The Asian Blues - Version Alpha
Copyright© 2023 by Lubrican
Chapter 10
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Bobby Washington got hit by a car when he was fifteen, leaving him in a coma that lasted three years. When he did wake up he had epilepsy and needed to get a GED so an in-home physical therapist/caregiver was needed. Mai Li MacIntosh was born in Vietnam but raised in the U.S. Her very first job as a physical therapist was to rehab Bobby Washington's wasted body. It was supposed to be a three to six month job. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with her patient. But she did.
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/Fa Consensual Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Interracial White Male Oriental Female First Massage Masturbation Petting Pregnancy Menstrual Play
Mai Li tried to reassert her position as his professional physical therapist. She worked his arms, legs, and back, using blue bands until he couldn’t stretch them anymore and then changed to green bands until he finally said he was finished. Then they walked two miles, or at least Bobby walked two miles. She trotted, running in circles around him, jogging ahead half a block and then coming back. Her intent was to wear him out and get his mind off of sex.
It didn’t work.
“You look hot when you jog,” he panted, as they approached home.
“And you look pathetic at the end of a mere two mile walk,” she teased.
The focal seizure didn’t hit him until they were inside. When he sat down his body suddenly leaned and his mouth drooped open. His eyes glazed over. Mai Li saw it happen and knew instantly what was going on. She went to him and stroked his face, calling his name, softly. He was only gone maybe twenty seconds, and then his eyes cleared.
“Did I have a seizure?” he asked.
She nodded.
“It was a light one. You were only in it for half a minute.”
“Crap,” he sighed.
“No, not crap,” she said. “You have epilepsy. Seizures go with that. When I got here you were having two or three a day. You didn’t have any yesterday, right? And this one was really light. I may have caused it because I pushed you too hard.”
“I didn’t feel like you were pushing me too hard,” he said.
“We’ll take it a little easier from now on,” she said.
“I could rest while you paint me,” he said. “I could lie down on my side or something.”
“You really want to get naked around me, don’t you?” she sighed.
“Actually, I’d rather you got naked around me,” he said with a grin.
“Not gonna happen, Buster,” she said. “Do you think you can do some school work or do you need to rest?”
“I can do school,” he said. “It’s sitting down and that’s resting.”
He got started and she sat and watched him for half an hour, to see if he had any more seizures. He seemed fine. Something occurred to her and she pulled out her phone. She had his doctor’s number in her phone and he had told her to call him, 24/7, if she had any concerns. It was Saturday, but his service answered the phone and fifteen minutes later he called her back.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” said Mai Li. “Bobby had a seizure and I think I know why, but I’m not sure.”
“Tell me about it,” he said.
Mai Li described the grand mal seizure in the shower and included her “hypothesis” that he had been trying to masturbate. Then she listed the focal seizures she had witnessed.
“So he’s having fewer than five a day?” asked the doctor.
“Oh yes. There were a couple of days when I was with him all day and I don’t think he had any.”
“That’s excellent,” said the doctor. “His medication must be working well. I’m pleased.”
“So should I keep a log of his seizures or not? Would that be helpful to you?”
“Yes. If he’s having fewer of them and even going days between, then I’d like to know when he has one and what he was doing at the time. The type of epilepsy he has is based on brain injury and we don’t know how his brain is healing or how that will affect his disease. We still don’t understand the brain as much as I wish we did. He may be healing in ways we don’t understand, too. I’d like to have as much data as possible. Bobby is one of those cases that should probably be written up in one of the medical journals. He shouldn’t even be alive, and the damage he sustained should have made him require much more intervention than you’ve been describing. He’s an anomaly and we’ll probably need to study him for years.”
“His mother keeps talking about getting him out in the world,” said Mai Li. “For example, she hopes he can start dating, and maybe even get a part time job. How do you feel about those things?”
“Well, you could very well be right as to why he had this particular seizure. His body is weak, but normal, so I’d expect that part of him to be normal, too. As I recall, his injury happened when he was in his middle teens, and we all know what the libido of a teenage boy is like. His body has made it through puberty, so dating shouldn’t be an issue, unless he’s not ready for it emotionally. Women his age will have far more experience than he does. That could cause some emotional turmoil that could trigger seizures. In an ideal world it would be nice if he could be chaperoned on his first dates, so someone with some medical knowledge could be there if things go south. The job thing is too soon, I think. Bosses aren’t known for being empathetic. Putting him in a sheltered workshop would negatively affect his self-image. Cognitively, he appears to be quite normal and putting him in a job situation that doesn’t take any intelligence wouldn’t work well, I feel. Maybe if he could work from home, or without constant supervision? I don’t know. I’ll have to think about that. I need to go. I’m glad you called. Keep that log and come with him to his next appointment. We’ll talk more then.”
