The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 12
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Mai Li chose Bobby’s bedroom that night, to extend his education in how to treat a woman. It was ten feet farther from Vicky’s door and maybe the sound wouldn’t carry so well. Not that she intended on making noise tonight. She had been incredibly embarrassed when Vicky burst into the room, her anxious face clearly telegraphing fear that something was terribly wrong. Mai Li still remembered the peculiar feeling of the raw sound that grated across her vocal cords, but somehow didn’t penetrate her own ears. She knew it had been loud, but her own blood pressure had made her ears inoperative at just that second. She hadn’t been ready for that feeling. Nor had she been ready for the speed at which it struck her. There was almost no warning, like the time she’d gotten drunk at a party and, on the way home, had power-hurled before she could roll down a window or even open a door to lean out. Her vomit had gone straight to the windshield of her best friend’s car and made a huge mess on the dashboard. It had taken her two hours to clean up the next morning.
That orgasm had been like that, like a tsunami that rose only feet from the beach she was lying on and then washed her away with a power that left her helpless to resist.
“Are we going to kiss some more?” asked Bobby, softly.
After getting the computer they had worked on getting it set up, downloading programs and a few games. He had done two modules of his GED course and then she had worked him with the green and blue bands. He wasn’t ready for the heavy, black bands yet and probably wouldn’t be for another month. His use of the blue bands was still restricted to just a few reps. Now that she had the credit card, she planned to get him a membership at Planet Fitness, where she could target specific muscles and groups on the machines there.
“We are,” she said, brightly. “You did well on your work out and you deserve a reward.”
“So kisses are my reward?” he replied.
“I hoped so,” she yipped. “Why? Do you feel like they’re a reward, or do you feel like you’re being punished by being made to kiss mean, old Mai Li?”
He stepped up to her and put his hands around her waist, pulling her loins against his. If Raoul would have done this she would have known instantly that he wanted to fuck her. He would have ground his sex against hers. But when Bobby did it, it was just a product of his affection and the fact that he just wanted to hug her while they talked.
“You know I love kissing you,” he said, with serious eyes.
“I do,” she said, just as seriously.
She kissed him, then, going up on her tiptoes eagerly to feel his lips on hers. Almost instantly she felt the urge in her loins she’d been fighting. She knew she should still fight it, but she couldn’t. As his hands slid up her back they felt like some kind of magical auras, spreading heat from where they touched her to every other part of her body.
He wasn’t sophisticated enough to remove her clothes. Not yet. When they felt itchy and confining she pushed him away and removed them, herself. He watched and she saw genuine delight in his eyes as she got naked for him. When she then reached to tear at his clothes, what in times past she might have called a stupid grin broke out on his face. He had a magnificent erection when she exposed it.
She pushed him down on the bed on his back and clambered over him, like a mountain climber reaching the summit. She didn’t stand up and throw her arms into the air in exultation, though. Rather, she pressed her pussy against the underside of his bone and scooted up, dragging her clit along the hard flesh until her height made it slide off the tip. She lifted, went backwards, and scraped her clit toward his balls, which made a convenient buttress to her inflamed button. She went forward and back again three or four more times before she went forward enough to slide off his tip again. She kept going and slid completely off of him to pause with her breasts hanging above his face. She dangled a nipple, brushing his lips with it.
“Girls will love it if you suck on their nipples,” she breathed.
“Suck? Why?” he asked. The movement of his lips teased her nipple and she dropped it lower, pushing it firmly against his mouth.
“Because they’ll love it,” she said, impatiently.
“Oh,” he said.
Then, as she moved back down to press her pussy against his shaft again, he bent his neck to get to her breast, opened his mouth and, tentatively, closed his lips on the nipple, giving it a little suck.
It was a very gentle suck, with very little pressure. It was almost like a caress, completely unlike the almost savage way Raoul would have tried to decant her breast. Raoul had always been an avid, insistent lover. She knew he cared how she felt when he did things to her, but she also knew his reasons for caring were based in his own macho self-image. Raoul wanted to believe he drove her crazy, that she was helpless to resist when he went to work on her. With Raoul it was really all about him feeling like he was the consummate lover rather than about making her feel good.
