The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 14
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Back at the house the bedside light in Mai Li’s room was still on. After riding him for almost an hour he had finally cum and she had collapsed beside him. She only intended to lie there for a few minutes and then chase him back to his own room before Vicky got home. It was only nine-thirty so they had some time, and if they heard Vicky come in he could scurry back to his room before his mother found out what had been going on while she was gone. It was a queen bed, so there was plenty of room for both of them to lie in a loose embrace.
Both had drifted off to sleep, though.
“Nothing there,” said Terry. “I guess you’re not hiding anything after all.”
“I told you,” she panted. “I told you I was innocent!”
“Yes, but everybody says that.” He grinned. “Would you like a tour of the house? I’d love to show you my bedroom.”
He was on his knees, leaning back. Her legs were still spread wide. The elastic strips of her garter belt were stretched to their capacity. And yet, she felt no inhibitions. She was naked, except for the garter belt and stockings, and letting this man see her in her complete vulnerability. It was insane, she knew, and yet all this felt as normal as pie.
“I’d love to see your bedroom,” she said, her voice heavy with passion. “And, since it’s possible you might have something to plant on me, I’m afraid I’m going to have to search you, too.”
He stood, reached for her hand, and pulled her up.
“That’s fair,” he said. “You have my complete consent.”
She followed him up the stairs and to his bedroom, carrying her clothes in her hands. Exposed as she was she didn’t feel any awkwardness. Even in this she was behind him, able to bolt if she desired. She felt oddly safe, though. She knew what was about to happen, but it all seemed like a fantasy at the moment.
He went in first and stood, waiting for her. When she appeared in his doorway he swung his hand in an arc.
“I’m sorry about the mess,” he said. “I wasn’t expecting company.”
She made no comment. She put her little pile of dress and underthings on top of his dresser and went straight to him to begin unbuttoning his shirt. Like she had been docile and compliant, he stood, letting her do everything. As she bared his upper body she knew he was forty-two. He wasn’t lean, but he wasn’t fat, either. Her hands moved over his chest and arms and she felt muscle under the skin, but it wasn’t defined, like a body builder’s might be. She knelt and worked at his belt and then the hook of his slacks. When she unzipped them she saw pubic hair. She tugged and realized he wasn’t wearing underwear.
She paused, not quite frozen, but in rapt attention as his penis was exposed. He was circumcised and his cock was partially erect. It didn’t quite hang. His heavy, full balls appeared to be holding his manhood up a little but she knew that was an optical illusion.
She moved again, pulling his slacks down. He lifted one foot and she worked the leg off. He lifted the other foot and she did the same.
“Don’t move,” she ordered, like he had.
She reached with one hand to lift his penis and used the other to finger his balls, lifting and squeezing them, gently. She was satisfied to hear him gasp, softly.
Feeling a giddy sense of power, and wanting to make him pay a little bit for getting her so crazy that she was doing all this, she told him to bend over and spread his cheeks.
“You could be hiding evidence you intended to plant on me internally,” she growled.
“Now hold on a second,” he said. For the first time he sounded anxious. “I don’t have anything in there.”
“That’s what they all say,” she said, smugly. “Come on. Bend over and spread ‘em.”
He paused but then complied with her command. Once his cheeks were spread, his rosebud was revealed. She’d never looked at one before and was surprised to see hair all around it.
“We usually tell people to cough in this position,” he said, looking at her between his spread legs. “You don’t need to actually go inside.”
She reached and just touched his rectum with one finger. He flinched and made a noise deep in his throat.
“Then cough,” she said.
He coughed and then coughed again. That was followed by a paroxysm of coughs and she leaned back, laughing.
“You’re good,” she giggled.
He turned and frowned at her.
“I think that was police brutality,” he said.
She shoved him toward the bed.
“You haven’t seen brutality, yet, mister. If you don’t make me very, very happy, I’ll get incredibly brutal.”
Vicky turned her head and looked at the clock on Terry’s night stand. The digital readout displayed: 1:23. She knew she should get up and go home. Bobby and Mai Li would be worried about her, by now.
