The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 11
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Dating practice was surreal, in Mai Li’s mind. She was naked, half sitting with a blanket and her pillows supporting her back as she leaned back against the headboard of her bed. Her feet, knees and thighs were spread wide. She was obscenely exposed.
What made it surreal was that Bobby was also naked, but was lying on the bed on his stomach with his head ten inches from her pussy. His head was supported by both of his hands, which cupped his chin as he gazed at her sex.
She had pointed out her labia, both outer and inner, giving him an eyes-on look at what modern sex ed classes didn’t go into in this kind of detail. She had talked about ways to rub the vulva. Now she pulled her lips apart, exposing her vaginal opening and her clitoris.
“See that little bump right there?” she moved the tip of one forefinger to touch her clit.
“I see it, but I wouldn’t call it little,” he said. “It looks like something is growing out of you, like a big wart or something.”
“That is my clitoris,” she said. “It is what a woman has instead of a penis. Actually, some people say it was a penis until my genes decided I would be a girl instead of a boy. In a boy it grows and becomes a penis. In a girl it grows more inward and all that’s left on the outside is the tip.”
“Huh,” said Bobby, who looked fascinated.
“It’s ultra sensitive and stimulating it is one of the ways a woman can have an orgasm.”
“You can’t do to that what you do to mine,” he said. He took one hand from his chin and made a jacking off motion before returning it to support his chin.
“No, but you can rub it,” she said. “There are lots of ways to rub it.”
She demonstrated, pulling one side of her labia aside and showing him how her fingertip could circle the nubbin, or mash it. Eventually she used three fingers to maul it as she began panting. Raoul had never watched her do this. Nobody had ever watched her do this. And seeing Bobby’s interested eyes on her made it better, somehow.
“If you do it right, and long enough, the woman will have an orgasm,” she gasped.
She stopped. Rubbing in front of him was good, but having an actual orgasm made her feel shy.
“A man can also use his lips on it,” she panted. “He can suck it like I suck yours.”
“Can I try?” he asked. There was no innuendo in his voice, no lust. He was just a boy asking if he could experiment. “You smell really good. I bet you taste good, too. I know that sounds funny. Before this I would have thought tasting you there would be nasty, but it doesn’t smell nasty. It smells delicious.”
She should have had the orgasm. She knew that even as the words escaped her lips.
“Go ahead,” she panted, as she spread her labia wide for him again.
He scooted up. His face got closer.
“Lick it, first,” she wheezed.
He did that and lifted his head, obviously tasting.
“I was right. You taste good.”
“Go on,” she moaned.
He licked maybe eight or ten times. Then he fastened his lips around her clit and sucked.
Mai Li thought the top of her head might just pop off. It was incredible. He was so different from any man she’d ever met that this was different, too. He was gentle, almost careful, and yet the suction was strong and focused. He’d only been sucking for maybe thirty seconds and she was immersed in the best orgasm she’d ever had.
Her thighs slammed closed on his head and her hips arched so hard that it lifted his face six inches. His face stayed there as her legs flopped open again and he looked up at her face with alarm on his features.
“Are you okay?” he gasped, clearly worried.
“I’m ... okay...” she puffed.
“It sounded like you were dying!” he squeaked.
The door slammed open and an agitated Vicky stood there, naked and panting.
Mai Li was horrified, but she was too weak to move, as aftershocks of the orgasm bounced around in her belly. She knew why Vicky was there. She’d felt her raw throat as the grating scream of completion left it. That, along with Bobby’s gasp of alarm, told her they’d awakened Vicky from her sleep. She had awakened Vicky from her sleep.
“Orgasm!” she rasped. “I’m so sorry!”
Vicky stood there. Bobby looked from Mai Li’s face to her pussy, to his mother and then back at Mai Li. Then he did a double take on his mother again.
“Oh,” said Vicky, her voice modulated, now. Her arm crossed her nipples and her other hand covered where there was no hair at all. “All right, then. Must have been a doozey. Remind me to go find one of those myself. All right. I’m going back to bed.”
She whirled and literally ran towards her bedroom door, leaving Mai Li’s door open. Only Mai Li recognized how agitated and embarrassed Vicky had been. Bobby didn’t seem to notice it at all.
“She was naked,” he said, gazing back at Mai Li’s face. “I’ve never seen her naked before.”
