Bed Hopping - Cover

Bed Hopping

Copyright© 2023 by Myll Apila

Chapter 35

The restaurant was almost empty and we were able to choose a table with no near neighbours so we didn’t have to worry about being overheard. The food was very good: we chose Dim Sum for four as our main course and enjoyed the variety of dishes served, keeping note of our favourites for next time, in case there was a next time.

The conversation was a bit stilted, with everyone anxious not to step on anyone else’s toes. Apart from Janey, who perhaps went overboard with her humour in order to keep the conciliatory mood light. At least she didn’t end up jabbing the back of my hand like the previous evening. I felt guilty about not telling Janey about the headband earlier, but I probably wouldn’t have done even if Dex hadn’t interrupted us. I told myself I was waiting for the right time. If Janey suspected there was more to my suddenly starting to sleepwalk than my just getting wet, she was wise enough to let me tell her in my own time.

When Dad went to settle the bill, Mum asked me for details of the medical textbook I wanted for my birthday. I jotted them down on a spare napkin. When she read the title, Mum took in a deep breath. “Are you sure that’s what you want? It’s a serious medical work that professionals refer to throughout their careers. It’s not written for schoolchildren.”

“Yes please,” I replied. “I’ve read an old edition part way through. It was tough going but very interesting nonetheless. After my recent experiences I’m considering aiming for a medical career. In any case, I’m looking forward to reading the parts relevant to what’s been happening to me in the hope that I can understand it better. That has to be better than letting Professor Palatinsky drill holes in my brain.”

“Professor Palatinsky probably knows his subject in far more detail than you’ll find in the book,” Mum warned.

“But it’s a starting place,” I countered. “The book contains references for further reading on each subject and I should be able to order any books or papers that seem relevant through the inter-library loan system. Besides, Professor Palatinsky himself didn’t seem to know what was happening to me or he wouldn’t have wanted to drill holes in my head.”

Mum nodded in agreement. When Dad returned from paying, Mum showed him the napkin. Dad let out a low whistle. He looked about to say something but a look from Mum silenced him. He stayed silent most of the way home.

That night, at home in my own bed, I felt really relaxed and comfortable and readily fell asleep. That was, until the early hours of the morning when I woke up panting, my heart racing, my dick hard and the familiar headache blossoming from the back of my head. I’d come closer to disaster previously when I’d dreamt of Ms Edgeway, but survived unscathed. So I knew to force myself to relax until my symptoms had receded. But I was still worried because, while I remembered the name Debbie from my dream, I couldn’t readily recall what Ms Edgeway’s office receptionist looked like. Was any woman I encountered now a possible target of one of my dreams? What would have happened if I had consumed alcohol and weakened my inhibitions?

I was still pensive the next morning at breakfast. Mum asked whether I wanted her to come home at lunch time but I assured her I’d be fine.

That was the start of a period of relative normalcy in my life. I worked hard towards catching up with my classmates with the assignments brought to me by Dex. However, in order to avoid burn-out, I made sure to fit in other activities such as reading the second Russian doorstop novel for an hour or two each day, checking my metal detector and charging up its battery, and servicing Janey’s and my bicycles. And every evening, from the privacy of my room, I’d send Ms Edgeway a text confirming that I was still okay. However real normalcy wouldn’t come until I was back at school.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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