‘I should have called them,’ she thought. She thought about finding her phone and calling now, but maybe they were asleep; and she didn’t want to wake them.
She admitted to herself that she didn’t want to get up and leave. Terry lay beside her, snoring softly.
She felt like she must be floating. It had been incredible. He did things to her that nobody had ever done before and she felt things with him that she hadn’t felt with any man before. She’d had her first set of multiple orgasms, for instance. That had never happened before. She’d always been a one and done kind of woman. He was like the Energizer Bunny. He just kept going, and going, and going.
It felt good to lie in bed with a man, again. She still felt a little slutty, but he had paid her the kind of attention that had made it clear he respected her. He wasn’t just out to get laid, though it was crystal clear he was glad that was happening. He paid attention to what she was going through. He was attentive, and ardent, and sounded like he was dying when he spurted.
That was another thing. She imagined his spend, soaking inside her. He had cum twice. The first time she almost told him she wasn’t on birth control, but she didn’t want to spoil the mood. As he had jetted into her she frantically tried to remember where, in her cycle, she was. By the time he finished grunting and groaning she had remembered she recently bought tampons because her period was due in a few days. The second time he’d grunted and groaned, she just enjoyed knowing he was that turned on.
She knew this wasn’t love at first sight. It was no fairy tale and he wasn’t her knight in shining armor, ready to whisk her away from ‘all this’ to a life of ease and unconcern. But that was okay. She’d already had a fantastic time with him and she sensed that could happen again. She couldn’t decide what kind of relationship this was. She was too old to be his “girlfriend” and he was too old to call her “boyfriend”. They were lovers, but that’s not how you introduce each other. “Hi, I’m Vicky and this is my lover Terry.” It would just sound ridiculous. Nor was he her partner or suitor. The closest thing she could think of in the English language was “significant other” but that still didn’t accurately describe where they were.
She decided it didn’t matter, because she had no one to introduce him to and she doubted he had tons of friends he’d need or want to introduce her to, either. Whatever it was they had, nobody else needed to know about it.
She wanted to stay, but she was wide awake and she needed to be home so she could get ready for work. Mai Li and Bobby needed to see her, too, so they’d know she was okay. She sat up and thought, for a few seconds, that she’d just leave without waking him. She didn’t want to cut things off abruptly, though. She got dressed quietly, slipping the dress over her naked body. She gathered the bra, garter belt, stockings, and panties into a bundle and just carried them in one hand. She went to the bed and touched his shoulder. He rolled and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong,” she said. “I have to go home. I have work in the morning.”
“Well, that sucks,” he said. “I’ll get up and take you home.”
“Thank you. I hated to wake you up.”
“It’s all part of the deal. I won’t be but a second.”
Vicky opened the door and went in as quietly as she could. There were no lights showing and she didn’t want to wake anybody up. It was now 2:15.
She had been astonished at how fast Terry got up and got dressed. He said it was because he’d been in the army and got used to having to get up on short notice. The drive to her house had only taken fifteen minutes. It seemed eerie, driving through a dark city on empty streets. When they got to her house he gave her a nice “I like you a lot” kiss and asked her if she was going to go out with him again some day.
“I know this wasn’t what you planned, but I hope you’ll give me another chance,” he said.
“Oh, you’ll get another chance,” she said, reaching to stroke his thigh. “I was worried about dating again, but I had a good time.” She leaned back and opened the door. “I feel like a teenager, sneaking in after curfew, though.”
He chuckled and said, “I’ll wait until I see you’re safely inside.”
As she closed the front door she heard the throaty rumble of his engine as he pulled away.
Her eyes had adjusted to the low light levels so she didn’t have to turn on any lights as she tiptoed on bare feet towards her room. She saw a dim light coming from Bobby’s door and realized it was open. When he first got home she had installed a night light in his room so she could check on him without waking him up, during the night. As she approached the door she tried to be as quiet as she could. She looked in. His bed was empty.
Curiosity replaced embarrassment and she moved to the bathroom door, looking at the crack at the bottom, but there was no light coming from there, either. There was, however, a ray of light coming from under Mai Li’s door. Had they waited up for her?
