The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 13
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
“We were married two years,” said Terry. “We were talking about having kids when the cancer showed up.”
“I’m so sorry,” moaned Vicky.
“It was pancreatic. She only had two months left when they found it.”
“That’s awful. I can’t imagine what you went through.”
“It’s no worse than you almost losing your son in a traffic accident,” said the big man. “We both had a lot of grief to sort through.”
“Except Bobby didn’t die,” said Vicky. She felt awful at once, pointing out that her loss was so much less than his. “I’m sorry. That was indelicate of me.”
“One of the reasons I wanted to take you out is because you’re not delicate,” he said. “Mirriam was delicate in the extreme. I didn’t think I’d ever date again, but you’re so different from her that I’m not reminded of her so much.”
“You must always cherish her memory,” said Vicky. “She lives on in your mind and heart.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” he said. “Enough of sad talk. I know you work at The Ladybird. Is that all you do?”
Vicky shook her head. “Since Roger doesn’t pay his child support I have to have two jobs. I also work for Miguel Hernandez at his garage as his bookkeeper. It’s The Breakdown Tire and Auto. Have you heard of it?”
“That’s on the southeast side, isn’t it?”
She nodded.
“We spend a lot of time in that part of town,” said Terry. “Lots of rough characters down there.”
“It doesn’t feel dangerous to me,” said Vicky. “Yes, some rough people come in from time to time but nobody bothers me.”
“Good. Just keep your eyes open when you get there and when you leave,” said Terry.
“Isn’t it scary going dangerous places and meeting dangerous people all the time?” she asked.
“I wouldn’t say it’s scary, exactly,” he said. “We’re well-trained, and part of that training is dealing with hostile or unexpected situations. It’s our job to deal with people, no matter what they’re like.”
“Like harassing citizens while they’re having a picnic?” She smiled.
“Yes,” he said. “In our defense, we do have problems with drug deals in that park. My officer was just assessing the situation. Personally, I think posing as picnickers would be a great way to deal drugs. You look all innocent and if someone comes up to you and stands there for a minute, you can always say they were just asking a question or chatting.”
“It’s awful when you can’t even go have a picnic without the police suspecting you of foul play,” she said. “Your officer got very rude.”
“I talked to him afterwards. He said you seemed to be trying to avoid identifying yourselves. When he asked for ID you didn’t give it to him.”
“We weren’t doing anything wrong!” she said, raising her voice. “Why should we have to identify ourselves?”
“We try to identify everyone we come into official contact with,” said Terry. “We run them through the system to see if there are any active wants or warrants. You’d be surprised how often we happen upon someone who’s skipped a court date or, like your ex, has outstanding child support payments owed. It’s how we fill the jail, to be honest. We don’t run into criminals in the act very often. It’s by running names in the computer that we keep busy and take evil-doers off the streets.”
“So ... did you run our names through your computer?”
“I did,” he said, his face calm. “I was delighted to find you weren’t in there anywhere. Not even a ticket. I was impressed.”
“I feel ... violated ... a little bit,” she said.
“Don’t,” he said. “If you’re a law abiding citizen who follows the instructions of the police when they contact you, everything will turn out fine. The only reason your ... uh ... situation got uncomfortable was that you didn’t follow his instructions. If you had, he would have run your names and left you alone.”
“It seems like Big Brother to me,” she said. “I was also upset that he said he saw beer cans when there were clearly no cans of any kind around us.
“I talked to him about that, too,” said Terry. “He didn’t need a ruse to approach you. That causes the public to distrust us. I told him not to do it again.”
“Well, I think it’s a shame when people can’t just go about their business without having to be harassed,” she said.
He extracted his wallet and opened it. He removed a card and extended it to her.
“Take this and keep it in your purse. If you run into one of us again just show it to him and tell him I’ll vouch for you.”
“Is this a get out of jail free card?” she asked.
He grinned.
“Nope. If the officer has probable cause to suspect you of a crime you’ll end up at the jail and that card won’t do you a bit of good. But if it’s in your purse and they find it, they’ll contact me and I can come see if you really need to be in jail, or there’s been some kind of mistake. Mistakes are made, now and then, and it’s only by somebody looking at a situation that they get identified. That’s when having a lawyer is handy, too. You won’t have to pay me to look into it, though.”
“How comforting,” she said.
“There’s something else you can do that will help even more,” he said.
“What’s that?”
“If you were my girlfriend, everybody on the force would know that. If they ever stopped you for anything I’m pretty sure they’d cut you a break.”
“This is just our first date!” squeaked Vicky. “It’s a little premature to be talking girlfriend, here.”
“I know. I just thought I’d mention it. Maybe on our second date we can discuss it further.” He grinned again.
Their dessert arrived and Vicky stared at the thick piece of cheesecake.
“I don’t know if I can eat that,” she sighed. “I’m stuffed.”
“We can take it in a box and you can eat it later,” he said.
“I don’t feel like going home just yet,” she said.
