25 Year Anniversary Vacation - Cover

25 Year Anniversary Vacation

Copyright© 2023 by Just24Fun

Chapter 3

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Jill and Al, married 25 years take a well deserved vacation to Vegas - the City Of Sin. Its a wild difference from their old-fashioned country home, and they get tangled within the sex laded web of the city lights. Especially the small blonde wife who unknowingly becomes the center point of her husbands fantasy.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   FemaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size   Porn Theatre  

***Please read the first two chapters to this story.

It will give you more depth into the charterers***

It was about 8am when Al woke, the bright Vegas sun pouring into the hotel room. Jill was still fast asleep laying on her side. She looked so peaceful, the covers pulled back a little, her blonde hair flowing behind her like a golden mane. The small blondes beautiful face glowed from the soft rays, her full breasts and long nipples fully exposed for her husband’s gaze.

He’d let her sleep, knowing with the partying they did last his wife would need the extra time to help her recover. It was not so much from the booze, she never got hangovers, but more from the Spanish fly she had been given. As Jill lay there, he remembered the huge plugs he’d inserted into his plowed wife last night. He wondered if they were still embedded within her, or had she removed them during the night. The lower half of her body was covered up by the sheets so he was not sure. He felt under the covers but they were nowhere to be found. He did not want to wake her so he left her alone and got up for another adventurous day in Vegas. Well, he hoped it would be a good day. For the past two nights Jill had been put through impossible feats, and he remembered they were invited to party with Marcus and Tiny tonight, if his wife were up to it that is.

Al did not want to push his tiny wife into anything, she’d have to decide for herself knowing that if she did accept the two men’s invitation she’d be in 100% and under her terms. So yes, he’d let the Sleeping Beauty get all the rest she needed. Besides he was hungry and thought he’d head down to the breakfast buffet and bring Jill back a few items later. He left her a note on his pillow to text him when she woke, then snuck out of the room.

Al grabbed a plate of food and ate out on the pool patio.The weather was once again going to be in the mid-90’s and all sun. People were out and about and the pool was starting to already fill with sunbathers. He remembered Jill’s tiny swim suit. Damn she was sexy as hell! The micro bikini was just big enough to cover her golden pubic hair and pussy lips. The matching top was also just as reveling with tiny triangles mostly covering up her perky nipples. But those little patches of material sure gave the toned blonde great tan lines. He was sure once she got up she’d want to take advantage of the hot sun and pool area.

Al had been gone for just over an hour when his wife finally texted him. She was up and raring to go. When Al asked if he could bring her anything from the buffet she said she’d just come down within 1/2 hour and eat by the pool.

So Al saved a couple chase lounge’s by the waters edge and said he’d see her later. He purposely did not ask her about the huge plugs from last night, especially since Jill never mentioned them. Maybe they worked themselves out of her two holes during the night and were laying harmlessly under the covers. The maid would not turn down the bed till much later this afternoon, so all should be OK and not scare the hired help off. Though Al could not help laughing at the possible sight if the maid DID find the huge butt plugs.

Right on cue Jill walked into the pool area with a cup of coffee and a plate of fresh fruit. Her husband followed the beautiful woman, noticing her gate was like that of a runway model. Her gift of escaping hangovers was an obvious trait very few held, especially with the amount of liquor she ingested the past few nights. The blonde did wear sunglasses though. He watched the sexy blonde walking towards him. She had on a long flowing, flowered sundress that was partially unbuttoned to mid-thigh, and unbuttoned down between her breasts. She showed just enough skin to excite all who watched the toned woman glide across the pool area. Al got a glimpse of her tiny black string bikini under the sun dress. He was glad he saved a place in the adult pool area looking around for any wandering kids, knowing how much skin Jill would be showing. He had placed the chase lounges side by side but facing the opposite way. This would make it possible to talk better, and maybe even get a peek between Jill’s thighs as she loved to tease him.

Jill handed him her plate of fruit and pulled the sundress from her gorgeous body reveling the tiny black bikini she’d worn yesterday. A hint of blonde curls peeped out from just above the black triangle of fabric that barely covered her mound which looked more pronounced and swollen than usual. Maybe last night was harder on her than he imagined.

