The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 16
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
“I like this,” sighed Bobby.
He was lying on the couch, using Mai Li as his pillow. His head was in her lap and they were watching a sitcom on TV.
“It’s a pretty good show, I guess,” said Mai Li.
“I meant lying here like this,” he said.
“I know,” she said. “I was teasing you.”
He rolled onto his back and looked up at her. Her fingers played with his forelock and stroked down one cheek.
“I never got to lie around with my head on a girl and be teased like this,” he said. “Since you came there have been all kinds of new things in my life.”
“They would all have happened sooner or later anyway,” she said.
“Would they have? I can’t imagine that. I can’t imagine doing any of it with anyone but you.”
“If you get out in the world a little more and meet some other women, maybe you will be able to imagine it,” she said.
“I have a question,” he said.
She waited, her fingers still stroking him somewhere around his head and shoulders.
“Why me? I mean I get why I was so eager to do things with you. Any guy would be. You’re so beautiful it makes me feel weak sometimes. But you could have anybody in the whole world. So ... why me?”
“Well, when I got here you were so weak and pathetic you were like a puppy who needed to be rescued from a flood, or something. I didn’t intend to fall in love with you. I was doing just fine without a boyfriend. I was finally going to get to do some real PT work and the last thing I thought would happen was being intimate with a man; any man! But, as we worked together and your attitude improved and you got a little stronger, I didn’t keep my guard up well enough. You weren’t so pathetic anymore but you were still cute. You got under my skin. I even tried to resist you, but it was no use. You stole my heart, Bobby Washington. You snuck in like a burglar and stole my heart.”
“I don’t know how,” he said. “I don’t remember doing anything.”
“You were just yourself,” she said. “You stopped feeling sorry for yourself and started working at getting better. You became a man. You have a ways to go, yet, and I can’t wait to see you do it.”
“I want to get stronger,” he said. “I want to catch up with everything I missed and even get some kind of job, but I don’t want to do any of that without you,” he said. “I know you want me to meet other women and all that, but I’m just not interested.”
“I know,” she said, softly.
“But you want me to get better so you can go on to some other job with some other person,” he said.
“No. What I want is for you to get to the point where you don’t need me anymore,” she said.
“I’ll always need you,” he said.
“I mean for PT,” she said. “There will come a time when you don’t need PT anymore. You won’t need a physical therapist and I’ll have to move out. I’m not going to be happy about moving out, but I will be happy that you’ve healed up as much as you can.”
“Thinking about you moving out, maybe even moving away from Lawrence, makes my stomach hurt,” he said.
“I’ll try to get a job here in Lawrence,” she said. “There are three PT groups here in town and I hope to be able to get a job working at one of them.”
“Still, you won’t be here every night,” he said.
“If you get a job and I get a job, we could find an apartment and be roommates,” she said, her voice light. She wasn’t trying to come up with actual plans. Rather she sensed he was becoming sadder and she wanted to avoid that.
“Leave my mom,” he said. He blinked. “I never thought of that before. I can’t imagine doing that, either.”
“Well, if she gets a boyfriend and falls in love, and maybe even gets married again, would you want to live in the same house as her and her new husband?”
“No,” he said, almost instantly. “But I also don’t want to stop seeing her.”
“You can come visit your mother, Bobby,” she said. “That’s another reason for us to try to stay in Lawrence when you’re well. And, in a worst case scenario, if I have to get a job in Kansas City, that’s only half an hour away, if I live in Overland Park or Lenexa. And if I get work there I’ll actually need a roommate, just to be able to afford rent!”
“I don’t want to think about any of that,” he said, turning further so his face was against her stomach. He kissed her shirt. “I just want to lie here like this.”
“Then you lie there like that and I’ll watch TV,” she said, stroking his hair.
“Now you’re just spoiling me,” said Vicky, as Terry handed her a glass of wine and carefully set down the tray of cheese, what looked like pepperoni slices, and fancy crackers on the bed in front of her.