Steeling herself for recrimination, she opened Mai Li’s door, turning the knob slowly, stealthily, conscious of the bundle of underwear under her arm. She was not prepared for the scene that met her eyes.
Mai Li and Bobby, both naked, were in bed together. They were sleeping, but it was obvious they’d done much more than that. The small room fairly reeked of sex.
With a peculiar sensation in her chest, she backed out and left the door slightly open. She didn’t want the latch to make a noise and wake one of them.
She tiptoed to her room and closed her own door, carefully, behind her. She got undressed in the dark and put both her dress and the little heap of underthings on her vanity chair before crawling into bed. She needed to get some sleep before she had to get back up and return to the daily grind. She reached to turn her alarm on and relaxed.
As she lay there she again thought of all the genetic material Terry had left inside her body. It was still there, soaking in. She wasn’t worried about it, but it felt strange to have that in her again. Nor did she have any urge to shower and clean him off and out of her.
She was trying to imagine their second date when she fell asleep.
Mai Li woke up. She felt Bobby’s body against hers and opened her eyes to see his sleeping face only inches from her own. The morning light was coming through her window. Panicking, she sat up, dragging her arm out from under him. Bobby made a noise but didn’t wake up. Her arm was asleep; it felt dead and she had no muscle control over it whatsoever. As she tried to get some blood flow back into the arm, she noticed her door, slightly ajar. She had closed that door the night before. She remembered doing that quite clearly. The implications of the door now being open were clear. Vicky had come home and seen them in bed together.
She looked at the clock and saw it was 8:45. She got dressed hastily and hurried to the kitchen. If Vicky was still there, she’d try to come up with an explanation. Vicky wasn’t there, though. The carafe on the counter had most of a fresh pot of coffee in it, and Vicky’s coffee cup was in the sink, but the woman was already gone.
Mai Li poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down, reflecting on the data she had available to her.
One: Vicky had opened the door, which meant she’d looked in.
Two: Vicky had not screamed or even woken them up.
Three: there was no note on the table telling her to pack up and leave, because her services were no longer needed.
Four: Vicky had encouraged her to be intimate with Bobby in the past.
She was pretty sure Vicky hadn’t meant her to be that intimate, though.
She sat, nursing her coffee, trying to write a speech in her head about how she had wanted to test Bobby’s ability to have intimacy without having a seizure, too. The experiment had proceeded in stages and, as she determined he was able to tolerate something, she’d added something else. Things had gotten a little out of control, but the good news was: He could engage in intimacy with a woman and not have a seizure!
Mai Li imagined herself saying something like, “I know I shouldn’t have fucked his socks off, but at least we know he can go on dates safely ... right?” She groaned and leaned back in her chair. She had no idea what she was going to say the next time she saw Bobby’s mother.
She didn’t get him up until ten because he was clearly exhausted. He never slept this late.
“It’s time to get up and get around,” she said, softly, as she shook his shoulder.
“Okay,” he said. He sounded completely normal.
Her phone rang and she pulled it from her pocket. She didn’t recognize the readout, which said “CovThePo”. She almost didn’t answer, but then, on impulse, she swiped to the green.
“Hello?” she asked, carefully.
“Hi! This is Jerry Hightower from Covington Therapy Pools. I’m calling Mai Li MacIntosh.”
“That would be me,” she said. “Hi. I didn’t expect to hear from you for another couple of weeks. I hope this doesn’t mean there’s going to be a delay.”
“Quite the opposite, actually,” said the voice on the phone. “At least I hope so. The reason I’m calling is that we had a customer cancel and if it’s all right with you, we’d like to send the crew to put in your pool sooner than we talked about. The deposit has already been paid and we’ve been in contact with the sub-contractors there in Lawrence already. They could get started tomorrow, if that’s all right.”
“That’s wonderful,” said Mai Li. “Yes. I’ll tell Vicky you’re coming but I’m sure she won’t object.”
“Great. I’ll get them on the way. Thanks very much. We appreciate this.”
“I’m excited to get the pool earlier than we thought,” she said. “I’m eager to get Bobby in it and see how it does.”
“You’ll love it. I promise.”