Bobby, on the other hand, made love to her nipple slowly, gently, and with the kind of elation found when something brand new is discovered and you find it makes your partner very happy.
She came close to having an orgasm just from him sucking each nipple, going back and forth while his hands stroked her sides.
But her clit needed to be involved. It wanted more of what she’d teased it with, earlier. And if rubbing along his penis made him spurt, then that was fine.
Suddenly she realized she hadn’t been paying attention to Bobby. She’d centered on what he was doing, but not on him as a young man who had epilepsy. She paused, an inch from the tip of his prick and looked at his face. He was smiling.
“How do you feel?” she panted.
“Great!” he said. “I like sucking your nipples. Who knew I’d like something like that?”
“I like it, too,” she gasped, gently. “We’ll do a lot more of that in the future, but right now I want to have an orgasm. I’m sure I can get it by rubbing against you. I don’t want you to get too excited, though.”
“Will you yell like last time?” he asked.
“No,” she said. “At least I’ll try not to.”
“I want to see your face when it happens,” he said. “I want to see what it looks like.”
“I’ll tell you when it’s there,” she said.
She had slid off his penis to aid in him being able to get to her nipples. Now she planted her arms and pushed towards his feet.
What she did not do was lift.
When her saturated, slippery opening ran into the tip of his prick, it was perfectly aligned for entry.
And that’s exactly what it did.
It happened so quickly Mai Li wasn’t even aware of it until she felt an aching pain in her vagina as it was stretched. About that time she ran into the buttress of his balls again and, as if lightning struck her, she realized what had happened.
“You’re in me,” she groaned, piteously.
“It feels hot,” he gasped. “It feels like something is clamping all over my penis. I’m in you?”
“Yessss,” she whined.
Two things burst into her mind. Number one was: Get off now! That was followed almost instantly by an even louder thought: DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING OFF. YOU NEED THIS!
They say that men have two brains, a big one and a little one, and that there isn’t enough blood in the body for both to work at the same time. That’s true of women, too, sometimes. Mai Li’s big brain recognized the inherent dangers of what was happening. Those were that: continuing this might cause Bobby to have a seizure; that his penis was bare inside her; and that she wasn’t on birth control. The little brain in, perhaps her ovaries, didn’t care what the inherent dangers were. She had a thick, stiff penis in her and it was rubbing all the right spots. They could be rubbed harder if she started moving again.
‘You can monitor Bobby’s face while you grab a quick one,’ whispered her little brain. ‘As for the rest, don’t worry about it right now. Steps can be taken later if they are needed. Go for it!’
Her groans, initially, weren’t because of physical issues. They were because her two brains kept screaming at her. The screaming distracted her big brain and her little brain urged her to move her hips. It started with little jerks, at first, but they gradually got more energetic until she was lunging, as if riding a galloping horse.
“Ohhhh Bobby,” she whined.
Both brains allowed her to watch his face. What was happening in her pussy would take care of itself as long as she didn’t stop.
“Bobby?” she panted.
“I’m okay,” he grunted. His eyes were wide and he looked slightly confused.
She felt the orgasm approaching. It was like hearing a train horn from far away, getting closer and closer, louder and louder.
Then it was there and she squealed, “Now!” as some part of her brain remembered she was supposed to tell him.
Bobby’s big brain didn’t know what to make of all this, so it gracefully stepped back with a little imagined bow, and told his little brain it was in charge, for the present.
The issue was, that his little brain didn’t know what was going on, either. He was in the process of losing his virginity, but he didn’t think about that. That would have been a big brain process. What he thought about was how hot and tight she was, and how good it felt when she jerked around. Her breasts bounced wildly, which was also new. At one point he lifted his hands to cup them, because it looked like what was happening to them had to hurt. But she was moving so frantically that he could barely hold on. Her face was a wonder to behold. It frowned, grimaced, and then smiled widely, as if she couldn’t decide how to feel.
But her body told him she loved what was happening, even if her face was confused.
