Bed Hopping - Cover

Bed Hopping

Copyright© 2023 by Myll Apila

Chapter 59

Lying on the ground and expecting to be grabbed by Hector at any moment, I struggled to get my breath back without breathing deeply, because that made my chest hurt where I’d landed on it.

“Are you all right?” Mrs Ferguson called out.

I groaned then rolled over. Mrs Ferguson was standing in the doorway, blocking it, as if to prevent the Hector from approaching me.

“Winded, but I’ll live,” I admitted. I reckoned I might feel the bruises later.

“Please let Hector apologise,” pleaded Mrs Ferguson. “I promise he won’t hurt you and he’ll be able to help you help my daughter if anyone can.”

I carefully got to my feet and looked past Mrs Ferguson, ready to run for my life. The cop was standing behind Mrs Ferguson but didn’t look as though chasing me was high on his agenda; he certainly didn’t look as intimidating as the first time I’d seen him. I inched my way back towards the front door, making sure Mrs Ferguson stayed between us.

“Lucy here is my sister,” Hector said by way of explanation when I was close enough for conversation. “I fell for Norris’s crap hook line and sinker. I thought anyone who Lucy trusted enough to marry had to be okay. I didn’t know she was living a lie. I’m really sorry for what I did.”

“Weren’t you sacked for what you did to me?”

“I should have been. I deserved it. But they must have thought I was basically a good copper and gave me a second chance. I was demoted two grades and given a final written warning so I’ll probably never earn my former status back.” He hung his head in shame, and I had to admit he was either genuinely contrite or a bloody good actor.

“Please, give Hector a chance,” pleaded Mrs Ferguson. “If you really want to help Alex, please come back inside and talk to him.” She backed away so I could re-enter the house. “Let’s go into the lounge where we’ll be more comfortable and I’ll get us something to drink.”

“On one condition,” I replied. “Hector cuffs himself to a chair then throws me the key.”

Hector nodded. “Wait there. My cuffs are in the monitoring room. With your permission I’ll go fetch them.”

I nodded, and Hector retreated through the door he’d emerged from.

“Monitoring room?” I asked.

“The police have civilian specialists to monitor my phone calls and coach me through negotiating with the kidnappers,” said Mrs Ferguson. “Hector is the principal police liaison.”

Hector re-emerged waving a pair of handcuffs. “I’m going into the lounge,” he said. “Follow me and make sure you’re happy with what I cuff myself to.”

“You go first,” I said to Mrs Ferguson. “Stay between us until I’m sure he’s no threat.”

From the door of the lounge and over Mrs Ferguson’s shoulder, I saw Hector in the middle of the room, appraising the chairs.

“Better Idea,” I said. “Cuff yourself to the radiator.”

Hector pulled a chair next to the radiator.

“Show me the key working.”

Hector took out a key, inserted it into the cuffs and turned it a full rotation.

“Okay, now secure yourself.”

Hector sat in the chair, cuffed a wrist then slapped the other cuff round one of the radiator pipes. He gave a gentle pull to show the cuffs were secure.”

With Hector no longer a threat, Mrs Ferguson moved out of the way to let me enter the room. I held out my hand and Hector tossed the key in my direction. To my surprise I actually caught it. I nodded my appreciation then pulled a chair next to the door so I could try to escape if anything went wrong.

“I’ll fetch us some drinks,” said Mrs Ferguson. “What would you like, Jon? Tea, coffee, water, juice, something stronger?”

“Tea please,” and I specified my preferred quantities of milk and sugar.


He laughed derisively. “I’d love a beer, but I’m unofficially on duty. Any chance of a strong, black coffee?”

“Of course.” Mrs Ferguson left the room leaving me alone with Hector.

“Lucy’s filing for divorce,” volunteered Hector. “Norris was psychologically abusing her. I don’t think he ever hurt her physically but he controlled every aspect of her life. He let her know in no uncertain terms what would happen to her and Alex if she crossed him, but now that he’s going to spend the rest of his life in prison they’re safe. Or they were. Even now that bastard’s toxic legacy is ruining lives.”

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