“Ohhh, Bobby,” moaned Mai Li. “Let me up. We’re finished.”
“Finished? But that was fun. You said you were okay. Didn’t that feel good? You said ‘orgasm’. Did you have one?” He took a breath to keep talking but Mai Li sat up and gripped the sides of his face.
“Let ... me ... up!” she said, sternly.
He scooted backwards and then went to his hands and knees. When he got off the bed his penis was ramrod straight and pointing at Mai Li.
She sat on the edge of the bed and her head drooped.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. His voice was low, soft, and solicitous. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” she groaned. “You did everything perfectly.”
“Then why are you sad? You are sad. I can tell.”
“I’m sad that we woke your mother up,” she said. She lifted her head, pushed her hair out of her face and looked at him.
“She wasn’t mad. Not after she found out why you yelled. It was the orgasm that made you yell, right?”
“Right,” she sighed.
“It was really loud. It scared me.”
“I didn’t want your mother to see us doing that,” said Mai Li.
“Why not? I told her you were going to teach me how to date. That’s part of dating, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but it’s a very private part of dating. Nobody else is supposed to know what you’re doing and they’re definitely not supposed to see you doing it.”
“Oh,” he said. “I get it.” His eyes widened. “Mom was naked! She looks almost as beautiful as you do, naked.”
“She must sleep that way,” said Mai Li. “She would probably appreciate it if you didn’t tell her how pretty you think she is when she’s naked.”
“Oh. Yeah. I remember how guys said they wished they could see their moms naked but it never happened.”
“Mothers don’t normally get naked around their sons,” said Mai Li, dryly.
“I won’t say anything.”
“That would be wise.”
“Are we really finished?” he asked.
Yearning suffused Mai Li’s body at the thought of going back to what they’d been doing. She was quite sure she could pound out half a dozen orgasms with Bobby’s mouth on her sex. But she also remembered a split second, just before Vicky burst into the room, where her intent was to grab Bobby by the hair and pull him up where she could reach for his cock and get it in her. In a sense, Vicky had saved her son’s virginity.
“We’ll have more lessons later. That was pretty intense and I need to rest.”
“Oh.” Disappointment was heavy in his voice.
She looked at his erection.
“Come over here and I’ll make that go away,” she said, pointing to his bone.
He happily approached her.
“You’ll have to move so I can lie down,” he said.
“I’m too tired to move. Let’s try it with you standing up. Just promise you’ll monitor your excitement level.”
“I promise.”
She pulled him closer. He was tall enough that she barely had to bend over to get him in her mouth.
By the time he spurted, she wanted him in her again.
With a last swallow she whirled him with her hands, slapped him on the ass, and told him to go to his own room because she was going to sleep.
Mai Li woke on day eighteen of her stay in the Washington home and lay there, thinking.
She was wide awake. She felt wonderful after a restful sleep. She wondered if that orgasm had been responsible for that. She rolled her head and saw it was 8:30. Vicky didn’t work on Sunday. She might still be in bed. Mai Li hoped so. She wasn’t sure she could face the woman. Talking about “lessons” was one thing. Seeing a very graphic, physical representation of it was something very different.
Still, the woman hadn’t yelled. And there had been that comment about wishing she could have what Mai Li just had. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad.
Mai Li got up and got dressed. She had to go commando because she didn’t have any clean underwear, but that could be resolved by doing a load of laundry. She put on her last clean shirt and the same cargo shorts she’d put on after her shower, the night before. Laundry first. Then breakfast, and facing Vicky. If she was up, yet.
Mai Li carried her laundry hamper to the tiny utility room in which the washer and dryer barely fit. She had to close the door to get to the top of the washer. Once her clothes were in and the water was running, she left the hamper in the only free corner and went to the kitchen.
Nobody was there.
She ate some Raisin Bran and went out to sit on the front steps to the porch. It was a gorgeous morning.
She’d been sitting there for perhaps twenty minutes when the storm door creaked on its hinges and then closed with a thump. Mai Li turned to see Vicky, with a cup of coffee in her hand, standing and looking out at the street.
“Beautiful morning,” she commented.
“Yes,” said Mai Li, softly. She paused. “I’m really sorry.”
“I don’t remember asking you to be sorry,” said Vicky. She stepped down and sat beside Mai Li.
“I didn’t mean things to go that far,” sighed Mai Li.