He felt the urge to cum but went inside his mind and said, ‘No. Not yet. This is too much fun to stop right now,’ and he tried to relax, the way Mai Li had taught him. It didn’t work like it had in the past, but at least he didn’t shoot.
Then, when she whined, “Now! Oh yes!” his little brain interpreted that as, ‘Finally! I get to puke in this wonderful, tight, hot place!’
Mai Li froze as she was seized by something immense, almost frightening. It bounced around in her belly like a ball in a pin ball machine and everywhere it touched, joy exploded. She was so blown away that she didn’t feel the hot jets of an ounce of his semen, also bouncing around inside her, spreading, soaking in, unable to escape because the seal of her vaginal walls around his thick penis was too tight. The only place it had to go was through her cervix and into her womb. The womb is small when there is nothing growing in it, only three inches in diameter, on average. “Average” in this case meant a woman who had never been pregnant, a category Mai Li fit into. Three inches isn’t much, but it was adequately sized for the overflow. When she finally got off of him, her squatting body delivered a tablespoon of silvery semen in a long drip. The rest was retained inside her body. It would, eventually, seep out of her because she did not lie down.
Instead, she paced.
Her big brain finally wrested control over her body again.
Mai Li was caught on the horns of a dilemma. She was faced with impossible choices, and yet she had to make some.
Imagine seeing a house on fire and running into it to find two babies in two cribs. The ceiling is falling all around you and you can save only one of the babies. Which one do you choose? If you delay, both of them (and you) will die. You don’t have time to think or reason. You have to just make a choice.
In a sense, that’s what Mai Li was facing. The orgasm she’d had with Bobby’s penis in her was like no orgasm she’d ever felt. Compared to when he had sucked her clit, this orgasm, on a scale from one to ten, had been a fifteen, and the one with his mouth had been merely a nine or ten. It was insanity to contemplate never having that again. On the other hand, continuing this kind of thing could – and probably would – ruin their lives. She knew he had cum in her when she got off of him and he was limp. The long drip of cum that fell from her abused pussy lips confirmed it. That wasn’t a clear and present emergency at the moment, but it was dangerously close to a time when getting his sperm in her would be a very bad thing indeed.
The problem was that she couldn’t expect Bobby to exert any real control and she knew, deep in her belly, that she was unlikely to be able to exert any, either. She already wanted to suck him stiff and pull him on top of her, to writhe under him in fantastic joy as she felt his weight on top of her.
He had not had a seizure, which was the only thing she felt like she could smile about. Of course this time all he had to do was lie there, and things might be different if he was the one lunging to and fro and raising his blood pressure thirty points.
She stopped and looked at him. He was lying on his side, head supported on one open hand, which was in turn supported by his elbow and forearm. He hadn’t said anything as she wore the varnish off the hardwood floor under her bare feet.
“I should put on some clothes,” she said.
“I disagree,” he said. “You’re beautiful the way you are.”
She groaned. He wasn’t going to help at all. In fact, the one thing she could count on in the future was that Bobby wouldn’t be any help in terms of regulating her libido.
“Bobby,” she said. “What we just did is dangerous. It could ruin everything!”
She then lectured him on everything that had gone wrong, every part of it that could lead to disaster.
In reality she was lecturing herself.
But she didn’t think about it that way.
Bobby lay on his bed, more totally relaxed than he thought he’d ever been.
It had been incredible, unbelievable, more monumental than anything in his life he could remember.
He thought back to before the accident. The highlight of his life, at that time, had been Christmas. He could only remember the one just before his accident but the anticipation of that next morning, on Christmas Eve, was still vivid in his mind. As an only child, Christmas was always like finding a pirate’s treasure chest. He usually got a dozen or more presents, and on that Christmas he was hoping for a PS4 gaming system. He hadn’t gotten one, but it was still a great Christmas. He knew that, even if he couldn’t remember exactly what his parents had gotten him.
It didn’t matter, because this Christmas, the one that would arrive in five months, all he wanted was for Mai Li to do that again. Without the lecture, of course.
