Bed Hopping - Cover

Bed Hopping

Copyright© 2023 by Myll Apila

Chapter 22

“I did a lot of interrogating when I was with the police,” said Ms Edgeway. “I can tell you haven’t told me the whole story. That’s okay: as the client you have that right. But I deserve to know whether there’s anything that could come back to bite us.”

I hadn’t told Ms Edgeway about the headband I found on the moors, or that the headache came on when I masturbated or had an erotic dream, but I was pretty sure neither would have a material effect on any of my objectives except the last one.

“No, there’s nothing.”

We had been draining our coffees to an awkward silence when Mrs Thomas burst into the room, her face showing extreme animation. “I’ve got my sister on the phone,” she said to Ms Edgeway. “She wants to talk to you.”

Mrs Thomas handed the phone over to Ms Edgeway while giving me a discreet thumbs-up, which I assumed meant her sister was prepared to take me in for a few days. I listened in to Ms Edgeway’s side of the conversation.

“Hello, this is Carlie Edgeway. I understand you have some information about the drugs given to Jon Snow.”

“Uh huh!” Ms Edgway picked up a pen. “Could you spell that for me.” She scribbled on a piece of paper.

“Thanks. And what is it used for?”

“Are you sure?”

“Would you swear an affidavit to that effect, and would you be prepared to testify in court if necessary?”

“I’ll need the capsules as evidence. Can you get them to me as soon as possible.”

“Many thanks for your help.”


Ms Edgeway ended the phone call then handed the phone to me. She turned the paper so that Mrs Thomas and I could read what she had written. There was little point: it was two meaningless gobbledygook words.

“Well, it looks as though your wish for legal action against FreshFields can be granted,” said Ms Edgeway. “The drug you were forced to take is an extremely potent antipsychotic, supposed to be used as a last resort for uncontrollably agitated patients. It’s only licensed for over twenty-ones, and prolonged use can result in irreversible physical changes. It’s a controlled substance so FreshFields is required to keep records of every single capsule.”

I had to suppress an audible sigh of relief. It felt as though things were going my way at last.

“This is way out of my expertise though,” said Ms Edgeway. “I’ll have to ask someone else for a consult and the obvious choice would be Richard Masson. If I promise not to name you or give any indication where you might be hiding out, may I have your permission to approach him?”

My hesitation showed my reluctance.

“Richard isn’t stupid,” said Ms Edgeway. “He’ll guess it’s you. But he’ll also realise that as it’s a confidential consult, he won’t be allowed to mention anything to your parents.”

I didn’t know what to do. I looked at Mrs Thomas.

“Is that what you’re recommend Carlie?” she asked.

“Yes. I think it’s the best way forward.”

Mrs Thomas nodded in my direction to show her agreement.

“Okay,” I conceded.

“As to dealing with your parents, I recommend postponing that until after action is initiated against FreshFields,” said Ms Edgeway. “If your parents were complicit in how FreshFields was treating you, that would reduce their options for further abuse.”

“Okay,” I agreed.

“School will have to wait until the situation with your parents is sorted out,” said Ms Edgeway. “Do you have any important exams this year?”


“I think that is a good end point for today. Leave things with me and I’ll call you on the mobile when I have any news,” said Ms Edgeway.

We said goodbyes then Mrs Thomas and I got up to leave.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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