His beautiful wife sat down next to him on the chase lounge. He also noticed when she sat down she gasped a little. Jill peered over the tops of her sunglasses as she gingerly settled into the chair. Maybe last night was having an effect of his small wife’s frame. After all, she did accomplish a couple miracles the past few nights, no wonder she had trouble sitting.

Concerned Al whispered to her; “Are you alright baby?”

“Oh yea, I’m still adjusting”, she whispered back with a wink. With that she sat upright against the lounge and swung her sexy legs up onto the lounge.

Al noticed she kept her knees locked tight together and laid flat on the cushion as she turned to face him. Feeling a little disappointed by not getting a peep between her toned thighs, they both settled back into the chase lounges.

Jill took the plate of fruit from him and placed it on her lap, hiding even more of her natural charms. Quite the opposite of what Al thought his normal teasing wife would do. But he did not want to push it and settled for just admiring the beautiful blonde. He still had a birds eye view of the perky tits and hard nipples poking at the small patches of her bikini.

Meanwhile, Jill ate her fruit and sipped on the strong coffee, keeping her eyes glued to her husband while her feet rolled from side to side sort of teasing him. Al knew she had something up her sleeve the way she was acting and decided to play along with her game.

Looking over her sunglasses, Jill began to raise her knees up, keeping the plate of fruit tight against her flat belly and covering up her crotch. Her tanned feet also stayed locked together tightly while they slid on the lounge as her knees rose higher. Looking from side to side, Jill slid her feet further apart so Al could finally see between her legs into her forbidden crotch. Her tiny black patch of material covering up her pussy finally came into view of his perverted stare. He was not sure of all the sudden shyness by his wife, until he zoned in between her thighs. What he saw instantly made his cock stiff!

Between his wife’s legs he saw the flat base of the plug he had inserted into her pussy the night before. The black string holding her bikini in place ran across the wide black base which was firmly nestled between her pouting pussy lips. She still had the huge 2 1/2” bulb buried deep within her vagina! That’s why her blonde mound seemed so swollen.

And as the blonde brought her knee’s higher, her ass rose slightly off the chase lounge. There, flattened out between her ass cheeks was the other much larger 3 1/2” plugs base.

Jill had BOTH massive butt plugs still inserted in her asshole and pussy! She obviously had not removed them from last night, and they were still stuck in her small holes the whole time.

Looking up at his wife’s face he saw a huge grin from ear to ear. How she had been able to take the monster sized plugs was a feat in itself, but to keep them buried deep within her once tiny holes for a good 10 hours now was unbelievable. All Al could think of was what her stretched out asshole and pussy would look like once they were removed.

Gingerly the sultry blonde lowered her legs back down to the chase lounge. Once there Al could really see the little bump in Jill’s flat tummy where the huge plug made it look like she were 3 months pregnant. And when she had removed the sundress, he thought her ass cheeks flared out a little further than usual. And now he knew why. He imagined the black seed from last might still locked deep within her vagina and anal tract helping the two huge rubber knots slide around inside her petite body as she moved about.

Jill still continued to surprise her husband at every turn. And she merely laid there as though nothing was out of the ordinary, except the wicked smile she wore.

Al’s cock was stiff as a board, and he had to sit up himself to help hide the tent in his pants. All he could think about was how their day and night would progress with his whorish wife.

Sitting still out in the hot summer sun was a little difficult for the next 3 hours, thats for sure!

It was about noon when the couple decided to return to their hotel room. This time Al kept a close eye on his wife as she got up and put the sundress back on. The past few days out in the sun really helped the slim blonde gain a golden bronze deep tan. She always had no problem tanning, but in the hot Nevada sun her skin was exceptionally tan, almost making her look like a blonde Mexican. And as her body darkened, her blonde hair became more bleached blonde giving a stark contrast to her toned slim body. As usual all eyes were glued to the model-like blonde as she dressed and walked ahead of her husband. And justly so, even Al studied her body in every detail, paying special attention to her flared ass cheeks holding the incredible 3 1/2” rubber plug. The movements in her hips was more accented by the massive twin knots in her lower receptacles. If the spectators only knew!