Mai Li tapped the call off, aware that the doctor had not told her whether to “allow” Bobby to try to masturbate or warn him that it could cause a seizure. And that just assumed she could approach the young man and begin by saying, “We need to talk about your masturbation habits, Bobby,” without losing it, herself. She had gone out on the porch to wait for the doctor’s call and now went back inside to find Bobby still at work. He seemed fine.
On impulse she got a piece of typing paper from the printer. She found a number two pencil in a cup that contained pens and a few other vaguely straight objects that had nothing to do with writing and sat down in the overstuffed chair where she could still see Bobby.
He was basically sitting still.
She began to sketch.
“Done!” said Bobby, closing the laptop. He looked over at Mai Li, who was still sketching. “What are you doing?”
“Finding out if I’m too rusty to paint,” she said.
He went toward her and she held the paper to her chest.
“Come on,” he coaxed. “Let me see it.”
“It’s not good,” she complained.
“Okay, maybe it isn’t, but I guarantee it’s better than what I could do,” he said. “Come on. Show me.”
Reluctantly Mai Li handed him the page. He stared at it for a long time and then handed it back to her.
“How do you do that? It looks like it was drawn from a photograph of something. It’s amazing!”
“You really think so?”
“Heck yes, I do,” he said.
His use of “heck” reminded her that his mind was still closer to fifteen than his biological age. She was contemplating painting him nude and, in a philosophical way, he’d be underage while she did it.
She forced feelings of guilt down and looked at her sketch.
“Your head is too big and I got your nose all wrong,” she said.
“I’m going to guess you haven’t sketched anything in a while,” he said. “So, you’re a little rusty. So what? That looks good to me and you’re out of practice. Imagine how good you’ll make me look when you’re back in practice.”
“You wanna go with me to get some supplies?” she asked.
“I want to go with you anywhere,” he answered.
“Can I ask you a question?” he queried as she drove.
“Sure,” she said.
“Am I too clingy?”
“That seems like an odd word for you to know about,” said Mai Li.
“Before, when I was in high school, I heard guys talk about their girlfriends as being too clingy. That usually meant they wanted to break up with the girl.”
“Well, I don’t think I’d describe you as clingy. I would describe you as hornier than I wish you were, sometimes, and maybe a little fixated on ... um ... things involving lust. But clingy? No, I don’t think so.”
“I’m worried I’ll make you mad and you won’t want to be around me anymore,” he said.
“If you’re making me mad I’ll let you know,” she said. “If that happens we’ll work it out.”
“Are you sorry stuff has happened with me?”
Mai Li didn’t answer him until she parked. Then she turned sideways in her seat and met his eyes.
“That’s a complicated situation,” she said. “Stuff, as you put it, should not have happened. That’s from a professional viewpoint. The vast majority of the rest of the culture we live in would agree with that. I should not have touched your penis. I did so because I was afraid if I didn’t, you’d be so frustrated that you’d cause yourself to have seizures that could have done bad things to your brain. That’s not an excuse. It’s the reason I did that. As it turns out, that worked, or at least appears to have worked. I’m happy about that, even if nobody outside your house would also be happy. What has complicated all this is that while you enjoyed that, I did, too. Again, I shouldn’t have, but I did and I still do. I love the sounds you make and I love it when you fountain and get relaxed. I love your taste. I loved kissing you last night. I shouldn’t love any of this, but I do. If we were normal people in a normal situation I’d be elated and a lot more would happen. But this isn’t a normal situation, Bobby, and that’s what I’m having trouble dealing with.”
“So you’re not sorry?” He boiled it down to four words.
“No,” she sighed. “I’m not sorry.”
“And it’s okay that I’m not sorry, either?”
“It’s fine,” she sighed again.
He smiled.
“Let’s go get some paints so I can get naked in front of you!”
Mai Li had stopped at Taco Bell first, before heading to the KU student union, where the bookstore was. It contained a large art supply section.
“This stuff is so expensive,” moaned Mai Li.
“Call Ted and ask him if he’ll buy me paints to help stimulate my mind,” suggested Bobby.
“I’m the one who will be using them,” countered Mai Li.
“Initially, yes, but maybe I’d like to paint you nude, too.” He grinned.