He ignored a lot of her diatribe on all the reasons they should not have sex again. It hadn’t caused him to have a seizure. There was no way in the world he could get her pregnant. His young mind just couldn’t believe in a world where something like that would happen. Not to them. Sure, other people made a baby, but it wouldn’t happen to them. He probably didn’t even shoot real sperm!
He didn’t realize it, but he was doing what millions of teens had done before. They rejected reality because it was uncomfortable, or a bummer, or would curtail their fun. Instead they created a fantasy world in which nothing bad would happen. That’s the world they wanted to live in.
His mind changed subjects. Thinking of Christmas had made him think of his father. He remembered his father as if he’d talked to him yesterday. He knew his dad was gone. He’d been told he’d probably never come back. He knew about the divorce and how his father hadn’t paid one cent in child support. There would be no more Christmases like the ones in the past, but that was the least of Bobby’s concerns, now. Part of him missed his dad. Another part hated the man, because he was why Bobby’s mom had to work two jobs and was tired all the time.
An errant part of his mind made the connection that all children make, sooner or later. His mother and father had done what he and Mai Li had just done. They’d done it a lot, maybe hundreds of times, even! His mind went back to the other night, when his naked mother had burst into Mai Li’s room. He closed his eyes and remembered what she looked like. She had been beautiful, naked, just like Mai Li was beautiful, naked. His dad had left that, abandoned his chance to be in bed with his beautiful, naked mother.
It was in that moment that Bobby Washington hoped he would never see Roger Washington again.
Mai Li lay on her bed. She was not relaxed, though the tenseness was slowly draining out of her. She felt despair at the same time her body reminded her it had been very, very happy, less than an hour before.
She became aware that her right hand was lying gently on her abdomen, just below her belly button. Bobby’s sperm was in her body, under that hand. She had never had sperm in her body before, at least unrestrained sperm. Always, always she had made her sexual partner wear a condom, which would restrain her partner’s sperm. She had bought them herself, to make sure they were fresh and untampered with. When she and Raoul had decided to make out, the first thing she did was get a condom, because she knew how every make out session with Raoul would end.
Her hand moved, probing, but she couldn’t feel anything inside her. She knew it was there, that millions of little sperm cells were wriggling all around inside her, trying to find her egg. She hoped that egg was no longer viable. Her period was due in about eight or nine days. She had always been regular, ever since her menses began, when she was eleven.
She thought about going to a pharmacy the next day and buying a morning after pill. She’d seen Plan B boxes around the dorm when she was in college. It consisted of a huge box to hold one tiny pill. The girls she had talked to said no questions were asked. You went in, requested it, paid for it, and that was it.
Yes. She’d go to the Walgreens where they’d bought the Noxzema and get a morning after pill.
With that settled in her mind, she was finally able to fall asleep.
Mai Li woke, stretched and sat up on the edge of her bed. She felt the residual effects of having had good sex the night before, and then groaned as she recognized that feeling.
“I am in so much trouble,” she muttered.
As she got dressed she tried to decide how she was going to approach Bobby this morning. The next thing she thought about was what she was going to say to Vicky.
She had a suspicion of how both would react. Vicky’s “go for it” mentality might actually approve of what had happened. And Bobby? Well ... Bobby would just be Bobby.
She went to the bathroom and relieved her bladder before brushing her slightly tangled hair. For the umpteenth time she thanked her biological parents for gracing her with thick, heavy hair that didn’t tangle up very much.
Looking at herself in the mirror one last time she left the bathroom and trudged to the kitchen. Vicky was standing, and emptied her coffee cup in one last gulp as Mai Li entered.
“Can I talk to you about something?” Mai Li asked, bracing herself.
“Can it wait? I need to get going. I don’t have anything to wear for my date with Terry, tonight and if I go in a little early I can leave a little early to go shopping.”
“Sure,” sighed Mai Li, as the stress of confessing what she’d done ebbed.
“Good. We’ll talk tonight before Terry picks me up.”
“Okay,” said Mai Li.
Vicky left, clearly excited about her impending date, and Mai Li poured herself a cup of coffee.