They said their goodbyes and Mai Li went to Bobby’s room, where he was dressed and sitting on his bed.
“Guess what?” she said, excitedly.
“Please don’t tell me you drugged me and last night was just a dream,” he said.
“No, silly. Last night was very real. How do you feel?”
“I’m not sure,” he said. “Physically I feel fine. What happened last night just seems too good to be true, though.”
“It was good and it is true,” she said. “That was Jerry on the phone, the guy from the pool company. Remember him? Well, they had a cancellation and we got bumped up on the list. They’re going to be here tomorrow to install your new therapy pool! Isn’t that exciting?”
“I guess so,” he said, stretching and yawning. “I’m starved.” He stood up. As he approached Mai Li he stopped and put his hands on her waist, pulling her against him.
“I love you,” he said. “It feels so crazy to say that, like I’m using a foreign language, or something, but I love you.”
She lay her head on his chest and gripped where his love handles would be if he had any.
“I love you, too,” she said. “I think your mother saw us in bed last night, though.”
He pushed her away. He looked alarmed.
“She obviously didn’t say anything, but I closed the door before we made love and it was open a little bit this morning. I meant to send you to your room last night, but we fell asleep.”
“Oh man,” he groaned. “She’s going to kill me!”
“I’m not so sure about that, said Mai Li. “Why didn’t she wake us up yelling if she was angry about it? Why didn’t she scream and tell me to pack my bags and get out? I told you she suggested I teach you how to date, and I confessed to her that I was afraid I was falling in love with you. She told me we can’t choose who we fall in love with, not to leave you alone. And then she even said maybe we should get some condoms! I’d forgotten about that until just now, but she said that, Bobby. I don’t think she was surprised by what she saw.”
“You mean she might say it’s okay?” Bobby looked dazed.
“Well, I’m not sure talking to her about it in detail would be a good idea. She just started dating again. That might be tumultuous for her. I say we pretend we don’t know she saw us and just go on with life normally. Let her bring it up if she wants to talk about it.”
“Yeah, but what is normal now? Most of what I remember was from when I was fifteen. I was an eighteen-year-old for a whopping four months before you came along, and I’ve only know you for two weeks. I don’t even know your favorite color, or restaurant, or almost anything about you! And then there was last night, which made me absolutely positive I was still in a coma, dreaming all of this. What the heck is normal, Mai?”
She pulled him back against her in a firm hug. She pinched his side until he yelped, but didn’t remove her arms.
“You’re not dreaming if you felt that pinch,” she said. “You’ve been through so much I’m not surprised you’re confused, but know this. I love you and I’m not going away. Not in the foreseeable future, anyway. I think your mother will tolerate us loving each other, even if she doesn’t think it’s a good idea, and I don’t think she thinks that way at all. I’ve never been a mom, but I’m pretty sure all she wants is for you to be happy and have a chance to grow and be the son she thought she’d lost forever.”
“I’m happy when I’m with you,” he sighed, pulling her against him. “I wish you were taller, though.”
“What? Why?”
“Because then I wouldn’t have to bend down to kiss you. I want to kiss you but my back hurts a little bit. I think maybe I strained it last night.”
“Poor baby,” she said. “Eat breakfast and then I’ll do some therapy on you. I’ll make sure to work on your back.”
“Okay,” he said.
They separated and Mai Li called Vicky, who was at the diner if Mai Li remembered her schedule correctly.
“Hey,” said Mai Li when Vicky answered. She tried to tamp down the butterflies in her stomach and act normal. “Jerry, from the therapy pool company called this morning and said they had a cancellation. He wanted to know if they could start on Bobby’s pool tomorrow. I told them it was okay, but I should have called you, first.”
“I have no objections,” said Vicky. “That sounds wonderful.”
“Okay, great,” said Mai Li. “I’ll call Ted and give him a heads up.”
“Super,” said Vicky. “Thanks for calling me. I’ll see you around four.”
“I’ll try to have something hot for you to eat,” said Mai Li.
“Sounds great.”
They said their goodbyes and Mai Li hung up, feeling like the conversation went well. She couldn’t imagine a world in which Vicky would never confront her about sleeping with Bobby, but she also felt like that conversation would at least be civil.
