When Karl Meets an Onlyfans Girl - Cover

When Karl Meets an Onlyfans Girl

Copyright© 2023 by alan14

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Karl is walking home when a cyclist crashes her bike in front of him. Karl takes her to his house to fix her busted ankle. Over the next few days Karl finds a lot out about Stacey, especially how she managed to afford the biggest house in the village. Stacey then meets the girl of Karl's dreams, and hers...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Big Breasts  

The first question of every quiz this year has been whether the question master, Father Maurice O’Connor, will be sober enough to walk from his table by the bar to his table between the teams.

He managed the feat unaided tonight, receiving a muted round of applause as he took his seat.

The first round was science, Stacey proved her worth immediately by answering questions about radio waves, a type of electrical circuit and pH levels.

By the mid-point we were ahead by 100 points to 75. Martin glared at our table as he headed for the bar for halftime drinks, Jason offered to get ours, pointedly positioning himself beside Martin and blocking his view of our table.

Stacey proved herself again during the music round, guessing all five songs within the first few seconds.

“Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young”

“Land of Make Believe by Bucks Fizz”

“It’s a Sin by Pet Shop Boys”

“This is What You Came For by Rhianna and Calvin Harris”

“My Future by Billie Eilish”

“Bloody hell, you’re a song intro queen!” Bailey’s Aunt Liz whispered, “I’m not wishing George further harm, but he needs to stay ill until after the final.”

We were a full 50 points ahead at the start of the last round, general knowledge. These last questions are worth 10 points each, so even if The Royal Oak got all five right, they would only tie.

“How many bridges cross the Amazon, the world’s second longest river?”

Stacey buzzed immediately, “none!”

We looked at her as if she was insane.


There was no way for The Royal Oak to come back now, the pressure was off.

“Which is the 3rd US time zone, counting from the east coast?”

Stacey hit the buzzer a millisecond before The Royal Oak captain, “Mountain!”

“Correct! The Simpsons was the spin-off show of which American sketch series?”

Martin Pride buzzed first this time, “Saturday Night Live!”

“Incorrect, your question Tow Path.”

Stacey thought for a moment, “oh yes! The Tracey Ullman Show.”

“The five permanent members of the UN Security Council are Russia, United Kingdom, United States, China and which other country?”

Steve from The Royal Oak is quickest to the buzzer, “Germany!”

“Incorrect, your question Tow Path.”

Stacey answers, a rare moment of uncertainty, “France?”

“Correct, and the final question, let’s see if we can have another clean sweep, what is the smallest bone in the human body?”

Ahh, we all knew where it was, the ear, but what was it called?

Stacey smiled as she buzzed just before we were timed out, “Stapes?”

“Correct! The Tow Path, or rather Anastasia Georgiou, win with 250 points to The Royal Oak’s 150.”

Martin Pride leapt from his chair and started across the floor, Jason and Craig jumped up together, Craig got there first and grabbed Martin’s arm, twisting it painfully round his back.

“A friendly reminder, pal, another inch and your arm will pop clean out of your shoulder, do you want to see if I’m bluffing?”

Martin grimaced, “no...”

“We know where you live, we know where your friends live. If any harm comes to Ana or Karl, we know where to find you.”

Jason stepped up close, “I don’t know about you, Martin, but if I was in your situation, I’d think about moving to a different town, somewhere well away from Ana. I’d probably change job as well, so I don’t have to see the guy who won her heart every day.”

“Just suggestions, you know,” Craig added as he moved Martin’s arm a fraction higher.

“I hear you, let me go, please...”

“And there’s the magic word,” Craig replied, releasing Martin before giving his behind a playful slap, “off you pop, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

We watched as Martin stormed out, before returning meekly to collect his coat.

“Is his car still driveable,” Stacey asked.

“Yeah, we just kicked it a bit, then we pushed it next to the wall, so he’ll have to climb in from the passenger side.”

“Ahh shit,” she sighed, “I’ll probably end up buying him a new car now, or...” she turned to me, “this is perfect, you liked that Volvo didn’t you, Karl?”

“Yes, I liked it better than the others we saw.”

“OK, I’ll get you one, then when it arrives, Martin can have your Fiesta. It’s a lot newer than his other car. Can one of you guys drag him back in if he’s still around.”

We turned back to our table, the other three were staring at us, “You’re amazing,” Peter exclaimed.