First things first. She needed to get to the pharmacy. She was writing a note to Bobby when he shuffled in, wearing only running shorts.
“Morning,” he said. “Do you feel better this morning?”
“Better?” Her mind wrestled with how much better she felt, at least physically, while at the same time being in emotional turmoil.
“You were pretty upset last night,” he reminded her.
“I seem to have jumped from the frying pan into the fire,” she said. “I need to go to the pharmacy. You can work on GED stuff while I’m gone.”
“I could go with you,” he offered.
“I’m not taking you with me to get something to make sure I didn’t get pregnant last night, thank you very much,” she said.
“Do you really think that could have happened?” His voice sounded skeptical.
“I think the responsible thing to do is make sure I’m not,” she replied. “I didn’t act responsibly last night, so I need to make up for that today.”
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll work on science.”
She had her purse in hand and was heading for the door when he stopped her.
“I know you’re upset about it, but I want to thank you for last night,” he said. “You’ve made my life so much better by coming here. It’s hard to put into words, so I’ll just say thank you.”
She stared at him. Her emotional turmoil increased, if anything.
“What am I going to do with you?” she sighed.
“Do you want the truth?” he asked.
“I hope you just keep doing the same things you’ve been doing,” he said, answering her rhetorical question.
“I can’t keep doing the same things,” she moaned. “If I do I’ll get pregnant for sure, Bobby! I told you. I’m not on birth control.”
“I didn’t mean that, exactly,” he said, “though if I’m honest I admit I’d love it if that happened again. I just meant I hope you keep taking care of me and working with me and helping me with school. I really love all the other stuff, but you do a lot more than make me feel good.”
Mai Li felt the urge to hug him, but resisted. Hugging him right now would not be a good idea. If she hugged him, she’d want to kiss him, and if she kissed him, she’d want ... other things.
“I’ll stay until my job is done,” she said. “Now, I need to get going.”
“Where’s Mom?” he asked.
“She went in early so she can get off early and go shopping for clothes to wear on her date,” said Mai Li.
“Clothes? She has tons of clothes,” said Bobby.
“She wants to look special for her date,” said Mai Li. “If you were a girl you’d understand.”
“If you say so,” he said.
“I say so. I shouldn’t be gone long. I’ll see you when I get back.”
As she drove Mai Li thought about the 30 minutes that had passed since she got up. Things seemed disjointed. On the face of it, she and Bobby were lovers. She admitted to herself that the sex had been fantastic. She’d had spontaneous sex before and it had also been good, for the most part. Raoul was ardent whenever he could get Mai Li naked but it was usually better sex if she initiated it. She’d never thought about that before, but now she reflected on it. Was it because she was already primed and ready to pop? Sure, he could get her going, but she was more likely to have an orgasm if she surprised him and acted a little slutty.
Comparing Bobby to Raoul didn’t work very well. They were just too different. Comparing sex with Bobby to sex with Raoul was something else, entirely. Raoul had rung her bell pretty well, occasionally. His macho attitude had spoiled things, occasionally, too, but on a scale from one to ten she’d give him a seven. With Bobby there was no scale. Bobby had smashed her bell. She knew it wasn’t because of something he’d done while they had sex. All he’d done was lie there and, eventually, spurt. So why had the sex with Bobby been the best sex in her life? She hadn’t planned it. She hadn’t even wanted it, really. Well, not until it had happened. Then she’d wanted it. She’d wanted it so badly she hadn’t been able to stop.
She blinked and looked around. She was parked in the Walgreen lot.
She couldn’t even remember driving there.
She got out and went in. The pharmacist told her to wait and spent twenty minutes taking a box off a shelf somewhere before he finally gave it to her.
Back in her car Mai Li sat and opened the box. Such a big box for such a tiny little pill.
She tore the plastic off the pill, popped it in her mouth, and swallowed it dry.
Feeling better, she started the car and headed home.
It wasn’t until she was wondering if there were any doctors around who would accept a new patient, and how much the initial exam would cost before she could get a prescription for birth control pills, that she realized her subconscious had already decided she’d have sex with Bobby again.
“Damn!” she blurted, as she almost ran a stop sign.
