25 Year Anniversary Vacation - Cover

25 Year Anniversary Vacation

Copyright© 2023 by Just24Fun

Chapter 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Jill and Al, married 25 years take a well deserved vacation to Vegas - the City Of Sin. Its a wild difference from their old-fashioned country home, and they get tangled within the sex laded web of the city lights. Especially the small blonde wife who unknowingly becomes the center point of her husbands fantasy.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   FemaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size   Porn Theatre  

It had been 10 years since the concert he and his young wife Jill had attended. But it still remained as a very vivid memory in his mind. And maybe, just maybe once they were in Vegas, the ‘City of Sin’, the memory might evolve once more. If not, it will be locked away and brought back only when he needed release.

Jill and Al had been high school sweethearts, and married just after college. Their 25th Anniversary was approaching and Al wanted to make it a special celebration for them. They had recently became empty nesters with both their children off to college themselves in other states. And both Al and Jill had climbed the corporate ladder within their respectable careers, so they could finally enjoy a decent vacation of luxury.

Al had kept the Vegas 10 day retreat a secret from Jill wanting to surprise her. Sure they had taken family vacations before to a lake resort and even did a cruise on a family orientated ship with the two children years ago. But this vacation was intended as an all adults, sky’s the limit fun trip.

They had a helicopter ride scheduled over the Grand Canyon, a couple shows booked and reservations at some of the higher class nightclubs complete with champagne, dancing to famous DJ’s and a private booth. These were things neither one of them had ever experienced but had talked about in the past. All Al told his beautiful wife was that she needed to pack her best outfits and dancing shoes. He took care of all the rest.

Jill and Al came from a small town of less than 2,500 residents in Montana close to the Canadian border. And with their professional ties to most of the businesses in town and across the state, they had kept low profiles to ensure their status within the corporate world. They were careful not to draw unwanted attention that would lessen the respect and high standards needed to secure clients. Even being seen at the local liquor store, or picking up sexual lubrication at the drug store were things they avoided. Being in a small town, gossip had more circulation than the local newspaper. This is why Al had booked the trip to Vegas.

Finally the day arrived and all his plans started to evolve into reality. Bags were packed with their best dress-up clothes. And they were off to the airport! The red-eye flight only took a few hours and soon they could see the bright lights of Vegas as the plane began its decent. Jill had no idea where her husband of 25 years was taking her. And having never seeing Vegas before, even the bright lights were a mystery to Jill as she wondered where Al had brought her. Her excitement grew knowing he had planned a special vacation and escape for them.

Within a few minutes, they had their rental car ready to go and Al whisked them off along the glittering lights of the strip. Jill remembered seeing ads and commercials for the gambling city, but was a little confused since they rarely gambled. Especially in the gossip filled town where they lived. That was strictly forbidden and would not bode well with their careers. But she went along with Al’s plans knowing he had something special lined up for them in the city of lights.

The top floored suite was gorgeous, and a bottle of champagne waited their arrival. Being on the 38th floor overlooking the famous Vegas strip, Jill marveled at the magnificent sight below her. The private butler soon had glasses of sparkling champagne in their hands toasting to 25 years of wedded bliss.

Al admired his wife as she stood silhouetted against the floor to ceiling window, the Vegas lights gleaming all around her into the room. They were both turning 50 this year and neither of them looked close to their age. They never smoked, drank very little, ate well and exercised almost every day. They could have passed for 35 every day of the week.

Jill stood just barely 5’1” tall, a very toned 95 pounds, long blonde hair half way down her back, deep blue eyes, a figure not of a centerfold but of an aged housewife with the mature curves of a true MILF. Her flat tummy, toned legs, great ass and B+ perky breasts showed the many years of sports and good living. Jill wore very little makeup, her natural flawless complexion needed very little grooming. The best feature Al loved the most was her ass. The globes of her raised cheeks flared a bit so that when naked, and looking from behind her, he could see right between her cheeks to admire the openings given to her at birth. The valley between her ass cheeks was always spread wide where Al loved to slide his manhood through. And Jill loved it when he did just that.