“How do you know so much trivia?” Liz asked.

“Ahh, my job involves a lot of waiting around for things to happen, so I end up reading a lot of magazines and watching a lot of quiz shows. The question about bridges over the Amazon came up on a show last week, it’s lucky I caught that one.”

Jason told us Martin was sitting on the floor next to his car refusing to come back in, he didn’t want to hurt Martin by dragging him across the carpark, so we went out to see him. I could tell he was fighting to hold back tears.

Stacey let go of our hands, “I’ll go speak to him.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yeah, just look at the poor bastard, he’s broken. Stay back, but stay alert, OK.”

We held back as she asked, watching her as she crossed the car park. She crouched beside Martin and touched his cheek tenderly.

“Why did they have to do this?” he asked plaintively.

“Why did you have to be such a dick, Martin?” she asked quietly, “I left you almost two years ago because you paid me no attention. I owe you nothing, yet you come and threaten my new boyfriend. My cousins warned you, but you had another go. They’re very protective towards me, Jason wasn’t kidding about putting a guy in hospital after he raped me.”

Martin looked up for the first time, Stacey smiled, “I feel bad about them hurting your car, they went a bit far. If you can manage for a few days, I’ll sort you another car, something newer and better than this one. Is that OK?”

“Yeah, that will be OK.”

She kissed him tenderly on the forehead, “I was never the right girl for you Martin, you don’t want someone independent like me, you want someone who’ll be happy to stay home and raise a family. Take Jason’s advice, forget about me.”

“You’re not so easy to forget.”

Stacey patted his cheek as she stood, “for the sake of your health, I suggest you try. I’ll get you a car sorted, Jason will take it round to the Royal Oak and leave the keys behind the bar for you.”

“Before you go, Ana...”

“Yeah,” she replied, turning back to Martin.

“Could you get your cousins to pull the car away from the wall so I can get in, the passenger door doesn’t work, it hasn’t opened for ages.”

“Ahh, I’m sorry about that. You might want to get up though, or they’ll probably just drag the car over you.”

“I’m assuming the waiting around is for your videos to process,” I said as we walked home later.

“Yep, my computer is really old and slow, it takes about an hour to encode a 15-minute HD clip once I’ve edited it together.”

“So, when you buy that shiny new computer you’ve been looking at, your viewing and reading time will be reduced.”

“Are you saying my new computer will mean I get kicked off the team? You forget that my internet is still pretty slow, so it takes forever to upload the videos anyway.”

“Ahh, that’s a relief.”

“Anyway, why was everyone surprised that I knew stuff? Is it my blonde hair or my big tits that make people think I’m dim?”

“I think it’s both,” Bailey replied, “Seriously though, I don’t think anyone thought you were dim, they’d have been just as surprised if anyone from either team answered so many questions on their own. I’m sure word will quickly get round to the teams in the other semi-final that we have a mastermind on our team.”

“Thanks honey, I guess I’ve always been curious, I read a lot and I remember lots of snippets of stuff. It’s not very useful in day to day life, but it comes in handy for quizzes I guess.”

Stacey opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio when we got home, “when do you want to collect your stuff?” she asked Bailey as she filled her glass.

“I dunno, soon, but I don’t want to seem like I’m running away.”

“There’s no rush, just let me know and I’ll get a van sorted, Jason’s work have a couple we can borrow at weekends. Karl’s not emptied his place yet, so we could do both jobs on the same weekend.”

“What are you doing with your place, Karl?”

“We were thinking we could rent it out, that way you don’t have to sell the family home, do you, Karl?”

“Yeah, it’s fully paid for, so it’ll make for a nice little income.”

“Cool, a little extra money will come in handy.”

“Why don’t you get your new camera out and take some photos of Bailey as she tries her new clothes on.”

“Can I have one more glass of wine, please?” Bailey asked.

“Of course you can, I’ve a dozen more bottles in the wine fridge.”

“Just one more glass will be enough I think, then I’ll be OK with Karl taking photos.”

“Can he take a few nude shots?” Stacey asked.

“That’s why I need one more glass.”

“Perfect, because I’d like to see how you look naked, in photos I mean, because I’ve seen you naked, and you look amazing.”

“Do we need to go upstairs, for the lights?” Bailey asked.

“No need, I have a couple of studio lights tucked away behind that screen at the back, Let’s fetch them while Karl remembers how to work his camera.”

