The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 17
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
The doorbell woke Mai Li from sleep the next morning. She got out of bed, where Bobby lay as limp and senseless as if he were still in a coma. She covered her nakedness with a robe as the doorbell rang again. She glanced at the clock and was shocked to see it was after nine. Vicky must already be gone to work. She hurried to the door as the bell rang a third time.
“What?!” she almost snarled as she wrenched the front door open.
A sturdy, handsome man stood there, a shock of his hair falling to almost cover one eye. The other one went almost instantly to the cleavage Mai Li’s robe exposed.
“Uh, hi. I’m Jack, from Covington Pools. We’re here to do an installation. Is this the Washington residence?”
“Oh! Yes. I’m sorry. You woke me up,” said Mai Li. “Yes, this is the right place. Let me get dressed and I’ll show you where the pool is going. It’s in the back yard.”
“Okay,” said Jack, who already knew exactly where the pool was going to be installed. “I’ll just wait here.”
Mai Li looked past him and saw a large box truck parked on the street in front of the house. “Covington Therapy Pools” was written in large letters above a graphic of a middle-aged man swimming in a pool.
“I won’t be but a minute,” she said.
Ten minutes later Mai Li was in the midst of four men, all of them at least a foot taller than she was. She felt like a child as she showed them the pad. Two of the men examined the pad and the stubbed out plumbing and electrical pipes. A third man went to see if there was an alley the truck could use to get closer to the installation site. Jack, who appeared to be in charge of the other men, went over the paperwork for the pool with Mai Li.
Within an hour the components of the pool had been moved to the back yard. Again, Bobby sat on the porch in the lawn chair, watching as the steel panels were fastened together to make a rectangle. Then pieces were added to the rectangle until the walls looked thick and Bobby wondered how much room would be left inside it. It went quickly and by the time Vicky got home from work the leak testing was being done. They spent two more days on the installation, but most of the third day involved making things look pretty and covering up parts of the basic structure. The big, blue rubber-looking membrane that had covered the whole interior on the first day could no longer be seen when they finished.
In the afternoon of day three, Bobby was invited to put on a suit and climb the stairs that now led from the back porch down into the pool. The rim of the pool was about a foot and a half higher than the porch, and there was a ladder that led up from the porch and then down into the pool. When he got in, the water was up to his nipples. Then Mai Li was taught how to turn everything on and, suddenly, Bobby had to walk to keep from being swept to the end of the ten-foot-long rectangle.
There were things to adjust to, of course. Bobby said the water was cold and Jack said that was because it was freshly filled. He said that the sun would warm it up in a few days. If they didn’t want to wait for that, the heater they had installed could be used to raise the temperature of the water.
They learned how to manipulate the cover for the pool, which worked like the roof of a convertible automobile. The cover was pulled manually, moving the metal frame until the pool was covered by a thick, white, vinyl cover.
When Mai Li had no more questions, the men got in their truck and left, going to their next job.
In what seemed like a “just like that” moment, there was a therapy pool in the back yard.
By the end of the day Mai Li had worked him over in the pool for two hours and his skin was ‘pruney.’
At nine o’clock Bobby was tired and just wanted to go to bed.
It was the first night since he and Mai Li had been sleeping together that they didn’t have sex before they went to sleep.
The installation of the pool wasn’t quite finished. That’s because the insurance people insisted that it be enclosed in a fence that could be locked so that no unauthorized people (children) could get to it and there wouldn’t be any accidents that would lead to liability claims the insurance company would have to pay out. Basically it was a company saying, “You have to spend money so that we won’t have to spend money.” Ted had handled the negotiations on this, as well. The landlord had voiced no objections to any of this process, since none of it was coming out of his pocket and all of it would add to the value of the property, assuming it was left there. There were legal precedents wherein things “added to” a rental structure became property of the landlord, but he didn’t mention that to them.
The exterior dimensions of the pool were twelve feet long and eight feet wide. The interior was smaller than that, because of the insulation and exterior covering, but it was the outside size that mattered, in terms of the fence. There was also a small, enclosed compartment at one end for the huge pump, filter, and the heater. It also had thick walls and its own environmental heater. The walls were thick, both to muffle the sound of the pump while it worked and to protect it from freezing in cold weather. Since nobody was going to sit in lawn chairs at ground level and watch someone inside the pool (all they’d be able to see if they did this was maybe the top of someone’s head) it was determined the fence only needed to be large enough to allow someone to get to the components of the pool for maintenance. On Friday the fencing crew showed up and, by the end of the day, there was a ten foot tall fence surrounding the pool that provided both security and privacy.
On Saturday, when Mai Li worked with Bobby in the pool, it was the first day they got naked while his therapy was conducted.
It was also the first day Bobby slid his rampant boner into her hot, clasping pussy in the now warm water of the pool.