Back in the room, Al could not wait to inspect his wife’s stretched out holes.

As soon as the door closed behind them Al was all over her; “Damn baby! I thought you took the plugs out last night, or this morning at the very least. How are you?”, he asked in disbelief. Then added; “I want to see!”, and began to pull at her sundress.

But Jill held him back, “Oh no you don’t pervert-boy! Not until later, just before we go out again!”

How she could hold those massive plugs buried deep within her poor asshole and pussy, Al would never know. Would she return back to normal or hang wide open the rest of her life!

Jill could see his wheels spinning and the concern on his face.

“Don’t worry baby. It’ll all be ok. I won’t stay stretched out like this very long. Just like I returned to normal after our children were born.”, she reassured him.

Al was comforted with her assurance all would be ok. And as long as she seemed to tolerate the massive knots, he guessed all would be fine.

Besides, she reminded him of Marcus and Tiny. And if she were to even try to fuck them, she needed to be prepared. At that instant it all came together. He was not sure how much Jill had remembered last nights invitation to join the two huge black men. But now, from his whorish wife’s indication, she was in 100%. Damn, another part of his fantasy coming to life!

They still had most of the day left before meeting up with the basketball players. Al let his wife decide on what to do in the next six hours or so. After all, if she intended to keep her rubber friends buried within her body, certainly the small blonde would have to endure whatever was planned.

Surprisingly, Jill wanted to head out shopping again. She wanted to get a few more items especially for tonight, and also visit the sex store her sneaky husband had gone to. And she wanted to walk the strip instead of taking the limo or tram. She was quite the trouper!

Soon they had changed and were ready to head out. Al wore a pair of kaki shorts, polo shirt and sandals. Jill wore a light dress which was just above her knees, modest blouse and sandals. She took a while to pick out the right panties though. She lifted her dress to show her hubby the plain white high-cut panties. What she had picked out had a purpose. The crotch on the panties were a little wider than most of her bikini panties. “Can’t have anything fall out on the strip now, can we!” she claimed with a laugh. Al doubted the snug plugs would ever come out, but she was in charge and just went with it.

As they walked the strip hand in hand Al noticed his wife’s gate had improved from the morning stroll down to the pool. Her head was held high and even though her ass cheeks flared out more than normal, he still loved the way her ass moved when she walked. Guess the two massive plugs had settled in her widened out holes. Even when they stopped for a bit, Jill had no problem sitting on the huge knots.

They were in one of the expansive hotel casino’s and Jill spotted a sex boutique she wanted to shop in. Al was not permitted to go in with her, so he settled for a round at one of the many gambling machines. It was a nickel machine and feeling he’d be there for a while threw in a $5 bill. Certainly it would take a long time to go through 100 nickels. Neither he or his wife were gamblers. Maybe a buck here or there on a huge progressive jackpot, but never any large amount of money spent. Trying to figure out the many options, flashing lights and even what buttons to push had the amateur gambler more confused than ever. Finally picking a sequence, he hit a button. “DING - DING” went the machine as the confusing grid began to bounce around. Looking at his ‘credits’ he’d just lost .15 cents. Hitting the buttons again the noisy glitter box said he had won .15 cents. Even though he had no idea how or where on the dozens of squares hit ‘hit’ the winners. But at this pace he’d be there for a long time.

Then he saw a “MAX BET” button. Well how much would that be, he thought. On a nickel machine it could be .50 cents. So taking a larger bet he tried the “MAX BET” button.

Suddenly the machine went wild as whistles and lights went off like the Fourth of July!

He had won the ‘jackpot’, whatever that was. Maybe $100? Soon he had a couple security guards around him asking if he was the player. Well, there was no one even close to him so with a simple ‘yes’ he confirmed that he’d won. “Congratulations” and handshakes from all sorts of people made his head spin. But when they had him look at the flashing numbers on top of the blaring machine he saw what all the fuss was about. He had won just over 1.7 million dollars!!! He looked for his wife, but she was still in the sex boutique shopping. The ceremony did not last long, but within a few minutes they had transferred the money into his bank account back home. And soon he was standing alone again, with his ceremonial glass of champagne, wide eyed as though nothing had ever happened, besides a handful of coupons and vouchers for upgrades, helicopter rides, and places or services he had no idea about.