By the time I had the camera ready, Stacey and Bailey had placed two large LED light panels either side of the fireplace, which didn’t contain a fire, instead it was filled with white stones and a display of succulent plants and dried flowers.

“Don’t strip yet,” Stacey told Bailey, “I’d like a few photos of you posing in your work clothes, you look super sexy.”

Stacey showed Bailey a few poses, both natural and sexy, coy photos showing no cleavage, seductive poses with cleavage and come-hither eyes.

“Don’t take any photos yet, Karl. I’ll show you some good angles.”

As Bailey ran through the poses she’d been shown, Stacey demonstrated the best angles to capture Bailey to full effect.

“We want a shallow depth of field, use the lens almost wide open, f2.0 or f2.8, so only Bailey is in focus. I want you to keep her eyes in focus at all times, unless the point of focus is her boobs or pussy, then you focus on her nipples or her pubes.”

I took about a dozen photos as Bailey posed in her work outfit of a low cut t-shirt, blouse and black jeans.

With these finished Stacey plugged the camera into her laptop and quickly scrolled through, “Great, you got her eyes in focus, well done. Oh I like this one, you ignored the eyes and focused on her cleavage. You really do have an amazing rack, Bailey. I’m very jealous.”

“But ... your boobs are fantastic, Stacey.”

“They’re big, I agree, but they’re too firm, I can never pull off the kind of cleavage you’ve got in these photos.”

“I guess nobody is ever happy, because I’d love my floppy fun bags to be as firm as yours are.”

“I just like boobs,” I told them.

“The simplest things please men,” Stacey laughed, “OK sweetie, how about you do a slow strip now. Karl, you’ll be seeing boobs soon, so try and keep your mind on the job, sharp photos of each stage of Bailey’s routine. Try to get the odd action shot of a flying blouse of something.”

For the next hour Bailey stripped, dressed and stripped again until she’d tried on all the clothes Stacey had bought her this morning. During that time, I took hundreds of photos, which Stacey checked each time Bailey stopped to choose a new outfit.

“You’re good, Karl, I’m liking the angles you’re choosing. Try to slow down a little though, you’re taking too many photos, so you’re rushing. Keep it slow and steady with this camera, compose, focus shoot.”

“It’s the manual focus, it takes a lot of time.”

“And that’s why I bought you this camera, to take things slow and steady. We won’t normally use it for this kind of work, this is all just a bit of fun so you and Bailey can practice. I’ll select a dozen or so good photos tomorrow, Bailey, then if you’re happy, we’ll set up a page for you, along with Twitter and Instagram profiles. These will all be free initially to build up interest. Once you have some followers, we’ll do a paid page with more exciting content.”

“Will my boobs be on the internet?” Bailey asked.

“If you want them to be up there, I’m happy to post them.”

“Oh gosh, can I see some photos?”

“Of course,” Stacey replied, swivelling her laptop a little so Bailey could see the screen.

“Oh shit, is that really me?”

“Yep!” Stacey told her, “that’s really you.”

“Oh man, look at those boobs.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Mmm, about the photos, can I have a think. Wait until tomorrow.”

“That’s no problem,” Stacey replied.

“Right now though, how about we make some content for your page.”

Bailey chose her favourite underwear from the selection they’d bought today, a cleverly designed set that were both flimsy and see-through, but also sturdy enough to contain Bailey’s magnificent chest. Whilst the bulk of the bra was translucent, three bands that reinforced the cups, along with a few lace daisies ensured Bailey wouldn’t get an instant ban for posting a photo from this set on Instagram.

With her underwear selected, we moved upstairs to the filming room, as this would be videoed. Stacey asked me to take stills with my camera as well.

“OK honey, just so we’re 100% clear, you’re happy for this to be filmed?”

“Err ... yes.” Bailey replied slowly.

“You don’t seem sure.”

“Yes, I’m happy, providing I approve of the finished video.”

“I’m OK with that. So, the next question, what do you want to happen here?”

“I want to have sex with you,” Bailey replied, a little puzzled by the question.

“I know that, but how far do you want to go? Are we leaving underwear on, or do we get naked.”

“Ahh, I see. I think you can take my underwear off and play with my boobs.”

“Great, and the final question – I know this is taking some of the sexiness away, but I’ve done professional shoots, and we have to do this, and sign forms – so, last question, do you want to use toys.”