“Actually, I’m spoiling me,” he said, as he got back into bed. “I’d be insane not to keep you here as long as I could and, if I can entice you to stay, you’ll need some calories to keep your strength up. So will I. You make me feel like I’m back on the obstacle course at the academy.”
“I know I can be difficult, at times,” she said, around a mouthful of cracker, cheese, and meat, “but this is the first time anybody’s compared me to an obstacle course.”
“You’re not difficult at all,” he said. “I just get worn out trying to get you to make that sound you make when you glow.”
“Glow?” She laughed.
“I’m just trying to keep things upper crust,” he said. “I don’t want to sound vulgar and say something like how when you cum and make that sound, I feel like I just kicked some perp’s ass all by myself and saved countless lives in the process. I hope that if I try to sound like a gentleman, you’ll want to stay longer.”
“Well, I don’t think you have to worry about me staying here. I’m actually trapped here, you know. Somehow, I lost all my clothes and I can’t go out in pubic naked. If I did that some big, burly policeman might arrest me and put me in handcuffs and search me!”
“I’ve already searched you,” he said. He took a long sip of wine. “As long as I stay with you and don’t lose contact, I can vouch for you in a situation like that. Then again, in jail we have to search the prisoners repeatedly. If any of them have had any contact with the outside world they have to be searched to make sure they haven’t gotten their hands on any contraband.”
“I haven’t had any contact with the outside world since I got here,” she teased.
“You’ve had contact with me,” he said. “Sometimes prisoners get contraband from the correctional officers, themselves.”
“No way!” said Vicky, her voice much more strident, suddenly.
“It happens,” said Terry. “Somebody offers them money, or finds out something about them that could get them fired and blackmails them. A lot of drugs get into prisons that way.”
Vicky rolled to put her wine glass on the nightstand next to the bed. She sat up and leaned over to pick up the tray he’d just brought in. She saw his eyes go to her hanging breasts, which she knew were swinging, gently. She couldn’t fit the tray on the nightstand because of the lamp, clock, and other things that were already there, so she just set it on the floor. She darted to the door of his bedroom and went into the hallway before turning around and running back to the bed. She crawled back into bed on her hands and knees.
“I’ve been out of your sight,” she said. “I might have contraband on me.”
“Curses,” he said. “I’ve misplaced my handcuffs. I always handcuff a prisoner before I search her.”
“I promise not to resist,” she said. “I’m a model prisoner.”
“All right. Don’t move!” he said.
He finished chewing, swallowed, emptied his wine glass and then got out of bed. He put his glass beside hers and kneed up onto the bed behind her. He gripped her hips and used one knee to make her spread her knees apart. When she did so she let her elbows and her abs go loose to present her pussy to him. He reached to grip his newly-hardened penis and nosed the tip between lips that were still greasy with his last deposit. He pushed in slowly and leaned down to reach and fondle her breasts.
“This search might take a while,” he breathed. “I need to be very thorough.”
“I have another question,” said Bobby.
“What’s that?”
“Would you take your shirt off?”
“Take my shirt off?” There was unspoken curiosity in her voice.
“I want to suck your nipples,” he said. “Would you mind if I did that?”
She laughed.
“No. I wouldn’t mind. You do know that might lead to other things, though, right?”
“I hope it does. I have a boner.”
“When did you get a boner?” she asked, laughing further. “All we’ve been doing is sitting here talking.”
“You smell good,” he said, turning his nose and pressing it into her top as he inhaled noisily.
“And smelling good causes boners?” She giggled.
“All I have to do is see you and I start to get a boner,” he said. “It’s actually a little annoying sometimes.”
“Poor baby. I’ll be happy to let you play, but remember I’m on my period.”
“Does that hurt, or something?”
“I get cramps now and then,” she said.
“No, I meant does it hurt you when you have sex while you’re on your period?”
“Other than the shower we took I’ve never done that,” she said. “It would be messy.”
“How does that work, exactly?” he asked.
“That’s a strange question for a man to ask,” she replied, feeling uncomfortable.
“Why? I mean if I ever have a girlfriend, wouldn’t I need to understand what she’s going through?”