He felt a light tug on his sleeve and turning saw Jill standing next to him. With a puzzled look she asked; “What’s up with you, have a brain melt?”

“Well babe, we’re basically a little richer”, he answered numbly.

Looking at the now silent machine, his bewildered wife joked; “Won a few nickels did ya?”

“You could say that”, he responded showing her the bank receipt.

It took a while for the lucky gambler to convince his wife he had indeed won the huge Jackpot. And then Jill was speechless and in a trance. When they gained their senses back first thing on the menu was to upgrade into the huge suit the casino offered them on the top floor. The move was all set up very quickly. They even arranged for a private limo for the rest of their stay and would have all their belongings moved while they finished up their shopping. Al thought about the sex toys he’d bought and was glad he put them in his locked briefcase so the maid would not find them.

Feeling a little guilty for exchanging $5 for 1.7 million within a few minutes, the happy couple scurried out of the casino. Their Vegas trip now took on a whole new meaning and expanded plans were in order.

Jill still wanted to hit the sex shop Al had visited his first day. Hand in hand, strolling a little higher off the ground now, they continued on the quest towards the forbidden sex store, or ‘marital aids’ as the sign read above the door.

The store looked much bigger than Al remembered from the other day. A variety of sex toys lined the walls plus clothing and video’s for sale. Now his beautiful wife became the ‘kid in a candy store’ going from one department to the other looking at all the wares on display. The first items she took time with were the sexy outfits they had. Manikins displayed the erotic clothing, some of which were so daring the normal sex boutique shops did not carry them. They were definitely for closed bedrooms or the street whore. Either way the sexy blonde found them very tantalizing. “Go look at the CD movies while I rummage around here, OK babe”, Jill asked. He knew she wanted to surprise him once again with a new outfit, and gladly went to the other side of the store. The hundreds of movies he saw displayed were some of the raunchiest films he’d ever seen. Certainly not anything the little bo-hunk town would have in their video stores. Girl on Girl, Black men with white women, women with what they called ‘strap-ons’, and even women with dogs and horses! Al had never believed it in his wildest dreams what was on film. He picked out some of the CD’s, especially ones he knew Jill might like, or those she would not believe others engaged in.

After paying for his collection he saw Jill in the middle of the store looking at all the sex toys. She also sported a bag of goodies she had purchased. Looking at his sexy wife, even in a simple sun dress and sandals, she lit the room in pure sexual radiance. As he walked up behind her he remembered the massive plugs buried deep within her asshole and pussy. The only sign of the huge insertions was the way her ass cheeks flared a little wider apart, making her globes stick out a little further. Damn, what a great ass!

When their eyes met, Jill had a wicked sparkle shine back at her hubby. She was standing in front of a display of various rubber dildos. Grabbing his wrist she motioned him towards a massive shaped dildo which resembled a horse’s penis. The black and pink appendage was a good 20” long, had a flared head of about 4” on it, and a huge base that was at lease 6” in diameter. The huge shaft started at the wide base and quickly changed diameter to about 4” then gradually narrowed to about 2 1/2” until it reached the pink flared head again. In Al’s recollection it was almost exactly like the neighbors stud horses cock to scale. It was actually similar to the horse dildo he had purchased, but that one was only about 14” long and the widest part about 4” thick. It must have been molded to resemble a Shetland Pony rather than a stud horse.

Then she pulled him further down the row of various dildos to ones shaped like a canines penis. Once again he recalled what a dogs penis looked like from all the farmers dogs running loose across the countryside and copulating. The one Jill stopped by was also the biggest dog penis on the display. Her hand squeezed his wrist as she motioned him to the massive appendage. The massive dildo was an odd shape indeed. The thing was all red with a huge base, sort of like the horse cock had, very wide and flat. But just above the base was a huge ball about 5” in diameter, then it narrowed to about 2” wide, and 8” long to an odd tapered tip. The total length was a good 13” long including the penis and ball on the end.