“You’re impossible,” she snorted.
“Call him. I promise to use some of the paint to make this legit.”
Mai Li did call Ted, apologizing for bothering him on the weekend, and to her delight he said art was already considered an approved form of therapy, so there was no problem. He told her to have the cashier call him and he’d pay for the supplies over the phone.
“I have a credit card for small purchases. My name is on it, which is why I can’t just give it to you, but I’m expecting his card to get here soon. As soon as it’s in I’ll call you.”
She thanked him and hung up.
They finished shopping, getting much more than Mai Li would have if she’d had to pay for it. The transaction went flawlessly and they left with arm-loads of supplies, including a cheap easel.
Back home Mai Li began sorting through tubes of paint, brushes, chalk, and other things necessary for the task. She saw motion in her peripheral vision and looked to see Bobby standing naked in front of her.
“I’m ready!” he said, brightly.
“I’m nowhere near ready to begin,” she laughed. “Put some clothes on, you pervert.”
“You’re no fun,” he pouted. “Can you at least kiss me some more?”
“Kissing has nothing to do with painting,” she said.
“I know that. I just like kissing you. And you said you loved it.”
“I did love it, but it made me want to do things we cannot do!” she said. “Now go put some clothes on. I don’t like looking at you!”
“Yes you do,” he said, drawing out each word and stepping closer to her. “You told me you think I’m cute. And you said you like my penis.”
“Go away!” she laughed as he stepped closer.
“Come on. Just one kiss? Just one teeny, tiny, little kiss?”
She thought to kiss him and then push him away, roughly, saying he kissed like a dog, or something.
But she had forgotten how good he was at kissing, and within ten seconds she forgot about the pushing away part. The kiss lasted thirty seconds, during which her pussy got damp and butterflies danced in her stomach. When he pulled back, he kept his eyes closed.
“Go put some clothes on,” she said, softly. “I need to teach you what to do when you kiss the normal way.”
“So we’ll kiss some more when I get dressed?” he asked, eagerly.
“Hurry, before I change my mind,” she said.
He hurried.
Mai Li felt a lot better kissing Bobby when they were both dressed. That feeling of safety began to erode, though, as she taught him lesson three of “Mai Li’s Dating Game.” Lesson three was touching while kissing.
Technically, lesson three was supposed to be touching outside the clothing only, but just as technically, Mai Li hadn’t really created any lesson plans, even in her mind. She was making it up as she went. But, in her mind, when she started kissing Bobby that Saturday she only intended that he touch her outside her clothes. And it might have happened that way if she hadn’t slid her hand inside the running shorts he had put on. Of course it’s understandable that her previous handling of his penis made that seem normal to a thoroughly turned-on woman.
When she started kissing Bobby waves of pleasure upended her. She pulled his hand to her breast, where it cupped, squeezed, and molded without having to be taught at all. No words were spoken as they kissed over and over again. His hand went to the other breast and mauled it, too. Her hand went to the outside of his shorts, where she found a very firm penis under the cloth. As her hand went down, his slipped lower to pause just over the spot where, three inches under the skin, her ovaries tingled. It stopped there, though. He hadn’t been invited, after all, to molest her between her legs.
That changed when, almost impatiently, her hand left his cock and went to his hand, where she literally shoved his hand between her spread legs. She did instruct that hand this time, pulling and pushing until he understood he was supposed to rub. The cotton polyester blend of her own running shorts moved over her vulva and she groaned as, for the first time in over two years, someone else basically masturbated her.
It was at that point that she made the mistake of teaching him lesson four, which was sliding the hands inside your date’s clothes.
Her hand snaked inside his shorts to grab and hold his hard prick and Bobby, who had now figured out he was supposed to do whatever she did, slid his hand inside her shorts and rubbed her pussy directly with his fingers. Those fingers found skin that was wet and slippery. As three fingers plowed her furrow, it was simply natural that the middle one dipped into the opening it found, and he penetrated her almost two inches before, with a gasp, he broke contact with her lips and jerked his hand away from her, pulling her shorts painfully against her waist as his hand got temporarily caught in the waistband. Her hand pulled out of his shorts as he jerked away.
“I’m sorry!” he gasped. He held his hand up and stared at it.
“It’s okay,” she panted. “I didn’t mean for things to go that far, but you didn’t hurt me. It’s okay.”
“It felt so weird,” he moaned. “I mean I went clear inside you! I was afraid I hurt you!”