Al considered himself as just an ordinary man. Standing at exactly 6’, brown eyes and hair, and a toned frame he always felt comfortable in his own skin. And most importantly, Jill loved his physic.

It was a late Thursday night and Al had plans for shopping the next day. With their conservative business type clothing he knew they would be out of place amongst the glitter of Vegas. Jills below the knee skirts and neck high blouses with flat heels did very little to show off the beautiful assets she possessed. And Al’s business suits looked like he were a politician. YES, clothing had to be a top priority!

But Al had to be sly when they went out shopping knowing Jill’s conservative ways. He would need to coax her into the outfits he felt were proper in the City of Sin. So after an afternoon of relaxation and taking advantage of the pool and intense sun, they would go out shopping. But not until Jill had a drink or two under her belt. He had already convinced his bride new outfits would be needed, And Jill agreed seeing the fancy threads people were wearing around her. Al had hoped she would be positive about shopping.

So after a light lunch and a few drinks, off they went down the strip and the many shops along the way. Al had done a little research and had a specific shop in mind. But he took his time as they wandered through shops that mostly mirrored what they wore back home. His plan worked as Jill soon tired of the same old dresses and tops she could get at home. As Al brought her eventually to his store of choice, her blue eyes lit up. Short skirts of glitter, low-cut tops and stiletto heels lured the curious blonde into the store.

“Lets get adventurous baby”!, Al beckoned her. He was surprised at her favorable response; “Ok, but just to try on right”? He was half way there. He was betting on her agreeing more once he had her dressed up.

They picked out a few risqué outfits, most Jill just shook her head at, and headed to the dressing room.

Al patiently waited outside as Jill tried on the various clothing. But Jill took forever and finally came out of the dressing room in frustration. “I cant do this with you around and need more time alone”, she cried. Al knew it was a big step for his wife to take from the business and respectable career garb she wore from day-to-day back home. And he also knew he could not push his shy wife into this. If he did Jill might never come out of her shell. She had to proceed at her own pace. So Al left her alone in the swanky store assuring her no matter what she picked out his beautiful wife would shine like a diamond. He’d meet her back at the hotel later. He had some shopping to do himself and quickly headed to the sex/marital aid shop district.

Jill had a vibrator at home she had purchased online. It had come in a plain brown box that the pesky mailman could not detect. It was about 7” long, the same length as Al’s cock. And Jill could easily take the full length as she was so used to her husbands appendage. But the vibration was what really had Jill in ecstasy. She usually came within a few minutes from the intense vibrations the little pink tool gave her.

But Al had other plans and items of interest he was shopping for. Like a kid in a candy store, he went from one rack to the other, his eyes widened at the numerous objects before him. Some were so life-like. And even felt soft to the touch. Various sizes, shapes and colors to choose from made his head spin. His objective was to challenge his wife, but not hurt her. Jill was very passive and submissive in the bedroom. She loved it when Al took control. Their sex life was fairly conservative being in a town with zero sex shops, strip joints and a congregation of healthy church goers. Windows were always closed and fully draped when any sexual activity was engaged in.

So with all the choices before him, Al made his purchases. He slunk out of the sex store with his sun glasses on and quickly sped away, his brown bag of goodies hidden beneath the passengers seat. With high hopes his submissive wife would enjoy the items he bought, Al nervously drove back to the hotel with a hard-on hoping to beat his wife there so she would not question his purchases. Luckily she was not back yet and he unwrapped and cleaned the various ‘aids’ and hid them under the bed until time warranted.

Hours later Jill finally arrived. The excited look in her eyes had Al curious what she had bought. She certainly had enough bags and boxes she drug with her. Knowing her husbands curiosity, she exclaimed; “You’ll just have to wait until later to see what I’ve bought baby. But I think you’ll like my outfits”, she added with a sparkle in her blue eyes. Al tried to imagine what she had purchased. But all he saw was the same old garb, especially since Jill had never worn anything really sexy besides a few teddy nightgowns or panties behind closed doors. Plus he did not want to get his hopes up too high in case he were right.

