should be comfortable, too.
Mai Li rose onto her tiptoes, which gave her just enough room to notch the tip of his prong between her labia. Then she sank down on it and scooted as far forward as she could. Her breasts pressed into his chest.
“That’s better,” she sighed. “Now it’s not poking me like it was. How does it feel to you?”
“It feels very hot,” said Bobby. “It feels like something is squeezing it.”
“Well, since we’re talking about your options, I suppose I should start with what’s happening right now. You see, your penis is inside my vagina. That’s why it feels hot. It’s actually inside my body. That’s the option called intercourse. If you put your penis inside a woman when it’s stiff like it is now, then in a little while the blood will go out of it and it will get soft again.”
“I like this option,” said Bobby, still playing along. “But what are the others? Is there one even better than this?”
“That depends,” said Mai Li, as she began to tighten and then relax her Kegel muscles, milking him slowly. “If you grip it with your hand and move your hand rapidly along its length, that will eventually make it soft again, too. Or you can have someone else do that. That is called masturbation and it’s very popular with men.”
“Go on,” said Bobby, as he tried to push and pull with his hands on her waist. She hooked her heels behind the rear legs of the chair, though, and kept milking him.
“The best ways are to put it in a woman’s body, where it’s nice and hot. A stiff penis likes hot, tight places. Yours is in my vagina right now, but an alternative would be to put it in my mouth. My mouth is hot and wet, just like my vagina. Do you want to try that?”
“Maybe later,” said Bobby, beginning to pant. “I’m really comfortable right now and I don’t want you to have to move.”
“Maybe I should explain how it is that at the blood will go out of your penis,” she said.
“You’d better hurry, because something is happening down there,” moaned Bobby.
“When your penis is stimulated enough, your body pushes something through it. It’s called semen and it’s very soothing. It makes the penis happy and opens the little doors that let the blood drain out of it. Then it will get soft.”
“I think my penis might be getting close to doing that,” gasped Bobby.
“Good,” she said, working her muscles even harder. They were beginning to ache and, while she didn’t mind that, she was afraid she’d have to rest them pretty soon. She wanted to bring him off first, though. “I’d like to feel your warm semen inside me. It might help if we kissed.”
She kissed him passionately and, as she sucked the tip of his tongue, while her pussy sucked all along his prick, he stiffened and grunted into her mouth as jets of creamy semen soaked her vagina.
“Mmmmm,” she went as she continued to kiss him. When the kiss broke she leaned back a little. “I think it happened. I think your penis will be nice and soft, now, and all the blood that was in it and causing the problem will go back to nourishing your body.”
“I liked that option,” he breathed. “I’ll probably want to choose that one again sometime.”
“I enjoyed helping you,” she said. “I’d be happy to help you with other options, too. Just let me know when your penis gets all full of blood again.”
“I need to get up,” she said.
She stood on her toes again and took small steps backward to get off his lap. His penis was uncovered and it was a mess of milky white. She reached with the fingers of one hand to seal the mouth of her pussy and got the rest of the way off.
“Oh my. Penises can make quite a mess when they go about getting soft. I might as well show you that other option I was talking about. Your penis isn’t full of blood, but that option also helps clean up messes like this one.”
She got on her knees, spread his thighs, and moved to suck and lick his penis and pubes until his semen was gone.
The part of the phone call Vicky had with Terry which Mai Li and Bobby didn’t eavesdrop on consisted of her nervously asking him if she could see him that night, but that it not be like all their other dates.
“What do you mean?” asked Terry.
“I want to do something not in bed,” she said. “Is that okay?”
She waited nervously for his response.
“Sure,” he said. “What do you have in mind?”
“I don’t know. I just want to see if we can do something together ... not in bed.”
“We could go to The Golden Girl and have a drink,” said Terry. He was referring to a “gentleman’s club” just off of I-70. It had been owned by a string of people and each time it changed hands the name had changed. The Golden Girl was its current name.
“Terry!” she snapped.
“I was kidding,” he said. “I’ll go anywhere with you. We can drink coffee instead of booze. It doesn’t matter. I’m up for anything where we get to spend time together.”
“What if we went to Olathe and got something to eat?” she asked. Olathe was a suburb in the southwestern part of Kansas City. It was roughly 30 miles away.
“Your car or mine?” was his reply.