“I’m glad to hear you say that,” he said with a glint in his eye. “I was hoping to lure you to my lair and show you my action figure collection.”
“Action figures? You mean like Spiderman?”
“And many, many more,” said Terry. “Some people think it juvenile, I know, but I have rare pieces and I have every action figure I got as a child. Wanna see them?”
“I thought it was supposed to be engravings,” said Vicky, hiding a smile.
“Alas, I didn’t have that much class when I started my collection.” He didn’t hide his smile.
“All right,” she said. “Will you behave yourself?”
“Why Vicky, whatever do you mean?” he asked, innocently.
“I’m afraid you’ll want to search me at some point,” she said.
“Well, if any of my action figures go missing then yes, I’d have to search you ... thoroughly.”
“Where could I hide an action figure?” she laughed.
“Some of them are pretty small,” he said. “In that case I might have to do a strip search.”
“You’re very forward,” she said.
“You wore a dress that made me that way,” he replied.
Mai Li and Bobby got back home and went inside. Bobby was holding the bag with the condom box inside. He had examined the box on the way home trying to read all the fine print as the car went over bumps in the pavement.
“I’ve never done this before,” he said as he stood in the doorway to Mai Li’s bedroom. “You’ll have to help me.”
“Of course,” she said. “I have lots of experience. It will go easily, but it will only work if you’re nice and hard. Are you nice and hard right now?”
“No,” he said.
She took her shirt off and cupped her naked breasts, shaking them at him.
“You get to suck my nipples tonight. Do you want to?”
“You know I do,” he said, moving towards her.
She pushed her shorts down and stepped out of them. She’d been commando so now she was completely naked.
“You get to put your handsome penis in my poor, hungry vagina tonight,” she whispered. “Do you want to?”
“I guess so,” he said.
She stopped.
“You guess so?” Her voice rose an octave.
“I’ve never done that, either,” he said. “Not on purpose, anyway. Is it going to be like last time?”
Mai Li calmed down. She’d forgotten how fragile he was, in terms of experience.
“No, but I’ll teach you, just like before. You’ll know what to do every step of the way, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.”
“All right then, take those clothes off. If you don’t have a boner by now then I’ll need to work on it.”
“I have one,” he said. “When you said I could do all that, I got one.”
“Good,” she said.
While he got undressed, she opened the box of twelve condoms and took one out. She tore the top and then laid the open package on the nightstand. She wanted to cuddle and, possibly, suck him before the main event.
She got on the bed and he joined her, pressing against her as they kissed.
“I want you to lick my pussy for a little bit, but I’m not going to try to cum,” she said. “I just want to feel your lips and tongue on me down there. Then I’m going to suck your dick for a little bit before I put that condom on you. After that I’ll tell you what to do. Okay?”
“It sounds really fun so far,” he said, as he exposed a very serviceable erection.
“Kiss me,” she breathed.
He did and they swapped tongues. When he pulled back he spoke.
“I can taste what we had for supper.”
“Do you want me to brush my teeth?”
“No. I kind of like it.”
Ten long kisses later she rolled onto her back and spread her legs.
“Suck my clitty now,” she panted.
She didn’t intend to have an orgasm just yet, but when he latched on to her lips and clit with his sucking mouth, she writhed and let it happen. She didn’t scream this time, but when she was finished he lifted his head.
“It sounds like I’m killing you,” he said.
“You’re not killing me,” she panted, “but when I do go I want that to be the last thing I feel.”
She sat up and pushed him onto his back. Then she attacked his boner.
“Do not cum while I’m doing this,” she said, sternly. “I’ll go crazy if I have to wait more than a few minutes to have this in me. Got it?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said, with a mock salute.
Bobby, when he felt her hot mouth on him, went to that place she’d taught him to go, without knowing she was teaching him any such thing. It was a place of calm and peacefulness, where his body felt wonderful and he could relax, while waiting for biology to expel his semen from his body. It was almost a Zen-like trance, except he was aware of everything that was going on. With a detachment that would seem very odd to most people, he was able to almost leave his body and look down, from above, at the beautiful woman who was willing to put his penis in her mouth.
“Feels so good,” he grunted.
She pulled off immediately.
“Stay there,” she breathed.
She reached for the open condom packet and pulled the lubricated sheath out. Expertly she applied it to his cock and then lay down on top of him.
“I want you to be on top this time, but you still have to tell me how you’re feeling, okay?”
“I will, but I don’t know what to do,” he said.
She rolled off of him and reached for a pillow to put under her head before she spread her legs.
“Get onto all fours with your knees between mine,” she said.
He did as she told him. His erection hung, heavy and strangely purple, due to the color of the condom.
“Scoot up so I can put you in me,” she said.
He hung his head and watched while he moved his knees forward. He saw her hand reach for him and kept watching as she brought the tip to where his mouth had been, earlier. He knew about the dark hole that was there. He’d seen it while he was licking her.
