Bed Hopping - Cover

Bed Hopping

Copyright© 2023 by Myll Apila

Chapter 57

Brenda Rodgers, the fiery goth martial arts expert, albeit with a secret pink princessy side, looked terrified and nothing like her usual confident, intimidating self. She shifted nervously from foot to foot and occasionally looked around as though checking there was nobody behind her.

“Hello Jon,” she said. “Janey told me at school that that you were back and gave me your address. Please don’t shut the door on me.”

“I would never do that,” I said. I think the fact that Brenda seemed even more nervous than I was helped me to talk normally to her rather than being my usual tongue-tied self when talking to a girl. Since Brenda didn’t appear to be a threat and my family were home, I gestured inside. “Won’t you come in?”

“No thanks, I don’t want to stay. I shouldn’t even be here. First, I want to say I’m sorry for scratching your face.”

“It wasn’t much fun at the time but it’s what I might have done in your place. It was an instinctive reaction and I could tell you were trying to pull out of your strike. And, as you can see, there’s no permanent damage. I ought to be the one apologising for sleepwalking into your bed.”

“Alex explained your sleepwalking after I told her I found you in my bed. I feel really bad about what I did because it wasn’t your fault.”

In a way it was, but I wasn’t going to admit it. “Let’s agree to forgive each other then,” I offered. “And perhaps we could be friendlier in future.” This was the most we’d ever spoken to each other. “But why are you really here?”

Brenda hesitated, as though deciding whether to risk telling me something. Then, “I’ve got some news and it’s really bad,” she admitted. “Two days ago, after school, I saw Alex Ferguson waiting outside for her Mum to pick her up. A grey van pulled up to where she was waiting and two men, wearing balaclavas and carrying guns, leapt out and grabbed her. I called the police then spent all yesterday being grilled by them along with a couple of other eye witnesses. I overheard a detective speculate that one of Alex Ferguson’s dad’s rivals might have taken advantage of his being in prison to kidnap his daughter. When they let us go, the police ordered us not to tell anyone and act normally because Alex’s life could be endangered if we didn’t.”

That stunned me. I hated Norris Ferguson with a vengeance, but Alex had been nice to me since I’d sleepwalked into her bed, even to the extent of visiting me in hospital and warning me about her dad.

“I just wanted to let you know so you know to keep a lookout for her,” continued Brenda. “I reckon she needs all her friends rooting for her.” Brenda turned to leave.

“Wait a moment, I need to think,” I pleaded. “Are you sure I can’t persuade you to come in?”

Brenda shook her head.

I wanted to help Alex if I could but I needed up-to-date information. I certainly couldn’t ask the police. They wouldn’t tell me anything, and I suspected they held a grudge against me since they had been unable to get access to FreshFields until Richard Masson hijacked my commital hearing. And I was sure getting the bad cop sacked for handcuffing me to my hospital bed wouldn’t have gone down well either.

“I need up-to-date information on the situation,” I said. “Relations between me and the Fergusons are pretty toxic, but with Mr Ferguson in jail and Alex kidnapped, who does that leave?”.

“Her mum’s still at home,” said Brenda.

“I might be able to help Alex. I wonder whether her mum would be prepared to talk to me.”

“I don’t think so. I called her but she refused to talk about Alex and sounded very upset.”

“Perhaps if I visited her in person,” I mused. “Do you have her address?”

Brenda looked surprised. “I thought you knew where Alex lived since you sleepwalked into her bed.”

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