She and Bobby spent the rest of the day either doing PT or school work.
Both tried to act “normal” as much as they could.
At work, Vicky thought about what she’d seen the night before. She wasn’t upset that Bobby was in bed with a woman quite the opposite, in fact. Had he been fifteen, things would have been different, but he wasn’t fifteen. Had his life been normal, up to this point, things would have been different. She would have told him it was inappropriate to bring a girl home and flaunt what he was doing in his mother’s face. But his life had been anything but normal and if anybody deserved a little joy in life, it was her son. Nor was she upset that it was Mai Li in his bed. She liked Mai Li, and Mai Li had been a very positive change in Bobby’s life.
She knew all this before she even got to work, so what bothered her was why she had this vague unsettled feeling all morning. It wasn’t until Mai Li called her and told her about the pool, in fact, that she figured out what was going on.
She was jealous. Not because they were having sex ... but because Vicky couldn’t; not there, in her own house, in her own bed. Mai Li had said Bobby would be jealous if she did that. She understood why he would be. It wasn’t because he thought she was beautiful, as Mai Li had teased. It was because in his mind, his father, now her ex-husband, had only been gone four months. The father he remembered was not the father he now had, but of course Bobby couldn’t imagine that. She’d been brutal in telling him that his father wasn’t coming home again, but she’d done that because she couldn’t just lie to him and say “Daddy’s gone on another long trip and might not be back for a year or two.” He needed to know, sooner or later, and she had chosen sooner. That didn’t mean, though, that Bobby would forget the man. Or forgive his mother for “replacing him so soon”.
All Vicky wanted was parity. If Bobby and Mai Li were going to sleep together, there in the house, then she wanted to be able to sleep with a man, there, too. She was quite sure that Terry would happily invite her to sleep over at his house. She was pretty sure she’d do that and even had some little fantasies about keeping some clothes at his house so she could get dressed and go to work from there, instead of having to come home in the middle of the night again. They hadn’t even had their second date, yet, though. It was a bit early to start asking if she could do things like that.
Still, it would be nice if she could have him over for dinner and then snuggle and then take him to bed without worrying that it would upset Bobby.
That she’d keep going out with Terry was a given. He was just too good to be true. She hadn’t intended to start dating again at all, and had worried she was doing the wrong thing when she accepted his invitation. The only reason she did so was because he was a cop. If you couldn’t trust a cop, who could you trust? Then, what had happened on the date had been like a dream she couldn’t wake up from. It had been one of those impossible dreams, like where you can fly, or something. She giggled as she remembered getting quietly out of bed and her pussy making a soft, wet, farting sound as it tried to redistribute all the liquid he’d injected into her. That had been when she had told herself it was all very real.
At ten in the morning the whole S.W.A.T. team came in, dressed in their scary-looking gear. She knew Drew, the Lieutenant who was their leader, or supervisor or whatever they called him, and he waved to her and said what he always said.
“Bring me beer for my horses and whisky for my men!” he boomed, as the men settled at two different tables. The diner had both booths and tables, but they couldn’t fit into a booth with all that gear on and none of the tables were big enough to to seat them all at, together. Chair legs scraped on the floor and there was a general hubbub as the men sat down at two adjacent tables.
There were only two other patrons in the diner. Only one turned around to see who was disturbing the peace and quiet. Vicky saw that man’s face stiffen and he hurriedly turned around and buried his face in the pancakes he had left on his plate. Vicky thought it was a little odd that the man had that reaction. Most people would have looked curiously at these men in their black uniforms, with all manner of gadgets and thing-a-ma-jigs hanging off their bodies. She knew she’d be tied up for a while with the team, so she grabbed the coffee carafe and went to top off her two other customers. One was Frank Lopez, a retired man who came in every day for breakfast. He was finished eating but was reading the morning paper so she filled him up. He smiled and said, “Thanks.” Then she went to the other man, the stranger who had appeared to try to duck out of sight when the S.W.A.T. team came in. She knew it was silly to think that, but that’s what it had looked like to her.