“I thought I was your girlfriend,” she teased.
“You are. I mean if you want to be...” he trailed off.
“I do,” she said. “I shouldn’t, but I do. Considering what we’ve been doing, I can’t think of any other term for what we are. I guess you could say we’re friends with benefits, but I don’t like that concept. I love you. You’re more than just a friend. You’re more than just my patient.”
“I like girlfriend,” he said, nuzzling her stomach again.
“And you really want to know what happens when a woman has her period?”
“I do. I remember them talking about it in school, except I don’t remember any details. I’m not sure they gave us any details.”
“Okay. Give me a minute to think. I’ve never talked about this subject with a man. Well, other than a doctor.”
“Sure,” he said. “Can you take your top off while you think?”
His behavior was bizarre, compared to other boys and men she’d known. What made his request seem reasonable was the innocence from which it came. He didn’t leer or use “lines.” He simply said what was on his mind. It was refreshing, in a way.
“If I said I didn’t feel like letting you suck my nipples, would you be patient about it?” she asked.
“Of course. I only want to do that if you want me to do that.”
His sincerity was what turned her on. She felt the nipples being discussed crinkle under her shirt and she knew they were becoming turgid. Suddenly, she did want him to give her some nipple love.
“Get up,” she said. “I can’t take my shirt off with you lying on my lap.”
He sat up and watched as she pulled her T shirt up. She did it slowly, watching his face, and was rewarded when he licked his lips in anticipation. She felt the cloth scrape against the undersides of her breasts and then move to brush her nipples. Once her breasts were bare and the shirt obstructed her view, she pulled it off quickly. She had to deal with her hair and then tossed the shirt on the floor. When she looked at his face she saw avid joy at the intimacy she was sharing with him.
She leaned back and he immediately lay down with his head in her lap again. She cradled his head so it was high enough to get to her breasts and sighed as he latched onto one nipple and began nursing it with quick, repetitive little sucks.
“I love your nipples,” he said, as he switched.
“So do I,” she moaned softly, as he gave the other breast the same treatment.
She let him continue for several minutes, laying her head back on the backrest of the couch and just enjoying the feelings he was creating in her body.
She was horny, now, and freely admitted it to herself. She knew she was going to want more. She already wanted more. But this was new territory for her.
“Okay,” she said, trying to marshal her thoughts. “Every month or so, during her childbearing years, a woman’s body releases an egg from her ovaries. As it descends the fallopian tube, the walls of her uterus prepare to receive a fertilized egg. The body just assumes it will be fertilized. The walls of the uterus thicken and the blood supply increases. If the egg is fertilized, then it attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to grow into a baby. But if the egg isn’t fertilized, then the body sheds that thickening inside the uterus. That’s when a woman has her period. The blood and tissue that is no longer needed to start growing a baby gets flushed out. It takes several days because it all has to come through the cervix, which is really small. It comes through the cervix and into the vagina, where it drains out of the woman’s body. A pad or tampon is used to catch and soak up the blood so it doesn’t make a mess in her panties or jeans or whatever.”
“Huh,” grunted Bobby, pausing to look up at her. “Sounds like a hassle.”
“It is, and it isn’t,” said Mai Li. “Some women have a hard time and get cramps. That’s just the uterus trying to push stuff out, or at least that’s how I understand it. I get cramps now and then, but most of them aren’t bad. They make medicine that helps with that. What makes it a pain is when the flow is at its highest and you keep having to interrupt your day to change tampons or pads.”
“I have another question,” he said.
“My mom had this box of tampons under the sink in her bathroom. This was in our old house, before the accident. I snooped and saw it. It said they were super size and it made me wonder if my mom had a huge pussy.”
“That’s not a question, but I’ll give you the answer. Most periods start light and then go to medium and then super flow before going back to medium and then light, near the end. They make tampons that are designed for the type of flow you’re in. It has nothing to do with the size of the vagina.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” he said. “Why not just use the super ones all the time?”
“Because they’re not comfortable. They’re a little larger and if they’re not placed just right they cause pain.”