Bailey was quiet for a few moments as she thought, “mmm, I’d like to, but what if I get all carried away?”

“Isn’t that the point of good sex, to get carried away. You saw the video I uploaded the other day...”

“Yes, it was so hot.”

“I squirted so much Karl nearly drowned.”

“Oh shit yeah, the splash on the camera.”

“So, what do you think, can we use toys?”

“What type, I don’t want anything too big.”

“I was thinking about using a small butt plug...”

“In my bum?” Bailey asked, nervously.

“That’s where they normally go. Just a small one, then I’ll use fingers in your pussy.”

“How small? You said Karl wasn’t big, and he really is.”

Stacey laughed as she pulled a box out from under the bed, “I’ll let you choose, if they all frighten you, I’ll stick to using my fingers, promise.”

Bailey knelt and had a dig through the box, her eyes lit up as she pulled out a cordless Hitachi massager, “oh my god! I’ve always wanted to try one of these.”

“As if you were worried about getting carried away a minute ago, that’ll blow your frigging mind.”

“I’m still going to try it,” Bailey gushed as she started to root through the box again, finally emerging with a medium sized plug, “can I use this please?”

“Of course you can, everything in that box is for our play.”

“I’d like to try that strap-on one day, so me and Karl can fuck you together.”

“Oh my, it’s a long time since I’ve done a DP,” Stacey replied wistfully, “although it has to be different holes, I once had two guys in my bum, that wasn’t fun at all.”

“Oh shit, how did that happen?”

“It involved a lot of drugs, another night when I had no fucking clue what was happening. I woke up the next day in a lot of pain. My friend showed me a snapchat video that explained why I was in pain.”

Bailey was speechless, a mix of awe and horror on her face.

“You’d think an experience like that would make me re-evaluate my life choices, but I was back with the same bunch of twats the next weekend ... I think the next week was when 10 guys did me. Anyway, this was all towards the end of my second year at university. I grew a brain over the summer and moderated my behaviour in the third year, I still went to parties, but I stuck to drink more often, avoiding most drugs, and people with drugs. I still slept with a lot of people, but more one on one stuff, and more girls.”

Stacey took the toys from Bailey as she pushed the box back under the bed with her foot, “lie on the bed, honey. In the middle so the cameras get the best view.”

“If I don’t like the video, what will you do with it?”

“That’s up to you, I can either delete it completely, or I can give it to you, so you can watch it later, to remember the night, or you can delete it.”

“But I get the final say, if I don’t want you to upload it, you won’t do it.”

Stacey kissed Bailey tenderly, “you’ve only just met me, so you don’t understand that I never lie, and I never back out of a promise. You have the final say, always. The film will stay in the cameras until morning, when I’ll show you how to move it from the cameras to my computer, and I’ll show you how to edit the film. When it’s finished you choose whether to keep the film or delete it.”

Reassured, Bailey sat in the bed and shuffled up so her back was against the headboard.

“Do I take my panties off?”

“Not yet, sweetie. We need to show the world how wet you can get them. Spread your legs a little,” Stacey whispered as she used her iPad to check the feed from the cameras. “Karl, see the camera on the red tripod, can you bring it in a little, mmm yes, swivel it a touch to the right ... perfect. OK, the one on the wall, the middle one, can you tilt it ever so slightly down, ahh, back up a smidge, great. We’re ready.”

Bailey looked around the room, taking in the positions of all the cameras. “Do I look at the cameras?” she asked.

“If you feel you can, that one opposite will give the best view of your face, and I’d like Karl to get some photos of your expression, especially when you’re cumming. The same with the photos though, any you don’t like are going in the bin.”

Bailey smiled weakly at me, “I hope I don’t squirt at you.”

“The camera can be cleaned and dried,” Stacey assured her, “please stop worrying, you won’t enjoy yourself if you’re worrying about splashing Karl.”

Stacey turned on a few more lights as Bailey composed herself, then she used her iPad to adjust the colour and intensity of the lighting, the colour scheme for the whole room changed to one that suited Bailey’s skin tone, which was much paler than Stacey’s.

“I assume you know how to use the massager,” Stacey asked once the scene was set.

“I guess I turn it on and press it against my pussy.”

“Kind of, but be careful, it’s very powerful. Before you start, I’m going to turn on all the cameras, as I want footage of you all dry and composed. Can you take a few photos of pre-orgasm Bailey as well, because she won’t stay looking like this for long after she turns the Hitachi on.”