“Yours,” she said.
“When? Tonight?”
“I’d rather we had more time; go in the daytime, I mean. Saturday is your next day off, right?”
“Yes, but don’t you have to work?”
“I’ll see if Sharon will cover my shift. She’s been complaining about being poor, lately. I think she’ll be willing to get the extra money.”
“Okay. Call me when you find out. So ... nothing tonight?”
“Terry, I’m trying to figure out if all we have is lust or if there’s anything more. If I come over tonight there will be lust.”
“Not necessarily,” he said. “I can control myself. Can you?”
“Probably not,” she grunted. “Will you please do this for me?”
“Yes,” he said, quietly. “Call me if you can get Saturday off.”
“You’re not mad at me for this ... are you?”
“Of course not, Vicky,” he said. “I think you’re right. Maybe we need to talk about things while we’re not in bed.”
“Okay,” she sighed. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
The first thing Vicky did when she got to work the next morning was arrange to get Saturday off. Sharon was willing to cover Vicky’s shift but demanded that Vicky take one of hers at some future date. Vicky agreed. She was about to call Terry when he sauntered into the diner and sat down in a booth, alone.
“Biscuits and gravy,” he said. “Coffee,” he added.
“You don’t usually eat breakfast, here,” Vicky pointed out.
“Did you get Saturday off?”
“I did.”
“We still on for a drive in the countryside?”
“Highway 10 isn’t exactly a country lane,” said Vicky.
“We could go down 59 and then take 56 east, through Baldwin City. There are some other little towns on the way.”
“I’ve never been that way,” said Vicky.
“It eventually hooks up with I-35 which would get us to Olathe.”
“Now, how about those biscuits and gravy? I’m starving, here.”
“Right away, sir!” she said, with a note of sarcasm in the “sir”. She turned and went to notify the cook of the order. Then she returned with a coffee cup and a carafe of coffee. As she poured he sat back.
“Mmm?” She looked at him.
“I’m far more interested in you than just in bed.”
“We can talk about that Saturday,” she said.
Mai Li was having a remarkably similar emotional crisis back at the house.
She woke and immediately felt Bobby’s warm body next to hers in the bed. It occurred to her that she had not slept alone for ... almost two weeks. She had been working with Bobby for a month. She hadn’t intended to become intimate with him. She hadn’t intended to become intimate with anyone. Now, waking up next to her lover, she felt like this was normal. It shouldn’t be normal, though. Ethically she was way out of bounds. Emotionally she was too attached to him. Things were moving too fast. She was, suddenly, frightened. All this was too good to be true.
She sat up and got out of bed. She looked down at Bobby, lying there and her heart lurched.
“What’s wrong with me?” she said, aloud.
Bobby rolled over and rubbed his eyes.
“Morning,” he said.
He sounded so normal, so calm, so unruffled that her angst only increased.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, sitting up.
“Nothing,” she said, instinctively.
“You’re just standing there, staring at me,” he said. “Something’s wrong. I can tell.”
“I’m scared,” she admitted. She felt tension rush out of her at her confession.
“I’ve only known you for a month,” she said. “I’m supposed to be your physical therapist, not some woman who sleeps with you.”
“You are my physical therapist,” he said. “You have helped me get lots better. Haven’t we had this conversation before?”
“I feel like things are moving too fast ... like they’re out of control,” she moaned.
He moved until his legs were dangling over the edge of the bed.
“Do you love me?” he asked.
“Yes!” she said, loudly. “That’s the problem! How can I love you when I’ve only known you a month?”
“How can I love you when I’ve only known you for a month?” he replied.
“Is this real?” she groaned.
“It feels real to me,” he said. “Why should we question it?”
“Because if it falls apart I think it will kill me,” she whined. “I’ve never felt like that before and it scares me to death!”
He stood. Instead of hugging her he took her hands in his.
“When I woke up in that place, I thought my life was over. I thought I’d never be happy again. Everybody treated me like I was some kind of freak. I for sure never thought I’d have a girlfriend, much less fall in love. I thought I’d be a virgin forever. Well, actually, I didn’t think about sex at all, but if I had, I would have assumed I’d be a virgin forever. Then you came along and it was like I had been blind and could suddenly see. The world still looked strange and scary, but now I could actually see some of the things I thought I’d never see or have. Mom said I had a crush on you, but even then it didn’t feel like the crushes I’d had on girls in school. I didn’t plan for anything to happen. I wanted it to. I dreamed about it, but I didn’t believe my dreams could come true. What happened was better than my dreams; much better. And when you said you’d die if this fell apart I understood that. I’d want to die, too. But why do you think it might fall apart? Are you unhappy?”