Surely his tiny framed wife did not plan to purchase these monstrous tools. Just her tiny bodily limits alone would never allow anything more than just a fantasy rubbing event. He was shocked she had even taken the massive plugs and black men’s huge cocks the past few nights, but this was purely an impossible feat indeed.

But eventually they walked out of the store with the two obscene dildo’s. And Jill had even purchased a few big bottles of lube, “for when we have sex”, she lied. His sexy wife never had any issues getting wet when they had sex, in fact she usually dripped in excitement. But he did not want to argue with her, especially with the minor cost compared to the money he’d just won.

He was glad the limo was waiting for them outside the sex store. He’d hate to walk the strip with the plastic bags of sexual aids. Besides their suite was ready for them now.

Off they went in the chaffered limo to the new hotel. It was only next door to their old casino, but was a much better luxury place. Climbing out of the limo, there was marble and granite everywhere, and the clientele certainly of a higher class. Al made a mental note they needed to also upgrade their wardrobe to fit in.

A private butler met them at the door and said they were waiting for them and the suite was all set. All their belongings had been transferred to the room and put away.

Al had checked out most of the hotels on the strip back home and knew this one was far out of their price range. Even the standard rooms had a 5 Star rating. He never even looked at the suits since the prices would have only gotten him depressed.

As the private elevator soared higher and higher, it finally stopped on the top 50th floor. They followed the butler to a double-wide door, and then into a suite that took their breath away.

It was Italian themed with marble everywhere, rich imported wood framing and carved antique ascetics everywhere. The entranceway alone was almost the size of their old room. The butler bid farewell and told them if they needed anything to just ask, it was all provided free of charge. Al tipped him a $100 and thanked him closing the heavy wooden doors.

Al and Jill began to tour the huge suite which in comparison was even larger and fancier than the two basketball players suite by far!

It had two huge bed rooms, one with a fancy king sized bed, sofa, massive bathroom suite and hot tub. The other bedroom had a circular bed, Lazyboy, sofa, even bigger bathroom complete with a huge whirlpool spa. The main living area also had a huge 8 man hot tub, sofa’s, huge open bar with all kinds of booze and mixes and floor to ceiling windows which had by far the best sight of the main Vegas Strip. They could see from the airport to the famous downtown area. And all their clothing was neatly hung in the huge walk-in closets. Al’s briefcase was also in the closet, and still locked.

The overwhelmed couple didn’t know where to start in the massive suite. It certainly would get some time to adjust to this kind of living. But for now, they celebrated with champagne and relaxed looking out over the Vegas valley. Soon plans for the night became the topic.

They had been invited over to the black mens place, but now in their new surroundings, they wanted them to come there instead. Settled, the call was made, and plans solidified. They would be over about 9pm. From there they would all figure out where and what to do. Marcus also asked if they could bring a friend over. It was just one extra person, and when Marcus claimed it would be a great guest, they had to accept. At this point surprises were a good thing!

Deep down Al had hoped they’s stay in for the night. Twice they had gone out, but now with an open bar, huge jacuzzi and plenty of room, why leave? Plus Jill really seemed to want to stay put tonight. She had this unmistakable allure to her personality that Al knew he’d better go with her suggestions.

It was still fairly early in the afternoon, and as usual the weather was hot and sunny. They also found out the two top floors of suites had a private adults only pool area on top of the hotel. The main pools were at street level and were probably very crowded.

Soon the couple were in swim suits and headed out to the exclusive pool area. Al wore his usual trunks, but Jill came out with her sundress on, hiding what Al figured was her tiny bikini she’d worn before.

The adults pool was beautiful, with plush cushions on every lounger and cabanas if desired. And as soon as they found a nice sunny spot a butler came over and asked them what they wanted to drink or eat. Margaritas and pina-colada’s were ordered while they settled into the comfortable chase lounges. Al looked around at the other guests laying around the gorgeous pool. To his surprise some of the women had taken their tops off. From their foreign accents, he assumed it was more natural for them to go topless.