I moved around the bed, taking about a dozen photos, full body and close-ups, all as directed by Stacey.

“OK, I’m going to start the cameras in a moment, as they turn on, you’ll see a little red light on each camera, that’s the sign they’re recording. So you know in future, no red lights, you’re safe in here to do whatever you like in complete privacy, red lights on, the cameras are running.”

Bailey’s eyes moved around the room once more as she checked the red lights coming to life, “if you listen hard, you can hear them as well, a little fan to keep them cool, they’re almost silent, but because there’s a few cameras you can hear them. OK, so we’re almost ready to go, once the music starts, turn on the Hitachi and touch yourself gently, be ready to catch her reaction Karl. From that point on we’ll play it by ear. I’ll join in when I think you’re ready.”

Stacey stepped back from the bed, so she was out of shot and a moment later she started her playlist with a quiet instrumental. I focused on Bailey’s face as she pressed the massager against her pussy, I caught her mouth becoming a wide O, her eyes popping as the electric tingle rushed through her body.

“Oh my GOD!” she cried as she closed her legs, gripping the massager as the first orgasm hit.

I snapped her expression as it ran through the gamut of emotions, then I tried to catch a shot along her body. Her legs closed tight, trapping both arms as she gripped the massager, the swell of her breasts showing either side. The camera filming from the wall above my head would be getting great footage of her boobs wiggling as her whole body writhed from her prolonged orgasm.

“Fuck,” she sighed after a few minutes, her body relaxing as she let go of the Hitachi.

Stacey motioned for me to get some photos of her sopping panties, this seemed a little intrusive, but Bailey moved her hands away as she saw me coming, so I took a few photos from both sides of the bed.

Her panties and the duvet cover were soaked.

“Are they ruined,” Bailey asked.

“No honey, I’ve been rougher than that with panties and they’ve survived, but if you have killed them, I’ll go buy you some more. Anyway, slip them off so you can try the plug.”

I took a few photos as Bailey removed her sopping panties, Stacey took them from her, swapping the underwear for the pink butt plug.

“What do I do with it?” Bailey asked.

“First, I suggest you play with it. Use it to tease your pussy, this will build you up towards your next orgasm, and it’ll cover the plug with your juices, so we don’t need to use extra lube. When you feel ready, lift your legs up to show your bum to the cameras and slowly push it inside. If you can keep your legs up for a while, do it as you play with your pussy. If you can’t then maybe turn over onto your knees and use the massager on your pussy.”

I crouched at the side of the bed to take photos as Bailey slowly pushed the plug home.

“Ooofff,” she sighed as it slid inside, “oh, this is nice...”

“Do you want me to join in?”

“Oh yes please, slip something in my pussy so I can feel it against the plug.”

Stacey didn’t need asking twice. As she climbed on the bed I scooted across to where she was standing, so as to get a better view of the two of them together.

I watched through the camera as Stacey slipped two fingers into Bailey’s eager pussy. I saw Bailey shudder as Stacey’s fingers ran against the plug, doubling the sensations in an instant.

“Oh my god Stacey, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good.”

“This is just the start honey, wait until you’ve felt our boy’s big cock up your arse.”

“Not today though, I don’t think I’m ready yet.”

“Not today, today is for us,” Stacey whispered as she dipped her mouth to Bailey’s pussy.

As they made love I moved silently around the bed, capturing photos from different angles. As I checked the screen after one photo, I saw I’d caught the tip of Stacey’s tongue touching Bailey’s inflamed clit. That would be a prize-winning photo if there were competitions for porn.

Stacey reached out at one point and tapped my shoulder, “I think she’s ready for something bigger,” she whispered, “pass me a medium dildo.”

Pulling the box out I quickly rummaged through and found a dildo, “no, too big,” Stacey hissed quietly, “the clear blue one that I used the other day.”

I found the clear blue dildo and slipped it into Stacey’s waiting hand.

“Oohhh, what are you doing,” Bailey asked as Stacey played the dildo along her moist pussy.

“Something you’ll enjoy in a minute,” Stacey replied as she slipped a finger underneath the base of the plug and gently removed it.

“Mmmm, that feels nice sliding out, I like that stretchy feeling in my hole.”

“Ahh, you’ll enjoy it going back in even more,” Stacey told her as she dropped the plug to the floor and slid the dildo in its place.

