Bed Hopping - Cover

Bed Hopping

Copyright© 2023 by Myll Apila

Chapter 30

Needing to stretch my legs and think, I found myself in reception.

“It’s Mr Snow isn’t it?” asked the receptionist, her name badge confirming she was Debbie. “Ms Edgeway is still with another client. Can I get you anything?”

I felt guilty about interrupting her without good cause. “Could I have a coffee please?” When I went back in the office, I was going to listen to the recording again to see whether I missed any nuances and I hoped the coffee would give my perception a boost.

Quickly and efficiently Debbie furnished me with coffee. As she passed it to me, I couldn’t help but notice the wedding ring on her left hand. I thanked her then got out of her way.

Back in the office where Ms Edgeway had left me, I rewound the recording and played it again. I understood the significance of Janey’s comment about Mum especially seeming contrite. Dad had eventually caved, but was it genuine or was it for appearances’ sake?

The recording had finished for a second time and I was staring into space, pondering that very question when Ms Edgeway entered the office.

“Sorry I wasn’t here sooner, the client took longer than I expected,” she said. “Have you listened to the recording?”

“Yes, twice.”

“What are your thoughts? Do you have any questions?”

“Mum seemed contrite. I think she regretted leaving me at FreshFields. Dad less so, he seemed reluctant to admit it was a mistake so there’s still room for doubt in my mind. What was your impression?”

Ms Edgeway paused before replying. “I think you’re right about your Mum. She was unaware of what was happening to you. I’m inclined to believe your Dad didn’t know either. His reluctance is understandable: he’s supposed to be the protector of your family. He found FreshFields for you thinking it would be in your best interests, so admitting he screwed up is particularly hard for him.” Ms Edgeway paused again before continuing. “I think he needs time to process everything that’s happened. Now he’s had the weekend to think it over, his contrition might be more believable.”

Now it was my turn to pause. “I think Mum’s idea of meeting on neutral ground is a good one. I was impressed by how you put personal friendship aside on my behalf. Would you be prepared to referee the meeting and ensure I was safe if things went south?”

“Absolutely. I assume you’d want Janey there, so evening would best to ensure she doesn’t miss any school. Would here at this office work for you?”

“Well, I’m sure Janey wouldn’t mind missing school but I agree in the evening would be better. I’d rather not have the meeting here, though. I regard this office as a safe place and it would feel like a violation if things went wrong. I’d prefer a public location but somewhere with a bit of privacy.”

“I have an idea,” said Ms Edgeway. “Have you heard of The Pie Shop?”

“No,” I admitted.

“As the name suggests, it sells pies. During the day it sells them fresh or frozen for people to cook at home, but lunchtimes and evenings it offers a takeaway service with hot pies. But what most customers don’t know is that there’s a back room which customers can book and get served pie-based meals; pie and chips, for example. I used it in the police for conducting informal interviews. Do you fancy meeting your parents over pie and chips?”

“That sounds like a great idea.”

“Jon, you need to think about what you want from the meeting, apart from apologies from your parents. Do you want to go back to what you had before you started sleepwalking? Can you think of any changes or improvements? And if I were you, I’d ask for something a bit special for my birthday.”

That lightened the tone a bit. Obviously I wanted to be allowed back on the moors to try to find the headband again, but there was no way I could admit that to anyone. I’d have to spin it a different way somehow.

While I was mulling that over in my head, Ms Edgeway was playing with her phone. “The back room’s fully booked this evening but it’s free at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. Would that allow you enough preparation time?”

“I think so.”

Ms Edgeway fiddled with her phone again. “I’ve booked it for 7 o’clock then.”


Ms Edgeway reeled off the address. “Will you need a lift? I don’t know where you’re staying but I could pick you up somewhere.”

I recognised the name of the street. The Pie Shop was on the same side of town as Sandra’s apartment. I reckoned I should be able to walk it in about twenty minutes, plus up to ten minutes to find the shop. “No, thanks. I’ll get there under my own steam.”

“I’ll check that your parents and Janey can make it and call you if they can’t. I’ll get to The Pie Shop a few minutes early and wait outside for you because I can tell you’re still concerned.”


“Is there anything else you’d like to talk about today?”

“No. I’ll get out of your hair now. Mrs Thomas is waiting for me to call so she can come and pick me up.”

Ms Edgeway made her way back to her own office. I called Mrs Thomas and she said she’d be there in about ten minutes so I waited outside for her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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