Jill slipped off her sundress revealing a new swim suit. But Al did not think her ‘suit’ was designed to be used as a bathing suit. It was made of a very loose mesh knit material where her nipples were clearly visible. But even more shocking were the bottoms. Her blonde pussy hair actually poked through the open mesh design. And when she turned to lay her drink on the table next to her, Al could see right between her ass cheeks at the flat bases of the plugs she STILL had inserted deep within her asshole and pussy!

Jill had been wearing the massive plugs this whole time! Thoughts concerning the condition of her stretched out holes flooded into Al’s mind. She’d never be the same again, would she?

When he whispered the small blonde how and why the knots were still in her, she simple said she’d forgotten about them. And added that they were hardly noticeable anymore.

“But”, she added, “I’ll be able to fuck those huge black cocks tonight, ya think?”

Her plan was unfolding, and Al’s cock jerked forward from the visual of his tiny wife with the massive basketball players. He watched the small blonde lay down on the chase lounge. She let her legs part, just enough to see a hint of the black bases. To someone else it would only appear as black pussy hair of the ‘bleached’ blonde. She also let her 1/2” nipples poke out through the wide mess in her small top, to her husbands enjoyment.

Jill tanned very easily and with this new outfit there would be a lighter ‘grid’ where her suit was, which would make for a very interesting effect.

It was almost 7pm when the married couple decided to return to their room. They had both flipped and turned in the hot rays of the Vegas sun trying to get a good all around tan. And back in the room, Jill pulled her suit off and had an amazing criss-cross design across her ass, tits and pubic area highlighting her soft curves and fit body.

They had a light dinner delivered, and washed it down with another cocktail. In about 1 1/2 hours Marcus and Tiny would be showing up, and Jill scurried into the huge ensuite with her bags of outfits she had bought at the boutique and sex store. And of course a drink she asked her hubby to make for her. Al was not exactly sure how much he wanted his wife to drink tonight. The past few nights she had been pretty drunk and had even taken the Spanish fly pill. And given how large the black men’s cocks might be, plus the new dildo’s Jill made him purchase, he was not sure how far his tiny wife would go. He had to ask her before she drank too much, exactly how much she WANTED to drink, or how drunk she intended to get. He did not want to spoil the evening plans she might be dreaming up, but then his protective instincts insisted on knowing just where the line was.

Through their discussions, Jill wanted to have a great memorable time, and fulfill each of their fantasies to the fullest. Basically going with the flow, and seeing what happened tonight. But they also needed a safety net, just in case things did get out of hand. So a “safe word” was selected which either of them could say that stopped everything instantly. “POPCORN” was their safe word. It put Al at ease knowing certain limits were in order.

They also decided not to tell the two men they had won the $1.7 million dollar jackpot. After all, they really did not know them. And so far even the servants did not know they had won either, only that they were guests as any other staying in the suite.

“So baby, keep them cocktails flowing for now, OK?”, the small blonde said as she disappeared into the bathroom. “I’ll need more liquid courage”, she added.

Al thought about the past few nights in the City of Sin with his conservative wife. She had really opened up sexually the past few days, and he wondered how this would effect their simple life back home in their little town. Of course with the money he’d won it would be easy to move. But they were so used to the small town atmosphere, it would be difficult to live in a big bustling city. But mainly on his mind was how his sexually charged wife would readapt to the country life again. He guessed they would just have to wait and see...

It was nearly 9pm and Jill was still getting ready in the huge bathroom. From what he could hear she had used the whirlpool and shower, plus went through two more stiff drinks that she had asked to be left just outside the door. She wanted to surprise her husband when she was all dressed.

It only took Al a half hour to get ready, showering and putting on a new shirt and slacks. The two men had called their room and said they’d be there by 9:15 sharp. He knocked on the bathroom’s door letting Jill know they’d be there soon. “5 minutes baby!”, she sang out.

He waited patiently as his beautiful wife finished up, wondering just what she would be wearing. Her last outfits were very sexy, but still fit in with the Vegas vibe, and nothing too out of the norm considering what other women had been wearing. And he was not sure what plans they would make for going out later, or to where. Her outfit would have to adhere to whatever venue they decided to attend. And right now that could be just about anywhere.

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