“Ooohhhhh, this is bigger, cheeky, mmmm, it feels different, it’s long and bobbly.”

“Is it nice?” Stacey asked.

“I’m really stretched, it’s a bit uncomfy at the moment, give me a minute.”

“Do you want me to hold still, or can I start to fuck your bum.”

“Mmm, I think you can fuck me now, and maybe put something back in my pussy, do you have another dildo the same size?”

“I don’t have one the same size, but I’ve got one that’s only a bit bigger, would that be OK?”

“I don’t care, I just want something inside my pussy.”

I quickly gave Stacey the first dildo back, it was more than a little bigger than the blue one in Bailey’s bum.

“Oh shit!” Bailey cried, “that’s big, it’s like, the same size as Karl!”

“Shush, no names,” Stacey whispered, “we’ll bleep that.”

“You have a bleeping machine!” Bailey laughed, “oh god, do that again, oh shit, fuck me hard, I’m nearly there,” she cried, “oh fuck, fuck, this is going to be big.”

Stacey held on tight as Bailey’s whole body lifted off the bed, just her head and heels staying on the mattress to prove gravity still works.

“Oh my god,” Bailey sighed, “so that’s what double penetration is like.”

“It’s better with two boys doing it, but also worse, as it means there’s two boys in the room.”

“Maybe we could try with our boy and that big dildo.”

“Definitely one for another day though,” Stacey replied as she rolled over and reached for her iPad, “let’s turn all these cameras off, then we need to take Karl to bed, he needs some attention.”

The next day we reluctantly rolled out of bed a little before noon.

“I can’t believe we stayed up so late,” Bailey sighed as I poured her some coffee, “I don’t think I’ve ever stayed up after 2am before.”

“Totally worth it though,” Stacey replied, “do you feel OK, nothing hurts?”

“My bum knows it got up to naughtiness, but it’s not painful.”

“Great stuff. So, today I’ll show you how to pull the footage from the cameras and give you a quick video editing lesson. We’ll go through all the photos and show you how to use Lightroom and Photoshop.”

“Amazing, I’m so looking forward to watching the film.”

“What about you Karl, do you want to watch us editing?”

“I’d love to, but I thought I’d bring some stuff from home, so I can work from here in the holidays.”

“Oh cool, I’ll get you a desk ordered for your new office, oh yes, I’ve got a man coming in this week to make sure the network in your office is tip-top.”

“Thanks, I’ll need a few network ports put in if that’s OK.”

“No problem, there’s a network switch thingy in the loft space, I had it put in for all the cameras and stuff, but pretty much everything is wireless, so the switch is mostly empty.”

“Nice, I’ll have a look at it later.”

“We’ll be a few hours editing the video, when we’re done I think we’ll go to the Indian for tea, then we’ll watch the video on the big TV downstairs. Does that sound like a fun way to spend an evening?”

“Oh my, I’m not sure I like the idea of looking at my pussy on that huge screen.”

“It’ll be fun, trust me, especially as we can make sure my big arse is in some of the shots.”

“Now that’s something I definitely look forward to seeing,” Bailey smiled.

With the back seats down in my car, there was plenty of room to fit my PCs, servers, screens, storage and laptops. I spread some of my clothes around and between the hardware to keep everything safe.

Back at Stacey’s house I reversed the process and lugged everything up to my new office, which I’d be sharing at least some of the time with Bailey, as Stacey had agreed to fund some college courses.

“Some of the kit I’ve brought, it’s quite noisy,” I told Stacey over coffee, “it wouldn’t be a problem if it was just me, but Bailey will be using the office.”

“Does the noisy stuff need to be in the office?” Stacey asked.

“Not really, I just need it to be on the same network.”

“No problem then, I’ll get the network man to put everything in the loft, it’s dry up there, and there’s ventilation.”

“That’s brilliant, I can set it up when it’s all in place. It’s gear I use for testing things for work, so it’s not turned on all the time. I can fire everything up remotely.”

“Mmm, does any of your stuff have a lot of fast storage? I’m kind of running out.”

“I’ve got stacks of spare storage, but it’s not fast enough for live editing. You could use it to archive anything you don’t need immediate access to, if that helps.”

“That will help a lot, Karl. Oh my god, you will explode when you see Bailey on the big screen,” Stacey whispered as Bailey left the kitchen, “she’s fucking gorgeous, absolutely dripping with sensuality on video.”

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