The happy couple went out for an early dinner. As they dressed, Al warmed up the approaching evening with a few drinks. Jill loved rum and coke, and he poured her a generous glass of her favorite drink. He was a bourbon man and kept his intake to a lower level. He did not want to lose control with the plans he hoped would follow later. Jill came out of the bathroom dressed in a little shorter, above the knee skirt, 2” heels, and a modest shirt with only the top button open. Not as conservative as back home, but an improvement. But no matter what the petite blond wore she always look spectacular!

With her stiff drink consumed, the couple headed off to the steak house. Their meal was fabulous, not too filling, and Al had his wife on board with two more drinks under her belt. Her limit was around 4-5 depending on what she ate and the timeframe. Al saw a little change in her demeanor knowing the alcohol had started to effect her mood. Jill never had hangovers, a gift Al noticed early in their relationship. It was extremely rare that his small wife drank at all, but a couple times she really got her drink on. He’s seen her so drunk she could not walk, yet woke early the next day unaware what had happened and totally alert and ready to go.

Al could also drink plenty, but not recoup as well as his wife did.

The plans for the evening were unfolding, and Al made his move. He explained he knew of a swanky nightclub he wanted to take her to that played great blues music. They loved to dance, and the midwestern town they lived in never had a great blues venue to enjoy. So Jill jumped at the chance to shake a leg tonight. But to Al’s surprise, she insisted they head back to the hotel so she could put on something “more appropriate” for the night out. In minutes they were back at the hotel, Jill locked in the massive bathroom with her bags from today’s shopping. “Can you make me another drink baby”, she asked from behind the door. Al quickly made another stiff rum and coke for his wife, squeezing it through the narrow opening of the bathroom Jill held tight to hide her treasures.

Al also took the time to put on nicer clothes. Docker pants, a silk shirt and matching shoes ... he knew his wife would be the diamond beside him, so whatever he wore really did not matter as long as she looked the part.

It took Jill almost an hour before the bathroom door opened. And what Al saw made his jaw drop! There his beautiful wife stood, with an outfit he had never imagined she would buy, let alone wear. Especially if they were going out on the town.

“With all the sexy clothes we saw women wearing today, I thought I’d join the crowd”, she exclaimed with an excited look in her eyes. And boy did she, Al noticed!

Jill wore a very short black skirt that was well above her knees, a fuzzy blue sweater-type top that was left partially open at the top revealing her beautiful cleavage and the hint of a lacy bra. She also had on 4” stiletto heels with black lacy thigh-high stockings that the tops barely hid under her short skirt. Topped off by her long flowing blonde hair and more makeup she usually wore, she actually looked like a high classed hooker in Al’s eyes. “What do you think? Is this too much to go out in? I think I’m going to change”, Jill blurted out becoming unsure of herself. But Al reassured her; “No baby! You look fantastic and we saw women wearing a lot more riskier clothes when we were out shopping”, he pleaded with her.

It was true. While out and about they were astonished at the barely dressed women strutting the streets of Vegas. The hot weather really brought out the outfits that women obviously only wore in the City of Sin.

See-through pants and skirts, blouses fully open with breasts barely contained and skirts so short it was embarrassing to look up as they went up the many stairs walking the strip. No, Jill fit in perfectly!

And to help with Jill’s uncertainty, Al quickly poured her another stiff drink. He had to keep her frame of mind open and help her overcome her new look she was unaccustomed to wearing. Jill was so tuned into to the small town atmosphere and their strict careers, hell, she never even wore her long hair down in public. It was always tied up in a business-type bun on top of her head.

They still had time before he figured the dance club was in full swing. His gorgeous wife downed the drink in only a few minutes building her confidence for the night of dancing. Al quickly saw the fear and timidness leave her pretty face as the booze took over her inhibitions. Soon she was ready to go, anxious to start the night.

With excitement, Al took his brides hand and headed to the rental car. He could not ignore the looks men and even women in the lobby gave her as she walked by his side. With just a hint of her thigh high stockings peeking from under her short dress to her breasts barely contained in the loose partially open blouse and stiletto stripper-type heels, she certainly had everyones attention indeed!

