Body Painted Wife Gang Bang - Cover

Body Painted Wife Gang Bang

Copyright© 2023 by jthung

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Wife gang bang

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Gang Bang   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism  

My name is John and I would like to tell you about my normally shy wife, Maria, and my one and only cuckolding. It happened on vacation to Key West for the notorious Fantasy Fest. It takes place during Halloween and is an adult oriented festival with a parade like Mardi Gras. Being in a large crowd of people all dressed sexy and drinking will lead to some naughty behavior that one normally does not think about.

Maria and I are 35 years old. We have a couple of kids that are now in junior high. Since the last birth, Maria has been working out and keeping her self in great shape. Her full C cup breasts are beautiful and her waist is slim with a bubble butt. At 5’6” and 125lbs she looks hot as the day I met her. I myself also work out and keep in shape and have decent looks. My cock is a little under average but Maria does love it and even though we have talked about my cock size, she says she is very satisfied with it.

When we arrived on Friday we put our stuff in our hotel and went out to dinner. The party activities had been already going on since the beginning of the week, so everyone was in the party mood. The main event is the parade on Saturday. We saw many people near undressed and many of the women had gotten their bodies painted. Most of the women only did the top part of their bodies and a few had nothing on but paint and shoes. Maria and I were excited to see this display of nudity and talked about if she had the guts to do it. I of course said she could pull it off and I would love to see her do it. We always thought our adventures should included some yolo. Maria said she would think about it.

The next day we were finished with our brunch and walking around watching all the people in their costumes and body paint. Many of them were really creative and some looked like they were wearing tight clothes. I quite enjoyed seeing all the tits, and for those fully painted seeing ass and pussy. We were in our costumes already with Maria dressed as Wonder Woman and me as the original Bat Man suit like Adam West wore on the show. Maria looked hot in her Wonder Woman costume as it clung to her hips and showed off her bubble butt and the top pushed up her tits. As we checked out other people and talked with them in the bars, Maria was being encouraged by me and the other painted ladies to also get painted.

“How about it Maria, you want to get your body painted?” I said

“I’m not sure, its a lot to put oneself on display like that” Maria said

“You are very beautiful, my love, and you are in shape ... Why not ... YOLO” I said

“I am thinking about it, its kind of exciting!” Maria said.

“Well no time like the present” I said.

We made some inquiries and found an awesome body paint artist. Maria said she would most likely paint her top, that it was a lot to do a full body. I told her to do what makes her fell comfortable. With that she went into the enclosed booth and I went across the street for a drink and the bar.

After about 45 minutes, I was tapped on the shoulder and turned around to see my wife. As she stood there I looked at her painted breasts, she continued with the Wonder Woman look. Then I looked down and saw that she was totally nude, she had gotten the full body paint job. I was totally turned on looking and my wife’s painted pussy lips and that she was showing off her whole body to everyone.

“WOW” is all I could say.

“I need a drink” is all she replied.

We spent the rest of the day drinking in various bars till the parade began. I caught guys getting a quick feel of my wife’s ass and tits the whole time were were out. After the parade was over we went to another bar. It was totally crowded like they all were. It was a sports bar with various games on and I noticed that one was playing the Auburn football game. Since we were both alumni, I suggested we catch the rest of the game.

We made our way over to that side of the bar and noticed 5 or 6 guys who had Auburn body pain on and realized they were students on vacation. My wife and I introduced ourselves as alumni of Auburn and asked if they mind if we join them. We were off to one side of the bar and besides the bar seating, there was a couple of tall round tables. Of course the guys did not mind, one of them said she can join us anytime which everyone giggled at. All of them were checking my wife out as they watched the game.

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