“I guess that makes sense. So, when you have one in and it needs to be changed, how do you know it needs to be changed?”
“Experience, mostly,” said Mai Li. “If it’s not working anymore you see spotting in your panties.”
“I looked at one of Mom’s, back then. How the heck do you get it out?”
“There’s a string attached. You pull the string. It can come out when you don’t want it to sometimes, like when you bear down to pee. Your vaginal muscles can push it out. Then you have to push it back in. Nobody likes it, but it’s just part of being a woman.”
“How can you pee if there’s something stuck up in your pussy?” he asked.
“It goes in past where the urethra is,” she said. “It’s deep enough it doesn’t obstruct that function.”
“So, having sex while all this is going on would mean you have to take the tampon out, right?”
“That’s correct.”
“And whatever the tampon would have soaked up doesn’t get soaked up,” he reasoned.
“That’s also correct.”
“But it wouldn’t hurt you, right? I mean if a tampon can be in there and it doesn’t hurt then a penis could be in there and it wouldn’t hurt, right?”
“It didn’t hurt when we did it in the shower,” she said.
“So, if we figured out a way to keep the mess contained, then we could still have sex?”
“Yes,” she said. “I never thought I’d hear myself say I could have sex on my period, but yes, we could.”
“You’re teasing me,” groaned Vicky.
“I’m being thorough,” he said, as his fingers stroked her labia. The tip of one finger abused her clit and she lifted her hips without thinking.
“Stop resisting!” he warned.
“I don’t have any contraband on me!” she whined.
“I still haven’t checked you out for internal concealment,” he said, pushing a finger into her.
“Then do it!” she yipped.
“The tool I’m using isn’t long enough to feel deep, where something may be hidden,” he said.
“You have a tool that will go to the very end,” she panted. “Would you please use it?”
“All right,” he said, trying to sound disgruntled.
He got over her and, to his surprise, she closed her legs.
“You’re resisting again,” he warned.
“You teased me,” she said. “Why should I cooperate when all you’ve done is tease me?”
“I’ve been thorough,” he argued. “Women can be devious when it comes to smuggling things into a jail.”
“I’m not devious,” she snorted. “I’m just horny, you beast!”
“That’s what they all say,” he replied. “Put your arms over your head.”
She did so, primarily because she had become accustomed to following his commands. He lifted one hand to cross the wrists and then held them down while he tried to put a knee between her legs and spread them.
She resisted with her legs, but not with her hands.
“Don’t resist,” he growled. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.”
“Beast!” she panted.
He lifted his hips and reached with his free hand to grip his prong, aiming it at the portal that was barely visible with her legs together. He felt the tip catch and pushed an inch into her.
“Beast!” she growled.
“I tried to get you to cooperate,” he said. “The hard way it is.” He pushed harder.
She was tight in this position, tighter than he expected.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he breathed, exerting more pressure and sinking in another half inch.
“Are you afraid I’ll file a complaint?” Now she was teasing him.
In answer he dug his toes into the covers on either side of her feet and pushed harder. She was slippery and he sank into her until the base of his penis pressed her clit hard.
“Finally!” she gasped. “Don’t you dare stop!”
He moved his hips sideways, mauling her clit, and she whined.
Suddenly, the pent up passion that had built while he played with her overwhelmed him and he felt the sweet rush of semen soothing the inside of his penis.
“Already?! You are a beast!” she yipped.
“Cool your jets, prisoner,” he grunted, as his cock spewed again. “This search isn’t finished until I say it’s finished.”
He lost half of his rigidity, but he was still able to crush her clit and he moved his hips in small circles. With his legs outside hers, she couldn’t spread her legs and the circles moved his half hard penis inside her a couple of inches, back and forth, while his pubic bone mangled her clit. Within a minute her hands pulled free of his grasp with strength that surprised him and beat first on the covers and then on his shoulders.
“You’re making me cum!” she squealed.
“Finally!” he panted, kissing her chin. “I worked on you for half an hour and you kept resisting.”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to cum while you searched me,” she gasped. “I wanted to cum like this!”