The drive to the club was only about 20 minutes away and away from the bright lights of the city. Al had done his research about the club. It was called “Grabbers” and for a reason he did not disclose to his unsuspecting wife. It was known for the practice of the patrons ‘grabbing’ or touching others in the club. But no meant no! It was a strict rule for those who did not want to partake in the actions.

He was thankful Jill had a few drinks warming her up that helped with her demeanor as he approached to club. The place looked very classy and in a safe neighborhood, another good sign to assure his wife.

“Gabbers”, she exclaimed. “What an odd name. Wonder how that came about?”, she asked questioning her husband. “Not sure, but it kind of has a ring to it”, he blurted out.

As they entered the club loud blues music filled their ears. The club was dimly lit and quite busy even at 9pm. Al knew the place stayed open till 4am, so there was plenty of time to have fun. At the front desk he paid the $75 entrance fee, actually happy the higher price kept the riff-raff out. A sign describing the atmosphere of the name and club was prominently displayed indicating to customers what to expect.

“Grabbers is a NO means NO club where touching and ‘Grabbing’ is otherwise expected and enjoyed by open minded adults. We respect everyone’s views and hope you enjoy your time with us”

Al watched Jill’s reaction as she read the notice. She had an unsure look on her face as she turned towards Al. “Does this mean what I think it does”? she asked him. “Well, it says ‘No means No’, so let’s just keep an open mind, OK? And if you don’t want to go in, we can leave at any time”, he assured her. With barely a whisper she answered him; “Well, ok. I’m actually not surprised. I know you have a fantasy of me being grabbed by other men, right”? She was right, especially since the night at the concert she probably does not remember flooded his mind once more.

They were in! Al quickly brought her up to the bar to get the customary drink. And as usual stares followed the sexy 95 pound blonde as she strolled through the crowded club. They bellied up the bar sandwiched between two big black men. Al noticed there were seemingly more single black men in the club, outnumbering women and white men combined by more than half. Assuming the great blues music brought them in and the lure of white women. There were only a handful of black people in their small town and the stark realization of the overwhelming ratio of black people, especially black men was very different for the white couple. But Al knew they were in a safe club with everyone dressed to impress. And the security was obvious to keep things that way.

Stiff drinks were soon in their hands and welcomed by the white couple. They needed more liquid courage to deal with the unaccustomed place they were now in. But as the drinks disappeared, so did their inhibitions and concerns. Each minute that passed the more relaxed they became.

Music flooded the club and Al took his wife’s hand and led her to the crowed dance floor. Since they often listened to blues music they were very familiar to the DJ’s selection of songs. Soon Al was swirling his wife around the floor to the beat of the fantastic music. As they swirled around, Al examined his surroundings. The low red lights gave the club a sexy atmosphere, and combined with a lot of mirrors an appearance of a much larger club. Even though there had to be well over 250 patrons already in the place there was still enough room for plenty more. But for now, the dance floor became even more crowed pushing the couple closer and limiting their movements. Al noticed the booze was hitting Jill pretty good now. He could tell by the way she moved her hips about and the sexy mischievous look in her blue eyes. He grabbed her and pulled her closer to him. His hands wandered down to cup her ass cheeks, a move he could never do in their small town. As he cupped her soft cheeks Al started to pull upwards on her short skirt. With the packed and tight crowd certainly no one would notice his bold move. He figured her skirt was now high enough to show off the tops of her thigh high stockings. And as her skirt rose even higher maybe even her panties. He did not know what kind of panties she had worn not seeing them as she had shown him her outfit in the hotel room. All he could do was wonder what she had put on. With his hands secure on her swinging hips and skirt most likely showing off her panties, he could see a change in her movements. Looking into her closed eyes he saw a look of total bliss as she began to grind against his leg. His beautiful wife was really getting turned on! In the tightly packed dimly lit dance floor, the small woman clung to him. He actually thought she might even be having an orgasm right there on the dance floor! Al’s cock began to grow and grind back on his wife’s flat tummy. His expectations grew and he wondered how or what was making his wife so excited.