Her period had been over for two days, so the only mess the filters had to deal with were the remnants of Bobby’s semen that leaked out of her happy, well-fucked sex.
On Sunday, Vicky’s day off from work, she put on her bathing suit and went out to sit just off the small deck on the ten inch thick edge of the pool. She dangled her legs into the water and watched as Bobby walked against the current, “jogged” and even swam a little bit. His stamina wasn’t developed yet, of course, so he swam only a few minutes at a time. Most of the time he was actually just walking and using his arms to help pull himself against the current. Mai Li altered the force of the water, depending on whether he was on his feet or not. After an hour of this, she turned the pump off and Vicky got into the water with them to just stand and soak while they talked.
When she had asked if she could watch, that morning, Bobby’s reaction had been one of disappointment, something Vicky had seen right away. She had promised not to laugh and Mai Li took her aside and explained that, on the day before, they had swum naked.
“I don’t want to skinny dip,” said Vicky.
“Of course not. I’m just explaining why Bobby is reluctant to let anyone watch us.”
“Poor thing,” said Vicky. “I believe the primary reason we got this pool was for his therapy, not so he could get his girlfriend in the pool naked and play.”
“I get that,” said Mai Li. “On the other hand, when I stand at one end naked, he works harder to get to me.” She grinned.
Another problem was that the only swim suit Vicky owned was from quite a few years earlier in her life. It was a one-piece suit and was a little small for her, particularly in the bust. When she came out on to the back porch, Bobby was already in the pool, walking. When he looked at her the half hard penis in his own suit firmed up and he groaned.
“Do I need to slow it down?” asked Mai Li, who was standing by the control panel.
“No, I’m fine,” said Bobby, who stopped looking at his sexy mother and returned to looking at his sexy girlfriend.
By the time Vicky got into the water with them, he felt like he had control over his fantasies again. It helped that those disturbing, thrusting breasts he had suckled when he was a baby were now submerged.
Eventually Vicky asked Mai Li to turn the pump on again, at a low setting, so she could see what it was like to be in a “river.”
“I can see how this could be a real workout,” she said, five minutes later, as she walked beside her son and the physical therapist who was now his lover and girlfriend.
“It’s a low impact workout, too,” said Mai Li. “It will tone your muscles without stressing your joints.”
“I think I’ll use it a lot,” said Vicky. She looked sideways at Bobby. “I’ll be sure to make appointments to do that so I won’t embarrass you if you’re in it.”
“What?” Bobby’s mind had drifted while his mother and Mai Li talked. There was something about walking in the moving water that made his mind settle in some soft, fuzzy place where his thoughts floated as if they were in water, too.
“Mai Li told me you like to skinny dip while you work out,” she said.
“Oh,” said Bobby, as he felt his face get hot. “It just feels better.”
“I’m sure it does. I might want to do that, too. That’s another reason for us to know who’s going to be in the pool and when.”
“Mom,” groaned Bobby. “I don’t want to think about you swimming here naked!”
“Don’t worry,” she said. “Like I said, we’ll all know who’s going to be using the pool and when. Besides, you’ll use it in the daytime and I won’t use it until I get home from work. You’ll be out by then. It won’t be any big deal.”
“That sounds very workable,” said Mai Li.
“Maybe I’ll even bring Terry over here to work out with me,” said Vicky.
“Mom!” groaned Bobby.
“Oh, grow up,” snorted Vicky. “I had a sex life before you were born. That’s why you were born. You have a sex life with Mai Li. Are you saying I’m not allowed to have a sex life, too?”
“No,” he said. “All I’m saying is I don’t want to think about it.”
“Then don’t,” said Vicky.
“I can’t help it when you talk about swimming naked with your boyfriend. Is he your boyfriend, by the way? I mean have you guys made it official?”
“We haven’t talked about that,” said Vicky. She gave him a little grin. “We don’t talk much.”
“Well what the heck do you do? You spend hours and hours with him,” said Bobby.
His mother just raised and lowered her eyebrows at him, like the Groucho Marx he wasn’t even aware was ever a thing. Mr. Marx must have been a genius, though, because Bobby got it almost immediately.
“Mom!” he groaned, covering his eyes. Covering them didn’t work, though because what he was “seeing” was inside his brain.
“What? You and Mai Li make the two-backed beast all the time. How do you think I felt the first time I opened your door to find out if you were alive and safe, and saw you in bed with a beautiful, naked woman? At least I don’t bring him here and parade around in my underwear in front of you.”
“Mom, please don’t do this to me,” he moaned.
“Do what? All I’m saying is that if it’s fair for you to have a sex life, it’s fair that I get to have one, too.”
“I know that, and it is,” he groaned. “I just don’t want to think about it because when I do think about it I get...”