The tip made contact.
“Now push, slowly,” she said.
He shoved half his bone into her and she groaned.
“Slowly! You’re big and you’re stretching me a lot.”
He basically stopped, and then, excruciatingly slowly, he pushed until his fluffy brown pubes teased her black ones.
“Ohhhh, this is good,” she groaned. “Keep going.”
“I think I’m all the way in,” he said.
“Push harder,” she panted. “I want you to crush my clit.”
Having sucked the little nubbin she was talking about, Bobby knew right where it was. He stared at their juncture and moved his knees again to push hard.
“Ohhh, that’s it, Baby. Yes! Just like that. That feels fantastic!”
Bobby had been so distracted as he tried to pay attention to doing things correctly that he hadn’t paid attention to what it felt like to him. Now he did, and was amazed at how tightly her pussy gripped him. It felt really good to push, too. He didn’t have a clit, but where his body was touching hers made him feel good.
“You’re right,” he panted, gently. “This feels really good.”
“Okay. At this point you can pull out and go back in, but remember to stop every once in a while and grind on my clit. I love that so much!”
Bobby did pull back, and went too far. His cock popped out of her and hung.
“It’s okay,” she said, reaching for him again. “Go back in me.”
Within three or four more minutes he got the hang of it, but he found that moving in and out of her wasn’t as pleasurable as going deep and rubbing. Mostly that was because he got to watch her face when he did that and it was very clear to him that he was making her very happy. He wanted her to be very happy. He wanted her to want to do this again ... and again. It felt good to his cock, but the most fun was watching her face.
Then she had an orgasm. She didn’t tell him she was cumming, but the aggregate of the noises she made, the motions her body did, and the feel of her internal muscles around his penis told him something special was happening and he intuited she was having an orgasm. In those few seconds Bobby was forever locked into wanting to do that to her as often and as many times as he could. Mai Li had taught him, without knowing it, the technique of having tantric sex. She had never even heard of it, in fact. But Bobby’s ability to calm himself, combined with the reduction of sensation because of the condom, meant he could go for a long time. Twice he felt himself about to ejaculate, but he stopped moving and let the urge pass.
As for Mai Li, she was in a sexual world she hadn’t known existed. All her previous partners had been almost violent as they fucked her. They pounded her, most of them only barely aware she was there at all. Raoul had known how to bring her off, but he approached that from a macho direction, taking credit for her orgasms as if he owned them and, every so often, doled one out to her.
This, though, was completely different. She felt like she was drowning in a vat of honey, except she could breathe. His body wasn’t heavy, even when he lay fully on her, resting his arms. Her head was too low to kiss his lips, so she kissed his chest, instead. She sucked one of his nipples and started to cum in a series of little climaxes that made up one long, mild, complicated orgasm.
But then something bigger swam toward her in the honey like a shark. When it bit her she bled passion freely, knowing that it wasn’t going to kill her. Then the shark swam away, turning back to look at her with gleaming teeth. It had a face on it, somehow, and could talk.
“I’ll be back to bite you again, later,” it said.
She rose from her dream-like state and licked Bobby’s chest.
“I love you,” she panted to the chest.
“That’s good, because I think I love you, too. I want to do this a lot.”
“Keep going,” she groaned. “You’re doing really well for a rookie.”
He did the opposite, pulling all the way out. As she protested he scrambled down and pushed his face between her wide-spread thighs.
“Hi there, little buddy,” he said to her clit. “You been having fun? Do you taste any different now?”
He pushed his lips around it and sucked, ‘chewing’ it with his lips.
“Ohhhh, Bobby!” she panted. “You’re killing meeee. I want you in me, but that feels sooo good!”
He manipulated her clit for a few minutes, and then crawled back up to get in her again. She reached, seated and then grunted as he went in hard.
“One more,” she panted, “and then you can cum.”
“I’m having fun,” he said. “Don’t worry about me.”
“I’m not,” she gasped. “I’m worried about me! I’ve never had this many orgasms in a row and I ‘m afraid I won’t survive more than one more.”
“I never heard of anybody who was orgasmed to death,” said Bobby, going in little circles and grinding against her clit. On the “up” part of each revolution he felt the tip of his cock run into something hard. He had no idea he was massaging her clit and her cervix at the same time.
Mai Li closed her eyes. She saw the shark, circling waiting, ready to pounce and eat her again. “Cum again,” she heard, dimly, the sound muffled by the honey. “I’m ready,” came the voice. The shark turned and streaked towards her, mouth gaping, teeth ready to release more of her passion.
Bobby heard her cum. His own orgasm had approached again and this time he didn’t stop it. He just told her to cum, since he knew she wanted one more. His inexperience allowed him to think much like Raoul had thought; that he had a box of orgasms for Mai Li, and could hand one out to her any time he wished. The difference between Raoul and Bobby, though, was that Bobby didn’t own those orgasms. He was just holding on to them and taking care of them until she wanted one.
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