But before he could find out, the music stopped as the DJ announced a short 10 minute break. He took his ecstatic wife by the hand and guided her back to the bar where he found a few open higher stools for them to sit on. Jill was obviously in the zone and having a great time. She ordered another round for the two of them as she leaned towards Al. “That felt good baby. Did you get a good hand full nasty boy?” she whispered to him. Al was perplexed. He had only held her hips the whole time. Curiously he asked her what she had felt, hoping to make her believe he just wanted her to repeat what he “did” to her.

“Well, you certainly had your fingers buried in my ass, that’s for sure! Your fingers did the “drunk test. So, how drunk do you think I am baby”? The remark hit Al like a ton of bricks! The “drunk test” was what he did to Jill to test her. And only done within the privacy of their home. He would insert a finger or two into her asshole asking her to guess how many he had in her. Her answer told him how drunk she really was.

Al looked at the dance floor, now almost empty with the music on break. He gazed around trying to figure out who then had their hands, and fingers buried within his wife’s ass. But the crowded club kept its secret from him. But he had to find out. Surely it was a black man since they were the only ones crammed around them as they danced. Maybe if he excused himself to visit the restroom the guilty person might make a move towards his half-drunk unsuspecting wife. He excused himself assuring Jill he’d return shortly.

“Ok baby, I’ll keep the party going”, she stammered through a huge smile.

Al left his blonde wife sitting on the stool as he made his way to the restroom across the other side of the club. He took his time so that whomever groped Jill had time to make another move. After about 15 minutes he left the restroom and slowly made his way back to Jill at the bar. As he approached her she was between two very big black men who were talking to her. She had another fresh drink in her hands and sat facing Al as he maneuvered through the dancing crowd with the music once again playing even louder.

His wife looked spectacular! The sexy blonde certainly had the attention of her two admirers as she leaned into them as they talked. He also noticed her skirt had also risen a lot more showing off a white “V” between her slightly spread shapely thighs. The tops of her stockings were well below the hem of her short skirt too.

Jill was not used to wearing such short skirts and her lady-like small town demeanor did not help as her legs opened and closed as she went from one man to the other in conversation. He also noticed another button had been undone on her blouse showing off more cleavage than he had ever seen back home. Were these the men who had felt his wife up? Looking at their huge hands he wondered how they could even get one finger into her tight anus. Sure they had anal sex before, but only a few times a year since Jill was so tight, even with his 7” penis. But now he gazed upon his very excited wife as she talked with the huge black strangers.

“Hi baby”, he greeted her as he moved in closer to also close her legs from the staring men around her.

“Hey hunny! This is Marcus and Tiny. They come here all the time,” Jill blurted out to Al over the loud music.

The huge black men smiled at him and offered their hands. Al shook noticing how small his hand appeared within theirs. Al held in his laugh as the notion of “Tiny” went through his mind. They were both huge men. Never the less, they introduced themselves and told Al they were part of the traveling basketball team that was in town for the tournaments. Al now knew why there were so many big black men in the club - it made sense now. The two strangers were nicely dressed and very friendly. It was obvious money was no issue with them as professional basketball players. Their hands were covered with expensive rings and the clothes they wore were of fine materials.

“You have one fine wife sir” the men told Al. He nodded in agreement and noticed the respect they showed towards the white couple. As they talked Al became more relaxed with the two men. Actually happy they were by them in the busy club to sort of protect them against unwanted attention. And Jill was certainly OK with the large black men’s company. But still he wondered who had groped his unsuspecting wife earlier on the dance floor. He couldn’t actually get mad or upset. They knew exactly what kind of establishment they were walking into and the possible implications. And given his sexy as hell wife and the way she was dress one would almost expect her to get felt up. Hell Al would have done it himself to such a fine piece of ass!

Small talk continued between the trio as Jill continued to sip on her rum and coke. Al watched her closely since he did not want to see her get to unmanageable and drunk. It could spoil the great evening.

Suddenly Marcus asked him if he could dance with Jill. Before he could answer, Jill said “sure” grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the busy dance floor. Jill’s small frame looked even tinier compared to the 6’ 7” tall black man. Even with her 4” stiletto heels he towered a good foot above her. Al watched as they almost disappeared within the packed dance floor. He only caught glimpse’s of the two from time to time as the crowd swallowed them up. But Al could see them slow dancing to the beat of the song with Jill’s head resting on the huge mans chest. The big black man had his strong arms wrapped around the small blonde, his meaty hands very close to her ass.