“That’s our local S.W.A.T. team,” she said, conversationally, to the man. “I’ll top you off and tell them to keep it down so you can enjoy finishing your breakfast.”
He didn’t look up. He merely said, “Yeah. Sure. I’m almost done anyway.”
It was the change in his demeanor that made her uneasy. When he had arrived he had flirted with her. That wasn’t unusual. Lots of men flirted with her. Nor had she seen what vehicle he arrived in. The diner had a side lot where big rigs could park and many patrons parked their cars there, too. Maybe he was a truck driver and just didn’t like cops.
She took the carafe to the policemen, next. She positioned herself where she could see the mystery man and leaned over, giving the men an unintended view down the front of her uniform. She spoke softly to Drew.
“The man behind you and to your left seemed to get very nervous when you came in,” she whispered. “I don’t know anything about him, but his whole attitude changed when you guys arrived.”
She poured coffee and then said, aloud, “So what brings the S.W.A.T. team out today? Who did you raid?”
“It’s just a training day,” said Drew, also loudly. “We still have to eat, though.”
“I’ll have to get another pot,” said Vicky, holding up the empty carafe. “Be back in a jiffy and then I’ll take your orders.”
While she was getting another pot of coffee one of the S.W.A.T. guys got up and said, “I forgot something. Be right back.”
The bell above the door tinkled as the cop opened and closed it. Vicky returned to their table and finished pouring coffee. She stood, pad and pen in hand, standing hipshot, like she always did. One of the men was ordering when Drew’s cell phone went off. She grinned as the strains of “Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?” filled the booth.
“Yeah,” he said, gruffly. He listened and then said, “Really! Is that so? Well who’d have thought that?” He listened again and said, “Nah. Don’t worry about it. We were just about to order breakfast but I’ll tell them to eat it fast. We should be back in an hour, max. You stay there and do what you do best and we’ll see you in a bit.” He put the phone away and leaned in to speak quietly to the men at his table.
Drew and one other man at his table stood and moved toward the arrow-shaped sign that said “Restrooms” on it. As they passed the nervous man’s booth, though, Drew suddenly slid into the other side of the booth and said, “Let’s just keep those hands right where I can see them.” The man looked up and saw that Drew’s compatriot had his pistol drawn and was aiming it at him as Drew spoke again. “I’d like to discuss that stolen car out in the parking lot, which it appears you drove in here. What say we head outside where you can answer some questions?”
Two more S.W.A.T. members arrived at the booth and the man was extracted and handcuffed. Vicky swallowed as she saw them find a pistol in his waistband when he was searched.
Fifteen minutes later Vicky saw two regular police cars arrive and take over for the S.W.A.T. guys. Terry was in one of them and he waved at her. The S.W.A.T. team came back in and ordered breakfast like they did this kind of thing every day. While they ate, one patrol car took the thief away and Terry stayed until a tow truck got there to pick up the stolen car and take it to the police impound lot. Once the car was gone Terry came inside long enough to speak to Drew for a few seconds and then he stopped to talk to Vicky on his way out.
“What’s the lunch special today?” he asked.
“Two pork chops, fries, and a piece of pie,” she said, promptly.
“Too bad,” he said. “I was hoping for the sheepherder’s special.”
She immediately reached to punch him in the upper arm. She knew he was referring to “A leg of lamb and a little piece of ewe” where “ewe” was pronounced “you”. Truckers had been harassing waitresses with that order for decades.
“Only if you cook the lamb at your house,” she whispered.
“Deal!” he said, instantly.
“Are you asking me out again?” she teased.
“I am,” he said. “You can bring the wine. I’ll look at my schedule and call you.”
When Vicky got home she saw that Mai Li’s car wasn’t there. She expected the house to be empty but found Bobby sitting at his new laptop, doing some kind of school work.
“Are you working on your GED? How’s it coming?” she asked.
He looked up.
“I think I might be ready to take the test on Math.”
“Really?” she said, sounding surprised. “This soon?”
“When you work at your own pace and the instruction isn’t interrupted by other classes, and lunch in the cafeteria, and assemblies, and all that, it makes more sense to me. I understand it better.”
“That’s good,” she said. “So, how do you go about taking the test?”
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