He stopped and looked at Mai Li, who had been standing against one side of the pool while the other two walked.
“A boner?” she provided, helpfully. She put one hand up beside her mouth and whispered in a voice that could clearly be heard, “He thinks you’re sexy and it bothers him.”
“Thanks a fucking ton, Mai Li!” yelled Bobby, who went to the ladder and started climbing out. He was so angry that he didn’t think about how, when he turned sideways on the deck to move towards the house, both women would be able to see that the front of his swim suit was obscenely stretched out. He stomped toward the back door and wrenched it open.
“Oh my,” said Vicky. “I knew boys didn’t want to think about their parents’ sex lives, but I had no idea it could be that traumatic!”
“It can be,” said Mai Li. “I remember when I was little, maybe seven or eight, I hated my mother for a few weeks because she kept stealing daddy away from me and taking him into the bedroom where they wouldn’t let me see what went on. I knew what went on in there, of course. My friends explained it to me. What made me so furious was that I thought he was supposed to be doing those things with me, not her.”
“So, what happened?”
“Well, my parents didn’t know what to do about it. They were always unconventional about life. That’s why they eventually adopted four children from orphanages overseas. So, one night they invited me into their bedroom and they got naked and they made love while they talked to me about how they met and fell in love.”
“And that helped you understand why they chose each other?” said Vicky.
“Oh no. When I saw how big his penis was, and how he just shoved it in her, I got over wanting my father to do things to me almost instantly.”
“So, are you saying I should make love with Terry in front of my son?”
“Heavens, no,” laughed Mai Li. “He’d have a whole litter of seizures if you did that!”
“Well, I don’t want him to have even one seizure, much less a string of them,” said Vicky.
“What are you going to do?” asked Mai Li.
“I have no idea,” sighed Vicky. “I was thinking about getting a bikini, but now I don’t think I will.”
What Vicky did was tell Terry about the problem the next day when he came into the diner. He didn’t laugh or downplay the issue.
“I understand,” he said. “There was a time in my life where I felt that way about my mother, too.”
“What did you do?” asked Vicky.
“Nothing,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “She never found out and I eventually grew out of it.”
“I assume you didn’t invite girls over to have sex with them in your room,” said Vicky.
“No,” he laughed. “My parents would have killed me and then grounded my corpse until I was twenty-five.”
“He’s been through so much,” sighed Vicky. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Let me think about it,” said Terry. “Maybe I can come up with something.”
“He asked me if I was your girlfriend,” said Vicky.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“We’ve only been dating two weeks,” said Vicky.
“Eleven days, to be exact,” he corrected.
Vicky blinked. “Eleven days? And we’ve spent all that time ... in bed?” She looked pensive.
“I think we skipped the boyfriend/girlfriend stage of things and went straight to the love-at-first sight part of the program.”
She looked at him carefully.
“You’ve never said you love me, Terry.”
“I was terrified that if I did, you’d run screaming in the other direction,” he said. “I haven’t felt this way about a woman since my wife died and I didn’t want to screw things up.”
“I have to get back to work,” said Vicky, abruptly.
“I did screw things up,” he groaned.
“I didn’t say that. I said I have to get back to work. You do, too. You have criminals to catch and innocent picnickers to harass.”
“So ... do we still have a date tonight?” His face was stoic.
“Of course we do,” she said. “I’m just wondering if I should make you take me somewhere in public instead of falling on my back as soon as I see you.”
“I’d be happy to be seen in public with you,” he said. “I’d be proud.”
“And someplace that isn’t a hotel,” she said.
“I believe you’re the one who chose the hotel,” he said.
“I know I’m a slut, Terry,” she growled. “You don’t have to rub it in.”
They were standing by the little alcove that led to the restrooms. Vicky had intercepted him there while he was on his way to relive himself. His seat, at a table with two other officers, was in plain view of them both.
When Terry swept her into his uniformed arms, not only one of his compatriots but four other people in the diner saw it immediately. Nobody expected the big, burly cop to kiss the waitress, but that’s what he did. She went rigid in his arms for a few seconds, and then relaxed. She didn’t exactly kiss him back, but she didn’t push him away, either. When his lips left hers he whispered, “If you ever call yourself a slut again I will spank your firm, round bottom until you can’t sit down.” Then he turned his head to look at the startled diners. The second cop, who hadn’t seen what was happening, had been clued in by his partner and was turned around in his chair.
“Nothing to see here, folks,” Terry called out in a gruff voice. “I’m just kissing my girlfriend.”
“Do you two have plans for tonight?” asked Vicky as they finished supper.
“No,” said Mai Li.
Bobby, who had been quiet during supper, shook his head.
“Terry asked me to invite you two on a double date,” said Vicky.
“Where?” asked Mai Li.
“He wants to go to the Granada to see a blues musician named Kelly Hunt.”