“You didn’t hurt me,” she said. “That ... place ... is designed for something to go in it.”
“You mean this,” he said, grasping his dick through his shorts.
“Not that one,” she groaned, as lust made her wish it would be that one.
His face changed, writhing for a second and then settling.
“So ... has one of these ever ... um ... been in there?” He was still gripping his prong. That he forgot she’d already told him she wasn’t a virgin was due to the turmoil his mind was in.
“Yes, of course,” she said, without thinking. The look that came over his face informed her she should have been a little more circumspect, or maybe gentle in saying something like that to a virgin ... especially this virgin.
“How many?” he asked, his voice raspy.
“Bobby, that’s a really personal thing to ask a woman,” she said.
They had been lying on the couch, or more correctly, leaning to one side at one end of the couch, where the arm supported Mai Li’s back a little. Now he moved to sit, apart from her. He didn’t pout, but he looked unhappy. Mai Li glanced at his shorts, which weren’t sticking out any longer. She didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out he was unhappy that she wasn’t a virgin.
“We brushed on this in conversation before, Bobby. I had a long term boyfriend in college,” she said. “It’s only natural for a relationship to evolve into making love.” She decided he didn’t need to know about the boys in high school.
“What was his name?” asked Bobby.
“Raoul,” she said. “He was from the Philippines.”
“What was he like?”
“Why do you want to know all this?” she probed.
“I don’t know. I guess I never thought about some other guy being with you, like that.” He paused and then changed the subject – or thought he did. “I might need to take some medicine. I have this pain in my stomach.”
“There’s nothing wrong with your stomach,” guessed Mai Li. “You’re just jealous, that’s all.”
“Jealous? Of who?”
“Raoul,” she said.
“How can I be jealous of him? I never even met him.”
“You didn’t have that pain until you found out I used to have sex with Raoul, did you?” she said.
He reflected for a few seconds, and then nodded.
“I guess so. But that was before you told me his name.”
“You have a crush on me,” she said. “Of course you don’t want to share me with anybody else. And when you found out another man had been with me, it made you jealous.”
“I don’t want to be jealous,” he said. “I don’t like this feeling at all.”
“I know,” she said. “When I saw you talking to that lifeguard I got a little jealous, too.”
“But all I was doing was talking to her,” Bobby objected.
“I know that. Jealousy doesn’t ask if it can barge into our lives. It just does. Our imaginations create scenes we don’t want to see. I don’t want to think of you kissing that lifeguard, or any other woman, and if a woman flirts with you or even smiles while she’s talking to you, I’ll probably get jealous. I don’t want to. It just happens.”
“I’m not going to kiss Barb,” said Bobby. “She has a boyfriend. I’m not going to kiss any other woman. The only woman I want to kiss is you.”
“That makes me feel really good,” she said. “And that will help me chase any jealousy I feel away in the future. As for Raoul, I broke up with him because I didn’t want to be with him anymore. He treated me in ways I didn’t like. I haven’t had a boyfriend since then and I haven’t done any of the things you and I have done since then. You’re the only man in my life, Bobby. I think that’s why I get so horny around you. I miss being close with a man I like. I like you too much and that means I want to do things we shouldn’t do.”
“Like me putting my hand in your pants?”
Again, a sudden urge, or compulsion gripped her. Step five of her dating plan bubbled up to the surface, long before she would have let it had she had time to think about it.
“We can’t make love, but that doesn’t mean we can’t both be happy and get some release from our sexual tension.”
“You mean like when you suck my penis?” Bright boy.
“Yes. So far, all we’ve done is release your tension. But if you’re dating a girl and it’s serious, you need to know how to make her happy, too, without putting your penis in her. That’s sort of what you were doing when you put your finger in me. It didn’t hurt me. I liked it.”
“Wow,” he sighed.
“I need to teach you about women,” she said. “I need to teach you about how we masturbate, and how a man can help us do that.”
“Oh wow,” he gasped.
“Don’t get too excited,” she warned. “It’s not a whole lot different than what I’ve done to you.”
“But you don’t have anything to suck,” he said, looking confused.
“You’re wrong. That’s why I need to teach you some things. What time is it?”
She checked the watch she was wearing when she asked the question and saw it was half past three. Vicky was working at the diner on this day, and if she didn’t do a double shift she’d be home in half an hour. There wasn’t time to do what she felt like she needed to do and she didn’t want Vicky finding Bobby in the middle of a sex ed lesson, with her son’s physical therapist as the primary prop.
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