“Sorry,” he said, as he moderated his movements to just rub, rather than try to rub her clit off. “I’ve only been doing this twenty years. I promise to practice. Practice makes perfect, you know.”
“Can you keep going a little longer?” she panted. “I could cum again if you keep going.”
His lower back muscles were complaining, but he just rested his whole body on top of hers. He crushed her warm, soft breasts with his chest and just rocked, using her body as support.
“The obstacle course was easier than satisfying you,” he breathed.
He kissed her to keep her from complaining again.
It took another five or six minutes but she convulsed under him again and then went limp.
Mai Li used her own towel, the one she’d packed to bring with her when she took the job of rehabilitating Bobby Washington. She was sure blood would get on it and she didn’t want to soil one of Vicky’s towels and then have to explain that. She had no idea if the blood would wash out. The spotting in her panties never did get completely out. But she wasn’t really concerned with that. What she was concerned with was the oddness of getting ready to have sex just after she removed a tampon.
There was a certain “ick” factor at play, but only in Mai Li’s mind. Bobby wasn’t concerned. He was eighteen and horny. His little brain didn’t care about the blood; not if it was Mai Li’s blood.
The “ick” factor didn’t last long. She expected there to be a sound when he entered her, but there wasn’t. Further, she again realized she was more sensitive at this time in her cycle, because when he got fully in her and pushed in that way Bobby always pushed, as if he were trying to get deeper, or make his penis longer, she almost had an orgasm. The only reason she didn’t was because she was so startled that her mental processes interrupted the passion.
Her legs had been spread and now she wrapped them around him. Within two more minutes her mind whispered, “Why haven’t you been doing this all along?” as another orgasm crept closer. This one she welcomed and it was sweeter, somehow, more gentle and yet solid like a granite boulder. It didn’t spread throughout her body like others she’d had. This one centered right in her belly and just pulsed. Her fragmented thoughts included very brief notions that her ovaries were seizing this orgasm because she’d been so foolish as to waste an egg.
Then he was lunging against her, not withdrawing fully, but just lunging, as if he was practicing to be a jockey, riding a horse at full gallop.
She was in the midst of her third orgasm, which did radiate from her core like sunrays leaving Sol, when he grunted and spewed inside her.
The “ick” factor reappeared, briefly, when he got off of her and stood, his penis hanging. It was faintly red. The towel had spots on it, too, but there was much less there than she expected.
They showered together, just standing in the water, hugging, as the sweat and little blood was washed off of them.
She let him watch as she inserted a new tampon, another first for her. The odd part was that it didn’t seem odd at all. He was just curious and she was willing to let him that far into her life.
She hand-washed the towel until she couldn’t see the pink any longer and then put it in the washer.
They went back to bed, talked and kissed for maybe ten minutes, and then fell asleep.
When Mai Li woke up the next morning she stared at Bobby’s sleeping form and contemplated how much her life had changed since she met him. The changes were immense, and yet she couldn’t remember all those changes happening to her.
She had never had a professional patient before she came to Lawrence. Her degree had been awarded but she had not practiced her new profession, other than during the clinical part of her education. She knew that, to be taken seriously in the profession, she’d have to get her doctorate, but she was out of money and already in debt, so that would have to wait. Now she had some real life experience, though, to be honest, she had a hard time believing it. Yes, she worked with Bobby and she used the knowledge she’d learned in her classes, but it was difficult for her to see him as a patient.
She had not had a boyfriend when she came to Lawrence and she hadn’t been looking for one. Now she did have one, and it was a deeper relationship than she’d ever had. Just how that had happened was another thing she had a hard time remembering. She did remember feeling like it was all wrong and that she shouldn’t get close to him like that. She knew she had resisted the idea. She knew she had told him it couldn’t happen. She didn’t remember how he’d responded or reacted. Oh, she remembered the erections that kept popping up in his pants as she worked with him. She remembered those as if they were a field of flowers she had strolled through; a beautiful field of flowers. And she remembered the first time she’d seen one of them naked, and had touched it. She’d never forget that day that his thick, pale stalk had become her plaything.