“You seem to be doing a lot of that since you got here. Did you have trouble keeping your legs closed while you were in college?”
“No!” gasped Mai Li. “I haven’t even had sex for two years!”
“Oh, then that explains it. I haven’t had sex in over three, but then that’s Bobby’s fault. So, tell me about ... what’s his name ... Raoul?”
“How did you know about him?”
“Bobby mentioned him. Said he had to make sure he didn’t act like him.”
“He was my last boyfriend. He was too macho for my tastes, as it turned out.”
“And there’s been nobody since then?”
“I was busy. And men are so...”
“Ornery?” Vicky sipped. “Bobby can be pretty ornery, too, you know.”
“I certainly haven’t seen that side of him,” sighed Mai Li. “That’s why I can’t seem to control myself around him. He’s so sweet and thoughtful and innocent. I keep feeling like I’m robbing the cradle.”
“Who doesn’t love babies?” said Vicky. “It’s when they grow up they get troublesome.”
“I don’t understand why you’re not furious with me,” said Mai Li.
“I thought I’d made myself clear. You’re good for him. He has to grow up sometime. Why would I object about him growing up with your help? I know you care for him. What more could a mother ask for?”
“Someone who doesn’t molest her son,” said Mai Li, darkly.
“Nobody was molesting him last night,” said Vicky. “If anything, it was you who was in distress.”
“I didn’t expect it. I had just told him what to do and when he did it, a big, hairy monster suddenly jumped out of the woods and ate me whole!”
“That good, huh?” Vicky sighed. “How do you think he’d feel if I brought a man home?”
“He’d be jealous,” said Mai Li.
“What? Why do you say that?”
“He thinks you’re almost as beautiful naked as I am.”
“He said that?”
“I told him not to tell you that.”
“Thank you,” sighed Vicky.
“We’re the only two women he’s ever seen naked, I think,” said Mai Li.
“Well, maybe we should keep it that way.”
“No way,” gasped Mai Li. “I have to get him to go out with some girls his own age. If he doesn’t, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Are you on birth control?”
“No. It’s expensive and I don’t do that.”
“Well, I don’t either but I’m thinking seriously about talking to the doctor about getting a prescription. After hearing you and then seeing what I saw, I think the day is coming soon when I’m going to be over my ex-husband and the divorce and I’m going to start looking around for some fun. There are a dozen guys who come in the diner who’d love to give me a tumble in the hay. Of course most of them are married, but there are two or three who might be acceptable for a little temporary fun.” She sipped. “You might be well-advised to talk to a doctor, too. His head got busted up, but I don’t think his balls were involved at all.”
“That’s not what I came here for,” groaned Mai Li.
“Things change,” said Vicky, shrugging. “I used to think everything had to be planned and thought out. Everything had to be in line with what the Joneses thought. Then Bobby got hurt and everything changed. Everything was upside down and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make the chaos go away. Eventually I just decided to roll with the punches because if I didn’t I’d go crazy. I take things a day at a time, now. What used to seem important isn’t a big deal for me anymore. All I care about is Bobby’s health and happiness. If he’s healthy and happy then that’s enough for me.” She frowned. “Though, like I said last night, I wouldn’t mind it if a man made me feel like that again.”
“Vicky, I never had an orgasm like that,” moaned Mai Li. “If I let him go much further I’m not sure I’ll ever want to leave!”
Vicky stood up.
“I don’t remember asking you to leave. You want me to wake him up, or do you want to do it?”
Mai Li was staring up at the woman with shock still on her face.
“I’ll do it,” said Vicky. “He might be naked again, and who knows what you’d do then.” She grinned and went back inside.
Mai Li sat and thought about her employer. She’d been so busy with Bobby that she hadn’t really given Vicky a lot of thought. Yes, she’d unburdened herself a few times to the woman, but that had been partly out of a feeling of responsibility to keep Bobby’s mother apprised of “events” and partly because she had thought Vicky would upbraid her and tell her to straighten up and fly right.
On reflection, Vicky’s comments about “events” had contained innuendo, at first. There had been some suggestion that Vicky’s moral stance was more relaxed than Mai Li’s had always been. Then there had been veiled comments that if “things” happened, she would understand how that could happen. Mai Li had thought the comment about teaching Bobby how to treat a woman had been a joke, at first. Since then Vicky’s comments had escalated at about the same rate Mai Li and Bobby’s amorous activities had. Now, with her latest comments, it was crystal clear that, if Mai Li wanted to have a complete sexual relationship with Bobby Washington, his mother would not object in any way.