Mai Li forced herself to think only of professional things for the rest of the day. She was distant and almost cold as Bobby did everything she asked him to.
For his part, he didn’t try to get her to do anything sexual. It seemed almost like he didn’t really care.
But Mai Li knew he did.
She just had to keep things professional. That’s what she needed to do.
She even made sure she didn’t work him so hard that he might request a massage.
It was five P.M. when Vicky hurried in, bags in her hand. She found Mai Li and Bobby already eating supper.
“Nothing for me,” said Vicky. “I need to hurry. Terry is picking me up at seven and I look like a mess.”
“No you don’t,” said Bobby. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” said Vicky. “If I were going out with you I’d feel beautiful.” She beamed. “But I’m going out with a policeman and a handsome one, at that. I don’t want to look like Raggedy Ann when he picks me up.”
She disappeared towards her bedroom and Bobby looked at Mai Li.
“I don’t get it,” he said. “She looks fine.”
Mai Li thought about the outfit she’d bought and never worn. It had been for an imagined date, sometime.
“I can show you what she’s talking about,” said Mai Li. Her decision not to wear her new outfit until she had a date had frazzled a bit.
“Okay,” he said.
“Not until she’s gone,” said Mai Li.
Bobby whistled when Vicky came out of her bedroom to wait for Terry to pick her up.
“Wow,” he said. “You look great, Mom!”
“You have to say that, but thank you anyway,” said Vicky. She felt strange in her new outfit, with makeup on and her hair done up in an elaborate bun, with glittering clips to hold it all in place. It had been so long since she’d primped like this that she felt like an impostor, somehow.
“He should like that,” said Mai Li, as she examined the relatively conservative dress Vicky had bought. It was dark blue, and the skirt whirled as Vicky turned. The bodice bulged and the only hint of lasciviousness was the amount of cleavage the dress showed. Long, dangling earrings enhanced the length of Vicky’s neck.
“I hope so, but I feel a little like a tramp.”
“You’re not a tramp,” said Mai Li. “You’re just a lonely woman going out to eat with a nice man. Stop thinking about that and go have a good time.”
Vicky looked at her watch. “I’m early. What do I need to fix up before he gets here?”
“Nothing,” said Bobby, immediately. “You’re perfect.”
Vicky arched one eyebrow.
“And what would you know about it, young man?”
“I know you’re beautiful,” said Bobby. “I know I’d love to go out with you like that.”
“You can’t date your mother,” snorted Vicky.
“I know, but you look really, really pretty,” he said.
The doorbell rang and Vicky jumped. She looked at her watch again.
“He’s early!”
“Well, you’re ready,” said Bobby. “Go open the door.”
“That’s not how it’s done,” said Vicky, looking flustered.
“Go hide,” said Mai Li. “I’ll let him in.”
Vicky hurried back to the hallway that led to the bedrooms. She only went as far as needed to not be visible from the living room. She listened to the low murmur of voices, one female and two male, and then, taking a deep breath, she tried to look confident as she moved into view.
“You’re early,” she commented.
“Sorry,” said Ted, staring at her. “I was kind of eager to get going. Wow. You look fabulous!”
“Thank you,” she said, blushing a little. “Is this too much?”
“Not for where we’re going,” he said. “I feel underdressed, if you want to know the truth.”
“You look fine,” said Vicky. “Are you ready?”
“You have no idea how ready I am,” Terry said with a grin.
“Can I ask you a question?” Bobby was still standing where he’d been when his mother left.
“Sure,” said Mai Li.
“I kind of got the feeling Terry was thinking about sex when they left. Is that weird? I think about sex a lot and sometimes it seems like I think about it too much.”
“You’re not weird,” said Mai Li. “I think you might be in a sort of delayed form of puberty. You missed out on so much while you were in a coma and now your mind and body are trying to catch up.”
“Thanks. I can tell you don’t think about sex very much and I was worried I was a freak or something.”
“You’re not a freak. You should have had two or three girlfriends by now, and you would have done things with them that answered some of the questions puberty raises. Don’t worry about it.”
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