She also remembered swearing to herself, like an alcoholic swears he’s taken his last drink, that she wouldn’t touch it again. And yet, somehow, she had ended up putting her mouth on it, too! How that happened was all dim and misty in her memory. What was crystal clear, now, was that she loved every part of him, his penis included. The period sex had blown her mind. A week ago, had someone said, “You’ll have menstrual sex one day and you’ll love it,” she would have laughed and then gone, “Ewwww! Not in a million years!”
She had come there to work on an unfortunate teenager who had already beaten the odds. She had anticipated staying there for maybe four to six months. She’d have something to put on her resume and she’d move on to another new experience. Now, as she stared at her lover, she was worried that he’d get better much sooner than four months. What would she do then? She no longer wanted to put him on her resume and move on.
How had all this happened? How had he gotten so deep under her skin? How could she feel like she was in the best relationship of her life when it was with a fifteen-year-old boy in an eighteen-year-old body? How could she have fallen in love with a man five years her junior, for that matter?
As she blinked, slowly, one thing she knew for sure. Bobby and, for that matter, Vicky Washington would be in her life for as long as she could make it happen. She had no idea what the future would bring, but she knew it would include this boy and his mother. Tears sprang into her eyes and she felt a rush of love.
His breathing pattern changed and she knew he was coming awake. She blinked away the tears and sat up in bed, swinging her naked legs over the edge of the mattress. When he opened his eyes she stood, looking down at him.
“Up and at ‘em,” she said, her voice rough. “We have things to do!”
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, blinking his own eyes as they raked up and down her body.
“I’ll still be beautiful later. You’re ready to take your math test. I think we should get that knocked out this morning.”
“Really?” He stretched. “Do you think I’m ready?”
“I do. Now, get up and eat breakfast. I’m going to log onto the site and pay the fee and download the test. Chop, chop, round-eyes.”
She pulled on something to cover her body, wondering where that racial comment had come from. She had never paid any attention to race in her life unless someone else forced it on her. She had suffered at the hands of racists, who had said cruel things to her. She had learned the term “round eyes,” in fact, when someone had called her a slant-eyed bitch and told her to “Go back where you came from.” From one of the few other Asians she knew, she had heard the term “round eyes.” Her parents had explained it to her. She had been twelve at the time.
Later she’d heard people say all sorts of things about Asians. They got over on the educational system due to affirmative action. White girls had to compete with Asian girls’ exotic appearance, and willingness to let a boy do whatever he wanted to her. One classmate, at a high school party where there was beer, had complained that Mai Li had “that Chinese gene” that made math easy for her, while everybody else had to struggle to learn calculus. Boys expected her to kiss differently and feel different under their hands. And Melody Watkins; the one who actually asked her if her pussy slit was horizontal instead of vertical! That one had blown her mind. In college, she had volunteered to work with the woman who was teaching Vietnamese immigrants English as a second language, and in the process had learned her native tongue. One day, while practicing with one of the immigrant women in the cafeteria, some idiot had approached the table and said, “This is America. We speak English here. If you don’t like it here, you should leave!”
The words hadn’t bothered Mai Li, though the other woman had been horribly embarrassed. What had bothered Mai Li was how this young woman felt like she could speak for all Americans and spout such bullshit, feeling completely justified in doing so. It actually made America look pretty bad to immigrants.
Mai Li had never reciprocated, though. She had shrugged off the idiots. She hadn’t argued with them because she knew their minds were closed. And she had never used the term “round eyes” out loud in her life. Yet, just now, she had drawn attention to the fact that she and Bobby were of different ethnic communities. Why had she done that?
The test was downloaded and ready but Bobby was still eating, so she gave up thinking about her own use of a racial slur and opened a new tab in Firefox to do some searching in Lawrence for new places to go and exercise. He wasn’t ready to run, yet, but she wanted to go someplace she could start running again. She knew she needed to get back into that before she lost any more of the gains she’d worked so hard to make.
Bobby came in and put his hands on her shoulders. They felt natural, there.
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