But this is close to what Al had always fantasied about for the past ten years or so. Remembering the concert his cock began to get stiff. Back at that time, Jill was also drunk and pressed close to the stage within the tight confines of the swaying crowd. Al had stepped away from Jill for only a second to grab a roach that was being passed around. When he turned back, Jill was surrounded by a screaming and swaying packed crowd. No matter how hard he tried, he could not push his way closer to his young wife.

But he watched her closely, especially as a black guy settled in behind her. Al had never seen anyone so close to his young bride like this before and the black man’s intentions were unclear, which had him concerned. But it was soon clear what his intentions really were. In amazement he began to grind against Jills ass with his crotch. It would not be that big of a deal, but at the time the pretty blonde had on a very short skirt, and soon it began to rise up on her perky ass as the black man got even closer to her. Jill obviously thought it was Al grinding on her, because she ground back against the man. And that gave the black man all he needed to continue to take advantage of the unsuspecting young woman.

From less than 10 feet away from his wife, Al watched with unexplained excitement. Surprising even himself, his cock stiffened as the black man ground even harder into Jills ass. And as he watched the man suddenly took out his black cock! Al knew any actual attempt at penetration would alert his wife to look behind her knowing he would never do such a thing in public. Besides he knew she wore tight spandex shorts with 6” legs on under her short skirt. The black man would have to practically remove them before gaining entrance to her juicy cunt. But he seemed content on just rubbing his engorged cock under her black short skirt. And he possessed a very large cock to Al’s amazement. He had to be well over 9” and fairly thick. Al was surprised Jill did not notice the extra large cock rubbing on her ass was not that of her husbands much smaller one.

But through the booze and excitement of the concert his wife still bounced her ass back on the cock thrusting between the globes of her ass. And Al knew how his wife’s ass cheeks spread naturally wider than most women giving the mans black cock a perfect ‘V’ to slide between.

Their tempo sped up and the young man grabbed Jill’s thin waist for support as he thrust at her welcoming ass cheeks. And she responded by slightly bending over giving his cock a perfect groove to grind between her supple ass cheeks. Al could tell the black man could not hold out for too long with a perfect ass as Jill’s wrapped around his pistoning cock. The aroused black man threw his head back obviously releasing his seed upon her welcoming ass cheeks. The total event only took a few minutes, but to Al it was much, much longer. When the black man finished, he simply stepped back away from her and faded into the crowd, no one even aware except Al of what had just happened. Later that night as they were undressing, the efidence of the black mans cum was left in a white stain aimed right at her rear opening! The only mention of the incident was when Jill said to him; “You were a little rumbustious tonight sonny boy”! And right then he knew he had to relive this fantasy once more. No matter how long it took! And now, at this club 10 years later, he was as close as he figured it would ever get to fulfilling his fantasy once again.

Al turned his attention once again towards his blonde wife on the dance floor pressed against the black mans huge frame. It appeared they were sort of grinding against each other, but with the swaying slow dance, Al was not quite sure. In either way, his small blonde wife was closer to than she had intentionally been before. Was she even aware how her actions might put her in a precarious position? But looking on, Jill seemed content on the closeness of their seductive dance. Even when the huge black man began to cup her perfect little ass in his very large hands. As they moved side to side her very short dress began to ride up her toned thighs until her stocking tops were now exposed. But no one seemed to notice, especially Jill still locked to the large mans chest.

Through the packed dance floor it was difficult for Al to keep his eyes constantly on his swaying wife, but he knew the huge black man was having a great time with the small blonde. He caught a quick glimpse at Jills back as they slowly turned and saw a flash of white below her raised skirt. He had yet to see what she had on underneath the short black skirt, but now it was obvious they were white panties of some sort. Al could only assume with the sexy way Jill had dressed for the evening that her panties were a rarely worn thong type. Usually wearing a normal full panty that covered her ass cheeks, the thongs only came out for special sexy nights at home. He’d bet $1000 on the thong tonight!

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