“No!” she gasped. “I think I might be happier than I’ve ever been!”
“Me, too,” he said. “So what’s the problem?”
“I don’t know!” she wailed. “It just seems too good to be true.”
“Isn’t it up to us to make sure it is true?”
“I want to believe it,” she groaned.
“I do believe it. Why are you making this complicated? I love you and you love me. It’s simple. Two people fell in love. It happens all the time.”
“Okay,” she said, but her mind was still whirling.
“I’m going to get something to eat and work on science,” he said.
“Okay,” she said, relieved that he would leave and she’d be able to think again.
Her angst remained, nagging at her like a fly buzzing around her head; a fly she couldn’t swat or wave away. His arguments were valid. She did love him. That was a fact, whether uncomfortable or not. And she believed he loved her. But he was so young, so inexperienced in both life and love. He would continue to mature and change. Would he, at some point, feel that he was stifled by her?
She admitted to herself that her previous relationships hadn’t prepared her for this. She had never felt this intensely about a man. It was almost as if some sorcerer, hiding somewhere, had cast a spell on her.
She watched him working at his computer and felt her insides react. Just looking at him made her feel passion. It made her want to take him to bed.
She thought about the sex. It was good. He was an ardent and attentive lover. She had molded him, manipulated him, but she didn’t feel bad about that. All she had done was teach him how to make her squeal. If he ever had another relationship he’d make that woman squeal, too. The problem wasn’t that they had sex. The problem was that their sex was so unbridled. She didn’t even ensure it was safe sex!
She went to the kitchen and got the box of Bisquick out of the cabinet. She made biscuits and when she pulled the tray out of the oven, buttered two of them while they were still too hot to hold onto. She was eating the second one when Bobby came in.
“I knew I smelled something good.”
She watched as he demolished four biscuits. He just looked like any other guy in his late teens.
“Are we walking today?” he asked.
“We can,” she answered.
“I want to use the pool, too. I like working out that way.”
“Let’s work your muscles with real resistance first,” she said. “Then you can cool them down in the pool.”
“Deal,” he said. “Give me another half hour on the computer and I’ll get ready to go.”
They went back to the linear trail, with the idea of walking it twice. Twenty minutes later, because her mind kept nagging at her, she wasn’t paying attention and was maybe ten or fifteen feet out in front of Bobby when a young man on a bike slowed down and, in an amazing feat of balance and skill, pedaled slowly beside her.
“Hi, pretty lady,” he said, brashly.
“What?” she replied, as his presence snapped her out of her reverie.
“Please tell me you don’t have a boyfriend and that you’ll go out with me,” said the man, who might be twenty-one but could be younger.
“Do you use that line on everybody?” she asked, as her mind caught up with the situation.
“No, just the most gorgeous women I run into,” he said, with a grin.
“And how many times have you been beaten up by the boyfriend or husband?” asked Mai Li.
“That’s what the bike is for,” he said. Suddenly he shot ahead, but then slowed, using hand brakes and circled back. Instead of the ubiquitous mountain bikes she saw everywhere he was riding a thin-tired racer, with the handlebars that curved down and back so that his upper torso was parallel with the ground. He had on a colorful spandex top and tight shorts. She could see he was in fabulous shape. Even his calves drew her attention. She felt a niggle of interest, despite his brazen approach.
“What’s your name?” he asked, slowing to balance and move slowly next to her. It really was incredible that he could do that so well.
“My boyfriend’s name is Bobby,” she replied. “He’s about six-three and he’s a linebacker for KU.”
“Really? Then I know him, ‘cause I’m on the team, too. I’m a running back for the Jayhawks. Did you say Bobby? That doesn’t ring a bell. What’s his last name?”
Now Mai Li was caught.
“He’s not on the team,” she fessed up. “I just said that to scare you ... so you’d leave me alone.”
“Why should I be scared? I’m only trying to get a date with the most beautiful woman on the trail. All you had to say is you don’t want to go out with me.”
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