“What’s the Granada?” asked Mai Li.
“It’s a beautiful old building that was built in the twenties. It used to be a theater and they renovated it to have music groups and comedians and such. I’ve heard of it, but never been there.”
“And who is Kelly Hunt?” asked Mai Li.
“She’s a local,” said Vicky. “I have heard her music and she’s wonderful. She’s bluesy, but also has elements of rock and roll in her music. She writes her own stuff.”
Mai Li rose and went to get her laptop. When she came back she opened it and tapped keys. Then she turned it so all could see it and pushed “Play” on a You Tube video. The song was called Queen of the 88s and the woman singing it looked like a normal person, rather than a fixed-up singing star. She didn’t need to enhance her looks. Within thirty seconds all three of them were captivated and moving various parts of their bodies. When the song was finished Mai Li closed her laptop.
“I want to go,” she said, with vigor.
“Me, too,” said Vicky.
Both women looked at Bobby.
“Okay. Sure,” he said.
Nobody had a chance to talk or chat when the show started. Their seats were ten or fifteen rows back and to one side, but it didn’t matter because the sound system filled the entire space with the most delicious music Bobby thought he’d ever heard. He would forever love the blues after that night.
During intermission, Vicky and Mai Li went to powder their noses and Terry moved over to sit next to Bobby.
“I need to talk to you,” he said.
“What about?” asked Bobby. His mood was elevated and his troubles had been sung away, at least for the moment.
“I think I’m in love with your mother,” said Terry.
Bobby just stared at the man.
“I know, I know,” sighed Terry. “We’ve only been going out for a couple of weeks, but she got under my skin almost instantly. In fact, I knew I was going to try to get her to go on a date with me that day I met you all in the park. It was like her eyes reached inside me and grabbed something and twisted it just enough to tell me being around her could be dangerous.”
“Dangerous? My mom?” Bobby actually laughed.
“Don’t sell her short,” said Terry. “The last thing on Earth I’d want to experience is her being angry with me.”
“I get that,” said Bobby. “It seems like it was just last month that she was yelling at me and telling me to go to my room.” He blinked. “That was before the accident.”
“I heard about the accident,” said Terry. “I even went back and looked up the file. The lady who ran over you is still in prison and will be for ten more years.”
“Ten more years?” gasped Bobby. He had never really thought about the person who had hit him.
“It was her third DUI and in the one before she hit you she hit another car and injured two people in that car. Her driver’s license had been revoked and she wasn’t supposed to be behind the wheel, much less drunk while she did it.”
“Wow,” said Bobby.
“Anyway, back to your mother and me. Have you ever heard of love at first sight?”
“Sure,” said Bobby.
“Well, I think that’s what happened to me. And I think she feels kind of like that, too, but she’s worried you won’t like me so she doesn’t want to make any commitments.”
“I don’t even know you,” said Bobby.
“True,” said Terry. “I’d like to get to know you, but that will take some time and I’m afraid she’s going to just walk away, rather than talk to you about it.”
“She can talk to me about anything,” said Bobby.
“Sure, you know that, but mothers get a little weird when it comes to their children, especially their male children.”
“What do you mean?”
“When a woman’s male offspring grow up and get interested in girls and start dating them and ... you know ... doing things with them ... it can freak them out a little.”
“Doing things?” Bobby’s voice was high-pitched.
“She told me you and Mai Li have fallen for each other, kind of like how I’ve fallen for your mom.”
“What did she tell you?”
“She’s happy for you. She’s made it clear that you are her first priority. Her whole life circulates around you. She’s glad you have a girlfriend, but she’s also worried.”
“Why would she worry? I’m doing fine,” said Bobby.
“She’s worried you won’t like me, so she’s not willing to commit to our relationship.”
“Like I said, I don’t even know you,” said Bobby.
“Let me just ask you this, man to man. How do you feel about me dating your mother?”
Bobby’s eyes darted to one side. He’d never had this kind of conversation with a man.
“I don’t know,” he hedged.
He was hedging in front of an experienced interrogator, who could read body language as easily as he could read a book.
“Look,” said Terry. “I get it that you still remember your mom and dad before they broke up. I’m not trying to take your father’s place. But I think Vicky and I could have something special, something that would last. I think it could stand the test of time if we had a chance to explore that. But she’s not going to take that chance unless she senses you will at least tolerate her dating.”
“I can’t stop you from dating my mother,” said Bobby.
“Do you want to stop me?”
“No,” groaned Bobby. “I want her to be happy, too. It’s just that when I think about her being with you, I have these thoughts I don’t want to have.”
“I get that,” said Terry. “I used to feel like that about my own mother, back in the day.”
“What did you do about it?” asked Bobby.
Terry shrugged.
“I guess it was time. I’ll tell you this, but you better never tell another living soul, okay?”
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