For another minute Mai Li wondered if Vicky was just trying to marry her son off so she didn’t have to worry about that anymore. But that didn’t make sense. He was too young, for one thing. He had much more life experience to get under his belt before he had any business thinking about marriage. Second, in a mere three years he’d be a millionaire and, knowing Bobby, so would his mother. He wouldn’t keep the money for himself. He’d think of it as theirs, not his. Why would Vicky want to share that with another person?
Another thought came to mind. If Vicky was interested in men again, maybe she thought Bobby would cramp her style. Men might not be interested in a woman who had an eighteen-year-old son living with her.
No. That didn’t make sense, either. Even if she was thinking about marriage between Mai Li and her son, that couldn’t possibly happen for months, if not a year. She had sounded like she wanted to find a man now, not months later. Besides, Bobby and Mai Li couldn’t move out and live together. She couldn’t afford it and he had no job. And Vicky wasn’t that self-centered in the first place.
None of this made sense, from Mai Li’s perspective. It almost sounded like Vicky was suggesting they make hay while the sun shined and just go on with life!
Mai Li sighed. If she started “making hay” with Bobby, it wouldn’t matter whether the sun was shining or it was pouring cats and dogs. Mai Li was quite sure that if she started sleeping with Bobby, she’d want to sleep with him every day, no matter what the weather was like.
She stood. She felt good, refreshed. She didn’t want to waste that on another run.
She went back inside to see what was going on. She didn’t intend to make Bobby do PT or school on a Sunday. Maybe she could arrange an outing in a park somewhere. Did Lawrence, Kansas have museums that were open on Sundays?
Her laptop would hold the answers.
“I think going somewhere would be fun!” said Vicky, clearly excited. “We haven’t been out of the house except to go to see doctors since you got home!” She looked at Bobby with bright eyes.
“Where?” asked Bobby. He wasn’t less enthusiastic, exactly, but he had gone places.
“A picnic!” said Vicky. “We could take some food to a nice, shady park and relax on a blanket.”
“All three of us?” he queried.
“Of course all three of us,” snorted Vicky. “It was Mai Li’s idea in the first place. We should let her choose, in fact.”
“I don’t know where to go,” Mai Li pointed out. “I’m not from here, remember?”
“South Park,” said Vicky. “It’s on Massachusetts, which is near some other places we might want to go. We should go now, while it’s cool.”
“But we just ate an hour ago,” objected Bobby.
“You just ate an hour ago, lazy boy. The rest of us were up and around a lot earlier.”
“It will take a little while to get something ready to take with us to eat,” said Mai Li. “You’ll be hungry by then.”
“Ohhh, no, no, no, no,” said Vicky. “No drudgery today. This is why they invented KFC. Or we can pick up something else, but there will be no dishes to wash today. Let’s not overthink it. Let’s just go!”
“All my clothes are in the washer,” said Mai Li, who had expected any agreement with her idea to take a couple of hours to get moving.
“What’s wrong with how you’re dressed now?” asked Vicky. She looked at Mai Li, who had on a light blue tank top that was thin enough she could see Mai Li’s dark areolas through the cloth. The cargo shorts Mai Li was wearing looked bulky and thick by comparison. Vicky looked down at her own body, which was covered only by the longish robe she usually wore on her days off. “I’m the one who needs to find something to wear,” she said. She looked at Bobby who had on a T shirt and sports shorts. He owned more sports shorts than anything else because that’s what had been easy for his caregivers to put on him when he was still bed-bound. “All you need is shoes,” said Vicky.
She got up and hurried toward her bedroom. In the lower drawer of her chest of drawers she found a pair of gabardine shorts that she’d bought back when Roger had tried to get her to go golfing with him. She’d worn them only three or four times before he got impatient with her inability to improve at the game. She found a button-up blouse that went with it and strapped on sandals. From there she went to the linen closet in the hallway and pulled down an old blanket that had been Bobby’s before the accident. It had a juvenile pattern of pictures from Toy Story on it, which is why she hadn’t put it on his bed when he came home, but it would be fine for a picnic.
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